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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1901)
VOL. IV. NO. 18. NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA , NOVEMBER 7 , 1901 SINGLE COPIES , 5 CENTS PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK , 13,910 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a'half per year-in-advance , postpaid to any .part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Nebraska. Advertising rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29 , 1898. Iii the coming AN INDUSTRIAL fifty years the TRINITY. world will witness a development in power-agents and motors now un dreamed and inconceivable. The common locomotive of the railroads now indispensable to trans portation may soon become scrap iron. Electricity may take the place of steam. The electrical engineer will be in demand. The Electricity. technical schools will prepare elec tricians for practical and useful life. In the coming time the young man who can do one thing exceedingly well will be in demand. He will wrench success from all the obstacles and asperities which strew his path. But the youth who can do a number of things toler ably well will not be sought after nor will he succeed , in the coming cen tury , when the division of labor has been carried to'its utmost limit. Good electricians like Harry Bustin , who was brought up and educated at Omaha , and has become famous by his wonderful work and its luminous dis play at the Buffalo Pan-American Ex position will be in request at gener ous compensation. The doors to fame and fortune are opened wide by electrical currents , and ambitious , in dustrious and brainy young men are cordially invited to enter and become great and glorious. The laboratory of the chemist will develop also many new agents for Jthe betterment and ad Chemistry. yanoement of civ ilization during the next decade. There are tremendous possibilities in chemistry and no other branch of cientific research is more alluring to he young person who is willing to work with -head and hands for a wholesome living , in certainty , an mmense fortune , and a glitter ing fame in possibility. Those who will apply themselves and who have fitting abilities for this line of work , and who are determined to do one thing as well as it can be done may enter the labors of the laboratory with success assured. The denudation of the timber lands of the United States forces forestry into public notice. Forestry. The destruction of trees along the mountain ranges and about the water sources of our streams has begotten both drouths and floods , the former results in localities remote from forests , woodlands and streams. The rainfall is not stored up in the leaf-mold of the great woods and held to exude gradually as of yore. Thus the sources of springs and rivulets are destroyed. And when the torrential down-pour of rains comes , the water rushes unimpeded by woodland leaf- mold into the valleys and by erosion carries away the very cream of pro ductive soil. Every year , hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land are rendered unfruitful in the United States by erosion. The demand for reafforestation of many of the denuded areas is imperative. The demand for the conservation of our few re maining woodlands is more imperative. There are already schools of forestry at Ithaca , New York , and at Bilt- more , North Caro- Forests. lina. At either the young man who has brains and persistent industry may become a skilled arboriculturist and a practical forester. The oppor tunities in this most delightful and useful profession are * numerous and most attractive. Electricity , chemistry and forestry invite aspiring youth to investigate their merits and behold the splendid possibilities which they offer those who will become the faithful dis ciples of either. Never since this old globe began its revolutions have chances , opportunities , avenues foi useful men to enter and develop intel lectually , financially and morally , been so numerous , so lustrous and so suggestive of high and right living. There are some BLACK men with white WHITENESS. skins and black souls men whose intellects are darker than darkest Africa. These black white men often frequent political gatherings and sometimes achieve social and political positions of prominence. There are some black men with strong minds who , by diligent study , nave accumulated great stores of use ful knowledge and bestowed innumer able benefits upon mankind. These white blacK men are worthy oi all con sideration. They even make more agreeable dinner-mates than black white men. That is to say , intelli gence incarnated in charcoal-colored men is more entertaining and in structive than ignorance skin-clothed in white. It would please most think ing men to dine with Booker T. Wash ington rather than with Herr Most , Leon Czolgosz or any other ignorant white anarchist. A mind white with useful knowledge in ever so black a body is better than an intellect black with ignorance in ever so white a body. The renowned SCHOOLS AND German psychologist - STUFFERS. chologist , Dr. Aug ust Forel , deplores in the' ' Zukunf t' ' the method in vogue in our schools , which encumbers the infantile brain with dead memori/aug- matter and useless recitations. The doctor says : " It is stupid to pad the infantile brain with aii ever-growing ballast of comparatively useless knowl edge , thereby imnuxbilizing the brain and making it unfit for the functions of independent thinking and reasoning and taking up all tissue and nerve power , leaving none for the develop ment of mental power and the.more important mental processes. We should try to rediice recitation and memori'/ing-matter to the smallest possible modicum and endeavor to lay down human knowledge in well indexed and easily consulted encyclo paedias. The contents of these books should not be used for memorizing , not more than you would think of committing a railroad time table to memory. Such books are to be considered § sidered as the depositories of the crys- talized brain labor of our ancestors ; the brains of our youth should not be used as receptacles for a mass of indi- m m m. ' - JV