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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1901)
Conservative. 17 WEARE COMMISSION GO. GRAINS , PROVISIONS , STOCKS AND BONDS , OLD COLONY BUILDING , CHICAGO. HARDINC & HOCHSTETLER , REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE ' * NEBRASKA CITY NEB , DIFFERENT AIND BETTER X 1 than anything you have over used. It's * AND IT "COMFORTS ALL HURTS. " . A specific for all external inflammations of the skin. ' Relieves Pain , Controls Fever and Prevents Blood Poison. FOR CUTS , BRUISES , BURNS , SCALDS , ETC. Yes , your druggist has it or can get it ; if not , we will send it postpaid on receipt of price and his name. 25c and 50c a Bottle. SKBINB & WILSON , 041-643 Unity Bldg , CHICAGO. Sole Agents for Chicago and Northwest. GREAT CHANCE FOR HUSTLING AGENTS WRITE US. Sleeplessness is a terrible affliction. The most common cause of it is some form of indigestion. Ripans Tabules positively cure indigestion. They do not act like opiates , producing an unnatural , immediate effect , but gradually exert an influence over the nervous system , which results in ready sleep , sound and refreshing. "I am glad to give my testimonial in regard to the great worth of Ripans Tabules , " writes a middle-aged lady , living in Philadelphia , Pa. "I slowly recovered from a severe illness and was getting along very well , only I could not sleep , which kept me from gaining strength. A friend advised me to take Ripans Tabules which acted like a charm , giving me refreshing slumber and also renewing my strength. I was also troubled with dyspepsia , and found to my great surprise that as my strength returned I was cured of this disease also. " \Y7ANTED.-A case of bad health that R-I-P A-N-S will not benefit. They banish W pain and prolong life. One gives relief. Note the word R-I-P-A-N-S on the package and accept no substitute. R-I-P-A-N-S. 10 for 5 cents ; may be had at any drug store. Ten samples and one thousand testimonials will be mailed to any ad dress for 5 cents , forwarded to the Ripans Chemical Co. , 10 Spruce St. , New York. HIGHLY IMPROVED . FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. One of the JFurnas JJ'ruit ' Farms , Brownvillo , Nebraska , can bo'purohpsed for less than the jtrcesnro worth , Vrith land and other improvements thrown ; in. One hundred and sixty acres : 8,000 apple trees , 500 pear trees , (500 ( pgnch trees , GOO apricot trees , 1,000 grape vines. For particulars , address , f ROBT. W. FURNAS- ! BROWNVILLE , NEB. INDIANA , ILLINOIS AND IOWA * RAILROAD. THE CONNECTING TRUNK LINE , EXTENDS FROM ST. JOSEPH , MICH. TO FULTON , IIX. , THROUGH SOUTH BEND , IND. , KANKAKEE , 11,1 , . , ' STREATOK , 11,1. s CONNECTIONS AND JUNCTION POINTS , Direct Connections. Junction Points A.T..S.F By .Streator , 111. * B.&O.B.B .Walkerton , Ind. B.C.B.&N.By .Clinton , la. " Chicago & Alton By , . Streator , 111. * ' Chicago & Alton By .Dwight , ill. ' f Streator , 111. Zearing , 111. Chic. . . Fulton , HI. Burl. & Quincy E. E East Clinton , 111. I Walnutill. ; iDenrock , 111. Clev. Oin. Chic. & St. L. By. .Kankakeo , 111. Chicago & East. 111. B. B Momonce , 111 Chicago & East. 111. B. B Wheatflold , Ind. Chicago , Ind. & Louisville ( Shelbr , Ind. ' By. Co' ( Monon ) , . . . . \ San Pierre , Ind. Chicago & SrloB. B NorthJudson.Ind ( Fulton , 111. ' 0. M. & Sfc. P. By { East Clinton , 111. ( Clinton , la. / Fulton , 111. r Chicago Northwest. By. afflft.111- ( .Clintonla. . . Chicago & So. ' Bend By. . . . . .South Bend , Ind. O. E.I. & P. By . .DePuo , Ind. Chic. & Wabash Val. B. B. . .Kersey , Ind. Davenp. B. I. & NW. . . Ey. . . .Clinton , la. , Grand Trunk By. System. . .South Bend ; Ind. Illinois Central B. E. . : . . . . { I Lostant Kankakeo. , 111 111. , Indiana Northern Ey.-South Bend' , Ind. Lake Shore & Mich. So.Ey. j SSJ S' * * ' Lake Erie & Western B. B. . , Walkorton'Ind. Michigan Central B. B | GaUenf Mi ' N. Y. C. & St. L. B. E Knox , Ind. Pere Marquette By St. Joseph , Mich. Lake Mich. Boat Lines St. Joseph , Mich. P. G. O. fc St. L North Judson.Ind P. F. W. & 0. By Hamlet , Ind. Vandalia Line South Bend , Ind. v , , . , , , - J No. Liberty , Ind. Wabash Tn . { Eeddick.ia , Operating Fast Freight Service between the East and West , North and South , in connection with all the principal railroad systems and fast freight lines , thus avoiding the delays to which traffic passing through Chicago is sub jected. General Offices , COS The Rookery , Chicago , 111. T. P. SHONTS , GEO. H. ROSS , Pros. & Gen. Mgr. Tralfio Mgr