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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1899)
' ' " > - - - " - * ! ! _ . . . 12 Conservative. SAM ADAMS ON FUIILIC SERVICE. "Whatever kind of men may be de nominated enemies to their country certainly he is a very injudicious friend to it who gives his suffrage for any man to iill a public place merely because he is rich , aud yet there are recent in stances of this iu our government. I confess it mortifies me greatly. The giving such preference to riches is both dishonorable and dangerous to a govern ment. It is equally dangerous to pro mote a man to a place of public trust only because he wants bread , but I think it is not so dishonorable ; for men may be influenced to the latter from the feelings of humanity , but the other argues a base , degenerate , servile temper of mind. I hope our country will never see the time when either riches , or the want of them , will be the leading con siderations in the choice of public officers. " Vain hope ! &I.QR BUYS A $3.50 SUIT 0,000 I U.MIIIA'I Kl ) "MH ll\ > KAKOL'l" IWl III.K br.ATAMIK.tfcE. ItM.tL.4lt * ) HOYS'TWO- 1'IKCE K.M.K I'AMS blTIS AT SI.98. \A \ NEW SUIT FREE FOR ANY OF THESE SUITS WHICH DON'T GIVE SATISFACTORY WEAR. SEND NO MONEY , tuttliU ad. out and send to us , tlule ape of bo ; and say whether large orunnll forage and wo will rend you the bull by express. C. O. I ) , subject to ex- ? amlnatlono \ > enn cxmnlnv It at jour I express olllcpand II found perfectly tails- factor'and equal to suitl Hold In jour town for , pay yourexnrcss fluent our Special OHVr 1'rlce. * ! . ! * . and express charges. . THESE KNEE PANT SUITS ore lor bo\s 4 to v * 15raiy of fje and arr mailed eierjwlifre at fii.iO. Made with IHII'IILK SEAT and KNKK8 , lalrkt 11100 Mjle at Illuitralrd , madr from a , Hear-mUUii , all-mxi ! f > prrlal lieaij weight - ? blanlim Catnlmrre , neat , handsome putter ) ] , flno Italian lining , genuine Um.xlun InliTlInlnir , imdillnt , tlajlni and relnforcluc , kill and llnrn tewing , flnetullor made throuzliout.UKiilt any hey or parent \\cmld lie proud of. HU PIIKK CLOTH SAHI'1.KS < .f llnyi , ' tlothlnc fur boji , 4 to III VKAKS , write for Samjile BnoL No. IIiK , contains faslilon plates , tape measure and full Instructions how to order. Men' * Suite niiulc to order from i5.00 up. ham- pics sent free on application , Addretw. SEARS , ROEBUCK & CO. ( Inc. ) , Chicago , III. ( Scan , Hot-buck It Co. are thoroughly reliable , Keillor. ) JAV-0 A PERFECT DHINK JAV-O is a benefit to all who drink it. It takes the place of Coffee , Cocoa , Chocolate or Tea , and contains all that the human system demands for health and strength. JAV-O is made from Malted Grains Wheat , Barley , Rye , etc. It increases the weight and in vigorates the entire system. It is of the greatest benefit to children and people of weak stomachs. JAV-O has nearly the same taste as Coffee , and most people , after a trial , prefer it to all other bever ages. JAV-O is worth a trial , convince yourselves of its merit and health-giving qualities. icts. for one-pound package , 25 cts for two-pound package. Take no substitute. IT LEADS THEM ALL. JAV-O CEREAL COFFEE CO , BUFFALO , N.Y. THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO DRY QOODS. Importers , Jobbers and Retailers. > 5 < > 5-507-i509 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. New York Office , 256 Church St. OUR FIRST BOW. For the first time we appear before the readers of TUB CONSERVATIVE a fit ting medium for such a store as ours. Ours is a conservative store. The good old methods suit us , and they also suit our kind of customers. We invite you to call and see us , or should you wish to bring our store and its wares to your own door , write a postal , state your wants and , with the aid of Uncle Sam , samples will reach you promptly. OUR FALL STOCK IS COMPLETE. And never before were we able to show such an assortment. Your money goes back to you cheerfully if not suited with your purchase. Every article we sell we guarantee. Only Good Dry Goods , remember. Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. Grand Canon of Arizona 220 miles long , 9 to IS miles wide , a mile deep , and painted like a flower. "The Greatest , Grandest , Most Wonderful Sight in the World ! " Excursion rates via the Santa Fe Route. Write for illustrated descriptive book and full particulars to General Passenger Office The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Chicago