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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1901)
Wi'r1 - ' a T'-, -Trt- -v. ;i V THE DAllar NEBRASKA. !?- Tjr' l J jTj f) "Vw iWlllll' ) 8 If M ib 4 ci If k i . 4- o IMOHATING WOHK IlKHlNS. Tho llrst cicbato of I he year In the courses In argumontutivc composition and dobatlng In charge of Mr. Fogg takes place this afternoon Irom '1 luA o'CIook In tho old chapel when Messrs. Craft and Allen. Ilortie and Doubt of EtmllBh YA, discusses tho oucstion, Resolved, That tho annex ation of Canada would be advantage ous to the United Statos commercia lly and politically. Tim first hour or moro tho snenkcift and several speakers from tho Moor will consume: miring the second hour tho logical and rctorlcal structure, the presentation and the subject mattor will ho criticised by Prof. Caldwell and Mr. Fogg. Fur tlioso debates In Kngllsh 11 and LI thorough preparation is being demanded according to the program announced to the classes. Each group of lJiir debaters begins work on Its question a month before the debate. About a week after the question has, in conference with tho instructor, hoen assigned and closely defined, the -debators meet Mr. Focg again to de cide upon common ground aud upon tho special Issue the rolnt upon which the question tums-thc analy sis of tho question as determined by 1q week's preliminary rcailnc and study of It. These precautions are taken to pin the debate down to very dcUnlto issue, to keep 11 from Mylnjj off In to talk about the gener al Question. Ten days beforo tho debate each wide hands in a brief of its argument. Tlieso briefs dlflor radically Horn or dinary plans. They miiht be so full and clear and logically connected that a person with no special k owledge of the question can sec rr-'m tho brief exactly what the ar cument In detail Is and also how convlnolnn It is. Their briels must give oxact refercuces for all argument from authority, lor statistics cited, for general testimony. The main things insisted on in these briefs are close logical struct uro throughout In ' dlcntcd by "for" or beoauso," and accurato wolghlnir of evidence. Those briers the Instructor criticises and returns to tho drawers who prepare thoir direct argument for the class from the-corrected briefs. Much of the refutation work or course cannot bo dcclffen on nrrtti -thtrdebntc gets under way. The debates as now conducted will give the ontlre class the bcnolit of the crltlolsm on every debate, foi tho criticism of a debate is made then afta there. This general benefit was m -de possible by holding the debates two consecutive hours. TlieromDMiud crltlolsm or tha dc hateS .should also prove very valuable to the students. As announced at tho beginning or the semester several of tho professors In tho aopartmcuts to which tho questions for debate mainly iclate will co-operate with Mr. Fogg in this critical work. Prof, (tola well, Prot. Taylor, Prof. FllnL', Prof. Hill, Prof. Ross and Mr. Prevey and ncihaps some others The Daily Nebraskan's Clubbing Offers LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. LOWEST EXISTING PRICKS. The Daily Nebraskan . Cosmopolitan I. Success .... Frank Leslies Popular Monthly ALL FOUR ONE Y E A R (New or Renewal) Pergonal Checks Accepted. Publications In any Club sent to one or dlllerent addresses as desired. $4 THK DAILV NKKIIASKAN. SUCCESS LESLIE'S W KKKLY . . $2.00 i . 1 00 . t.Oo Totiil '7 I'll.T CI.UH 4-2 THE DAILY NEllUASKAN ... SITCESS REVIEW OF REVIEWS inevi. ... Now Knpliiml luiirnnl of Educntlon or 1'urrent LltornturtMtu'w) limy lx SUb-fctltUtO. ?'i 00 1 00 J.. 10 3.00 TOTAL $ 6.oo Our riubl'rloc s .oo 4 Addltlo nal offers may be made up from the following tables, which lor con vcnlence are marked Class Q, and Class H. THE DAILY NEHKASKAN SI CCESS Now England .lournul wf Hilucution ; Itovlew of Kevlowh mow, or Current . Literatim-, now. may br substituted ' Frank Leslie's l'opulur Montlilv .... The DoslRiier. Co-sniopolltJin, or Household mu be s jbit Itutod. $2.00 1 00 2 ;,o .(00 $1 00 iOTAL S 7.00 Our Club Price 4 NERRASKAN , (neu ) or On rout sub-alt utrd. THE DAILY SUCCESS .... REVIEW or UEV1EUS Now I'.nnliiinl Matfa7tm. LIU-rut lire, new.iuuv bo 1'innk Leslie's l'opulur Montlilv.. . The Designer. Hood Housekeeping or Household may In substituted COSMOPOLITAN MACAZINK . . The PpsIciioi. Hood MousoUoopliiK or Household may bo substituted ?2 00 . 1.00 2.50 ' :i00 1 00 1 00 TOTAL $ 8 00 Our Club Price 5- THE DAILY NERRASKAN li.OO SUCCESS 1.00 REVIEW ()V REVIEWS, (new),... Now England .Jourmtl of Education or I uny two of tho dollnr miiKalnes In -I.Oo liu-m O, bo Niibstltutod. Cl'RRENT LITERATURE, (new), :i 00 Now FiiKlan.' Journal of Edurntion or any two of those dollar maitniuos ,lo cIiinn ti may bo substituted. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. (reU) .1.00 Losllu's Weekly may bo 8"bvtltutod. TOTAL 14J2 Our Club Price $"y.oo KoKulur Price Club Price) The Dnllj Nebraskan ivieooss and any -. CO Cfl miiKuIno In ClbisO 7,4-U(-) OO.JU The Dally Nebraskan ! Success and any two c fr A. 1111 nirfcrnliiii 111 CfiumC SAJO T.UU The Dally Nebraskan Success imrt anvtliroo liia!i7lnoH In Class O 5.00 6.0O 4.50 CLASS a. Tho Cosmo poJltnn fl 00 V'rn 11k Lesllo'i. Pop. Monthly 1 00 Tho Designer 1 00 Oood llouse KeepliiK Loo Tho Houso bold 1 co The Daily Nebraskan i?,lCCA'SN liml any two miiK iliieu In Class II The Dally Nebra.'kan Hucco-ss and nil throe tniiKalne.s II 9.00 1 1. So 5.00 6.00 CLASS If. The Review of HoTlows.nuwiJ.SO t urrent Llter ntuio. (now) 3 00 Now England Magazine .ICO The Christmas Presents ; fillbllca olTered i c c I- lcnt Xmm presents'. U'lns a pleas mt remliun r.r 1 110 doner every wookoroery uoiilh throunuout tho jour -.eveal piesonts. (Jno club will make The Dally NobrasUan. Success, Review of Reviews, Rejr. Club new, or Cuinnt Literature, itevr, and any 1 wo In Price Price Class I. H 00 oo The Dully NebrtisUan. Buccs. Iloi l w f l"riws now, or Current Literal lire, now nnl Leslie's Weekly lo 00 5 ?7 Tho Daily Nobr iskan. Snot ess and any mho In f lass O. and any one In Glass 11 . 7. 00 The Dallv Nebraskan. Snores', any 0110 In Class fi and any t wo In Class 11 lo 00 Tho Dally Nebraskan, Success, and anv one in Class II mid uny ti"o in ( lass O ) . 00 Tho Dally Ncbrnskun. Succtss aud any one in Llaih- U, and Lojtll''H Weekly Soti 5 jj 4.5o 3 5o Addii si till oidt is to TO PAID SUBSCRIBERS If you huve ulreiuly pnitl your subenptioi to the Dailj Nebiuskun, subtruct 8V.00 from' ' Our Club Pt iec ' for the remaining inauzines In any combination. Asenta wanted f take orders forour ClubOlTers Liberal Oommlsslon THB DAILY KEBRASKAN, 134 North nth St. Lincoln, Neb? The periodicals In any combination will bi sent to one ordllTorom addresho.s. .loin with oni frlent s The Bubscrlptlons msy be now or renewals except where otherwise stated. KenewaU to Review of Rev tows or Current Literature may be Included foi $l.oo additional to tho price quoted for the club. will take part. Tlio debates will iiicn-nstuilly lie erlUelbed nob only by Mi. lom; but also by some one who Is an oxpert on the subject-matter of tlie'qiicst ion. who knows the liteia ture of it tliorounlily. The debates in Kngllsh 11. which meets in three sections Ironi 2 to -i o'clock Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, beyln next Monday. Kor reply Lu the reuuets made by several students Interested in donat ing wlio arc in ncilUcr course, to be allowed to attend some r the de bates, Mr. Fopij lias announced that he will admit sucli vision. Such persons aro rcquestea toflpe1ik to iiim iinnn enterlni! tiie rooms. A member of English 11 or 13 will, upon appli cation, he allowed to listen to de bates in any section beside is own. & Jo Subscriptions to the Daily Nebraskan may be left at either the University Book Store, or The Co-Op. . e & eJo DLSiAY OF INDIAN KEl.1CS. Mr. Cotllu of (ionoa, Nebraska lias rotumeci to his home after arranging his collection or Indian relics Tor the btato Historical bociety at the Uni versity. Mr. Collin traveled tor sov eral years with this ery interesting collection of the work of tne Nebras ka redmen, He lectured at the places wl'ere he stopped to exhibit relics. Tho present additions to tlfc his tory of the work of a past race was put by Mr. Collin in the cast end of the case of exhibits which stands along the soutli end of the room of S theIIIstorical Society on the west side or the dOLT. The collection includes head bauds of several kinds, shirts, moccasins, a Pawnee squaw's dress skirt, bows, arrows, a medicine bag, various ha tclic ts and cluhs'or stone, wood and deeskin, a head ball, an old revolver from tho (Jenoa battielield, pipes, a knife, ax and soral skulls. Among articles of later inako is & beaded bottle from ltoschud in 181)."). ooooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo I ANNOUNCEMENTS. ooooooooooooooooooo oooooo SEN lOll GIUL'S MEETING. A meeting of Senior class girls is called for Thursday Nov. 7 at 2 o'cIook in tho old chapel. Vory im portant business is to be hiought up at this meeting. UNIVMSIIY STUDENTS Demand Iligb-CluFs AMUSEMENTS- Our Itillmril Parlor is up-to-dute and absolutely free from immoral inilitence. Phone 586. POWELL'S, 146 N. nth DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Prcc. Prices Reasonable. 1238 O Street, TT- Students! Decorate Your Rooms! IN ARTISTIC POSTER FREE. tho second and "mixed" teams are Send us your name on a postal card and (JIUL'S BASEKT BALL. Extra baskot ball practlco for the girls' teams is called for tonight (Thursday.) Players on tho 'varsity, asked to no in the Armey at 7: HO. TIIE Y. M.C.A. BARBER SHOP is prepared to Shaye you or Cut your hair. 13TH ANDa P STREETS. we will mail to you free a new brilliantly colored Washburn poster (size 12x18 inchesi. This poster is the creation of the Viking's Head Studio, and has been pronounced exceedingly bright and clever. It represents a pastoral scene, a rabbit enamored of the music of a mandolin. Write today, this offer may not appear again. LYON & HEALY, 17 Adams St., Chicago, Makers of the Werld-Famous Washburn -Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, and Zithers. f V x pyj !(..... I. . zi, .,. m -g&Mi H. --r- f.-