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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1907)
BWeBmBW3nBW; ammWKTtfSv amaBs laaBtF'i . " at PR--'"' - If. - ' K " w Cotalnts AtntWl5;. , !?. "; - .i : rtX " r V j;. "v ... Ooniolldmtad with the Ctolumlrai Times April 1,1904; with the Platte County Argu January 1, 1906. VOLUME XXXV11L NUMBER 22. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1907. WHOLE NUMBER 1,868. -c ma-am am am . an mj am fmVam an ms am ''- -Cflwl rw w w -x U, ? ' ' T . ' " JL ;' X ""- aw - r f t s ,T A u. ' I3 h. IP ' v . 1$ l&SV l ?- -i -7 -t - WWMtttW Becher, $ Hox&enberger & Z Chambers $ i Hi .KAL ESTATE AM LOANS. I t J im realatate, either hn leads g ortowa lots, it will be to your S interest to consult our lists. We I S also have several good dwellings forreatmOolumbe, aad it will pay ye to cosae aad swsua before Meaey to loaa ia aay abort aotioa. Fire, Teraado cad Aooideat s s i i S Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. m m m V 00LVM1VS Oata 42 Wheat' TO Bye.; 6 Barley v 66 Hogs. $5 10 to 16 90 c Files of The Joaraal Sept. 8, 1873. Itia becoming bkmc aad awfe ooatatoo f or iarorecs to taiak of briok f or baild iag aarpoteB. Hay will probably oeauaaad a good prim taw wiater. It bow sells readily atf&Mpertea. There was oa Saturday last ao BMwe etoragereoai for wheat, eTerytaiag was fail, iacladiag the elerator. The treable is iahek of cars for shlppiag. The work oa the foundation of the aew school bettdiag. has coataieaoed. There will be a fiae atracture, aad add ataoh to the appesiaaee of eastern Coluaibas. Gas. O. Becher, iauaigratioa ageat for Platte eoaatr, tells as that aearly 4oi) hoBMSteads have beea takea ia this eaaafeir eiaee Jaaaary 1, 1833, aad-that he eappoaea that oae-f ourta of the till able land of Platte county is yet vacant, Biost of which is ia the aorthern portioa of the county. ; Mr.GotUchalk,wBoliTaaahort die. taaes north of town, isereotiag a rery comaradioae bara for the parpose, we suppose, of holding hay and sheltering hirtock. ThiakiBdotbuUdiagiawaat the fanaen aad atoek growers of Nebras ka aeed, and we predict that ia every few yeara they will have the Bwaas to build theau Afewaaore good crops of wheat will add away anew baildiag to the already iaereseiag value of the cultivated fi Paifragitiawil Ctank. Regular prayer meeting Tharsday of this week. Freaehing servicee next Sabbath, aaomiag and evening. All of the eharoh aad eoagraga and friaads aot wonhipiag else- are apcoially requested to be it at the aaorniag service. Stran gers ia the city will be cordially wel- atbothaerviees. G. A. Munbo, Pastor. Miss Esther Bossitef will teach danc . iag seaool at Colaatbus this wiater pro viding a ekes caa be organised to pay for ao doing Pipils wphiag to take lesBoas caa aiga paper left with Aaae Rosaiter for that parpose. Better aign yeeraelf aad tell your friaads. Wedaeeday night Aug. 21, a small it, aaoaated with pearls aad between the U. P. Finder pleeee leave at Jearaal oaVa. 2t-p haVdaSd soft goal OKDEatS FILLED PK0MPT LT. F. B. SMITH LUMBER 0. Everybody Goes to Poesch's 1 For Fresh Bread aad Freak Hoaie .aaade Gaadies. T. . In Criii Stdi 5c The only Original. Candy Factory it&ciRfe-.. ait xvwu f ruhies, snaMwhere depot aad the park. Oa Monday eveaiag a very targe crowd atteaded aasost enjoyable amtiag of the Coataisrcial Olub which took place at the coaaeil ehaaiber. Oar friead aad fellow eitizea, Mr. Tsrael Gtack, leaves this week with hk family to make their fature home ia Omaha, aad oar Commercial dab met to teader hima farewell reception. A committee coaaistiar of B. a Biekiason, O. W. Hullipa ana Uarl Kramer had beea pre viously appointed to draft suitable re solutions; which ware presented. They speak of the love and esteem for Mr. Olack ia this satire commaaity, his away deeds of charity, his persisteacy n what he deemed to be right, aad his great' work ia' helping to build up Oolambes, aad the aniveraal regret at am leaving as. ia wish isax- pressed that he maybe home, aad that eveataally he many back to attend hie last daye at his old home. Maay of the leading mtiseas made suitable remarks on the reaola tioat,aad they were eathasiartically adopted by a rising vote. Oa behalf of the club, a O. Gray then presented Mr. Glaok with an elegant gold headed cane; Oigars ware passed by the affable presi deat, M. p. Karr. and we are pleased to say they were Oolambas made oigars. The whole meeting was amosteajoyable affair which wfll always be remembered with great satisfaction by Mr.-Gluck aad all those preseaL The greatest of the free acts ia the ex hibitioa of Harry La Thorns, the world's famoas aeroaaat, who ascends in a mammoth balloon from the oarsival grounds at 12 o'clock noon on a eet day duriag the carnival, (weather permitting) and will remaia many thoasandsof feet in, the air for 37 hoars. The famoasLa Thorns will alao make dally aaceasioas aad participate ia the halloa and air- aatpraeeB." "The most daring, feat of the free acta ia the slide for life that will bemadebyMilleLaBloaohe. aloag a cable sasp saded from the topof a4t foot tower erected oa the roof of the eight story Braadeis bailding, to the highest point oa the steeple of the First Presby terian eharoh, hundreds of feet sway. Her desceat ie made withoat the use of brakes, aad is the moat perilous aad geaaiae thriller of the age. It ie the most ssasatinnal feat that has aver beea offered to the pabtic. Theseareamoag the maay free acta that take place dur iag the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival ia Omaha. Nearly all the rural aoaoob In' Platte I couatybagaaMoaday,batasa geeeralk rale the town schools will not begia un til September , All the rural schools bat two, districts Nos. 70 and 73, have reported as having teachers, .The dis tricts to be supplied are ones where abort terms, eix month, are held, and caa withoat iBcoaveaieaoe to the dis trict be aappned later aad thea have their fail amouat of schools -A large percaatage of oar rural teachers are home girls; aad it will aot be long be fore oar owa high schools will furnish plenty of good teachers for all the raral districts. George Mahoodof Woodville township was trasaaoting busiaess at the county eeet, Monday. He is one of the farmers of that locality who was uafortuaate enough to be ia the path of the hail, atanathmaammer and lost his crop. Mr. Mahood nsmaUy has a bench of atookto wiater, but this spriag, owiag to acaraity of peatare, he disposed of a good share of his stock at a good price, ao wheathe storm took his crops he was aot obliged to aaeriloe any of it. Bsv. Dr. Ph. George Albreoht, a mis sionary of fee Evan. Lutheran General 8ynod of the United States in Iadia, bow in America on a abort furlough, will lecture in German oa Iadia, land aad people, and the christian missionary work therc, in the German Ev. Protest, church oa Saaday, September 8th, at 730 p. m. A hearty invitation is ex tended to everybody to be present at thia moat iatereatiag lecture. Lata North, with hie lae paciag horse "Black Douglas," dropped iato Seward loageaoaghlast week towia the princi pal event there. The track was heavy aad fast time was oat of the questioa. Oa Friday "Black Douglas" will go agaiaat a large leid at laaooln, aad there will be quite a delegation from Platte county there, hoping to see him wiahisraoa. The traaafer of the Keating 8chram grocery stock took place Moadav, aad the aew arm aow have charge of the Oa the same day the grocery de- the Gray Mercantile Oo. tranafamid to Messrs. Keating aow iaetalled ia their aew looatioa. i A jolly group of Oolambus people, composed of the Gets. Augusta aad Ida Harry Lohr aad Theodore Kaafi turaed Saturday evening from a vory ptasssat trip to Deaver, Calarsdo, aad other alaeea of iatereatia the moaataia afternoon the ire de partmeat was oalled to the Barliagtoa depot; a ear of bailed hay beiagoaira, whlnh atartsd from apontaaenaa combus ABaa ef heaa wsslaid and the matrol. LerDay,taepriasaryelectioaoathe rat Taeaiay ia September aad the State mir are reapaaaibto for the tewa sahswla fhsagisgtheirdsteaf rommsat ammf QamB wsVaraK JawvaKy OwwflmmmMf wKama Dr. Laasahsn Oooalist aad aurist. vDr.MarkT. MeMahoa, dentist. Dr. W. H. Slater, veteriaarian, phone ML' Louis Maier, sn, spent Sunday ia Oma ha. People who gat results advertise in the Journal. Miss Bertha Cover Bjohlaad. spent Sunday in Dr. CA. AUeobarger, in State Baak building. Harry Erb of Platte Center visited Columbus frieads Saaday. Miss Sasaa Brodboll, of University Place ia the guest of Miss Sasan Boea. Mies Floreaca Hsgel weat to Sohuyler Tharsday moraiag for a short visit with frieads. Wasted Place to work for board aad attend acbool by young man. Bell phone No. . Lieuteaant Will Hendey of Fort Bilef,Kss., wass guest of the home folks for two days last week. Miss Been Kavanacgh returned Sun day evening from Omaha,' where she has spent the past week visiting. For fancy Wedding -- Stationery, pro or Calling cards, don't fail to tot the Journal figure with you. Miss Mabel Miller went to Yucatan, Thursday for a abort visit with her pareats, Bev. aad Mrs. Miller. H. A. Clarke and Spencer Kinan left Monday evening for Kimball, Neb., where Mr. Clarke owns a targe reach. Miss Lillian Hsgel returned Wednes day evening from Grand Island where aheapeat several days visiting friends. Walter 8tovioek, who has been visit iag relatives in this city for the past week, returaed to his home in Seward Friday. Miss Vesta Slater returned Sunday evening from Oakland, Iowa, where ahe hasapeet the past three weeks vieiting relatives, WUlKippleaeoompanied by his little sister, Mies Esther, left Tuesday morning for Lincoln where they will attend the State fair. . Miss Ellen Wiag,who hat been -the guest of her sister, Mrs. Will H. King fore few weeks left .Wedaeeday for Tiptoa, Iowa, Mma Martha Tamer, who has a poei tioa in the Capitol City, spent Sanday visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. M.K. Terser. Mrs. August Stoll. who has been visit ing relatives in Kansas for the past two weeks, returaed to her home in this city, Monday eveaiag. Miss Hsael Millard, who has been the guest of Miss Ethel Farraad for the past week, returned' to her home in South Omaha Saturday. Those desiriag to order all kinds of feed caa do so over either phone. In dependent 96. BeU 307. -Ernst A Brock, tetophoae Bed 907. The Misses Blanch Campbell of Omaha and Metta Swain of Lincoln are gaeets this week at the home of the latter, brother, Mr. Lloyd 8wain. Miss Lillian Weldin returned Wednes day evening from Pittsburg where ahe has spent thesummer visiting relatives. She reports a delighf ul trip. The Oolambas Gas company will lo oste'tbeir plant on the lots east of the Columbus Boiler Mills, aad the work of gsttiag them ready has been commen ced. Miss Mae Boasiter, who has been at tending school in Omaha, 'arrived home the first of last week for a short vieit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Rosaiter. t , Mr. F.F. Clark accompanied by his three cobs, Ralph, Clyde and Leon were in this city Friday afternoon while wait ing for a traia. .They left that evening forKearaey. Mrs. Tom McTaggart and daughter Miss Marguerite and two sons, Willis and Paalleft Moaday for Denver where they will visit with relatives for a few weeks at that place. From the amouat of local travel this week, it loots as thoagh the attendance at the state fair would be as large as former years, notwithstanding there are ao excarsioa rates. B. a Palmer the tailor, clean, djee aad repairs Ladies' aad Geata' clothing. Hats cleaaed aad rebloeked. Buttons made to order. Ageat Geraaaaia Dye Works. Nebraska Phoaa. Miss Elsie Zack.liyJag thirteen miles south of Columbus, left Saturday for Hooper where she will teach her first termoCsohooL While ia thia citvahe the guest of Miss Emily Maier. O. L Magaaseoa of Moaroe towaship. ia ana city jtoaoay wun am aeioe, Mies Mary Tore, whs has beea apead iag the summer hers, aad returaed to ia Baa Joss, Oal oa No. 3 that edaerpesatmaaselerk ia the ware uspartmaat of Heary stare, aad miss Baby Kassmassaa, who eyed m eparataria the Iade- t Tslaghaaa Pea., omos wiU be aWWaiwwwaiiiiiiai m i IThe m m v S: a Best Advice 9. m For the protection of your eye sight is to visit our optical depart ment once ia a while. m We caa tell you ia a vary few minutes what, if anything, aaoald bedoae, We will teat your eyes by the saoet modera methods aad it lenses to yoar eyes with aoicatiic exacti tude. That will assure you f utare eye comfort. m 9 9 m 9 B m m m m 9 We give every case the utmost care and atteation-aaa with our facilities can guarantee aatisfac tion. Make it a point to see as about your eyes. If glasses are not needed there will be no charge. Ei. J. IIEWNIEI. Jeweler & Optician 9 9 9 9 9 , 9 9 9 9 9 Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. G. B. Pneb, painting and paper hanging. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jrn office new Colum bus Bute Bank building. For Bent Furnished room with board. Independent Telephone 334. Dr. L. P. Garstecson,iVeterinarian both phones 213, Columbus, Neb. R. B. Webb of Creston was in this city last 8unday to attend the ball game. Mrs. Albert Thomas of Cambridge( Neb., is the guest of Mr. and'Mrs. Otto Kummer. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kirkpatrick are receiving a visit from their nephew, lit tie Louie Kirkpatrick of Grand Island. OatSOlint) Leave or telephone your orders to Gray's Hardware de partment for Gasoline. Both telephones No. 299. ' " A. C. Mahaffey left Tuesday morning forSaperior.lreb.whereeraa palled by the serious illness of his brother, M. Mahaffey. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bernhardt, and BonGustsve, left this morning for Lin coln where they will spend s few days at the State fair. Miss Maggie Seipp and Lena Boettch- er returned Tuesday arterooon irom Grand Island, where they have been visiting for the past week. Miss Florence Snyder, chief ejperator at the Nebraska Telephone office, return ed from Peru, Illinois, where she has spent the past month visiting. Miss Hazel Studley of Creston was in this city a few days last week and on Saturday went to Monroe, where she will speed a week visiting with relatives. Tillie Munter of Monroe filed a oom plaint in Police Judge O'Brien's oourt asking that Bob Clyde of that village be placed under bonds to keep the peace. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W.Lightner of Lyncb( Neb were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Douglass, Friday and Saturday, while enroute to Monroe to attend Friends Waif yearly meeting. Judge Ratterman issued two marriage licensee the last week, Jacob Hoerle of Clearwater, Neb., and Maggie Hilliard of Columbus, and Benjamin Orndorff and Maggie A. Crabtree, both of Peters burg. Boom and breakfast offered to lady in good home in this city. Good references required. Object oompaaionship. 8mall 'charge. Suitable for teacher or one en gaged in business. Inquire at Journal office. W. J. Welch of near Genoa was in the city the first of the week, enroate to Alberta, Canada, where he goes to look over the oountry. He may oondade to invest in some real estate there should it suit him. Mrs. E. H. Funk, formerly of this city, but who is now living in Cheyenne, Wyoming, spent several days of hut week visiting aV the home of her daagh ter.Mrs. R F.Davta. She will visit in Omaha before returning west. The Joaraal has been asked to call attention of the proper authorities to the fact that bycicle riders are making it dangerous for pedeetrians on the sidewalks. One person was rna into sbout two weeks ago and. vhis wrist so injured that it has been a noaroe of great aaaoyaaee every mace. There ie an ordinance agaiast riding on the aide- G. M Hell of this city aad Mrs. Both ArKeayoeof Moaroe represented the Platte county TUral Carriers' aasocia tfon at the state meetiag at Grand Island Moaday of this week. Mrs.Ken voawM elected as one of the delegates from Nebraska to attend the National Ooaveatkm of raral tetter carriers, which will be held at Atlaata,Ga.. ia October. This is the fourth time Mrs. Keayoa has ttprassBted Nebraska as a delegate to theNatioaal t While the result of the primaries in Platte coaaty, from a republiaa' staad poiat, did not create any exeitmeat, the demoorata hs4 several vary pretty con tests. The fixator them being on, treas urer, between Loam Held aad Otto Heuar. While the latter was better known throughout the county the former polled a good vote in thy locality aad woa oat by a aloe majority. Taw three cornered fight on sheriff de veloped a few surprises, aad for awhile it looked as though Laohnit would land it, but the last few weeks the knowing ones picked Carrig for a winner, with Boasiter third. On the county judgeship, John Batter- man had quite a little opposition in the city, Robison making a very good show ing here, Uatterman did aot get the vote his friaads expected in the city bat throughout the oounty made a big gain and has one of the largest majorities of anyoneof the candidates. The ooateat for eouaty superintendent was waged in earnest, both Messrs. Le cron and Lomis doing their beet to land it Bat Lecroa put up his best fight in this city duriag the last week, aad this had much to do with hk being success ful, his majority being in the neighbor hood of one hundred. The four candidates for county as sessor were at sea daring the campaign, but on account of his location 8hell I Clark of Woodville was conceded to have the beat chance, with John Goetz second. But Muff of Humphrey had beea making u'quiet thorough campaign; and the result was a surprise to many when the vote showed Clark's plurality to be less than forty, with Muff the next The candidates for oounty clerk and cwrk of the district court, Messrs. Graf and Gruenther, bad no opposition for renomination. In the district jadge fight, ao returns areobtaiaable at present, but J.D. 8tires received a nice repubiicaa'voto ia spite of the fact there were not maay put Judge Albert, for supreme judge, on the democratic ticket, received a nice endorsement in his home county. For democratic district .judges, it looks as though Hollesbeok and Thom as carried Platte oounty. A Cat This is the first campaign ia Nebraska in which polilical bosses cat no figure. The people will nominate thecandiflaies and afterwards elect them. You are one of the people and should take an active interest ia these primaries and elections hereafter. Politics from now on means a square deal for the masses; lower passenger rates, lower freight rates, less extortion by trusts and combinations. These things can only be accomplished by every honest voter making it a part of his business. The people can only know what is really going on by reading the newspapers. But you ought to read a newspaper that caa print the truth about all the candidates, a paper that has no self-interest in politics; whose owners are not office-holders or office seekers. The publishers think the State Journal is such a paper and in order to prove it to you make the special offer of only 60 oento f rom now until after election; seventy-five oents if you want the 8unday also. The earlier you send in your order the more you get for your money. Lincoln is the news center. Firamsa'a Hay Celehratiaa. Last Monday Firemen's and Labor Day was fittingly celebrated in this city under the aucpioes of the Columbus Fire Department. The department, Leaded by the Cdlumbuc City band, paraded the main business streets in the after noon. The program at the park consist ed of introductory remarks by Bey. L. RDeWolf, and address of welcome by Louis Lightner and the address of the dsyby W. A. McAllister. The races, water fight and ball game furnished smusemenl for the crowd, and the ex hibition with the rope demonstrated what the firemen ouuld do in case of an emergency. Grace Chqrefc. Service 8unday Sept. 8th as follows: 730 s. m. Boly Communion, 10 a. m. Sunday school, 11 a, m. morning prayer Letiny and sermon. Preacher Dr. West colt, Offertory. Solo by Mrs. E. H. Chambers, "Hold Thou my Hand," (a aBriggs.) At 8 a. ra. eveoiug prayer and sermon. Preacher Dr. Westcott, offertory aadaolo by Mrs. E. H. Chsm- bers, "TheHomeland.' All are cordial-Sweden. ly invited to the services. Arthuk J. WasTcorr, Ph. D. Several weeks ago Mra. W. J. DeLand had every nice gold watoh stolen from her residence, aad alt efforts to locate were in vain. Her name was engraved on the inside of the watch, and this fact must have made it hard to dispose of, as one morning the first of the week it was discovered between the screen and outer door. -t Mra. C. M. Grueather, of Platte Cen ter, was operated oa st St, Mary's hospi tal Moaday for appendicitai and other oompiieatioaa. At present her oonditioa ia aerioaa, bat the attending physicians feel confident that ahe ia oa the road to Mrs. A. J. Smith, who recently pur chased the Gluck .office buildug oa Eleventh street, is aaviag it repaired will occupy it withaa art stadia. ButaBa.f. Steve Lasek marketed hogs Taesday. Caesar Erast aad Arnold Nyffler are expected home from Switserlaad aext Friday, where they have beea vieitiag the last four mouths. lMUBt.4 J. A. Kflboara made a b to Genoa Tuesday. trip D. F. Doaafhue ' aad John Ryan bought a Bewthresaing machine last Saturday. 8telta aad Clarence Kil bourn returned Monday from a visit at Central City. They were accompanied home by Mrs. O. A. Moore. Bemta Jla. L Edwin Ahreas gave a dance in his barn last Saturday night. Miss Carrier Rieder returned 8anday from Silver Creek, where she has been visiting relatives. Frank Ami, sr., had a building moved by a storm last June, and this week Nick BIsser moved it back to its original position. xoe earner wss presented with a nice large yellow pumpkia by one of the fVM . -a ... patrons, sad Saaday we will have pie, just like mother used to make. Miss Emma Lucre began her acbool in distriotNo. 16 Monday morning, aad Miss Grace Beaeoa began ia district No. 10 the same day. Both report a good attendance. lMUVa.5. D. Leonard aad wife are visiting at Edflaha'a. Miet Florence Eastoa of Cambridge, Neb., who has beea visiting ia Columbus ia now a gasst at the home of H. L. and Frank Oloott , Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brian toft Wednes day to attend the State fair. They will betheguestaof Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sweanngan. Dr.;L Smith and Miss Josephine Traohta drove down from Schuyler Sun day and spent the day with Mr. and Mra.H.J.Briaa. . Little Miss Eva Davis returned to her home in Silver. Creek 8ondsy, after s couple of weeks visit with her Bister. Mrs. H.J. Brian. ' XsatolYS. Henry Albers was at Columbus Sun day evening. - Wm. Mason is buUdingan addition to his house, 15x28. Peter Lsutjens his begun work on his new house, Tony doing the work. E. B. Bisson is taking In the sights at the State fair at Lincoln this week. Carl and Paul Both, accompanied by their wives, were country visitors Son day. a J. Bisson and family visited with Mr. sad Mrs. Frank ;Bade, near Leigh, Sunday. J. H. Bisson, the hustling medicine maa, started on the road again after a week's vacation. . Ever since Joe Camp sports a new bicycle he makes his calls down east more regular than ever. Peter Schmitt went to the State fair this week, aad from there he goes to Kansas to look after his farm. Mr. and Mrs. R Seifkin left Tuesday morning for Burlington, Ll, to visit with their son John, who resides there. Gus Hagerman was breaking a bron cho Monday, and Hutaebns was helping him. The broncho had the beat of Pete for awhile, and would have knocked him out in a few rounds, had aot help ar rived. A genuine Weary ,Willie was at P. B. Hsgsraan's for dinner last 8unday, and gave the family a had scare. They sent to Albers' for help, and an attempt was made to capture Mr. Tramp, but he es caped. While they were absent he help ed himself to something to eat and threw bread on the floor to remind tbem he was there. - .Walker. School started in district No. 65 Mon day with Minnie Johnson as teacher. P. P. Johnson and Swan Nicklasson arrived last Friday from their visit in Bright and early Sunday morning a fans, hand applied for work at the farm house of Alfred Olson. He was set to work at oace and a aurse employed to take care of him, aad Alfred ia doing as well as ooald be expected. Early Saturday morning when John Swsnsoa, who ia building as additioa to Andrew Petersoa'a house in Joliet town ship, got up to work on a dormer' win dow in the root, a swarm of bees lit on the uper part of the window sad held their grenade all day. Peteraoa was trying all ha could to get them out of there, bat when sight come there was quite a bunch of them. Awrerttow Letters. Wbea calling for auil ia thia adver tised list please say, "Advertised Let ters." Mrs.&B. Joasa. JohaM. Braader.N. H. Bursas, Wm Csder, Stair DavaL m m , Chinese JOSS STICKS Keep away Mtosquitoes Over 200 lor 3 at m m 9 w t w m m m m m m m m m m m m m m at t m t 3 m a m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Pollock & Go. The Druggist oa the Coraer Oolambas, Nebraska m m i WtftKtmttttttiiti Dm. Paul aad Matzea, Deatiets. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber bloc. Miss Elizabeth Krwsger aad son Willie went to Lincoln Wedaeeday. Mr. and MmTFraak Badat moved into their new home oa Eleventh street Tues day. W. L. Oheaoweth left Saturday eve. ning for Denver to spend a few weeks in the mountain state. Miss Grace Bloom weat to Lindsay last Saturday, aear which place she will teach a fall term of school. uiuy uecnerpr Omaha came ap from Omaha Tuesday evening for a short stay with Columbus friends. The Yiergutz and Wurdeman families, who have been camping on the Loup the last week, returned home Tueeday and report a good time. Miss Eleaora Busche leaves Tharsday for St. Louis, Mcx, where she will remaia for soma time. She .expects' to vhut IUinoiarelatives before returamg. Mrs. E. O. Brows and children arrived in die city at"nooa iodayptd ai'ake their home ' in Columbus. , Mr. Brown has purchased property 'near the High school. Congressman Boyd will be ia the city next Wednesday and Friday, September 11 and 13 and would like to meet the citizens of Columbus, end especially all having pension claims. Mrs. J. E. Nichols of Omaha, accom panied by Mrs. E. P. Weetoottof Fair view, Montana, arrived in thie city Tus dsy evening to be the guests of Mrs. A. W. Clark for a couple of days. Miss Mary Sturgeon of Farnam, Neb arrived Monday and will remain here this winter attending the Columbus schools. She will make her home with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Kaufmana. Fred Thomas came in from Farnam yesterday, and will remain a week or tea days with his brothers, Frank aad Will, at the old home across the river. He had been to South Omaha with a shin. ment of cattle. A new time table went into effect oa the Union Facifio Sunday which makes quite a number of miuorchanges. No. 13 the local from the east now arrives at 11 30, forty-two minutes earlier than before; Nos. 15 and IS are two aew trains'put on. No. 16 being the same as No. 10 was formerly and carries the mail . No. 16 is the same as the first section of No. 3, end regular No. 3 now arrives five minutes later than before. No. 5 ie now eleven minutes Ister, and No. 2 twenty five minutes later and No. 8 five minutes earlier. No. 6 arrives st 1:25 instead of 1:36 and No. 10 at 2:30 instead of 3 p. m. Duward, the eighteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ( Da vies of this city, died Mondsy in Omaha as the result of an cute attack of appendicitis. He had been sick but a week, and was aot con sidered in'a dangerous condition until a few days before his death, whea bis parents were called to his beside. Darr ward had been in Omaha about a year and was employed in the wholesale house of M. E. Smith Co. The re mains were brought to this city Tues day evening, and the funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the bouse sod be conducted by Rev. Muaro of the Congregational church. Two Merry Tramps" that familiar musicsl comedy by Bessie heaaeU aad Jerome Travers will be played at North opera house. McVenn &. Yetter are sending this truthful andpopalar ea tertaiament on ito eleventh noanon trsvelessad have limited its preeentatioa to one oompany which in its persoaal re presents a judicious distribution of the various characters,, amoag those who have shown their superiority ia previoaa casta of this plsy John Cay lor as Artie Voevliae, alias Priaos Newfeuadlaad n for a real live mmm lark retaiaa his hamor- oaajmBereoBatioa ably asaistea by Fred FifertaaClareBceBaajoriae. Thuraaay 25c Baps. isu,u, x il "VywT . X lfste.rr. M ,Xr3 ' . c- i;"jrt3W' .W 2iayaai2sS5feeSsSfr VtafonV irrf-i- ftYSfr - V-Jr't i ' -rigar &?! ' t . -. aStftaW.agSidU 5-i j-Hi W& x&&i&k