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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1900)
Conservative. Gloss Starch Is the whitest , purest and strongest of all Starches ; is peculiarly adapted to fine Fabrics and Laces , and gives to all Clothes a beautiful , snow-white Satiny Finish that is so much desired and admired. A Pure Starch is a White Starch , and a White Starch ( being pure ) is a Strong Starch. Starch satisfies every demand , causes no injury , and is perfect for all uses. is packed in all styles and sizes of packages and can be obtained of all Leading Grocers. national Starch Companp , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. s A Fashionable Migration s To California \ Every winter , to enjoy lawn fetes , balls and s novel entertainments of the smart set. Lavish hospitality here creates a metropolitan ss atmosphere in semi-tropic gardens. ss s t * Persons you like to meet in resort hotels and on The California Limited s Tri-weekly , Chicago to Los Angeles. Beginning late in December , daily , Chicago to Los Angeles and San Francisco , via Kansas City. s SANTA FE ROUTE. For illustrated pamphlets , address General Passenger Office \ The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway , i TOPEKA. J Tourist Curs to California. Assuming that yon have made up your mind to spend the winter in Cali fornia , the only question that remains to be decided is : How to go ? The answer is : In a tourist sleeping car , personally conducted , via the Burl ington Route. The Burlington Route operates tourists cars three times a week from Omaha to Los Angeles. One car runs via Kansas Oity ; the others via Denver and Salt Lake Oity. If the experience of thousands of trav elers has any weight with you , you will go to Oaliforuia by one of these routes and come back by the other. No ad ditional expense is involved and the sight seeing opportunities are just twice as great as would be the case if you used the same line going and returning. "California , " a beautifully illustrated book of 72 pages , will be mailed to any addrrs * on receipt of six cents in stamps. J. FRANCIS , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb. There's no reflection , dainty , no light so charming as the mellow glow that conies from CORDOVA Wax Candles" Prepared in many color tints to harmoniie with sur roundings in dining room , drawing room , bed room or ball. Sold everywhere. Made by , STANDARD OIL CO. SEVENTY- SEMEN HOTEL-S Within from one to fifteen minutes you can reach any one of 77 New York hotels from the NEW YORK CENTRAL'S GRAND CENTRAL STATION , the best place in New York to lander or start from , it being the center of the American metropolis.