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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1909)
.ffrBHTSlEBSSSS gn UP It.1"-'-1---,-,;7-""--1- .MsiesassasertsMissA ; ... . . ' . . ml .ThA .VAM.itf. am.mii. ,vA ,tf..l.AIIIIll. 4m.f, 1I0I1IA I Wmvr Vmrimhim mnmmmmtmm -la Mass -. BAICAAMrIA If IMIKVirus f a .? PPPMBBWMMM 1 :J?:- Columbus Journal R. . tTROTHER, Publisher. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA IHPtffiTAHT NEWS NOTES OF A WEEK LATEST HAPPENINGS THE WORLD OVER TOLD IN ITEMIZED FORM. EVENTS HERE AND THERE Cendcneed Into a Few Lines for ths Perusal sf the Busy Man Latest Persenal Infor mation. SYNOPSIS OF TARIFF BILL. The distinguishing features of the new bill Introduced in the house are: Mazimam and minimum tariff plan designed to secure fair'play for United States from other protectionist coun tries. Inheritance tax estimated to bring in revenue' of $20,000,000 yearly. New provision as to goods manufac tured under foreign patents, designed to increase manufacture of such ar ticles in United States by American workmen. Coffee on free list; tea taxed eight cents per pound, and nine cents when brought from other than producing country. Iron ore on free list, duties on manu factures of iron and steel niaterlally reduced. Tin plate and steel rails re duced. Hides on free list and duties on man ufactured leather reduced; shoes re duced 40 per cent. Lumber and timber duties cut in half. Reciprocal free trade with Philip pines, with a limitation on amount of The executive conncUof. the 'Na tional Civic federation will call a con ference to disease the subject of uni form laws for an states. Three persons were drowned, many injured and damages estimated at $250,000, caused by the breaking of two reservoirs at Parkersbarg, W. Va. While several, of the hand kept citi zens at bay by shooting at all who came in sight,, robbers made an un successful attempt to get into the vault of a bank at Bald Knob, Ark. Joseph Brown, who. wounded Chief of Police Scott White at Whltmer, W. Va., was hanged by a mob to a tele graph, pole. " John Moake, -villain in an amateur play near ML Vernon, I1L, was shot and probably fatally wounded by Roy Slater, the hero. Dr. D. H. Kress of Washington In' an address said the liquor habit could be cured by eschewing meat and eat ing plenty of vegetables. President Lewis of the United Mine Workers of America has called a meet ing of the executive board to discuss the trouble in the anthracite field of Pennsylvania. It was reported that the Tennessee coal and iron plant of the United States Steel corporation, at Ensley, Ala.,, will be closed for an indefinite'time, owing to stagnation in the iron and" steel trade. President Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, Chief Justice Fuller, Gov. Hughes and Mayor McClelian joined in praising Grover Cleveland at the celebration of the dead president's seventy-second birthday anniversary in New York. Benjamin L. Winchell, president of the Rock Island railroad, in a speech at Council Bluffs, la., complained of the restricting laws against railroads. William Whitla, eight-year-old son of James H. Whitla, an attorney of S'jaron, Pa., and nephew of Frank H. Buhl, a millionaire, was kidnaped and a ransom of $10,000 demanded. t Fire destroyed the Union railway station in Louisville, Ky causing a loss of $400,000. More than 100 women stormed the Iowa senate and denounced recent blows at prohibition by the legislature. That party lines will be erased by the fight over the tariff was shown by Mr. Broussard's desertion of the Dem- CAPITAL CITY HEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST AROUNDTHE STATE HOUSE. THEWORKOFTnEUNVMAXERS eamanWBWnssa Uftefativ Pacts and Gseeia News ff the State Capital. sugar and tobacco annually to be im ported. Reciprocity with Cuba con- ocats in the interests of his home dis a I trict. A 'bill has been introduced in the Hsuss Passes Bills. The house passed the following bills Thursday morning on third reading: H. R. 397, by Taylor of Hitchcock Appropriating $575 for the resurVey of the 5th principal meridian. Ayes 60, nays 25. H. R. 139, by Pilger Appropriating $90,000 for the purchase of the Wayne normal school. Ayes 58, nays 35. H. R. 468, by Broderick Appropri ating $30,000 for the deaf institute at Omaha. Ayes 68, naya 17. ' H. R. 200, by Lawrence of Dodge Vesting homestead rights in minor children. Ayes 77, nays 8. H. R. 209, by Bates of Otoe Limit ing powers of justice to fine or impris onment Ayes 92, nays 1. H. R. 136, by Bowman of Nuckolls Providing for burning carcasses of ani mals dying from contagious disease. -Ayes 64, nays 13. H. R. 169, by Bushee of Kimball For constructive service in probate matters by publication. Ayes 72, nay 1. tinues. Internal revenue tax on cigarettes increased from $3 to $3.60 and from Vl to $1.50 per thousand. Beer and whisky not touched. Nails, wire, hardware, tools, etc., re duced. Change in pottery schedule not ma terial; some sizes of window glass re duced and others increased. Sugar reduced five one-hundredths of a cent per pound. Cheaper grades of wool arc reduced. CONGRESSIONAL. It is probable that the five-minute rule which governed the debate on the Dingley tariff bill will be applied in the house to the Payne measure. Shelby M. Cullom, senior senator of Illinois, has been assigned to the place held by former Senator Hopkins on the senate's finance committee. iresxaem laits special message urging congress to revise the tariff, on which work the house has begun, is the shortest document of its kind on record. Senators Smith and Burrows of Michigan have prevailed upon Presi dent Taft to keep Ambassador O'Brien at Tokyo. Joseph G. Cannon was re-elected speaker and the rules of the house were amended at the opening of the extra session. PERSONAL. Miss Mary Garden, the opera singer, will be -married to Prince Mazcodato of Russia after April 13, when she will sail for Russia. President Taft attended a meeting of the Yale corporation and was given a rousing reception by students on (he campus. Ex-President Roosevelt in a speech to his neighbors Bald he had no fear of becoming III in Africa and predict ed he would come out alive. George T. Oliver of Pittsburg was elected by the Pennsylvania legisla ture to fill Philander C. Knox's unex pired term. E. H. Harriman, in an interview at Los Angeles, says he is giving up business activity and will retire, on the advice of his physicians. Charles D. Norton of Chicago,-general agent of the Northwestern Mu tual Life Insurance Company, is to be assistant secretary of the treasury. GENERAL NEWS. The Royal Northwest mounted po lice of Canada, under the command of Sergeant-Inspector Pelletler, has re turned to Winnipeg, Man., after mak ing probably the longest and most northerly trip ever undertaken in Can ada. The party left Edmonton, Alber ta, last July. Reports from Africa say former President Roosevelt will find all the wild animals his heart may desire when he reaches the jungles on his faunal-naturalist hunting trip. Fire started on Hart's Island. New "York, and caused a scare among 1,500 convicts in prison there. James Ricalton. a naturalist, has sailed for Africa to study the fly which causes the fatal sleeping sick ness. W. D. Stephenson has been elected mayor of Los Angeles. Cal., to serve until March 26. when a successor to former Mayor Harper is to be elected. In a statement -Issued in Havana ', the government announces that the revolution in Santa Clara province amounts to but little and will be crushed out promptly. Judge George M. Dallas of the fed eral court at Philadelphia has sent his resignation to President Taft The mail carriers, of Paris have joined the telegraph and telephone.op erators in their strike and France is practically cut off from the rest cf the world. CoL Goethals, chief engineer of the Panama canal replied to critics and defended the lock type. The Interstate commerce commis sion has ruled that the rates on sugar complained of by Indianapolis ship pers, are not unjustly discriminatory. Representative ShepparU cf Texas has introduced a" bill in congress to amend the constitution so as to b'en with the words "In the name of God." house by Mr. Bennett providing for postage of one cent an ounce on de mesne letters. William St. Clair, arrested at Fort Collins, Col., was identified by two mail clerks as one of the men that held up and lobbed the Rio Grande passenger train February 13. Secret service men are collecting evidence at Bellefontaine, O., to be used in the government's prosecution of Gov. Haskell of Oklahoma in the cases charging alleged land frauds. Miss Isabel V. Lyon, Mark Twain's social and literary secretary, was mar ried to Ralph Ashcraft, who is a close friend of Mr. Clemens and who is also his business adviser The linemen, repairers and mechan ics joined the telegraph operators and mail carriers in the Paris strike. Robbers broke into the bank at Birds,' Jll., and stole $1,000. They blew open the safe with nitro glycerine. Robert Tanner, aged 45 years, his son aged ten, and his little daughter aged eight, were asphyxiated by gas at their home in Montreal, Ont. The gas had been turned on accidentally it is thought. A Canadian Pacific passenger train, after the enginemen had leaped from the locomotive to escape scalding, crashed into the Montreal station, killed four persons and injured 30. A. E. Rice, aged 53, president of the Ohio Bankers' association, died at his home in Fremont, O., from a complica tion of diseases. He was president of the Crogham Banking & Savings Com pany. President Taft has accepted an in vitation to attend the annual spring dinner of the Gridiron club April 17. Senor Espinoza. minister from Nic aragua, told Secretary Knox his coun try had no Intention of attacking any of her sister republics and wants peace. A dog sent to find Joseph Small wood at Indianapolis returned and led the man's wife to his dead. body. He had committed suicide. In a debate in parliament fear was expressed that Germany will soon outstrip England in naval strength and be able to wrest the rule of the seas from Great Britain. The plan of reorganization of the Chicago & Great Western railway has been completed. It provides for the authorization of $60,000,000 first mort gage four per cent bonds, of which $17,000,000 will be reserved to retire outstanding divisional bonds. Peter Augustus Jay, secretary of the American embassy at Tokyo, and Miss Susan Alexander McCook, daugh ter of Col. John J. McCook, were mar ried In th'e Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church in New York. Orders have been received by Super intendent Ross of the Greer tin plant at Newcastle, Pa., to begin operations in full. Sixteen hundred employes who have been idle since last June' will be given work. John W. Gates, according to a re port, is behind a merger of several steel companies which will fight the Dig trust. The new concern is to have $800,000,000 capital. Reports from Rome say he police of the whole country are making every effort to arrest the slayers of Lieut Petrosino of the New York police de partment A general cut of ten per cent in wages in all departments of the Penn sylvania Steel Company's plant at North Lebanon is "announced for April l. it affects all local employes, numberlng'about 600. Secretary of War J. M. Dickinson has written to the New Orleans Prog ressive Union accepting the invitation of that body to stop over in New Or leans on his way to visit the Panama canal. Saying his conscience hurt him so :jadly as to force him to surrender, E. R. May, wanted for forgery at Mountain Grove. Mo., walked Jmo the sheriff's office at Alexandria, La., and gavve himself up. He was taken back to Missouri., The Central Illinois Teachers' asso ciation met for its twenty-fifth annual convention in Decatur, ill. Bill to Require Some Heavy Bonds. The heads of state institutions in the future must give heavy bonds for the faithful discharge of their duties if Senator Ransom's bill receives the ''same consideration in the lower house that it did in the senate Thursday. The measure provides that all of the superintendents of the state institu tions except the state colleges shall pv torn:? to Ue ai-junt cf S5 0J0. while their assistants are to be asked to give bond from $1,000 up, according to the positions held. There was no opposition to the measure when it came before the senate, for final pas sage. Other measures passed by the senate Thursday follov:: S. F. No. 304, by Brown Providing that villages of less than 1,500 people shall have the same privileges as cities of the' same size in regard to including adjoining property in the city school district S. F. No. 314, by Howell Providing for the repeal of the county comptroll er law as applied in Douglas county. S. F. No. 330, by Miller Providing that city traction companies may pur chase interurban lines that do not extend more than ten miles out of cities. S. F. No. 273, by Buck Providing that public contractors must furnish bonds that they will pay for material that is used. S. F. No. 3r5, by Lavcrty Compel ling counties to pay their share of bridges that are built by adjoining counties if the cost of the bridges are not more than $300. S. F. No. 225, by Howell Providing that all fire, accident and fidelity com panies operating in the state shall transact their business through local agents. H. R. No. 135 was killed on account of interfering with the OHIs bill which likewise provides for a rotary name system on the primary ballots. Paver Variable Sentence-Plan. The indeterminate sentence meas ure of Senator. Brown passed the.aUte senate Thursday. -Two years ago a similar measure was killed la the-Ieg-islatare, but the .upper house has now passed the bill 'without any opposing votes. The measure provides that all district court judges shall give every man the minimum penalty of the law when he it' sentenced. When the sen tence is Bearing its end the judge who gave the sentence and the warden of penitentiary shall decide whether or not the prisoner shall remain longer, in accordance with his prison record. Other bills that were passed by the senate Friday follow: H. fC No. 128, by Lawrence Pro viding for revising the state militia code, in accordance with the national regulations. S. F. No. 326, by Raymond Provid ing that water canals shall be placed under the control of irrigation boards and be subject to the same regulations as smaller ditches. S. F. No. 350, zy the" Committee of Education Providing for improve ments in the state school at the home for the friendless iu this city. The committee -of the whole ap proved the following measures: H. R. No. 4, by Evans Providing for the regulating of the accounting and the weighing of grain by the rail roads. H. R. No. 228, by Griffin Providing that brush shall not be dumped in drainage districts. S. F. No. 367, by Gammill Author izing the state to contribute $5,000 re ward for the discovery of a cure for corn stalk diseases. S. F. No. 256, by Raymond Provid ing that adjoining school districts having a population of more than 150 persons shall be permitted to raise the school levy from 25 to 40 mills. S. F. No. 285, by the Committee on Education Providing that the resi dents of adjoining districts) may vote for the transfer of pupils. S. F. No. 398, by Buck Providing that the name of the .state institute for the blind be changed to "The Ne braska Institute for the Blind." The senate killed the Scheele bill, which aimed to prevent the pooling of bids by contractors for public work. IS REM TO START ROOSEVELT INSPECTS HIS DUN NAGE for south africa; ACKAOttE IS KIDNEYACHC Uaaafty There Are Other TranWee to PrevelU Paia in the hack is pain la the kid neys, in GOES TO STEAMEB TttESUY Members of His Family Gathar at Sagamora Hill far Final Reunion. Not Later Than March 30. The committee from the house to fix the time of adjournment of the session met that appointed by the senate Thursday and an informal dis cussion of the end of the session was indulged in. It -was decided to name the date of final adjournment within a day or so. The sense of the joint committee was that the session should adjourn finally not later than March 30. The joint committee adjourned till Monday. Senator Majors of Nemaha is one of the farmers of the joint committee who has had a sniff of growing grass and who longs with an intense longing to get between the plow handles. All the committeemen talked enthusias tically of what1 they term an early adjournment, not one that -will leave work undone, but one that can be taken not later than the last day of March. Some who arc not members of the committee laugn loud and hi lariously when they hear of this talk of an "early adjournment," or a "busi ness like session." Some of the mem bers say that adjournment before the first week in April is Impossible. High Death Rate of House Bills. The death rate in bills reported from committees was exceedingly high Friday morning. The spirit of what's-the-use has entered into many of the legislators and after glancing at the huge general bills of less than amazing importance are frequently ditched. Thomas bill to create an armory commission for the national guard was derailed. Nettleton's bill appro priating $5,000 to repay old soldiers for pensions taken from they by the state .board of public lands and build ings was buried and Snyder's bill for $15,000 for test gas and oil borings was put under the daisies. Hector's bill appropriating $4,000 for coal re wards was also killed. Xo attempt was made to resurrect any of these bills except the Thomas armory bill and this attempt was futile. -Even the Snyder appropriation for the elevator at the Grand Island sol diers and sailors home was indefinite ly postponed. Clark's bill for $50,000 for a new institution for the blind was put out of business. Buck's bill for the repeal of the Sheldon one-mill levy was also ditched. The last of the victims was H. R. 459, which in tended to reduce the state board of assessment to include only the gover nor, secretary of state and the treasurer. Oyster Bay, N. Y. Happy in the prspect of his departure Tuesday morning for his long-planned African "safari' or hunting trip, ex-President Roosevelt was the soul of good hu mor Sunday at his home at Saga more Hill, where the members of his family gathered for a final reunion before the long journey to the jungle. The ex-president waa in high spirits and took a delight in looking after his personal belongings. W. Emlin Roosevelt and hisfamily, cousins ' of the ex-president, called in the after noon. Ex-Secretary of the Interior Garfield visited Mr. Roosevelt and ex tended his wishes for a safe journey. Mr. Roosevelt was up with the sun, as1 he said, to make the most of the first day of spring. Nearing church time, the start was made on foot for Christ church, three miles away. Mr. Roosevelt walked with his wife and cousin, while Archie and Ethel pro ceeded on foot ahead. Rev. Henry Washburn, rector of the church, in corporated a special prayer for Mr. Roosevelt's safe return, in the regular prayer. Several of the congregation pressed about Mr. Roosevelt at the close of the church service and wished him a fine journey and good luck. Mr. Roosevelt and his wife made the long trip back to Sagamore Hill on foot and seemed not to mind the clouds of dust raised by passing ve hicles; rather. Mr. Roosevelt took it as an experience that might likely be met on the dry veldt outside of Nairobi, where he will make his headquarters in British East Africa. After luncheon Mr. Roosevelt, with two officials of the steamship com pany, made a careful inspection of all the baggage in order to see that everything was right and tight for the four-weeks trip to Mombassa. The baggage was checked for Naples and will be taken to the steamer at Ho boken. "I am going to New York in the morning," said Mr. Roosevelt, "and will go to the steamer to inspect my quarters and see that my personal baggage is safely cared for.' I shall take with me my wearing apparel, rifles, ammunition, one tent from here, books and some scientific in struments." New York. Immediately upon the arrival of the steamer Hamburg at Its pier, a score of carpenters and decorators were set to work remodel ing the suit of staterooms which Mr. Roosevelt is to occupy. The original imperial suite consisted. of only three rooms. The alterations will make the suite one of five rooms. Under the supervision of an expert decorator, brought over from Ger many, the entire suite will be rear ranged. The first room will be a drawing room immediately off which will be Mr. Roosevelt's bedroom. Connecting with this will be a dress ing room, after which will come Ker mit Roosevelt's room, and last of all the bathroom. SUDDEN SUMMONS FOR PRINCE. nMMt cai asasnsav bBbbbbw aV and It points to the need of a spe cial reaeedy to re Here and care the or in of the kidneys that la In terfering with their work and canting that pain that A TRAIN LOAD OT TOBACCO. "Oh, my hack." Thompson Wat kins, professional nurse, 428 N. 23d St, Parsons, KaaA. says: "For some time I was an noyed with sharp twinges across the small of my back and irregular pas sages of the kidney secretions. Since using Dean's Kidney Pills I am free from these troubles." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, N. Y. PLEASANT FOR DAUBER. annnnnnmLJnnnnnnnnnnnmmSml smmmmmmnk What is probably the biggest lot of afl fancy grade tobacco held by any factory m the United States has just been purchased by Frank P. Lewis, of Peoria, lor the manufacture of Lewis Single Binder Cifarat. The lot will make twenty-four carload, and is se lected from, what is parta to be the- finest crap -anted m many years. The pntchane of tobacco is sufficient to list be factory move than two years. An extra pace wm paid for the selectkau -Ssaokncs of Lewis' Single Binder Cigars will appre ciate this tobacco. T-Pnri Star. January z6t xpajju Quaint Oath Taken in Cenrt. What is regarded as .the quaintest eath still in nee is that taken by the Ugh court judges In the fete of Mas. the terms of which are as follows: "By this book and the contents there of, and by the wonderful works that God hath miraculously wrought in the heaven above and the earth beneath in six days and six nights, I do swear that I will, without respect of favor or friendship, lose or gala, consanguinity or aflnity, envy or malice, execute the laws of this fsle justly between party and party as indifferently as the her ring backbone doth lie In the midst of the fish. So help me God. and the contents of this book." Sign Painter (to Dauber, A. N. A.) Hello, bo! It's great to meet up wid one of de perfesh ont here in de wilds! What a Woman Will Not Do. There is nothing a woman would not do to regain her lost beauty. She ought to be fully as zealous in preserving iter good looks. The herb drink called Lane's fam ily Medicine or Lane's Tea is the moat ef ficient aid in preserving a beautiful skin, and will do more than anything ele to re store the roses to faded cheeks. At all druggists' and dealers', 25c A Cold Deal. "And so he made a cool million? "Yep, cornered the ice market." Yale Record. Beware off Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, m aeinaj win moriy destroy tke wetot of tmrll ad completely deraace tke whole systrra when twtrrta tt throoch Ute moeoys surfen-o. Such artirlcs abootl nerer be need cxr t on prrtcrtp tlon fro reputable phjwtelmjm. aa ie daauoe thy wlU de M ten fold to the food you caa pcaalbly de rive from them. Haifa CUarrk Cure. tnaBBforrtsed by F. J. Caeaey a G. Toledo. Ot. eentalas bo raer nay.. aad b takea tateraaJly. actios dtrreily upoa tae blood and macooa ertteea of tb jvtem. In Bvylnc Ilall'a Catarra Core be sere you crt the eaotae. It la takes toternany aad sade fit Toledo. Oftto. by F. J. Cheney a Co. TMtbnonlala free. Sold by Dnaortota. Price. 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills tor constipation. A pessimist needs Garfield Tea. the Herb laxative which regulates the liver, corrects constipation and brings good health and good spirits. Where Time Halts. "There are some people who never get beyond a certain age." said the brass-buttoned man at the railroad gates. "The unmarried woman who never gets beyond 25 and the child who travels who never reaches the age of five." A good sermon is often spoiled by a bad dinner. Lewis' Single Binder CipTr ha a rich i taste. Your dealer or Levi' Factory. Peoria, 111. - I The professional tramp never punc- f tures his tire. - ., . lo Allen's Foot-Ease VDiestlrra.arblnB'.&wcatlnsfprt. 2Sc Trial uacLam free. -A. S. Olmsted. Leltiiy.N.Y. It Is what it Is "cracked up to be,' ft is Ice. aiBBiTiaifiwt. Mw--..r if hUAKES tbat yon will bell S2r-5 INVESTIGATION CO.. 30S lllberate Bid?., baa JTraacUco, CmL mwn Convicts Not to Work en Roads. The house put itself on record Thursday morning against the em ployment of convicts on roads. Boelt's bill providing that the convicts be sent out to work the roads whenever county commissioners should request them was reported for indefinite post ponement. Daniel Webster Bolets immediately began to Websterize. He wanted the house to turn down the committee re port and place the bill, H. R. 278, on the general file. Omaha Charter Passed. Almost simultaneously, the depos itors guaranty banking bill and the home rule Omaha charter, were rati fied by both the branches of the legis lature Friday. The banking bill which originated in the house was passed by the senate by a vote of 25 to 6 and the 'Omaha charter bill, which originated in the senate, was passed in the bouse by a vote of 78 to 13. The latter bill was passed with the emergency clause and the people of the metropolis may vote this spring directly to elect their city engineer and the members of their fire and police board. Candidates for these offices may file by petition during the next two 'weeks -and may be placed upon .the official ballot as independent candidates. Man Who Operated Siberian Railway During the War Dies. St. Petersbur;. Prince Michael Hil koff, a member of the council of the empire 'and formerly minister of com munication, died suddenly. He was present at the inaugural meeting of the Russo-British Chamber of Com merce when he fainted. The prince was removed to his residence, but did not regain consciousness. m8fy&. from "woman's ailments are invited to "write to tbe names awl addresses here given, for jsitivc proof that Eydia E. PinkJiam s Vegetable Compound does cure female ills. Modjeska Is No Better, Los Augcles. The condition of Mme. Modjeska, who is lying very low at her country home near Santa Anita, remains practically unchanged, it is not throught she can live. THE COOPERS FOUND GUILTY. Signed by the Governor. Governor Shallenberger Wednesday signed the following bills: S. F. No. 15, by Tibbetts Regu lating and legalizing acknowledgement of deeds before commissioners of deeds outside of Nebraska H. R. No. 11, by Taylor of York Designating the records to be kept by county judges. x H. R. No. 357 Appropriating $10, 000 for the construction of a barn and the purchase ,of horses and har ness for the Kearney industrial school for boys. Sleeping Car Rate Unchanged. King's bill, senate file No. 69, for a reduction of rates on sleeping cars, was unearthed by Tanner's committee on miscellaneous corporations for the purpose of killing it. The committee has had charge of the bill since early in the session but had never made a report. It recommended that the bill be indefinitely postponed and the re port was adopted after King's motion not to concur had been defeated. To Consider Charter. The Lincoln charter was scheduled for third reading at about 4:15 Fri day afternoon. The third reading of a number of bills delayed the measure and prevented the speed so much de- Kick Against Burlington. C. A. Fowler of DeWitt has filed with the state railway commission a complaint against the Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy railroad because of its work in diminishing the size of the outlets for the flood waters of Turkey creek. The waters-of this creek back up in flood time and cause much dam age. The complainant insists that the railroad embankment and the small openings through it are respon sible for this condition. The matter will be investigated by one or more of the commissioners. Jury Fixes Penalty at Twenty Years in Penitentiary. Nashville, Tenn. After filing a bond totaling nearly $l,50o,000. Colonel D. B. Cooper "and Robin J. Cooper, convict ed of murder in the second degree and sentenced to twenty years in the peni tentiary for the killing of former United States Senator Carniack, re tired to the home of Judge J. C. Brad ford and discussed the next move in the case. Although Judge Hart fixed ,the bond at $25,000 for. each defend ant, there was a rush to sign it on the part of the wealthy citizens of Nash ville, which fairly swamped the clerk in the criminal court. If a new trial is granted it will probably not take place before next winter. Debate Over Tariff. Washington. The house of repre sentatives will this week' begin the serious consideration of the "business for which the extra session of con gress was called, the revision of the tariff. The Payne bill, which has only been read in the house, will on Mon day be laid before that body for dis cussion, and Chairman Payne of the committee on ways and means will mako the first argument in support of it. This will be the beginning of the general debate on the bill, and it is expected to proceed several days. TosAor Kenanvml. Chicago, IH.-Mn. AJvena Sperling, U Lan- don Street. Undley, fml.-Mnt. May Frr. Kinsley, Kan.-Mrs. Stella Oifford Bcunan. Seott, N.Y.-Mrs. S. J. Barber. CoruvallTillo, N.Y. Mr. Wm. Houghton. Cincinaatl,0.Mrs.W.K.HotEh.7Ea3tTiewA r Hilwaukee,'Yis.-Mx3. inma Inise, 883 1st St, German. Change of T.if. Boat Bead. Iad.Ura. Frod Certia, 1014 S. Lafajette. Street. 2?oaa, Kentucky.-Mrs. Lizzie Holland. BrookfleJd, Mo.Mr. &tnix Lousiznout, 297 8. Market St. Patersoa. N.J. Mr. Wm. Somerrille, 135 Hamburgh Areaae. Pailadeiphlk, Pa. Mrs. K. E. Garrett, C407 North Garnet Street. KewaskniB, WU. Mrs. Carl Dahlfce. Matoralrr Trouble. Worcester, Mass.- Mrs. DosjIt CoU, ITT. suaugHOBinn. Indianapoii, ImLaMra. A. P. Anderson, 1907 E. Pratt Street. Big Ron, Pa.-Mrs- W. E. Pooler. Atwater Station, O. Mm. Anton Muelhanpt. Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. E. U. Bladdoek, 2&S Gilbert Avenne. Mogadon, Ohio. Mrs. Lea Manges, Box 131. DewlttTiUe, JJ.Y-Mrs. A. A. ;il. Johnstown.N.Y. MmHomer X. Seaman, 108 E. Main Street. BnrtoBTiew, IU.Mm Peter Langeabalm. AveM Operations. Hampetead, Mrt. Mrs. Jos. H. Dan Jr. Adrian, GaLea V. Henry, IbmteJN'o. 3. iDdlananoUs. lad. Bessie V. Piper; 29 South Addkon Street. loaisviUe, Ky. Mrs. SamLee.3623 Fourt h St. South West Harbor, Maine. Mrs. Lillian Bobbins, Mt. Desert Light Station. Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Frieda Boseuao, &M MeMraai ATease, German. OrgasJa PlaalTtsaaata. Mosier, Tils. Mrs. Miry Ball. ligooier, lad. Mrs. Ellsa Wood.R-F.D. X-. 4. Melbourne, Iowa. Mrs. Clara Wateroina, 'R.F.DvXo.1. Bardstowa, Ky. Mrs. Joseph Hall. JjewtatoB. Maine. Mrs. Henry Cloutier, 86 Oxford Street. Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. John G. Moldan, 2115 Second Street, X. Shamrock, Mo. Joslo Hara, K.F.D. Xo. 1; Box 22. Marl ton, X jr. Mrs. Geo. Jordy, Route Xo. 3, Box 40. Chester. Ark. Mrs. Ella Wood. Ocilla, Ga. Mrs. T. A. Cribb. Pendleton. Ind. Mrs. My Marshall. TUt. 44. lanaoritige, en. .hts. reiue .uoaianuer. Painful Periods. Colien, AlaMrs.W. T. DaItoji.RouUX.3. Chicago. 1 11. Mrs. Wra. Tully.465 Ogdeu A . P.iw Paw, Mich. Mrs. Emma Draper. Flushing, Mich. Mrs. Burt Lojd. E.F.J. Xo. 3 : cars of J). A. Sanborn. Coffeeville, Miss. Mrs. S. J. Jcnee. Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Flora Ahr, 13CI Errni Street. Cleveland, Ohio Miss Iid Stclger, KK Flwt Areaue, S.E. Wesleyrille. Pel-Mrs. Ma;3rfeEster,R.F.l..l. Dyersburjr.Tcnn MrsLuo Milliard, B.S.1. Uayfleld, Va.-Mrs. Mayme WiadteT si i t ttlarltr nerrin. 111. -Mr. Chas. FolkeL Winchester, lud. Mrs. May Deal. lyer, Ind. Mrs. Win. Gberloh. B.F.'D.Xo.l. lUltiniore. Md. Mrs. W. S. FonL 1938 JLaur- dowxo Street. Boxbnry. Mass-Mrs. Francis Merxle,13 Field ClarasdrJe, Ma-MIs Anni Watlaee. GutsTiUc, Ohio.-Mrs. Ella Michael, K.F.TK7. Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Ida Hole, Box 23. Xa- tional Military Home. Lebanon, Pa.-Mrs. Harry !. IUttlc, 23 Leli- man Street. Sykes. Tenn. Minnie Hall. Detroit,Mich.-Mr j. Louue JuBg,3a2Chesrnu I . St Ovmrlaa Trouble uieennes. Ind. Mrs. Syl. V. Jerauld. COS X. Tenth Street. ' Gardiner, 3Inine. Mrs. S. A. WilliaiBS, K. F. D. No. 14 ; Box 39. Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Chas. EoeTI. 2407 X. Garnet Street. i PlatUbnrc.3Iiss.-3IissTemaWiIkee.B.FJ.l. Femal .WcaTcneea. WHliasantie, Cojul Mrs. Etta Doaoraa, Box wJ9 Woudnlde, Idiho. Mr. Karhe! Jonason. Kockland. Maiuo. Mrs. Will Young, 6 Col- ombia Avenue. SctviUe. Mieh.-Mrs. J.GUrohason.R.F.D. 7. tVt2lh.,i' -Mr- ?- B- Smith. 431 Elm St. Erfe, Paj-Mrs. J. P. EndUch. K. F. 1. Xo. 7. BMW Palls, Pa. -Mrs. .W. P. Boyd. 2IUJ Seventh AYenoe. Falrchauce,Pa.-Mrs.T. A.Dunha-.Bot K?. Fort Hnnter, Pa.-Mrs. Mary Janofeatlo. East EarL Paj-Mrs. August ux Lyon. K.FJ. 2. ieaam, W. Va. Mrs. Eauaa Wheatoa. NerrotM Proetratlow. Oronogo, Mo. Mrs. Mae MeKnight. Camden. X-J.-Mrs. TlUie WateVa. 43t Lth-r- ty Street. ml!!?pl,,ofe0?:""Mr-Aaef HulTmaiv PMladelphla, Pa. -Mrs. John Johnston, 2:0 Siege 1 Street. Christiana, Tenn.-Mrs. Mary Wood, B. F. I. S!!:l!?,l"-r?,rivA(Ii 7oa?s Kirton. UraniteTille. Vt. Mrs. Clua. Kari r? v These women are onlv a few of thousanda of lhnn ww..- e the power of Lydia E. Pirikham's Vegetable Compound to cure female diseases. Not one of these women ever received compensation in any ' form' for the use of their names in this advertisement but are will ing that we should refer to them because of the good they mav dp other suffering women to prove that Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound va a reliable and honest medicine, and that the statements made in our advertisements regarding its merit ar the truth and nothing but the truth. The Ollis Bill Killed in Senate. The Ollis bill, which provided that all the telegraph and the telephone companies of the state should be placed under the supervision of the state railway commission, has been sired by the men who were against killed in the senate. There was an submitting the charter to a vote of the people. Tactics of the anU-submissionists extended discussion on the measure when it came- before the upper house, the members taking part in debate for had aroused debate and doubt, and and against the measure without ref the required number of votes did not erence ' to .party affiliations. The seem to be in sight. It required 67 measure gave the rcilwsy commission votes to pass the bill with the emerg ency clause. ' Europe's Peace Assured. Belgrade. Peace is regarded as as sured. It was semi-officially stated' that the powers will invite Servia to declare the question of the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina settled ant to disarm and discharge its reservists. Policeman Killed by Burglar. f Pueblo, Colo. Patrolman P. H 'Barner was shot through the head ant' instantly killed by one of two burgla- power to regulate all the rates, and j suspects whom he had jart placed un service of the telephone companies der arrest.- The two men fjed. ONION Qgjrn'fiWrauiCESTMai I Per Salrcr's catalog pace 123. 1 Larrest srowers of onion and vegetable! seeds in the world. Bii catalog free: or. I send ISC in stamps and receive catalog and I toon kernels each of onions, carrots-celery. radishes. 1500 each lettuce, rutabaga, tnr-l niss. 100 narsier. too tomatoes, too melon. I X2co charming flower seeds, in all 10,000 1 kernels, easily vrorth St.OO of any man's I money. Or. send 20C and we will add ouel pkff. of Earhcst Peep O'Day Sweet Corn. SALZEft SEED CO.. InW, LaCresse. WMlI for starchins lines; linens. Omaha Directory mmm --. , -,-,-,-,-, 0 ,-jj RelianceLeatberBelt '-er.oe LEWIS SUPPi! CO., OMAH H Best Conga Syrup. Tastes Good. A BB Use in tiae. Sdbydrn)flraj--fj M. Spiesberger fc Son Co. WhelcsaU Mitliiery OMAHA, NEB. Tae Be la the West RUBBER GOODS iL?Si! etprice. Send for free catnip VYCRS-OILLON DRUG CO.. OMAHA. Mht lfsne. OH. i V 'v, flv s ,-f tiArfN -. - .-.. f- iA i"s i. g, jr ,j-,r !? VjU "r t.