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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1902)
' i- f,-,lrrj 0T j r :' ' i v,- - j " n "'-rV ' ,'j .' .? ir,' "( ?,, '-""iwnj' ' '''' - - - """ , - ' v ' " ri THE DAILY VEBRA8KAB. Tie Dally Nebraskan Newspaper (Jevoted to the Interests of the University of Nebraska, A CONSOLIDATION OK Tho Ilesporlnn. Vol. XXX The Nobrasknn. Vol. XI Tho Scarlet & Cream. Vol. Ill torllnr If. MeCaw. . w. Harbor, K Ohas. I.Taylor, I Qhaa. R. Weill, f R T. Hill. Managing Kdltor Kdltor-Tn-Clilef Biislnoss Manuporg Assistant Editor ASSOCIATE BDITOHS V. 0. Batlo, Ft. A. MqNown. II. 0. Nelson Wm.Case. Dan Gutloben. Entered at tba post office at Lincoln. Nob. as Becond Glass Mall Mattor. wAkHksksrw TKLBPHONK 4TI. AccordlnK to tho plans cf the senior claflH, a vory strong advance Bale will bo mado on tho Ivy day program of last year. Commit teen arc now at work and It Ib very probable that the day will be long remembered by all the Htudenln of tho university. Tho cub torn 1b a flno one and ought to bo ob served hero In the true old Htyle. and It ifl 8afe to way that the bonlors will do BO. Tho masB meeting at convocation tomorrow morning should bo attend ed by every ntudont In tho university. Inasmuch as no Bubscrlptlon UstB will he passed around, everyone should feol free to bo prcsonL Tho meeting will bo for tho purpose of promoting college Hinging in this university, a kind of college Bpirlt which Ib woeful ly locking. Singing by the students in general 1b bo raro a tiling in this ln Htitution that It is high time somo attontlou wub givon to tho mattor. Hinging will bo in place at any and all times, not only while football is in the mlndH of the students, but at any college affair. Singing on tho campus in the ovonings will bo tho Bourco of much pleasure. Therefore, let every Htudent turn out to tho meeting to morrow morning. Rev. 1). K. Jenkins of tho Omaha theological sominary spoke at convo cation Monday morning. Tho subject of hlB address was on tho question of tho relation of the church to colleges, universities and seminaries. In tho colleges, said the Hpoaker, questions are studied on ono Bide and in tho theological schools the other Bide Is Htudled. He presented the thought that por haps Qod has need of men for tho min istry who are now university students. There is a largo demand for college bred men in tho gospel ministry, said Mr. Jenkins. Those of a rounded and developed character aro tho ones who are successful. He further emphasized tho valuo of an acquaintance with va ried studies and oven tho value of knowing one modern language, much more tho valuo of being thoroughly familiar with the older languages. It Ib valuable to study the languages and llerature of other peoples because t just so much wldenB tho radius of one's line of thought. VIKING PARTY. The Vikings gave a party at WalBh hall InBt ovoning. The decorations were In purple and green, the club colors. Scores of Viking pennants, inter spersed with the various fraternity pennants, hung from the walls and celling of the parlors and dance hall, while the orchestra was hidden behind a bank of ferns. greaves. Josh Outcnlt. Funke. Mabel greaves, Josh Outcalt, Funke. Mabb Honnott. Comstock, Tukey, Stone, Honeywell, Bryan, Meyer, Clara Walk er, Wirt, Douglas, Archibald, Mont gomery, Johnson. Caseboer; Messrs. Gaines, Allen, Harris, ThomiiB. Far ney. FarnBworth, Powell, Alexander, Fricke, Van Burg. Phillips. Brown. Jim Boll. LuHBler, Hull, AdamB. Mansfield. The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. H P. Lou. Dr. and Mrs. Everett and Pro fessor and Mrs. Barbour. Petitions have been circulated the past week asking that Mr. Fogg, in structor in tho English department and head of tho department of debat ing and public spcaklug. be retained next year. One petition is signed by a large number of students In his classes, while tho other Is signed by students not in his classes, but anxious to have him remain. The move was first start ed by the university debaters, who feel tnat Mr. Fogg has done so much for study of debating in the university that he should bo retained. COLLEGE SETTLEMENT. Remember to make arrangements to hear "A Pair of Spectacles" at the Oliver. May 2. Tickets are now on sale. Hear a good play and help a good cause. The speaker also enlarged upon the practical valuo of a more or less thor ough knowledge of science and scien tific problems in tho gospel ministry, and also Uiat of an acquaintance with philosophy and sociology. H. C. Searle8, a student in the civil engineering department, went out with a railway locating party Monday. Mr. Searles will be draughtsman of the party. C. M. Hemmerl, who graduated February. 1901, Is transit man for the party. The Phi Beta Kappa society has se cured ex-Chancellor Manatt as its ora tor for the annual commencement ad dress to be held next Juno. Mr. Manatt Ib one of the foremost scholars of the country, being at present professor of Greek at Brown university. W. M. Kallasch and C. H. larson, both civil engineering students, have accepted positions as concrete inspec tors for the Chicago & Great Western railway on the new lino Into Council Bluffs. Mr. Kallasch left yesterday af ternoon. Mr. Larsen., expects to leave today. Sidles' Spotting Goods House Tennis, Base Ball and Gymnasium Goods. Agency for World and National Bicycles. Send us your Repair Work i3o4 o St., Phone f 1038. SDLES CYCLE CO. VOU RE-NOT-NEXT HJmH fcMfc jsfe. eEsle sm ..m .fc5TsssssssB If you will look into the history of bicycle selling during the past three years you will see the justice of this observation. The enor mous increase in the sale of Racycles every year in this city proves that the bicycle is no longer "in it" as a competitor. The reason why the Racycle has proved so popular is because it's built right. The pull of the chain and sprocket is between the bearings. We have a full slock of 1902 Racycles. Several improvements. See us at once. "GrfRARDCT Phone 908 1406 O Street WE ARE SHOWING A NEW LINE of Ladies' Colonials in kid, patent kid and colt skin. They are beau ties and wtll fit your purse too. From $2.50 to 4.00. Perkins 5l Sheldon's, u 1129 O STREET. REMOVAL SALE In order to close out all our BICYCLE GOODS before moving, we will sell our complete stock at a big reduction. w7. S fr-W Remember, all our. WHEELS are Strictly Guaranteed W1TTMANN BICYCLES $23-78 Other makes in proportion SEPAIRING A SPECIALTY lpamMmSMfgpr 202 5. lltji St. ft L. ? V- .