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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1901)
mmm . ' ,,. ,,,-v. c-v,- v-r-f jwTa? -? '-"t.1 , V. fw i y THE DAILY NEBRAStfAN. J . i AW ) , Local and Personal. The Co-Op. Ed Young. PIPES. Dr. Case MoMurtrv HI!:. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. lltb. All the now books at Hrowns. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Steele, the furrier, 143 So. 12th. lb woulri he a surprise to students ana professors to look Into t ho bac teriology laboratory theso (lays and sec the number of curious onanisms that arc being devolopotl there by tho advanced studonts of the department. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th bU Pot Roast Day at Francis Hros. 1.25 kid gloves 98c at Tho FamouB. 1-3 off on millinery at The Famous. Dr. Woodward, occulist, Richards block. Buy your uuderware at The Famous Mr. Wilson met the students de slrlnn to join the violin; section of the University orchestra Monday and yesterday afternoon. The regular meeting or the orchestra will rako place this evomng'ln the old cliaDcl. Professor Hessey has Just received a second copy of Captain Ahern's very important work on tho woods of the Philippines. Tho work is finely Illus trated and will bo especially useful to studonts fitting themselves for fores try work in that country. Tell HIM WHERE YOU SAW THEM The Prices will do rost. of coiivbp be will know that you are referring to tho Fashionable Furnishings MEN'S SKIRTS Men's Fall Patterns in FnHcyPercak's,all the latest shades Wilson Hros." IiIkIi grade good.?. 50c, 75c, $1.00 $1.50 MEH'S NECKWEAR. An opportunity to lay in yonr Fall Neckwear. Ail the latest silks rn tho most fashionable shapes. When womon admire them wo know they arc right. . . . ) MEN'S FANCY HOSE HHAW NIT, they Rio. the )Bt. Un. X. LI), color guaranteed and will ont wear two pairs regular hose, pair 25c Meals lfc, Falcs restaurant, 1333 O. Ralph Connor's new book at Hrowns. Don Cameron's lunch countor, 114 So. IHh st. The seniors arc taking orders for caps and canes. Pianos at honest Drices. See us. Matthews Piano Co., 1120 O. The department ol botany as re ceived an annotated list. In manu script, of tho llohons of Alaska. It is the work of the lato Professor T. A. Williams, '8!), who died in Wash iniztjn, D. C, about a year ago. Professor Williams was the greatest authority on lichens In the country. The best shoes you ever saw for the money. Sanderson's ?4. Special swoll styles. For students thosc"S3 ovais and $4 Dancls at Bass'. Photographic studio, 102(5 O street. Soveral of the Consenatory girls attonded the foot-ball game at Om aha Saturday. Swell printing, engraving and om bosslng. Phono 36.r. The ow Cen tury, 1123 N street. Any ono finding a Dolta (jauinia frafc pin will kindly return the same to Miss Clara Mulliken. The class in German 3 under Mr. Kind lias finished Aus Danicher Zolt and is now reading Waldholmat. The Nebraska farm is coming more and more to tho front. The Novem ber number of tho World's Work con tains an aiticlo called the Pivotal Farm of tho Unjon, which, describes the ranch or II. D. Watson, near Kearney. Mr. Watsun lias success fully solved tho problem of farming in a region that is subject to execs. sive drounht. Ills iields attest the fact that he believes alfalfa to bo the salvation of the western Nebras ka farmer. The ranch embraces 8,000 acres and is divided into farms with a foreman in charge of each. Tho owner expects sometime to niako it the seat of an agricultural training school. For foremen he wants ab mitiouh young men with college training. EwingClothingCo FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. III5-III7 STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. BE GOOD TO YOUR FEET WEAR SlOES;that sire comfortable as well as stylish. All shapes, styles, and qualities from $3.00 up. PERKINS & SHELDON, 1129 () Street. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eye Examined Free. lrlce Reionblo. 13380 Street, -"b' Tho freshman football ream will play the Lincoln business College at M street park this evening at four o'clock. Don't lot 'em fade tho color all out of your shirts. Send your laund ry to Yulo Bros; 1514 O srteet. "They use no acids." Stockmen In Nebraska are begi li ning to know how Important It is to have an acquaintance with the best methods of rendering stock immune against diseases to which cattle and swine in our state aro peculiarly li able. Tho Importance of a knowledge at tbo anatomy -and physiology- uf farm animals is also making itself felt. Losses amounting to thousands or dollars aro frequently met with because of not having such knowledge as Is mentioned above. Tho cost of otbendlng the Schoul oi arglculture, which began last Monday, is less tnan ono hundred dollars per year. The subjects named above are thoroughly taught. Stockmen would do well to have their sons attend. Students will be admitted for two weeks after tho opening aay. THE Y. M.C.A. BARBER SHOP is prepared to Shave you or Cut your hair. . 13TH ANDj p streets. Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Every now Student calls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street I AntI "Tins htrt measure Taken -Tor tb Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, manufactured by Zht J)endtron31mta Co. Kalamazoo, ItHcb Portrait and Lausdcapo Pirotograpber 139 5outh nth Street. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLERV ESTABLISHED 1871. Advertise in The Daily Nebraskan For big Returns Tho meeting of tho Engineering tJoolefcy set for this evening has neon postponed till tomorrow at 7:30 pm. In room 211 M. A. (Jzolgosz Is off our iiands: Schley has been vindicated: King Edvara operated upon, and nothing now re mains but the coming or "Tumble Weeds." Tho Department or Geologv has recoived a new book aeallng with the geological rosourcos or the Black Hills. Tho author or tho work is Nelson IT. Dartau. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Demand High-Class AMUSEMENTS Our llilliard Parlor is up-to-date and absolutely free from immoral influence. Phone 586. . POWELL'S, 146 N. nth KODAKS IRS" p. e. pePUTRON WE SELL "Tumble Weeds" " There aro seventy-two students edrolled in the Y. M. 0. A. Bible Study classes. This is a favorable showing as tho number was not so largo lost semester. tfc:frCeffC-t I If you want J CAUCTHfMn CVTDA ovinia 111 nu l,aiii NILE Come in and look over $ our stock. We want X to talk it over with 2 Nebr. Pant and Suit Co., t 8 143 North Thirteenth, t mm Have You Heard About O Tumble Weeds I A NEW BOOK of Poems of Nebraska by the author of "Corn Tassels," Will Reed Dun roy. Elegantly printed on 120 pound egg: shell book paper and elegantly bound in a striking cover of Art Linen. Edition de Luxe, niim- " bered and signed by the author, 1.25. Regu lar edition, $1.00. Printed at The Lakeside Press, Chicago. THE UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. LINCOLN, -- - NEBRASKA. ;,: f -a ,i )'i vj M : 1 ?w.l 1- K 5l -rl 1 1 f. Til a r a 5 j- -H '.7! Wa 4 r$ K S, .."a fa TtTTT.r.CiT'yj'.A'-1!'-. ? jirgTTTyj'S yT1 l&AgisiJ&& TaMyaai