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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1909)
tk-:1 -a f - - - - - Bi -" ??&?:&'&?f?' AX. -:"- Ssi"- ft ..'v w" - i. V BSBBSBBWaaa The Machine That Does the Work WISE CLEMIM MIE HSY v Carpets,vRugs, Draperies, Upholstered Furniture, Mattresses, Side Walls, Ceilings, etc., cleaned and ren vated without rdm'oval from room. " Carpets cleaned for 8 cents per yard. Other work in proportion Columbus Rug Factory Independent Phone Office, 209; Residence, 2972 Route No. 5. Qaite a lumber of the patrons on tomte No. 5. attended the Branigan horse ale Monday. The Platte bridge was impassible Monday, aa the pile driver was at work replacing aome of the piles damaged by the ice this spring. Roste No. 1. Edwin Ahem is putting in his time breakiag horses. Charley Lascbe is staying with his uncle, David Lnsche. W. T. Ernst was shelling and market ing his corn Tuesday. OttoEwert and best girl attended the party at" Henry Engle's Sunday evening. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing March 17, 1909: , Letters W H Beckett. Miss Chase, Mrs F P Hooper, Ed Lauder, Geo M Palmer, Albert Smart, Christ Schreiber, BL Wildaaer, Mrs Bebe Walters. Cards Mrs Clara Oalue, Joe O'Neil, Geo Ziauterman. Parties calling for any of the above will please say advertised. Carl Kramer, P. M. SUraWISORS PROCEEDINGS. Celumbus, Nebraska. Monday p. nu, March 1. It09. The board of supervisors of Platte raacy, xveorasKa, met. in aajournea stssisw ai,2 ociock, uon. J. x. scnure, chairman, and Jerry Carrig, deputy county clerk as clerk. Roll call and following1 members f resent: Supervisors Clotber, Goetz, eterson. Pollard, Schwarz, Smith and Chairman Schure. Moved by Supervisor Clother that the ruler of order of business be dis pensed with and the reading of the proceedings of the previous session deferred. Motion carried. The bids on file with the clerk for the building and constructing of county bridges for the ensuing year were now opened and read, and, on motion, referred to the committee on roads and bridges. Moved by Supervisor Goetz, that an intermission be taken by the board for the purpose to give the committee as opportunity to examine the bids heretofore filed with the clerk, and to prepare their report and recommenda tions. Motion carried. Upon reconvenement of the board of supervisors the following report was submitted: We, your committee on roads aad bridges to whom was re ferred the several bids for the erection and , completion of all the county bridges according to plans and specl acatlons on file in the county clerk's Mice to be built in Platte county, Ne braska, during one year, commencing .April 1, 809. would report that, after carefully examining the several bids on file, we find that the bid of the Standard Bridge company, of Omaha, Nebraska, is the lowest and best bid, therefore we recommend that the con tract be awarded to the Standard Bridge 'company, upon their giving a good and sufficient bond In the sum Of S6.e00.00. Contract to be nronnroil aad receive the approval of the board after being submitted to the county attorney and 'found by him to be in due form of law. Sixty days for wooden bridges and ninety days for steel brideea beins- Al lowed for the completion of the samtv .tiespecuuuy submitted, M. E. CLOTHER, ". JOHN GOETZ, ' XOUIS SCHWARZ, Committee. On motion of Supervisor Smith the report and recommendations were adopted. . All bills on file and all official bonds en file with the clerk were, on motion, referred to appropriate committees. On motion of Supervisor Schwarz the board of supervisors now adjourn ed until o'clock a. m. tomorrow. Columbus, Nebraska, Tuesday a. m., Marchi, 1909. The board of supervisors pursuant to adjournment met at 9 o'clock. Hon. J. F. Schure, chairman, and Jerry .Car rig, deputy county clerk as clerk: Roll colled an dfollowing members resent: Supervisors Clother. Goetz, Peterson, Pollard. Schwarz, Smith and Chairman enure. ,The contract between the Standard Bridge company, of Omaha, Nebraska, which was referred to the county at torney was now returned with the fol lowing report: I find the within con tract correct in legal form. W. N. HENSLEY. County Attorney. Moved by Supervisor Pollard that the contract of the Standard Bridge company be now referred to the com mittee on roads and bridges Motion carried. Moved by Supervisor Clother that an Intermission be now taken by the board for the purpose to give the com mittee an opportunity to examine said above bond, and report on same. Mo tion carried. , Upon re-convenement of the board ef supervisors the following report was submitted: We, your committee en roads and bridges to whom was re ferred the contract between the Stand ard snoie company, or umana, Me-I breaks, mad Platte county, for the I pmiaiag or nnages in the county for the ensuing year would report: that we find the same to be correct accord lag to law, and we therefore recom mend that same be accepted by this board, aad we further recommend that same be accepted by this board, and wa farther recommend that the bond fa the sum of 15,000.60, after being faralshed by said Standard Bridge eesspaay, be examined by the county attorney, and, if found correct, be ap proved aad signed by the chairman of the county board. Respectfully submitted. t. If. E. CLOTHER, J- JOHN GOETZ. LOUIS SCHWARZ. , Committee: Moved by Supervisor Pollard the re pert aad reeeaameaaation or tne com- Sttsete adapted by the board., ,-Mo- treB,base e with he clefk for tte paJattag and adjusting of the Loup river bridge were now opened and read and, on motion, referred" to Su pervisors Schwarz and Smith. The minutes of the previous session of the board of supervisors were now read and approved. The following report was now sub mitted: We, your committee, recom mend that as the Standard Bridge company is the lowest and best bid for the painting and adjusting' of the Loup river bridge, we direct that the contract be awarded to them. We fur ther recommend that the county attor ney be directed to draw up a contract between Platte county and the Stand ard Bridge company according to the advertisement for doing said work. Said work to be fully completed by July 1, 1909. Respectfully submitted, LOUIS SCHWARZ, ADAM SMITH. Committee. On motion of Supervisor Clother the report and, recommendations were adopted. " All bills on file with the clerk were, on motion, referred to appropriate committees. The contract for the painting and adjusting of the Loup river bridge, properly signed and executed by and between the Standard Bridge company and said Platte county, as prepared by County Attorney Hensely, was now presented -and read, and, on motion, same was approved by the board. On motion of Supervisor Schwarz the board of supervisors now adjourn ed for committee work until 2 o'clock this p. m. Columbus, Nebraska, Tuesday p. m., 'March 2, 1909. The board of supervisors of Platte county, Nebraska, pursuant to ad journment, met at 2 o'clock. r Hon. J. F. Schure. chairman, and Jerry Carrig, deputy county clerk, as clerk Roll called and following members present: Supervisors Clother. Goetz. Peterson. Pollard, Schwarz, Smith and Chairman Schure. The following was submitted: Columbus, Nebraska. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Platte County, Nebraska. Gentlemen: I hereby report that on the first day of September, 1908, there was filed with me the petition of Ja cob Laun and others for the location of a public road 50 feet in width, com mencing on the section line at a point 9 chains south of the southeast corner of section 1, town 18, north of range 2 west, and running thence south 25 degrees E. 2.07 chains; thence due north 2.65. chains; thence south 27 de grees W. 1.81 chains to intersect the center of "Township road" on section line, and there terminating. On September 1, 1908, I appointed Frank Clother a special commissioner to view and report upon the expedi ency of location of said line of road. On October 1, 1908. said special com missioner filed his report, recommend ing the granting of the prayer of the petition. I then caused a notice to be pub lished in the Platte Center Signal, all objections thereto or claims for dam age caused by the location thereof, to be filed in the clerk's office on or be fore noon December 28. 1908. On December 15, 1908. there was filed the claim of Mary and Anna Murphy. On December 28. 1908, I appointed Edmund Higgins, Edward Maher and Richard C. Regan as appraisers to as sess the damages caused by the loca tion of the proposed line of road, and who afterwards filed their report In the county clerk's office on January 19. 1909. No objections to the location of the said road have been filed and I here with submit all papers In connection therewith for your consideration. Respectfully sumbltted. JOHN GRAF, county uierx. By Jerry Carrig, Deputy. On motion same was referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The petition of P. L. Hageman and others for the vacation of a public road 26 feet in width, commencing 40 feet east of the southwest corner of section 17, town 18, range 1 west, and running thence due north and 40 feet distant from the half section line, one half of a mile, and terminating 40 feet east of the center of said section 17, township 18, range 1 west, be va cated, was presented and read, and, on motion; referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The petition of John Ebner and oth ers for the location of a public .road 40 feet in width, commencing at the northeast corner of section 12, town ship 17, north of range 2 west, and running thence north one-half mile, and terminating at the northeast cor ner of the southeast quarter of sec tion 1, township 17, range 2 west, was presented and read, and, on motion, referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The petition of August Guter and others asking for the location pf a public road 40 feet in width, 'com mencing at the northeast corner of section 29, township 17, range 1 east, and running thence due south on the section line three-fourths mile and terminating .at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the south east quarter of section 29. townasip 17, 1 east, was presented and read, and, on motion, referred to the com mittee on roads and bridges. The following was presented: To the Honorable "Board of Supervis ors of Platte County, Nebraska: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned German citizens and taxpayers of Platte county, respectfully petition your honorable body to reconsider your action taken at your last session in regard to the official printing and publication of your proceedings. As It Is, you seemed to entirely have Ig nored the fact, that the German speaking and German reading element of our population of this county forms a very large and In every way as im portant a part of our population as any other element, especially In point of being among the heaviest taxpay ers. Inasmuch as former boards of su pervisors for years past have seen the propriety and Justice to this Important element in designating among other official papers printed In Platte coun ty, the "Nebraska Seine," a German paper printed In our mother tongue, which is best understood by so many of our fellow citizens, therefore we respectfully pray your honorable body to again include the said "Nebraska Beine among the list of your official organs, where the same rightfully be longs. Signed by Carl Rohde and 243 oth ers. Moved by Supervisor Goetz that the action taken by the eoard of super visors at their last session In naming the Columbus ' Telegram,, the - Hum-" phrey Democrat and the Platte Center 27 i IXir SLiEto - I reconsidered.. Motion car- Moved by Supervisor Geeta that the I action taken at tne last aaastea of the ' signal as tne oraciai papers or riatte Merth Tliltrl Wfd., Mir: 24 The Swedish Dialect Comedy "Tiiiuoisoir with flmloft tommtiu x THE FUNNY SWEDE GIRL ISappprtedby a strong company A Comedy Drama of the Northwest Played over 100 nights m Chicago Special sceaer painted-to F. W. Hamilton of the Broadway Theatre. New York City See Sweet (Swede) Tilly- Olson "SheBanesoYoliy" - Prices 25c, 35c, 5te board In naming the official papers be now rescinded. Motion carried. Moved by Supervisor Peterson that the Columbus Telegram, the "Ne braska Beine," the Humphrey Demo crat and the Lindsay Post be named as the" official papers of the county. Roll called for vote. Supervisors Clother, Goetz. Pollard, Smith and Mr. Chairman voting no 5. Supervisors Peterson and Schwarz voting yes 2. Motion declared lost. Moved by Supervisor Goetz that the Columbus Telegram, the Platte Center Signal, the Humphrey Democrat and the "Nebrasko Beine" be named as the official papers of the county. Each paper to receive one-fourth of the -legal rate. Roll called for vote. Supervisors Clother, Goetz, Schwarz. Smith and Mr. Chairman voting yes 5. Supervisors Peterson and Pollard voting no 2. Motion declared carried. ' The committee on county farm re ported to the 'board that they made final settlement with Overseer Schaecher tor the year 1908 as over seer of the county farm. Total amount allowed Joseph Schacher for boarding county charges S556 50 Amount due Platte county from " Joseph Schaecher for rent for 1908 600 00 Balance due Platte county " from said Saecher $ 43 50 Said committee further reported that, according to the books kept at said farm there is now cared for by the county at county farm six in in cites "Committee also filed with the clerk of the board a complete Inventory of personal property now on said county farm. On motion the report of the commit tee was adopted by the board and in ventory as taken by committee was ordered placed on file. , The soldiers' and sailors' relief com mittee presented their final report of expenditures for the year 1908, report ing a total expense allowed for relief for the past year amounting to 1310.75. Said committee also report that In their judgment five hundred dollars will .be needed to meet the probable expenses of said commission for the coming year. ' Owing to the fact that the term of J. O. Blodgett. a member of the Soldi ers' and Sailors' Relief commission, has expired at the last meeting of the said commission, it was moved by Su pervisor Schwarz that J. O. Blodgett. of the city of Columbus, be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Commis sion of Platte county, for a term of three years. Motion carried. The communication from Ed. Farm er, of Lost Creek township, complain ing of excessive and erroneous tax for the year 1908 was, on motion, referred to the committee on claims. The communication from County Su perintendent F. S. Lecron asking the board to appropriate the sum of $100 for the purpose to help defray the ex penses incurred in holding the county institute, which will he held in Col umbus. Nebraska, in June, was, on motion, granted. ' The communication from M. W. Bax ter, superintendent of the state hos pital for the Insane at Ingelslde. Ne braska, asking for certain clothing to be furnished one John Rokus. a Platte charge now in said institution, was. on motion, referred to Purchasing Agent Schwarz with instructions to attend to said matter. The petition of John Hoadley and others in Granville township asking the board for the appointment of H. C. Bender as justice of the peace In and for Granville' township was, on motion, referred to the committee on judiciary. On motion of Supervisor Clother the board of supervisors ' now adjourned until 9 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. Columbus. Nebraska, Wednesday a.m., March 8. 1909. Pursuant to adjournment the board of supervisors met at 9 o'clock. Hon. J. F. Schure, chairman, and Jerry Carrig, deputy county clerk as clerk. Roll called and following'' members present: Supervisors Clother. Goetz, Peterson, Pollard, Schwarz, Smith and Chairman Schure. The following was presented: Whereas, The report of the county treasurer of March 1, 1909, shows a balance in the county poor fund of $434.80. same being surplus collections for 1907 and prior years, therefore be it , Resolved, That this amount of $434. 80 be and hereby is transferred to-the Consolidated County Poor fund. LOUIS SCHWARZ. On motion same was adopted. The following was offered by Su pervisor Schwarz: Whereas, The report of the county treasurer of March 1, 1909, shows a balance of $33.30 in the 1906 and prior years County Bridge fund and a bal ance of $362.72 in. the 1906 and prior years County Road fund, same being surplus collections. Therefore, be it Resolved, by the board of supervis ors. That the amount of $33.30 be transferred to the Consolidated County Bridge fund and the amount of $352.72 be transferred to the Consol idated County Road fund. On motion same was adopted by the board. The following was offered by Super visor Schwarz: Whereas, The county treaaur-" er8 statement dated March 1, 1909, shows surplus col lections In the county gen eral fund for 1907 of SI, 805 78 And surplus collections in the county general fund for 1906 pf , 5189 And, whereas, the- report of the county .treasurer filed March 1, 1909. shows a bal ance In advertising 'fund of 161 60 Docket fee account 71 29 Total $2,090 56 Therefore, be It Resolved, by the board of supervis ors. That this amount of S2.090 kk h and hereby is ordered transferred to the Consolidated County General fund.' On motion same 'was adopted. The following was offered by Super visor Smith: " Whereas, It sometimes becomes nec essary for the various county officers to purchase for the use of said county articles not enumerated In the requisi tions as made for said offices, and we think it would be to the best inter ests of the county that said articles be procured only through the pur chasing agent. .Therefore, be It Resolved, by the county board of supervisors. That all above purchases required to be made in cases of ne cessity, be made only by the said pur chasing agent, and to be made In the open market where same can be se cured at the lowest reasonable prices. The following was offered by Super visor Peterson; Whereas, We find that the office of the clerk of the district court is not 5fl2 uJt w'ththe proper shelving to place the various, files therein, we your committee on supplies and pub-HP- ery won'l recommend that mLI?1 PPAe the 'sheriff's ZI-mJ? 5!tei-UD w,tn the proper and we further recomnini hr ,- sneiviag. covering a snace 8x8 iXmi andwe .further reonSend that the live thesamedonet a?te!riy"da! On motion same waa adoated Lv the beard. , , 1 The communication bt John Hoadley aad others from Granville township, asking for the appelptmeat -of H. C. Bender a justice or the peace in And for said township was returned by the committee on judiciary with the fol lowing report: We. your committee, on v judiciary. would respectfully recommend that! the prayer ot the petitioners be "grant-j ed, and that H. C. Bender be appointed" justice oi tne peace as asicea tor ana that his bond be approved by this board. W. M POLLARD. On motion the report and recom mendation of the committee was adopted by the board; and said bond was approved. The communication of Ed.. Farmer with reference to erroneous tax in Lost Creek township was now return ed by the committee on claims with the following report: We, your com mittee, after Investigating the within communication, would report that we find the statements correct, and there fore recommend that the clerk be di rected to cancel said erroneous assess ment on the 1908 tax. list. J. GOETZ. On motion the report of the commit tee was adopted. The following bills having been re ported favorably upon were, on mo tion, allowed by the board and the clerk directed to issue warrants in payment of. the same on the Consoli dated County. General fund: Dederlch Harms, petit Juror February, term district court. $ Frank Hagel, petit juror Feb ruary term district court William Davis, petit juror Feb ruary term district court.... Henry Luers, petit juror Feb ruary term district court.... Charley Ball, petit juror Feb ruary term district court.... Charles Johnson, petit juror February term district court Edward Ragatz, petit juror -February term district court Thomas Johnson, petit juror February term district court John Lake, petit juror Feb ruary term district court.... L. Westcott, Sr., petit juror February term district court H. D. Claussen, petit juror Feb ruary term district court.... Joseph Kleve, Sr., petit juror Feb ruarytermdistr ict court S. P. Bender, petit juror Feb ruary term district court.... John Fuchs, petit juror. Feb ruary term district court . Robert C.- Anderson, petit juror February term district court Wm. Welch, petit juror Febru ary term district court John Melcher, petit juror Feb ruary term district court. . . . Peter Peterson, petit juror Feb ruary term district court. . . . Nels-C Nelson, petit juror Feb ruary term district court . T. T. Dress, netit juror Febru 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 50 11 70 11 30 6 60 9 00 11 30 9 00 10 50 6 00 5 30 10 20 7 80 ary term district court 11 00 J. P. Anderson, petit juror Feb ruary term district court. . . . R., P. Drake, witness in the matter of A. Wilde, a dipso maniac Charles Schueth. witness in the matter of A. Wildet a dipso- Airs. Albert Wilde, witness in the matter of A. Wilde, a dip somaniac J.S. Freeman, bailiff February term district court Edward Rosslter. bailiff Febru ary term district court Dr. B-. Tlesing. commissioner insanity, insanity of Charles Finnecy. a dipsomaniac W. M. Cornelius, commissioner insanity, insanity of Charles Finnecy. a dipsomaniac Dr. B. ' Tiesing. commissioner Insanity, insanity of Albert Wilde, a dipsomaniac W. M. Cornelius, commissioner insanity, insanity of Albert Wilde, a dipsomaniac Dr. B. Tiesing. commissioner 13 00 4 70 4 70 4 70 6 00 6 00 8 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 insanity, insanity of Joseph Dischner. a dipsomaniac 11 00 W. M. Cornelius, commissioner insanity, insanity of Joseph Dischner. a dipsomaniac 6 00 C. M. Gruenther. commissioner insanity, insanity of Disch ner, Wilde and Finnecy 33 90 C. M. Gruenther. C. D. C, costs in state cases $7 10 C. J. Carrig. sheriff, mileage, etc.. In state cases, arrests, etc 76 55 C. J. Carrig, sheriff, jailor fees 54 days 81 00 C. J. Carrig. sheriff, sheriff sal ary first quarter. 1909 375 00 C. J, Carrig. sheriff, serving Ju rors February term district court '. 31 60 C. J. Carrig, sheriff, boarding prisoners 50-00 John Ratterman, county judge. costs in state cases, etc 18 00 Minnie Hadcock. witness in quest of Mrs. H. Lammers.. Bernard Ternus. witness in quest of Mrs. H. LammersN. Mrs. Martin Hayps, witness in quest of Mrs. H. Lammers. . . 1 10 1 10 1 10 Dr. W. W. Frank, quarantine cases 26 00 Dr. W. W. Frank, quarantine cases, claimed $28.00: allowed 24 00 J. J. Ducey, quarantine cases, Folton' family 16 00 W. N. Hensley. county attor ney, office rent, first quarter, 1404 ) ! W. N. Hensley, county attor ney, salary, first quarter, 1909 .'. 200 00 Dr. H. Davis, quarantine" case, Hinkle and .Hansen houses. . 15 00 Carl Schubert, searchlight for sheriff's officer. 3 50 C. R Speice, coal for court house 70 76 Hammond & Stevens, merchan dise for county '. Henry Gass, chair for clerk's office Humphrey Democrat, publish ing proceedings, notices, etc. C. L. Lund, table for clerk's 8 20 5 00 66 07 office 17 50 Nebraska Biene, publishing treasurer's report, proceed ings, etc 15 89 Platte Center Signal, publish ing treasurer's report, road notices, proceedings 61 57 Smith Premier Typewriter Co., new typewriter for county. . . 118 50 Brunken & Haney. merchandise for court house Columbus Telegram, subscrip tion for Telegram, "file for county" F. W. Herrick, desk stool for county Smith Premier Typewriter Co., supplies for county Platte County Independent Tel- 2 20 50 00 3 12 epnone Co., services ror coun ty officers , 14 60 F. S. Lecron, county superin tendent, postage 2 00 Aug. Dietrich, repairing win dows at court house 1 00 John Graf, county clerk, salary, first quarter, 1909 375 00 John Graf, county clerk, cash advance, postage, etc., to March 1. 1909 14 03 John Graf, county clerk, pre paring 1909 assessment books 125 00 Thos. S. JaworskI, janitor. Jan itor for first quarter, 1909.. 93 75 Thos. S. JaworskI, deputy sher iff, salary, first quarter, 1909 180 00 Louis Held, county treasurer, cash advanced for postage.. Columbus L., H. & P. Co.. light at court house to March, 1909 F. S. Lecron, county superin 4 17 28 85 tendent, salary, first quarter, 1909 j 250 00 Nebraska Telephone Co., ser vices ror county orncers 46 so John Schmocker, registrar.... 20 95 C. E. Wagner, registrar 1 25 R. P. Drake, registrar 8 25 John Moffett, registrar 6 25 Henry Gass. Jr., sub-registrar. 2 80 Leopold Plath, windmill for county farm 40 00 The bill of the Columbus Printing & Specialty House for the sum of $471.27 was returned with the follow ing report: We, your committee on supplies and public property, recom mend the bill be allowed in the sum of $402.06. balance of bill not having been received by the county. C. A. PETERSON. On motion the report and recom mendation of the committee was adopted. The bill of F. M. Cookingham, amounting to $10.00. was returned by the committee on judiciary with the following report: We, your commit tee on Judiciary, would recommend same be not allowed, as within claim Claim being neither a legal or proper charge against the county. - W. M POLLARD. On motion the report and recom- menaation ox the committee was adopted. The following bills having been re ported favorably upon were, on mo tion, allowed by the board and the clerk directed to Issue warrants In payment of the same on the Consoli dated County Poor fund: C W. Freeman, eleven ton hay .for county farm $ 44 00 August Guter, .sixty bushels oats for county farm 27 OS Albert Klug. wagon for county Beth' Braua, dishes for county tarn u 45 " a JLaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm Jsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssak sssssssssssssssssssi S astsslllllllllllHlB fc A BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBWa,w)BS7 m SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBF WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBnffi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBslsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. SBBBBBBSBPBBBBsKsBBBBBBBBBBBBaLnfi. 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BBBBBBBBBbBBB "aBBBBBBBBBBBBF' jSl5&-' 3 BBBBBBa:'aBBBBBBKlVb tm'-'BBBBBBBBBW';'k-BBBBBBBBBB fjg y--- "bbbbbbbbbbbbt " bbbbbbbbbbbVtbtB bsj SaciS, vBaaaaaaaaaaa BBananananKvaT BkHpsak S"&?&.SBBBBBBBBBBBrAL VBBBBBBBBBBSjMhT WB QMK F"-J?lf.v,?5SBBBBBBBBBBBT;X,' " VBBBBBBBBKtSln&VaBVrV at --Wp- -jfivVitf fr-BrBrBrBrBrBrBrBrf ? vBaBBBBBmiaikj- Pipani a SAsn jBBjBBnSaBVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa v aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaErx.yv!vaafa joT. -.b r4aaKeFBaaaaaaaaaF''x$ ? vaaBaaaaBV xTBsBkS f jBBbe BBBBBBBBBBF "5 ' BBaBBBBBBByVvJ'JSBTeie'' I'iBB?-' BBBBBBBBBVTt ''if BBBBBBBBBBTxV. sn 'scyrW I -Strbbbbbbbbw $i i'BBBBBBmamfc& :C.Si-f 5:5V fssBBBBBBW :CBBBBBBBRt; i fCsBBBBBBBBF -f BBBBBBBKHgV O'.-Xt-C -:s nBBBBBBBBS - ' nBBBBBBBBBBv-L Na . pi-:i ,bbbbbbbbW t H ' HTbbbbbbbV " s- ;i SBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBakM Xj? v w bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV- A'- wMwsbbbbbbbbbbK-A fc. V . .A "vr-'-'---BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTV - ' P5" SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBx & rfw""1 A&rf-V- aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW Vsfc " SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK. llAT w -. ' 1: 4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbTv 4 .V-. y bbbbbbbbbbbbbbK ? 4 -B k 's-iZ-yZ r JbbbbbbbF vs&$4 f bbbbbKjKsvS Ur V aBBBBBBWM & "fsBBBBBBl '4. &J ' 'JBBBBBF;' vKt&SBBBBBBB J!ji."'; v ..- -yv. . "ISKnBBBBBBBBBBBBT V. v v . i,v X-' T BBbBBbBBbBBbBBW. I 'fBBBM'BF X 5J . X. " Vv,sb.....H :y4VfcW BBBBKSHlKyfc VM -T ': bsbbbbbbbbV V$ V vbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV -. 0V'V BBBBBBBBBBBHV- $ dJ oW PSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBy - V .BBBBBbV l P V Lb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBK- vv.w-'- W .BBBBBBBBBBBWV w. jK W -BBP XsWuJbbBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbFvvI -V T JbbbbPTvI; DEbbbbbbP!f ' "v:aaBs!aaBLi tinBT ibbbbbbbbbbbbixi. P'-'-'aBBsnBBBBBBBBBK ";VbbbbbbbbbKWCI&!w9K ,v vm BBBBBBBBBBflBPS. vBkfc r-sBBjiBV x -BBBrvSMrTr ' vV wammjv :3M y Jt& SraV. BBBBBBBBF sta y Johannes & Krumland, mer chandise for county farm . 08 -17 Johannes & Krumland. mer chandise for county farm..,. 3 40 Boyd '& Ragatz, merchandise for county farm SO -7 C. B. Speice, coal for poor S IT. C. B. Speice, coal for poor 6 00 W. I. Speice, coal for poor 1 7."i Brunken & Haney, merchan dise for poor 15 00 T. B. Hord Grain Co., coal for poor " 8." W. A. Green, conveying pauper to farm - 1 00 Fred Geiser, merchandise for poor 5 55 St. Mary's hospital, care of county Inmates 105 00 St. Mary's hospital, care for .county inmates -"13 90 St:' Mary's hospital, care for county inmates 35 57 Louis HeliP county treasurer, transportation for paupers.,. 3 30 M. A. Twardowski. merchandise for poor 17 00 L. Franklin, merchandise for poor 15 00 Chicago Lumber Co.. merchan dise for poor 15 75 Joseph Schaecher, overseer, cash advanced 17 27 The following bills, having been re- norted favorably unon. were, on mo tion, allowed by the board and the clerk directed to issue warrants in payment of the same on the 1908 County Poor fund: Roethleltner & Co., ne gang plow and one truck wagon for county farm $87 50 Thomas Branigan, four horses for county farm, and care of same four weeks C70 00 Joseph Schaecher, overseer, live stock, corn, etc., for county C. H. Buschmann, merchandise for county farm , 4 15 Edgar Webb, labor at poor farm 6 00 On motion of Supervisor Pollard, the hoard of supervisors now adjourned until 2 o'clock this p. m. Columbus. Nebraska, Wednesday p. m.. March 3. 1909. The board of Platte county. Ne braska, pursuant to adjournment, met at o'clock Hon. J. F. Schure. chairman, anil Jerry Carrig." deputy clerk, as clerk. Roll called and following memners present: Supervisors Clother. Goetz. Peterson. Pollard. Schwarz, Smith and Chairman Schure. On motion of Supervisor Schwarz the board of supervisors now adjourn ed for committee work until 9 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. Motion carried. Columbus. Nebraska, Thursday a. m.. March 4. 1909. Pursuant to adjournment the board of supervisors met at 9 o'clock. Hon. J. F. Schure. chairman, and Jerry Carrig, deputy county clerk, as clerk. Roll called and following members present: Supervisors Clother. Goetz. Peterson. Pollard. Schwarz, Smith and Chairman Schure. The following was submitted: Gentlemen, your committee on road and bridges, to whom was referrert the petition of Jacob Laun and oth ers, and all papers in connection therewith for the location of a public road 50 feet in width, commencing on the section line at a point 9 chains south of the southeast corner of sec tion 1. township 18. north of range 2 west and running thence due south 2" degrees. E. 2.07 chains; thence due south 2.65 chains: thence south 27 de grees W. 1.81 chains to intersect th center of "Township Road" on thr section line, and there terminating wouia report mat. upon invcKiiKuiii'" we find that the special commissioner appointed has reported in favor of. said proposed location and we further find that all provisions of the law for thr location of public roads have been complied with, therefore we recom mend that the establishment of said road be declared duly made, that the report of the appraisers be approved, that in accordance therewith damages he awarded, and yie clerk be dirfctd to Issue warrants in payment of the same as follows: Mary and Anna Murphy, account Shell Creek township, $70.00. We further recommend that the said road be entered upon the road plat of the county as a public highway, and the county surveyor be directed to survey and plot said road and file his survey and field notes with the clerk of this board. . Respectfully submitted. M. E. CLOTHER. JOHN GOETZ. LOUIS SCHWARZ. Committee. On motion same was adopted: The committee to whom was re ferred the petition of John M. Jostes and others for the location of a public road in Joliet township; the petition of-Aug Guter and others for the loca tion of a public road In Columbus townshin: the petition of Adam Korus "and others for the location of a public road In Burrows- townshlc and the petition of John Ebner and others for the location of a public road between Columbus and Oconee townships., was returned with the following report: We. your committee on roads and bridges to whom was referred the above setitions. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be ms4)a4V bi1 V4 4Via 4TAilr s"Jf ost . ed to proceed in accordance with law. Respectfully submitted. M. E. CLOTHER, JOHN GOETZ. LOUIS SCHWARZ. Committee. On motion the report and recom mendation of the committee was adopted. The committee to whom was re ferred the petition of P. L. Hagemann and others for the vacation of a public road, 26 feet in width, commencing 40 feet east of the" southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section 17, township 18, range 1 west, and run ning thence due north and 40 feet distant from the half section line, one half mile, and terminating 40 feet east of the center of said section 17. town ship 18. range 1 west, (the Intention being to vacate the east 26 feet of this road 'which is at present a 66-foot road), submitted the following report: "We, year committee, would recom-, I COPYRIGHT. I90B.BY BRANOEcee kmcmo aca mend that the prayer of the petitioner be denied for the reason this hoard has no authority to vacate one portion of a legally established road. Respectfully submitted. M. K. CLOTHER. JOHN GOETZ. LOUIS SCHWAIiZ. Committee. On motion same was adopted. The committee to whom was re ferred the petition of T. H. Regan and others for the location of a public road 40 feet in width, commencing at the northwest corner of section 23. town ship 19. range 3 west, and running thence jlue east on jthe section line one mile, and terminating at the north east corner of said section, submitted the following report: "We. your committee on roads and bridges, to whom was referred the within petition, would respectfully deny the same, for the reason that the interests in same by the general public will not justify the necessary expend iture of public money that the pro posed road would require, s Respectfully submitted. M. E. CLOTHER, JOHN GOETZ. LOUIS SCHWARZ. Committee. On motion same was adopted. The following bills, having been re ported favorably upon by the commit tee on roads and bridges, were, on mo tion, allowed by the board and the clerk directed to issue warrants in payment of the same as follows: Orowell Lumber & Grain Co.. account Sherman township. .$121 78 Edmund Higgins. account Shell Creek township D. P. Malioney. account Shell Creek township 20 20 R. C. Regan, account Shell township 3 95 Standard Bridge Co.. account Humphrey township 39 25 Wally Krause. account Hum phrey township 40 00 Walrath & Sherwood Lumber Co.. account Oconee township 25 50 Walrath & Sherwood Lumber Co.. account Monroe town ship Elm & Wright, account Joliet township Chicago Lumber Co.. account Wondville townshin 45 00 7 18 51 65 Crowell Lumber & Grain Co., account Sherman township.. 131 OS Standard Bridge Co., account Humphrey township 68 75 George F. Schure. account Burrows township 1 00 Xve-Schneider F. Co.. account Granville township v 16 SO Xye-Schneider F. Co., account Granville township 10 95 Wm. Siebler. account Granville township 7 25 Walrath & Sherwood Lumber Co.. account Monroe township 53 28 Herman Sand, account St. Ber nard township Chicago Lumber Co.. account Woodville township Crowell Lumber & Grain Co account Sherman township.. 2 2f 51 15 M2 27 Viergutz & Berney. account City of Columbus 26 05 O. L. Baker, account Columbus township 24 50 J. H. Randall, account of Col umbus township 5 50 Viergutz & Berney, account Butler township 14 60 Crowell Lumber & Grain Co.. account Sherman township.. 98 77 Walrath & Sherwood Lumber Co.. account Monroe township 66 37 The following bills, having been re ported favorably upon by the various ommittees. were, on motion, allowed by the board and the clerk directed to issue warrants in payment of the same on the Consolidated County General fund : C. J. Carrig. sheriff, serving road notices $ 11 25 C. J. Carrig. sheriff, serving road notices 11 43 Telegram Company, supplies for county, publishing no tices, etc. 233 70 Newman & Welch, coal for court house 12 75 Browner Brothers, livery for supervisors 2 50 John Goetz, supervisor, ser vices as supervisor, district work, etc. .-. 21 30 W. M. Pollard, supervisor, ser vices as supervisor, district work, etc. 27 90 Adam Smith, supervisor, ser vices as supervisor, district work, etc. 58 30 M. E. Clother. supervisor, ser vices as supervisor, district work. etc. 34 50 C." A. Peterson, supervisor, ser vices as supervisor, district work, etc 16 50 Louis Schwarz. supervisor, ser vices as supervisor, district work. etc. 31 20 J. F. Schure, supervisor, ser vices as supervisor, district work, etc 23 40 J. F. Schure. supervisor, at tending quarantine case 3 20 The board of supervisors now se lected sixty names from the city of Columbus and the various townships. according to their pro rata, from which the jurors for the may term of the district court shall be drawn. On motion of Supervisor Schwarz the board of supervisors now adjourn ed until April 19. 1909. at 2 o'clock p. m. Motion carried. useful Home Remedy. "A Turkish bath is such an excellent thing," remarked Miss Tartun. "that t have often wished these Turks who sell candies at expositions would take one occasionally." The Last Straw. "I am entirely friendless." remarked the man of gloom. "Why, do yoa know, to-day I bowed to the inevitable, aad It cut me!" Live Well the Present Day. To-day well lived makes every yes terday a dream of happiness and every to-morrow a vision of bona. From the finalist Values m Spring SaHs fir Mil i Yi Mil obtainable in this city, are to be had here. This you can easily prove to your satisfaction by com parison. Look where you will then come and see our large and superb collection of Slits and Ovircnts it $10.00 ti $25.00 In style, workmanship, ma terials, finish and fit, you can readily see the superior value of our clothes over others costing the same. If you would be posted on the correct fashions, get the best there is in wearables and save money, then come to this store for everything you need from hat to half hose. ROSE wsbMbsTsbYJ N Tom Reed's Insinuation. Once when Thomas B. Reed was with the late Senator Wolcott of Colo rado and Joseph CJioate, Mr. Choate, when asked to take a drink, said that he neverdrank.never smoked to excess, and never gambled in his life. Wol cott, who was a sinner in every one of these lines, looked pathetically at Reed and said: "I wish I could say that" "Say it," said Reed; "Choato did." No Heed Paid to Begging Letters. As nearly as can be ascertained, the wealthy persons of lew York city re ceive 35,000 begging letters a day from strangers, and the writers stand a better chance of finding money than in getting from them, for even the most liberal of philanthropists do not dispense their charity excepting ac cording to careful plans and after in vestigation. Wasteful Philanthropy. "Buddie thinks he's done something awfully funny and smart," said his mother, "but be hasn't. Look here! He's taken all the buttons I had in my work basket, wrapped them up in pa per and thrown them down to the lit tle Dutch band in the court to make them think they were pennies. It makes me tired. There were about a dollar's worth of buttons there." Frivolous Person. "A man about town, as near as I kin figger it out," remarked UucJe Goshail Hemlock, "is a feller who wants to loaf around from pillar to post. Ain't satisfied to take up a place with the solid citizens every evenin' in the grocery." All Meteors. "Shay," exclaimed the citizen who had been sitting up with a friend, gazing wonderingly at the heavens, "thish must be a great night for 'stronomers. Never saw sho many me teors in my life." Kansas City Times. Her Act of Forgetfulness. "Being pelted with flowers is not al ways a sign of good will," observes the Philosopher of Folly. "I once knew a man whose wife was always throw ing bouquets at him, but she forgot to remove them from the pots first." Small Enough. The visitor was trying to be genial, and asked the small maiden at his side: "Shall I peel your pear for you. little one?" But the child replied: "No, fank you; it's quite small enough now." Score One for Mr. Henpeck. Mrs. Henpeck "Why is it that bachelors are so much more crabbed and cross than married men?" Mr Henpeck "Because they're not afraid to say what they think." Newark Star. Arctic Cold. Water thrown upon Ice in the arctic regions will crack it, just as boiling water breaks glass. This happens be cause the ice is so much colder than the water. Certainly Not Overlooked. "In short, sir, we go in far too little for what Matthew Arnold calls sweet ness and light." "I don't see that sugar and oil are the two biggest trusts we support." Life. Passive Virtue DFscredi..J. I cannot praise a fugitive and clois tered virtue, unexercised and un breathed, that never sallies out and seeks her adversary. Milton. Rubber. Rubber is a queer product. It thrives best in the hottest countries in the tropics, yet it cannot stand heat In' 1908 we imported $37,000,000 worth, Charity and Love. Without dew and light flowers fade. Charity and love are the dew and light of the human heart. Mme. de Gentis. Money and Knowledge. Money and knowledge are wholly anlike in that the less knowledge one has the easier it is to pick op mora Cafcago Record-Herald. BROS S' t IK . W-- : - j. r t, 4Tt -jggggs jh&&is''. ja,sg''lj&,l && - i7j' Bssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssfl tt r.Z "i"- jZ f JL si-: ,I"- -. VC-'irtV' fc v a a