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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1910)
Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and acts of kindness shown in the last sick ness and death of onr father. Children of Louis Philupps, sr. Route No. 4. Miss Grace Dodds returned from Lin coln Taesday. Frank Htlmer has put in a Monroe Independent telephone. Several farmers on the route had com menced cutting their alfalfa before the rain. Otto Bolt returned from Denver this week and will remain here a short time before leaving for Oatskill, N. Y., where be will spend the summer. During the thunder storm of last week lightning strnck the wire fence at Alois Miksh'e place, splintering nineteen posts Fortunately their catlle were not in the yard at the time, so that uone of them were killed. Advertised Letters. Following is a hut of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office ut Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing Jane 15, lOlo: Letters H E Anderson, Frank lirud ney. Urenneman Baking Co, W W Gas per, T W Chapman, J M Dowler. Miss Margaret Frerichs, Misb Sevite Hfloiak. Cards W L Andrews, C 1J Claytou, Mies Mae Davis, Miss Nettie Gregorsnn, Carl R Goucher, Miss Ura rJagcrman, John Macmillcn, F C Turman. Parties calling for any of the above will please eay advertised. Cari. Kramer, P. M. MISS WISE SERVANT. She Was Too Well Posted to Suit the New York Woman. Some girls may be green and easily Imposed upon," said the woman, "but just as many more can give their em ployers points on law. The girl that came to my house the other day from au employment agency knew more in a minute about the rights of employer aud employed than I would know in a year. About the first thing she did was to look out at that big hole In the ground at the other end of the lot, where they are preparing to build. She said: " 'If I should break any dishes while that building is going up you couldn't make me pay for them.' "I asked why not, and she Informed me that u girl working in a building that Is likely to be shaken by blasting Is protected by the same rule that gov erns employees lu a dining car. Owing to the insecurity they are allowed $20 a month for breakage. Dishes valued nt less than 20 may be smashed with impunity. She gave me a printed ac count of the trouble of two friends who had thrashed that matter out in court and had been sustained In their contention for a twenty dollar leeway. 1 didn't employ that girl. I don't want to impose upon any girl, but I didn't want to hire one who knows that she can smash my best dishes up to $20 worth and get off withoutpaying dam ages." New York Press. ANCIENT BRIDGES. Some Built Before the Christian Era Still Standing In China. Suspension bridges which were built lu the time of the Han dynasty (202 B. a to 220 A. D. are still standing, striking examples of oriental engineer ing skill. According to historical aud geographical writers of China, it was Suniig Lieug, Kaeu Tsu's chief of com mand, who undertook to construct the first public roads lu the Flowery em pire. At that time It was almost Impos sible for the province of Shense to communicate with the capital. Lieng took au army of 10,000 workmen aud cut great gorges through the moun tains, fllliug up the canyons and val leys with the debris from his excava tions. At places where deep gorges were traversed by large and rapidly flowing streams he actually carried out his plan of throwing suspension bridges, stretching from one slope to the other. These crossings, appropriately styled "dying bridges" by early Chinese writ ers, are high and dangerous looking in the extreme. At the present day a bridge may still be seen in the Shense which is 400 feet long and is stretched over a chasm more than 1,000 feet deep. How those early engineers erected such a structure with the tools and appliances at their command is a mystery which will probably never be explained. An Obstructionist. "Speakln' 'bout large feet," said Mr. Erastus Pinkley. "I don't know when I was mo' Insulted dan I was dls aft ernoon. 1 was standin' on de curb stone facln' de house, an de police man, he come along an' says I's got to turn around jes' a little." "What foh?" "He says pointln my shoes de same way de street runs is de onlies' way foh me to keep fum obstructin' de sidewalk." Washington Star. His Alternative. Even at the tender age of four little Benny was considering his future oc cupation. "Mamma." he said, "when ' I'm a man I'm going to have a wagon vnd drive around collecting ashes." ? "Why. Benny." exclaimed his mother In horror, "mamma doesn't want her little boy to be an ash man." "Well, then." replied Benny with a - very self sacriticing nir, "I suppose 1 could collect swill." Delineator. An Anomaly. The average young woman doesn't like to see her thirtieth birthday. Yet when she has seen It she would like to see it again Smart Set. The Pets. WIfey (at the hotel office) The clerk says they don't take pets, Algy, so-1 suppose Fldo and you will have to put up In the basement Life. So Feminine. Lottie I wouldn't be In Klttle'a hoes for anything in the world. Hat tie Of course-not. They hurt you ter ribly. Harper's Bazar. OUR FIRST MINT. Com of Its Curious Old RuIm and Regulations. The first United States mint at Phil adelphia was naturally a very unpre tentious affair. The material for coin age was secured from abroad. There was found much difficulty to get any one of experience to operate the coin age, aud the salary list of the first mint employees was: David Rlttec house, director, $2,000 per annum; Tristram Dalton, treasurer, $1,200; Henry Voight, coiner. $1,500; Isaac Hugh, clerk, $312. The regular coinage of copper began in 1703. silver in 1794 and gold lu 1793. The following curious extracts are taken from the mint rules and regula tions of the early days: "The allowance under the name of drink money Is hereafter to be discon tinued. "The operations of the mint through out the year are to commence at 5 o'clock In the morning. "Christmas day and the Fourth of July and no other days are estab lished holidays at the mint "He (watchman) will keep In a prop er arm chest, securely locked, a mus ket and bayonet two pistols and a sword. "The watchman must attend from C o'clock in the evening to 5 o'clock In the morning, must ring the yard bell every hour and send the watchdog through the yard immediately after ringing the bell." Besides the Philadelphia mint, which Is now established In palatial quarters at Seventeenth and Spring Garden streets, there are mints at San Fran cisco, Denver and New Orleans and an assay office at Carson City. OLD LONDON BRIDGE. It Linked the Twelfth Century With the Eighteenth. For centuries old London bridge, with Its double row of houses, was the home of generations who lived and traded over the Thames waters. Holbein lived and painted there. Os borne, the prentice lad, leaped through a window iu the house of his master. Sir William Ilewet. to the rescue of Sir William's daughter, who had fallen Into the swollen flood of the river be low, and by winning her for his wife laid the foundation of the ducal house of Leeds. Crispin Tucker had his shop on the bridge, to which Pope and Swift and many another author of fame made pilgrimages to purchase books and gossip with the waggish shopkeeper. Crocker's Dictionary was printed "at the Looking Glass on Lon don bridge." and gigantic corn mills dominated the south end of the struc ture, not many yards from the wonder ful Nonsuch House, a huge wooden pile with turrets and cupolas brought from Holland. Sucli in brief outline was the London bridge which linked the twelfth with the eighteenth century aud which when It was on Its last tottering legs was removed to give place to its flue successor of our day. the stone in which Is said to be "nearly double that employed In building St Paul's cathedral." Montreal Standard. His Danger. Id these days of almost preeminent German music and musicians It Is rather amusing to read the opinions of former generations concerning Teu tonic singers. Frederick the Great was so Impo litely unpatriotic us to declare that he would rather hear the neighing of a horse than the singing of a German prima donna. Perhaps iu his day there was some excuse for such a remark, but the times have changed. There is a diverting auecdote of an Italian who was convinced that no German could slug. A friend Induced him to go to the opera where Heu riette Sontag sang. After hearing her first aria the Italian got up to go. The friend urged him to stay, assuring him that he would be convluced soon. "I know it." repied the Italian, "and that's why I go." Doves and Coronations. At the ancient ceremonies of coro nation of the French kings after the anointing had been performed some white doves were let loose in the church. This was supposed to symbol ize the power of the Holy Ghost In di recting the king's actions. A similar Idea seems to have iuspired all early kings, for among the English regalia is the rod of equity or the scepter with the dove. This is simply a golden rod with a mound at the top. which sup ports a cross. On this cross is a dove. Tushl&ned of white enamel, with ex panded wings. Some due diamonds or nament the rod iu various places. Gender of Garlic "Why Is garlic masculine gender?" asked the man who markets. "It must be masculine because the greengrocers I buy from call It 'he. They are most ly Italians aud ought to know the sex of garlic If anybody does. Of all the vegetables and aromatic herbs I buy garlic is the only one to which mas culine virtues are ascribed. Every thing else is neuter. To call garlic 'it would be an insult The garlic, be Is fresh, he is Que. be Is cheap, he is dear. Funny. Isn't It?" New York Times. He Had Quit "Yon say you have quit smoking?" "Yep; never going to smoke again." "Then why don't you throw away those cigars?" "Never! I threw away a box of good cigars the last time I quit smoking, and It taught me a lesson." Houston Post Not what you do. but how you do It Is the test of your capacity. Studley. Ruse That Worked. Roundsman-How did you keep all of those girls from rushiug out or the moving picture show when the lights went out? Policemau-lt was dead easy. When they started to rush 1 said: "That's right: Old ladies first!" And the way they held back was a caution. Chicago News. The Feminine Instinct "What on earth made your mother orlng home that bundle of feathers?' "I'm sure I don't know. dad. unless It was because she saw It marked down.' "Baltimore American. SAW THE BRIGHT SIDE. He Mad the Most of an Unpleasant Situation. A group of men were discussing human nature and the difficulty of looking always on the bright and glit tering side of things when the dingy, dark brown side Is uppermost and seems destined to remain uppermost "It's a great thing to cultivate a disposition to make the most of things In this life." remarked a man who used to drive trotting horses for a living. "The most striking illustration I ever bad of that was in a big horse race at a county fair down the state about ten years ago. The man driving along side of me let his horse swerve on tbo back stretch, and my sulky was upset That caused a general mlxup. and a colored driver right behind me got un loaded and his sulky broken to pieces. Well. I lay there for a minute, and then, as 1 didn't seem to be much hurt I started to get up. "ney, boss, don yo go glttin up! yelled the colored driver at me excit edly. "VhyV 1 asked him, some puzzled. "'Cause.' be answered, yo' all lay right wha yo' is. and in a minute they'll sen' roun byah and haul us back pas' the gran' stan' In a caih hiuge.' "Sure enough, they did, and when we drove up that home stretch In the opeu hack they sent for us that col ored man was the happiest person I ever saw. Now, that's what 1 call making the most of things." Cleve land Plain Dealer. COURTSHIPJN PORTUGAL The Way the Young People Begin Their Lovemaking. The most Important event In the life of a Portuguese woman Is marriage. Nest iu importance are the early days of courtship, for a Portuguese court ship Is the essence of romance, and the ways of the Portuguese lover are singularly picturesque. Here Is a lit tle drama In which Cupid is stage di rector If a young Portuguese sees In the street a pretty girl with whom he would like to become acquainted be follows her. Chaperons are not Im possible obstructions. He follows her right up to her very door aud notes the address Next day be comes again, and if the young lady approves of him for she certainly saw him the day before -she Is on the lookout Sometimes hard fate lu the guise of an angry parent preveuts her. aud then the gallant youth is kept waiting. Sooner or later she leans over the bal cony aud smiles at him. The happy youth ties a note to a cord which the fair lady drops from the balcony. The next day the young tnau comes again. This time he rlugs ut the door. If the Inquiries which the young lady's elders have made prove satisfactory the swain Is admitted to make the ac quaintance of the young lady. After that courtship In Portugal Is about the same as it is iu Kankakee or Kala mazoo. Leslie's Weekly. Not a Laughing Matter. Cut off from family aud home by a relentless tide, fat Mr. Bodger had been forced to clamber till he gained a pathway cut In the cliff's face. It was a narrow path, and Mr. Bodger was no narrow man. Getting more frightened every moment be proceed ed warily along the fast diminishing way till at last it faded suddenly Into what the poets would call "sweet noth ingness." Already be was overlap ping, aud It was impossible to turn. An excited crowd watched bis prog ress from above. "What on earth am 1 to do?" gasped Bodger desperately on bis four inch ledge as be gripiied a tuft of seaweed with one hand. "Do. guv'uor?" came back a voice. "Do anyfink you like, but for good ness sake don't larf or your weskit '11 bump yer off as sure as eggs is eggsP Loudou Answers. Birds and Insect Life. Men of science are generally agreed that birds are nature's great check on the excess of insects and that they maintain the balance between plant and Insect life. Ten thousand cater pillars, it has been estimated, could destroy every blade of grass on an area of cultivated land. The Insect population of a single cherry tree in fested with aphides has been estimat ed by a prominent entomologist at no less than 12.000,000. The bird popula tion of cultivated country districts has been estimated at from 700 to 1,000 per square mile. This Is small compared with the number of Insects, yet as each bird consumes huudreds of In sects every day the latter are prevent ed from becoming the scourge they would be but for their feathered ene mies. Harper's Weekly. Can't Please Everybody. The manager of au asbestus mill conceived a uovel idea for bis an nouncements. He bad them printed on thin asbestus aud inclosed In envel opes of the same material. As be was uncertain of the correct addresses of some of the stockholders, he ordered bis 'stenographer to write on each en velope "Please Forward." The Idea was clever, but one may appreciate the feelings of the widow of one of the stockholders when she received uu asbestus envelope address ed to ber late husband with the in scription "Please Forward" beneath Ihe address. LJpplucott's. All Were Pretty. During an equestrian ierforniance a number of ladies iu the frout stood up. thus obstructing the view of those iersous who were seated. In vain were they collectliely requested to sit down till at last a happy thought oc curred to one of the sufferers. He :alled out lu measured tones: "Will the :rett lady iu front kindly sit dowuV whereupon about fifty old women briskly seated themselves. Loudou Taller. Old School Prejudice. "Doctor. I 4met a medical practi tioner of a new kind the other day. and I can't classify him. He diagnoses all diseases by looking at the finger nulls of his patients. What would you call him?" "I should call him a humbug." Chi cago Tribune. A PATHETIC PARTING. Last Meeting ef William Winter ana Richard Mansfield. The last days of Mansfield were In expressibly afflicting and sorrowful His condition underwent very many changes, bis suffering at times was great but slowly be gamed a little strength. He bad for some time been determined on a Journey to England. His passage was eugaged for May 4, but be was not able to sail. I saw him on the morning of May 11, 1907. "I told them I would see you. Willy' he said, "even if I were dying." We sat together for some time. He did not speak much, nor could 1 speak much to him. It seemed best that we should both pretend to believe that be would sood be well, but I knew that 1 should never see him again. When be did speak It was little more than a mur mured word or two. His mind was busy with the past Several times ha mentioned Jefferson and his paintings. "Studies in green they are," be said. Once be spoke aloud to himself, "I have not lived a bad life." Presently 1 rose to go and clasped bis band and said goodby. At the door 1 turned to look at him once more. He was sitting huddled in his cbalr. His figure was much emaciated; his clothes bung loosely about him; bis face was pale and very wretched In expression, and I saw In hi? eyes as he looked at me that be knew our parting was forever. I went back aud kissed his forehead and pressed his band and so came away. We never met again. Since then I have stood beside bis grave Life seems to be chiefly made up of farewells like that and memories like these. "Life aud Art of Richard Mans field." by William Winter. BLOTTING PAPER. IU Discovery Was the Result ef a Workman's Carelessness. Blotting paper was discovered pure ly by accident Some ordinary paper was being made one day ut a mill in Berkshire when a careless workman forgot to put in the sizing muterlaL It may be Imagined what angry scenes would take place iu that mllL as the whole of the paper made was regarded as being quite useless. The proprie tor of the mill desired to write a note shortly afterward, and be took a piece of waste paper, thinking It was good enough for the purpose. To bis intense annoyance the Ink spread all over the paper. Ail of a sudden there flashed over bis mind the thought that this paper would do instead of sand for dryiug ink. and he at once adver tised his waste paper as "blotting." The reason the paper Is of use In drying ink Is that really It is a mass of bnlrllke tubes which suck up liquid by capillary attraction. If a very fine glass tube is pet Into water the liquid will rise in it owing to capillary at traction. The art of manufacturing blotting paper has been carried to such a degree that the product has wonder ful absorbent qualities. The original blotting paper was of a pink color, due to the fact that red rags were used, rags which could not be used for making the ordinary pa per, as the color could not be remov ed. Here was a method for using the apparently useless matter, and so for a long time pink was the predominant color. London M. A. P. Sounded Best When Silent In a railroad office in West Philadel phia there Is an old and trusted clerk of Celtic extraction who keeps his as sociates in a constant state of good humor by an unending series of wit ticisms. Interspersed occasionally with "bulls" so glaring that even he him self has to Join In the laugh that In variably follows such a "break" on bis part There was some trouble on the telephone one day recently, and Mike, as he Is called among his friends, lost much of his usual good nature In his efforts to get the gist of a message that was being sent from another of fice. The man ou the other, end of the wire finally became exasperated and asked Mike If he was losing bis hear ing. "I can hear you all right until you begin to talk," said Mike, "and then I cau't understand a word you say." Philadelphia Times. The Arch. The consensus of opinion among the learned Is to the effect that the arch was Invented by the Romans. Some claim that Archimedes of Sicily was the Inventor, while there are others who would make it to be of Etrurian origin, but there cau be uo doubt about the fact that the Uoinaus were the first to apply the principle to archi tecture. The earliest Instance of Its use is In the case of the Cloaca Max ima, or Great sewer, of Rome, built about CSS B. C. by tbe first or the Tar quin line of kings, a work which ls-re-garded by the historians as being one of the most stupendous monuments of antiquity. Built entirely without ce ment It Is still doing duty after a service of almost twenty-five centuries. New York Amerlcau. The Word "8lave." An Interesting Instance In history of tbe twisted application of the names of a people Is afforded by the case of tbe word "slave." Now. tbe SlavL tribes dwelling on the banks of tbe Dnelper. derived tbelr appellation from "Slav." meaning noble or Illustrious. In tbe days of the later Koman em pire vast numbers of these Slavs were taken over by tbe Romans In the con dition of captive servants, and in this way tbe name of the tribes came In time to carry with It the Idea of n low state of servitude, tbe exact ant It be ds of its original meaning and one that has survived to this time. Where He Belonged. "Sir." said a little blustering man to a religious opixmeut "I say. sir. do you know to what sect I belong?" "Well. I don't exactly know." was the answer, "but to judge from your make, shape and size 1 should say you belong to a class called tbe in-sect."-London Tit-Bits. A Description. "What kind of man Is Withering ton?" "One of those fellows who depend upon their whiskers to lend them dis tinction." Chicago Record-Herald. SHE KNEW THE GAME A Nice Old Chlcaie Lady Whe Wa ssshail "Fan." X remember being on a Chicago street ear, says Ellis Parker Butler In Suc cess Magazine, sitting beside a nice eld lady in mourning a year or so ago. She was nervous and kept glancing t me and then glancing away again. It made me uncomfortable. 1 thought she took me for a pickpocket or some other bad man. Finally she could con tain herself no longer. She leaned over. "Excuse me." she said, "but have you beard yet how tbe Cubs' game came out?" I hadn't, and her face fell, but In a moment she saw a possible opportunity for consolation. "Well," she asked, "can you tell me who they are putting In the box to day r How was that for a gray haired grandma? In Chicago they all talk baseball from the cradle to the grave. Dp to 3 o'clock hi tbe afternoon during the baseball season no one talks about any thing but the game of the day before. From 3 o'clock on tbe only subject Is tbe game that Is being played. The school child who cannot add two ap ples plus three apples and make It five apples with any certainty of cor rectness cau figure out the standing of tbe Chicago nlues with one band and a pencil that will make a mark ouly when It Is held straight up and down. ART CRITICISM. A Stery a Painter Teld About the Artist Constable. A well known New York painter told at a luncheon u story about art criti cism. "All art criticism is tolerable." he said, "except that which is insincere. Tbe great Constable at a varnishing day at the Royal academy paused be fore A'a picture uud said: " 'Very good, especially the sky. The sky Is superb.' "Then he passed on to B and said: "'A's picture Is very bad. Go look at It The sky Is like putty.' "So B went aud looked and then ex claimed as if to himself: "'Why. I like the skyP "'Well,' cried A, the painter of the picture. why shouldn't you like my sky? "'But Constable said it was like putty,' B explained confusedly. "So A In a furious rage strode up to Constable and shouted: "'Constable, you're a humbug. I never asked for your opinion about my picture, yet you came to me and praised It You said that especially you liked my sky. Then at once you go off and tell some one else that my sky Is like putty.' "Constable listened, with a smile. He was not at all confused. "'My dear fellow, you don't under stand.' be said; '1 like putty.'" Los Angeles Times. A Fresh Start A girl came in and sat In frout of them at tbe play, she and ber escort "What a lovely profile!' said he. "Beautiful! Delicate little upturned nose, small mouth, deep, pretty eyes! Isn't she beautiful-beautiful?' "Beautiful." said she. "but not half so much so as the man she Is with. Isn't be tbe handsomest chap you ever saw? Look at bis color, bis mus tache, bis lovely bead of hair. So many men are bald or beginning to be bald. I do love to see a fine bead of hair ou a mau." "You know." be whimpered, "it al ways makes me sore to speak of peo ple beginning to be bald, and you know why." "Will you let up on the pretty profile It I cut out the bald head?" she asked. "Yes," said be. "All right." said she. New York Press. ern to Starve. Many years ago an American natu ralist, Dana, discovered ou the surface of tbe sea a little aultnal of so singu lar a character that he named It "monstrilla." It Is a small crustacean akin to tbe cyclops so common In ponds. But while the latter are fur nished with all that is necessary to capture and digest their food, the mon strilla has neither apparatus for selz lug prey nor any digestive tube. It Is richly provided with muscles, nervous system and organs of sense; it lacks only what Is necessary to prolong life by aUmentatiou. Tbe monstrilla Is doomed, therefore, to uatural death. Exchange. An Odd Wish. A student ut a techicul school In Boston who bad too frequently asked leave of absence offered ou one occa sion as a reason the necessity of at tending the funeral of a cousin. "Well." said tbe doubting instructor. "I suppose I must let you go. but I do wish It were a nearer relative." Lip plncott's. Joyful. "I should like some rather Joyful hosiery." sakl tbe slangy young man. "Yes. sir. How about a check?" said the brisk haberdasher, thinking of what always brought most Joy to him self. Buffalo Express. His Closeness. Visitor I saw your husband In the crowd downtown today. In fact, he was so close that 1 could have touched him. Hostess That's strange. At home be Is so close that nobody can touch him. Puck. Experience Joined with common sense to mortals Is a providence Green. Got It Mixed. An amusing blunder was made In the case of a Judicial declaration that certain resident magistrates "could no more state a case than tbey could write a Greek ode." This was made to read that the mag istrates "could no more state a cast than they could ride a Greek tost" London Scrape. No Barrier. Miss Playne You can't marry Jack because I'm engaged to him. Miss Faire West's that got to do with it? St Louis Post-Dispatch. THE oolumb m RACES Will be held JUNE 21-22 23 4,500.00 IN PURSES Bitt and Better Than Ever targe Purses Geed Races Columbus BASEBALL The Gentle Side of the Game as Seen by a Humorist I have seen a quiet little Sunday afternoon game of baseball In which every man on either side told every man on bis own aud the other side Just what be thought of his character. One captain, says Ellis Parker lditler in Success Magazine, began by telling his pitcher what he thought of him and ordered bim off tbe Held, and the pitcher remarked that if he had a catcher who knew how to catch a ball once every week or so he would be able to use some siteed. This seem ed to displease the catcher, and he remarked in uo gentle tones about the pitcher's general ability aud the short sightedness of a captain who would have such a man ou his uine. This gave pleasure to the opposing nine. aud they showed It by appropriately guying remarks and were taken to task by tbe nine men of the other side. The 200 spectators who gathered to see tbe ball game then told both nines what they thought of them and were given to understand that not a man ou either nine cared a faded flg for An hour later the umpire went home or in tbe direction of home, but tho two captains were still discharging their men. 1 have seen one stout catcher discharged eight times in one seven-Inning game, during which pe riod he resigned four times of his own accord. The Problem. Howell What are you trying to fig ure out? Powell-How long It takes my wife's age to pass u given point New York Press. What makes life dreary Is want of motive. George Eliot rABfJswCS' ffW,sMMMGc9Zr jrejBay Better Plumbing AT ANY homes should than they now tried not only to do better plumbing than we ever did before, but better than any body else can do. The vol- ume of work we are now doing shows how we are suc ceeding. We use only genuine 09bm64 plumbing fixtures and employ only experienced workmen. Our repair ing Service is prompt and reliable. I A. DU&SELL, & SON. Ml Columbus, Club THE MATTERH0RN. Its Pointed Peak and the Wonderful View It Unfolds. There are very few Alplue peaks so pointed as the Mutter horn. Some as. for Instance. Mont Blanc are merely large lumps of frozen suow. but the .Matterhorn is quite pointed uud thin, composed of a ridge formed by a per pendicular wall of rock ou one side and a very steep rocky slope ou the other, a slope which after going a few yards at an incline breaks off sharp into a precipice. When ou the top. therefore, one Is absolutely perched up betweeu heaven and earth. Xever before have I seen .j much space around and below me. It is wonderful. Immense, unreal. The panorama unfolded to the eyes is a su perb one. au Inextricable mass ofl peaks Itosa. the Urelthoru. the Corn bin. Mont Wane, the Juugfrau aud others. There at our feet lies Zermutt. seemingly u tiny toy village, where wo cau Imagine the tourists paying their franc to the telescope mau to look at us. These good folk do not dream of the great dliliculty we have In keep lug our feet because of the wind. Alas, it is so cold and tbe position such a precarious one that about ten minutes after our arrival we are com pelled to turn our steps toward tbe descent, which ou tbe Alps is much more to be dreaded than tbe ascent. -Wide World .Magazlue. The End In View. Ella Win d you let him call you by your first name? Stella I want to encourage him to help me get rid of my last name -Judge. Never educate a child to be a gentle man or a lady alone, but to be a man. a woman. Herbert Spencer. '2Sf' have better bath rooms have. We have always Nebraska Driving S?M?$ BaK. V MMMMMMW s VfiSjvifeJrf ii J V (SMMMl -- s-jJImmB i ' i lk ZsbTbTbTsT " t'JMMVt i