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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1899)
-Li 14 Conservative. DISTILLER TO FOUR CONSUMER FULL QUARTS Express Prepaid. Saving Middlemen's Profits , Preventing Possibility of Adulteration. We are distillers with a wide reputation of 30 years' standing. We sell to consumers direct , so that our whiskey may be pure when it reaches you. It is almost impossible to get pure whiskey from dealers. We have tens of thousands of customers who never buy elsewhere. We want more of them and we make this offer to get them : We will send four full quart bottles of Hnyner's Seven Year Old Double Copper Distilled Rye for $3.20 , Express - press Prepaid. We ship in plain packages no marks to indicate contents. When you get it and test it , if it isn't satisfactory return it at our expense and we will return your $3.20. Such whiskey cannot bo purchased elsewhere for less than $5.00. DBTIUJIW We are the only distillers selling to consumers direct. Others who claim to be are only dealers. Our whiskey has our reputation behind it. Hayner Distilling Co. , 709 715 W. Fifth SL , Dayton , 0. ncfertncM Third Nat'l Bufc , ny bndneu booi In Dijton orCom'lAgtntlH. P. 8. Orders for ArizCoIo..Cal.JdaholMont.Nev..N. Me * . , Ore. , UUb.Wash. , Wyo.must call for 20 quarts , by freight , prepaid. [ The above offer is genuine. We guarantee the above firm will do as they agree. EDITOB. ] N. S. Harding. J. J. Hochstetler. Oldest Insurinca Agency In the State , Established 1857. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , Fire Insurance. 711 Central Ave. Nebraska City , Neb. John Cawloy. Dave Cawley. CAWLEY BROS. , Practical Plumbers. Steam and Hot Water Fritter * * . 607 Central Ave. , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. See us before going elsewhere. We do our work right the first timfc. Splendid Train Service AND AL.L , To CITY , PRINCIPAL , SAN FRANCISCO , WESTERN COUNTS. PORTLAND . . .VIA. . . ONLY MEALS DINING CAR SERVED ROUTE A LA CARTE. TO STEAM HEAT. PACIFIC COAST. PINTSCH LIGHT. MAINY HOURS QUICKBR . . . .TO. . . . SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND THAN ANY OTHER UINE. Palace Sleeping Cars , Buffet Smoking and Library Cars , Dining Cars , Ordinary Sleeping Cars , Chair Cars. For Rates , Tickets , Sleeping Car Reservations and , full Information , call on your nearest Union Pacific Agent or address ? . L , . L.OMAX , Qen'l Pass. & Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. NebrasKa City Manufactories. Thu following list , of the more important manufacturing plants in Nebraska Oity will he a standing advertisement in THE CONSERVATIVE. Persons addressing any of them , because of seeing this , will pla'ixe nifiition THK CONSKKVATIVF. ! Argo Manufacturing Co. ( Starch ) , Nebraska City Iron Works , Dullenty Plow Co. , King Press Drill Co. , J. G. Kees ( Trunks and traveling bags ) , Tank Building Co. , Paul Schminke & Co. ( Flour mills ) , Mattes Brewing Co. , Chicago Packing and Provision Co. , Nebraska City Packing Co. , Nebraska City Cereal Mills. The above named make the best quality of commodities. Their trade is con stantly increasing. All their patrons are pleased. Try them ' UNITARIAN LITERATURE. Apply - SENT FREE ply to Box 3 , Milton , Mass. Best Seeds that Grow ! Thousands of Dollars in CASH PRIZESfor899 and many other New Features , of particular interest , presented in B URPEE'S Farm Annual Leading American Seed Catalogue Mailed FREE to all. A handsome new book of 176 pages , tells the plain truth about Seeds , including rare Novelties which cannot lie had elsewlieie. Beautiful colored plates and hundreds of illus trations from nature. Gives practical informa tion of real value to all who would raise the choicest Vegetables and most beautiful Flowers. Write a postal card TO-DAY ! W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. , Philadelphia