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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1906)
"4s! wm'y?w&? -n! t V '' a " I - , . - - - ? -4 m r.-r. 3 '. 41,i! B3FiT r.TiI -aTT,Turr 5K5"pa9BWP5Ke-S CalnmbusgimrttaL R. G. STROTHER. .... F. K. STROTHER. - r- t. .' 5 . IB woali plana? aaaily enry tktdbj wonMketka Haffcai Mcleoontr. TkB it aa a ik Y. K.CA.bidfmttweQfMr fen of it and a m coart aaaae oa taa Bakaraad IGUet gronaaa,aad a fine llanoaic taauile ob the lota aorta of Friednofaatore, and Cotaaban will be a city beaatifuL Otttrtr,nMKMIMWM(tiMNt fcwaiptioa fajBt, XfcM JmK mWbm Mat nMUUfcLBBHI ulhfiMilllHiili DtdOONTUIDi triwUlrmtiiMte BUiihmam WMtUI wkfcttoJi torthmtim Mil far pnrtumljmaatjwmto CHANGS El ADD1 "- - tofbtlMraUM to JMB.1.H SMOCalfBCtf USCn WmibbbIHi -ii iMatrothiiJaHMlaatatlM mm NMt dMWMMHMWlL 'a bmkbI ooaditioB k well indicated by the (act that ia fee coagregatiea of 8,000 oalj twelve fit theaeedof eoaTenioa. Iftkk ratio holds good tafoagboat the city the charge made, by other traveliag CTangelkts that Osaka isMtae wick edeat city ia tke world" is awre tkaa confuted. It caa easily be doabted that ao other city of Onaha't popahv tioa coald aot exceed twelve unregea- a I erate ia a coagregatioa of 8,000. I Osaka Bee. TO JOUBVAL fUMCIIBIll: We want it distinctly under stood that The Jouraal will con tinue' all sabscriptioas aad ao one else is authorised to fill then. The subscription list, good will and plant of The Journal was included ia the sale to the present management. After mature consideration, Edgar Howard has discovered that there were too many Graves on the ballots at the last congressional election. The president has completed his in spection of the big ditch aad the public will soon get the official facts as he found them. The placing of Chairman Shonts ia practically absolute control of the canal will simplify matters consider ably, as he mil be held personally responsible to the president and thus eliminate a large amount of unneces sary red tape. The Golaaibw Telegram briags oat tke startling aews that wkea Patrick IfcKillip was a caadidate for congress two years ago he ran several thoasaad votes ahead of his ticket, aad that was caased by Mac's advocacy of the gov erasMat owaership of railroads. We aeverkaew before that whea a deanx cratisbeatea aearly three thoasaad votes ia this Third coagressioasl dis trict, he is such a good raaaer, but if he did raa several thoasaad votes ahead, kaowiag Mac to be sack a priace of good fellows, we thoaght it washkasoaeyaadhis kair tkat raa ahead, aad notkis waatiag TJade Sam toowa aad operate all tke rail rsads of this great aad glorious country. ' j z J bums ratMa V -taBB bbbbbbL w oMt foe bVbkW pastfw KaMTBas mm mmWmVmvmha tmwWl mImm .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwMmm BMBB' MHnHVk WBMBmWmV VaMW MaaaaaaMVai aaMfVaVaiMBaa) MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMVanWaMBWjMMBBMMMMMMMWMV f baat lor ikilkkaai cakea, tootk-BHH ,k m wtQI await Is yoar axamlv HH 7 It wal aato to atoka mSE9BB!S5Km a. naaaa am aaaw aaaaa HHmbmmwmmwmm1mmmmmimb4V BF Bmmmmv mmb mm mmB M mmw mms BHanlMannnnKaMMannnaHMMV Bm. Vy M .? P MMMMMMMMMMMWaMMMVBMVBMVaMM, VBBBjWnalaMaHaVMA HaKMBMSMnnnnn Bf BBmmmmmmB twasawka lamai, M ItowYerketty, Cms aa aaiaail Irtok faaMtr'aai vies aakal f tat BrWaTS jSZ at 1744. Ha Da Laaeey aai attttol ea a iae estate street to Wast Twenty-, It w Of aad are- NORTH Opera House Thursday, December 6. Governor-elect Sheldon propose to be governor in reality. At least he has started out by giving the politi cians to understand that all appoint ments will have to wait until other important matters are looked after such as redeeming the pledges made by the party. Even the earthquake and fire failed to purge San Francisco of its rotten ness. Before the calamity overtook uie cuy u was iamea we worm ever as a modern Sodom, but those wko hoped for a purging were rudely awakened by the recent disclosures implicating the city officials. And now there seems to be- an op portunity to amend the state consti tution without calling a constitutional convention. Let the next legislature submit the needed amendments and have the state conventions endorse them as they did the amendment this fall. This will not place them at the mercy of the careless voter, and eventually give the state a constitution. in keeping with its growth. Te know bow to be ready a gnat thlatva precfcHM gift and aae that lav pues catealatlea, grasp and declstoa to be always jsady a ama araat be able to cut a knot, for ev is jibing can mot be antlsd. Ha mast know bow to rttesagsge what Is essential from the detail m which it is uwraapad, for everything cannot be eqaalhj coaatil In a word, he mast be able to i dattae, hta baabMas aad hlsKfe. T know how to be ready hi to kaow how to atari It 1 lag how all of m are generally bared ap with the rhoaaiail aa hindrances and duties which are aot aach, bat which neverthsteai wiad as aboat with their spider threads aad fetter the moremeat of oar wings. It 1s the lack of ovaer which nukes as confaaloB of today dh fr the freedom efteaftORw. Oea- 1s the eaeay of aO comfort, and is bora of aroscrssliestion. 'To know how to be ready wa arast be able to iniah. Nothteg to dene bat what la finished. The things which we leave dragging behind aa will start up Special ERngMMNMMJMJl . Fred G. Conrad presents Ernest Stout's absorbing dramatic story In l Woman's Power efaJltheananty ofoU Mew York. His throe daagkters la Kar of hub hi preserved Ob thedtrMea Fetor's death the r. She sold It to eeUfttoAbra- Taa Steatr aad It Is still rsaum ay ssaay aa tae m van Nest hoaae, dosaeaahsd hi 188BL Assaag 7- ethor dhntogalBVsd persons who have T" ved hi Oreoawich ware Oliver Ife a- Iaaesy. WOnaai Bayard. Washlacioa. r MaiMaa"ajpnaniapinaBaMMMpMMMMMMiaiMiMaMnasMaaM MBiVMkMMaabMkMMMVaMMMMBBMMMMMMMMMaMakMMMMMBMMMajMaMMMMMBT! agt aaBBBBBBBBaannnnnnngggggganBjBBnnnnjnBBBBB 'ViFfKiiiViflSVTwVnviwrYVllKlTTlIIlFlrnVO' ' mB ' ' ' "f tZ r" - - BBJBjr - " dha- -P aadiMrs. Jdhk Adasss. - r . .' saai r to the great different reasons are aerTgaed for their It to the eztractiea of teeth. ao fear of paia which was to Bat la the'teSd of Mhn Mehltable of WlDewby waem told by the leaflet that she weald be mack bene- hy the loss of two of her prom- 1 1 M T jivTMjBr JK bImwI RV1 BMVMVM.MVBflLMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMtoJMBBr?aVHnH BvE0mVmVmVmVb1 mP I kl KmvSmC mV Kh Em II 1 ABBLdBKABFMBBWBMBHBHBHVlrV'l 111 1 hvW "PAtfooMNEz- I am Simply One Of Z Doctaibes PmeNTS -Tea say they cent la ovMeal tastaay aUed," "and yon la for mo for srra a fortalghtr Taa daattet admitted was so. "WeU. then, I aaaaase cat aa aa bast I can. Ad chair. -Bat relaetantly that m have to Hies Me- la'the torture I doat see how I shall mt Hare I am, chambermaid WlOewby iaa daring the sam- If a cheek fall of folks, with sT tnastonts coming aad going, pinowcass teethr A dramaiounded on an exciting episode which happened In New York City a few weeks ago. It shook society in two cities to its very foundation. The story is told briskly by an excellent com pany and is well seasoned with thrilling climaxes. Seats will be placed on sale one week in advance of date at PtUfck's Drufl Sttre Pricts 25c, 35c an 50c path.. Let each day take thought for what concerns It Bqaldate Its own affairs and respect the day which is to follow, and then we shall be always To know how to be ready Is at to know how to die.- AmleL With the advent of congress wiB come the renewal of the effort to- di vide Nebraska into two federal dis tricts. Now that Lincoln, has-a; new federal building she will snake- a harder fight than ever. Aad with the increase of business a Judge Munger's court there seema to be no good reason why a new district should not be created. Down in Cuba Governor Magoon is having a strenuous time recovering the arms the insurgents succeeded in hiding. As these were several thou sand volunteers who did not turn in. their arms be proposes to take effec tive step to prevent another revolution! in case the elections are' not satisfae tory. The Cubans do not seem to ee able to get over the Central Amerman wav of conducting their affairs I Lotto bank do a tnrlvlng fa Italy. Minions of people of all and condttloao contribute every to the game, by which they hope to make fortunes. The princess and Bar maid, the professor aad his pnpUs. the bootblack and the army edteer. the rtppled mendicant, SThiwtl children every body is drawn Into the lotto net Ice la la Borne, bat sab- are in op oration In every hamlet tat the Maajfloav aad drawlags take :place every Saturday la eight dtJes. The pabac knows the hoar of the drawing, and the plant near the Via del Umltta, near the Qataiaal, always -awarsss with people when the little aaad boy draws Ire members of the which have bean placed there, numbers are displayed oa a la the order la which they and the player who has a ticket with no ben hi the- same order .grand prise. The play ipeople atm poorer than they weald be lo a great states of revenue to the -maetrirte Zsttaag. Backache Any person having backache, kidney pains or bladder trouble who will take two or three Pine-tiles upon retiring at night shall be relieved before morning. KHRto as sMdkteal vlrtassaf the toJsatjaaftBsjataai fcaaaaiariialmlii toWsi slHweeS alof the vkteao of the Satlve lias that ateefvelMtasoBtvmgaa WigXWgvm mmdMmJdmYmmMdmm Ip New York it cost Goasraor Hughes $618.55 for election expenses, while his unsuccessful opponen.Wm. R. Hearst, spent 256,3702: in his spectacular attempt to lantk the gov ernorship. It looks at thoagh. Hearst G plenty of pocket attempted to buy enough, votes to E 'tocies elect him. and this ia. the nmhahlii cause of a huge number of the better element of bis party refusing to sup port him. It is a common practice for the boys hi some watch and Jewelry factories to Mil the rats which Infest the baHd tegs aad burn the bodies to obtain the gold. Many oiled rags are aeed tat banishing watch eases; aad la thae they become Impregnated with gold. The rate eagerly dsvear these rags, aad a few months of this ktad of diet Us the interior mi i torn of the rat with a gold plating. Twice a year the beys have a greed cromstton The rate are caught by the hundred and burned In ncmcftle. The Intense heat drives off an aabnal aabstaaces and leaves the gold in the shape of a little lamp. The amount of the precious metal obtained In thta way hi not large. bat gives the IB scene fac- bny Assistant Superintendent VanDyke of the post oSce department was here test Friday,, returning from Fullertoa where he ssade a tea year lease for the post ofice. He k now negotiating for a five year lease for a new post vefice for Central City. The man who ? to pass a bob the various sites for a goverameat Haildiag for Columbus will probably be here either this or next week.. He will be arepreseata 'tive of the treasury departssent, aad advance the shares of then fel low workers hi the tat csloay.-London .MaiL - J '- R erate, a ssa or two aadV ito mixciNE co cmicaow 201k Wirj Drtf SUn. Hatti InUr Doetsrs Said He Waaid Wet Live Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa, writes: "After doetoring for two yearn with the best physkasas in Waynesbnrg, aad still gettiog worse, the doetors advised me if I had any bnniasss toattendtol had better attead to itatonee, as I oonW not possibly lire another month as there was no euro for see. Foloys Kidney Cure wss recommended to nw by a friend, and I iaunecuately seat my sob to the store for it, and after takiag three bottles I begsn to get better aad eon tinned to naprove until I wss entirely well." CH-Daok. GfiO. BURKE 60. 8TJ0CESSFDL Bugers and Sellers -OF- IXVE STOCK Toar BasiaesB Solicited Market Reports farniaked oa application. BCBKK. WiU. J. BfOKlT. . BuConar. la tr-soTon aad i to keep a worn here to aeeded for a smb. The average weight of a aaafa brala is farty-ateo and one-half aad that of a woman forty-four a brala falls below tblr i half ounces la a man Mteey asuslly occara. A woman's brain has to fan to thirty-two and one half ounces before she reaches the ssBmceadltloa. Maa has a larger brain in proportion to ate stature than woman, addle, oa the otter hand, wom an has a larger evala'la proportion to her weight The female brain begins toleee weight after the age of thirty; that of the ssaa net till ten or fifteen yearn later. The less in a woman Is slight, however, aad she keeps up a araiB woisnr nraca later tnan a A oolde taken at this time of is generally hard to get rid hut it will not be able to wi Bee's Laxative Honey aad Tar. will earn all eolde, ooaghe croup, by driving If yon have a aald try it aad If aot oared gat year money back. Ho opiates. Bold by ttth Peatery Drag Store. Platte Men. Fours KIDNEY CURE We are all Undo of real at the lowest Its. ia the Journal for auiclr WIULCURIYOU of any cue of Kidney m Bladder dkeue that ia at beyond the reach of mediV cine. Take it at once. Do W)tri8khaTingBrifht.D-m. ease or Diabetes. There ia nothing gained by delay. eataaf of artete- nenaatlty of ara taa faaanar Ingredl- ltle to see what varied and bv saaMs can obtained the iedte.-Ontloek. mrvnf u !, a. w m mwg ' a dsan shave, a acareely knew ye wl r. Pat-Tno name wM Ot dfcint know mosetf fee, and Bwttl . Said by Chas. fl. Drnek. JIM'S PLACE Ioarry the in my lteo. lie ie invited to far of overj thing U Do Not Burn Off Old Paint You will have to do so if you use hard, inelastic paint; but there is a better way. Use old-fathioned white lead and linseed oil paint. It wears down uniformly, without that scaling ' off which disfigures so many modern houses, and is ready lor re-painting with out burning or scraping. Collier, Red Seal or Southern Pure White Lead Ball ocBeter. It la always easy to see how long a ebnpto have boon mnrrled by noting hi full of his friends to a writer In the "A man Invari ably begtea by Inviting all his bach- friends to his house. He Is anx to shew eaT hie wife, and he fond ly Imagines that they will like her aad that she will ake them, which rare ly happens.' The writer then goes on to dissect the bschslsr and concludes. -I dont know why one's husband's chussa naseld. as a rule, be deadly daU, bat they ususJIb are, ssatter of fact; It was prob ably their dullness which originally drove him Into matrimony, only be has not the sense to eee It." There would he fewer seantad If it weren't for toe a ni lights In ataered 1b the of n lawyers' dub when tk talk turned to n discussion of the veracity of lawyers. The average disciple of Black only too reedy to as- we are all Mars, a very unjust It seesss to me. Do we not tell the trathr he asked of a well known criminal iptty responded the do anything some- -Cortaialy.' "We win to wlna TmJmv Mrs. gcrlbbles-I believe the butcher la kBOCkteg at the doer with his Dill. Scribbles-Tell him I am bat I've Just paid the rent and Mrs. Scribbles But It may be the landlord. Fordy. Scribbles Won, then teU nun I'm sorry, but I've Just paid the butcher and am abort- Fun. He Win yon-nutrry me? "She No; rm not n clergyman. He Well, will yea permit a clergyman to marry no? gas Yes; yon to somebody else, and am to well, somebody eke. London Tit-Bite. They sey early rising Is very un healthy.'' "Of coarse. Many a woman has broken down her, coaptation' getting her hatband up In tune for Breakfast' is just such an old-fishioncd paint. ft, sad 4 - JUTKMUL IXAD COMPAmf c Mm AdddaMMly mt TmUc Tve had to get, a new barber." Tear eld eae aottlag.careleosr "No, but hie baby Ie boglnnteg to say fnVaw iBftajaUBBBajt t OAL NfcLSON PlwttttHOT AKD GoiitraGwOr - GolumbajB Nebraska. We are now ihowing a large Sawiort ment of Men's Winter Caps with 3 inside bands in both cloth and for lined- Prices from 3 MBBMBMBMBMfsMW. g1 BhbhbmbW $1.00 't - 4- to $1.25 and $10 A complete new line of Gloves and Mittens in both dress and working. .Jjsxues Aid Gloves The Simmons Gloves jSSSTwnwsf M?aTnaai SO V : Prices $1, $1.25. $1.50 - Silk lined Saede Gloved in Black and Oolors JS P Z Also a complete line of Ladies' and - Z Misses' Golf gloves and mittens. " m , asw7 & J. H. GALLEY, J5I DBY GOODS, CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS, 5 Z SHOES, LADIES' CLOAKS AND CARPETS "g "anwa" a g- 505 Eleventh Street, Columbus, Neb. g THE KITCHEN PIANO i vi.Mna Trade Hark THF MALLEABLE XJL l.lw 1T JLade is south bend Have yon seen it at Rothleitner's where yon can get a cup of delicious coffee free every day next week, beginning November 26,- and ending December 1, 1906. This great cooking apparatus is conceded by the store trade to be the leading Range of Amer ican handsome as a picture. Strength, durability, economy and convenience combine an ornament to the kitchen It will last a life time. Saves the cook saves time and labor saves repairs and does more and betv ter work on less fuel than any other stove or range. No cracking, no warping no polishing and no ' open seams. Burns wood. cobs? hard or soft coal. ft Perfect Baker Ideal Draft and Plenty Hot Water " ; The Kitchen Piano, dear to every woman's heart. FQCCf To every purchaser of the "Malleable" llibLl Range next week only, we will give free a $7 .50 set of cooking utensils. Next week only. ROTHLEITNER CO i- A- M & the Van. xit m "S k? 'K. .V K--s ' 5 - - --.- t i : -- - ' t' .t sj- K-sis. Jr ISi'il cr ?. 4t-Jfc- -r L-ryc fc j- itf',":'"j i5iv3? J -.2 -ft! - ?.