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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
i??rtirwiHn Kfrti r-.-i.-: -?-i v :.AMfjlrJ: jrf-wuu&jr. . - SfccTai.""!. ', V Tzrij wr5S if? 'Cvft-.'! ai . 'its.-, . - . i ss . . . 3 , w T r.-'s. '-r,-!"" e-"vo.? .-. ,- . .... . t j va-4. -f E-stf r-'-.-r: r-&-'. -"5.VT3-f5-'5 J" . n - S- -w, - wv--w.f .. .x-v.; T - ."": - '-- -W, w EM1 . . -. '-r t t MCTMiTiQH gTiys CURED fey Or. it 18 through the Uoed if a is expected. give temporary relief from pain bat aa the pain will return, perhaps im a nhe, but it will aarely return. Dr.wH Imm' Pink Fills cure riwimtiiM be oaaae they go directly to the seat of tha disorder, purifying aad aariching tha Wood. Mrs. Henry Cota, of West Cheshire, Ooan., is the wife of tha Tillage nan chinist. "Several years ago," she says, 'I was laid ap with rheumatism ia my feet, ankles and knees. I was ia con stant pain and sometimes the affected parts would swell so badly that I ooald mot get about at all ta attend to my household duties. There was one period of three weeks daring which I was con fined to the bed. My sufferings were awful and the doctor's Medicine did not help me. One day a neighbor told me aboat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I decided to try them. After I had taken them a short time I was decidedly better and a few more boxes cared me. What is better, the cure was permanent." Remember Dr. Williams' Pink Pfflsdo not act ou the bowels. They make new blood and restore shattered nerres. They toue up the stomach and restore impaired digestion, bring healthful, refreshing sleep, give strength to the weekend make miserable, complaining people strong, fanngry and energetic. They are sold by all druggists, or will be sent postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box. six boxes 92.50, by the Dr. Williams Medi cine Co., Schenectady, N.Y. THE BEST COwCW CUBE In buying a cough medicme, re member the best cough cure, Kemp's Balsam costs no more than any other kind. Remember, too, the kind that cures is the only kind worth Saay- E vpnr vmt tlmtraanilf n uvmI from a consumptive's grave by taking Kemp's Balsam in time. Is it worth while to experiment with anything else ? Sold by all dealers at 25c; and 50c. WANTED tl r. mis SALESMEN Sklr. Adm U1TIW1T HURSSSr CO.. UMta Ion. Records ef Wagers. Betting is neither so general nor so promiscuous as it was 150 years ago, when books for recording wagers were always kept on the tables ia the much frequented coffee houses of London. Some of these books are still to be found among collections of antiques, and they make interesting reading. All manner of bets are entered there, on marriages, births and deaths, on the duration of a ministry, on the length of the lives of prominent per sonages, on the possibility of earth quakes, and even on iianging- The Scotsman's Diet. For centuries the chief diet of tha Scotch people has been oats in some form or other. As a result they are to-day the strongest, both mentally and physically, of any nation in the world. The best rolled oats made is Quaker Oats, and our readers can now get a large family package for 25c, and with each package, free, a beauti ful piece of imported china. Ask your grocer to-day for a family package of Quaker Oats. He who comes up to his own Idea of greatness must always have had a very low standard of it in his mind. Hazlitt. Few men will admit they are wrong as long as there is a chance to make others believe they are right. CRISIS OF eiRLHOOD A TIME OF PAIW AMD PERIL lDss Emma Goto 8ays that Lydia B. Plnkhanva Vegetable Compound has Saved Her Life and Made Bar Wan. How many lives of beautiful young girls have been sacrificed just as they were ripening into womanhood I How many irregularities or displacements have been developed at this important period, resulting in years of sa ffirring 1 A mother should come to her childa aid at this critical time and remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will prepare the system for the coming change and start this toy. ing period in a young girl's life without .pain or irregularities. Mice Imms rule sf Tnllshnms.Ti writes: ! to toil jraattasl ameajoymg 1 ttaa Thave feryearsTaidli iVeasn w i,;i. w n.u. t.-i twm wins , anaai . mad she will receive free advice which wmpat her on the right road to m Srs7nkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Piakham aad for tweaty-lve Hrr- "'5wlH -Tmm asr j?" TBWaWTW F Mr 4r '' ' aW-HP-m I JBf Iv HE BBBBK'BL bit asr 'hVssssbbbbHbb& HbbP "" "'bbbbbbbbbbT 5fe BBBBsamW -'M H-:i--I "UTS airaf wL5"-" "1t 3sl -T- "Jr Lvsa, """-JiX J . f -"fcr ML m lwk rO. 7 x. isff- "" A W. -fQ Y Miss Emma Cole Ran to Lydia . Hattem Vegetable- Oam- yan I had serenem aad priafai ay aide. dactonaS failed to kpma, "Tjlhl ill lilli fill 1 sal was miimwilirf, aad after takiaw my Baahhaamato iaaaimiiaaiMy.aadl tttfafc ftmveemylim, LaWem'hspmyexatrl. eacewMbeaheh toethu gMawaearepaav jhm fiaae-sail ail in msh fw Ibisa- If you know of any young girl who is sick aad needs motherly advice ask her NOTES. mtSMiws r 9Nrw 4KBBBBaDBWVWft BLRM Carrying chickens by barbaroas practice. the legs ia a Meat scraps saoald be fed two r three times a week. Exercise is necessary for the health ia breeding stock In hogs. Ewes milk is thicker than cows' milk, bat otherwise closely resembles It Catch the hogs by one of the fore legs. It's easy and saves brnislag them. Ia breeding sheep, select uniform animals aad breed for a definite pur pose. Cows easily contract colds that de velop into catarrh by aeedless ex posure. Sell when things are high. Boy when they are low. Good rules to ap ply to all business operations on the farm. Beets or beet tops will not flavor the milk unpleasantly if fed to the cow at least four or five hours before milking. The currycomb should not hurt, but should stimulate the hide, and its use be welcomed rather than feared by the horse. Woolen manufacturers we're obliged to import last year 250,000,000 pounds of wool. Is there not a suggestion in this why you ought to keep a few sheep? There's money in the cow If she is the right kind of an animal, but it takes the right kind of a man and the right kind of treatment to get it out of her. David Fairchild declares that there are millions of acres of land sown every year with the wrong crops, causing millions of unnecessary crop failures. The old-time practice of raising oxen and getting a pair ready for mar ket each year was a thrifty one. A good plan is to buy a lean young team not broken and making it do all the work while becoming sleek, fat and civilized. The Ohio experiment station has found that planted groves of catalpa and locust may give returns exceeding $10 per acre annually, which will prove a handsome return from five dollar land. What kind of a bed has your horse to lie upon? Is there a mass of reek ing wet straw underlying the thin upper coating of fresh straw which has been scattered about? Tou can not expect healthy animals, fitted for work, if you do not keep the stables clean. According to statistics there were 17.570,000 milch cows in the United States in 1905. The dairy products were valued at $665,000,000. Divide the one by the other and we find that the average cow produces $37.85 of milk and cream in a year. Too low. Is your cow only an average cow. Get rid of her and get a better. A common meadow mouse requires from 24 to 36 pounds of green vege tation per year, and as this vegeta tion consists of green vegetation, un ripe seeds of grain and grasses in summer and the 'bark of various trees, grains and bulbous and other roots in the winter, the farmer can easily fig ure that these little animals are un profitable tenants of any farm. Then, too, it must be remembered that a pair of mice will produce from four to six litters of about six each per year. Get rid of the mice. Time spent in their extermination is well spent. A special Irrigation plow has been devised in Europe, where irrigation is being extensively practiced. The gov ernment in a report describes it as follows: "Directly behind the plow is attached an oval-shaped ditch in the furrow made by the plow. This roller is provided with scrapers to prevent Its clogging. Attached to the mold board are two blades extending back wards at an angle of about 45 degrees. The dirt spread out by the plow Is thrown out both sides of the ditch by means of these blades, which smooth the surface next to the ditch. At the outer end of the blades are attached a Lfew harrow teeth, which spread what ever dirt reaches this point" A recent bulletin of .the South Caro lina experiment station calls attention to the fact that while sweet potatoes may be produced hi abundance at sman cost and furnish a cheap, nutri tious and palatable food, not only for man, bat for domestic animals, they have fallen far short of the fall meas ure of success as ,a market crop be cause, first, they are too bulky to nay for extended transportation, and, sec ond, they cannot stand rough iiHnc aad exposure to freesing weather. The station, therefore, undertook to find a method by which the potatoes might be dried, with am improvement of the keeping quality and mo loss of edible quality. After mameroms ex periments it believes that these re salts may be obtaiaed by boiUmg the potatoes in am open kettle aad drying in n fruit evaporator. 1 JMRj5pKESePiiEj!S as I flE u( PaMflHj99pfjVS r I - Sift ttt dltWSa la' the batter. r xne ,CBTQsne Borrower js, a say neighborhood. Weak food makes weak stock. This m esaeelally of coMs. . " ' tewing la the fall win kill oat the white grabs. yoar owa cows aad yon can aioMtaeirdisvosiUoas aad their hab its, too. Breed the sows early so that pigs will come ia time to make good growth. Are an the tools cleaned and oiled aad put away from tha asm and storms? Poor policy to shift the milkers. Let the same man milk tha same cows each time Salt, and charcoal are essential -to the health of the livestock. Keep them In the manger. When purchasing a new tool mark it and assign it a definite place la your tool bouse. The forty-third annual meeting of theh National Wool Growers' associa tion will be held at Salt Lake City January 17-19. Mark your tools with your Initials so that if. they are borrowed and not returned, there can be no question as to ownership. Dairy heifers should be fed largely on nitrogenous feed to keep them growing and prevent the putting on of too much fat 'Any rapidly growing forage crop Is good to plant along the edge of ditches to prevent the banks from' washing. Alfafa will prove exception ally good. ' i The best medicine for the sick hog is starvation. Stop feeding and ten chances to one the ailment will disap pear and he will be ready to eat and put on flesh. Some one has remarked that there is more money in the dairy business, than has ever been worked out of it Why not plan to get a larger share of this money? V mm Investigations by the Illinois ex periment station Indicate that at least one fourth of all the cows in the state are falling to return a profit in the milk pail. Get rid of the grafters among the animals on the farm, whether it is the horse that won't do his share of the work, the cow that eats more than she produces, the scrubby sheep or the slow fattening hog. And don't forget also that there are grafters among tls? poultry. A poultry house punching bag for the encouragement of healthful exer cise is found in a head of cabbage hung by a cord from the rafter and. about two feet from the floor. Try it .and see the fun and remember that every jump at the cabbage head means increased profits. Is the time coming when combina tions among the farmers will call for. regulation by law as is the case with other monopolies? In Ohio the Ash tabula Lettuce Growers' association' has been indicted on the charge of unlawful combination to control the price of crops grown under glass, es- pecially lettuce, tomatoes and cucum bers. A good method to pursue in accel erating the rotting of horse manure is to put the manure in piles not over four feet in height and keeping the pile stamped down hard. Keep the top dish-shaped so as to hold the rain water, and if possible throw or pump the manure liquids over the pile. Once in six weeks the pile should be forked over and then stamped down again and kept moist as before. Why shouldn't the farmer learn the lesson which the big packers learned years ago, that there is untold wealth in the wastes. What was thrown away as absolutely worthless a few years ,ago is now made to pay all the operating expenses of the big plants'.; Hundreds of dollars of stuff goes to, waste on the farm every year. Study to utilize the waste and turn it Into, a profit Farmers throughout the country are catching the spirit of the agricultural experiment stations and entering the field of plant breeding. It Is said that not a mail passes through the office of Plant Introduction of the agricultural department without a re-, quest from some 'enthusiast for some new plant to be used in the creating of a new or the .improving of am old farm or garden crop. Farmers in general who raise more or less stock, and stock breeders In particular, will be interested to learn that an institute of animal nutrition has been established at the University of Pennsylvania under the patronage and partial support of the agricultural department, with Prof. H. P. Armsby, who for 18 years bis been director of the Pennsylvania experiment station. Dp to the present time a great many hundreds of experiments in animal nutrition have been made at the ex periment ststtoae, aad the results have been very contradictory. One station has proved one thing, aad an other has seemed to prove the oppo site. That there was something mot understood in the readiag of the re aultsis certain. The hidden quanti ties are now to be'brought out to the light, for instead of the short dura tion experiments which have been made from tiate to tiM at -different experiment stations, iaveetlgations covering sumciently long periods to obtain accurate data win mow bo con ducted. With elaborate equipment and the one or more years of tisae necessary it is certain thatthe physi ology of nutrition win he studied aa never before and defnite pmeisss ha ia the science of feedia THE MAftKYIIfQ r-L .'-' Bee. E..Lsw,.ef lasV Hsa atarrlsd i4M Jastk Geo. K. Law, ef Brasfl. lad, as fairly earaed the tHls of TheMar- rytag Staire," by which ha hvkaowa far aad wide, bar- iac already married MM couples. was deputy cojmtyj treasurer. "At that time,- aald Justice Law, "I was safer lag from am annoy ing kidney trouble. My back ached, my rest was broken at night, aad the passages of the Udiwy secretions war too frequent aad contained sediment Three boxes of Dona's Kidney Pills cured me in 1897, and lor tha past nine years I have been free from kid ney complaint and backache. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milbura Co, Bafalo, N. T. The deepest love is that which sra fasses least Smokers have to call for Lewis Siaght Binder cigar to get it. Tear dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, DL Favor tha Red in School. The St Paul board of education has approved the suggeetlom of Superin tendent Heeter, in favor, of corporal punishment, to be administered only by the principal of the school, after permission hi writing from parent or guardian. Picquart Shews Generosity. Gen. Picquart, the defender of Dreyfus and now,.the French minister of war, has defined his attitude to ward bis old prosecutors im tha army. When an officer who was Involved in the conspiracy that banished Picquart to the border of the Sahara, eatered the minister's office and began to stammer out a statement on the sub ject Picquart stopped him, saying: "I only know one thing and that Is that you have always been an excellent of ficer. Tou may be sura that I shall mot forget that" Lamndry wort: at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. Im order to get tha desired stiffness, it Is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric Is hidden behind a paste -of varyiag thickness, which not only destroys tha appearance, but also affects the 'wear ing, quality of the goods. This trouble can be entirely overcome by using De fiance Starch, as It can be applied much more thinly because of Its great er strength than, other makes. GAVE DRUMMER A SCARE. Delayed Telegram Awful Possibilities. There was a traveling man," said the night operator, "whose wife pre sented him with a son while he was out drumming up trade. The doctor got the man's address, and, since his wife was doing none too well, wrote out a message giving him the news and telling him to return. "The doctor gave the message to the cook, who couldn't read. She forgot to send It and the next day the drummer came home of his own ac cord. "He stayed a day or two, found his wife doing all right and set out cm his rounds again.. Nothing, as it hap pened, was said about the forgotten telegram. "And at the end of the week the telegram was remembered by the cook. With an exclamation or horror you know she couldn't read she hurried to the office and sent to the drummer that delayed message. When he got it that night he was terrified. What he read was this: "'Another addition a son; your wife very ill; return at once.' "He took the midnight train for home. He was like a man in a trance. 'Another? he kept muttering in a dazed voice. 'Impossible!' "On getting home he was so reliev ed wiicn everything was explained to him that he decided not to firm tha cook, after all A DOCTOR'S TRIALS. He Sometimes Gets Sick People. Like Other Even doing good to people Is hard rork if you have too much of it to do. No one knows this better than the uara-worKing, conscientious family doctor. Re has troubles of his own often gets caught In the rain or snow, or loses so much sleep he sometimes gets out of sorts. An overworked Ohio doctor tells his experience: "About three years ago as the result of doing two men's work, attending a large practice and looking after the details of another business, my health broke down completely, and I was lit tle better than a physical wreck. "I suffered from indigestion and constipation, loss of weight and appe tite, bloating and pain after meals, loss of memory and lack of nerve force for continued mental applica tion. -, "I became irritable, easily angered and despondent without cause. The 'heart's action became irregular and weak, with frequent attacks of palpi tation during the first hour of two after retiring. "Some Grape-Nuts and-eat bananas came for 'my lunch .one day .and pleased me particularly with the re salt I got more satisfaction from it than from anything I had eaten for BMmths, and on further lnvestigatloa and use, adopted GrapNuts for my atoning aad evealag meals, served usually with cream aad a sprinkle of salt or sugar. "My Improvement was rapid aad permanent in weight as wen as im physical aad mental endurance. la a word; I am fined-with tha Joy of Hv lag again, and continue the daily mse of Grape-Nuts for breakfast aad often for tha evening mmaL Tha little pamphlet, The Road to wanrffla.' found Im pkga- Is invari ably saved and handed to some needy patient aloag with the indicated rem edy.? Naata given by Postum Co Mich. - -r"V aVjmVjK ' m jKilyPsr CA& OF ECZEMA. - i . rW-ry riadteSe Cars by CmUcura. f fy soa,?irho Is twamty-two of age. t t the oM began to his face, spreading quite rapidly until he was nearly covered. We had all the doctors a particle. Thai terrible, aad tha doctors 1 it tha worst case they ever saw. " At times his whole body and face were covered, all but his feet I had to bandage his limbs aad anas;- his seem was mat dreadful. A friend teases' me to try cuticura, and Ifbe cam to use all tana of tha Cuticura stemedles. Ha was bettor in. mtomths:.aad im-slx months he wan. Mrs. R. L. Klstay. Plermbnt M. BL, Oct 24. Its," Vanderbitt "Malar with j CormeUms'TamderbUt is slowly but surely earning his way to tha front la the national guard of New York. Im 1901 he was elected a second "lieu tenant in' the Twelfth regiment and is now senior first lieutenant in the or ganisation. He has been detailed to tha captaincy of one of the compan ies aad win soon become a regular captain. The members of. the regi ment show mo jealousy over this pro motion, as they say it was earaed by good work as a soldier. The Original Porous Plaster. It's AUcock's, first introduced to tha people sixty years ago, aad to-day un doubtedly has the "largest sale of any external remedy milllena being sold aannally aU over the world. There have beam imitations, to be surej but never has there been one to even com pare with AUcock's the world's standard external remedy. For a weak back, cold on the chest or amy local pain, tha result of taking cold or over-strain, nothing we know of compares with this famous plaster. Artists Dislike Solitude. Mme. Bernhardt and Slgnora Duse have mutual horror of being alone while traveling. Caruso, the tenor. Is of the same temperament always avoiding solitude. He is always ac companied by some friend, who ar ranges traveling and other details for him. gives the singer advice and takes aU similar responsibility from tha artist's shoulders. How's This? W ter On Haatoet Donate sas9 or Catena that oaaaot e far w aa cared by'Baire vamgue. F. J. CHK5KT A CO.. Tatadn. Ol We. tka nterattaed. hare kaowa F. J. Chewy I3yoen.ead beltere Mai perfectly boa U baataoM traaaecueae aad da hht Her the last oram ta all baataene tnaaecueae aad iaearleUr asle to carry act any obUgaUeaa aseSe by ale siau Wauise. Ewtax a Maxttv, . WlieaeleIniafItT0Ie.6V Haire Catarrh Care la takes latenally. acta directly aeoa the blooiaaiawcoueaifaee. eftS wxot. tnwBMiiH mt mt. race is bottle. Sold by all Drantou. Take HaU'a Family Pius tat How Weeds Multiply. To give some Idea of how multiply it may be stated that a single plant of pepper grass will produce 18,000 seeds; dandelion, 12,000; shep herd's purse, 37,000; wheat thief, 7,000; common thistles, 65,000; cham omile, 16,000; ragweed, 5,000; purs laine, 375.000; plantain, 47,000, and burdock, 43,000. important to Moth Exaarioe carefully every bottle of CASTOnta, aaafoand eare Remedy far lafaata aad cailarea, aad aee that K Bears the Sigaatateof W&Sie la Din For Over SO Years. She KaatToa al era Australian Educator In America. William S. Mayer, one of the most noted educators of New South Wales, being connected with the University of Sydney, is visiting Boston, Mr. Mayer is a native of Great Britain and went to Australia 18 years ago. The young man who thinks his boss can't get along without him may have to get along without his boss later in the game. V .T 1-V.W .w- -. "-.' r v v. ff-5-ysy! !&. "' i-KN St ': m $ I " "Jjtvq r: s? omy, oy ail s?ir5 . -VV. ?rg: G&50 .! n , hsajmdasvart J W VaS ? iwiy 3. 'Kr f iSj?, MkSm K. ! s 'm-'c. 3tai ; A.aii.ii.i,M I MUSCULAR Wivlfl j t- - fl,"T""i J& -.. - '... r j 1 l! I .. B' sc?-- NUT !"- a.w ag-r ( .-;i U ' r - - MI . . , e?,i things about her hasband. fL I JI ; m mmm m .vwg fTf --- - X. - - JKr . 1 1r- be eV with PmAM ?ADEJ ' 5ri ' Mr 4,9 from DY& fut, bright, durable cetera. . Pw7 ' t1 him '- -'2. ' - 'T! -'r' thing The riac of th4alJBig- dollar adds "Sfc, ,. M was aanraclablv to tha aaticf action a M ' . Atit-vrM n ; V-! amsstetaeMfy - Lewie Sixfe Binder Cigar has a rieh " M SM taste. Teurdmkr ar Swis Jaetery, ' " 1 iSoris. HL T " M It takes a mam with atroag win pow- - B W I fl r to Uaaaa to neina arha a ia MmX f mM M kD6 JM two aagry. vV-PHwaPP ' iM was - . '? National Pure Food and Drugs Act ! I; 'I AU the Garfield Beawdiw comly with V ' -I the Pure Tood aad Dro- Law. Take M GarMd Tea far omatipatioa aadek- tieatplsypamamwMh pain, I 1 aae. hut taaia Krictfy te hmhana. 1 t;J Soom men's Idea of a brlUIaat mad- Prise Jfc aad JSe er is a partner who trunps oppor- ' Unity. ssssnasmasaB--BnMliM r m I Quaker Oata Por little Folks I i ! One of the ressoos why Qaaker Ostt m med I nnirenaDy, isheesussit isa food that makes both S it is 10 easy to digest I Quaker Oats I I in ths large siaed Faartry Parfcaja at 5c-the same frica aa I rnrainn rolled eats rontains ekher a plat vegetable diah eg cap and aaOcer of beautifully dscwstsJ, semi- I porcelain dnna. If your grocer dssa not have , I the Pa-ally raihaji ha fH- I I wiD get it for you. iVflfe- I ThaQaaar Qala (aipaay lSHiflMfRBH I -nW9M ts- HHI s 4H I if-j---erFrr fcaaT. jtVy HHw1bLB H m 8 Bommdm aealarf aeca- allf aaaj ra agvArloT UCaP 0flBl . ikl MtPn'wr k L ffiBH0-yg KKKmSBBvtKEBL rwa- Af HsHB'MHiHHHBurl ! w ritz lP- JMi & m dall -; mm 6loeovs JPH Jinveivx3 I W Throat SiiffNeck I Rheumatism ami vJr I Prfc 25c 5oV6LOO Jj&Jm 8"6loarts Book on Horses ral Address Dr. Ear! S.Sloan "Vfe-: M 6l5Atttry St B-MTjWjBTt I " " " " ' . 1 , mmmm 3?, v' i "55 . - T rum . a ' ' " TheWinningStroke If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the -inning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a rea sonable amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all important, however, in selecting a. laxative, to choose one ef known quality and excellence, like the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effectually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, 'without griping, irritating or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with thefigs in the manufacture of Syrup of 'Figs are known to physicians, to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well r worth considering in making purchases. - It is because of the fact that SYRUP OP PIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well . informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality .or inferior reputation. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine en .hand at all times, to use when a .laxative remedy -is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size reputable druggists, and that full name company California Fig Syrup Co, is plainly printed on thefront of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. fornu n- Syrup ia rr--tJ-T ci. itr---..-: &- s VM --:'7v lv S-1 .-' .r.,... . .-3 :?a -Lv '"--.J -- " . -.1 T -J vr- ' v- : '?." ! S?Jr5 9etl " it- w of the fVW "Fiji- ul: ( J J .: ?'.?:.: -: Zj' o i;fe . & ,' V ? v.-Y-L t . 7 .J..v j: 'Jl ruf rSftrM- Itilfc f-4.. r -i. -.x- r-v -c a . . . r .rA-.5i .VCCs-o5: f-l--giljalik --i s-J. T". ' .. J??-. 5iv .-T-r JM-Wi 3.. - r-n ? rt . otli.S t'? -i? 3sSS - - rt rj, f- -" fl' isS2l ,?Mfi.. . Us33&'Bg .-? - - StSK. i ri i x& l -ijr .."j' -r- v . iv-'-! l-4 - ---J" a-rf-.r