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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1910)
i :,i v Hit H 0 Ii I I I: . Il- J COLLMBIIS JOURNAL Tit bonze cozailtice msuit a r2 tif change In t-e aacjtnlstratfoa's re-i road MM. J'retidect Tail's congressional pro- TOOTHER & aTOCKWELL. Pubs. MEBRASKA ram ,K a'T' co niaxu certain of beisg czttWA out. COLUMBUt NEWSNOTES CONDENSED A Itiliig Btwa tf the Here In ptrtMt Erato Here ail There Prvtnter Asi!ih announr-d Jn the hwitii ut vtuimunr. that the resolutions wttwrulntf the htran: ut lord which ir- to : xubmitte'l by the govern ment oa March 2'j would Include a JroiaJ ,rr Khortenln;; th; (Juration of parliament. iir. IytytU-n. the Prewh scieritUt. rl Captain Van tanKenduuck of the Jieli5ia.11 army fought a duel at the Mo oodrorue at Nice, franc-. At the fceconrJ attack fr. fyjyden pricked the apialu't right forearm, whereupon the xecondx ytojjjx-d the combat. The duellfcbi were reconciled. VeauviuK has auddenly heroine act 1ve again. There have been eruption for the paat twenty-four hours of f-.torji-a and a.Lex, this being accom panied by internal detonation Sev eral flHisurea have opened, from which xaaex and lava are emerging in great quantities. Th- department of Justice will ac rept Die offer made by I'Jerre Carven. proiiecu bir of Hudson county. New Jersey, to furnish the government evidence, he hax on hand In the beef truat :aae and hah ank-d hJm to for ward Ut Washington routes of the Indictments recently round there. A new bill providing for the erec tion of Ani'-rl'-an emh;iKKl-a abroad wuH reported by J(epr-entatlve Low den from the foreign affairs commit tee The bill, which takes the place of the one defeated on the iloor of the house bint Wednesday . provides n limit of lir.0.000 for any one build ing. Including ground and furnish- Itlgli. A company of dlntlr)gu!:in-d Urlt uis. with many American residents, gave a bnu(uet Jn ivindon to Former Vice President Charier. V. Fairbanks under the MiiHpleea of the I'llgrlm so- clety. The Karl of Halnbury presided despite bin eighty-four yearn and talked eloquently of Hunker Hill and Anglo-American friendship of late days. The npei-eh of the evening was made by Mr. Falrbanku. V. L. Parka of the Union Pacific hats Lees elected vice president of the IliioolK Centra. J The department of Justice bars ac , epted PromVjr Carven'jj offer t " aend erldence on the beef trust. I Kesator liurketi nays he is coafi ' dent of re-eJer-tlon and will depend 1 upon tfte ranlr file of the party. ! Nicholas Tzchaikovjiky wa acquit j ted and Madame lireahkovj-.kaya sen I tenced to exile. In St. Petersburg. ! Three of the defendants with Ma bray In Council liluttf. pleaded guilty , and tow may luru Ktale'n evidence. I The taking of teitimony was con cluded in the trial of Tiicaaikovsky and Madame Ifreghkoiskaya Jn St. Pe . ten burg. I All railroads In Nebraska received a total revenue ut ow-r $50,000,000 for freight and passenger service during the yt-.r VjH'J. Ceneral Kf.trada, the head of thi Nicaraguan revolutionary fax-lion, iz now fatly to accept any reasonable terrnK aK a ha.) Ik for peace. Two hundrfrd Kansas editor?, and their wlve were banqueted at Wichita a, the cloalng event of the Kantaa Ktaf: editorial axitociatlon. More than G.000 steerage panKenxem have jift Southarnptrjn for the United States within a fortnight, breaking all record. Kvery utearner has taken her full capacity. Announcement was made that the American league baseball park a JJroadway and 105th street will be offered at once for private sale. It Ik Intended to cut It uu into 150 city lots. The ground lx valued at about $1,700,000. Only one of the large cities of th country. Chicago, khowed ko large an JncreaHe In the postal receipt?, at the postlofficeK ax did Kanxax City, ac cording to the flgurex for February. Pat Crowe Ik In Jail at Clinton. la., charged with an offense of Intoxica tion. Crowe lx widely known ax the alleged kidnaper of young Cudahy. :At-a. "lack" Cudahy. whose hus band attacked Hanker Jere Lllllx at MO BOY CRIED, WOMEN WEFT. M-ity WmM Ht Tempt UHd Om- tors to Accept an Incarafel Case. His last hope gone, little Harrj Brocksuui of North Platte broke down and cried while women wept 1b sympathy and strong men silently wiped away tears. The boy, who Is 15 years old, had come all the way to Omaha to see Dr. Ben W. Kinsey, chief of staff of the United Doctors. Henry was suffering from partial paralysis. .Am j to a fall down stairs, and as many doctors had treated him and all bad failed to cure, his last hope was centered In his faith In the great specialist. The boy had been carried up the steps on his father's shoulder and on account of bis weakened condition, other waiting patients gave up tbelr turn In order that the poor boy might consult the specialist at once. After the boy bad been thoroughly exam ined Dr. Klneey placed his hand upon i the little fellow's head and turning to. the father said: "1 am very sorry that it is not within my power to cure your boy, but such is the case and therefore I will not treat him.' The father then offered to pay a large sum for treatment in the hope that eren If the boy could not be cured be might be benefited, but the specialist remained firm, explaining that the boy's condition was due to a Reformed condition of the spine and was incur able by medical treatment. As Harry was being carried through the waiting room he realized that his last hope was blotted out and it was then that he broke down and cried and the waiting patients wept in sympathy. The little fellow bright ened up enough to shake hands with Dr. Kinsey and thank him for the free examination and say he was glad there was one doctor honest enough not to take his papa's money when they could do hhn no good. A reporter who was in the waiting room at the time asked If many such pathetic scenes were enacted there. The answer was that they are com mon, as the doctor never accepts a case for treatment unless he feels sure that he can effect a complete cure. He wants a clean record of cures for only on Huch a foundation can THEGOIKEBILL BOTH HOUSES WILL DI2ATZ IT THIS WEEK. THERE IS WOE DIFFERENCES Changes cWjll Be Made arid. There Will Be Little Resemblance When the Conference Acts. Utirtl an finnrtnmiii m. t.. In K--.nx.-tx City, said that she had re-Ka,ned .... ur, u.u Qsnaral. Trade or the country has Its draw backs, but the spring outlook Is i;ood. Champ (Hark, the leader of the minority In the bonne of representa tives, received congratulation on hix adxtlcth birthday. Motive jMiwer on many railroad xys leiitH hax been put In bad shape by the severe winter. The poutnl iiavlngx bank bill ix destined to lilumher for a time in a house committee. The home of .lohn P. Cudnhy at Kansaii City, was the scene of a sen sational affray and urrests. Laudx embraced In the Hello Fourcho irrigation project of South Dakota an; noon to be thrown open: During the funeral or Senator Piatt In New York from 10 to 12 o'clock the United States Cxpress ofllce wau cloned. Huddled down In their abandoned Mlclgh. two women and a little child were round frozen to death lu South Dakota. Meat prices have advanced In all the principal consuming arid pro ducing sections of the world, accord ing to statistics. ICnrlco Caruso, the tenor. Is quaking with something worse tliau stage rrlght. The black hand has demand ed $ir.,(M)0 or his lire in two succes wive letters. Representative Smith of Iowa In troduced it bill authorizing the ex penditure of $75.0110 for the construc tion or it federal building at Iteil Oak. la. The government already owns u ultc In that town. The Cermaii geographical society has decided lo send out a South polar discovery expedition mid no coutest with the United Stales and Crcat Ilrl tain In the race through the Ant arctic. Hclmont lirowu'ii expedition to Mount McKlnley In an effort to reach the top, where Dr. Conk Ha Id lie left records, will leave Tacoma on May :j. The governor of Nebraska will par don no more persons who sell "near beer" now that a new Interpretation of the law has been made: by the su preme court. Montgomery Ward or Chicago was seriously Injured lu an automobile ac cident at I .oh Angeles. Ills left shoulder watt broken when he roll from the tomieau of the machine. Victims of the Wellington. Wash., avalanche are now thought to runn ier a hundred. Senator Heverhlge Introduced a bill providing for the permaiu'itt retention by the government or the Alaskan coal lauds. The Nebraska plan of distributing need to farmers from the experiment tutluus prevents monopoly prices. The burning of a cotton warehouse -reived scores of offers to go on the stage, but had declined thern all. Three men were killed and seven were seriously Injured In the collapse of a brick wall, left standing as the ruins of a fire which destroyed the boltworks or M. Iinz & Sons on the south side at Pittsburg, Pa., early Tuesday morning. Twenty workmen were burled in the debris, most of whom were foreigners. itobbcra dynamited the safe or the liank or Kdna, Kansas, securing an amount estimated at $3,000. and escaped on a handcar arter exchang ing shots with a number of citizens. One or the cltl.enH was shot, but it Ik believed not seriously wounded. Wacntngton. Internal commerce movements for the month of January. 1910. according to statistics of the department of com merce and labor showed heavy move ments of coal and coke In the east. Two Chippewa Indian chiefs who came to Washington the other day from Orr. Minn., to ask congress for addi tional land for the Pols Forte Indian reservation, were asphyxiated by il luminating gas in their lodging house. The bill creating a court ut patents was passed by the senate. It author izes a bench or live members. The chh-r Justice woirid be nominated by the president and to serve for life and the other four Justices to be selected by the chief Justice or the United Stales supreme court rrom among the circuit and district court Judges of the country and to serve for six years. The sum of $2:' spent by the stale department last year in shoe ing norscs. was cmtracicrizcti as ex travagance by .Representatives Ham lin and Clark (Mo.) In the house. They railed, however, to have the ap propriation cut. "What should be said If we undertook to curtail the horseshoeing bill of the secretary of state, whom we intrust with even the great question of whether we shall go to war?" Inquired Mr. Mann (III.) derisively. The po.Htofllcc appropriation nil!, carrying appropriations aggregating $211,000,000 passed in the house, while the senate disposed or the agricultural bill with total appropriations or ;., liOO.OOU. The senate was in session three hours, the house about live. Colonel William If. Ilixby. chair man of the Mississippi river com mission, was examined by the senate committee on commerce relative to the Improvements proposed for the Missouri river from .Sioux City to SL IjmiIh or Kansas Cit;- to St. Louis. All day long every clay the waiting rooms of the wonderful United Doc tors' institute on the second floor of the Neville block, at the corner of 16th and Harney streets, is crowded with sick people waiting to be cured. PREACH GOSPEL OF HEALTH Plan to Have One Sermon on Sunday, April 24, Devoted to Scourge of Tuberculosis. Following campaigns against con sumption that have been carried on In the churches of hundreds of cities, and sermons on tuberculosis that have been preached before thousands of con gregations during the past year, a movement has been started by the Na tional Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis to estab lish a iermanent tuberculosis Sunday, on which it Is hoped that every one of the .'13.000.000 church-goers in the United States will bear the gospel of health. This year the Sunday selected Is April 24. It Is planned that on April 24 tuberculosis senflbns shall be preached in all the churches of the country. Literature will be distributed to members of the congregations, and In every way an effort will be made to teach that tuberculosis Is a dangerous disease and that it can be prevented and cured. Clergymen who desire to obtain ad ditional Information in regard to tu berculosis will be able to secure litera ture from state and local antl-tubcrcu-losls associations und boards of health, as well as from the national association. Cause of the Increase. Coing downtown the other morning in the street car Judge Held looked up rrom his newspaper. "I see that tho publisher of Anybody's makes the claim that his magazine has a larger circulation than yours," he remarked to the proprietor or the Karth Monthly. "Well. :1'h my fault If It has," snap ped thi! other; "like a fool, I've been letting him run one of his ads. in the Karth." Chicago News. "Washington. A!:hou-h identical when introduced in the two houzc3 of congrets. it 13 now evident that the measures to create a court ol commerce and amend ihe interstate commerce laws will bear l!...Ij re semblance ;o C2ch other when ;se deliberations of the two bediea have been concluded. In the house com mittee many or the 'administration theories In resard to the Issuing of stocks and bands and the merging o.f con-competing lines have been shat tered and the end is sat in sight so far. although already much ca:ended the assault. on the bl will continue on the flosr. While the opposition to the admin istration till was not s.ran? enough to amend the bili In comrnktcc. it i now conceded that several important changes will he forced on the floor. The debate on the bill will begin either Monday or Tuesday. Senator Cummins will open the discussion in support of certain changes advocatcc in the minority, report of the senate committee. He may ar.eak for sev eral days. Practically all or the "Insurgent" senators will speak on the railroad bill and there will be many speeches also from the democratic side. No one estimates that the debate will be finished in less than six weeks and some senators predict that much more time will be consumed. An effort will be made by the house committee on Interstate commerce to report the bill this week and It is probable therefore that debate on the same subject v.i!I proceed simultane OHuly at both ends of the capioil. This would create a very unusual situation. Statehood legislation, which has passed the house, and postal savings bank legislation, which has passed the senate, hav beeen sidetracked for the administration railroad bill. The postal bank bill. In view of the fact that hearings have been ordered by the house committee on postof flees and post roads, will not reach the floor for several weeks, and In all probability not until the present session draws near a close. Regardless of the fact thai the pos tal bank bill, the anti-injunction meas ure, statehood legislation and the ad ministration conservative measures are all a part of the administration program, there is not apparent any where a positive force pushing them for consideration. If the debate on the railroad bill lags to the extent that has been freely predicted, it may require a presidential message to in still new life lit the other features of the executive program. In the house there are pending many matters that will call out sharp debate, and there is a disposition on the part of many member to let some of them go by the board. These include the Mondell bill to NE8IASJCA HAPPENINGS. State News and Notes hi Condensed Form. talking of establishing an acety?rt gas plant. The w. C. T. U. of Wysaore la wag ing an active campaign against pool halls. The Fanners bank of Sutherland has organized with a paid up capital stock of $10,000. A dry' ticket for village trestees of Hickman will be nominated by the anti-saloon caucus. Fanners about Lyons are busy tak ing the corn oat of the fields that could not be gathered last fall. Henry H. Verrell. a resident of Saunders county for over forty years, was found dead In his home in Mem phis Tuesday. Death was due to apo plexy. At a recent meeting of the city council at Beatrice, .the city attorney was instructed to draw up an ordin ance condemning and appropriating about twenty-one lots on the west side of the river for park purposes.. The Workmen of Table Rock have recently leased, for a term of years. the upper story of the Buerstetta block, which they have fitted up into a commodious lodge and dining room, for the use of the lodge. E. K. Wilkins. superintendent of construction of the postoffice at Grand Island, has been ordered by the su pervising architect to take up his work on the postoffice at Kearney, the change to take place the lath of this month. The city council of Weeping Water has granted a franchise to an electric light company. A plant will be placed here and the power will be used for lighting and for manufacturing pur poses, and will be transmitted to the nearby towns of Avoca. Louisville and Nehawka. A pet squirrel that has bitten sev eral persons during the past month attacked Mrs. C. A. Sweet of Palmyra, fastening itself to her hands and bit ing her quite seriously. The animal A GOOD COUCH MIXTURE. imale Heme-Made Remedy That Is Free from Opiates and Harm ful Druse. An effective remedy that will nsu ally break up a cold In twenty-four hours, la easily made by mixing to gether In n largo bottle two ounces of Glycerine, a half-oanee of Virgin OH of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. This mix ture will cure any cough "that Is cur- lue. and is not expensive as it makes enough to last the average family an entire year. Virgin Oil of Pine com pound pure is prepared only In the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co, Cincinnati, a AWFUL rr -ni m 5iyJrnTFrY 1D6ET US 6OT10AI EFFECTS $YWJPpGS MANUFACTURED BY THE SOU) BV ALL LEADING One Size oniy. 50A6om First Fisherman Well, what did rou do with the new net? Second Fisherman Drove the fish 'in seine." TINY BABY'S PITIFUL CASE was killed and its head at once for warded to the Pasteur Institute at Chicago. The Fremont Commercial club has made arrangements to operate a ferry across the Platte river Immediately south or the city pending the comple tion of repairs on the bridge. The ferry i3 to be large enough to accom modate a dozen people at once and is to be attached to a hevy wire cable. Members of the state normal board met in Kearney Wednesday and after a discussion decided that the contract for the north wing of the state normal school should be awarded to W. F. Crossley of that city instead of Knut zen & Isdell. The latter firm refused to sign their contract, although they were the lowest bidders on the addi tion. At a meeting of the Scandinavian Insurance company of Swede Home, the policyholders voted to move the headquarters from Swede Home to Stromsburg. This insurance company was established in Swede Home about twenty-five years ago and was consti tuted then of only a few farmers in that locality, and is now becoming an extensive institution. Buffalo county will get through the inheritance tax law ::.874 from the (Jeorge Mcisner estate now being set tled in county court. The Interest en this amount will be added and will go to the county. The entire value or this estate was appraised at over $G0'J.000. The money received by the county will go toward the improve ment of public highways. An out-of-door camp for sick babies will be added to Omaha's philan- "Our baby when two months old ! was suffering with terrible eczema from head to foot, all over her body. The baby looked Just like a skinned rabbit. We were unable to put clothes on her. At first it seemed to be a few mattered pimples. They would break the skin and peel off leaving the un derneath skin red as though it were scalds. Then a few more pimples would appear and spread all oVer the body, leaving the baby all raw without skin from head to foot On top of her head there appeared a heavy scab a quarter of an inch thick. It was aw ful to see so small a baby look as she ild. Imagine! The doctor was afraid to put his hands to the child. WeJ tried several .doctors' remedies hut all railed. "Then we decided to try Cutlcura. By using the Cutlcura Ointment we softened the scab and it came off. Un der this, where the real matter was. by washing with the Cutlcura Soap and applying the Cutlcura Ointment, & new skin soon appeared. We also gave baby four drops of the Cutlcura Resolvent three times daily. After three days you could see the baby gaining a little skin which would peel off and heal underneath. Now the baby Is four months old. She is a fine picture of a fat little baby and all Is well. We only used one cake of Cutl cura Soap, two boxes of Cutlcura Oint ment and one bottle of Cutlcura Re solvent If people would know what Cutlcura Is there would be few suffer ing with eczema. Mrs. Joseph Koss mann. 7 St John's Place, Ridgewood heights, N.Y.. Apr. 30 and May 4, '09." 9 No Joke. "if an old maid says 'No' when he promises. Is she playing the coquette?" "No. nhe'H playing the fool!" Cleve land Lender. Personal The house committee refused to re ward Commander Peary In the ab sence of proof of his discovery. Kx-Senator Piatt or New York died rrom diabetes. 1oiiIh Klopsch. editor or the Chris tian Herald. Is dead. Representative iliushaw of Nebras ka dec-linen to commit hi nisei r iih to his candidacy for re-election to con Kress. In n brief filed In the supreme court Former Senator Foraker attacks the constitutionality or the corporation tax law. Thw president may use his Influence with the house to enact into the sen ate postal Having bank bill a feature hu asked for. Congressman Klnkaid unnotified caused a loss of $385,000 at New j timt he will be a candidate for re-elec tion lu the Sixth congressional dia lled ford. Mass A Dallas. Tex., mob Invaded a court room and lynched a negro. It Is now estimated that 225 men were killed lu the Tlsluu and Pa tapa (Nicaragua) battles. Portland. Ore., has been made the gateway of all the llnrrimau lines. Tho Morgan (Jiw.cnlielm syndicate explained L' n seiiatu committee its activity lu .Alaska. Klglitlur. -tas been tesiimd between rovcrntnctif lorces and Insurgciitu lu Nicaragua. trlct in Nebraska The trials of Tsrhalkovaky and Mme. nroshgovskaya will begin soon in St. Petersburg behind closed doors. Philadelphia strikers and the police department are Tar apart in their es timates of the number of men on strike. United States Senator Hoar. prc. sumubly reflecting on wishes or Pre sident '1'aft. has taken active charge of the situation in the republican j,ar tv In New York state. WHAT'S THE USE Sticking to a Habit When It Means Discomfort? Old King Coffee knocks subjects out tolerably flat at times, and there Is no possible doubt or what did it. A Mich, woman gives her experience: "I used to have liver trouble nearly all or the time and took medicine which relieved me only for a little while. Then every once in u while I Mould be suddenly doubled up with an awful ;jgony in my stomach. It seemed as though every time I took a breath I would die. No one could suffer any more and live. "Finally I got down so sick with catarrh of the stomach that I could not turn over In bed. and my stomach did not digest even milk. The doctor finally told me that If I did not give up drinking coffee 1 would surely die, but I felt I could not give It up. "However, Husband brought home a package of Posturn and It was made strictly according to directions. It was the only thing that would stay on my stomach, and I soon got so I liked It very much. 'Gradually I began to get better, and week by week gained in strength and health. Now I am In perfect condi tion, and I am convinced that the whole cause of my trouble was coffee drink ing, and my getting better was due to 'caving off coffee and drinking Postum. "A short time ago I tasted some offce and found, to my astonishment, hat I did not care anything abouflt I lever have to take medicine any nore. I hope yon will uso this letter or the benefit 'of those suffering from !ie poisonous effects of coffee." Head the little book. "The Road to ellville." in pfcgs. "There's a Reason." i:vrr rrrnl tUr- nkore Irlf.-rf A aew ntnr-r from tlm to tlmr. Tfcrj- ci-nmac, irt:r, nun lull ur c-rr.-.r. permit the homestead entry of the i l,,rol,lR provision this summer. The surrace of coal lands, which would In volve 20.000 or more acres; ship sub sidy, a subject filled with oratorical dynamite; the construction or two battleships, which may Jie a feature of the naval hill, and the question of authorizing the Issuance of certi ficates of indebtedness or bonds to the amount or,n0l) to complete reclamation projects. Spanish School Riots. Saragossa. Spain. A meeting of Catholics, held to protest against the lay schools, culminated in serious street lighting. The police were forced to use their weapons freely to re store order and several persons were hurt. Mr. Hitchcock for Senator. Washing ton. Congressman Hitch cock or Nebraska has put forth a for mal declaration as candidate for tho U. S. senate. His name will go be fore the oters in the state-wide pri maries in August. Another Avalanche. Seattle. Wash. It is reported that an avalanche at Wellington, the scene of the Great Northern disaster in which more than 100 lives were lost two weeks ago. has buried a rotary snow plow and two engines with their crews. Germs on Money . Washington. Germs 92.000.000 of them of manifold variety were found on a (1-bill microscopically examined at the request of Representative Wiley (N. J.), according to his state ment before the house committee on banking and currency la support of his bill to provide clean currency by burning all paper money returned to the treasury. Among the many dis eases found to be circulating about this .money were smallpox, scarlet fever, typhoid, tuberculosis and diphtheria. Memory ef Nawtherne. 8alem. Mass. The memory of Nathaniel Hawthorne, whose writings aroused much antagonism toward him here generations ago. Is to be honored by citizens of Salem, the Civic league having planned to erect a bronze memorial. A statue or the author, designed by Bela L. Pratt of Boston, will probably be accepted by the committee. It will cost about $30,000. which is to be subscribed for publicly. An effort will also be made by the Civic leasue to purchase Ihe birthplace of .he writer visiting nurse association is behind the project which it hopes to make a reality by the time warm weather conies. It is planned to secure some shady, grassy plot within easy access or the car lines and not too far out. and there to install an open air nur sery where the babies of working women and other tots who might not otherwise be able to have the pure out door air necessary, may be brought and cared for by trained nurses during the day. A kitchen will be equipped where the right kind of focd may be prepared and provision may also be made for housing temporarily delicate little ones whose homes do not afford the care their health requires. Through the generosity of T. B. Hord. Nebraska Central college, the Central City Quaker institution of learning is to he provided with a school of agriculture if the terms' of that gentleman's gift are met by the friends of the college. Mr. Hord has donated $f,000 toward a school of agri culture in case $5,000 more is raised by the college, his gift having been announced by the trustees of the col lege last week. It has been the pur pose of the college trustees for a long time to eventually add an agricultural department to the institution, as there is a strong demand in this part of the state for an institution where young men and women may receive training in scientific farming and this will now be provided. Mrs. W. G. Van Ness, an old resi dent of Beatrice, is in a serious condi tion from the effects of a fall which she sustained. She slipped on a brick sidewalk, dislocating her hip joint. As she is seventy-three years of age. fears are entertained for her recovery. Columbus has voted $13,000 bonds for the erection of a new city hall. The proposition carried by a vote of C97 for to 78 against. As the new building will also be headquarters for the fire department the members of that or ganization worked all day for the bonds. The $10,000 water works ex tension 'bonds also carried. , The work on the new federal build ing at Kearney is going on rapidly. With the warm weather great head way has been made and the force of workmen is being increased as rapidly as the men can be secured. Seme de lay will occur on account of material that has been condemned by the gov ey.mcnt Inspector. The huge sand stone pillars were found defective. The Inspector discovered that some holes were filled up with cernen After chiseling out several holes hi ondemncd them and they will bave-tt "e replaced before tLs building is fir. shed. An Easy Job. "Do you think that you can make ray daughter happy?" asked Mr. Cum rox. "She has been happy with you, hasn't she?" rejoined the confident youth. "I think so. sir." "Well, If she's that easy to please there ought to be no difficulty." The Wise Doc "The doctor has ordered me to eat only the plainest food." "For how long?" "Till 1 have paid his till. I guess." Beautiful Post Cards Free. Send 4c stamps for flvc samples of our very best Gold und Silk Finish Birthday. Flower and Motto Post Cards; beautiful colors and loveliest designs. Art Post Card Club. 792 Jackscn at.. Topeka. Kan. LowOne-Way Rates to California In effect daily March 1 to April 15 Good on the comfortable tourist sleepers of the Union Pacific Southern Pacific Thm Safe Road to Travel Dqstless, perfect track electric block signal pro tection dining car meals and service "Best in the World' t For further information call on or address E.T.LOMAX.G.F.A. "If the shoe nts, wear it," Is a time worn saying, but with a woman if the shoe fits she takes it back because it is too big. P'LES CUKKD IN S TO 14 1AYH. PAZO OINTMKM'lKn:iranti-il to rnrr any ram r licbloir. Illlnd. Wording ur lnitradiBMlile la toUdaysurmonry refunded. Hkt Fear not iest tby Hie come to an end ; but rather lest it never had a be ginning. N'cwman. far- The Wretchedness of Constipation CsasKUykemoMesy Mrs. IVInslow'a Koothlajc Svrap. Foreblldri-n U-ethlnif. Mtf trim tin; icunio. rntnert In mmniitlonlUyi poin.curga wind colic. Jjcau.lllc. It's never too late to mend until It Is too late. Lewis Single Hinder, the famous straight oc cigar annual Kale 9,.10t,)(W. To enjoy love or sausages one must have a lot of confidence. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER NLLS. Pwely act mely aad feaayoauM hvct. vJare Bwhitm, Head-acne. Oizzj. veaetabla .aBaM LHfiLOTFiH VfflTTU r m aw ek .JVf PILLS. -iM i k -d Imfrufos. They do tfcew fer. Small PuT. Saull Dm. SataO Pric GENUINE aw bear i araJ:5alllllMllllfrlMa'yijrJ BVVVvf8HRBTiBawfllHHHHBSB''r 'i"H H Cured by Electropodes H H Kev EtocMc TnMml. U-HAtmUtt buiu I Bf takb then. Sod? titrniti ausactarnm the rt cenaccSngvlrei. Postth can tar RheonuSUm. 11 LU NewIUa. Backache. Kldaey aad LNer com- I J mm ptelma. OelySl.COnate. Caanatee slae4 with H n eachulc IlEJfctrcpnIrahUtactiic Boaerrv- H fjj toraed. II am at ytnt Pemaafa wad b 11.00. rJ I Wa wia aw that yaa aw mpillii. KaaBctrwttB Ml ft Eft Water W. N. U., OMAHA. NO. 12-1910. r JW OMI.BM(Mtp.yiigafiTiMff8'rc We are obliged to enlarge our ptaat, dne to the It-crease in busim, aad offerthe above stock to these seektes; tevestments. For partlctnaw address GREAT WESTERN PORTLAND CEMENT CO. aS?tSf au. AXLE GREASE is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try" a box. Every dealer, everywhere STANDARD OIL CO. tfacorpo rated) MICA A -r .- sr -