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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1909)
r?S-rtnij'!BiT,S-iir, ..i.ii.ii-' ' -.. i - r .MHOb? .-j.i -r i. t iiTTTTjTTTv iv.7 3'5-i "- -'I - icr-, -y,"; - - v ; j -A 4fc t , V .-V . ; ' v. - ?V u!?J'! vISfUH k4v Concilwitiilii Columbus Tikes April 1, 1904; with the Pte&e toiwty Argus January 1, 190 -t i m ;.t x - --y f T : THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NUMBI35iJ? y COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1909. WHOLE NTJ1IBER 1,949. Kmtrtml mmoM v i v. 8- -- Now is the -'' 2 8- . time to do it . 'J J 2 ' a t . i :- ? Insure in i Good Companies i The cost is the same W UBaSUUU UBBa-Br Bt.BBlM BHa.aB Mm DCbntn, 5 8 CHAMBERS J COLUMBUS XABKETS. Oats 46 Wheat " 97 Corn 53 Hogs, top.. $5 50 to $6 15 iimHuiHHinmnHHnuiwimn MANY TEARS AGO. ! I Files of The Journal, March 24,-1874. As heretofore, we still insist that those who are intending to go to the Itlack Hills, are in our opinion, contemplating an unwarrantable adventure. The great probability is that the excitement which is prevalent on the subject, and which is due to the reports from that region emanating from Sioux Oity. and Chey enne, is gotten up and fostered for in terested purposes by those two cities. Rev. A. J. Wright has been appointed by Gen. Hawkins as local distributing agent for Platte county, and id empower ed to issue to all those enrolled for the purpose, army rations, consisting of corn meal, lard, tea, sugar and salt Rations will be issued, on the receipt of the sup plies, for twenty-two days. Recipients are requested to bring sacks and vessels for meat and lard. The rations will be given out every day until the supply shall have been issued, and it is desir able that recipients call soon. The ra tions for one person for twenty-two days will be 44 lbs. corn meal, 44 oz. lard, 2 oz. ten, 1 lb. sugar and 1 lb. salt. There are 687 persons on the roll for rations, but this number is evidently a misapprehen sion in regard to the object of the en rollment, for there are many on the roll who supposed that tbeir names were beisg taken only for seed. Neverthe less they arc entitled to' draw rations, and Wright will act in this matter, wholly under instructions from Gen. Hawkins. THE BROWNER FARM Will be sold next Tuesday at the Court House at 2 p. m. This farm will be sold in 40 aire, 80 acre, 120 acre, 200 acre or 280 acre tracts. All of this land is located 2 miles northeast of Columbus and it affords an excellent opportu nity to secure a small or large tract of good land near Colum bus at your own price. Re member that you cannot make a mistake in buying this land. It's near the best inland town in Nebraska. Good soil. Good roads. Desirable neighbor hood. It will make money for you while yon sleep. Terms: 15 per cent of pur chase price' on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Come and attend. It's next Tuesday afternoon at the Court House. C. M. GRUE'THER, N Referee. Now is the time to get . your Signs We do Artistic Sign Writing Paper Hanging All the New Spring Styles of TVall Paper KAV AN AUGH &BETTERTON There is a city ordinance which says that trains shall not block croMiDga be yond a certain time. Thjs ordinance has never been enforcedor the reason that no one has filed complaint, and the public has borne the inconvenience and orally and mentally cursed the railway company and trainmen. The ordinance has been ignored so long that when Harry Musselman, landlord of the Pa cific hotel, entered complaint against its violation at headquarters, but little attention was paid to his protest. Final ly Mr. Musselman decided to interest himself in the enforcement "of 'the cross ing ordinance. Last week, he notified the train dispatcher and station agent that commencing TuesdayMarcb 23, be would swear out a complaint against all conductors who blocked a crossing with tbeir trains more "than five minutes. When'No. 4 palled in Tuesday morning Mr. Musselman was at the depot. After the train bad 'stood on the crossing for more than five minutes, he informed the conductor that he was holding the crossing in violation of the ordinance. The conductor took exceptions to some thing Mr. Musselman said and called him a liar, but the presence of Officer Nelson prevented a fistic encounter. In his attempt to enforce the crossing or dinance Mr. Musselman has the back ing of the business men and citizens of the south side. It may be inconvenient for conductors to strictly obey the or dinance, but the vestibule doors could i be opened and people allowed to pass across the platform when trains are held at crossings beyond the legal limit, but up to the present time the railway com pany has not consented to accomodate the public to this extent. Let the cros sing ordinauce be enforced. A special musical programme was rendered by the members of the Metho dist church choir and their friends Sun day evening. The program began prom ptly at 7:30 p. m.,and was carried out as previously arranged with the exception of a solo by Miss Hazel Studley, who on acoount of illness was unable to be pres ent. The contribition which was re ceived at that time will be used by the choir in the purchasing of music. The first number on the program was a song service by the choir; this was fol lowed by prayer and scripture reading by Rev. Rough. A quartet, Misses From and Turner and Messrs. Turner and Kumpf, rendered "The Recession," composed by Reginald De Koven. Mr. O. W. Raymond of Lincoln, sang a solo, and following this Mrs. Janing, assisted by Miss Emma Zinnecker sang a duet entitled, "He Careth for Thee." Mies Maude Murrell of Fremont then sang "My Redemeer." Rev. Roash then de livered a short sermon choosing for his subject "Christ and Music." Will Far rand rendered 2. solo entitled, "The City of Refuge." Mrs. Bowers sang "Hold Thou My Hand." Maurice Whitmoyer, sang a solo entitled "Be Thou Nigh." A duet was rendered by Miss Maude Mur rell of Fremont and Mr. L. L. Lease of this city. An anthem entitled "Love Divine" was rendered'by the choir. Almost a complete city ticket was named by the republican mass meeting at the Firemen's hall last Friday even ing. Carl Rhode beads the ticket as the nominee for mayor; Charles Todenhoft, city treasurer; John R. Brock, police judge; Ralph Coolidge, water commis sioner; Otto Kummer, councilman First ward; Isaac Brock, councilman 8econd ward; H. A. Clarke, councilman Third ward; George Window, councilman Fourth ward. W A. McAllister, the present republican member of the school board, was renominated. There was but one contest, that in the Fourth ward, Mr. Winelow being nominated to suc ceed the present incumbent, Julius Nichols. The city central committee was selected as follows: G. Frischholz, First ward; H. E. Musselman, Second ward; Qenry Wilcken. Third ward; W. H. King, Fourth ward. W. M. Cornelius was selected chairman of the city com mittee. The meeting was called to order by city chairman. Bert J. Galley, and G Frischholz presided and Gus Becher. jr., was secretary. From seven o'clock Sunday morning until three o'clock Monday afternoon the city was without water, as it was necessary to remove a section of the ten inch main at the pumping station, in order to put in the meter which will de termine how much water the electric licht company pumps for the city. The job took a little longer than was antici pated, as it was thought that everything would be ready for pumping by Sunday evening For the present one steam pump is doing the work, for although there is one of the new pumps in place, it has not been connected np. Delay in receiving the necessary material has been responsible for the long time taken to complete the installation of the new pumps, but now that everything is here, it will soon be finished. Mrs. Wm. Graves is this week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Holden of Silver Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Holden are pre paring to leave soon for Texas. He will leave first to look np a location and then return for his family. For a nan ber of years Mr. Holden has bees a prosperous farmer living near Silver Creek, and for some time Mrs Holden and little daughter have been in 111 h&alt.h mnA it. in tnr thia nMnnn that Up !!. m.. mm w w ..saw .ii.ii v. V..WV B ff nllaa mhai lei Innate In m ... w . J I cUmi Dn. Paul and Matzea, Dentists. Dr. Valliar, Oattopain, Bar bar bloc. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone First-class printing done at the Jour nal offioe. . " A G. & F. suit k a suit that suits. Gerharz-Flysn Go's. a. 4 Apprentices wanted in millinery store. Mrs Anna Nugent. See the Oolambua Hide Co, before yon selLyour iron and junk. Crushed rock salt-for hides, and for stock. Columbus Hide Co. Miss Ora Hortoa of Genoa, was the guest of Miss Etta Lioetrum last week. A special ioe cream for parties, every, day, at Bagel's bowling and billiard par lors. Miss Lillian Ernst went to Genoa Monday afternoon for a two week's visit with friends. .. Mrs. Will Hagel went to Omaha Sat urday evening to be the guest of friends for several days. Mrs. Fred Hollenbeck went to Omaha Monday afternoon for a short visit with relatives and friends. Dr. C. H. Campbell, eye. nose and throat specialist. Glasses properly fitted. Office 1215 Olive street. Miss Clara Bloedorn, who has been sick for the past week, has resumed her work in the Gray dry goods store. 99 per Cent i what the govern ment says of bur alfalfa PURE Beed- Gray's. Miss Amie McCabe has returned from Central Oity, where she went several days ago for a visit with her grand parents. John Cornils took a west bound train Tuesday evening for Denver, to again take np his position in a drug store in that city. A few boarders will be taken by pri vate family. Nice, airy rooms. Prices reasonable. Frank Bridel, 128 East llth street. North Evans, who is attending school at Culver. Indiana, arrived in the city Friday evening for a short visit with home folks. Smoke Victoria, five cent cigar, and White Seal, ten cent cigar, both Colum bus made goods. They are the beet brands offered in this city. Herman G. Person -will build a fine brick residence. on Eighteenth street that will cost about $5,000. H. G. Fricke haa the contract for the job. Mrs. James Armstrong and little daughter have returned from Shenan doah, Iowa, where they were the guests of relatives for several weeks. MissLeona Richards of .Gerioa, was the guest of Oolumbus frienda between trains-Saturday afternoon. She was on her way to Omaha for a short visit with relatives. Charley Wake is here from St. Edward for a few days visit with the old folks at home, and also mingling with all the friends' he knew when he lived in Columbus. Hurry Up The sale of the New Bar gain Store, 419 llth St, is not going to last much longer. If you want to save half to two-thirdson your purchases, call as soon as you can. For sale At a reasonable price, one three horse engine and a boiler Would be suitable for a farmer who wishes to purchase one. For informa tion, please call at Journal office. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph" Stovicek enter tained the members of the South Side orchestra and a few intimate friends last Sunday. The evening was devoted to music and at a late hour refreshments were served. o A complaint was sworn out Tuesday morning for the arrest of. Conductor Harding, charging him with using pro fane language and blocking the crossing with his train beyond the legal limit. HarryMusselman was the complaining witness. G. M. Douglas and family are now domiciled in their new home on North Murray street, which they recently pur chased from O. C. Pennington, Mr Pennington in turn purchased tbeDoug las residence on East Twelfth street and has taken possession of same. Miss Lillian McCabe, who for several months has been night operator in the Nebraska Telephone office, has resigned her position, ill health being the cause. On Monday she entered St. Mary's hos pital, f Mifis.Hulda Caroline will take her place with the telephone company. On May 1 Edward M. Bagatz will take the position of cashier of the German National Bank, whioh position ia at pres ent held by Bernard Schroeder, who leaves, the bank oa account of his health. Mr. Bagatz expects to return from his western trip in time to assume his duties onMav 1. Mrs. J. W. Marthie, formerly of this city, died at her hoate in Stromsburg Sunday morning. She leaves a husband and three daughters residing in Stroms burg, and a daughter, Mrs. C. B. EUis, and a son, J. F. Garvey, of Lincoln. The funeral was. held at Stroaubarg Moa day aitaraoQ., Tex g The boys Are as glad to get out of Cuba as we, to stay in Columbus to. sell Drugs, paints, oils, wall pa per, brushes, combs, perfumes, etc., at right prices. LEAVY'S SIDE DRUG SOUTH STORE Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building. DRS. MARTTH, EVAJfS AMD IRELAND. Four room house 'for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Dr. CCA. Allenburger, office in new State Bank building. Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phonea 212. Dr. D.T.Martyn. jr., office new bus State Bank building. James Gray of Seward is the guest Columbus friends this week. of Get a G. & F. Hat, the limit of good value, at Gerharz-Flynn Co's. THE Round Oak Steel Range. INCOMPARABLE,-Grau-s. A bunch of keys picked up on the street awaits an owner at the Journal office. Born, Sunday last to Mr. and Mrs. Garl Boettcber, residing in South Colum bus, a baby boy. Mrs. E. J. Meays who has been seriously ill for several months is some what improved. It pays to sell your bides where you can get the most money from tbem. See Columbus Hide Co. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith of Omaha, are guests this week of the latter'e mother, Mrs. Ihomas Lyons. Mrs Henrietta Schultz, who under went an operstion at St. Mary's hospital several days ago is convalescing. There are a few dwelling houses for rent on the list with Becher, Hoozen beriterjk Chambers, including one fur nished. Lost Between Platte Center and Co lumbus, last week, a summer lap robe Finder please leave at Journal office and receive reward. Viotor Kelba, who has been the guest of F. T. Walker and family for several days, returned to his home in Omaha Tuesday morning. SuDerintendent Conn has returned from Norfolk, where Jie, was called sev eral days ago by a message announcing the sudden death of his friend, J. M. Pile. Martin Costello and family are this week moving into their residence on West Eighth street, which Mr. Costello recently purchased from Mrs A. J. Smith. F T. Walker, who is now engaged in the real estate business in Omaha, was visiting his family a few days this week. The family will move to Omaha some time in June. Mrs. Eva Czca, aged 26 years, died aM ber home, near Duncan, last Saturday, she leaves a husband, John Czca. The funeral was held Monday from the Catholic church in Dancan. Mrs. Wm. Neumarker of Edgemont, f-'outh Dakota, is the guest of her par ents, Judge and Mrs W. N. Henelej. Mrs. Neumarker was accompanied as far as Omaha by ber husband. Who was called to that city on business. Every Family Pays for a home, at least once. If you pay for your home through The Equitable Building, Loan and Savings Association yon pay for it but once and it is yours. If you continue to rent, you pay for a home every few years but it still remains the pro perty of the landlord . If yon are paying for a home for your land lord, call at our office and we will explain to yoa how you can pay for a home of your own. The Equitable BiiliiigLiH&SafiigsAssi Office with ELLIOTT, SPEICE & CO.x P. O. Block Those who have heard Bishop W. E Quayle in his lecture pn'Hall Oaineand His Island," in whioh Qaayle tells of the Ufa of the Manx folk. Sod the powor oLf the sea over the lives of those born with in its' domain, will better understand something of the feeling which Hortense Nielsen, who appears at the North Theatre on Monday March 29, puts in to the part of Illida in "The Lady From the Sea," Henrik Ibsen's play first stag ed in America by this emotional, actress who feels her part, who puts her eoul as well as her study into this most difficult role. ' Miss Nielsen seems to feel that terrible awe which comes from contact with the sea, though, a landsiioman in every sense of the word. -Bishop Quayle says that in the Use of Man that the sea is everywhere; that it stares over your shoulder at meal time; that it peers into your book; that it looks you in the faoe as you sleep. Perhaps it is this terrible awe that' Miss Nielsen inter prets in "The Lady From the Sea" that impels one to think of the sea as close at hand, as being an omnipresent creature, sullen, unrelenting, yet speaking a language all its own to those whose ears are turned to its whisperings, its songs, its wrathful murmurings. Perhaps Miss Nielsen could have not been better adapted to the part of Illida of the Sea had Ibeen studied her style and have written the play for her. Instead she now 'feels it within her power to trans late the heretofore undiscovered strength of the part and the play. Bertha Marie Marguerite, better known by many acquaintances as Dolly, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Odum-r0wr u" """.""' """! I 0 .. .. ...fU.0. ! . -, mvlxx aim t. utui Duuuieub ui mio tin, nw away last Wednesday afternoon at El Paso, Texas, where she had been taken several days previous to her death, in hopes that a change of climate would benefit her health. Little Dolly had been in ill bealt h for 6tveral months and just one week ago last Friday Miss Katie Stenger accompanied her to El Paso All during the journey Utile Dolly seem ed no worse and upon reaching their destination apparently stood the trip well. But shortly after their arrival she became ill, and this illness9 resulted in her death. Dolly was born in this city January 18; 1905, and was at the time of her death three years, ten months and one day old. The remains were brought to this city Sunday afternoon and the funeral was held Monday after noon from the family residence. Rev Neumarker, pastor of the German Re form church, assisted by Rev. Harkness, pastor of "the Presbyterian church, offi dating and the little one was laid to rest in the Columbus cemetery. Last Thursday Mrs. Ed Fiynn was arrested for being intoxicated; and while in that condition was carrying ber half nude baby, sometime by an arm and then again -by a foot. Several ladies tried to take the child away from her. Finally some man took it from her and gave it to them. They took the child and gave it the proper care, while the mother slept off the effects of the spree in the county jail. The next day the mother was released and given the babe, under condition that she return to home in Platte Center. Her husband was with her and was also under the in fluence of liquor. He was told to accom pany her, but failing to do so he was placed in jail, and Saturday Police Judge O'Brien gave him a sentence of thirty days in the county jail, every other day on bread and water. Hot municipal campaigns are now in progress at Fullerton, St. Edward and Albion. At Fullerton the contest has made strange bedfellows as politics sometimes does. The faction alluded to as "whisky men" by the prohibitionists, named a prominent member of the Methodist church for mayor, and although he is in favor of licensing saloons he has the active support of the leading members, of his church. His opponent, who is against licensing saloons, is backed by the bootleggers and some of the druggists who are oppos ed to license, as well as one faction in the prohibition party. At Albion and St. Edward two-thirds of the busine-a men are openly supporting licene Mouday evening the democrats select ed tbeir city ticket for the spring elec tion April 6. After much persuasion Louis Held was induced to accept the nomination for mayor, and after that office was filled the remainder of the ticket was soon filled, as follows: G. B. Speice, city treasurer; -Wm. Becker, oity clerk; P. J. McCaffrey, water com missioner; Wm. O'Brien, police judge; J. L. Brunken, councilman First ward; S J. Byao, councilman Second ward; G. E Willard, councilman Third ward; Tom Braniuan. councilman Fourth ward; L. F. Pbillipps, member of the school board. August Boettcber was chairman of the convention and Jerry Carrig secretary. Last Saturday evening there was an important meeting of the representatives of the Nebraska Central Irrigation com pany and the Nebraska Power company at the office of Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. All differences between the representatives of the two .corporations have been satisfactorily adjusted and they are now prepared to go ahead with negotiations for financing the Power company. This meeting was held pre liminary to another which will be held later, and atwhicbtime it is expected definite steps will be taken toward get ting the project under way. John Backhua of southwest of Leigh. was transacting basiasss in Columbus Monday. - Miss Maud Marriel of Fremont, was J the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. T- mjt over Sunday.- i rtU : Mr. and Mrs. John v --a ' of Lin coln, are the guests of kne former par ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. McLean thia week. Byron Way, a former Columbus boy, now residing in Lincoln, has been ap pointed an instructor of music at the State university. The ladies of Mrs. Casein's division of the Congregational church gave a box social last Wednesday evening in the Casein bultdTng on West Thirteenth street. Mrs. E. W. Gassman returned Satur day evening from San Bernardino, Cal., where they have bought property, and Is very well pleased with the country. Paul, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Allison, died Tuesday of typhoid pneumonia, aged eight days. The funer al will be held from the home Thursday morning. Mrs. Rathburn, who conducts dress making parlors in this city, was taken to St. Mary's hospital Monday, where the same afternoon she underwent an operation. Mrs. Roscoe Pound of Chicago arrived Tnesday for a two weeks' visit in Ne braska, a portion of which time she will be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gerrard of this city, and the remainder in Lincoln. -. In about three or fonr weeks Mr. and Mrs. H. P. H. Oehlrich will start on a trip to Europe, where they expect to remain some time. While over thete Mr. Oehlrich will, consult some of "the leading physicians and visit Carlsbad and other health resorts across the water While his health has been much better of late, he hopes that when be returns be will be entirely recovered from his recent sickness. An excellent organization is the Na tional Opera Company, which comes to the Opera house on Friday March 26, in The Grand Duchess. Unlike the ma jority of attractions that Manager Saf fian has booked this season, it possesses artists of undoubted merit in the operatic line and a chorus whose oharmicg looks and delightful stage pictures grace a meritorious performance. Seats should be reserved well in advance fo-a crowd ed house is assured. David Dexter, 'one of the-old settle w of Polk county, died at his home, eleven miles southwest of Columbus, on March 23, of Bright' s disease. Mr. Dexter was born in Canada September 7, 1837. In 1857 he was married to Sarah D. Adkins in Lea county, Illinois. In 1887 he moved to the Polk county home, where he has sinoe resided. Besides his wife he leaves three sons, Elisha P., who has been living at home; Ira O., of Stockham Neb., and Caleb D., who lives in Colora do. Funeral services will be held Fri day in Shelby. Mrs. Margueritta Speicher, aged 73 years, died at her home in east Colum bus, March 16, after a short illnesr Mrs. Speicher came to America in 1874 with the family, settling in Saunders county, and from there they removed to Butler county, where they resided until two years ago, when they moved to east Columbus. For the last two years she has been subject to sick spells, and when the final sickness came it was of short duration. At the time of her death all the children were with her. Besides her husband she' leaves six sons, J.' P. of Butler 'County, Martin, Pier, Nick and Peter of Coluinbus, and Au gust of David City, and three daughters, Katie of Columbus, Mrs. Julius Sauser of Oedar Rapids, Mrs. Martha Smith of Bellwood. Two sisters, Mrs. Anna Heinof David City and Mrs. Ilenry Smith of Bellwood, and one brother, Peter, also survive her. The funeral was from the residence at 9 a. m. Thurs day, and services held at the Catholic church at 9:30. Interment was in the Catholic cemetery Mrs. Dora Dietrichs, widow of C H. W. Dietriohs, passed away at her home on East eleventh street, Wednesday morn ing at 8:15, death resulting from a stroke of paralysis she suffered about one year ago, and since which time she has been confined .to her room, and al though quite ill, at times her condition was not considered dangerous until a feVhours before her death Mrs. Die trichs was born in Germany October 27, 1836, and wa at the time of ber death past seventy three years of age. In 1866 Mrs. Dietrichs, accompanied by her husband came to America, settling in New York. Later they went to Chicago 111., and from there in 1869 they came to Platte county, wnere tney settled on a farm where they resided for many years. From there they moved to Columbus. Mrs. Dietrichs was a pioneer settler of this county and daring her declining years told many stories of the hardships as well aa the pleasures oae had to en dure when living in this country in early days. The deceased was the mother of eleven children, five being deceased. The living are Mrs. Frank Shott, who resides on a farm in Polk county. Mrs. Wm. Liodee of Omaha, Charles of New York, August, William and Mrs. C. W. Willis of thia city. As yet no arrange aU have bean made for tha funeral. Our window I Z 4L.11 Of the best line of Brushes ever shown in the city, direct from the factory of GerU Lombard. This line is com plete, as it contains 35 va rieties of brushes, and each variety includes from 10 -to 50 different styles, so you can be sure of getting just what you want. We bought these brushes in large quan tities and got a good. price, so consequently can put a very good price on them. Just NOTICE go by as you POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist oa the Corner Oolumbus, Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Meays will soon , leave for Texas, where they go for the benefit of Mrs. Meays health. Mrs. Albert Dantron and little son re turned from Lincoln Monday eveaiag. where they spent Sunday as guests of friends. Mr. Damron accompanied them to Lincoln but returned, Saturday evening. - I About a year ago, David Thomas pur chased the Erb estate, consisting of 312 acres, at referee sale, for $21,918 and after holding it until Tuesday of thia week be disposed of it to Fred Luckey. jr., for $26,520, making a nice profit of $4,602. Which 1 goes to show that Platte county real estate is about the best investment that can be made. Craig Brown, of Beaver Dam, Wis., was in the' city several days last week visiting friends. He went up the branch to Cedar BapidB Saturday to spend t. short time with hia brother George. Mr. Brown went west 'several moath ago for his health, visiting most of the states and territories. Craig will he remembered by a good many of the old settlers, having lived here in tha early 70s. vvv Henry Ragatz and son Ed leave Wed nesday morning for the west and wilt go to California before returning. They will go via Kansas City, where they will be joined by Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Scott, who wilTaccbmpany them. The dbject of the trip is to look for a location, and should a suitable one be found they ex pect to locate there and make it their future home, otherwise they will return to' this city. G. M. Douglas and family were pleas antly surprised by a number of friends and neighbors, who gathered at their old home on East Twelfth street Wednes v day evening, to" bid them farewell aa neighbors, for on the following day Mr. Douglas and family moved into a cottage in North Columbus which they had re cently purchased. The evening was de voted to cards and games and at a late hour refreshments were served. A civil service examination for rural carrier will be conducted by Postmaster Kramer on April 17. There is a carrier to be appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of F. L. Habavand no doubt there will be a. number of appli cants. M r. Hahn was relieved last week. I so that he could o to his farm, near Genoa, and John R. Brock, substitute, will carry the route until after the ex amination and a regular carrier ia appointed. Just what Columbus theatre goers have been waiting for. Laughter that stimulates, music that jingles lastingly and the best looking chorus on the road is the promise of the management of the National Opera Company which plaje an engagement at the Opera house on Friday "evening March 25, in the greatest of all Comic opera, 'The Grand Duch ess." This is the old Beggar Prince Opera Co. and our patrons are promised a musical treat next Friday evening.- Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Mnnsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. Prices in men's from $1.50 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splenaid line ready for your in spection and ranging ia prios from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Buy early while th sizes are complete. GRAY'S ,? -.-" - " - . '-&. -