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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1901)
Conservative , is RETQF MINING GO'S PURE ROCK SAI/T , Sold in the lump form for stock find in thti dftislied foi'ni for C'Uri'ftg ifteuls- , cucumber pickles and .hides ; also for freezing arid prtdking ice Cream a'iid ftfr refrigerating generally. RETSOF MINING C0 * - * - < * wFV * A A AA-l M. J.-1 r < X > * . MINES AT Livonia , NEW YORK. SCRANTON , FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE- NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , JOHN1 A. . MCCWllll , , PRESIDENT' . OFFICE : : 346' & 348B ROW D WAY , , N'EW J AN UARV 1' ' , , AS'SBTSV Eeali Batatas - . - * BpndajandtSfcoclia ; Bbnda.nntU Mortgages Latins securodiliycollhteralfa ; , in , Office aiulhiiBauliB audlTruBfcOompanies- . Interest * audlRentsduo and ! accrued1. * Kotf amount ! ofi uucollectod. . audi deferred ! Bromiunifn. . . . TotaitAdinittcdlAssets us per Geiiilleate 06 Reserve'Value of ( Policies and ! Annuities ( those issued'prior-to1 Jhiltihry IV value as per Combined Experience Table of Mbrtaliiy with1 4 , iilturestr ; : those'issnod > since Jnnuniy-1 , 1899 , asjpen AinericrtiiJ Tab'le of Mprthlity' 3 , interest ) ) nsper cortilloate of' Now York Additional.Reserve on'Policies ' which the Company values basis , > ever the 4 % valuation by the Insurance Department1 . . . Reserve to provide dividends payable ttvpolioy-holclers duringilpOli sequent years , per1 policy contracts Payable to Polioy-holders in 15)01- ) , > . , , . , . , , . . . Payable to Policy-Holders , subsequent to 11)01 ) , as'the periorl-vmature : To holders of 20-Year1 Period-Policies- } , A'ggrogate Oth"enFunds-f onall oth"erf contingencies1 ; TotnllUiabiiities INCOME : . . ' . ' . . , . . , [ TofcaLEremiumu.Income' 578 t. < i. > > v 11 * > : > t 8)758 ) Interest Eentssetc . . . 10,150,9'4iJ ) , > * > : < > , , Total Uncome. - . , , , , , , i ' , . i i ; : ; : . DISBURSBMENTS ? . Deatb Oldims Paid i > Endowments Paid'.1 . i. . . . . i. . Annuities- , Dividends SurreuderrVolneK e < xj' ' . Total pnidipolicy-holders , OommissionBiBrokerngeB5 and'allbtlierpayjiientS t6 Agents : , , VI j'/J\J J t HomoiOfficoiand-lSranchOflico'SalarieBand ' Physicians ! Fees : 2898C ; ReaiEstateiexppnses , Tastes , Advertising'an'dall 'other'expoTiBd 2)285,344 ) Total Disbursements , . . , . , , < New policies Paid for during 19QO , 115,299 ; inBurmg$283,88825Bi ( ; > . Total number of policies in force January , ! , 1901' ' , - 511 , ftOO ; ' insuring ! , 202,156,605. AUNTS WANTED-APPLY ; TO NEBRASKA BRANCH * OFFICE ? NEW * " YORtf LIFE BLDG , , OMANA