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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1901)
" ? f - "Tfl Conservative * THE ALLIS JOURNAL. The editor of THE CONSERVATIVE hns been made custodian of a very valuable manuscript ; the original memoirs of Samuel Allis , first missionary to the Pawnees. Mr. Allis often called reverend , but not claiming that title himself , being a harness-maker by trade came to Nebraska in 1834 as assistant to Rev. John Dunbar. Rev. Samuel Parker , whose book , published in 1842 , is one of the best books of that period , started with them , but was obliged to return ; but came west again the next year and crossed the mountains to Oregon. Mr. Allis' narrative seems to have been re-written by the old gentleman a number of times. A revised version of one of these copies , made in 1876 , is printed in the Nebraska State Historical Society's records , volume II. The original of this copy , if we can judge , is among the papers entrusted to THE CONSERVATIVE by Mr. Allis' surviving son , Mr. Otis Eddy Allis. Besides this , there are fragments of at least three other revisions , made at different times. Since no two of these agree wholly , a careful examination of them all promises to furnish some.valuable material beyond tliat already given to the world by the Historical Society. There are also some drawings by the author , which must by all means be preserved in permanent form. We give below a detached section , which looks as if it might have been prepared for a magazine article or a paper to be read on some special occasion. The pages bear the numbers from 41 to 48 , though it does not fit in with any of the other manuscripts. Following the modern idea , which is that posterity is interested in a man as he was , and not as some fleeting adventitious later editor would have liked him to be , we follow copy exactly. "I have thought that it myght be interesting to some of the frontier set tlers to give a brief history of some persons with whoom we met on our way to the Indian country , and especially those who were then residing on the frontiers , and among the Indians , some of which I have already noticed. "On our way from Ithaca N. Y. in the spring of 34 , at Cincinnati we spent the Sabbath , hearedDootLimanBeacher preach , he was then President of Lane Seminary at "Walnut Hills , his soninlaw ( Professor Stow ) was proffessor , we viseted the Seminary and took supper with the students , Messrs Truman and Smith ( book merchants ) kindly pre sented us with a selection of small books for children , at Luisville wo met with a Mr Nock formally from Ithaca , at St Louis we were Idndly treated by the brethren , Doct Potts and Rev. Mr Hat- field were their Presbyterian Ministers , Doot Potts has been dead several years , Doct Hatfield I believe is still alive. At Liberty we met with kind friends , with whoom we became acquainted and slmired bountifully of their hospitality , namely Col Donophan , Rev Mr Yantis ( Zantis ? ) ( Presbyterian Minister ) Messrs More and Samuels ( Merchants ) a Mr Elliott and others. 1 'The Missionary Brethren at Doleware , Shawues , audKickapoo I have previously mentioned , also the Officers at Fort Leavenworth , whoose land hospitality wo so bountifully shaired , for which I trust they have or will be rewarded. The next in our rout was the Old vetiran Indian trader Joseph Rheaubidon , who traded with the lowas and a baud of the Sox and Foxes , from whoom St. Josephs took its name , he has been dead several years was blind sometime previous to his death , but he had handled so much money he could count it from instinct or some supernatural cause , he had a large family of French and also Indian children , his wife and some of his family lived in St Louis , while he , his brothers , and some two or three sous lived at the St. Jos. trading post and all had Squaws. In mentioning these facts I donot wish to burlesque or reproach these men , or intrud upon the modisty of some of my readers , but speak of it as a matter of fact history , which was almost a universal practis the traders said it gave them more influence , which I took the liberty to differ with them , for by so doing they brought themselves down tea a level with the Indians , even in the Indian estimation , but I forbear making any further comments , but will let the readqr pass his or her approval or con demnation. "As I am ameing to get at facts I give these as such , not desireing to injure the feelings of any one or affend The next we find at Bellevrie Revd Moses Merril & wife Baptist Missionaries to the Otoes of which I have already made mention. The Agency was kept here for the Otoes , Omohas and Pawnees Major John Dougherty was then their Agent of whoom I have made mention. "The American fur company had a trading post some eighteen Ms. above Bellevue , some eight Ms. above where Omohanow is. Major Joshua Pilcher was in command of the fort , I found the Major one of the most prompt , candid , reliable gentlemen I have met with in the Indian country ho was well informed on olniost any subgect , especially , the Indian and Indian caracter , and was free to give any information that was inter esting and reliable , dureing the Black- hawk war the Sox & Foxes killed their Agt. , and Majr. Pilcher was appointed Special Agent , for that tribe , he was afterwards appointed Supt. Indn. Affairs whose head quarters was then at St. Louis , and I believe died while in that capasity , he wonce had controle of most of the Indian trade from St Louis to the Pacific Ocean , he one winter performed a journey in the Rocky Mountains sevorall hundred Ms. some of the way on snow shoes , his provisions and bed ding being drawn by dogs , he traveled by land almost as far as one could toward the Arctic regions , and related some startling adventures which I regret I didnot make note of , but such are our failings , I sometimes think that if I had my life to live over , I should make some amends but perhaps not , but I can look back in my old age and see where I could have done better , and as I am soon to pass from the stage of action I would advise all of my young readers who paruse these disultra sketches , to set your mark high , and persavear in use fulness , whatever your sphere of action may be , and never cease till you are called to lay down your lives , and above all see that you have secured that one thing needful , ( when tune is no more with you , ) that can never be taken from you Mr Cabbanne , ( one of the members of the fur coinpauv ) succeeded Majr Piloher at this fort , he was a verry land and polite gentleman and quite an epicure , there was aplenty of wild game in those days , and he employed too good hunters , his store room was filled with venison , swan , geese , brants , ducks , turkeys , smaller game , he kept a good Negro cook , and would visit the cook room several times a day to see that the cookery was progressing in the right direction , and when served on tne table was always in the best of stile and he was always verry attentive to his guestes at the table , and else where , but he made one sad mystake , soon after Peter A. Sarpy made his advent into the Indian country he was clerk for Mr Cabbanue , and there was a Mr La Clare who traded with the Puncas above , and after ho ( La Clare ) had passed Cabbannes Fort , Mr Cabbanne hired several Omaha volun teers , hedded by P. A. Sarpy , who persued La Clare and took from him his outfit of goods , which cost Mr Oabbanue some thousands of dollars to make resti tution , but this I believe was Col P. A. Sarpys first act of bravery perhaps his promotion from Lieutenant to Capt. but at Mr Cabbannes sorrowful expence , by the buye , Col. Sarpy inherited the title of Col. by some distinction of Honour , and not as Military chieftian , and now as I am speaking of him I should not do him justice without giveing him a prominant place among the distinguished Indian traders and frontier men of early days , he possessed some eccelant trates of caraoter , although sometimes ruff and nncooth , wasahightoned gentleman , who exerted a great influence both amonge the white men , and Indians , he was peculiarly generous to whie men of distinction and wealth , also to Indians where it payed well , but exacted evry penny of his hired men , and others who earned their liveing by work still he was generous to the needy , he was active and persevereing , in the transaction of various kinds of business , employed considerable capital , in Indian and other trade , but was often wronged by his imployese , which vexed him , for he was excitable and for a business man with a large capital , was rather a poor financier , towards the latter part of his life gave way to intemperance , which was a habbit of seven tenths of Indian traders , as well as many of our best professional men , dureing my acquaintance with him of nearly thirty years he was alway knd to me , and would accomodate me in any way he could , he was all that could be wished for , as a man or the world except the habit of intemperance , which destroys both sole and body. The Col. was extremely fond of good fastgoing horses , and always kept aplenty he was also fond of good dogs which he always kept a supply he had a large black grey hound , that was his peculiar favrite , and well he should be , for Cuff ( for that was his name ) was very fond of his master , and watchful for his welfare , he kept him some twelve or fourteen years , til at length some thevish Omoha Indians had committed some theft which exasperated the Col. and he became so enraged he set Cuff on the thievish Indians who persued them so close , that they considered themselves in danger and one of them wheeled and shot Cuff , dead , which so greatly inraged Col Sarpy that he swore vengence on the whole Omoha tribe he called a Council of the chiefs in which he made a tutch- ing speach appealing to them , his former fidelity and friendship , refering to the desperate conduct of then : young men in killing his favourit dog , and history says he proposed to the Chiefs that the young