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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1902)
P5555SBB!S! TttwpiWir' "" ' ' ?&&'? kx .. TBX DAILY ESBBABEAH. r (.v ggSSi igiDnnnnaacicinBaDan iliDaaacoacBDCicacSa PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY inQQHDQDQQiaElQIlClBiannQ laatsaDCinaaaDaaDDtaiaeiH JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offlo UM O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rlok mrda Block, Telephono 635. JUaidtnoa, im.0 Q Btr t, Telephone LQ61 T"R BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. Mar JLr Louise Flanagan; Office, 141 South 12th Streot Telopbone 618. LP. DA1PI8, 0. D. S., Dentlet. a Bridge and Grown work. Office room?, ortr Kdtik 11 and ticket office. Phot at. Order Your Ice Cream From J. H. Stuckey 1137 O Street. Fbone 1105. 8peclal Attention GWen to Dealers. Also Entertainments both Public and Private. The Only Up-to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor la ike Citj POWELL'S 15JSSJR " The fllLST NATIONAL BAN1 Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus and profits, 168.87; deposits, 32,716,000. 8. H. Burn ham, President; A. J. Sawyer, Vice Prestt H. 8. Freeman, Cashier; H. B. f&vana, Asat. Cashier; Frank Parks, AraL Cashier. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. WE ARE SOCIETY AND STATIONERY PRINTERS Dance Programs, Menu Cards. THE NEW CENTURY, IH3 N STREET. Students, Your Suitorium Alio Is locatod at 318 No. nth Stroot. phone L10S8, at BLUMENTHAL'S. Thoso hats you buy of me will bo takon caro of free of charge Hnrlng stylo Hats In soft Pauaraa bhapos and Stiff Hats. PICTURE SALE! Now is the time for you to get bargains in Framed Pictures. This week we will give you 33 J3 percent off or better on our line. Pictures, former price $15.00, Now $10.00. Pictures, former price $6.00, Now $4.00. Pictures, former price $1.00, Now 65c. Wilson $ Jtell, Booksellers ft Stationers, 1 123 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Ynle Bros, laundry 1514 0 St. Phone 754 1 Boys, have yen seen the NHW OXFORDS at SANDERSON'S? THEY HAVE A SWELL LOT OF S3. 50 ONES. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Eat at Hendry's. 129 N. 11th. Kino furs, Steele, M3 So. 12th. Steelo stores furs. See him. The Ivy PreKfl prints things. C. E. Brown, dentist, Burr block. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th st. Eat at Don Cameron's. 118 So. 11th. Get an up-to-date university hair-cut at Westerfields. For sheet music and supplies go to the Mathews Piano Co., 1120 O street. Dr. Woodward, oculist. Richards blk. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 S. 11th. Valises and pocketbooks; 10.10 O. V A. Tucker, university jeweler, 1123 O street. The date of the military hop has been placed at May 1. Will Green of Omaha Ih spending a few days at the unlvorslty. Louis It. McGeo has been pledged to the Kappa Sigma fraternity. Mr. Cook's class in constitutional law is taking up the subject of taxation. Fred Kelly went to Omaha Monday on business connected with tho senior class book. These studies open a wider field and a broader conception of humanity and Its problems. Eddio Morrison, '98. now of Kansas City, was visiting among his univer sity friends last week. Work has just begun on tho new gymnasium at Princeton. It will be finished In about a year. The beginning classes In astronomy have been studying the moon through tho telescope for the last week. Tho sophomores defeated the Junior laws in a closely contested game of baseball Saturday, by a score of G to 3. Charles Stewart, superintendent of tho Humbolt schools, was visiting at the Sigma Alpha Epsllon hoqse last week. The Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Delta Theta fraternities will play their an nual game of baseball at the end of this month. It is announced that tho battalion will commence drilling by bugle sig nals, instead of verbal commands, In the near future. S V Corlelyou has been called to Kansas on account of the death of his urn le. Mr Edward HofTnel) Is expected In Lincoln this week for a phort visit wltn his Alpha Tau Omega brothers and university friends. Commandant Smoke was unable to hold guard mount Monday evening on account or a severe cold. It will be held this evening Instead The Eleventh Hour club was enter tained Saturday evening by Misses Grace Evans. 1,11a Spurlock and Hazel Hartsough at 500 North Sixteenth street. Ft. D. Kingsbury, a student In the electrical engineering department, haa accepted a position with the Chicago & Great Western railway as concrete In spector. There are some new orchids in the greenhouse, brought from Central America by Professor Bruner. One of the specimens is one of the finest in the country After the regular business meeting an informal spread was served, and the usual Jollification was enjoyed, misses May and Etta Agee were guests of the club. Professor Barbour has begun to ar range for tho regular student geologi cal excursion, which takes place every spring In connection with the couree geology 1 and 2. Enough subscribers have been se cured to insure the publication of the "Memorabilia" for the benefit of the college settlement. Copies will bo on salo in about two weeks. Prof. G. E. Barber will deliver tho second of his illustrated lectures in University hall this evening, at 8 o'clock. The subject of this lecture will be "Pompeii." Everyone Is cor dially Invited. Ben Rlcchards, a student in the en gineering department, was forced to leave school on Monday morning and go to his home at Ayr, Neb., on ac count of a severe attack of Inflamma tory rheumatism. A letter has been received by the department of philosophy from Mr. Kuhlman, who is at present working for his doctor's degree at Clark uni versity. He is now Interested in the problem of fatigue. Of course you'll hare to keep your room warm this winter Gregory the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets O MONEY TO STUDENTS t idents (loKlrliiK wood, prolltabln work for tlm rtiimmor, or. as tholr time permits, tlnrinj tho colleen year, should wrlto ux at onco foro ir lol Housekeeping aw'ticy proposition. Tlio magazine Ih of tho hlghost tpiallty (though only $1.00 a inr) ami. as wo aro determined to dou ble our IlKt (now 85,(00) In the nextnlno months wo aro ghlnjt ood men and w onion an oxcood ly liberal commission. Our only requirement Is Mitlsfnetory.rofcrences as to tho applicants I. tcKrll). anrk a Mtztru ,H ,l f"'r 111111 for an on ZbsJU M Wfcfctt .Turtle nmn or womnn to innkn Wo will send full partlnilant to all In terosted. If when appljliiK'l bo Dally Nobraskan Is mentioned. '1 born Ik no limit to tho number of men and women we can employ, as wo coyor the whole country particular!) In cities of from to no 000. 'I hero In a further ehanco of f tore permanent salaried position to thoso who show special morll In this lino of our work. Address CoIIoko Popartmnnt, PHELP8 PUBLI8HINQ CO , Springfield. Moss. Make Yourself Com fortable IN Men's Wearing Apparel EWING CLOTHING CO. 1115-1117 O St., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. DON'T Order your Printing till you have seen THE IVY PRESS. We lead in workmanship, and com pete in price. If you doubt it investigate. THE IVY PRESS FRANK L. LEMON. MGR., 125-127 North 12th. Phone 832. CHIOAGO SHOE HalfBok while atrait mimics. .. ou wnlt. & REPAIRING CO. up, Rubber farcta . 1 . 1 ... w- K trial and you will call analn. 1341 O STREET Ads in the DAILY NEBRASKAN Pay..... Because they reach the Students. fifjbt in i; Line v is our line of Negligee Shirts, C Sweaters, ; Caps, r ' Gentlemen's Shirt Waists, and Stocks. The season for , out door sports .," -Tennis, Goli, , Base Ball. ' - f ft n.' 1 J i S '.3 r r L. i '1 . B!323 ZKttTITrS . 1 1 i ikut