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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1901)
, . .J " .i./.j . . . , & - > ; Che Conservative. VOL III. NO. 44. NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA , MAY 9 , 1901. SINGLE COPIES , 5 CENTS. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. .T. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DKVOTBD TO THE DISCUSSION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK , 12,300 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year in advance , I postpaid to any part of the United States or { Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska | City , Nebraska. Advertising rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 20 , 1898. According to the RAILWAYS AND statistics of the THEIR RELATIONS. Interstate Com merce Commis sion , there were in operation on June 80 , 1899 , 189,294 miles of railroad , with 21 miles additional in the territory of Alaska. These figures do not include the Philippines , Porto Rico or Hawaii. The "Railway Age" and the "Railroad Gazette" furnish figures of later con struction , but THE CONSERVATIVE is not able to produce them at the present moment. It is safe , however , to state roughly , upon the authority of Mr H. T. Newcomb , the able editor of the "Railway World" at Philadelphia , that up to January 1 , 1901 , 6,000 additiona miles of operating lines had been addec to the foregoing. Much complaint has been made of the overcapitalization of railways. Never theless , the capital The Coat. ization was , on June 80 , 1899 $60,556 per mile. Of that amoun $80,267 was stock , common and pre ferred , and $80,289 was funded debt including income bonds and other obli gatious as well as mortgage bonds. THE CONSERVATIVE believes that the enhanced value of terminal propertie i belonging to the great lines of railroad i brings that sort of property up to very t nearly , in some lines , the entire capital ization of the companies. In any event it is quite within bounds to say that the present lines and properties of railroads could not be reproduced for less money than1 they are capitalized at , in the > i ' . ; United States. , & > ' On Juno 80,1899 , there were employed > y railroads in the United States more than four men per Number of Railmile of line , and. way Employees , the total number working for rail ways was 928,924 persons. Of this num- ) er there were general officers , 4,882 ; other officers , 4,294 ; as clerks in general offices , 29,871 ; station agents , 80,787 ; other station employees , 88,910. There were at the same date 89,970 ocomotive engineers ; 41,152 firemen ; 28,282 conductors ; Mechanical and brakemeu and Operating. others in the train service , 69,497 ; machinists , 80,877 ; carpenters , 42,501 ; other shopmen , 108,937. In the United States , on the date named , there were 81,697 section fore men ; and other The Track. workers upon the track , numbered 201,708 , together with 48,686 switchmen , flagmen and watchmen. To safely dis patch trains over all these miles of rail way in the United States required the services of 23,944 skilled telegraph operators and train dispatchers. In addition to the foregoing there are many steam ferries which are the property of railways and are operated by them , and these are called the floating equipment of the various lines and employ 6,775 men , while miscellaneous employees aggregate annually in the railway service of this country 107,261 people. From the above it will be observed that there are salaried men numbering 205,370 , and per diem , or wage , men numbering 728,554 , the salaried men being limited to the general officers , other officers , clerks , station agents , conductors , telegraph operators , and train dispatchers , all other workers of the Railway service being paid by the day or hour or by the mile run. In 1899 the general officers of railways in the United States averaged a salary of $10.08 per day , and Their Pay. the other officers made an average of $5.18 for the same time. Clerks in the general offices earn on an average $2.20 , station agents $1.74 , other station men $1.60 , engine men $8.72 , firemen $2.10 , conductors $8.18 , other train men $1.94 , machinists $2.29 , carpenters $2.08 , other shopmen $1.72 , section foremen $1.68 , other track men $1.18 , switchmen , flagmen and watchmen $1.77 , telegraph operators and dispatchers $1.98 , em ployees of floating equipment $1.89 , and all other employees and laborers in the railway service $1.68 per day. THE CONSERVATIVE would be pleased to give the number of station agents in eacli state and in each county of each state , but finds it impossible to reach that data with accuracy at the present time. On June 80 , 1899 , there were in opera tion in the United States 848 absolutely independent railroad corporations. In addition to that , there were subsidiary companies , the properties of which were leased or controlled by traffic agreement by the independent companies , above referred to ; so that the entire number of railroads doing business in the United States at that time was 1,064. During the past ten years , in nearly all the states of the Union , raids have been made against Raids on Railroads , property in the form of railroads , by partisans seeking political offices. They have appealed to the envy , the malice and the avarice of humanity in their endeavors to arouse antagonisms and bitterness towards these incorpora tions. In nearly every state they have attempted to fix the maximum rates for carrying passengers and freight. Thus in nearly every commonwealth the legislature has attempted to divorce the right to own property from the right to control it. Even the national legislature has several times attempted to decree a divorce between ownership and con- trollership. The railways of the United States offer to the general public a composite service. It is made A Composite up of all the iute- Service. grals of human ex ertion , intellectual and physical , of which the race is capable. When the railway offers to carry our persons and property from one point to another , with celerity and security , it tenders us the services , first , of the civil engineer who laid out its lines ; of the miners who got out the mineral from wlu'ch its rails are made ; of the woodsmen who out its ties in the foi'est ; of the miners who dug its coal ; of the smiths and machinists who worked and molded its metals ; of the manu facturers of the best time-keepers , clocks and watches ; of the best mechanical engineers ; of the highest grade of trust worthy , alert and sleepless train dis- K. - , * '