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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1901)
Cbc VOL IV. NO. 19. NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA , NOVEMBER te T1A SINGLE COPIES , 5 CENTS. " -Yef A . - 4. ; r i PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK , 13,915 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year in advance , postpaid to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Nebraska. Advertising rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29 , 1898. In its fourth year THE CONIhe Conservative is SERVATIVE. with certaiuty , ce lerity and safety assuming a prominent place in the journalism of the country. It is non-partisan , independent and without fear. Financially it has a standing very desirable. It numbers among its patrons the owners of some of the representative industries of the republic and the officers and directors of some of the largest and best banking and other incorporations of the repub lic. Advertising in the Conservative comes high one thousand dollars a page for one year but it pays , because the Con servative circulates among people who are able to purchase , and pay for any thing they may read about and wish for. for.The The friends of forestry find it among the most faithful advocates of arbori culture. The adherents of the gold standard recognize the Conservative as one of the fearless advocates of honest finances and wholesome economics. The friends of honestly and econom ically administered government know that the Conservative preaches the gos pel of frugality in the affairs of state and is always a vehement crusader against extravagance and the over taxation to which it leads. The Conservative is complimented by numerous letters of denunciation from partisan ignorance , received every day and gratified and inspired * by the con stant commendations of intelligent am patriotic citizenship. The patronage of the Conservative is of the highest char acter and the style of its support rues generous , encouraging and satisfactory The Conservative , IMPERTINENCE , as everybody who reads it understands - stands , is not a believer in nor an advo cate of prohibition. On the other hand it las no faith in the power of enactments which would make one honest by re moving from his reach all stealable things , or temperate by putting him where there is nothing else than water to drink. But the stupendous imperti nence and stupid assumption of the Nebraska Retail Liquor Dealers' Asso ciation as displayed and illuminated in their electioneering circular during the recent campaign indicates mental de generacy or inebriety on fho part of those in control of their literary bureau. Men of judgment , having a sense of propriety , could never issue in behalf of Judge Hollenbeck such twaddle as this : "He is a broad-minded German , and a man whom the liquor dealers of our state can depend upon to treat them fairly , " and expect it to do else than harm to his chances of election. And the following against Judge Sedgwick evidently increased his ma jority in the state : "He has strong prohibition tendencies , comes from a prohibition county , and has been fre quently arrayed against our craft. His brother prints a prohibition paper , and it is believed that Candidate Sedgwiok is part owner of the same. " The saloon keepers will find , in time , that mixed drinks are not more certain to produce drunkenness than their fool ish mixed prescriptions for the voters of Nebraska are certain to produce con tempt and violent activity against liquor dealers and their business. The judiciary is not to be selected by com mittees of retail liquor dealers. Idiocy seems to FEEBLE be increasing in the MINDED. world. Institu tions for the idiotic and feeble-minded progeny of the Unit ed States are multiplying rapidly. Ne braska , as soon as admitted to the Union , began bidding for the propaga tion of fools. The asylum , for silly children , at Beatrice was liberally en dowed. The State , instead of institut ing laws to prevent marriages which might produce degenerates , really offered a bounty for imbecility. It en couraged the infant industry of raising fools in Nebraska by preparing anc tendering a free home for them and saying , in effect : "MttH $ 2. mated mar riages , give the commonwealth idiots and it will gladly care for them ; it yearns for mental and moral imbeciles , for physical and intellectual degen erates ! " The result , as demonstrated by the Beatrice institution , is very encourag ing fool-raisers. . . The law of nature is the'survival of the fittest , and of the state the survival of the unfittest. When war threatens the Republic , all agree to give the best , brainiest and bravest men to die for its defence. But when a philanthropist , like Professor Powers of Cornell University , proposes painless death for idiots , to protect pos terity against the corruption of its blood and the degeneracy of its moral and mental nature , a maudlin ignorance protests and weeps. The best way to get at a righteous solution of the prob lem Professor Powers presents is to study and discuss it without prejudice. It is only a few CHANGE. mouths since a candidate for the great office of the presidency of the United States rode up and down Broadway , New York City , with one Richard Croker , who had been on trial for murder and escaped conviction by Tammany methods some years before. That parade of the peerless Platte or ator with Orokor wound up with the perfectly original remark on the part of the presidential aspirant pre-men- tioned ' ' Great is Tammany and Oroker is its prophet ! " Profit ? But times change. Men change. And a Tammanyless Oroker is .not even small change in the political currency of this day. The Standard OIL. Oil Company has won out in the cause instituted against it by the great , good , eloquent and irreproach able Smith who , as attorney general , called himself Smythe. That the legal learning of Oldham- Smytho & Co. should thus be disre garded by the supreme court of Ne braska and that the Standard Oil Com pany should bo permitted to continue to furnish pure , good oil at fair prices to down-trodden Nebraskans is a pluto cratic outrage of most intense diabol ism. fj&NfP