The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 25, 1908, Image 5

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Tt r
'- -n - -V
-SSflf-rgrjt,.-. . ---r
that tan
gmKmmgmgg anumvuvsm
- him.
for themselves, as ours do, need
little praising. We might well be
pardoned for being enthusiastic
about them. But all we say is
Once you do that we will not have
to coax you for a second. Our gro
ceries will speak for themselves on
your table. You'll be sorry you
hadn't started trading here before.
Fay Moore shipped a carload of hogs
to Omaha last Wedaesday afternoon.
He accompanied tl shipment and ex-
yx.ri a .inn m rvdaaahua on kia return
to see bis wife, who is in the hoapita1
Ralph Termer, of Columbus, was here
last week visttiac Prof. Fffley. He is a
ana of the lata M. K. Turner, who was
the publisher for ao maay years of the
Columbus Journal. Mr. Tamer is an
electrical engineer, and has been engag
ed for some time past in New VorkCtty.
From the Sand.
Kev. and Mrs. J. M. Feltoa and Mrs
H. E. Bonghner visited Columbus Thura
tlay. The good news that she had been al
lowed a widow'a pension reached Mrs. J.
O. Waitaker this week. It is at therate
of 88 per month and dates from January
of last year.
Mrs. Emma J. Gates waa called to
Hugo, Colo, last Tuesday by a telegram
aBnouacing the serious illness of her
-daughter. Mrs. Walter Adoock. We
hope to hear better newa from there
George Rambour of Colambaa was
up a couple of daya this week enjoying
the hospitality of the Morgaa-Manrer
hunting lodge. He returned home
Thursday loaded down with ducks and
geese. He' didn't kill anymore than the
law allows, but he got there just the
From the Stitwn,
Bruce Webb naderweat a surgical
operation on Wednesday. He is getting
along aa well aa could be expected.
Lester Westoott is saffering the rap
ture of a blood vessel of the brain. He
taken nick with a severe headache Mon
day morning, and later ia the day he be
came unconscious. He remained nn
ooopcious, except at times for a few
minutes; for aboat 36 hours. At this
writing ha is improviag, aad Dr. Morris
says ha does not expect nay ssrioas re
snlta. Jolt Hook's ban waa baraed last
Friday night, together wkh a lot of hay,
grain aad other things. They managed
to get the horses out, bat one of his
driviagharseawashurtby the fire and
had tobe dragged oat. The fire, when
' Furnishing' Goods
I I 11 ml an H fl n"
nmananr1 nmasaM.BB nw bW
MTH(. MJ HKB H g,k
1 ML. .! bbL nl m 1 M M
BBBBk huBr I Lm I I Bm nl
aswaw BTeaVBF usami Mw aF
mmO'BgXnbBmmmmml I "
iKT aVa" bVm'TI1hb'BbbbbbbbbbbbV nam
BBmmmSIHvj4sledlLM vifMMmmmmmmmmmmmS asm
UBBffiTnBi .4 r4 I AlaKBamnmtmmmnmnnnnnnnnnnnnnB aran
Villi IUircU'3&0iimVKmmV I
rill 1 miaT'Knf kw HV AbV9mm1 bb
Vnil I tnaf TfwtSimmlSmlStM I
'IUbUIIj Ilffivln9 nBBmmvtMBBV5!d9 sum
li,,HrlPWf51 I
ill 4 IHMfsWlfVri ? II I
ffl JSflKuBPfc2r5sa m
ill r nl2fliB I
ue smnBsss snusnnnnnnl I
discovered, had gained too much head
way to undertake to pat it out, ao tele
phone messages through town soon
broaght a crowd to assist in saving other
property near by. It is not known how
the fire started.
. .Mr. aad Mrs. R H. Schroeder from
Oolambas, spent lastSanday with Platte
Mr. and Mia. Michael Spellicy and son
Thomas spent the fore part of the week
at Columbus. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nay spent Sun
day with relatives in Columbus. They
made the trip in their auto.
MesdameaLew Hoare, Henry Wilk
and W. J. Branch 'were renewing ac
quaintances in Columbus Tuesday.
Thomaa Mylet departed on today's
train for Seattle, Washington, where he
will visit relatives for an icdQnite time.
Last week William Bacon sold his well
making outfit to Mr. 0. 0. Abts,of Columbus.-who
aow has charge of thebusi-
EdPerkinson arrived home from a
winter's sojourn oo the gulf coast to
Texas. He looks as though he found
plenty to est and a contented mind down
Platte Center can boast of the cham
pion nbsent-minded man. Tuesdsy Den
ny Roberts waswith several friends,
takings drink of beef tea, or something
to tb health of 8L Pstaick, and after
settling the score he put his purse into
Barney Eihauaen's pocket, while Barney
was standing .beside him, and did not
discover what he had done until his at
tention was called to it. There was a
good fat wad of money in the purse, too.
Last Monday morning. Deputy Sheriff
Jawoski came up from Columbus and
arrested Michael Spellicy on n warrant
issued from the county court. Com
plaint was made by Paul Prodsza that
Spellicy shot at Paul's son Charley with
the intent to wound and kill him, Spel
licy was taken before the court, and the
case continued until Tuesday afternoon,
nt which time the bearing was had and
Judge Battermaa found for the defend
ant. The trouble arose over the fact
that the boy was passing Spellicy's house
'and acarad a cow which was in the road,
causing it to ran through n wire fence.
'Spellicy aaw the act, got his shot gen
and took a aaot at the boy, bat it waa
nn nwL I aw aw aw L I
to to
boyaaadSffeUfey bwwn they aaaoy
in various ways ocenamnlly.
From tb Nonpareil.
Mrs. Margaret Powers, smother bf Jack
Powers residing southwest of town died
at the home of the latter Tuesday night
at the advanced age of ninety-three
years. Four years ago her husband
died. Tbey had lived together in wed
lock for sixty years, Sevea ehildraa
wen born to them. Ave of whom areaow
living. The f uaaraJ waa bald at the Ca
tholic church Thursday morning at tea,
Manager Rod tatta, of theHoegland
Lumber Oo ; taiaau oar article last week
relatives' to the tax controversy between
Mr. Hoaglaad and Msrriek osuaty rath
er tended to give a wrong impression'oon
eering the matter. Heaaya it whs not
Js.HoagUwd's intention to evade the
payment of hia taxes. Mr. Hoaglaad feH
that it was aa isjustios to compel him to
pay taxes on property ia his yard hare,'
while at the same time ha waa being tax
ed in Omaha on credits dun' from this
yard. He held that thk waa double tax
ation. As proof that ha was not trying
to evade paying hja taxes Mr. Smith says
he baa already paid hia 1M7 tax and,
now that the court has passed on the
issue ia hia case, will any the 1906 claim
Wm. MoGonnel waa stabbed by Roy
Church at Ctete Monday morning and
wounded, bat it develops that the
cute were not despnnd ha will aanTerno
asrions ooasequenoaa. Thntiwnbla'orig.
iaated Saturday evaning whan B. H.
Church, father of Boy' and Charles
Church, aad Mr. MeCoaaell had anil,
tercation over the hauling of uoiua hay
which the Churches were deUvnring to
McConnelL At that time it is said, the
elder Church drew a katfs on McOonneU,
and the latter, ia attemptiag to kick it
from his hand, fell to the sidawalk.
While he was down OharteyCatuchbama
up and struck him. Monday morning
the Oharehss returned to town and the
trouble waa renewed, McConnell becom
ing engaged in an encounter with
Charlie. While they were thus engaged
Boy slipped up behind his brother'a ad
versary and began stabbing him in the
back with a jack knife. Three or four
woonda were inflicted, three in the aoalp
and one in the neck, n severed artery in
the latter causing grave apprehension
for a short time. None of thewouade,
however, proved to be ssrioas.
From the Dsmortat
Mias Anns Ottis called on Columbus
friends yesterday.
G.W. Paillip,of Columbus was at
tending to bnsweaB in Huaiphrey Tues
dsy. - f - -
The village of Humphrey is gradually
gettinffoutofdebt. This weak $1,300
of outstanding water warrants warn paid
Mr. and Ma. P.T. Walker came up
from Columbus Sunday evening and
visited until Monday noon with Mr
Walker's mother and other relatives in
Monday Judge Welch over-ruled .a
motion for a new trial and aantenesd
Herman Boche, the Madison couaty far
mer who was reeeatly convicted of nua
slaughter in killing Frank' Jarmer, to inn'
years in the penitentiary at hard labor.
This case, we understand, wUl be carried
to the supreme court. In cases of this
kind there should be no appeal.
ProffesaorR. M. Campbell, who has
acceptably filled the position of eaperin
tendent of the pnblio achools of the city
for the pabt three years, has been re
elected to that position for n farther
term of three years at a salary nf 41.960,
$1,275 aad $1,300 for the first, second and
third years respectively. Under hia'
management the schools have developed
a high degree of efficiency. West Point
Cor. Norfolk News.
Cornelius Linaberry came home the
first of the week from Golambue where
he had been confined in 8fc. Maty'a hoi.
pitsl for a couple of weeks with a severe
attack of appendicitia. Three weeks
ago today he startedTfdr Omnia and got
as far as Columbus when lie was taken
ill and taken to tae hospital. He is feel
ing pretty well now, but in n short time
he expects to have an operation sarTorta
ed for fear of reoccurenceof the'troabie.
From the Oawitte.
Graadpa Joans passed his. Tfth mile
stone Wednesday. B!m duagfcter, Mxa.
Wm. Barkalow ia honor of the evant
gave a dinaer the aasae day to the hrrth
dayite aad a number of relatives- and
August Miller who had a growth .ant
from hmneVkaomstiass ago, caaaaiby
n collar button, weat to David -City last
Tuesday, aceoatpsnied by his wife, aad
hadthestiehestakea out. He hj now
Stncethataews has been circulated
around that a eninla oYBsilwoonitaa are
oataedooketovera braaoh c promise
suit, the old rwiin 4mKag Ihjjht
ly on matriaKMual grounds. As thsi'is
leap year thay don't know what might
"pop" up.
The Law aad Order party met last
Friday evening and pieced ia nomina
tion Ed. Drawasagh, Frank Yoftag and
AlbinaOnrtia sa
placsd in aomiaation Ji
Master and Fraak SsTxer.
It was ami
t"nr wvrda ta
effect, whan one
first time had
when Rev. Gidsan ashed the lacasstare:
How Are Your
Nfii SharHiiig?
Look them over. The season it
close at hand when you will want to
vse your dues. They should be
'sharp. Let us sharpen them. We
use the cold-rolled process no
metal lost, no temper destroyed.
Best process in the world.
Louis Maler
-1003 North St.
Columbus, Nebraska
A "black haadn warning waa posted oa
aFallerton man'a barn door, telling him
to get out of town. ss, we don't like
eaicken thieves.' The 'neighbors came
to the aiaa'a defease, and say that ha is
not guilty, as insinuated, being too lszy
to steal chiefcene or do any thing else
except talk politics.
The photograph enlargers have com
menced another campaign of graft ia Ne
braska. They have a new acheme this
time. The agent for the graft house
calls and secures a 'photograph for en
lsrgsment, stating that the work will be
doaefree'of charge "just to advertise
the bnsinseB.w Later the ageat calls
again and obtains an order for a frame
toeottlromfS'toSia When the picture
is delivered, it proves tobe a "daub," bat
the party orderingthe frame is usually
Miffed iato paying for it
Last Friday evaning the basket ball
teamaof the Genoa high sobool went to
;CoIuibns "indr ere deffestedrby the
teams of that place. Soore: Genoa boys.
,12; Columbus boys, 15. Genoa girls, 2;
Columbus girls, 16. At Madison, last
Thursdayevening. the Indian team was
defeated by tthe Madison high school
team. 8eore: Indians, 25; Madison. 36.
A return game will be played hereon the
evening of Maroh 28. On the 27th the
Schuyler team will contest nt this place
with the Genoa high sobool team.
Last Friday afternoon, Grace Rich
ards, Glsdys Slaughter. Johanna Ogden,
Mable 8teaberg and Bernioe Wiggins,
nil high school pnpila, conceived the idea
that physical exercise was conducive to
.health. Of course, washing the dishes,
stooping the floor and sweeping and
otherwise helping mother at home did
not count, A tramp across the country
they imagined waa about the right kind
of a stunt to perform, and without con
sulting their parents stsrted down the
track to walk to Monroe. They had been
informed that it was only fonr miles,
aad expected to return by five o'clock,
but it was eight o'clock when .six tired
girla came dragging their feet along the
ties aad separated at the water tank for
their respective homes. As the season
for making garden is approaching the
girls will probably be furnished all the
physical exercise they desire without
"walking to Monroe and back."
From the Loader.
Mrs. W. O.Pugsley is enlarging and
repairing her residence property west of
E.L Bark's preparatory to moving into
'Charlie Taylor of the Indian school
nailed to Mossouri the first of the
by the death of his sister, whom,
many of our randsrs will remember,
spent n portion of the past year in oar
, Mr. Frank Anderson aad Mias Selma
Wshlgrea weressarried at the honwof
thebridee parents near West Hill oa
Wednesday night in the presence of
aboat ott hundred and fifty guests. The
groom ia a young farmer from Polk
county whiia the bride ia wall known to
ssaetot oar'rsadsrs. "The Leader joiaa
the crowd in extending congratulations.
A nun elaiaUng to live at Genoa aad
svisghknsmeasBeckwith arrived at
FaUerton footsore aad weary Sunday
afternoon and entered eompiamt to the
Gsaaty Attoraey'thatbe had been ran
out of Gaaoaby anrowd armed with shot
gain aadarofe, nnd BhstiaT Dsbb was ia
cHy Mondhyto' investigate the charges.
Aa aear as the Lssdercsn gee to the facta
Beckwith's wife want to the
and asked for
eat, claiming to have, nothing nt home,
given n square
ant while aha waa partakmg thare-
arrivad aad dsmsaded
thatshsgo withhua which she rafuaad to
doand he threatened to kill her. A row
in which the Moores took a head
was run off
a toys remiumf to hVjro-
bbsV" BnsnnBnnBnnBnnvnBnnBnnrBnBnBSBnBnma)
aanwBSBanVfT snsnnannannannannannannannannannannannBnV
TBnr Bnnank.nBBsnannannannannannannannannannannan
iU awfar at,
, bat darned
tit .only that
From the habUeaa.
B. J. Pugaley hi gettiag ready to ssova
oa their home place, which he will farm
thia summer.
B. H. ToUeamoved to Colambaa WanV
dosday. where he has a position with the
new Colambaa Hide compaay.
George NisasoHsr Isf V Wsdnesday eve
ning with a car of hone ahold goods ami
stork for their new' home in. Canada
Where they hate a large tract of land.'
Mrs. Bray ton nnd children, who have
bean the gaest of bar water. Mm. Geo
Alexander, for some tisse, left Saturday
forOlympla. Wash:, where her busbaad
u located.
Mr. sad Mm, J. a Newtos of Prim
ross were vMtiag Moaroe relatives lsat
week. John haadiepoesd- of bm aseat
market at Primrose aad they ware an
route to Far ragut, la,
G. a Smith retursed to FuUertoa
Thursday after a abort, visit withrela
tivasnara. Sines tbeetoek of hardware
be hid bean mahngiag at Creeton wss
disposed of helms been at FuIIerton.
For the Jrat time iaa the history of
Moaroe sobool it ia rated aa first class
tsa grade high school. Thia aohool now
grades with dumphrty school aad is
ratednbeve the'somosi of Fittie Center,
Creston and Liaday. Thia grade ie
made by the state anjeriateadeat sad
the aaowiag saadaby Monroe should be
especially grstifyiag to all patrons of
the school, nnd due oredit for these re
sults given our very efficient crop of-
Frost the World.
Ed Wurdeman made a trip to Colam
bus the first of the week.
Mrs. JR. Jenny who has been very ill
for the past two weeks is eatirely re
covered. A little daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Asche, ar., was operated on for
appendicitis Inst Monday by Dr. Lowery
and Dr. Evans of Colambaa. She stood
the ordeal wall sad at present is doiag
Mrs. John Heine and three children
aad nephew, Walter Johnson, left Thurs
day morning for Morrill, Nebr, to join
Mr. Heine who took n carload of goods
to that place a short time ago. Mr.
Heine has been herdsman on the Mar
shall Field ranch for n number of years.
They will saske their home on n farm
three autesfrom Morrill.
Mrs. Jamas Ticbota experienced n
lively runaway last Saturday morning
while on her way to Leigh. Aboat two
miles south of town the team became
frightened and in some manner the
tongue dropped and Mm. Tiohota was
thrown out of the rig and sustained u
severe fracture of her right wrist, both
bones being broken. Dr. Lowery re
duced toe fracture.
Becher, Hookenberger k Chambera
real estate agents, report the following
real estate transfers filed for record in
the office of the county clerk daring the
week ending March 14, 190&
Pioneer Towaalts Co to Wm Weake, all
oatkwC,"Craatoa $ MOO CO
H J Herbw to H J Bockea, lot S blk S,
BobiBfloa'slataddto'Hawphny.wd. SMSO
HJHartMstoHJBocken. ptldt2blk
2, lot 2 Wk 2. Orisiaal
town, Haaphrav, wd 1980 SO
Nefa Fedenoa to H Crowall, n ae K-18-
4w.wd- 4888 00
L Orotelwrban to J A GrotelMchea, az
ae4oCS-18.le.wd 0980 00
.las Flrnaetal to EdFlyna, lots 11 aad
li blk U.HisbUBdPWk. Cogged.... 100
EdFlyantoCBsaDikvMa,aaw, wd.... U0 00
W C Bom toColnatbai LicatCo. qod.
lot5blk98,ColamBs, wd 100
P NooBaa toG H Preaeter. aw of SMP-
2w.wd 1S725W
S Weadt to C W Caapbell. ez S3 nw4 of
310-le.wd 40BO00
JohaGoeUtoGeoGiotelaaeaea. ee 1-
20.te.wd MOW 80
H C Lemaiei man to W Biauaer. jr. b bs
8-m-ie.wd. ran w
DBGorawatoGeo Weakemp. a3 aw4
of2-2S4e.wd. 0720 00
aacySanr to Bd Hosill. tot 4 blk S.
HisUaadFark.CeIaBilNW.wd 100
C AHewplas to John Heoeabrs. lot
7Uk2.8tTeaeadd,ColaaibBa.wd.. 80000
J E North to John Kotlar. 2 aeraa la aw
Herat Laaiawnto8t.PaalKfaa,Luth,
ckarcb. 1!4 a. ia set of 4llS4w. wd.... 1 00
Ells HaBtpBieys at at to Bob Haaipa-
rers.wae2i-10-Sir.wd.. sNSa)
W A MeAllbter to AaMdle A Tieates. pt
lots blk Ui.Golambae.vd 1400 00
Jos Lfaki to H B Elliott, u lota S aad 4
but99,Coiawbaa,wd....'. MM 00
BsIbm Grabb to Wa B Mayaa. tot S blk
7. Geeeatd'e add, Colaabae. wd. SWSi
H G Friehe to Gnwe M MeCorkle, lot 7
. blk4.BeekrPlaee,(olBkba8,wd... 279SM
JosSWeUe toChaaW
aad set 12.17-lw, qod...
Gas B Bpaloe to'Caaa W
aad ae4 lSJTMw, wd. ..
D 8 Wssat to Boot.
Mast Iaseh et al to Alf McCoradek. aw
23I7wVv FB a OBwV fmy
Staa MMete to FeUs bbsbbmb, lata 7 aad
8bUclS9,ColaaibBe. wd...
J P Aaaetaea toBva' M Aaoenom, lets
Used 13 hlk . Meae add. T lamay.wd
MO 00
200 00
MtxOattaeiatoOttoBeasi.'as asm-
jj9"aW Wuei awsw "BF
Wm Weadt to Msty L nMasr. aw If
HLSaiitatoWatKeet. e, e aw. aw
SMT-Sw, w. 4SBJ m
atoBnaaiw. BartlMMw.wd mm
WFAradttoWa laaae. 7acreebill- ,
17-Jw.wd. 7
Leskina far the Annst.
. A new city settlement worker
going the rounds of her district, one
bright spring montfng. Ia a' crowded
tenement soma five or six MtUe chO
dren gaaed laflalriagly at bar as she
enttrad... "Wen, well, clursa, she
nail, "I neter aaw ao amay.abiiai
faces Ufa. Why .ervonuee
some abap aad waterf "Wa nra.waH
fng foV the "angel, aiaair repaVsil TohV
my Taifi "What aair.aakl tin
ycaig. woman. (k:4m lady ant
oaaiskaaastUt ha,
tempt to see his wife i
if we know aaytyag i
Shoes and
Oir Finishitg
Gittfs Displq
Oorjmstomnen will cheerfully instruct yoa
howstrori&aguajrantee we place on tteltt.
Gome in and be convinced. Our motto ia
always your satisfaction or your money
back. Yours
No. is: llSia Xo. -- .-:"
No.1 lldSam No.I4al2:l5dl2pi
No.8 HAS a a Ho. 15pi
No. J SdOpam No.l 552
No.15 I:pm No.10 H?01
NolS 635 pm No.8 J0px
No.5 731pm No.2 5'
No. 50 7S0OSBB No.58
BBAScmn. "
No.T7mxd..dJ5am No.mxd..dSai
No.mpaa ..d7Spm No.Slpaa ..diaOpi
No.mpm ..aUrfSpm S0!?,,',V,,,?D,
No.78mxd..aiUpm No.70mxd..a7Kai
Daily except Saadajr.
kotz: '
Hoe. 1. 1. 7 aad 8 am extra tare train.
Nee. S.-5, IS and 14 are local nejMeBgvr,
Nne. 58 aad W are kwal f teiahte.
Nob. S aad IS are mail trains oaly.
No 14 daeia Omaha 4:15 p.m.
No. S doe ia Omaha 5:00 p.m.
Creates, We.
Dates can be made al the
Joarnal Office
We invite all who desire choice
steak, and the very best cuts of
all other nwata to call at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry nnd fish and
oysters in neaton.
Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Nab.
.-. . . ..i'? . ...... .... . aana hw
ubt OBBaanT w K nn
bbj. saununnnynnnnLBnT nv uiBaBpmwjBBjBeBTjB bv.
Bbt .BlBBmr BflBBTaaTsn. eSw Bbv
Wf tlit most hesMrfuI MN2H
ff ot truitSs comes tnc JfF fcr i '
SBmBmnw LmW .BBmBnSBsr BWamsa
C mSr aawnnr
mman BH
H HftBafMaBmnKBaK aast nKAnsCnaamnatt- l---i
BVanaBmBBEnaBammA- W'BPMPWK nwf.j
fflHKHHf BaBsmBmBBmBTsTnBBBBBmTaamlsn
WB"MT"?B"" ""mma fmTsnnfsalsl mny. . ufsMM.- tJ
smV-mBBBBBeHM Mm' 1
B0ubbIS flk only baking powder Jfg
TBHhasaamBBBSBmaBSHB aw .SmW'amnwnBnmV
BwWlmmW rfWrBnanT .mmBLmr nunV V
aasnuM SBmBmBnmBnBBCanBnnBnV UBBmBmBmBmBmBTmmnnnmmmnmmVSff'K Vmmr
mmF BBmBmnVKBnBnnBnr' BnnnnBnBnnBnnBnnnBnmSaWBm 'bbsbI
Lnsn" BBmBnV'nsBmnn nusnuBw BamBmBnBBmBmBmBmsnnBnBnnBnm nmnn
Hlk-"By -jJBBB CsBtli stnaamfe uanwaWBnB -B
VBBBanVBBmPmlwUlVBmmBBmBmi tfftmjf9mWt9Wmm9K snBfaMammvarMMtSa H
KLniUllvmnBl -. '. rcvww; i
pt vBHiHHBsmsnmBmjBBmmmmBmWsWmnn
Ubj - 'CVS nr-
anmii - ---5bi
- . k SB- v
consisting of some nob
by and mterealanrPft
terns aire now rofitay lor
your inspection. We hire
them mmtt styles and fabric.
Prices that will sure pfemw you
The finest that the season pro
duces. Some beautiful bttek
and tan kid pomps. Just what
you want for dress and patty
wear. Our children's dept mm
not been forgotten and- yoa-11
find them equal to the beat for wear
is complete with the Jiewwnt
and latest patterns in Shirts
and Ties. Don't f ail to ask
about our guaranteed Hosiery.
Six pairs for $1.50 that will
positively last six months wear
ior dusuu
Llvina Un ta His Ha
A teacher in a mission school' as
Boston had among her pupils a colored
boy named Ralph Waldo Enwraoa
Longfellow. As he was absent one
Sundayshe asked the class if any one
knew th'e reason for his absence.
"I reckon I do." said one small serious-looking
"What is the reason. Johnnler
"I guess he's home writing poetry."
responded the boy. with a dettghtec
chuckle. Youth's Companioa.
For Speed
Safety, Surety
A solid roadbed is
sential. Visibility &
Speed in the Under
wood (Tabnlator)type
writer are supported
by perfectly balanced
HiBBTiAaMaeAAal TeeaamAaemlaWBt-
1617 Farnam St.
. i
406 lltli StPOOt,
thathothBaoiwsW andT mV
frue nere T lalt .wusar ami. gtrc
togrt'tha aiicc, bA aash Ume
wits deny that ha ttraatenad hia wife ar
of mi Han a asoxaTta 'wasaT 111
ta ga with ham,
'iSCy-i ?&&rf- tag
- . udBimiv
!Sj&fcA.-j. .
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