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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
-; JFr-v maBj.vsg SN'.-! -- T V Jr- w-j. r f ?"- iW. QUEENED ONLY TO DIE THE TRAGIC DESTINY OF LOVELY LADY JANE GREY. BBXEH RODS Bdsa gJglj.w.;'Hwwr,i 50-Registered-50 AT AUCTION. Calmnbns, Net, Thursday, Jan. 24, 117 BBlINArS HnHVU IT GUTHRIE, Lincoln, Neb. J. & 22 Mk ari ScatchTop BdDs Balance females including cows well along' in calf or witH calf at foot. j& j& There will be quite a num ber of good things in sale. Time will be given on any of above offer ings at 8 on approved notes; 3, 6 or 9 months. Watch this paper lor short write-up of the offerings. Write for Catalogues. o. a Springfield. ABsUTIONaL LOCAL NEWS. Advsrtmeia the Journal for quick ,;Nele V. 8kMC, omoI th leadiag merefcaaU of Genoa, wm the city the last 'day of the year aad aoeared a lieeaae towed Delia Imrsoe. cammlaiat wm Ikd with J edge Bat- A. Heagey with atata- rape, the nompmiaiar, witaoa George Dahhelt, hia deaghtor th.ffiriuth.caM. : JmwutSl aarviee oa th. aapr raral rente, No. 6, wm iaaagarated, UK m carriar. Tbie i ia aoathot towa, eroawagtho Loop the eoaatrj he Mm O.E. Wright sad yoeng iatheeitythe Mr. Wright earn. to oaajaaR Deetor Almaberger ia rela tiaataawjaiaaaata. Short Hora sale to be Mwa mOolambos, Jen. at, 137, will iaelaae flftj of tho asm offerings over patoa aai if yoa deake to tomreve-your herd emntamaaiu Ftattoaad afraattaOa tylai. . ltewssrSak. Inn Maatiii -First NetieaalBaak IatomglmBMwidithe emailed sta tutes of Nebraska tor lKfc. aad eenest aMyaaattaaUtot chapter It, thereof lalffir " i . wo, taoawlar aianmi eateara Bad a majority of' tho hoard at mroetora, horahy give aablio aatiw that aH th. avistiag dohtaof aaid TamndsaMaaajBamy, oaoiaaivoof oath SjBaSwSalH smwsw... wswSJf SSI a J. OABttow, FMaiawai. A. AwBKMoa. TroMwrot. T.J.OonoMaA(,Bac. 9 m SSaMsk Sawaaa" Ob. :AT SALE BABI AID CONTRIBUTORS: ' mndJ. G. BOTH, MiLtord,Neb. DAVID LEA, Silver Greek, Neb. iEY, aonsa M THE TAKE go. lOwwlssjitfJBiHsti. US p. SB Smth. SL fJaaVMaaVk Bwamwaemi at JKK mm No. KCUtfoni.MdOnfB.ICz 7p.. " JwaawMw aMMsaasaas ga oat Hr -" i?a ffrW p SB m. llj Matt FUSS lasaaL. lldSa. ss. aaaa SSL EMaaJ aTaaMoaVft 4Jki. "l HMWIOaBWtMi. 49BW" ) . bai u. He. I. He. . UMttei BASb. As JEK0BM... . e3WP .. BMWn !Sp. I 1m Limited 8J8p.i He. Me. aa.iMt SW S" I u .... ezk .. i ... 139 d. i 1. ........ fWla I BMPOUI BBASOa. dSoTavp SS. J9BS S aai. Atriw .. MSS p. SSe eae . fSSVa J AitIti ..................... IsMI.. 1 .... imp. i TIKTULE Ne.S.IWeeBre.80 ... 725 a. ) NW,FttAe.UelyexSe.) Me. a. Pom, (eeHyeiSe.)e H-. a. Itt Ac iat ex Sep.) 4d.aL W. P. MANN Pfcaaeata a play yoa cannot afford tomiM Am Told In the Hill Great Cast, Second Season stjaartko) ftoalay. Electrical Effects Costumes SiSIa SS oTVawTSSiaSSs... Sw.n. MizM ... SJS) SSu oMBSSSSlflBa.! dV ovL aaUaw C: ft TEST a.! ml laSS0!: F1TEU01 Mgr. South Dakota. S.M. OM Time Otaate. Cajanus. a Swedtob giant who was nine feet nigh, was on exhibition In London in 1742; and several old hand bills still exist which set forth the measurements of tills freak of nature. Thirty years later we have Charles Byrne, who was eight feet four Indies In height In bis stockinged feet He, however, died young, at the age of twenty-two. from bard drinking. Cot ter O'Byrne, another Irish giant, fol lowed a few years later. He was born at Kinsale In 1761 and at the age of fifteen was eight feet high. This by the time he was twenty-three had Increased to nine feet four inches, and then he changed his name to O'Brian 'In order to make people think that be was descended from King Brian Bo rolhme and went on exhibition. At that business be, of course, soon real ised a very comfortable fortune and re tired, dying at Clifton on Sept 8, 180ft. His wUl especially provided that his body abould be thrown Into the sea In order to prevent the surgeons from cut ting limp. a. mayas. iw i A poet once Jumped to the condualoa that there was no rhyme to Tlpperary and said ao, whereupon an Indignant Irishman, who chanced also to be a bit of a versifier, pounced upon him and poked fun at him In a lengthy poem, every other line of which rhymed or wo supposed to rhyme with the place bt question. Thus: A hard there was In sad quandary To find a rhyme for Tlpperary. Look labored he through January, Tet found no rhyme for Tlpperary; Tolled every day In February. But tolled In vain for Tlpperary: Searched Hebrew text and commentary, But searched In vain for Tlpperary. And so on through many scores of stanzas, ending up with: He paced about hia aviary. Burnt In despair his dictionary. Blew up sky hlsh his secretary. And then in wrath and anger sware he There was ao rhyme for Tlpperary. Glaaaea aad the Eye. Every one knows that In using a aeU glass It Is necessary to adjust it to a proper focus. Suppose that you pat oae of the tabes at your focus aad the other tube at a focus that amited aome one else and then yoa looked through both tubes. Yoa would have a more or less blurred vision, aad If yoa kept oa looking the chamcea are that' yoa would feel giddy aad get a headache. Now, the two eyes are aajh aoaed to have aa equal natural feeaav aai whea by aay chaace that feeaa la aaeqaal a headache results. The oiy la a pair of glaaaea or-'a to asake the cjm oojaal la Sweet Lady Jane Grey, who lafgaed for a few BBoatha aa qaeea of Bag laad aad had aar head cat off with aa ax In the Tower of Loadoa for ao aolag, was aa a Httle girl the aaaat learned child for her ago of which history has aay record. Before aha waa alee years old ahe wrote a baaatifal head aad waa able to play well oa Mveral different of musical lastraaieata. Ia ahe was woaderfaL 8he ceaM apeak aeveral, both ancient aad aaodera, with ease. y By the time she was twelve ahe waa possessed of all the accoaapllahneata taught yoaag ladtea of rank la those daya aad. besidM that, could not only write but speak hi Latia, Greek, Chal dalc. Arabic, Preach, Italian aad He brew. She was alao well grounded la philosophy, and whea other chUdrea were out playlag ahe aaed to herself by reading the writings of the philosopher Plato la the original Greek. Perhapa It waa because the pretty Lady Jane'a childhood wm m lonely ask wen aa because of the extraordi nary powers of her mind that ahe took -to atony ao kindly aad learned ao many things while so yoaag. Her father and aaother were away at court much of the time, leaving the girl to th. care of her goveraeM aad her. school masters at the great gloomy family place called Bradgate. dowa la tho country. The, beg, agJy, aqaare brick houae wm buUt oa the edge of a gnat forest aad aar rounded by thoasaada of acres of almost aatahabtted land. There were few books aad ao aewa papera at the castle aad ao playasatM for Lady Jane, for her goveraeM would aot let her play with the children of the servants, aad there were ao other children within miles. Whea she waa foarteea years old Lady Jane wm takea to court by her parents aad after that apent much time there, where everybody wm de lighted by her learning, her beauty and her wit At court ahe wm able to have aoaae recreatioa, bet she still kept up her studies, aad whea ahe weat to apead long parlous with her pareata at gloomy Bradgate ahe had a bard time of It In a letter which ahe wrote to the celebrated scholar, JRoger Ascham. with whom she toed to correapoai as with aa equal, ahe telle how whenever ahe tried to do anything In the presence of her "sharp and severe parents,'' either to "apeak, keep silent t stand or go, eat drink, be merry or aad, be sewing, playing, dancing or doing any thing 'eke, ahe wm constantly criti cised aad very oftea pinched or slap ped If ahe did not do It perfectly. In those daya childrea were freely chastised by their1 pareata evea after they bad grown up, and Lady Jane, great helreas though she waa aad of tile royal blood, got her ahare of whip pings. But she saya that whea ahe was at her studies she wm alwaya happy, aad whea called away from, them ahe would burst lato tears. Aerham, who visited her at Bradgate when ahe was a girl of twelve, found her reading Plato la the origlaal whea the rest of the family were oat hunting, and ahe told him that ahe wm thank ful for having each stem pareata, m ahe had learned by their strict disci pline to find more happiness la learalag than la all the pompa aad vanities aad all the pleaaarea of the world. She wm a wonderful child la her knowledge of pontics and of what wm taking place hi feretga countries, aad great men used to correspoad with her about affairs of etate whea ahe wm a Utile bUm of twelve m If ahe were a grown woman of the greatest latellect Bat poor Utile Lady Jaae! All her teaming and wisdom did aot Mve her from a sad fate. When she wm sixteen they aaarried her to a weak but other wise estimable young man aad made her queen for a few moatha. Then ahe wm overthrown, taken prleeaer aad early the next year had her head eat off for usurping the crown. It wm her ambitieM father who forced her to take the crown, aad he, too. had bis head cat off for the bad advice be gave hia daughter. Those were stem eld days whea they carried on their poUtical campaigns with aa ax, and a learned, geatie aad beautiful girl like Lady Jaae wm eat of place In them. But If ahe found ao aympatby la her owa tiama ahe baa f euad it alace, aad more tears have beea abed over the aad fate of Lady Jaae Grey by the present age thaa her adefortuaes aad her vir tues ever caused to low la aar own.--Loadoa Spectator. AU the world aoas lak. Meet of It Is very bed, bat once la a great while we lad an "encre" that we caa write with. Nearly every lak conaiM the pea, aad nearly every pea polaeae aad dries up the Ink. There never wm a areperiy constructed Inkstsad or lak well. Bet we must have patience. All good things cos, to the fellow who wsita and praya. The word iak pre sents la lta formation aot only a his torical memento of the origlaal la veatora aad almost sole Mara of that laid, but alao aaother vivid example of the abbreviating power of oar tea gaage. Ita Italian cognomen, Inchlos tro." means Uterally "in n cloister" aad recalls to memory the deep obUgatioaa which Uteratare owes to those ecclesi astical retreats la which Its vestal Ires were so toag ptoesly guarded. New York Press. th. ej. Haadreds of people have eared selves of Impediments in speech, of last year's mayors m a yoaai Oae to lad It abaost Impossible to beginning with a -' very Say for swathe he used to raB at James park practidag this 'A quantity stiver qaletiy eaartered la aaatnan aload. MA anantltv of eatefc- mare. aatil he roaqatsrid the laBpeal BMBt. Tsday he oae of the amet fK-asss, i BBBSW BBBBBt mmBr "aflBjl .Baaasr bbbbi aamal Banal bmbI bmbI I Soda Crackers ; 8 area e''i gsV smb. fAatmL ''-'' A, H sa7asaasswMBffaTaaBB I " a . -' V V wawsQFwMBtHp fM CBBwawMVH4BMBwm aHwf lamssWsSBasMasI wW wHLsML V Bammmsms AA ssBBBBaBBsaBB) OBaBsmaasl sbbbB) aaaBsaB sm osmsmwaaBssW assanaaaBaaaamnsaa ssssiaaaaBBs mmmm anmmmmml Al CffJaJ bwcm fJa Ma awawMB amHPawB awlaa "W HB F eBWSWsWBJ BaBBBBB) emPSWBBBBBJ aBBBj BBBBBJ eBBBBaaBBBBBBBBB SaWVaWaV VjWSY OSSBWSP MaaW SB) VwJVRSBnsmTatj lH CaffSma. aw) ttw awaaswasj wTantal JFaV fJsawS BsBmmjy9 mj af BB ' Itjat emai was-fr awjnUt ttmt aJMy IBfcff a faasMt awlat W iBMtl Wiatm y CaaMawtalBswk V aB aUBaf&aaav BBaaasaaassBsmi aWmma mbm I Uneeda Biscuit I jnaak maaa aaaBf aaaav aaam M asssW atCBaams? aaV aviBaa4BaEsa)w aamaal ama aai aas sssBamV amars H ttfc ajOTlaaVt al tha wiatat art iwtasmii aawi aWrtlafjcw H a faU cracto im wthteli tVa iitHail fwwwmwjs It H tswMIYwm faff yam aaaaB asssBHassBssssB sBssBsnaaasi . aasaaBsaaaasaT - ptaar bbbbb saamV bbbbb! BBBBBsamm BBBBBBasma bbsbssssssbW BBBBSSSBlBB st ammmmsssBL asmmmmmmLsaBm White Lead Paint T - Hie best painters still pure white lead and pore luiseed oil, and they secure results, both in ap pearance and in wearing qualities, which can be had in no other way. . If your paint has peeled off the house, it was mot Collier. Red Seal or Southern Pure White Lead and Pnte Linseed Oil. Paint made of these ingre dients wears smoothly and does not peel KATKWAL LEAD COafPANT CMAwmiMh The Awfal CHB 1 A traveler la Venezuela gives aa la terefting description of the ash of the Orinoco country.: He Mys the party aeveral times caiae la contact with the carib flsh, which are the moat ferocious lnhabitanta of the water known. The flab are not over,fourteea lncbea long; but they travel in schools. Their teeth are three cornered. Any living object which attracts their attention la at tacked with fury:' Mr. Thompson tells of aa Indian woman who entered the water to fill a bucket. She waa at tacked by the ash and reached shore only to die In Ifteen. minutes. The lean wm literally tornifrom her body. Mr. Dart, who wm wath Mr. Thomp aoa, caught oae of the ash and pulled It upon the beak; He held the carib under bis foot while he pointed at the peculiar teeth with hia anger. With a quick movement .the carib sopped oat from under MrDart's foot aad seised him by the anger, cutting that member to the boae. The ash frequently have beea known to bite ordinary ashhooks In two. ' ' Though dentistry became a science aader the hand of Professor Richard Owea m late aa 1839, there areevl dencee that It wm practiced la a crude way by the ancients. Herodotus refers to treatment of the teeth by the Egyp tians, aad evidences of attempta to supply artiflcial teeth have beea die covered la ancient akaUe aad mum mies. Galen waa the erst phyaldaa to speak of treatmeat of troublesome teeth, aad Ambrowe Pare, la his work oa surgery to 155CV aaakes meatioa of the preaervatioB of the teeth. It Is only alace the middle of the mat tury, however, that cornea branch of surgical fore that time bad teeth were extract ed, aad mere tooth drawing coaatitat ed dMtiatij eariy ha the elaifata century. The arst deatsl school la the United 8totos wm erected at Buttt BMrelal8St la 185 Oacmaatl Boast ed of a atamllar laatttntWa. aad la ISM at PhUa- Lady Dorothy Nevat la teUa a atory of I of the oh with while tteadaeaceajr, jslti Wg cellar, over waistcoat" Bat he swore, after tha maaaerof the age. "He wm tra veaag at alght oa the continent alone hi a post chalM whea the postboy, while passing threagh a forest, began to drive Uke a aaaa anything bet certala of hia way. My fathar'a' wrath aad the which m alarmed the driver that, mi Je ao veux bm ceadaire le dtobte (I will aot drive the devil), he BeUed a and, having expeditiously aafsataaad the traces, made off with ale horses at a gallop. My father, I believe. the whole alght alone la ties weeds.' Fmt f 1 In the cotaaue of the New York Gazetteer of Sept. 8, 1786, there wm a' paragraph lamenting the Increase of lawyers as three toalag to the future prosperity of the community aad ag grading to freemen. "Aa honest trade la former days," aald the writer, waa all that people of rnmiana ahlHty aad eaacatioa were ambHtoaa of, hat bow bo profesaloa la genteel hat the law yer aad the merchant, The lawyers are now creeping Into every peat ejf Importance and throating thesssetves wherever there le a vacancy. Oareoa-1 gross, our assembly, are trowdad with them, and evea la ear great commer cial convention there are Ive lawyers to oae merchant" ) Toa remember the old who whea ahe heard aweariag or aata WBMatBla Ip aa Atchison boy formed la tide way. so hie fa him la head. Every day called aim la aad aald: "Now. J mother ebjecta to those aaaghty yoa aae. bat i, being a man. Uke Go over the hot for boy promptly complied at Arst. hat la days he tired of the words aad hi a few a bow given ap Ms net entirely.- Gwbe. lta The toad sheds Ha skin at certain periods, the old oae coming off and waving n new oae, which hM beea formed underneath, la Its stead. It dees aot give Its cast off coat away to aay poorer toad, aad there are ao toads dealing at second hand ralamat Nei ther does It leave lta cast off Jacket oa the ground after the faahlea of the aefffi snake. It awallewa ka ever- t at oae aasathfal. ceaverUag lta lato a portmaatMB. Whea I wm a ffhi. the aristocratic bom wm high, beautifully meatlad. rlatog la a dettcately waving ridge aad at the tip stsndtng weU oat from tho face aad aot tamed am, BatBowthe faahloa hM completely cssmaed. The pretty women oa. eesa amtaajei la 11 lastrated papers aad asagaataM very aeldom have much to apeak of ha the way of Boses. Dowager ha ImaSaa Caroalcle. mm in amt am a. mmmiLm "Who la yoar fa1 oaJred the artistic at tide Camrex. with hie wife, "bat If. sic I cant leant yoa are daughter's voice caitivatsd. Yes; rm afraid R caat he Ml am doiag the next datable Record. aeaasst' Icaartaay moment,'' iMiail Mr. sroaoence."-WaaMagtoa Star. Wicked men he friends either ww avaaSBa Baaajmj asasmweama, Baaw avaamaBBBaa aamana wcraten. havlagyear She-irs funny, hat al the thaw I have kaewa Mr. TWjg ha aever bm or paya aay body. yoa love her, hat It at Bet aa easy to Bve ap to It far a aaswane.-New Zee-ItmiGraaale. - Barry HUMerd. who many years age red hi a aawU town In northern Ver BMat, waa Boted for hie csreless vsga head habits, leaay-wlt and remarkable facility far extempore rhyming. While he waa aKting oae day la the village store of what Is bow a part of Moat aeaor aawag a groap of Idlers the gea ml aserchaat asked him why he wore such a shockingly bad hat Barty re plied that he could not afford n better one. "Come now," aald the merchant "make me n rhyme oa a bad hat and I wUl give yoa the beat I have la my atore.' Instantly Barty threw the old one on the floor aad begaa: Her. He. my oM hat Aad pray what of that? ir. as sood as th. rest of my raiment! If 1 buy me a better You'll make me your debtor And send me to Jul for the paymeat The new hat was voted to be fairly won. aad Barty bore It off la triumph. . aaylag. Ifs n poor head that cant take care of Itself." Boston Herald. a Dm "Did you ever notice," said the oh aervmg man, "that every public build ing has chandeliers unlike those of "any other pabHc balMmg? There are no duplicates. Toa go lato oae church sad yoa see a handsome chandelier that It would seem worth while to du plicate for another church, but you never And It tn another church. Yoa go law a big ball, aad yoe'll observe aaase ataaalag gtobes aad chandelier flxtares and look for 'em In aome other tag hall, but they're not there. I don't know what principle the makers of chandeliers go on, whether It Is a mat ter of pride with them not to ft out two buildings aUke or whether con tractors for such buildings Insist on exclusive designs, bet the chandelier people mast employ some remarkably versatile artists to thmk up so many different designs. It seems like & waste of Barney to auke oaly oae of a kind. It le a pleasure to know that hall he exclusive ia Its chaa- - The threatened revival of the con certina as a serious' musical instrument in England would be a return to aa old faahloa ao doubt, hat aot to a very old one, since the concertina dates from, the early part of the last century. Its invention was sa early mdlscretioa of Sir Charles Wheatstoae of telegraph fame, who took out a patent for It la 1829. the very year to which some body to Vienna laveated that similar Instrument the accordion. The concer tina wm popularised by Slg. Regoadl. who had coaae before the public aa a juvenile prodigy with the guitar. At one tiase ao Leaden coacert wm real ly complete without him and his con certina, and he astouaded the Germane with the music he could get out of It It wm a budget last aJght-abeat a of earnming neper spoken In two heam by Mr. Gladstone, sad he hard ly referred to a Bote, aever paused a moment broke through cheers, dashed .over tottmelmtloM logic, flgares. II lastiallaM, extracts-aH peUmeM. with a whirl aad fury that took the breath away. Aad he did M aU with the ut BMet mm aad get to the ead without turning a hah. Mr. Qmdotoee took It aa eeJetly aad did It qatetly aad left the house aad weat heme quietly, probably mentioning to Mrs. Gladstone m a reason far being rather tired that he had beea aaylag a "few words that eveBlBg.-From Whlttya "Psraa- TSmjainf. off to the its, the flame of acetyleae le aer- haaa the hottest kaow- -xceat that of the electric are. The . wing flgarea have been gives: Ttnaai iiaraer. 1.8T1 ; acetyleae flame. Z58 degrees; 1,706 degrees; Deney- roBae burner-half alcohol, hah? petre-aaaa-aCS degreei; hydrogea tut Ia aar, Utaw degrees; gaa Jet flame with fMthwaia aogreaa. Oae degree eea ttsMaw aaaala.LS degress F. t - cl i5S.3t'42 ?L,M7i& -5 - ?$&- -1 r yli ,f wv,wlhaS;vjj!--'ea-.''' fj--, j- - ---3- s