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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1901)
I > 14 'Cbe Conservative * WEARE COMMISSION CO. GRAINS , PROVISIONS , STOCKS AND BONDS , OLD COLONY BUILDING. CHICAGO , THE MOST LIVE CHICKS from a tray full of eggs. That's what you want and that's what you got with tuo Sure Hatch Incubator. _ Thousands in UFO. Bond for handsome free catalogue containing 100 poultry raising views. Sure Hutch Incnbntor Co. , Clay Center , Neb. v v H. W.JOHNS' v Asbestos Roofings vi/ PURE ASBESTOS , NO COAL TAR , WATER AND ACID PROOF , REQUIRE NO COATING , M/ ONE QUALITY. MANY STYLES , LOW PRICES , Application Simple & Inexpensive , Asbestos Roofings are Fully Guaranteed , V H. W. JOHNS1 M'F'G CO. , NEW YORK. CHICAGO , PHILADELPHIA , BOSTON , vy M/ MAKERS OF ASBESTOS MATERIALS , LIQUID PAINTS AND STAINS , PIPE AND BOILER | COVERINGS , ELECTRICAL MATERIALS , V V V U 2 IF YOU ARE GOING WEST Investigate the advantages offered by THE UNION PACIFIC before definitely deciding on your route of travel. You will find that the equipment , ser vice , and roadbed is as nearly perfect as can be made , and in addition thereto you reach your destination Many Hours Quicker Than Via Any Other Line For instance , you can start from the Missouri River for the Pacific Coast via the Union Pacific to-day and arrive sooner than if you left via any other line yesterday. For time tables , illustrated books , pamphlets , maps , etc. , descriptive of the country tributary to the Union Pacific , apply to your local agent or the undersigned , who will give all inquiries prompt and careful attention. E. L. LOMAX , G. P. & T. A. , OMAHA , NEB. . . * * t. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OP NEBRASKA. In Bankruptcy. In the matter of Georpo W. Tucker & Co. , ) Qcorpo W. Tucker and InCase C50. In . Leonard H Tucker , ' < Bankruptcy. Bankrupts of Otoo County , Nebraska. J To the creditors of said Bankrupts : Notice is herfby piven that on the 4th day of February , A. D , 1P01. the said George W. Tucker & Co. , George W. Tucker and Leonard H. Tucker were duly adjudged bankrupts ; and the first meeting of their creditors will beheld hold at the office of the Referee in Rottnmnn Block , in Nebraska City , in said district , at 10 o clock in the forenoon on the 20th day of February , A. D. . 1901 at which time the said creditors may attend , prove their claims , ap point a trustee , examine the bankrupt , and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting JAS.V. . EATON , Referee in Bankruptcy. February T , 1001. LEGAL NOTICE. To All Whom It May Concern : Notice is hereby given that the Overland Real Estate and Investment Co. , a corporation organized under the laws nf this state , at a meeting of its stockholders held on January 10 , 1901 , due notice of which meeting had been given to all stockholders of said corporation , resolved by a vote of more than two-thirds of all its stockholders , representing more than two-thirdw of its capital stock , tc amend the articles of incorporation of the company as follows : Article IV to read , "The authorized amount of capital stock shall be fifty thousand dollars ( $50,000) ) , all of which shall be paid up at such times as the board of directors may de termine. " Article VI to read , "The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corpora tion shall at any time subject itself shall be thirty-three thousand dollars 133,000) ) . " Article VII to read , "The officers by whom the affairs of this corporation are to be con ducted shall be a president , vice-president , secretary and treasurer , manager , and a board of directors , " the remainder of the article re maining unchanged. Notices of said increase in capital stock , and amendments , have been duly filed in the offices of the secretary of state of Nebraska and the county clerk of Otoe county , Nebraska , on the 17th day of January , 1001. Dated Nebraska City , Neb. , January 17 , 1901. THE OVERLAND REAIJ ESTATE & INVESTMENT COMPANY. A. T. RICHARDSON , Manager. There's no reflection dainty , no light so charming as the mellow glow that comes from Wax Candles Prepared in many color tints to harmonic * with ear- ronndings in dining room , drawin bed room or hn everywhere. Made by STANDARD OIL CO. Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative.