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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1910)
h COLIMBDS JOURNAL ST TROTHER ft STOCKWELL. Pub COLUMBUS ' - NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK CONDENSATIONS OF GREATER OR LESSER IMPORTANCE. A B0ILIN6 DOWN OF EVENTS National, Political, Personal and Other Matters In Brief Form for All Classes of Readers. It is unofficially reported In Nica ragua that CapL Godfrey Fowler, for merly of the United States army, who commanded General Chamerro's ar tillery in the engagement at Tisma on Tuesday, has died from his wounds. A Kpecial committee of scientists is making an investigation to ascer tain the stability of the leaning tower at Pisa, Italy, from the foundation of which water has been springing for a long time. This has resulted, it is said, in weakening the uuderstructure of the historic tower. Meetings of anti-clericals, who seek the reopening of the lay schools and rival meetings of Catholics in op position to the movement, were held in many parts of Spain. At Uilbao. rioting followed a Catholic meeting and the police charged the crowd, several persons being wounded. Many arrests were made. The reply of the French government to Secretarj' Knox's proposal for the neutralization of the Manchurian rail ways, wliich was communicated to Washington two weeks ago, follows the lines already indicated in the news dispatches, namely, that France de fers to the attitude of Russia and Japan as the parties most interested in the matter. The news of the resignation of the former Persian ministry because of its inability to bring about the with drawal of the Russian troops from Persia and because of its objections to the terms of the Anglo-Russian loan, is not believed in St. Petersburg. Information is to tin effect that the Persian parliament proposed to raise funds through the sale of the crown jewels. General. President Taft wants action by congress, not words, words, words. The Central Iibor Union of Phila delphia voted to go out on sympa thetic strike. The burning of a cotton warehouse -aused a loss of oS5,000 at New IScdford, Mass. A grandson of Ole Hull, the famous Norwegian violinist, is said to be lo cated in Omaha. It is now estimated that 22J men were killed in the Tisina and Pa lapa (Nicaragua) battles. Russian officials say that China is arming against Russia and profess to believe that war is possible within a decade. The annual report of Secretary Royse of the Nebraska banking '.luard shows an average loss of only It; cents on state and national bank deposits of $1,000. Secretary MacVeagh was present it a recent meeting of the cabinet, the first time in two weeks on ac count of illness. Secretary Nagel says $100,000 a year in stamping out the white slave traffic will be money well spent. The Cuban congress adjourned un til April 4. No legislation of any im portance was accomplished, during the late session. A fit of sneezing saved Harry It. Sell, a well known Trenton man. from being electrocuted when a live wire fell just above his head. Massachusetts has been aroused to the fact that greater safeguards are needed for her treasuries. The Nova Scotia legislature as sembled in regular session and was opened with the customary cere monial. Count Anton Segra. the Hungarian nobleman, who is to marry Miss Har riet Daly, daughter of Marcus Daly af Montana, reached New York. The wedding will take place after Easter. Tho venerable Colonel Gordon of Mississippi made his farewell address to the senate. His successor has been chosen. The government is preparing to in struct the Indian in farming. The grand jury at Jersey City re turned indictments against men 'iden tified with the big packing houses. Battling Nelson will take on "Cy rlone" Thompson for a forty-five round fight at San Francisco. A representative vi the English anti-slavery society statos that the slave trade still exists. D. E. Thompson ot Nebraska is pleased with the industrial outlook n Mexico where he i3 interested in railway development. Six people were killed in a snow slide in the Bitter Root mountains, Montana. The new British government suc cessfully overcame the initial attack of opposition forces. United States Marshall H. K. Love of Alaska arrived in Seattle on his way to Washington to testify before Ihe Ballinger-Pinchot -ommittee. A duel with pistols was fought at Vienna by two Austrian government officials. Dr. Oscar Mayer and Baron Hermann Widenofer. Mayer shot Videnofer dead. Representative Helm of Kentucky attacked the ship subsidy bill In vigorous speech. Omaha Indians In Thurston county, Nebraska, are to be placed on a new footing. The court of commerce feature was retained in the administration rail road bill. Rufus J. Lackland, president of the Boatman's hank, SL Louis, died, aged 00 years. Twenty-four are known to be dead in the avalanche in the Couer d'Alcne mining region. Insurgents of the house hope Rep resentative Hinshaw of Nebraska will stand for re-election. Representative Henry introduced a bill to compel the extradition of the beef barons to stand trial. J. G. Baeschlin holds that retailers are largely responsible for the higher cost of living these days. The senate passed the bill author izing the issuance of $30,000,000 worth of certificates for irrigation projects. A bill was introduced in the senate to form a Rockefeller foundation with headquarters probably in Washington. Senator Beveridge introduced u bill providing for the permanent retention by the government of the Alaskan coal lands. Mayor Shank announced that he will make an effort to have women appointed to the police force of In dianapolis. At Chicago Judge Landis sentenced a persistent violator of the oleo margarine law to six years in the penitentiary. Se$ato"r Brown, chairman of the senate committee on patents, made a favorable report on the bill creating a patent court of appeals. "The elastic man" has passed away at Boston. He was known in profes sional life as James Maurice. His right name was Tiiomas Holmes. Prof. Louis J. Moore, brother-in-law of President Taft, was elected dean of the college of liberal arts in the University of Cincinnati. Attorney General Thompson holds that Nebraska is not liable for $248, 000 damages said to have been inflict ed by a home rule mob in South Omaha. The bill granting right of way to a pipe line across the public lands of Arkansas for oil and gas from the fields of Oklahoma was favorably acted upon by the bouse committee on public lands. Louis Hilson. who in a fit of jeal ousy at Kansas City killed Mrs. Grace Gayou and then committed suicide, is believed to have attacked William M. Kinder, night watchman at an ice plant, to secure the revolver with which he shot the woman. Frank Sweetser, an American resi dent of Matagalpa, has visited Rear Admiral Kimball and protested against the forceful entry of his house by a Nicaraguan officer, who attempt ed to recruit his servant. Prophesies that the late meat boy cott would bring higher and not lower prices were realized in New York, when beef sold at $11 a hundred weight, wholesale; mutton at 17 cents a pound retail, pork loins at 1C cents and upwards and lambs at 22 cents. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF NEWS NOTES OP INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. IS ALL ABOUT OATS. BsssisMsaBBBB Results of Tests and the Rates of Sowing. ALLSUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit ical and Other Matters Givesi Due Consideration. Wasnington. President Taft has sent to the sen ate the nomination of Howard C. Hol lister to be United States Judge for the Seventh district of Ohio. Nicholas Longworth. representative from Ohio and son-in-law of ex-Presi-de't Roosevelt denied that he had any knowledge of the "hellish plot." as he called it. between ex-President Roosevelt. Former Senator Foraker and himself to carry Ohio for the re publican ticket, naming himself for governor, and Foraker for senator. Charles B. Brooker, republican na tional committeeman from Connecti cut and millionaire brass manufac turer, it was reported here offered, on behanl of great corparation of the country, to take up the government treasury deficit if the publicity feature of the corporation tax law was eradi cated. Colonel William H. Bixby. chair man of the Mississippi river com mission, was examined by the senate committee on commerce relative to the improvements proposed for the Missouri river from Sioux City to St. Louis or Kansas City to SL Louis. Declining to take advantage of the pardon given him by President Taft, Thomas Taylor, sentenced in this city to fifteen years in the Atlanta peni tentiary for the murder of his wife, will remain as one of the "trustees" of the institution during his long in carceration. A dinner in honor of President Taft by Secretary Wilson of the depart ment of agriculture was described by the attendant guests as 'one of the most beautiful dinners ever given in Washington." Personal! Jose Domingo de Obaldia, presi dent of Panama, is dead. J. Pierpont Morgan has arrived at Naples in good health. Secretary Wilson and Mr. Pinchot clashed before the senate committee. An American tariff commission will try to settle differences with Canada. War is to be waged upon souvenir postcards which ridicule the Irish race. colonel Roosevelt, during his hunt along the Nile, killed two bulls, and one cow of the giant kind. President Failleries received Charles W. Fairbanks at the Elysee palace In Paris. Sixty years of married life together without a harsh word is the record claimed by Oliver Ross and his wire of Spokane, Wash. Colonel Bixby of the Mississippi "Test your seed corn" is cow the slogan all along the Nebraska line. Rural mail carriers of Red Willow county have formed an organization. The Presbyterians of Dunbar will soon erect a new church. Governor Shallenberger spoke at Geneva on "Patriotic Citizenship" to a well-filled house. W. E. Morrison, a prominent mer chant of Broken Bow, lost a finger in a sausage cutter. The Laymen's Missionary Move ment work is uppermost in a number of Nebraska towns. It has been decreed tiiuVulsiness men of Omaha must clew rjp their premises or go to jail. Beatrice will handle the saloon question by submitting the matter to popular vote the first Tuesday in April. The tenant house on the farm of Edward Howorth, three miles south east of Tecumseh, was burned to the ground. C. E Madeen of Johnson county agrees that seed corn should be test ed, but he is of the opinion that a large per cent of it will be found ia good condition. Soldiers of the Spanish-American war will hold their annual reunion at Columbus, April 26. and Major E. H. Phelps, department commander, is al ready busy acquainting the soldiers of the fact A good program is being arranged. The spread of the scarlet fever epi demic in Buffalo county continues. Several schools have been closed in eleven parts of the county and a num ber of small towns are practically closed up with quarantine. The Fremont business college has closed its doors. Practicallv all of the pupils were transferred to the Omaha commercial college and Presi dent Roush himself has entered the employ of that institution. The women of Kearney are to take a hand In the saloon fight in that city between now and March 16. the date of the special election deciding the fate of Kearney. In response to a letter by Charles R. Weeks of the Peru normal a strong organization of poultry raisers with twenty charter members was organ ized with Prof. Weeks as president. At Sutton Harry Reger, Burlington round house' boss, was about to refill an oil tank for use about the cars when the gas ignited, severely burn ing bis face and neck. M. D. Welch, a druggist at Cort land, pleaded guilty in the district court on two counts to the charge of selling liquor and was fined $200 and costs. The report of Treasurer Brian filed with the state auditor shows that during the month of February there has been paid into all funds $443, 230.09. and there has been disbursed $238,061.93. The balances at this time are $907,101.53. against $701, 913.37 the first of the month. There is uninvested in the permanent school fund a total of $288,627.18. The decision of the supreme court that the expense of a county treas urer's bond when legally executed by a qualified bonding company as surety and approved and accepted by the county board is a binding obligation or the county releases ex-County Treasurer Lothair Schultz from pay ing $i00 to Seward county. County Treasurer Hevelone of Gage county is forcing the collection of delinquent personal taxes in Gage county and has sent out 4.000 notices. Over 200 taxpayers called at his of fice yesterday and liquidated. Henry Bedford, a pioneer resident of Seward county, died in Oklahoma recent and his body was taken to Bee, in that county. He was well-to-do and a few years ago distributed $150,000 among his children. It 3 thought the winter wheat crop In some portions of Washington county has been injured by winter weather. President Crabtrce of the Peru nor mal awarded to Miss Winifred Per kins the gold medal offered by Miss Julia Van Dreil. a prominent debater of last year, for the young lady mak ing the highest standing in debates. J. O. Darnell, brakcnian on thn Burlington railroad, was killed near the Burlington depot in Kearney. It is thought he slipped and fell under the wheels. At Nebraska City a move Is on foot and a good rum has been raised for the purpose of erecting a monu ment over the grave of Charles W. Pierce, who was perhaps one of the earliest settlers in tins state. He came to Nebraska in 1S4S. The calls for teachers are still nu merous. Many country schools are offering high wage3 in order to secure teachers. Several counties in central and western Nebraska have been short of teachers all the year. School authorities are becoming anxious and are sending in requests for teachers for next year. The Nebraska Experiment Station has just issued Bulletin No. 113, en titled "Oats." It aiscusscs results of variety tests, different rates of sowing and the cultivation of oats. During the past six years some twenty varieties have been tested, and about twelve of these varieties have been tested for a period of five years. The varieties can be summarized into early types and late types. The early varieties, which have ripened on an average July 11th, have averaged 53.9 bushels per acre, while the late va rieties have . ripened on an average J July 20th, and have given an average yield of about 40.1 bushels, a differ ence of about 14 bushels per acre as an average for five years, in favor of the early varieties of oats. Sixty Day, Kherson and Texas Red, among the early varieties, are the ones most highely recommended. Among the late varieties, Lincoln Oats have given best results. Various rates of seeding Kherson oats have been tested since 1903. Re sults have shown in general that about eight pecks per acre gives best results when the Kherson oats are drilled and about ten pecks per acre when they are sown broadcast. How ever, tho rate of seeding depends somewhat upon the variety of oats used. There is a table showing the relative size of gra.n in different varieties of oats, which demonstrates that with a small-grained variety of oats, like Kherson, eight pecks will furnish about as many plants per acre as fourteen or nineteen pecks of larger-grained varieties. Hence, the rate of seeding depends a great deal upon the size of the grain. Counts have been made upon the different rates of seeding for two years to determine the number of plants and number of suckers or tillers produced per acre. Where the planting is thin the plants tiller freely, and almost as many heads per acre are produced where four pecks is used as where eight pecks is used, due to the stooling of the oats under thin planting. Cultivation of oats has been prac ticed since 189S, experiments being conducted with plants sown in wide rows, 12 to 24 inches apart, also ex periments where the oats have been sown with the regular drill and broad cast and afterwards harrowed with an ordinary smoothing harrow or wcedcr. It has not been found advis able to plant oats in drills wide apart excopt' in a very dry season, when drilling twelve inches apart gave fair 'esults. Where oats have been sown the ordinary way with a drill and har rowed from one to three times soon after the oats came up, an average increase in yield of 4.8 bushels for a period of seven years has resulted. However, where the oats were sown broadcast, harrowing has given a slight decrease in yield, due to the fact that many plants were destroyed in harrowing. It is recommended that oats be drilled and harrowed. Residents of Nebraska whose names are not on the Station mailing list may obtain this bulletin free of cost by applying to E. A. BURNETT, Director, Agricultural Experiment Station. Lincoln. Neb. ENDS am TOWN "Athens of Missouri" Disincor porated by Court Order. Edinburg Dies a Natural Death When Railroads Pass It By Noted for Beauty and an Excel lent Cellege. Trenton. Mo. Edinburg. known over the state before the war as the "Athens of Missouri." and for many years the rival of Trenton as a tra ding point and political center, where many men. afterward prominent in state affairs received their first col legiate training, was disincorporated recently by an order ot the county court. The order marks the last step In tho little town's retrogression since the Chicago, Rock Island & Quincy and Omaha ft Kansas City railways passed the village by. The story of the settlement, growth and decline of the village of Edinburg is full of interest. The town came into existence in 1S38 when Isaac J. Harvey built a store there. Not so favorably situated as Trenton, the growth of the town did not compare with that of the county seat until after 1850. At the half-way mark of the century Grand River college was established in Edin burg. Then came an era of prosperity. The fame of the school grew, and in structors of the best were numbered in the faculty. The pretty little town was in itself an attraction to students, and the name of Edinburg became widely known. Business boomed, the town took on a thriving air and the county seat feared for its own growth. Then came the war and progress stopped. The luster or the classic school became dim. After the war there was a revival of learning ia Edinburg, and the prospect was fair again, until the Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific railroad came through in 1S71 and marked Trenton as tho fu ture city of the section. Business projects were killed in Ed inburg, and the village lost ground, but the fame of the school still lived. BsiuiiiBsiyyi 9kw ja!- "ayjngt tr3 Grand liver College. Pleading for a Prisoner. Leon Angus, sentenced to life im prisonment for complicity in the mur der of Nels Lausten of Omaha, was granted a hearing on an application ror a commutation of sentence by Governor Shallenberger. A Fat State Treasury. State Treasurer Brian's monthly -eport shows that the state has on deposit in cash in banks $760,999. md that the treasurer has on hand cash items amounting to $146,102 and that he is accountable for $907,101. Another railroad came through from Quincy and Edinburgh hopes quicken ed that it would reach that place. When this failed, however, the doom of the village was scaled. Steadily since then the town has lost In population and business. A few years ago the college itself was re moved to Gallatin in order to secure railroad advantages. In December. 1909. the petition for disincorporation was presented to the court. J. G: Mc waid was appointed trustee for the incorporation, to settle up its affairs, and classic Edinburg is no more. Buffalo County Must Pay. Buffalo county must pay the $370 premium on the bond of County Treas urer Gilbert E. Haase. The supreme court holds that after the county board approved a bond that its dis cretion as to paying the premium terminates and that it is up to the board to pay. In this case the bond was written and was afterwards ap proved by the county board. The board thought that the statute relat ing to the payment of bonds was not mandatory and that the board could refuse to pay all or part or none of the premium. A further indication that the uni versity authorities are tightening up the strings on scholarship was indi cated by a meeting of the delinquency committee. Three students in the university were dismissed on account of failure in their studies, which makes a total of thirty-one since last September. There is no doubt but that the requirements are much more rigid than they have been, and the university authorities on the whole are taking more direct interest in the welfare of the students. Quick Lunch in England. The quick lunch has been tried In London, and has failed as an adver tisement. But many of us lunch quick ly, and this writer went into the oy ster shop for his half dozen, and felt his elbow pinched. He turned and saw a triend who knew. 'Three na tives." he said, "and a glass of chablis." "Is that all you have for lunch?" was the immediate question. "That's only the beginning." he ex plained, and as we stood elbow to el bow at the oyster bar he expounded to mo his method of the itinerary lunch. It takes nim two hours at midday. He begins with three oysters at the bar. Then he walks for half an hour with an objective of the place where kidneys on toast arc at their best. Having disposed of these, be walks for another half an hour, and finds the place where stewed cheese can be relied on. By that time it is three o'clock and he walks home and he gins work again, having had his exer cise and bis lunch and bis digestive intcrvaL Also he has seen a bit of London, which Is useful to a delineator of life. The itinerary lunch may be recommended to a man of Inquiring mind and sedentary habit London Chronicle. Adjutant General Hartigan desires very much that both regiments of the Nebraska National Guard go to Fort Riley for the encampment, which has been changed from September to Au gust 15. He has written the war de partment to see just how many men he will be permitted to bring along, but as yet has received no reply. No company whose men and officers number less than forty-three will be permitted to go, so companies with a less number will be forced to recruit up to past that number or be left at home. Vice-President Sherman appointed a committee to investigate the high cost of living. Fighting has been resumed between government forces and insurgents in Nicaragua. The Morgan-Guggenheim syndicate explained to a senate committee its activity in Alaska. A bill has been ' introduced in the house to bring employer and employed In closer touch. a ' river commission says the money fo r fi "T S ! improvements would be well spent it sows at Oakland. Forty- overnment gets control of the re claimed lands. Twenty-seven members of a class of 106 applicants for admission to the West Point Military academy success fully passed an examination. Dr. L. F. Cain, roiierly member of the Ohio legislature, but now secre tary to Representative Creager of Oklahoma, will probably be appoint ed deputy auditor of the navy department. one gilts were sold at an average of $50. the highest price being $76. John Masaredis. the Greek ""who killed Edward Lowery, a. South Omaha police officer and was sentenced by Judge Sutton to hang, has been grant ed a new trial by the supreme court. C. S. DePass of Lincoln, who has been soliciting insurance at Nelson, was arrested by direction of authori ties from Nebraska City, charged with obtaining money under false pretense. A Peculiar Accident. A curious and serious accident oc curred at Liverpool. England. In con nection with work in the graving dock on the Cunard liner Mauretanla. A gang of men were engaged in bringing to the quay-side a steel plate ol the vessel's hull. Just as the operation was in progress the tfdal chain snapped. This set all the ropes at taching the ships to the quay in a state ot dangerous commotion. Five of the laborers on the quay were knocked down. One. named Wilson, was struck by a rope with such force that be turned a somersault, and, fall ing on bis head, was picked up dead. The other four men were removed to a hospital. "She Is homelier than her sister, don't you think wot "No; you Just think so because she wears a low neck gown and yon see more of her than you do of ker sister." nnnllsVnnnrBnnvnnnCVuPSnnnBn&)ll bbs Mr. Wlaakvsr's Saothls Symp. Forcalldren tttln. tto tl wm-. mlacrlB eaaaainBUar s frnl'd.rnns wind colic. :2cai-jsue. it doesn t iaae one iuhb kcwuc j an expert fault finder. Lewis Sincle Binder, straight 5 many smokers prefer them to 10c cgars. Scandal is the tattle of fools who judge other people by themselves. . Cnved Right aft Borne J gLncrapfooea. vm . . - - - - mmrnxmrnwrnmy -- a ! JjmsMM J-snV r0anVfC3rJ Liver BUftlilnnW . rric . TTr7.w t ii 1 1 m jrr?5w enow - suo. I SMMMBM . CONVINCING PROOF OP THK VIRTUE OF LydbE.M.Uim What is the use of procrastinating in the face ol such evidence as the following letters represent? If you are a sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason have you for not giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound a trial ? For 30 years we have been publishing such testimonial letters as these thousands of them they are genuine and honest, too, every one of them. InnsHife lassnl sntnu. ranVvnvYS&nnnnl lllnVnnfiii l" tLnnlPJPn a.:-:-:-M-!.-.a::-t;.Na-.:-:-:5.-a HSnpStMP'lw -:-t3n jnK&BdSv s;s;aa v S:Wn nPpBKg'!J5-ffllTo mumKmPmb tW AW Fri L-Xi-aJPJ Mrs. s. J. Barber says: I "I think Lydia E. infcbam s vege- ible Compound the best medi- Icine in the world Ifor women and II feel it my duty I to let others I know the sood it I has done for me. Three years aso II had a tumor which the doctor I said wonld have to be removed by an operation or I could not live more than a year, or two. at most. I wrote Mrs. rink bam, at Lynn. Mass.. for advice, and took 14 bottles of Lydia E. Pink barn's Vegetable Compound, and to day the tumor is gone and I am a perfectly well woman. I hope my testimonial will be of benefit to oth ers." Mrs. & J. Uaiujer, Scott, Mrs. E. P. Hayes says : "I was under the doctor's treat ment for a fibroid tumor. I suffered with pain, sore ness, bloating; and could not walk or stand on my feet any length of time. 1 wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for ad vice, followed her directions and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. To-day I am a well woman, the tumor was expelled and my whole system strengthened. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female troubles to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. E. P. Hayes, 1S90 Washington St, Boston, Mass. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has beca the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, nasi has thousands of cures to its credit. Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Auoress jars, iinjuiam, Jjynn, --mnnn? Vnnv sil L ill M3f?s 6" '.WW ' " George Maj says t No one knows1 hat I have suf- ered from fe- troubles. uralgia pains. backacne. doctor sa id- could not give anything to it. Through advice of a end I began Lytnaz. niham's Vege table Compound, and the pain soon disappeared. 1 continued its nso and am now in perfect health. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com pound has been a God-send to me as I believe I shoald have been in my grave if it had not been for Mrs. Pinkham's advice and Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. George May, 86 4th Atc, Paterson,N.J. Mrs. If. K. Housh says : I "I hare been completely cured lot a severe fe male trouble by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, aad want to recom mend it to all suf fering women." Mrs. W. K. Housh. 7 East- Iview Ave.. Cin Icinnati, Ohio. nnnnsiHBnnaunTjBni v3 . Bxp iiiaMCvWtisM icMAWMrn m Because your case is a difficult one. doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer with out giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, sucha3inflammation.ulceration.dis- Elacements. fibroid tumors, irregu-krities,periodicpains,backache,etc. SSCsTiTiKMJCIV- No Hard jLjQBjb links 4Cwj&ml lixfctcst x vaSfnr? Rtuaisz VvTw JK GoK$t HnvTi It SkfcMKr . m n.ff H YOU ONLY BUY A SEPIUTOI MCE That Is. It l the intention of Tery fanner or dairyman when purrba.iiiK a KCarator to Ret one to last a lifetime. For thU reaMiii. 'Try point about the aaacblne tnon!d be carefully ei amlned before buying. A thorough luvestigmUoat wUI con vince you that the National Cream Separator Is withont question the best In the market. It sfcims eintter. runs easier. Is of simpler construction, and can be c!e nncil quicker than any other make. Bend for illustrated catalogue containing full particulars and scores of testimon ials, fir hare your local dealer demonstrate n National irt-r of all charge to you. THE NATIONAL DAIRY MACHINE COMPANY Goshen, Indiana Chicago, Illinois IDC MARK A Woman's Home should be her pride. Your home should reflect your own individuality. You cannot have special wall papers de signed by you lor each room you cast carry out a special Alabastine decora tive scheme for those room von caa he n leader in your community and have your hope the talk of your friends. AUssone The Siyfish Wal Tint The farmers of Nebraska are threat ened with the loss of their surplus corn crop, worth about $12,C0O,00O. ac cording to the statement of Prof. E. G. Montgomery of the state university before the Commercial club. The early fall of 1909 was wet, said Prof. Montgomery. There was no weather to dry the corn In most parts of the state and when freezing weather came on the corn was not dry enough to withstand it. Corn which contains from 10 to 15 per cent of moisture can stand freezing without injury. Feminine Dressing of the Hair. The poet Ovid did not think It be neath him to study the art of hair dressing as an aid to feminine beauty, and his advice on the subject, given in elegant verse, is excellent. "Never let your hair be in disorder." he writes. "Nothing pleases us so much as neatness." aad yet, he admits, "there are many women whom hair apparently in disorder suits; it might not have been dressed since yester day; It has been arranged tills very minute. Such was the beautiful disor der of Vole when Hercules saw her for the first time in a town taken by assault that he cried I love her." fet the Materia! that wfll accomplish this result. We esa how innumerable color effects, classic stencil designs, and ear Art Department is at your service. m Sead for tha AlabaUia task caalaianag what w 4m far y ,as4 haw w farsiih fr stiarils whoa Alahastaa isaaad. Alabastine is a powder made from Alabaster, ready for ee by tnisinr. with roid water, and is applied with aa or dinary wall brush. Full directions on each package. Alabastine Company FUwYarkCty.N.Y. THE PACKAGE. WS1 a nsni mm kMt Ah..'iCm, MICA AXLE GREASE is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Everydealer, everywhere STANDARD OIL CO. nK jstSSl tinnfml Ol IRPQ CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, RHEUM VUnCO ATISM, STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAIN' GET A 25c BOX ALL DRUGGISTS , rn m COMPLAINT EASY SURE TO ACT BETTER THAN PILLS FOR LIVER ILLS r.. w. tiwis Mtoicmc co.. ar. touts, mo. Appropriate. "Jobbins is so foolish over that pet dog of bis. He told me he was going to have a tree for it." "Then 1 hope he selected n tree with plenty of bark." rot PINK EYE MSTlsVEK CATAJUtHAL FEVES AND ALL NOSE ANOTHIOAT DISEASES Cares tac sick ami acts as a prerentlTe for others. Liquid riven on the toniie. Safe for brwd mares and ail others. Best kidnVv remedc -si cen:.Hand41.aabottle:3.aJandO.UO the dozen. Sold hySlSSfhS and hore coods houses, or sent express paid, by the mMufactu-4i SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Cnesmts, GOSHEN, INDIANA "'0 PORQAI I? ffimW ami tf teat fffstcrnPorf. rVllOMLilM land f Bent, i.jiis a T 8" We are obliged to enlarge our plant, due to the increase in business and oiler the above stock to those seeking iuvestmentS. For particular, address GREAT WESTERN PORTLAND CEMENT CO. fiBftSftn ,J ntM-n: - cr ?sw '"aa'V" i!V.j- , k iJjrTMyyr?gr.j liMi " . uwiij, .',' a, i' n.n.jiijA'msi'm'"-" fUlHIlM wmairmrwtS9irjm .bwwiim.