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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1901)
" 7 'ME DAILY NEBRASKA!. A r l J Mlriirtlw I i ) i n it mi m, run ,.i i itiii 1 Jul iri.tiaaiw nil lnn 'V h P K hV it h JU hfc 1j ur XfW I' Mi Vh mi The department of Anlmnl IIuh tauidry lias Just added to itH herd t.lirco puro urea rthor thorns, purch ased at- Iho 15. (). ('uwan Halo In KanH tH City, and one Ilerford cow. it wln nor In tho recent American Royal C!uttlc Hliow. The department Ih huiirlin tin an unusually good herd of puro nred animals f the beer breeds. TheHe are to bo uacd for lllustrativo purposes in the students' Judim pavilion. Any surplus of animals bred on tne University Farm linds a -oaoy mark et at, tfood prices. One Individual of iho Ilerford breed was soid a few clajs airu lor 3:if0. Arenotlthe stockmen of Nebraska .stifllnlcDtly interested to send their sons to the only school in the state when- animal husbandry Is taught Uuiniuirtilv? The School opened on November 1 1 Mi. and students arc still hcintr received. ;UI.OKOFORMINU INCUKAULIM. "Tho civilization, or today Has not bfabh ground to that razor-edged k(aineB8 whon the palnlesu putting to thrlr final loep of Incurables would be justified," oaid a well-known Wash ington alienist. "Tho progeny of a elnglp couplo of dogoucrateB and pail porn have been traced to their various vmiflratlona through scvoral Kenora tlona. and out of over 1.000 descend ants 95 per cont have become pauperB, ttylpyoB, convicts, favuTdcrertf. pefaonS of 111 repute and charges upon the pup He in one form or another, male and female alike. Students of this inter esting social quostion have made oth or compilations of degenerate fam ilies with equally authontlc and atart ling results. Tho power of the state td legislate for tho piotectlon of tho majority ugalnst the acta of tho min ority is undlsputod, and Is exemplified in many ways, notably in arrostlng lawbreakers and confining them in prisons-, the control and restraint of lunatics, and the seizing and isola tion of smallpox patlentn. In the ad vanced conization of f.ituro centuries this power will hac boen groat ly ex tended, and will, no doubt, placo an Iron-bound roat. -lotion upon tho rar.i rlnge or porsona in uudeairablc mental r.ud physical condition, with tho ob ject or tho benefit of man-kind iu gen oral." Washington Star. We've Said Considerable About the cfood quality of our CHOCOLATES, but we can't put the taste of them into your mouth. The only way to do that is to get some yourself. See the point? ITW. MAXWELL CO. MnkersafQooil Chocolates. uinn filreot and 20(5 South llth Street gS- ' ,wt ? ir& rJVmZiZ-'C sss Don't Bother ISle Shoe Fly! Of Course WALK OVER SHOES $3 50 and $4.00 Are the best they fit perfectly, are very stylish and durable, and every body wears them who has the price. Webster & Rogers IO43 0 St. Lincoln, Nob. Walk Over Shoes. voeeoeo'&QQOo o-o ooo i SO0C00O'X'C'C"&0-Ch0Cco5 I S -LI ANNOUNCEMENTS. TRE-MEDICAL gOCIKTY. Dr. Hailey will address the Prc Medlc.s, Tuesday "November 1'. at 8 pin. In Room 301, Mechanic Arts building. SENIOR LAWb. The senior law ciass will meet at seven o'clock tonight to transact business nonnccten with the Senior Class liook. Y. W. C. A. MEETINGS. A devotional meeting of the Y. W. C. A. will bo held this afternoon from 1:15 to 1:4.") in the association rooms. Tho meeting will be led by Miss Auman. Tho ovening meeting to be held from 5 to 5:30 this after noon will bo led bv Miss Case. Additional shoving Is bclnn put into tho botanical slorc room, Ne braska Hall 109. It Is necessary to increase accomodations on account of ttio constant demand (or more space. Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan 4 J Subscriptions to tho Daily J Nebraskan may bo loft at cither tho University Book Store, or The Co-Op. ei & & The Daily Nebraskan's Clubbing Offers LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. LOWEST EXISTING FRITHS. The Daily Nebraskan . Cosmopolitan Success .... Frank Leslies Popular Monthly I ALL FOUR ONE $ YEAR (New or Renewal) I I Personal Checks Accepted. I Publications In any Club sent I to one or cllllerent addresses J as desired. 4 THE DAILY NKRRASKAN, $2.00 SUCCESS . l oo - LESLIE'S WEEKLY . 4 Total s7 our CLUB Price A. 75 THE DAILY KEIMIASKAX SUCCESS REVIEW OF REVIEWS (ne v) New England Jouriiiil of Education or Current Literature (new) amy lc substituted. .,.8'i.OO 1.00 2. SO 1 3.00 TOTAL $ 6.oo Our Club Price $ .OO 4" THE DAILY NEHIIASKAN $2.00 SUCCESS " 1.00 2.50 a.oo Students! Decorate Your Rooms! IN ARTISTIC POSTER FREE. Send us your name on a postal card and wc will mail to ynu free a new brilliantly colored Washburn poster (size i?xio inches). This poster is the creation of the Viking's Head Studio, and has been pronounced exceedingly bright and clever. It represents a pastoral scene, a rabbit enamored of the music of a mandolin. Write today, this offer may not appear again. LYON & HEALY, 17 Adaes St., Chicago. Milkers ol tht World-Famous Washburn Guitars, Mandolins, Banios and Zithers. Now England .Journal ut Education. . ) Kovlew of Reviews, new, or Current . I.trnriifiirtv iiiv muv In' RllhRt tfnU'fl. ' Erauk LcbIio'h Popular Monthly 81.00 Till' iK'sliuirr. Cosniojwlttttn, or Household may be s .oMltutcd, Additional oilers may be made up from the following: tables, which tor can venlenca are marked Class Q, and Class If. TOTAL .OO .7, 3ur Cli I'rici $42 Our Club Price THE DAILY NEIUIASKAN S2.00 SUCCESS 1.00 REVIEW OV REVIEWS, (new) 1 o50 ) 2.50 3.00 I Now KukIuuu muKiizluo, or Uurrrnt r .j qq l. lie rut u re. new, iuy uu Biumiiiiuuu. Frank Leslie' Popular Monthly 1.00 The Designer, Oood HouHekenpfn;. or llounehold muy boHiilmtltuted. COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE 100 The Designer, Oood liuusukeopliiK or Household may bo substituted. TOTAL $8- Our Club l'rlco 5- THE DAILY NEHRASKAN; $2.00 SUCCESS 1.00 UEV1EW OF ItKVIE-Vti-tTictv).-. . . ,, Now EiiRluiul of Education or ' ,jt' uny two of the dollar nuiKiizlnus In 3.0() class G, may bo substituted. Cl'RUENT LITERATURE, (new), . . . :i.oo New Knj?liin.' Journal of Education, or any two of thoo dollar mimu.lncs in cIuks O muy bo substituted. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW,(new) r.00 Leslie's Weekly may be substituted. TOTAL 14- Our Club Price Reuliir Price Club Price 1 bucuoHH and any dt. p.-. The Dally Nebraskan Suceetts and any two miga.lnes In liihsw The Dally Nebraskan SuccebS and any three maKUzlnes In Clast) G 5.00 6.00 $3.50 4.00 4.50 CLASS a. Tho Cosmo polltau fl.oo Prank Loallo's Pop.Monthly Loo The DoalKnor Loo Good Hoiibu kmipliiK Loo Tho House hold Loo The publica tions offered mnhu excel- Christmas Presents 1 . - nn. i.Aln .. ..l..n. ..... n...lnl..w ..f 4-tm liinff nvprt leni .vinofi pruinuia, itoiuh u piuusuiiu iduiiuuui wi u.. x.w... ... week or every uonth throuxuout the year. One club Will make joveal prebent.s. The Daily Nebraskan Haccess and any two muKazInes luOliuss 11 The Dally Nebraskan Success and all three magazines in Glass II 9.00 I 1 .50 5.00 6.00 CLASS H. The Review of 12.50 C urrent Litcr atura(new) 3.00 Now England Magazine 3.00 Tho Dally NobrosUan. Success, Review of Reviews, now, or Current Literature, now, .md any wo in Oluss G Tho Dally NobrosUan, Buccess, Rovlow of Reviews, now, or Current and LeHlie'sWtHJkly Tho Dally NobiMskau, Huccoss and any one in Class G. und any ono la Clais H The Dallv Nebrusknn. Success, aud any one in Glass G and any two in Class II Tho Daily Nebraskan, Buccess, and any one in Class II and any tvo in Cluss G Tho Dally Nebraskan, Success und any ono in Class Q, and Leelli'8 Weekly Rep. Club Price Price 8.oo $5oo lo.oo 5.75 7.oo L5o lo.oo 5.5o 8.00 5.00 8.00 5. 23 Address all orders to TO PAID SUBSCRIBERS If you have already paid your bubacription to the Daily Nebraskan, aubtract B'J.OO from "Our Club Price" for the remaining magazineb in any combination. Agents wanted to Uikoordeis for our Club Offers. Liberal Commission THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, 134 North nth St. Lincoln, Neb. The periodicals in any combination will bo sent fo one or dltrerou addrosses. Join with your friends. Tho subscriptions niny bo now or renewals except where otherwise stated. Renewals to Review of Reviews or Curreut Literature may be Included for fl.oo additional to the price quoted for tho club. $ V yr' fais -ji- W-U.-T-.l J -vwwvijr. i. ' J,,' ,Tt L. "Tb.