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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1906)
SP!pBWsSH ?5!jsto5!S5EwP3H f "Vrs JS. TT'-:-!t?:S'.rSirawi'ifT3 WfS; i " - VV? -;T ' WSTK jV. ' f" .- . BfcBne aaeaaen, V V eflBBeManeV ' mn aeKTmea3w 4HH w& . F 0R BemBBmaBmBBmBBmBBmBamm cJij&(wrV J-armr: THE DELUGE nAvroGigAHraMi uamatsffT jsasr DANGER SIGNALS. At that time I did not myself go over the bills before the legislatures of those states in which I had inter ests. I trusted that work to my law yers and, like every man who ever absolutely trusted an Important divi sion of his affairs to another, I was severely punished. One morning my eye happened to light upon a minor paragraph in a newspaper a list of the "small bills yesterday approved by the governor." In the list was one "defining the power of sundry com missions." Those words seemed to me somehow to spell "joker." But why did I call up my lawyers to ask them about it? It's a mystery to me. All I know is that, busy as I was, something inside me compelled me to drop everything else and hunt that "joker" down. ! got Saxe then senior partner In Browne, Saxe & Einstein on the 'phone, and said: "Just see and tell me, will you, what Is the 'bill denning the power of sundry commissions' the bill the governor signed yester day?" "Certainly, Mr. Blacklock," came the answer. My nerves are, and al ways have been, on the watchout for the looks and the tones and the ges tures that are just a shade off the . natural; and I feel that I do Saxe no injustice when I say his tone was, not a shade, but a full color, off the nat- " ural. So I was prepared for what he said .when he returned' to the tele phone. "I'm sorry. Mr. Blacklock, but 1 we seem unable to' lay our hands on -- that bill at this moment" "Why not?" said I. in the tone that i makes an employe jump as If a whlp- , lash hail cat hiss on the calves. He had -jumped all right, s his voice showed. 'It's not in our file," said he. "It's house bill No. 427, and it's apparently not here." "The hell you say!" I exclaimed. "Why?" "I really can't explain," he pleaded, and the frightened whine confirmed my suspicion. "I guess not." said I, making the words significant and suggestive. "And you're in my pay to look after ' such matters! But you'll have to ex plain, if this turns out to be serious." "Apparently our file of bills is com plete except that one," he went on. - "i suppose it was lost in the mail, and r very stupidly didn't notice the gap In the numbers." "Stupid isn't the word I'd use." said I. with" a laugh that wasn't of the kind that cheers. And I rang off and asked for the state capitol on the "long distance." Before I got my connection Saxe, whose office was only two blocks 'away, came flustering in. "The boy has been discharged, Mr. Blacklock," he began. 'What boy?" said I. "The boy in charge of the bill file the boy whose business it was to , keep the file complete." "Send .him to me, you damned scoundrel," said I. "I'll give him a job. What do you take me for any way? And what kind of a cowardly hound are you to disgrace an innocent boy as a cover for your own crooked work?" "Really, Mr. Blacklock. this is most extraordinary," he expostulated. "Extraordinary? I call it crim inal," 1 retorted. "Listen to me. Tou look after the legislation calendars for .me, and lor Langdon, and for Roe buck, and for Melville, and for half a dozen others of the biggest finan ciers in the country. It's the most important work you do for us. Yet you, as shrewd and careful a lawyer as there is at the bar, want me to believe you trusted that work to a boy! If you did, you're a damn fool. If you didn't, you're a damn scoun drel. There's no more doubt in my mind than in yours which of those horns has you sticking on it." "You are letting your quick temper get away with you, Mr. Blacklock," he deprecated. - "Stop lying!" I shouted. "I knew "you had been doing some skulduggery when I first heard your voice on the telephone. And if I needed any proof, the meek way you've taken my abuse would furnish it, and to spare." Just then the telephone bell rang and I got the right department and asked the clerk to read house bill 427. It contained five short paragraphs. The "joker" was in the third, which gave the state canal commission the 'right "to institute condemnation pro ceedings, and to condemn, and to abolish, any canal not exceeding 30 miles in length and not a part of the connected canal system of the state." When I hung up the receiver I was so absorbed that I had forgotten Saxe was waiting. He made some slight sound. 1 wheeled on him. I needed a vent. If he hadn't been there I should have smashed a chair. But there was he and I kicked him out of my private office and would have kicked him oat through the anteroom Into the outer hall, had he not gath ered himself together and run like a jack-rabbit. Since that day I have done my own calendar watching. My lawyers had sold me out; J, fool that I was, had not guarded the only weak plate in my armor against my companions the plate over my back, to shed isstla thrusts. Roebuck and Langdon between them owned the governor; fee; owned the canal com- my canal, which gave me ac-4 to tide-water for the prodact of my Maaassaato mines; was as good as closed. I ne longer had the whip haad in National GeaL The others coaM sell me wit and take two-thirds ef say fart ana, whenever they liked tor of what see were my mines with scm no outlet now to any market, except the outlets the coal crowd owned? , ly As soon as I had thought the situa tion oat in all its bearings. I realized that there was no escape for me now, that whatever chance to escape I might have had was closed by my aacoveriag to Saxe and kicking hiss. Bat I did not regret; It was worth the money it would cost me. Besides, I thought I saw how I could later on turn it to good account. A sensible man never makes fatal errors. What ever he does is at least experience, and can also be used to advantage. If Napoleon hadn't been half dead at Waterloo, I don't doubt he would have used its disaster as a means 'to' a great victory. When I walked into Mowbray Lang don's office. I was like a thoroughbred exercising on a clear frosty morning; and my smile was as fresh as the flower in my buttonhole. I thrust out my hand at him.1 "V congratulate you," said I. He took the proffered hand with a questioning look. "On what?" said he. It Is hard to tell from his face what is going on in his head, but I think I guessed right when I decided that Saxehada't yet warned him. "I have just found out from Saxe," I pursued, "about the canal bill." "What canal bill?" he asked. "That puzzled look was a mistake, Langdon," said I, laughing at him. "When you don't know anything about sZT, - jr J. .' . ,yyy y '- - -" ' KEEP OUT OF THE MARRIAGE, MATT. HE ADVISED. a matter, you look merely blank. You overdid it; you've given yourself away." , He shrugged his shoulders. "As you please." said he. As you please was his favorite expression; a stereo typed irony, for in dealing with him. things were never as you pleased, but always as he pleased. "Next time you want to dig a mine under anybody," I went on, "don't hire Saxe. Really I feel sorry for you to save.8uch a clever scheme messed by such an ass." "If you don't mind, I'd like to know what you're talking about" said he, with his patient bored look. "As you and Roebuck own the gov ernor, I know your little law ends my little canal." "Still I don't know what you're talk ing about" drawled he. "You are al ways suspecting everybody of double dealing. I gather that this is another Instance of your infirmity. Really, Blacklock, the world isn't wholly made up, of scoundrels." "I know that" said I- "And I will even admit that Its scoundrels are sel dom -made ap wholly of scoundrelism. Even Roebuck would rather do the deceat thing, if he can do it without endangering his personal interests. As for yoa I regard yoa as one of the decentest mea I ever knew outside of business. Aad evea there. I believe yoa'd keep your word, as long as the other fellow kept his." "Thank you." said he. bowing Iron ically. "This flattery makes me sus pect yoa've come to get something." "Oa the contrary." said L "I waat to give something. I want to gkn yoa my coal mines." "I thought yoa'd see that oar offer was fair," said he. "And Tm glad you have changed your miad about qaar-' reMag with yoar beat friends. We caa be aeeful to you, you to as. A break be silly." "That's the way It looks to aw," I assisted: And 1- decided that my taharp talk to. Roebuck had set them to estimating say value' to theat . "Sam EHeraiy." Laagdoa presently remarked, "tells me he's J-i-tifi-g hard for you at the Travelers. I bope yoail make it 'We're' rather"! slow, crowd; a few men like yoa might stir things up." I am always- more than Fgive others-credit for' good sense and good motives. It was not vanity, hut this disposition to credit others with sincerity and sense, that led me to believe him. both as .to the coal mat ter and as to 'the -Travelers dab. "Thanks. Langdon.' I said; and that hie might look no farther for my mo tive, I added: "I want to get into that club much as the winner of a race wants the medal that belongs to him. I've built myself np into a. rich man, into one of the powers in finance, and I feel I'm entitled to recognition." VL OF "GENTLEMEN." When L got back to mr-office and was settling to the proofs of the "Let ters to Investors," which I published in. sixty newspapers throughout the country and which daily reached up ward of Ive million people, Sam hU lersly came in. His manner was cer tainly different from what it had ever been before; a difference so subtle that I couldn't describe it more nearly than to say it made me feel as if he had not until then been treating me as or the same class with himself. .. I smiled to myself and made an entry in my mental ledger to the credit of Mowbray Langdon. , "That club business is going nicely," said Sam. "Langdon is enthusiastic, and. I find you've got good .friends on the committee.' I knew that well enough. Hadn't I been carrying them on my, books. at a good toss for two years? "If it wasn't for for some features of this business of yours," he went on, "I'd say there wouldn't be the slightest trouble." "Bucket-shop?" said I with an easy laugh, though this nagging was be ginning' to get on my nerves. '"Exactly," said he. "And. you know, you advertise yourself like like "Like everybody else, only more Successfully than most" said L ."Everybody advertises, each one adapting his advertising to the needs of his enterprises, as far as he knows how." ' "That's true enough," he confessed. "But there are enterprises and enter prises, you know." ,j "You can tell 'em, Sam," said I. that I never put out a statement I ,don't believe to be true, and that when any of my followers lose on one of my Material for f Source of Supply Great Amount Re quired to Meet Demand. r JUt One of the most generally accepted. but mistaken, ideas that is entertained by the people of this country," said S. R. Huyett American traveling repre sentative of a foreign manufactory of gut strings, "is that strings used on musical instruments are manufactured from catgut If that were true, the cats in th's world would have been ex terminated many years ago in supply ing the "market with material for mu sical instrument strings. "The fact is that they are manufac tured from the intestines of sheep, and in obtaining enough raw material evea from these animals the maaafactarers at times find difficulty: "The only string made from the in testines of the feline Is thatased for surgical purposes for sewing ap wounds. One would he smsied to know that there are millions of musical ia strumeat strings ased ia North Ameri ca atone, and jest think wham the tabbies would he If they had to supply the coasampttoa! "Another amazing thing to that there are over 7Sf differeat grades ef The de tips, rve tost en It, aw. far I play say own tips aad that's can be said of my town." After a while I dragged, in the ab ject. "One thing I am and whs no to get myself in line air that lab,- I said. like a seal on promeaade "rat sick of the crow I travel with Ore aad the weaseau .1 feel Ifs sheet time I settled sows Itw rot a far tune and establishment that needs a woman to set ft off. I caa make some woman happy. Tea don't happen to know any nice girls the right sort, 1 mean?' "Not many." said Sam. "You'd set ter go back to the country where yoa came from, and get her there. 8he'd be eternally grateful, aad her head wouldn't be full of mercenary non sense." "Excuse me!" exclaimed L "lt'd turn her head. She'd go clean crazy. She'd plunge in ap to her neck md not being used to these waters, she'd make a show of herself, aad probably drown, dragging me down with her, if possible.". Sam laughed. - "Keep oat of ksar riage, Matt," he advised, not so ob tuse to my real point as he wasted me to believe. "I know the kind of girl you've got in mind. 8he'd marry yoa for your money, and she'd never ap preciate you. She'd see in you only the lack of the things she's been taaghtto lay stress 'oa.' "For instance?" "I couldn't tell you any more than I could enable yoa to recognise a per son .you'd never seen hy describing him." t "Ain't I a gentleman?" I inquired. He laughed, as if the idea tickled him. "Of course," he. said. "Of course." "Ain't I got as proper a. country place as there is a-going? Ain't my apartment in the Willoughby a peach? Don't If give as elegant dinners as yon ever sat dowa to? Don't I dress right up. to the Piccadilly latest? Don't I act all right know .enough to keep my feet oft" the table and my knife put of my mouth?" All true enough; and I so crude then that I hadn't a sus picion what a flat contradiction of my pretensions aad beliefs about myself the very words and phrases were. "You're right in it, Matt," said am. "But well you haven't traveled with our crowd, and they're shy of strang ers, especially as as energetic a sort of stranger as you are. You're too sadden;. Matt too -dazzling too '"Too shiny aad new?" said I, begin ning totcatch his drift "That'll be looked after." vn. LACKLOCK GOES INTO TRAIN ING. This brings me to the ugliest story my enemies have concocted against me. No one appreciates more thor oughly than I that, to rise high, a man must have his own efforts seconded, by the flood of vituperation that his enemies send to overwhelm him and which washes, him far higher than he could' hope to lift himself. So I do not here refer to any attack on me in the public prints; I think of them only with amusement and gratitude.. The story that rankles is the one these foes of mine set creeping, like a snake under the fallen leaves, everywhere, anywhere, unseen, without a trail. It has been whispered into every ear and it is,-no doubt widely believed that I deliberately nut old Bromwell IEllersly "in a hole," and there tor tured him until he consented to try to compel ms daughter to marry me. It is possible that if I had thought of such a devilish device, I might have tried it Is not all fair in love? But there was no need for my cudgeling my brains to carry that particular for tification on my way to what I had fixed my will upon. Bromwell Eller sly came to me of his own accord. I suppose the Ellerslys must have talked me over in the family circle However this may be, my acquaint ance with her father began with Sam's asking me to lunch with him. "The governor has heard me talk of you so much," said he, "that he if anxious to meet you." I offered to help him, and I did help him. Is there any one, knowing any thing of the facts of life, who will cen sure me when I admit that I with deliberation simply tided him over, did not make for him and present to him a fortune? What' chance should I have had. if I had been so absurdly generous to a man who deserved noth ing but punishment for his selfish and bigoted mode of life? I took away his worst burdens: but I left him more than he could carry without my heln. And it was not until he had appealed in vain to all his social friends to relieve him of the necessity of my aid, not until he realized that I was his only hope of escaping a sharp comedown from luxury to very modest comfort in a flat somewhere -not until then did his wife send me an .Invita tion to dinner. And I had not so much as hinted that I wanted it (To be Continued.) Music Strings mand for strings in North America is Increasing every year, especially In the .south and in Mexico. There arc more guitar strings sold in Mexicc than any other kind, but through the south the banjo string still holds Its own, despite 'the fact that every' year has marked slight but gradual falling off in the demand. The harp is be coming more popular,, and there is a good demand for strings for thisjii' strument" Kansas City Journal. Woman Kills Big Grixsly Bear. Trinidad, Col. On the puling ranch in 8tonewalI, a large grizzly bear was shot and killed by Mrs., Doling,, wife of the county commissioner, a few days ago. Mrs. Dullng was aloae on the ranch and was riding about took lag after stock when .she , saw the bear eating a heifer It had killed. Mrs. Duliag had a'' Winchester aad, prompt ly ktiled the grizzly. ' She is known as a remarkably nervy woman aad dar ing her many years residence in the Stonewall has killed several bears, at one time saving her husband from what seemed sore death, when he waa attacked by a female grizzly he had wounded. Mrs. Duliag killed the hear when it was withia a few fast of her husband. mere than wiiiYii.- 1. "mi X, . ! 5- " CAKE OP. WINTER FLANNELS. Vifjr Waehtat WW As Mseh toss i vsap it- ui . '. la the donning ef winter faaaeto the to soft aad from shrlak- Tae-sUactme ef wootfs so ntf- oTcottoa or liaea ttoflt ana receive Entirely eWereht treatment hi the toandry. Fmaaels should always he washed separately ia this account Have ready a tab ef water as hot as the hands can be korae comfortably. Add enough dissolved soap to make a strong suds, aad jast here Is a point to. be borne In d. .The boss ased Ja washing Is mast be a white one. The yellow soaps are apt to contain rosla, which yellows silk or woolen fabrics, woolens also should never he rubbed or kneaded on a board like other f ab- rka. as this knoU.the wool ibers. Ia- woolea goods should he and sopped, then drawn through the hands to remove the dirt. Very dirty .spots caa be brushed oat with a soft brashT spreadiag the gar- it oa the board. When 'seed? to 'shake the duet from the car ts, then lay ia the warm water for a half hoar, covering the clothes so as to retain the heat Then squeeze and'sop until clean, rinse in a second tub of water the same temperature as the frst with a little dissolved soap added to make a light suds. Put through a wringer, as this expels the water with the least possible friction, aad hang out to dry, palling oat lengthwise. Press while still a little damp, stretching the article to the necessary length and width. The iron should not be unnecessarily hot 'In freezing weather flannels are better dried in the house. Filling ef Cakes. For an ice cream filling boll a cup ful and a half of sugar ia eight table spoonfuls of water until it threads. Pour slowly over the beaten whites of two eggs, beating until smooth and creamy.. Pat between the layers when the cake is cold. A delicious lemon-honey filling Is made as follows: Put the Juice of three lemons, the grated rind of one. half pound of loaf sugar and a quar ter of a pound of batter in a saucepan to melt over a gentle fire. When dis solved stir in the yolks of four eggs aad one whole egg. stirring rapidly uatil as thick, as honey. . Spread be- tweea the layers. To mako tutti-frutti filling, mix a soft Icing with the whites of two eggs and sugar. Flavor as preferred, then stir in two tabtespoonfuls each of. orange marmalade and currants. Add half (a cupful of seeded, and chopped raisins. Almonds and chopped co coanut make a nice variety. All fill ings should be added when the cakes are cold. To Clean Lace. Lace may be cleaned very nicely at home by for a few hours in a good strong suds of warm water, to which has been added a little am monia; then rinse in hot water until the lace looks clean. Never rub lace, but squeeze it gently: If the lace Is very much discolored. lay it in the. sun to bleach. Make a flat pad of clean white cloth, and pin the lace in shape on it to .dry, being very careful not to break, the mesh of the lace. In washing a heavy lace, such as Irish crochet, which Is much soiled, a gen tle brushing while in the warm suds with a nail brush will remove the soil very nicely. Rinse with the other lace and dry in the same manner. If press ing is necessary, lay the lace wrong side up on a thick pad of muslin, with a thin piece of muslin between it and the iron. Salt Raising Bread. Into a pint of scalding water stir a half teaspoonful ' of salt and enough flour to make a soft dough. Beat hard for 15 minutes, cover and set in a warm place to rise over night In the morning stir a teaspoonful of salt into a pint of luke warm milk, with sufficient flour to make a stiff batter. Work this into the risen dough, mix ing thoroughly; cover again and set to raise until very light; then knead in enough flour to make the batter the consistency of ordinary bread dough. Make into loaves, and set these to raise until light, then bake. Venetian Trimmings. One of the striking features of the moment is the Venetian embroidered bands seen on several Paris models. As the word Venetian might imply, these trimmings are not in gold and silver, but the designs of the sixteenth century simply copied in silks aad wools of neutral shades to suit the taste of the day. A dainty visiting gown in silver gray crepe de chine has an antique pattern of silk roses and foliage resting upon a band of dark gray velvet This trimming is also ased extensively In ball and dinner dresses. Baas "far Brooms. A string should be run in each aad tied round the handle of the broom. Thus covered, the broom will be found very useful in wiping down walls, high wardrobes, and also polished floors. The bags may be easily washed oat and dried before use. This covering will be found very superior to the ordinary duster which one sees occasionally tied over the broom head. Linen is often used for these covers, but is not equal to flan nelette. Te' Clean Glass. Place pulverized pumice stone 'be tween the layers of a folded piece of soft 'muslin and stitch around the edge to prevent the powder from spill ing. Wipe lamp globes or window panes with this dry cloth and they will he clean aad sparkle almost In stantly. Enough powder will remain on the cloth to be used many times. Fer the Kitchen Window. Have a bunch of chives and parsley growing ia. pots in the kitchen win 'dow during the winter. Chives are, more delicate thaa oaioas 'and are a delidoas addittoa to the potato or let tuce salad aad fine for flavoring soap or hash. It mast be chopped fine. A teaspooaful is enough for a salad. Te Take Oat Stains. Hat milk is much more effective hot water to take oat stains. ftECRUITIN STATION AT OMAHA ThetSwewfM NHas.awaai ta Oaa,Yes Mr The Navy RecraHlag Station, watch was esrsbltshed at Omaha tot fan. has completed lits flrst year with Ml re crafts. LJeuteasat Commsaiir IWgaor. who to la charge, states that Ml to xpected of this maay other re- crultiag stations gat While some of the men enlisted have aot been aartks atorfy desirable, the average to very; good, some of the Nebraska aad Iowa enlisted befag very flee speci- for rapid nromotioa. The reeraltiag officer feels coafldeat that some of them will find their way to warrant aad commissioned rank if they remain la the service. Coagress has provided for the advancement of capable aad. reliable mea to the raaks of gunners, boatswains aad warraat machinists, (engineers) who are givea commis sions as chief warraat officers after .six years. Coagress has also provided 'that warraat officers who are foaad qualified may he oommtostoaed as en signs, hat has limited the aumber to twelve each year. Of the targe aum ber who are eattsted, comparatively a very small proportioa may obtain this. But once gained, the, coauaiseioa as ensign tleads hy regular promotioa ia regular order to the raak of Captain, which corresponds la raak aad pay to .that of Colonel la the army. The enlisted man to well cared for by Congress and the Preeideat The tatter, from time to time, increases the pay and the credits for special analiflcailnn fnr tJi enlisted aaaa. the cost of living, demaads for espec ially skilled mea. eta, increase. Ia this way the sailor to better off than his army cousin, whose pay was fixed by Congress years ago. when the cost of living was much less thaa now; and Congress to slow to act in raising any body's salary, who has no. powerful influence behind him. Tae conditions or our seamen are far -better now thaa ever before, and the opportunities for advancement open to good men are much improved. From three to five months is spent at some special training station. Appren tice seamen are given preliminary drills and Instruction in naval 'work. Clerks are taught the navy methods of bookkeeping and stenography. Me chanics of nil kinds are instructed in the special aavy machines and fittings; hospital appreatices Mie taught the .care of the sick and woanded at naval 'hospitals; musicians are trained under .special r bandmasters, and last but !best of an, the electricians sad toads ,men for electrictons are givea the 'most valuable coarse of practical aad theoretical electricity that caa be 'given anywhere in five months time. After the' preliminary training, the :men go to the fleet no longer com posed of small vessels, uacomfortable iin bad weather. but of fine large swift 'battleships sad cruisers, the finest of fighting, machines, where the gun and the gun-pointer are the pride of the country. Upon honorable discharge after four 'years' service, the men are given four 'cents a mile to place of enlistment .enough to take them home in comfort. 'They are given leaves of absence from 'time to time to enable them to spend ten days at home, but their expenses on leave are not paid by the govern ment If they re-enlist within four inonths after honorable discharge, they receive four months pay, and their 'pay is increased, so that the govern intent practically gives the continuous 'service men a month's leave with pay for each year's service. Men who are economically inclined .can save from ten to fifty dollars a month from their pay, and the govern ment allows them four per cent a year. compounded semi-annually, on their .savings. After thirty years service, in which all service in Navy, Army and Marine Corps, may be counted, the enlisted man may retire and receive three fourths of the pay and allowances he was receiving at the time of re tirement which usually gives him about $70.00 a month for the rest of his life. He cannot, however, retire untU 50 years of age, and men who are promoted to the rank of warrant or 'commissioned officer must serve forty years, or be 62 years of age, before .retirement The recruiting officer states that many recruits write home such giow ing accounts of their life that their .'brothers and friends apply. Several families have two sobs in the service, some three. There would be many re cruits from this part of the country but for the opposition of parents who know less of the Navy than the people who reside near the coast The recruiting officer here refuses to enlist young men under 21 without the consent of their parents, unless they are not living at home, In which case he does -not require consent The .New York Herald, which is a .close observer of naval affairs, says, 'editorially: "The wise regulations provided for the government of the 'Navy, the in telligence and character of the whole personnel and the material comforts enjoyed by it are responsible for the admirable discipline and efficiency of the American service. High wages, good rations, short enlistments, safe guards against persecution and chances for promotion to commis sioned rank all unite fn making the lot of our bluejackets superior, not only to that of other navies.' but to that of the average siore mechanic or tradesman. "This contentment is most appar ent to those who visit our vessels of war and have the opportunity of deal ing at flrst hand with enlisted men. It Is, of coarse, oaly a ship's lawyer a mere 'Abram's man, who win give his own ship a bad name. But growl ing is, after all, a cherished privilege pf sailors, and should anything appear to be wrong one may be certain it will find a voice somewhere." Many of the young men of this aecttoa have home Interests that pre veat them from making the navy their .life work. The four years enlistment 'givea them a chance to see something of the world aad its people, to mingle aad compete with other young men 'from an over the TJaited Eatea there are over Sfft mea oa the newest iahips sad te de aU this, while serv- pedty ami laaramt to fmat the has Mg ships. Then, the fear years beaag "aHjwBPIawaVt- ! emnTJNPftBflV- flseewnpawaWJapW ton kaows that he caa retara to the service If he wishes aad ia the event ef he will be The pi about forty rived la Omaha from the battleship Wisconsin, which has Jaat istmaed to the Paget Soaad Naval Station from the Asiatic Statfoa. A self-respecting lot of mea they ai to be. The TTtornaapn .was ai placed oat of rommleaUia this to receive repairs to boilers See to expected to be repaired aad re commissioaed ia time to he seat around to. Jamestown for the Naval Review aext April, which will sltate fast work at the Paget Navy Yard. PRANKS OP WILD ELEPHANTS. Terrorise Dtotriets ia India anal Os stray Ufs anal Property Wild elephants terrorize whole tricta la India, killing mea. aad children aad destroying granaries aad fields. A year ago a wnama aad her two caUdrea were sleeping in their hat One of the children heard a noise at the granary aad woke the mother. The soaad of the human voices from the house en raged the invading elephants, one of which charged the house, broke it dowa aad killed the woman and one Ihlld. The remaialag child by hiding. At another time a was working at a ford. Aa elephaat walked oat of the forest snd wished to cross the stream at the ofdr. As the woman was la his way he picked her up, winding his trunk around her body, the ead of It coming over her face and nose. Then he placed the woman gently, os as gently as he could, s't one side of the path. He did not mean to hurt her but never theless he broke her nose aad oao rib by the compression of his trunk. Again, an elephaat found a mother aad baby In a granary which it waa demoisalag. With its huge foot it crushed the baby in its cradle, bat picking ap the mother, lifted her oat of' the bouse unhurt placed her oa the groaad aad thea weat oa rami lng for grain. OLD SCHEME THAT WON. Beth Get Drink but Mental Strain Waa Great Two' Scotsmen with a thirst counted ap their joint possessions aad foaad that they could just cover the price of a drink of whisky. They went into the nearest saloon, and ordered the one drink, Sandy patting down the money for the same. Then arose a f discussion ss to how it could be dis posed of to the best advantage of both. Being Scotsmen, It was no Al phoase and Gaston discussion. Each was disposed to stand on his own rights, while at. the same time ad mitting the claim of the other. At the critical moment a stranger entered the saloon: With a wink of his eye at his companion. Sandy turned to the newcomer and said: "Will you have a drink with us?" ' Supposing that the other had drank before his entrance, the stranger said heartily, "I will," 'and emptied the glass. Then was an uncertain pause for a moment and then, the third man said: "Come on boys, and have one on me. They had it. As they went out Sandy wiped his mouth and said: "See, mon, it worked." "Yes," was the reply, "but oh! what a risk!" Philadelphia Record. Ths Throne ef Thunder. Mungo Mam Lobeh, the thrMone, or place of thunder, as the natives call It the peak of Kameruns, as the whites call it, is the highest point on the west ern side of the African continent. The flrst view the voyager gets of it who, coming from the. northward, has been coasting for weks along low shores and up the stagnant rivers, fringed with mangrove swamp, is a thing no man can ever forget. Suddenly, right up but of the sea. the great mountain rises io its 13,760 feet, while close at hand, to westward .towers the lovely island mass of Fernando Po to its 10.190 feet and great as is its first charm, every time you see it it be comes greater, although it is never the same. Five times I have been in the beautiful bay at its foot and have never seen it twic alike. Sometimes it is wreathed with indigo black tornado clouds, sometimes standing out hard and clear, as though made of metal, and sometimes softly gorgeous, with green, gold, purple and pink vapors tinted by the sunset. London Mail. A Trying Reform. A Presbyterian clergyman of New" York with two popular daughters has discovered a new way to end the vis its of their bsaus at a seemly hour, a plan which might appeal to -lay fami lies ss well. For a number of years it has been a custom of this good man to hold evening worship after supper, always concluding the prayers with a rhort discourse. Things went very well until the daughters began to re ceive the attentions of young men and begged off or stole away to make their evening toilets. Then the minister changed the devotional hour until 19 in the evening. This reform created an upheaval, but the father insisted, and at the stroke of 10 the visiting young men are now left one alternative either to leave or join with the fami ly in prayer and it has proved a se vere test of their devotion for the daughters when those not prayerfully inclined stick it out sermon and all. New York World. Glandular Swellings, Here is a remedy for goiter glandular swellings: Glycerinated dine lotion iodide of potasslm. drams; distilled water, oae plat; glyc erine (pare), oae ounce. Dissolve the iodide ia the water, thea add the glyc erine. Apply with antiseptic gai fine liaea. thnaoaU eoshurs in his pocket, h? sa cared to save ate any. He (easing November '-: .HV-J -M ;- 3a m i ji - i 121 m l . i-t c-r " :,-, r,j-j :?vR-5fc-.5s L.V. . . 3&uTa& . - . -.i stftieifSi? .v.fraftdatussl Aft ! .v. - &&?;24 .st :, - - .& .v Ju'-vtM