The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 09, 1908, Image 2

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    Columbus Journal
R. S. STROTHER, Publisher
Record of the Msst
Important Events
Condensed for the
Perusal of the Busy
Kermit Roosevelt, son of the presi
dent, started on a hunting trip in the
William J. Bryan spent a day in St
Paul, and talked to a great crowd of
farmers, consulted the state central
committee and received assurance of
Gov. Johnson's loyal support
William Jennings Bryan, Jr., son of
the Democratic presidential candi
date, is to wed Miss Helen Berger of
Thomas L. Hisgen of Massachusetts
was formally notified in New York of
his nomination for the presidency by
the Independence party convention in
William H. Taft and his family ar
rived at Middle Bass Island, Lake
Erie, for a week's fishing.
William H. Taft and Senator For
aker met in Toledo and entire har
mony between them was assured, the
senator promising to take the stump
for the Republican ticket
Charles O. Jones, a noted aeronaut,
fell 500 feet with his blazing dirigible
balloon at the Central Maine fair at
Waterville, and was killed. The acci
dent was witnessed by 25,000 persons.
Forest fire threatened the destruc
tion of the famous Calaveras group of
giant sequoias.
The parade of the Grand Army of
the Republic at the encampment in
Toledo was reviewed by Mr. Taft,
Senator Foraker and others. About
12,000 veterans were in line.
James S. Stackpole, a member of the
firm of Stackpole Brothers, publishers
of the Lewistown (Pa.) Gazette, while
mentally unbalanced committed sui
cide near Mifflintown by shooting.
Fifteen thousand Americans and
Australians took part in a grand re
view and parade at Flemington, a su
burb of Melbourne. The Victorian
journalists gave a reception in honor
of Rear Admiral Snerry. It was his
birthday and the city of Melbourne
commemorated the occasion by pre
senting him with a silver bowl bear
ing a suitable inscription.
The United Spanish war veterans
drew the color line by declaring the
Charles M. Thomas camp of Washing-,
ton "unattached."
Daniel Walser, a Detroit confec
tioner, was shot and killed by burg
lars at his store.
A Paris newspaper prints an inter
view with Sidl el Mokhri, Moroccan
minister of foreign affairs, in which
he declares that Abd-el-Aziz has defi
nitely resolved to give up the strug
gle. Dr. Frederick T. Rustin of Omaha.
Neb., one of the most famous sur
geons in the west, was shot and hilled
by an unknown person.
Unknown persons dynamited the
bank of the Illinois and Michigan
canal at Channahon, 12 miles south
west of Joliet, and the entire district
was flooded.
Frederick Cornelius of Muskogee,
Okla.. and his sweetheart. Miss Bab
bie Metcalf of Tulsa, were drowned
while boating.
Foreclosure proceedings against the
Pittsburg-Wabash Terminal Railway
company were begun in Pittsburg by
the Mercantile Trust company of New
The Nevada Democratic state con
vention nominated Francis G. New
lands for United States senator and
George A. Bartlett for congressman.
A new comet was discovered at the
Yerke's observatory at Lake Geneva,
Wis., by Prof. D. W. Morehouse of
Drake university.
The cruisers of the Pacific fleet,
each towing a torpedo boat destroyer,
reached Honolulu without any acci
dent worth mention.
Wisconsin primaries resulted in the
nomination for United States senator
of Isaac Stephenson, Republican, and
Neal Brown, Democrat; for governor,
James O. Davidson, Republican, and
J. A. Aylward, Democrat.
Seven summer visitors out of a
party of ten were drowned by the
capsizing of a Co-foot sloop in Penob
scot bay, off Deer Isle.
Mayor Busse of Chicago issued a
proclamation extending the time for
wearing straw hats from September
1 to September 15.
Official returns compiled by Secre
tary of Agriculture Coburn show the
population of Kansas to be 1.656,799,
an increase over last year of 6,639.
The formal entry of the Americans
into Melbourne took place. Admiral
Sperry and his staff landed at the St.
Kilda pier, where they were met bj
the prime minister. Alfred Deakin, the
premier of Victoria, Sir Thomas Bent,
and the other members of the com
monwealth and state ministeries.
The Bank of Easton, at Easton, Mo.,
was robbed of $150, the funds belong
ing to the post office.
Insane as the result of having slain
his wife and fatally wounded his son
in error, Julius Turner, a farmer,
committed suicide in the county jail
at Clay City, 111.
Louis V. Falardeau of Chicago was
shot and killed in his store by hold-up
After having their automobile
wrecked, A. M. Duff, V alter Ranger
and Joseph J. Hayes of Minneapolis,
Minn., were attacked by three negro
bandits and robbed of $235.
In- the Michigan - primaries .'Aadltor
General J. B. Bradley was nominated
for governor by "the Republicans.
.Republicans carried the Vermont
election by a. , plurality of "about 28,
000, a decrease of eight per cent from
the vote of-1904. The Democratic
rote also showed a decrease.
The crew on board the racing bal
loon VUle de Dieppe tried to descend
at Niagara Falls. The rip cord failed
to work properly, resulting in a poor
landing. The three men in the basket
got a bad shaking, up and narrowly
escaped death in the whirlpool rapids.
Secretary George McLaughlin of the
state commission of prisons in a report
on a recent inspection protested
strongly against the keeping of Harry
K. Thaw in the Dutchess county jail
at Poughkeepsie.
Delegates and visitors to the Grand
Army encampment gave their atten
tion to the dedication of the Fort
Meigs monument at Perrysburg and
to an elaborate civic parade in To
ledo. Judge A. H. Huston declared uncon
stitutional the Oklahoma school law
providing separate school boards and
separate schools for negroes in the
new state.
Fire in Atlanta, Ga., destroyed the
plants of the Atlanta Trunk factory
and the Empire Printing & Box com
pany. The loss is estimated at $100,
000. A crowd of men and boys in Chi
cago tried to lynch a negro who had
attacked a white girl in the hallway
of a building in which she worked.
Standing at the stern of a motor
boat which he had stolen and with
bullets whizzing over his head, Ed
ward Burnett, a full-blooded Pottawat
tomie Indian, led two detectives an
exciting chase through the down-town
section of the Chicago river clear to
the drainage canal before he was cap
tured. Mrs. Arch Pickett shot and killed
her husband, a well-known resident of
Jonesboro, Ark., because, she alleged,
he was "mean to her and abused
Mrs. Earl Hallam of Springfield.
111., declared that George Richardson
was not the negro who attacked her.
It was his removal from the city
which caused the bloody race riots.
The national encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic opened
in Toledo with a "Venetian night" on
the river and a big reception. About
100,000 visitors were in the city,
which was beautifully decorated.
The British bark Amazon, for Iqui
que from Port Talbot, has been
wrecked near the latter port Only
five out of her crew of 32 were saved.
Fire destroyed the tannery of Davis,
Medary & Platz, in La Crosse, Wis.,
the loss being about $40,000.
The members of the American team
which captured chief honors at the
Olympic games in London were re
ceived by President Roosevelt at Sag
amore Hill.
The great coal mine strike in the
Birmingham (Ala.) district was called
off by an order signed by President
Lewis, Vice-President White and Secretary-Treasurer
Ryan of the United
Mine Workers of America. In Wyo
ming the coal mines were closed be
cause operators and miners could not
At Manzanillo, Manuel Elias, editor
of the Conservative El Vigilante, was
shot and killed by Manuel Estrada,
editor of the Liberal paper El Re
porter and also Liberal candidate for
A shortage of upwards of $10,000
has been discovered in the bureau of
supplies and vouchers in the general
post office at Havana, of which Senor
Rodriguez is chief. Rodriguez is miss
ing. Charged by his wife with non-support.
Rev. William C. Cummings, for
merly an Episcopal rector at Ionia,
Mich., wasarrested at Saul Ste Marie
in the company of a woman said to be
his sister-in-law.
Dispatches from Peking said the
Chinese government was likely to re
call Minister Wu Ting Fang from
Washington, because of dissatisfaction
with his doings and public speeches.
Becoming financially involved, two
brothers, Ben S. Woolaver, aged 36.
and Elmer, aged 39, committed suicide
in the Sangamon river not far from
their homes near Edinburg, 111.
George Bailey, aged 70, and Miss
Lida Dans, his sister-in-law, aged 40,
were fatally burned in an explosion
of natural gas that wrecked their
home in Wellington, Kan.
The Queen Louise balloon, which
ascended from Columbus, O., with
Lieut. Benedict and T. L. Semple
aboard, landed in Lake Erie and the
aeronauts were rescued by a steamer.
President Roosevelt has approved
the plans of the proposed new battle
ships Florida and Utah which were
authorized at the last session of con
gress. While two-thirds of the city's fire
men were at their annual picnic, fire in
the business section of New Orleans
destroyed $2,000,000 worth of property.
It was the most disastrous conflagra
tion in the history of New Orleans.
E. M. Garber, aged 40 years, a dele
gate from Holton, Kan., to the meet
ing of the Illinois Life Insurance as
sociation in Philadelphia, was mysteri
ously drowned at Atlantic City.
Mrs. Matthew Berna of Hampshire,
III., went insane, killed one of her
children and fatally poisoned three
others and herself.
Alone with her insane father, J. E.
Shilling, on the top of the Chicago Au
ditorium tower, 19 stories above the
street. Miss Marie Shilling. 21 years
old, struggled for her life successful
ly when ihe man tried to throw her
from the tower to the street
Five men were killed, another fatal
ly hurt, and five seriously injured in
a collision at the Warrior Run col
liery of the Lehigh Valley Coal com
pany, near Wilkesbarre, Pa.
The police of Atlantic City were
looking for W. S. G. Williams, hus
band of the woman who was with
Charles G. Roberts of Baltimore when
he was shot on the board walk.
The Imperial Japanese bank of San
Francisco was closed by the state
banking commission, the officers being
accused of making loans to them
selves. The Netherlands government has
asked France whether it would be
possible forFrance to co-cperate with
Holland in the present difficulty with
Venezuela. France respended that she
1 would consider the question.
WertoVeViFflenaVBellve- that 'Ha
Will Come Out Triumphant In
the Sixth District.
Omaha Ashton C. Shallenberger is
slowly creeping ahead of Mayor Dahl
man in the face for the democratic
nomination for governor. The work
of canvassing boards as made known
Friday reveals in nearly every in
stance a slight gain for the Alma
man, which, if maintained, is certain
to land him in the leading position
on the ticket.
Returns from the various county,
boards specify whether democratic or'
populist, and it appears there is only
the remotest ground for contest m
the claim of Dahlman that populist
and democratic votes are being added
Friday was set apart by the ma
jority of the county clerks for the of
ficial canvass, and in many places
the final figures for the entire ticket
will not be known for several days.
In Douglas county the canvass may
continue until the close of next week.
A compilation of the figures com
plete in nine counties, including Doug
las county, shows the leaders to be
Barton for auditor, Bishop for state
superintendent, Cowels for land com
missioner and Williams for railway
commissioner upon the republican
Westover is being given a race for
f rst positfon in the Sixth congression
al district by Johnson of Rushville.
The returns so far received are from
the extreme western section of the
district. When the east begins to
add its vote, Westover's friends be
lieve he will win. Other congression
al fights have been determined, prac
tically, save -in the First district on
the democratic ticket, where returns
are too incompete to indicate whether
McGuire or Fitzsimmons is ahead,
Gilbert, in the Fourth district, main
tains his lead over the field, as had
been predicted.
Some Standpat Members of the Legis
lature Refuse to Participate.
Des Moines. The republican caucus
this afternoon selected Governor Cum
mins as the party candidate for sena
tor or the short term by an almost
unanimous vote, there being fifty-nine
of the 110 republicans present and par
ticipating. When the roll was called
it became evident that the threat
made in the morning that the stand
patters would refuse to go into caucus
had been made good in part. There
were four present who might have
been expected to keep away. Of these
Senator Seeley explained his position
and said he could not conscientiously
take part in a republican senatorial
caucus, and Representative Hamble
ton of Mahaska said the same.
Reads Will Fight Rate.
Chicago. At a conference here on
Friday of the legal representatives of
railroads operating between Chicago
and the Missouri river, a decision was
reached to contest the decision of the
Interstate Commerce commission in
the famous Missouri river rate case.
Exception is taken to the commis
sion's order which was made some
time ago. th:t reduction of 9 per cents
per hundred pounds be made in the
through rates from the Atlantic coast
to the Missouri river. The rates are
to go into effect September 15.
Treasury Balances.
Washington. Today's statement of
the treasury balances in the general
fund, exclusive of the ,150.000,000 gold
reserve, shows: Available cash bal
ance, $lS9,163,7f7. gold coin and bul
lion, $35,503,152; gold certificates,
Bryan Meeting in Georgia.
Atlanta. Ga. The first Bryan meet
ing in the state of Georgia was held
here under the auspices of the Young
Men's Democratic league of the United
States. Senator Clay. Governor Smith,
Committeeman Clark Howell and
Charles F. Berrien delivered ad
Kansas City. Mo. David E. Thomp
son. United States ambassador to
Mexico, accompanied by his wife,
pasred through here in his private car
on the way to his home in Lincoln,
Neb. A motor car collision two weeks
ago, in which his left wrist was brok
en and a nervous strain due to living
in a high altitude, were reasons Mr.
Thompson gave for taking a vacation.
Industries Picking Up.
Washington. Notably increased act
ivities in a number of lines of industry
in the United States are shown in the
July report of the bureau of statistics,
of the Department of Commerce and
Labor. There is a considerably
heavier live stock movement reported
for the seven months ending with
July than for the corresponding period
of either of the two immediately pre
ceding years. Grain receipts for July
increased over the preceding month
and also over July of last year. Every
thing looks encouraging.
Forest Fires Near Dearfwopd.
Deadwood. S. D. Within half a mile
of this city a forest fire that hes
threatened property damage in the
city has been raging and has just
broken out afresh. Scores of men
have been fighting the flames all day
to keep it from sweeping down.
Funeral of Admiral Glass.
Berkeley, Cal. The funeral of Rear
Admiral Henry Glass, who died on
Wednesday night at Paso Robles, fol
lowing an operation in this city, was
held here from his late residence.
Item of Greater or Lesser Impor
tance Over tha State? -.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allberry of
Blair celebrated their golden wedding.
Leigh's new $201000 'school building
is about ready for occupancy.
Most of the schools in Nebraska
commenced fall and winter operations
September 7th.
Four thousand people participated
In the picnic ofjthe J)ld Settlers' so-
clety of 'Cuming coaafy.
The Wayne County Teachers' asso
ciation . meeting last, week was the'
most successful ever held. ' '
The Tillage of Syracuse held a spe
cial election on the lioense question,
and the town werft dry by seven
rotes. ;
Johnson is the only town in Nemaha
county that now has a legal saloon,
,the booze shop at Brownville having
been shut out.
The Hastings Frontier Festival as
sociation has been reorganized with
the same officers as last year. The
dates are October 14, 15 and 16.
The death of Mrs. W. R. Mansfield
occurred as a result of carbolic acid
poisoning, self-administered. She lived
three miles from Wisner.
Jack RIorden, prdprletor and man
ager of the JCoehler hotel bar. Grand
Island, was fined $50 and costs for dis
turbing the peace by threatening to
fight, being intoxicated and using pro
fane and obscene language.
In a rear-end collisicn on the North
western railroad at Kilgore two men
were killed and one was so badly hurt
that he will die. Another was seri
ously injured. All four victims were
stockmen from Norwood, Wyo.
The 14-mcnths-old son of Charles
Porterfield, residing east of Suther
land, disappeared from home Wednes
day forenoon. Later the body was
found in the irrigation canal into
which the child bad fallen.
Some one stole a sorrel horse and
harness from the stable of Banker
Rix, near the postoffice In Fort Cal
houn, and then took the best buggy
harness and buggy of Mr. Sibersten,
just west of the park.
The Brownville saloon was heard in
the district court at Auburn. The re
sult is the closing of the saloon on
the ground that two of the petitioners
were not legal freeholders. Johnson
Is new the only town in Nemaha coun
ty which has a legal saloon.
Senator Brown has received a press
ing invitation from the chairman of
the Ohio republican state central
committee to make a number of po
litical speeches in that state. It Is
not probable, however, that he will
make any speeches outside of Ne
braska. Sheriff Phipps arrested three men
and a woman who were operating a
floating saloon about one-half mile
north of Decatur. The sheriff also
took possession of their stock of wet
goods, which consisted of five full bar
rels, a dozen quart bottles of bcoze,
a keg of brandy and on case of beer.
The game warden. William Francke.
was out south of Ainsworth and came
in contact with four men with twelve
ducks' in their buggy and as he was
about to arrest them they resisted and
threw the ducks out and went to
Johnstown. Warrants were sworn out
later for their arrest.
A smooth attempt was made in the
county jail at Grand Island to saw a
way out. presumably by a prisoner
named Brown, held fcr safe keeping
until his trial on a charge of robbing
the postoffice at Sumner takes place,
and Guy Colby, a local man serving a
forty-day sentence for stealing chick
ens. At Wayne William Wallace pleaded
guilty to stealing a horse from Ernest
Behmer and was sentenced to seven
years in the penitentiary. He was
caught by Sheriff Bauman at Fre
mont. Wallace is a total stranger in
these parts. He says that he has lived
in and around Sioux City for the past
six years.
The Otoe County Breeders' associa
tion will hold its annual show and
flower parade on October 21 and 22.
Four months age N. A. Duff of the
Duff Grain company. Nebraska City,
went to Europe on account of ill
health, and information comes that
he is a very sick man ane will return
home shortly. He is suffering from
Bright's disease.
The Reck Island Railroad company,
through Attorney D. W. McHugh. an
wered the complaint of Omaha lumber
men who wish to reduce dates from
points in the state to Omaha to a
basis equal to those enjoyed by Lin
coln. The answer states that Lincoln
is entitled to lower rates because of
the fact that it is nearer many of the
towns than is Omaha.
Considerable excitement was occa
sioned in Long Pine when a colored
man chased a white man into one of
the business houses and threw an axe
at him. The only damage done was
to two large panes of glass, which
were badly shattered by the axe. The
trouble started over the white man
being caught in the colored man's
house during the latter's absence from
Peru is experiencing a second re
markable building boom this year.
Twenty new building are being
erected. Property values are steadily
Gilbert Hanks, who is linking a
deep well on his farm south of Ne
braska City, and has gone to the
depth of 1.000 feet, has concluded to
go at least 500 feet further, and In
this he has been joined by his neigh
bors. At that depth he has encoun
tered several traces of oil and two
good veins of coal. He is confident
that in the next 500 feet he will strike
either a large colume of oil or gas.
By direction of W. T. Thompson, at
torney general, H. A. Lambert, c:
attorney of Nr.'a county, filed a
complaint against the Missouri Pacific
Railway company, charging it with is
suing and giving to -Dr. E. M. Tyler
of Auburn a free annual pass. The
complaint charges that the pass was
issued and delivered to Dr. Tyler on
or about July 1, 1908. The pass was
received by Dr. Tyler, but it has not
been used or signed by him.
. All over Nebraska Mrs. Mary Har
ris Armor, the decturer from Georgia,
is teiing the people "How Georgia
Went Dry."
Commilenerf Laber. Ryrfer Find
PtMltle? Slow 111 Comparison With
i ' 'CrV Hatters.
Corn is King.
"Republican and democratic speak
ers, orators and nation- savers all
agree, says Labor Commissioner Ry
der, that they never saw so little pub
lic interest in politics or candidates
The contract price of corn or the aver,
age date of early frost in Nebraska
are the engrossing subjects.
"Talking of prices, I was told by an
Aurora man who has several farms
that he has been offered 60 cents for
all the corn he will deliver. He re
fused the oifer. And let me say the
government estimate of our corn crop
is too high, while some of the railroad
estimates are away off, in my judg
ment. We have several hundred re
ports here In the office now, that bear
out this statement and I have been In
a large number of. fields on foot. A
great deal of corn is thin and uneven,
and fully 10 per cent of the total acre
age planted has been lost. Nebraska
will have probably 70 per cent of a
full normal crop, not more.
"This must be said, however. Where
we have good corn this year we have
as fine a crop as heart could wish. A
yield of 60 bushels to the acre can
be looked for in some fields, barring
a hard frost within two or three
weeks. Forty bushels will be the tally
in a great many Instances, and 20 to
30 bushels will be realized in many
more fields. But the big expectations
of some folks on aggregate yield are
due for a hard tumble.
Omaha In Evidence at Fair.
People of Omaha have always at
tended the state fair. But Thursday
was the first time Omaha came down
in a body. It was the first time Oma
ha come down headed by its Commer
cial club, its magnificent Ak-Sar-Ben
and its leading business men. It was
the first time that it was impossible to
turn around on the ground without
running into Omaha men. And the
Omaha delegation did not look a bit
different from the owners of the live
stock exhibited at the fair, the men
who raised the fino county exhibits,
or the men who put up the magnifi
cent horticultural exhibit. In fact, in
this last department Charles Saunders
of Omaha was in charge, he being the
president of the society. It was a
great day for the fair and a great day
for Omaha. The day was called
"Omaha day," and from the big city
several trainloads of people came
down, while many came iu automo
biles. Study of Tuberculosis.
The officers of the Eaton laboratory
for the study and prevention of tuberr
culosis in children will hold an execu
tive meeting in a few days at which
plins for the completion of the labora
tory will be taken iip and acted upon.
Concerning this matter Dr. H. W. Orr
says: "Lincoln is behind hand in this
movement so far and we are very anx
ious to make a showing which will be
of sufficient importance to report to
the international congress in Wash
ington, October 1."
Expenditures More Than Receipts
During. Month of August.
During the last month State Treas
urer Brian paid out $200,4.".2.23 and re
ceived $1C3,22G. 72. He has a balance
on hand of S19,S21.93. as against a
balance of $534,047.43 the first of the
month. He has, as shown by his
monthly statement, in the permanent
school fund uninvested $91,840.00. Fol
lowing is the monthly report iu de
tail: Balances
Funds. At:?r. l. Auk. 31.
General $ r..217.9 6.035..-. J
Permanent school. 141.CS1,.70 91.S-J0.0G
remporarv school. 1." 2. 8.'. 2. 7 9 17.-..112.13
Permanent univ... 40.226.8.'. 4C.322.01
Ac. col. endowment 48.444.67 50.003.83
Temporary univ... 12,952.99 6.240.78
Penitentiary 31.79 31. 1 9
Redemption 2.69S.6S 2.396.S3
Kearney normal li
brary 1,443.8-' 1,207.35
Orthopedic hosp... 37.94 37.94
Institutions cash.. 9.497.33 9.940.71
Hospital for insane 4.219.44 3.033.11
State library 1.629.4S 1,610.48
University cash... 33.97S.53 3...206...2
Peru norm, library 2.183.2S 1.S17.76
Normal endowment 21.21 S.93 21.21S.93
Normal interest... 3.9S1!.91 2,691.24
Aff. and Merit, arts 35.000.01 35.000.01
V. S. exrer. sta... 6.740.37 5.769.S9
Totals $334,047.43 $496,S21.93
Cash on hand $ 18.020.00
Cash on deposit... 47S.S01.93 496.S21.93
Trust funds invested
Permanent school $7,400,305.86
Permanent university 141.717.17
Ar. college endowment 444.000.00
Normal endowment 36.600.00
Bonds of all kinds...
...... 3S7, 187.71
Inquiry About Insurance.
The Schaefer Drug company of
Omaha has written Auditor Searle re
garding a policy issued to it by the
Druggist Indemnity Insurance compa
ny of St. Louis. The druggist wanted
to know if the policy Is any good.
Auditor 'Searle answered that the
company had no license to do business
in Nebraska and, besides, he took the
drug company to task severely for
buying insurance from an unknown
agent when Omaha was full of good
agents who vill write policies prompt
ly and in the right way.
Wr.rning to Bankers.
W. B. Hughes, secretary of the Ne
braska bankers' association has sent
the following warning to state bank
ers: "A member reports that a man
stopped at his town recently ostens
ibly as a collector for some firm. Dur
ing his short stsy he got a supply of
blank checks and since then they have
been coming back in amounts from
$4.25 to $4.75 each, signed John R.
Nolan, and numbered around the
hundred mark. He cashes the checks
at stores so the banks do not lose,
but he would be a good man to stop.
Do you want one
in your home?
If you're contem
plating the purchase
of a piano now or in
the future, don't fail
to write or call on
We cany the largest and most complete stock of high-grade
pianos in the country. Every piano sold by us is guaranteed
to give satisfaction or money refunded. You have here to
select from the following: Khabe,Estey, Wegman, Franklin,
Sohxner, Fischer, Schaeffer, Anderson, Price & Temple,
Smith & Nixon, Smith & Barnes, Eversoler Starck,
Milton, etc All sold on easy payments if desired.
16th and
Try HAYDEN'S First
iURING Ak-Sar-Ben
fare of every one within a radius of 500'
miles from Omaha, who purchases a piano
from us. Secure a receipt from your agent
for full amount of fare paid present this after se
lecting your piano and the amount of your fare will
be deducted from the price of the piano you purchase.
Prices Reduced for Ak-Sar-Ben from $100.00 to
$150.00 on every one of our 600 high-grade pianos
Use this opportunity to visit Omaha at our expense
and to save at least $100. 00 on the piano selected from
our magnificent stock. Write for further particulars,
if you desire. Ask for our Handsome Piano Catalog.
First Mountain Climber Come on,
fellows; we're above the timber line
and will soon be on the summit.
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Staich, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
:,Look here!" grumbled the old farm
er. "This here almanac is a fraud. It
predicted snow for jesterday and, by
gum, it was hot as blazes all day."
"But my dear sir," responded the
bland almanac peddler, "it snowed up
at the north pole yesterday."
The old farmer's jaw fell.
"It did?" he drawled slowly. "Wal,
I reckon the almanac is all right then.
It did tell the truth, didn't it?"
No Social Standing.
"What do you think, Maria?" ex
claimed the steel magnate. "Our son
Reginald writes that he is on his wed
ding trip and his wife is a paragon."
"A Paragon?" echoed his wife.
"Dear me! I can't recall the name of
Paragon in the social register. You
must look her up at once, Jonn, and
see if Reginald has disgraced himself
by marrying into an inferior family."
Starch, like cverytning1 else, is be
ing constantly improved, the patent
Starches put on the market 23 years
ago are very different and inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat
est discovery Defiance Starch all In
jurious chemicals are omitted, while
the addition of another ingredient, in-
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap-
proacueu uy uuitr uiuuuo.
Withholding the Price.
"Muggsy tried ter quit boozin. He
onct tried de gold cure, but it wasn't
no good."
"Xaw, de on'y thing for him would
be de nickel cure."
"Do nickel cure?"
"Yeh: kecpin nickels away from
,, , U. , , , ti
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as wcl. at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does nor. stick to the
Mud for His.
Yeast It is said if the real estate
of Manhattan island were divided
equally among its inhabitants, each
individual would own $220 worth, ac
cording to the assessed value.
Crimsonbeak And I suppose it would
just be my luck to get my share all
in mud!
The We.
Piuo Howe.
time we will paythe-
Would Be Cheaper.
A church appointed a committee to
get subscriptions for a chime of bells.
They had seen nearly all the congre
gation. When they went to see a rather
poor member they told him they
would like a small amount toward it.
lie promised to give as much as ho
rmilfl lint lio nnil- 'Tlnn'r vim flunk-
' -
It would he cheaper to put a. vhistle-
We-jrinil ourmrii In
visible bifocal Irjise..
There is in cetn i:t
to Halve or tisly lines to blur the virion. One
tolid ieee of -;las.s. A-.1: to .ee tliem. Free
examination. HUTEi-ON OPTICAL CO.,
Exclusive Opticians, SV.i South Itith Street,.
Omalia. Nelir.i'-k.i. Factory on premises..
Wlioleale ami Ketail.
Omaha Directory
Wbolesala and retail
rtalr in evuyt hlag for
aCeitlemm table, including Flee Im-
portJ Tibia Delicacies. If there Is any-
little Hen yos ire nnabla to oMila in your IIoicTob-.
write a lor priceicn lime, a xse will be euro to &ave it
Mnil ordera carefully filled.
COURTNEY & CO.. Omaha. IVebr..
Aulabaugh's complete
catalogue will show
you what you want..
fci VI Jt
t T
''!' Best
1508 Douclas St. OMAHA.
If not ask your grocer for this
brand of Maple Syrup.
A GOOD PLACE to invest your money where:
jou can K-'t from
8 to 10 On Improved Properties;
Write Us llou- 3Iitch You Have to Invest
1704 Faritam St. Omaha,
ffim Spiesberger & Son Co..
mjL.A USIISmahu
ffROI6S3l6 PI II 1 11161 J
The Best In the West.
I Field ilume, Itinoralara inl Telernpa..
lnWurn Optical Co.
I a& Sis' WVtc'-tcyesfiirv.utit.anUonlyviro-MTtrx(la,J-"iwli-n
nr-!e!. Kjrrt;la:inil ptia-rI"pmjTlvr:tt-l.
ConsuItusHrit. urn Optical
Cll.,llimllonifrllt u4 firnua Strttl, OX III t, IH-
ForPowranlLeht. Serifoi circular and prices.
Azents lr iiaxa Eigmis and Eng-m Starttrs-
1113 Farnnm St., OMAHA, NEB.
Ors. Ilailcy & .Marh, The I
.xi r.oor. raiiiiD
Blorlc. cor. ltth
and Far nam
JitS.. Oil AIM. N'ni. BrSt tfmpix-lil
i icntal office In tho Middle West. I.att appliances.
I HicHiradoI)ntltry. KraonaMc pmes.
I b? mall at ctit price. Send for free catalogne.
I rrrBf.nrtt iua
6C QKiikrt 4OI-403 South tsth St,
of all kinds, direct from,
maker to wearer. Save-
the middle man's profit.
Take Faraam Btrret car. Two Dollars a day and BI
We cater especially to state trade. Tryns.
u r?k