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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1906)
-. lenaTY w , -r 1 mmamVi-Ii ."".V - mmmamummBmmmimmmr mmmimmm mmmmv smmmmmm. CASH STORE Qroocls 'Jr' 74. wi -Ticsotv ax :.!"..; , ...Trtrtr to6 TWte YoU-flEED GOODTHIflGS mints uHfin yoo get XHtRE: LooK SWELL IT ". " t .1. . v VOIHT C051 riUCHAOl . : ; BUSTER BKOWiN., Ift ' r ' "l -. ; j K . No. br.: ' - .sV-"T-- coKP.Jht ton. .Hywr-lhnTfR Hivnul e :vxtOTto3-S6te WHEN YOU ;-TItAVEL7:WifDEiiWHENr-yot MEET-NICE PEO &mJttO &: UKZ .TO . CHANGE'-' 'i'TM-""3i6'VoMAN7-rQR HER HU,SfeANi.,5' -SAKE .:CA:NrFFoKfcfejto: LOOK', ATTRACTIVE. r LofitSl:k:AKLMo?i:E-: UboK- ATTRACTIVE. IF "Ybtt'-febr YOVR iJS- :.AKV!sbVEflW,-SY"iREJrNfi.UP WHEN HE 1-5 .:NaTv"ExECT.wi "y6u;to: A YoUNG WOMAN .VHEFP6Kx-A;TCIP--ir.-.iSHE VUHE.5 TO MAKE MfEN'i" NoTvUNJIL YOU- -SEE THEM- CAN YbU ;. coytoTVtfdwVM .need, per- WhaPsS YOU .WlLfedMETo oiR -STORE AND GET :'7rtV5MTIbNi$;;if.HISM"i'600l TIME &ECA.V5E ":WE ARE-' MbINd aoUT CHEAPLY . JUST; THE S-THrNfiSb"u--'NEEb:ifHii. u; THE-MONTH. FOR AKiOijkyAfySTbm.- WE AREJ.U.RE "yom-DGARE Foit.b:MEpFtHEJE THINGS MORE Vli:KAN : Y-OU ,:)o;'FbR; YOUR :MoNEY; 1. . ,- J ... jr . -'--;'-ffV "TicautffiiVn.cek-riWois " .' v-" . -'"-'"".'. ! "V:.""V"."v" -MjnilW-or'c'nccjCw'ear at iSc:""'. '"- " :.';--, . .V" "- '" . ' -. " !;. -.;- - ' i?jocial-priccJi on: towels.---V'"- '" :- 'W.Wjg hav&a -lotvof sliirfeVwaists bi one or two :"- 'stleW 61 a ihia ibueiiithe lot we can give ypu ! V any. sizet 'All ;is; season's series: and in good r-V At':l: : CWisonvhitc.Uwn siirt.Waist3woVth.1.00, 1.25,. will close MHMBBHH 1 wSS35 1 thCin out at ""t6T ig..lCi.iMstsiy'bciiUtifuriinVo styles worth S1.39 ' -- ' ' - -ViYil Sl.iiOio close 'on t'-at-. "---'.. -V T; .- -98c. '"'i-Or'a' "Consists of ncW "shirt aiste.-lacc trimmed, very. beautiful styles VLW ...v?" .worth 81.90, 82.00"and 2.25 will close tliese out at. . .-. . .81.29. Bl fb h IBV HAND' MADC;' iVt .us.-, liuihl ymi;oii.e.i:Wc". put.iioiluii butthq very hret.. .HiatVriafap.'l workiuai-liit1n.- .. them'. 1 The- price " js". rL- : " ' ". ' ,"--': ''. ' FAlHl KKSV iri.Hg:m your : tools .aiul--iiiijleneijts.-1." W ; -sliarpeireil :uillrenrat ."v. -It-will."-.liue..heii::. ' Ulie"sVnig-iOHeu.s.irp; : - We keep nly-thftrLateBt,TRiid.. ' AllKiBilnof-'". .To Republicans. "-.jfe are anxious to have every . re,- pablican in clsee touch, and working in harmony "w.ith the Republican JSa-'Hanal-'Conremidnal .Committee . in iavbr of, the election of - republican congierer -' .The congreBSional Jbased oh the Administrative and legis lative "record of .the party, and, "that beiaic so, Theodore- KooKevelt'B per Moaalt must-be a centrrl figure and hV. achievements a.ceutral thought in the. oMBpaign:- .'.- - .-.,". . ".We desire to maintain, the .work of this. campaign with popular , subscript m of one dollar- each from republic ciias ". To " each subscriber .. we'.'rill send the Bepublican .Natlopil-'Text Book aad.all doctaments issued .by.-tne committee.-: ."" "'" .Help as achieve a great victor y ;". .James Jb. Shermaa,: chairman;. ; ;-" . -p;:d.:Box26(w;'riJijW.Ycark:".; ..Farm heirts , ; -MtolOnfllcseslioes stick and-. dpji't.lame 5ur:Uorp-"trjr.t'e'ni . LOUIS $(DHREIBER: Mark T. MoMaboa. feiiiirt. . . r Fresh Thuft -Mlpt; .' . ' . Ttaittt'th -oalT ktad:.ire -ktfp.. Evetythtag ewf- taw. !.. yw ; d freak at the Wew Groeejcy.-Try am etder. . . .. , n rmmt Vina dasjF'waist Bbobw ismmnfactuiwii Piaaa'Sale . Centmiied " Ma Week After Jaw 31. ' : Haviag aoldthrpiaaos- during oaf firit two.days, and '.'.being. ;eneouriiged. by4he-large "iaterest. " shownMn this mai'. weave'deeided' to-contiiiae.the sale.oae week loager. extenaiag it nu Aagmsi' x.- This if the tim of . all times' to bav-'a piaao" cheap. .' Remem- ber.ytm get factory pn,oes, saving you from 754o-lS0.oi ah iassseat and hare a home.niaa to ..stand . back of every'.gaaraatoe. . . ' . ; : - TheAaditoriam.MmiicOo:, .... .'-. R.-W. Saiey, Mgr.. " Harriet fet ;tatj'Rti.;..';.'.'' Try a Joaraal "want adn if. -you have aytfcmT.teByoraU.. Dr. Paul, dentiflt. Dr. Campbell, Dentist. Herrick for faraitare. Haaimocks Smow'r. Try our Bex Lump Coal f 7 at the yard. P.D.SmthOo. BothtoLNa& A daughter was bom last 8aaday to Mr. aadMrs. W. J. Eastman three miles east of Oolambaa. Fly' Nets'- at c4t at Rvsehe's Elevesth street; 13t4 .Bev.Ulmer left-Moaday -moraiag for Fairbary- to spead: ; few weeks with big relatives, who live oa m farm near there.- LOST: Sorrel male., 'bald' face weight about .UOO with .halter rope ok. Anv person fimliag male' w'iU. aotify. .SimKhvich. Oolambas, Neb., 13th St y ; . . . ' itp... MiM Mar jorie Williams a "teacher in the high school at Bocaester. lad. .''hi a guest .for one week, ot Miss .Pauline. Bucher. .Miss Mary Kipple .retaraed '-last eevening from a four weeks' -visit in Carlton, Mo., with her eister Mra W.' W. Ogden and friends. B. L. Styles and B. T. Wilson of St. Edward spent 'last night in Co lumbus on their '.way west to look at western. hind.. ... - ;-..- Mrs. J. B. Grace of Ogden waa-a guest Tuesday of the Misses lender pon of this city. She was a school mate of 'Miss Henderson.- -- 'Mrs. .O. T. Boen and daaghters, M i'ssqsie and Esther - and -son - Paul left yesterday-to. spend one month on the Minnesota lakes: Mr. Boen -will' join his' family there August 1. - Mrs. Sarah Brindley will build a house on her lots on West Thirteenth street this .fall. . Grandmother Brind ley and the Hisses-Amy and Martha Galley of Creighton will, live with her. ..TOKBENT:A furniseed eight room house. in good location. - Inquire Jour nal. "' - ltp - The large number of people from Polk county who are. trading at Co lumbus stores this -summer remind old settlers of the earlier days when Polk county people had no other' place to trade' and had to ford '-the -.Loup and 'Platte to get here." WANTED: frnnnglndyjihlc to speak' flormartlo net as Saleswoman. Call at CoUunliufi Bargain Store llth Street. - Rev. G H- Hilmer who resides on Columbus Ronte 4, is expeeted home next Saturday in company- with' his bride. He was married on July 15th to Miss Mary Vanslo ox Springfield, III. He has accepted a call to a parish in Breckinridge. Okla., where he- will go after a few weeks visit at home. .WAT UP is used by all who desire a fine nnality of patent flour. The Co- iumbns roller mills makes it. . W. M. Kern, president of the North Dakota Manual - Taining School at Ellendale. Horth Dakota made a fly ing, visit to Columbus .last Saturday and Sunday. He was on his way to David City to conduct the Butler county teachers institute-of one week. Mr. Kern is .in excellent health and likes his work. . He -has hosts of friends in Columbus who were hot satisfied with his short visit here.' Coal and baled hay- awlays on top at Newman &; Welch. tf " A number of Columbus teachers who have spent the summer in the . state normal school at Peru are expected home tomorrow. night --Among them are Mrs. Martha watte. Mrs. ion Thompson, Miss Lida Taraer.. teach ers in the city schools,, and Miss Mar gureite Naaraan, who has a position for next year at Ionp pity.-Miss Bena: Turner who .will" teach" the. Lisco ejbool and Miss Luers. . -Miss' Jacob son urilLgo fromlPara for a short visit at her borne in Oaawa, la., and Miss Anna Oogil will stady one-year long er at'Peru. - ."-. , - ' " Casein's market for fresh-meats. " .' Robert F; Cown.a bridge. inspector on the Union Pacific whose - home is tnis city was killed yesterday at Ros tjoe. a small station neer.Ogalalla, by a blow .onbis head -from a part, of the' railroad velocipede which he was; us ing in' his work. Mr. Gown had gone out to inspect a bridge and upon the approach of train Number 8 stopped' and started to remove the velocipede off the track Seeing that he was too late he' started for the ditch.'. Bat the train struck the velocipede '- and threw "it from the tracki a 'part of it Btiiking .Oown .on'.- the - head, . killing. him innwntly. -Robert Gown -.was flf ty seven-years'; old and leaves a" wife and adopteii son. He. moved-tor Co-' lumbas.last fall and on June: was pro .moteiito the .foeition of- bridge in-; spector.?" Hewas a member of .the ma sonic onler which will take bis. .body in chargtvnppn it arrival -.hen today. -; ' Royal Hawaiian Bapd. '.--.:-. . -i'he faraoM:Royal vHawamn: Band .will appear at the Omaha.' Auditorium all of next week; July 23 to 28. every: teraooaaad.. evening' This isrthe mcaniq'.aad wonderialvmafdcal organization in the'woild. '.The !baad coaUias iilxtjF manciiias,- ioid tkeyaot' only play ail sorts of iamrummts .'bat .thev sing' beaatifaly aad;tk exquisite .'charm and metody of their, songs "far- nish a novel attraetiw feattreof this': ntotiametjCJ';V y.K-, ' There is' a glee club, a stringed- or: -chestra,' baa jo,' mandolin' ad gaimir clubs aadd a fall military, band, bi thifi: great -'organisation.'- They." also; have several vary fine solo siagert-aad .they ' nadeY elasssical and f.'popalar maaio as weli'aa. their' 6wn -fasaoas airs and "halaVaoag.. ''. ' '. Paces' will be 25r 55,aad-50 eeat. . . A jrery eathaaiaatic js aaVnred for this haad at Dr. J. W. Term OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN Best Eaiiaeet Oatical Oflieea la The West in the front rooms over Pollock &'Co.'s Drag Store. Will be in Columbus .offices Sunday , on day, Tuesday and Wednesday of 'each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired.. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE Dr. Campbell-Dentist ' " . Try a game at Maloney's.- George Higgles of Schuyler was in the oity 'Sunday evening.- - - . Bev. Munro'anaonaces as themes.' for-next 8unday': Morning, "The Test of Time and.the'TeBtof.Oharao-' ter. " Evening, "Do One' Thing. " Mr.-and Mrs: Fred.Hoare of Platte Center came to Oolambas Tuesday to meet Miss Agnes Quirk of Laramie who will be their guest.: for a few weeks. bassin solicits your, meat tradeV Herman Luedtke of-.Oreston Is in the city today displaying a badly burned hand' the result of a flashlight picture which he took of Mr. and Mrs. Earl'S. Weaver in Oreston a few nights ago. Dr. H. G.-Lueschen has written Oo lumbua friends that he was on board the- Perens when it oollided with the Thomas Patten near Governor's Island N. Y..' last week. The doctor was not among the panic stricken ones who jumped overboard, but he describes the experience as terrible, and savB that in the future he will go to Coney Island by rail. At the Platte County Prohibition convention whioh met in Platte Cen ter on July-lOtb, the following named delegates totha state convention to be held in Lincoln. Jnly 31, were chosen : E. J. Umer. P. L 'B"rtback itah, Ligntner. E. A. Gerrard, W. J. Kel ov. Prof. Alcork; J. T. F. EeUey. H. Hockenberger. Alternates: Thee. Thomazin, W. Edwards. J. E. Ere kme. .H. Hobbensiefken. J. Hart, O. O. Hickock. and C. J. Scott. Smoke the Lumo n cent oigar. The Journal cannot quote Colum bus markets this week for the , reason that Columbus grain dealers refuse to give' the markets. Their reason is that markets are changing so rapidly that-the' market today would not be the market tomorrow. . And that to publish them,- places Columbus at a disadvantage with dealers in other tnwnR Thev insist ' that ' they will pay the very highest, possible price. The case of the state against George F. Henggeler for obstructing what is called the Boettcher road has - been appealed to the Distriot court. In Justice-. O'Brien's court". HengeUer was fined $3 and costs. .. Smoke the Lumo 9 cent cigar. - Little Mary Benham the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Benham of this oity. died at seven o'clock, hut night of Bright's disease. shA had- nnffarad for several moaths from catarrhal lever and rheumatism' and did.'not have 'sufficient strength to battle off the new disease. The blow, comes with especial force to. Mrs. Benham whose mother died only a few weeks ago. - The funeral will be held from the Benham home on. .West Fourteenth street' some"- time Friday. The' hour has not been set as the funeral-Will await:the arrival' of Mrs. Benham's father.. AY' O. -Samp. tion and her ' toother Boy Samplion irbm-Saliha; Kan: '.".: ': ii ' . " v-- Jew Books. The . following-, is a list of, the new books received and placed on the shelves of .the Columbus public library; Captaia Iiliaa ia Treat!. Friends of J. N. Kiliaa in Platte ooaaty wiU be interested in the fol lowiag item which appeared last aight in the LlacoJa Star: Captain J. N. Kiliaa of the regalar army, formerly adjataat general of' Nebraska and a member of taefamour "Fighting First" Nebraska ia the Philippines, has been arrested for ling a woman in San Fancisco upon trial was convicted. It that he used too mach force ia removing Mrs. Maud Browa. a refugee, from a liae of "people re recieviag flour fo the relief commit tee. The San Fanoisoo Examiaer,' ia describing the' case, says: "Captain J. N. Killan, United States army, was yesterday aaoraiag found guilty of striking a womaa. He was convicted of battery by Polios Judge Gonlan, who, .after hearing the testimony in the ease, decided that' the army officer and relief . worker used unnecessary force in removing Mrs:. Maud Brown, a refugee residing' in Jefferson square, from a flour liae before the Moulder school warehouse',; which is in comaurafof the convicted- ' , " Captain. Kiliah's friends are urg ing :him to appeal the case. That he will do so is considered' probable, for under the army regulations, a toldier oonvicted in civil. courts must submit so a 'court trial. "He has the .support of the -relief commission to - a-' man.. Dr... Edward T. Devine.'' chairman Of that-body,, declared yesterday that Kilian's. "con viction was a 'travesty of justice'. He also' announced that if the captain -will appeal the ease, the members of tbe relief commission will personally' subscribe funds to meet his attorney's !fee and the other charges of the' ac tion. Captain Killan is well known in .Ne braska. As editor, lawyer and county' jadge at Columbus of prior to the Spanish-American war, he was pro minent in .that section of the state. Then he went to .the Philippines aa captain of the Columbus company in the First Nebraska', had a brilliant fighting record in Luzon, and came home as major of his regiment. When the resiment was reorganized attar-its return, Kilian became the colonel, and when Dietrich was elect ed gbrveriior, Kiiian became his ad jutant general, and so his statewide acquaintance 'became greatly iaoreas--ed. He resigned the 'position of ad jutant general of Nebraska to .become captain in the'eommissary department of the regular army. In the course of his duties fn thut position he has been engaged in , the same work at San Francisco. All for the Love "of a Lady Cardigan '. Conniston - --".'-. . Dawn of a Tomorrow Fenwick's Career -,; :in our Town- "..--'" If YouthtBut Knew .-, Jan Vedder's We " Lady-of the. Decoration Lady, in Waiting Lady Baltimore. Lane Chambers ChurohiU -'Burnett Ward ' -Whito ."' Castle -: Bar Little ::.. Savage' Wister Little Stories ofMarried Life. Catting Merry Anne . ' ..Jlerviri Nancy Stair. -,-,. '--.;. McCartnv bldchester Tales" " .- -"r Debind Silas. Strong."' -.r V . Bacheller' Uncle Williams'--.. . '"--.'- '-I ;"-: -Lee "Van Bibber'and Others . ":".. Davis Way of the Gods ' ' - -. ''4;Lona; '". "'.".. ""'.-. Juvenile.': .'.." . - ." Among the Gamps ' ..' X " -:Page': Bi'oirrahpy of"a''Qrizzly'7'"-.; -. ' '"Seton; Rnv-RfBivrAtifta '.--.- RmnkN GranumotherTB Story of .'BnnkerhiUV " .- .- . - .- TTiiIm. In the Days of Alfred,. the Great New-MexiooDiaviu.... . '-:.' - - ..'Lamia Pilgrima progress, '.. v.-'Banyaa .One Summer in Leslie Goldthwait'a -' :-'.Life. . .--.p ..-' . ":. . "r . .WhitBej Rose and the Ring .'"'. 'J. Thacker. Wizzard'ofO..'..'r-,:i--":y; " Beam ..:; :': Literatare.' ':.:"-'. Wayside Talks . ." :' :. ;':?. . Wagaer Journal ads bring results. The democratic primaries which were held in- Platte county Monday night' resulted in an overwhelming Berge victory, most of the delega tioas being instructed .for him, al though MoKillip, Howard, Phillipps and Speice and many other machine leaders, were . said to be against' Berge and for Hall. ' The defeated heroes are expected to get into the band-wagon and be good until they get their turn at the bat. There are four democratic candidates for the nomination for county attorney "Au gust Wagner, -Judge W, N.Hensley. -tonis Lightner and L. B. Latham. -No inferences can be made from- the. delegations chosen as to which will win oat in the-convention. A. .pretty fight in. convention is expected this' afternoon, nit only- on county attor- ny but on a question of Instructing "for Berge. The '.Hall leaders have abandoned their first hope of instrnct ingNfor Hall and even .concede practi cally unanimous victory for Berge,, and their whole strength is being cen tered against - giving an insturction for Berge They realize that the de mocratic, machine has .been - given a severe jolt from .which the republi-. caa party, -so-close to complete vic tory last fall, is likely to gain enough strength to win out' next" fall. ' Mean- while republics- prospects were never brighter: -The thinking young men of the oonntv .like Boosevelt.. .They believe in the principles for whioh the xepablicn- party has fought in the nnnntv'aiui thev are onnosed to., the practices of the democratic machine' which has been . in control -here for yeare-V The. discordant elements in will be working hand in hand. after the oounty conven tion,' and .if, convention nominations are.wise, there will bo a larger repu blican vote cast in Platte county, this fall than. there-was-Iait. '.Dr. ; b.-T.-.Martyn, jr.-.Y office new Oolarabtts State Bank bnilding, .-". A.-.Totaripn has-just completed ." the wntini of a four, act .drama dedicat-. ed -to" .'the order of' Modern ''Woodman. It is entitied' " A'. Woodman ;Volun-. teer.'.r and:contai'ns-tontdmraclersin-:-aim. '.' iriah Woodman', and an old line', life ' iosarah'ce agent. -The history i's interesting and will donbt- less. make-, a Jhit..- witn-- wooonw: ibgdeathroaghdntthe'-ooaa .' """Dri'W.: H. SlaterV-veteHnah'aii','- phone to. '.V-' '- -yrv- :: 'J-.l : '.:. HENRY RAGATZ & COMPANY 6MCEMES, CMKEIY, LASTS AM tMSWME We have a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES . We handle only the .very best brands in COFFEE AND TEA . . We can please you. All ' -' Grades of Flour, the best r Cider- Vinegar, Strictly " Pure Spices. For the . ... Sumnier Season we have WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE "r; -. . . ' 7 . ;A :Ifelhtiul Beverage. . :.:..: We are Headquarters " for Fresh Fruits; and . Vegetables, ":-:'.'f- ' A Large Stock of Nov-".. . eltiesin t.y"-'K CHINA and GLASS Prices1 .Always. Right We Respectfdlly Solicit alShare oi your Trade. j I HENRY RA6ATZ & COMPANY I limna PktM 29. Hefl PImms 29 sm 229. I mm " uml When You are Going to Erect a Monument' .or Marker at the. Grave; of Your "Lost Ones ....Remember That The... . . American Granite & Marble Works Of Columbus, Nebraska . , . - Will do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will NoBe Undersold by Anyone. "- Give us a Call Before PlacingYpiir. Order. No Order . too Large or too Small for us; to Handle. E. BERGMAN, Proprittor siiaaWaSiMii sfc sa H for some Specials in Chamber Fuimture and an Extra Nice Line of Dining Furniture. Good things at Moderate .--'-- ..-'"-."-. Prices. . s - ...... - - . ... Bring your pictures to us to be framed. ERRICK BOTH PHONES s UNDERTAKING "rwwrwv1 br: C. A.- Swanson V; .. f ..." '.I "-. : '. VeterinarianT- Iafiim'ary.';aVBrowner Barn, 13th .Street. . . falasaaae Snav - .kavmawlSf ' Jvlalt. ?i. J. D.0T1KK0. .QUm IadfbBAFXi. . j .' .. j . . ...... -. varriagv xiauux;.- ... "-t-:If.'ybnr'old.buggy. needs -paint, nriqg it tp H, St. Armstrong, .Corambua, '.lieb.- tTA-nH'iriv von tHt hrt wrirk at" thfi lowepHcea. .,.:.:....( V.r ,1- tl"1 H. a Armatroair. " ik-WD.C. - ..... UaLBnaW. id Olive St, Oolambaa, Neb.. ' ' va- . " -" ADVERTISEMENT FO 'fBDEKAL BUltlV -....; "...v.- "ING-SITE.''. ' .' TBflSCBT PltPABTintST,- '.."" "'.'- j '' .:' -OtSctiotibmSiecretm, ' .-"''. ."": . " WAsn'motoR .'D.'C;. Jnly" 7.'190B. lltdpoSAL8 ttnMwSLS"h" 3dii-?r I r, So'clnfk AognBt.7. J. for thefwle to the United aiy w a- i"" Zt'i-illie: mmli-nnvraieBtly located; for 'the FWnu-.bailiU- Klnit to beerecteil ia tolnmban.. Neh.- - A-eoraw" KacK nropoeal mt-M sccorapinil hj.a tlw- Irtn awl alleys, the rade& anil .the. character OI IOHBOWJOU8 iwuuuiunc, -. w- V""V h l.n.l mint tn niAoml .b( thtt. ' .'-w;k;B thirHr rfT after written notice. .i h&-vMinnr -Bnau oby -ail uvrwn cuii- .i- rStk faniiidiisff nriifenc " of :title mA Hank of coBverancA. The' ruiht - to re- t...PTJ5 Tf?--. & Isaldaftom Cnln run Aamaaacnv 1ITECT). -Wash- ftiUrneH : ai : Law of fir foartk' doer ah. CQIUMRDa. . aKBaaBBA. w.hobart: Attorney - at -Law Rooms 10 and' 11. New Cdrambna State - - - . - -. " '',' ''' -". BanfcBuildiriif.;; ; "- '.'.l m ; & XQAKLQW : A.ttoriey -.t.r;'L'a.w OldfttatofiaaHldc. JIMS PLACE . COLUKBU8.-NKBK.1 2JSt T savrv Jthe beat of 'iamyimew'Tae driamagB4R- .hewuvMedtoeomaia aadaac Ia flSTaaltta Street inquire of Hertiek. -: Dr.O. eV. Alleabarger, o fiee'tai State Baak balWlag. ; '.The Jouraai. waate -all' the aewa.lM or write it ia. " -. I DrTaOiar, MavlM I w- -Tamv- -1 Ag.' lzz L .J tSl 5 &mrs?- & . A'-. --r J