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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1902)
m 'afcol)uw VtsX. oQJ, Av, oJW.' dL, OUki The Daily Nebraskan VOL. IuNO. 132. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1902. THREE CENTS '! V KANSAS DRUBBED Jayhawkers Arrive and are Given an Ex planation of Ball-Playing. Nebraska 'Scores at Will. The Nebraska bell-rlngere practiced i little Tag-time on the mighty men from Kansas yesterday nnd showed them how to play ball in a game that resulted in a score of 25 to 8 in favor of the university players. The game was an easy one from start to finish and the way they land ed on the Kansas big man who of ficiated in the box was a caution. Like the' famous Siamese twins, the pitcher was unable to do anything except by the help of his brother, who presided behind him, and as Umpire Maloney was not disposed to show any favorit ism, Allphln was charitable enough to grant the Nebraska men some twenty odd hits. The scores the Kansas men did make were the result of occasional good hits and that they scored at all wbb not Nebraska's fault. The bpys all did good work at the bat, hitting everything that came along, knocking frequent two and three-baggers and occasionally put ting in a home run for a novelty. Hood started the hitting by knock ing out a liner that was fumbled, and then the fireworks began. Bell and Rhodes followed with safe hits; Ben der went to first on an error. Gaines made another hit and Townsend raised a little excitement by knocking out a home run! De Putron followed with a hit, and then the boys decided that they had done enough work for a while and De Putron, Raymond and Letherby went out, however, not be fore the other six had crossed the home plate. The work In the other Innings was similar, only in the fifth inning did the Kansas men hold them down to a zero. In the same Inning the Jayhawkers took a brace and made four successive hits that allowed three men to score. The work of some of the Kansas men wbb poor to say the least, and one would-be player has five errors to hls credit. Letherby threw tho ball for Nebraska and put up hlB usual swift and steady game. The other men played with their customary steadiness and to say that good ball was played merely describes the work of each in dividual man. Rhodes made a sensa tional slide that tore a big hole In his nice new trousers, but the Jayhawkers didn't even have a chance to dirty their pretty red suits. There is every reason to believe that the game tomorrow will not be a repe tltton of today's exhibition and BmSIS? uijou ui iAm jrirT men Will prouauiy yui uy a "c"r ; class of ball. . '- Score b;- Innings: 123456789 Nebraska 61120654 25 Kansas 0 10 13 0 0 3 08 Line-up: Nebraska. Kansas. Hood 3d White Bell 1. f Sexton Rhodes bb Curry Bender c McReanJ V Gaines 2b McKambell Townsend r. f Maltby De Putron c. f Prey Raymond lb Boyle Letherby p Allphln Summary: Home runs TownBend, Raymond, De Putron. Hits Hood 3, Bell 3, Rhodes 5. Ben der 4, Gaines 3, Townsend 3, De Putron 5, Raymond 2, Letherby 2, Kansas 9. Errors Nebraska 4, Kansas 10. Bases on balls Off Allphln 3 off Letherby 3. Struck out By Allphln 2, by Leth erby f. Doubles Rhodes to Gaines to Ray mond. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Guy Peters, manager of the tennis association, announces that there will be a tournament of the members of the association next week for the choosing of the players to represent the univer sity in the Kansas-Nebraska meet which, will occur some time in the lat ter part of the semester. It is urged that all those interested in the game and not already members of the asBociation will affiliate them selves as soon as possible. No one, also, not a member of the association is allowed to compete for places on the team. The association Is In a flourishing condition and the courts are in con stant use every day. Some excellent material is being developed. Negotia tions have been opened up with Min nesota, Missouri- and Colorado for games, but nothing can be announced in regard to those possibilities. The prospects for a large crowd to the play tonight are excellent. A few thirty-five cent seats, and also some fifty cent seats, are left and may be secured any time today. Fill the gal lery and there will be a royal ?good .- ' '- i y 4 Hinlversltv time . i a . 3 5 2 -I . ' J 1 u wi . -V ' Samuel Carney resumed his school work last Tuesday. He has been ab sent since spring vacation, owing to illness. Jesper Hunt, '06, now principal of the Wakefield schools, has been elected principal of the Randolph schools for next year. Tho lecture in American history 18 yesterday was given by Mr. Porslnger, owing to Professor Caldwell's absence from the city. ?SJjen Sedgwick leaves neit Wed TMdfjNfor Minnesota. He will be ai an ajputant assayer In one of foe mines in tmrnorthern part of that Btate. SENIORS PLAY OFF Glass of 19U2 Oelobrato tho Annual "Sneak Day."--Large Party Leaves tbo Oity on a May Fionio. Amid the flourish of banners and the din of trumpets and hornH the seniors secretly departed yesterday for Wood lawn to celebrate the famous "sneak day." For a number of years It has been customary for the graduating class to appropriate some day for a general "sneak." Notwithstanding tho fact that it 1b always expected to keep the day secret, boretofore It has gen erally been known days before. This year, however, the seniors planned Its work so carefully and had every detail so well arranged that It was scarcely known by a single person that they were to depart yesterday. Not until the absence of the seniors from the campus and the music of the abbrevi ated band at tho Btatlon told them, were the unsuspecting Juniors nware of what had actually happened. At about nine o'clock the seniors assembled at the Burlington Btatlon. whore they had chartered a train to take them to the beautiful pic nic grounds at Woodlawn. By char tering the train they were able to ar rive at their destination much earlier , and enJoy more of the mornlng and to return at their pleasure. A small Blzed band, Including the principal musical Instruments, was made up from the class. The band furnished music dur ing the day besides serenading the people along the road. Arriving at Woodlawn, a beautiful picnic ground was soon found, where they at once settled down to enjoy life as only seniors could do. It was ex pected that the train following the spe cial would bring a crowd of juniors. In this, however, the seniors were dis appointed, for they fully Intended to show the juniors (if they came) how well they could be treated. The ab sence of any Interference by the Juniors d.d not cause them to enjoy themselves any the less. All kinds of frolics were indulged In during the morning hour. bnortiy arter noon the happy Benlors Bat down to an elegant dinner, which had been prepared by the young ladles of the class, with a view to making it one that has never before been equalled. All the delicacies which the greatest epicure could wish for had been brought by tho thoughtful girls. Yesterday being not only "sneak day," but also May day, the seniors decided to have a May queen and the class was as one in its decision as to who should bo the proud wearer of the crown. Immediately after the din ner had been served, President Harbor crowned Mistr Hannah Eillsbury queen of the day fortie' excellent service she had rendered to the class by her un tiring efforts in securing refreshments. After this coremony hnd boon per formed, Mr. Harbor called upon vari ous mombers of tho clnsa to respond with Bhort speeches. These proved to be very amusing, bolng given In a lighter vein and with considerable skill by the different speakers. The young ladles were not at all back ward In responding with short talks. As Boon as tho class had recovored sufficiently from the dinner, tho mem bers nt once began to have a good time. The principal attractions were the ball games In which not only tho young men took part, but alBo the ladles. One Interesting game wae played between two teams headed by Captain Dirks and Captain Clinton. After an exciting contest, Herr Dirks and his burghora defeated tho Clinton mon by a score of 9 to 8. Tho contor of attraction In thlB lino, however, waB a gamo between a team composed of girls and a team of the young mon. The former, In an exceedingly laugha ble contest, defeated the latter by a score of 17 to 8. It might be said In Justice to the vanquished ones that the ladles were given a slight advantage In order to equalize tho two teamB. Inasmuch as not all present could Indulge In this sport, other forms of amusements were constantly In pro gress. Tho games over, all Joined In a general good time. MubIo though not' strictly classic was furnished during the whole day. When the sun became too warm tho merry-makers Seated themselves on the grass and listened to the "senior band," and sang songs In accompaniment. About half past five the special train arrived at Woodlawn to take tho sen iors homo. It was deemed best not to stay any later, as a number had to re turn early. The train arrived In town shortly before six and the happy son-, lors marched in a bocy to tho univer sity, where they showed that thoy had not entirely exhausted their strength In college and class yells Yesterday's "sneak" is pronounced, by all as tne best that has ever t'yetl; been undertaken. It was entirely void.! of all that strife and fighting ifhlcK have characterized all former "sneaks," Tho unanimity with which al.ihe senfotooup the work, lMgta uiuiwuiu'tjvuui.oue long lOsoe J"c bered. v.'t, . ..'xi,mcik -., MJ",: -4.- zT san .w Y. W. O. A. MEETING. The meeting at the Y. W. C. A. room next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock will take the form of an "Information Meeting." The service is suggested by the American, uommittee and similar services are being held by all associa tions throughout the United States! The subjects to be presented aroi -'The History of the Y. W. C. A. Movement," Helen Streeter; "The American .Coni mittee," Minnie Casj; "The World's Committee," Ada Reynoldson. "Thwe talks will be .of)great interest to air members or tho association, and particularly to those who have recent ly Joined, and all should make a spe cial effort to bo present 4 A ? V I