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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1909)
?' .1 . ' Z -?0.,' 'fiV C S. - " - - . f w -so.. -n-v??! a-' - -- ;. "v T T fcLWL IfciK tfcBi Ifcic tfcBi IBSL ffcfc VhtaTfciK aSfmT fcLBL BL tBfT LfcLWLB i i . si i i ' , ";L hM.-: ?tr&3j- 4. . pXz'Xf'tx? BANKRUPT SALE of Ladies' Suits and Coats Bought at 27 l-2c on the dollar . will be sacrificed at a frac tion of their value Ton will be able to bay a Good Up-to-Date Suit for $5100 -; a coat for $1.98 : v ' FOB ONE WEEK ONLY Beginning Monday, Dec. 27, Ending Saturday, Jan. I If you cannot afford a suit of this lot for yourself or daughter now, at these ridiculously low prices, you never will. HELPHAND 409 West Eleventh Street Stopping the "Fire Wagon." Wbeo the first railroad was laid over the western plain and the care began tuning; to San Francisco the Indians viewed the locomotive from the hill tops at a distance, not daring to come nearer the "fire wagon." A train of cars was to themi "heap wagon, no boss." An Apache chief gathered a party of warriors in Arizona and went sereral hundred miles to see the ter rible Are wagon that whistled louder than the eagle's scream and poured out dense black smoke. W. M. Thayer says li'bia "Marvels of the New West" that the redskins grew bolder and once attacked a fire wagon, expecting to tdors capture it wnen tney zauea ana many were injured they said. "Fire wagon bad medicine!" - The Indians stretched a lariat across the track, breast high, each end being held by thirty braves. "When the engineer first saw it he didn't know what on earth was the natter." said the narrator, "but in a minute more he burst out laughing. He caught hold of that throttle, and be opened her out "He struck that lariat going about forty miles an hour, and he just piled those braves up everlasting promiscu The Man-of-war Bird. The frigate pelican, or man-of-war bird, is usually met with by travelers In tbe.troplra. Although when stripped of Its featbers it is hardly larger than a pigeon, yet no man can touch at the same time tbe tips of its extended wings. Tbe long wing bones are ex ceedingly light, and tbe whole appa ratus of air cells Is extremely devel oped, so that its real weight is very trifling. It dies at a great height above tbe water and from that elevation nouuces down on fixb. especially pre ferring the poor, persecuted flying fish for Its prey. According to some au- the name of man-of-war bird was given to it because its appearance was said to foretell tbe coming of a ship, probably because tbe frigate peli can and real frigates are equally ad verse to storms, and both like to come into harbor if tbe weather threatens. Plymouth Rock. Plymouth rock has become an object of veneration in the United State be cause of its interesting historical asso ciations. As is well known, it is the rock or ledge on which the pilgrims" are believed to have landed when they first stepped from their boats in the harbor of what is now Plymouth, Mass. In 1775 part of the rock was removed" to the vicinity of Pilgrim hall, but was afterward restored to Its original site and is now under the stone canopy that surmounts the main rock on Water street. Charles Sumner said. "From tbe deck of the Mayflow er, from tbe landing at Plymouth rock, to the senate of tbe United States is a mightScontrast, covering whole spaces of history hardly less than from the wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus to that Roman senate which on curule chairs swayed Italy and the world." i and Seasibility. For-some days the dining room had ,beea disturbed by the Invasion of the new boarder. She was fat. fifty and .very sentimental, and her tender na ture led her to whisper so many rap turous confidences in her neighbor's ear that all the rest of the table felt .uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that one day after a harassed breakfast the neighbor determined to make a struggle for liberty and general con versation. Her opportunity came that night at dinner. "Sweet flowers of spring!" murmured the sentimentalist apostrophizing the nodding' daffodil centerpiece. "Aren't they dear? So full of poesy! And don't you think that we ought always to call them daffadowndillies Instead of daffodils?" she whispered. "No, I don't" answered the neigh-1 ber uncompromisingly and quite out load. "Just think how awkward it wwdd have been for Wordsworth if he'd had to write: tbon my beart with pleasure fillies Ami dances with the daffadowndillies!" For once the sentimentalist was si lsacsd.Yooth'aCompanlon. . Advantage of Education. "Are you satisfied with the results of. the course which your daughter fol lowed at colleger' "Perfectly satisfied. She is going to marry one of tbe professors." ' i Excesses In youth are drafts upon Id age, payable about thirty yean after date. Chicago News. NORTH THEATRE Monday, December 27 B. M. GARFIELD PRESENTS THE GIRL THAT'S ALL .., THE CANDY A Musical Drama in 3 Acts THE NEW IDEA SHOW Something entirely new Unlike any other show. 16 Pretty Chorus Girls-30 People in All 18 Big Mu sical Hits Plenty of Comedy 60 Laughs to the Minute Special Scenery If Different Changes of Beautiful Costumes Costing $4, A SHOW THAT IS SURPASSED BT NONE Prices 25c, 36c, 50c and 75c Stuyuiwuuyyuuuuuuuyuuuuuyyuyyuyuu! IFOR CHRISTMAS t Christmas Candies and Nuts Fancy Jonathan Apples by the box Everything in Fancy Vegetables For Christmas Dinner Fresh Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Kumquists, Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Cauliflower, etc POUT BELITTLE YOURSELF. Pew Chances Cent to the Self Deere- tHenty.'i said Uacle Hira to Us hopeful young nephew, "1 roaJanot sdrise anybody to go around continu ally Wowing nis own horn. We tire or men who do that, and we are apt to think of them that that's all they can do, .blow. "On the other hand, Henry, never belittle yourself; never be self depre ciatory. Don't have a poor opinion of i yourself, but If yon do have such an opinion dontr express it The man who blows his own horn may seldom be taken at his own valuation, but the self depreciatory man almost invaria bly is. "So never run yourself down or speak doabtfully of your own ability. If tbe boss is thinking of advancing yon and he should say to you some day, 'Henry, we are thinking of try ing yon. on this thing-do you think yon could- handle this job? yon don't want to say, 'Weil. I haven't had much experience yet in that way, and I real ly don't know whether I could do that or not.' v "Ton don't want to say anything like that, for if you do he'll be likely' to oyer some more and end up by trylng: somebody else, taking a blower inaybe who can't really do the' work half-is well as you could but' who's got self confidence enough to say he can. "You don't know what you can doi till you try. Some men try and fall, but an astonishing number rise to oc casions, developing strength or ability that others might never have thought them to possess." New Xork Sun. Special Prices for Christmas We are going to give our customers a Christmas present of reduce prices on aU merchandise snitaMe lor Xmas Gilts Just look over the following suggestions and note the prices. SPOILED HER DAY. Why the Woman Lookod Daggers at the Car Conductor. "Oh, the brute!" exclaimed a stylish ly dressed woman who was riding down town on a Tenth street car. She plainly addressed tbe remark to :he conductor, who smiled deprecat Ingly, raised his hand to his cip and said. "Sure, 1 didn't think it was any' use In tbe world." All the way to Market street the ag grieved woman followed tbe unlucky conductor up and down tbe car- with her eyes, "looking daggers" at him. The poor chap bad unwittingly spoiled ber day. As she came into tbe car she saw lying near the door a woman's belt buckle. It was supposedly oriental In fashion, with a big "stone" set in it. She sat down, with her eye on tbe buckle; rose, stooped and picked It up. She bad opened her bag with tbe in tention of dropping ber find within, bat glanced np and saw that tbe other passengers were watching ber. Evi dently she thought it might be wiser to ask tbe conductor if be knew the owner. She held At, therefore, until tbe conductor passed her. then banded it to him; with the question, "Do you .know whether anybody has lost this?" "I suppose some one has, ma'am." he answered. "Let me see it" Then, after glancing at it a moment, "Aw, that's no good." said be and tossed tbe treasure (?) into the street. "Ob, tbe brute!" exclaimed tbe wo man. And who can blame her? Phila delphia Times. Ladies9 Furs 50c on the $1.00 $5 00 A aii r Rugs QM Combination Xmas box of Suspenders, garters and Sleeve holders, worth OQA $1.50, Christmas price.. Quu Xmas Handkerchiefs at 5c. IOC. I5c. 256. .Ladies' and Gents9 neck wear, 50c values, Christ mas price 39c $2.50 Rochester Nickel Parlor Lamp, Christ mas price SI.S9 These are just a few items to show, what you will find in our Special Xmas Sale NEW BARGAIN STOKE 419 Eleventh Street Columbus, Nebraska Millet and "The Angelus." It was only after long years of strag gle and dire poverty, through which Millet was consoled and supported by hie wife. 4hat tbe peasant painter was able to take tbe three roomed cottage at Barbizon and "try to do something really good." It was then that be be gan to paint that most beautiful "poem of poverty," "The Angelus." which Is today one of tbe most valuable pic tures in tbe world. Again and again be threw 'aside the picture in despair of ever finiablng it to his" satisfaction, and as often bis wife replaced it on tbe easel and induced blin to continue. Oo'one occasion he was so Incensed at not being able to produce a certain effect that he seized a knife and would have destroyed tbe canvas and ended ; the matter once for all bad not his ,p wife fortunately seized his' band and ; induced him to give tbe picture another trial. Thus it was that at last "The Angelus" found a place on the wails of tbe Louvre. Tbe success It won en couraged Millet to paint many more pictures and thus place himself among the immortals in art . The Purchase of New York. When the letter announcing tbe pur chase for 00 guilders ($24) of tbe 11,000 morgens of land constituting Manhat tan Island was read in the assembly of tbe states general on Nov. 7. 1C26. it was resolved that "no action is nec essary on this information." Had their high mightinesses possessed prevision how strenuous might have been the resolution' passed that the newly ac quired island should be kept forever under their control! Nor was the West India company, that money making trust which ventured this first specula tion in wheat and in lands in tbe long lino of enterprises known to Manhat tan, more alive to the excellence of their investment. More than ten times the sum paid over to the Indians for about 22.000 acres, according to their esti mate, has since been paid for a single square foot of New York soil. Proba bly there Is no other sale on record where the advance in value has been so great. Putnam's Magazine. An Armorclad Nest. In the' Argentine Republic, says a writer in the Strand Magazine, where the summers are long and hot, it Is customary to leave tbe windows open both day and night during the hottest part of the year. A bird, taking ad vantage of this, proceeded to build a nest in my room, fixing it firmly to one of the Venetian blinds over tbe win dow. The eggs were duly batched and tbe young birds fledged. On taking down the empty nest I found it to be practically armorclad, tbe outer part being composed almost entirely of old rusty naW woven in among the hay. On counting the nails I found that no fewer than sixty-six had been used, be sides some wire and pins taken from my dressing table. The bird was about the size of a robin and very tame. Shot His Own Hens. Two neighbors kept hens and quar reled because they scratched each oth er's potato rows np. One sold his bens unknown to tbe other, who made a urge run ana zasieaeu uis ueus up. saying: "Now. the first ben I see in my gar den 1 shall shoot." Next day be saw a ben scratching as usual, so he got the gun and shot It and then threw it over his neigh bor's fence, saying: "Take your ben!" Tbe ben was picked up, taken in and cooked. Tbe following days tbe same thing happened. Still tbe neighbor took them np and,said nothing till the sev enth came over and bit him on tbe bead. Then be picked it up and threw it back at bis neighbor, saying: "Eat your own old bens! We are tired. of eating them and prefer a little pheasant. 1 sold my hens over a month since!" Pearson's Weekly. "" amatasB ta kBBE45iJBnBBBK jbbbbbH LfK s kSBnfcwxr'f jSafBBBBaanH i ffStii 'law tm fr. I MifF arMM fnflM I Ilia mPSsSB3W yBsSSSSSSKSJh YyPgfyBBSSjSJ I ' (I i fSj fe-Jx lUrl hcrBatfeaB SSnBSSSSSnSSjKSsJlufiMMBSnkMR'Bx l Brjara n5arirr3BasnjHaaav..paTMj .npisasxaTeaTsansa""avTtSS?jM MaTjrs"SjM SBBBlUtBlBBBBBnBBnSBBBBSSBBBnBT BBW'SJSJLh BSBBBBEBaaiBBBBmBBBlBBBBBBr ?SBBBBBnh bbsbbU' "larSBBBBBBBl BVnfSSSSSSSBSJBSSVBSSS3BjuSJ bbbbbbuBx SSSSjSSSSSSSSjSSSSSBSSBnBBSRJi Jjki 'ksaXviHBiiPJwSBBBBBBBBhlVSBBBBT nSSBBBBBI at BBBViBBSB. -SHsEmZI $Sl S Bm BSSS Srt BSSSSSSFS srJvl SBBBBBBBSl SSxSSlgf'BSSSSk TBBBBBBBKKZnM'SBMtBBSBaMta"BBakZIZBSlBte VbBBBSSBBbSj f9lSBBBBBBBBBBBBI 1 aawiPM-aiaW-Hv laciJJ BBBBnBKSBBSsS'--lSSj "lBaamjBS'-l'' V "V 3U iK?-TiTW,E I r sb--1Kj.-;:. BBBBBSjajs's"-vL- -Jsn ' IIRTM HEATH -Chrliaw MfsM ass liM "The Royal Slave" Matinee Prices, 15c and 25. Special Chrietaate Evening Prices, 25c, 35c, 5tc What Might Have en. "That man Biffin lacks courage and energy."' "Yes, confound him!" "Wby do yon say that?' "Because he was courting my wife long before I met ber. If he bad bad a UtUe more courage and energy But what's tbe use of talking about it now?" A Pessimist. "A pessimist." said a philosopher, "is one who. wben be has tbe choice of two evils, chooses both and hangs about walthrur for more!" Peculiar Optical Effects. If one. places a pin head op close te the eye and directly in front of It the head of the pin appears transparent and things may be seen -as easily through it as through a sheet of Isin glass, tbe bead appearing simply as a, large round cloud. If it is-placed some-' what closer no pin or bend att b seen at all. If one goes Into a very dark room and puts a lighted candle' near the side of one eye very pretty and peculiar ef fcts are observed. A tracery, form log a regular network, can be ensil detected, and this is merely the shadow thrown by the candle on tbe retina of the eye of tbe small capillary blood vessels between the retina and the candle. If one looks to tbe side of a dim star in tbe heavens tbe star appears a great deal brighter than direct vision makes it appear. This is because tbe light In. the. Indirect view fails on what Is known as the "yellow spot" or point of keenest vision. As this Is not put di rectly behind the front of tbe eye the tide glance is necessary. Some people can see stars that way that they can not perceive at all on direct vision.-. Plttsbarx Dfaoatch. Ready For Market. Two Canadians were boasting. "Where I come from." said tbe first, "we have a salmon river that rises in some boiling springs. As tbe sal awn climb up tbe river they gradually get acclimated to tbe beat of tbe water and don't mind it in fact, wben we fish in tbe highest reaches of tbe stream we catch our salmon readr boiled." - - don't doubt that." said tbe second Canadian calmly. "Down sty way here's a curious salmon river too. It rises In some tin mines. As the fish work np they meet tbe suspended ore la gradually increasing quantities. They get quite mineralised it they keep on upstream, so that if we fish at tbe bead of tbe river we? catch our salmon ready tinned, and ah we have to do U to pack and ship them to market." They were drinking soda in tbe Gen tlewoman's club. "1 wish." said the fat one with gray halr. "that you conld break my daugh ter Nell of bridge." Tbe young one In pink smiled faint ly. "I did break ber last night," she eeM.-Brooklyn Ultlaea. - - . j- Best Display of Cut Glass and Queensware in the city to select a present from - SPECIAL PRICES TO COMMITTEES COLUMBUS MERCANTILE CO. Not So Bad. "I asked my class of small boys if any could tell me tbe meaning of the word 'apprentice.' " sold a teacher re cently, "and ail looked at me blankly until one lad arose. , ' "'Can you tell "me what apprentice means? " I repeated. "Yes, It means practicing work.,H Exchange. Incomplete Information. "We are now exactly a thousand feet above tbe level of the' sea." "What sea?' "Tbe guidebook VIvant., doesn't say." Bon His Preference. Pompano Why do you work so hard. Bagley? Ton slave from morning un til night Bagley I know I do. I wish to get rich. I want to die worth a million: Pompano Well, there'a no accounting for tastes. Now. I would much. prefer to live worth half a ssll-lion.-hIladelpbia Can.- His Smoke. Mr. PlJIt-I say, thafs tbe worst to bacco I ever smoked! Mrs. FTJIt-Oa. George, yon're smoking my fancy silk! I put It In your tobacco Jar to keep it safe. Ladies' Cloaks, Skirts m Jackets Our New Fall and Winter Line of Ladies' Suits, Cloaks, Skirts, Children's Cloaks i and Coats is now complete. We can save yon money in this department Call and he convinced. We are always glad to show our goods. We are showing a complete new line of Ladies, Bents' and Children's Suiters The Celebrated SCHMIDT KNIT Sweaters for golf, autoins and outing wear. They arc aui uic vuguv. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Gents' Tour In Hand" Ties, 20 cents eacn, o ior ou cents, in aii we late colors. We also carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods La dies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Comlbra, Blankets, ' Carpets and Shoes J. H.' GALLEY 60S ELEVENTH ST. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA -.; , f MMIMi MMBKWPWl'l nuit ' u .jjnurt -Trr'-.- ' " SZ ---'-" mmT rr.ji. rr. 't , ,V J - TC-Vti