Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1911)
BUSINESS BUILDING BY DUNDAS HENDERSON Advertising Manager of the C. E. Zimmerman Co., Chicago W- ft? 71 jrtnni i ii-J Abd0$: Wm IIS "7 SI P5 EiI;. VS '--" fa"' EsSff a :.- i-- XVcA jSSf II 5PC Xvndicalnd AtelisiDSScrvicc Supplied Ly Ihc C-E-ZlMMERMANCa Chkiso An Advertisement is Your Cheapest Salesman The chances aiv that if ou go into it is t lie best and cheapest you can huy. almost any store in a country town, ! This ellicient use of space in your at the present time, and tell the store, local newspaper has been called sales keeper that his cheapest salesman is , manship on paper. If you fill the his advertisement in the local news- j space with forceful matter that will paper he will laugh at you. He will i create attention, cause conviction and laugh because he does not know what ! bring results, you have an addition to ali'smansbip mean-,. It is the mere j your sales force that may surely be -bowing of bis g.tod-, to any customer called the best promoter on your stall', that the good luck .to come iutoj l'he results that are obtained from this ins -.lore, according to his lights. He salesinanhip depends on the selling does not realize that it is possible fi.r customers to be enticed to his store to actually demand goods thej' never though they wanted before. It is a comparatively easy matter i.ty the wares right in front of them, in Mich a cast- much more than nine tenths of the selling act has already been accomplished by the coming of t he customer to your store. Even then the salesman who can get big i"ults in our""store i-. classed as'higb made, and his salary, no innttcrjiow large, is considered a a reasonable ex penditure, and. in many cases cheaply spent. To cause a customer to have a de sire to come to your -toiv, where no Uesire. requires salcmanhip of a high order. Such salemanship makes new cutomei - builds yourhumcss and lay. in short, the foundation of yor fortune. No retail business o! modern time can make a great success without such saiemansbip - without, in other words, the proper utilization of space in your lo.-al newspaper. Considering the re sults this kind of salesmanship obtains. No. io:t Iteporl of lite Condition of THE DUNCIN STATE BINK f DiiliCii ill Hie Lite of Nel.i i I ,1 .1 ill, ertV-etit Irti-ilit A" 'I ' I K K . I 'i.ill- lll'l I'j e.ililil $ . -i ill .Hi- -.euieil mil mi e .ie.l H. J. Uili- luiu-f Itinill.iie .lint r.tlle- uiienl e'li-e- null ies p.iiil IK- Iioiii li:il I -t:e ami iil .He ! llil.s ?i:'"i i.neliev I out i-.i.n i.l'. er limiM c I. ! i".ii mi . i ni.l eents 1 VI I IV 25,458.29 Til i.i ::ii.rrii in cji iti I ir..i t.'i ability used. Itut no matter what results are ob tained, the quality of salemanship necessary is much greater than that required inside the store. to sell a woman or man goods when I The big mail-order houses reckons on have them in vour store and can , u,at u,,y 'ustpy so much money lor ever inquiry they get. The amount of this same is ascertained by dividing all the money spent on advertising and selling literature by the number of letters received in answer to the same. This refers to inquiries only. Not every inquirer becomes a customer. The securing of actual customers costs more. The money that has to be spent to get the new customer by those con cerns would astonish the local retail er. It is usually not less than the amount spent on several week's adver tising by the average local storekeep er. The salesmanship on paper that is necessary to do all this is the finest that be got for ironey and it is con sidered cheap at the enormous price paid for it because it is engaged in binding up a big mail order business with new material. The local retailer can apply a les son from this himself. If those mail order houses spend so much money to get one new customer, why should a retailer not make an effort the same direction? Why should he not adopt the same means of attractive sales manship on paper? If he can bring een one new customer a week to his store with an expenditure that is many times below what a mail order bouse has to pay for the same results, it is worth while paying closer atten tion to this successful method of sell ing. If be can influence more than one customer, and it would be poor lo cal newspaper advertising indeed that could not do that, he would be accom plishing far more than the mail order houses with their highly paid selling experts. And. as a business man, he could congratulate himself on a good investment. He could say to himself that he had in his advertisement the cheapest salesman on his force. It is, of course not always possible to readily get this strong, convincing selling matter in your newspaper space. You may not be able yourself to wr.ite it and you may not have any local person to whom you can turn, lint that need not deter you. There are now on the market one or two syndicated advertising services that are designed especially to suit cases like yours. These services are sup plied in a series of fifty-two advertise ments with accompanying copper-plate engravings, one for each week in the year, at prices ranging from one dol lar per week up. Many of the adver tisements have been classed by auth orities as equal to the best that have made successes for the big city de-. partment stores aim national advertis ers, lteduced fac-similes of several of these advertisements will be seen at the top of this column. The advertisements shown above have received many testimonials from experts. For instance. Win. H. Ukers. President of the Grocery and Allied Trades Press Association of America (a combination of the entire American Grocery Trade I'ress) and editor of the Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, New York, writes: ' 1 consider your advertisements the best 1 have seen in a long time." The Ketailers' Journal, Chicago, writes: Ve believe the samples of your advertisements sent us are the best we ever have seen. ' ' After expressions like these from menwho have spent long lives amongst the kind of advertising that has built fortunes for the shrewd users, the local merchant who neglects the opportunity now offered him to obtain some of these success making announ cements is missing the chance of his life time. i :iiit;ii :.. m I'liil.'. i.ifil I'mlit lndi..t'i.i. tit iiit-ti--ulijeej :.i t'lieel. ll.'ll;.i;ni eetltlieait - tit tie ii..-.; 1 ' T.I.. " '-i one He-til tie j,.,-., ... ;v:i I'l 51.351.66 lrviiior- i-'ii-ir.oii 1'iuii '" :i v : .1 1'ini. ?"-' i- SlleeJ Nel.r.l-I.Il r.lllt.JV ll I'l.llle 1 A 1 I.INIHI-. I'.i-llier t.I I tie Jl tunieil bank tin ii-iein Ihu li" a'.ut e -L.teniem is :i et.neet .iiitl trie-e- m llie ni;..le lo lui- ,l U" Ba..i .1.1: A .1 l.lNiu.i v ('liii-i . Cee I Ili.-n orreel Attest f ,, j, u ..,,,,.-, lllieettiis sulKi-r.lH'U mill """ to I'etore Hie 11" 7Tb tlu oi Mepi l'.'U .. , I'eter Kti7lo -.!. Jw-.Jiee tf Nil riso Heporl of llie CoiuliJiim of THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK ji iMuiint'u-, in itieSl-.uet.l Nelir.isU.i. at the ei.i-etil Im-me-- s'lH l-l. I'UI KKSOl Kl'KS Loans an. IWt.uiit- .. W-l1 it. .'.". I lUeitliMtis -eetiret! ami "'i-1 . ,-uiel - . . !l l" "s Komi- to seeure enoui.i- Ii. in ... llouiN. Seeuntie-. ele .... ituiiuniL' lioiise Km inline, ami !i Mi ires Due II. .ill lUnl.- t"ot '' svue aeelils) Due lrom ajiproveil i:esere A-'ewts t'lieel. s ami oilier ti-li Items Ntitevof titiier I tanks Fraetit.n.ii lai.'i Ouriene Niek I. t lit! I "IiIn. .... lAWKll. Mo.M. i:itKVK IX JUNK M.' -,--. ir'at lemlei nt.Ve- " Ml 20.583.15 Ketlfliiilloii Xiiml "llti I - Treasurer r. per eentot en eula t.ot.1 ' l-1""'0 jiu)im t. V'x! lit 10 Holl ill i u:o :.; 11.". I1H :i ; :.;r. .:i a.i im U t s-2 ToTl. :ui MAIUMTIKS Caiutal s,,eU liaul in.... i Sii.uiiim suiiius luml I n.ilM.letl I'rolils. less exjuiis- is ami taes paitl Naii.mal Hani; notes oulsian -V.i s.-. ,. :SilM)tM lnu..ut.i.ii tiejMi'sils sulijeet in chi'i'i; ". i:i :.." T.ine eerutieates t.f tlei"Jt V7:t.MV.y.5 t usLier s cheeks outstuniliii" Avl T.-'TM. .. jv.:; 7u :t7 State jl Nebraska Ct.uniy of l'latte ss I Dmiel seliram, Caslner tf the aloe- nauietl liaul.. do solemnly swear that the abe statement s true to the best ot my knowledge and l.eliet Daniui. Sciikwi Cashier i Herman 1 II Oeuinch. Correct Attest-'. A D Iteeker ( Aruolil F II Oel.tneh Directors Subscribed ami sworu to before me this Mh day of Sept . uMI. V M Cornelius. Notary Public The editor of this paper will be glad to supply further paritculars of the syndicate whose specimen ads adorn the top of this column and I ad vise early application as only one of these service will be supplied to each J storekeeper in his own town. The Second Boosters' Trip. Between sixty and seventy of the business men of the city went' out on the second booster trip of the season last Friday. It had been expected that this trip would take more people out than the first one did, but on ac count of the threatening appearance of the weather about starting time, many decided not to go. The crowd left Columbus about nine thirty, and an hour later were in Cres ton, where a stop of thirty minutes was made. We then crossed the line into Colfax county, making a short stop at Leigh, after which the run back to Richland was taken up. On this line occurred the only trouble en countered during the entire day, but there were several chapters of it here. First, Henry Lachnit, who was driving the pathfinder car picked up a nail, which caused a short delay; then the Branigan and Walters cars and the Walters and Johnson cars co Hided, causing more delay; then a tire on G. A. Schroeder's car blew out, and after considerable time had been spent, he was compelled to proceed on the rim of one wheel, until reaching a garage where the proper repairs could be pro cured. When we finally' reached Richland, we were accorded a hand some reception, several autoloads of Schuyler citizens having come out to meet us and bringing their band along to emphasize the greeting. After a stop of a few minutes here, the company proceeded to Schuyler, where dinner was taken, and where it was shown us that our sister city on the east knew just how to entertain company. After dinner (and other things) had been partaken of, the procession head ed across the new Platte river bridge into Butler county, stopping for a few moments at Octavia on the way to David City. Here again the citizens turned out enmasse to greet the visit ors, but there was one universal com plaint, which was, "Why didn't you let us know you were coming, so that we might have prepared for you?" But that was just what we didn't want. We had not started out to put our neighbors to the trouble of dress ing up for company, and then, too, it was so nice to see just how our neigh bors look when they are at home and not looking for anybody. (Excuse us if you have heard that expression be fore, but it seem to come natural to so many people). After a stop of a half hour at David Citv, we turned homeward, paying a short visit to Bel (wood on the way, arriving here shortly after seven o'clock, having made a trip of 106 miles, seven stops, with a band concert and a parade at each place, and listening to a dozen speeces. ail in ten hours and ten min utes. Short adresses were made at each of the towns visited, with the excep tion of Richland and Octavia, the sub ject in each case being the German picnic of yesterday, and of course the court house at Creston. The seakers were: Creston, David Schupbach, and C. N. McElfresh; Leigh, William O'Brien, and David Schupbach; Schuy ler, L. W. Dickinson, Schuyler, and O'Brien and Schupbach; David City, Louis Held, Carl Kramer and Ray M. Harris, of David City; Bell wood, Da vid Schupbach. One man whose presence on the trip must not be omitted was Jerry Carrig. He it was who was cosmopolitan enough to introduce the speakers at each of the towns visited, and he did it right too. There can be no question but that these excursions are a benefit to any town or comunity that undertakes them. They not only take a man out for a day's recreation, but bring him into touch with his neighbors, giving him the opportunity' of meeting other men in similar lines of busines on their own ground, and bringing thi various towns into a closer touch of neighborly relations. EYES OF NATION A RE ON NEBRASKA State Will Git Much Favorable Notici During Fill Months. OMAHA IS IN THE UMELI6HT. Metropolis Will Entertain More Than 100,000 Visitors Conventions Will Bring Men of National Prominence to Commonwealth. The nation's eyes will be turned to ward Nebraska duriug the fall months and th-2 state will come in for more favorable notice during October, No-j vemuer anl December than ever ne fore. For no less than four national conventions will hold their annual meetings in Omaha, the metropolis of the west. Men of national reputation will at tend these conventions and the citi zens of the state will be privileged to hear the words of wisdom which will roll from the lips of the men who di rect '.ho destinies or the United States. Chief among the conventions is the Nebraska State Teachers' association, which will bring, according to ton rervativo estimates, not less than 5, 000 teachers into Omaha for three days on the 8th, 9th and 10th of No vember. Miss Edith Lathron of Clay Center, president ot the association, is ai ranging a program, which 1b itself will be of such magnitude that every teacher will want to attend the ses sion. For the convenience and enter tainment of the teachers, the Commer cial club of Omaha, through its pub licity bureau, is arranging for visits to the South Omaha Stock Yards and the Union Pacific shops. A bureau of reset vation for rooms has also been opened by the Young Men's Christian association where teachers can secure accommodations previous to the con vention When the teachers visit Omaha, the city will have on its best bib and tucker, for Omaha would rather make good with Nobraskans than with any other people in the world. 'the firain Dealers' National associa tion will hold its annual meeting on Oct. 9, 10 and 11. More than six hun dred gram men from all over the rnitcd States will get together. Ne braska. Iowa. Kansas and South Da kota will be represented to the limit. EiTortF aie being made to get Govern or lli. non of Ohio to deliver the an nual undress. '1 he Omaha Grain ex change is arranging for a big and a theater party as the entertain ment features The Aiiieiican Prison association will lninc more than 1.S00 visitors west for lliair firrt trip as an associa tion Tiio will rome on the lnth of October aiu remain for five days On Tuesday nisht. Oct. 17, George W. WickPisham. attorney general of tha United States, will deliver an address. On Monday night. Bishop George Beecher of Kearney will speak on "Prison Reform in Nebraska," while on Sunds'v Dr P S. I ovelnnd of To-l-eka Kau., will preach the annual sermon In lii eeniJr t-. -ifinnnl Wool i Public Stenographer Mrs. Mable Swift Room 1 State Bank' Building Phones: Office, Bell 79; Residence, Bell, Red 253 Columbus, Nebraska Growers' association will hold its an nual meeting. In connection with thr convention it is proposed to hold n sheep show, which will bring all th breeders from the east to Nebraska More than 2.000 sheepmen will parti, tpate in the meeting. All told, more than 100,000 people will visit Omaha in the next three months. The land show, the Ak-Sar-Ben and the conventions are the mag nets which are turning all people to Nebraska and Omaha. Common Colds must be taken Seri ously or unless they sap the vitality and lower the vital resistance to more serious infection. Protect your chil dren and yourself by the prompt use of Foley's Honey and Tar Coni)ouiid and note its quick and decisive results. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and affections of the throat, chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy. Probate Notice to Creditors. In the county court. Platte county. Nebraska lu tbe matter of the estate of Sylva A. Ma. naffey. deceased. Notice i. hereby driven tliat tue creditors of the aid deceaied will meet the executor of ail estate, before me. county judne of Platte eouuty. Nebraska, at the county court room in aiil eouuty on the Mth day of September. 1911; and on the :itth da of December UUI. and on theSHhdayof March, mr.'.at 10 o'clock a. in . each day. for the purpose of preentjns their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance Six months are allowed for credi tors to present their claims, frotu September "Ath. 1111. and one year for the executor to settle said estate, from the -Mth day of August. 1911. This notice w ill be published in the Co Inmbus Tribune-Journal four weeks successive ly prior to the 3jth day of September. 1911. Witness my band, and seal of said court, this -Mth day of August, A. O.. 191 1. John County J ude. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for all coughs and colds, either for children or grown persons. Prevents serious results from a cold. Take only the genuine Foleys' Honey and Tar Compound, and refuse substitutes, P IOI lOl IOI New Court House Meeting. At the seshiou of the Board of Supervisor-, bfld the -1th day of August. 1911. the following resolution as adopted: Whereas. Ou January 1-. 1910. a resolution was adopted bv the Board of Supervisors for the eoiisideratiou of a new court house for Platte couutv and afterwards on March ItHli. said matter was considered by the Hoard and after due consideration action on tUj- iuestim uas deferred Tliereloie be it Hesolved bv the Hoard of Supervisors f Platte eouutv. that on the i:tih da of September. 1911. at -J o clock p. in., at said dale the prohibition of builditu' a new court house be made the tinier ot business for that time and an invitation is hereby extended to the tax paersof Platte county in general to be present and participate in the discussion of saiti proihisjtion. John Cuak Dated, August -M 1911 County Clerk WHY IT SUCCEEDS Because It's for One Thing Only, and Columbus People Appreciate This. Nothing can be good for everything. Doing one thing well brings success. Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing only. They help sick kidneys. They relieve backache, kidney and bladder trouble. Here is Columbus evidence to prove it. Mrs. John Burrell, 522 W. Eleventh St., Columbus. Nebraska, says: I cheerfully give Doan's Kidney Pills my endorsement for I know that they act just as represented. About four years ago my kidneys became weak and disordered and there were symptoms of inflamation of the bladder. My back W3s painful and I felt miserable in every way. Not until I used Doan's Kidney Pills did I find relief. They completely corrected the annoy ances. During the past two years I have been jierfectly free from kidney complaint and 1 give Doan's Kidney Pills the credit." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no othher. II WHY PAT RENT In the East when you can buy a farm of your own in Cheyenne county, Nebraska, which is just as productive as the farm you rent? You are barely making a living because your high rent eats up your profits. The landlord h growing fat and you are growing thin. You will never save up enough money to buy the farm you rent and even if you could you would only be making rich the man who bought the land when it was about the same price at which you can buy in Cheyenne county now. Your landlord did not get rich buying $100.00 LAND. He made money because he bought his land when others hesitated and were afraid. He bought it when it was cheap. You have exactly the same opportunity in Cheyenne county. Why not take advantage of the opportunities offered in Cheyenne county to become independent, or are you going to continue in the same old rut year after year? Better make a start now, the chance for getting Cheyenne county lands at the present low prices will not remain open long. Those who are wise enough to come now will ever remember the occa sion as one of the most important in their lives. If there is anything that is not clear to you, please remember that we are always glad to furnish the desired information. NOW is the time to get busy. We Will Make a Cheyenne County Trip on September 19th Expenses will be low. Now is the time to go. Come in and talk it over o D o Land is the O Safest and Most Profitable Investment Q Known . - - . . - -;. -3 '..-.--- - " .- - c? . - c We Court Investigation and Ask You to Examine Our Bargains O UaoE Karr & Newlon Co. Over the 5c and 10c Store Columbus, - Nebraska Ol Ol o Jl r