The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 14, 1906, Image 5

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- .- - -- -
W :
Arriving Every Day. A
Glance Over the New
Spring Styles and you
will acknowledge that
tKey get more beautiful
every season. We show
today New Spring Dress
Goods New Spring Suits,
New Spring Jackets, New
Spring Skirts,NewSpring
Waists, New Silk Petti
coats, New Mercerized
Black Petticoats.
10 inch Fancy Silks at . . 35c
2000 yards of Fancy and Plain Silks at
exceptionally low prices
65c Fancy Silks at . . 45c
75c Fancy Silks at . . 59c
Winsted Silks, pure silk,guaranteed at 50c
$1.25 Chiffon Taffeta, all colors, at . 89c
We are agents for the "Moneybac" Silks
15 Codts, worth up to $12, at
Ladies' Suits, worth $15, at
Attend Our "Muslin jlihwur )V
It is to Your Interest
Attorney - at - Law!
Zinnecker H Ki;;, Oolumbu-, Xeh.
Sheldon Ranche
(on the Island)
3 1-2 miles South of Columbus, on
Beginning at 10 O'clock, a.m.
To close partnership we will offer at Public
Auction, without reserve, the fol
lowing property, to-wit:
1 black Imrso 7 yrs old, 14501ls
1 grav horft'f yrs old, lo0tbs
1 bav hoio S yrs old. loOOlbg
1 grav horse o yrs old, 1 (JOOlbs
1 black mare weight loOOlbs
41 head high grade -Shorthorn
cows with calves at foot or
with call"
20 head high grade yearlings
half steers and half heifers
40 Duroc Jersey brood sows.
bred to registered Duroc .ler-
sev boar
1 rentered Duroc .len-ey boar
10 head of shoats
3 lumber wagons
1 McC'orniick niuder. nearly new
TERMS 810 orunder cash: above that amount 10 months will
be given on bankable paper at S percent.
Col. Bruce Webb. Auctioneer. SHELDON & ANDERSON
Attorney - at - Law,
Rooms 10 and 11 New Columbus State
Bank Building.
1 McCormick mower
1 hay rake
I Dane hay sweep
1 Slide stacker, complete
1 18 inch 8 ft. disc
1 o section steel harrow
1 End Gate seeder
2 10 inch walking plows
3 New Departure cultivators
2o tons each of loose hay and
baled hay
1 combined lister
1 corn planter
1 feed grinder
1 heatiug stove
1 steel range
1 washing machine
Office with Dr. Lueschen
Arnold's Old Stand
Teeth Painlessly Extracted
Crown and Bridge Work
Gold, Silver and Cement
Examination and Estimates
Free of Charge
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Journal ada bring results.
Dr. Mark T. McMahoa. dentist
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Prof. Sike, teacher fnusic. Barber bldg.
Get your shoes .shined at Park Bar
er shop. tf
Guaranteed watch repairing by 11th
St. Jeweler. tf
New line of ladies collars and neck
wear at Galley's.
" Mr. and Mrs. J. B. North spent
Thursday in Omaha.
Dr. W. S. Evans was in St. Edward
last Thursday on business.
If yonr eyes, ears, nose or throat give
you trouble see Dr. Lueschen.
Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., office new
Oolnmbns State Bank bnilding.
Boys, buy your cigars and candy at
Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf
Mrs. Oscar Burns gave a Kensing
ton nartr at her home last Friday
FOR SALE : A second hand piano,
almost new. Inquire Journal office.
Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Martyn enter
tained the Whist Olub Monday night.
Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr.
Lneschen, Arnold's old stand. Olive st.
Try onr Rex Lump Coal $7 at the
yard. P. D. Smith Co. Both tel. No. 8.
Children's stationery at Buschman's.
Something new. None like it in
town. 2t
Get the habit of buying your candy
at Poesch's. Bargain prices every
Saturday. 2t
Mrs. Gastyre of Loup City visited
her daughter in St. Francis Academy
over Sunday.
Our Blend coal is still the best $5.50
stove coal on the market. Telephone
74 Weaver & Son.
Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Evans left today
for Fairbury to attend the Jenkins
Crooks wedding, February 14
Charles A. Speice was taken serious
ly ill Thursday about midnight and
as yet is not considered out of danger.
If yon want a tionr with all the nu
tritious pari of the wheat buy GOLD
DUST made by Colombo roller mills.
Mesdames Robinson and Chambers
went to Lincoln to be sneBts of honor
today at a dinner party at the home
of Mrs. S'oney.
Mr. Raney and Mrs. RasmuEeen
entertained the club at Mrs. Rasmus
sens Friday night. Mrs. Elliott and
Dr. Campbell won the prizes.
Mtso Eloise Roen and Nellie Evans
left Saturday for Fairbury wnere they
will be brides-maides at the Jenkins
Crook's wedding, Febuary 14th.
A. Anderson left Thursday night
for Denver where he will meet his
brother, Peter Anderson, who will go
with him oc a trip of one month to
California, the new southern states
and old Mexico.
Sheldon and Anderson are advertis
ing a big sale on the Sheldon "island
ranoh" next week. They will sell
every hoof and article of every kind
and re-equip the ranch from the bot
tom up for Mr. Lindsley the new
tenant. It is announced that every
thing will go without reserve, how
ever low the price
Mrs. O. C. Gray and Mrs. A. M.
Gray entertained seventy-five guests
at five o'olook tea Friday afternoon.
The house was beaatifaly decorated
with ferns and flowers. The guests
were seated at small tables. Hearts
were the place cards and each guest
hunted her seat. Two courses were
served and daring the tea papors and
pencils were passed and each one was
to make as many words out of the
word 'St. Valentine" as possible.
Miss Effie White was awarded a bouil
lon cup and saucer as a pri2e. Arthur
Gray, Jr. opened the door for the
guests and Mesdames Sullivan. Robin
son ana Howard assisted in serving.
The law suit which has been pending
for several months, between the Platte
County Indepenpent Telephone com
pany and the Leigh Independent Tele
phone company came tc an ending this
week, and every point was in favor of
the Leigh company. A letter from the
attorneys to H. P. Bnhman, the local
manager states that Judge Reeder ba-1
dissolved the temporary injunctions ami
all costs were taxed to the Platte county j
people. This injnnction was secured
last fall to keep the Leigh Telephone
company from severing their connections
with the Platte Chunty Independent
Telephone company. Judge Reeders
decision leaves the company entirely
free to do as it chooses ic the matter.
Manager Bub man says that steps are
being taken to make the change and by
the first of March the local company
will have long distance connectious.
Leigh World.
G. R. Preib, painting and paper
hanging , dwtf
" Last week of big clearance hale at
The Journal want all the news.
Phone or write it in.
Mrs. Humphrey of Monroe is a
guest of Mrs. D. T. Martyn this week.
A good stcok of glass ware and
queensware at low prices at Seth
FOR SALE: Fresh brome grass seed.
Wtn. Hot-felman. Grand Prairie. K. 1.
PlatteCenter. Nblir. 4 tp
We do not sell any cheap sooty coxl.
Any coal you buy from us will lie clean.
Telephone 74 Weaver & Son.
Hugs made or old caipets by
Columbus Rug Factory. 211,
Uth street, Columbus. Nebr.
We Iihvo ihe only genuine Maillaml
(Round for matin!:) coal. Look at sam
ples in onr window n. Telephone 74.
Weuver & s$in.
WANTED Good woman for general
housework on the farm. On to cook for
Good wages. -J. W. 8. Leigh, Neb.,
RF. D. No 1. 3t
FOR SALE: -One of the best farms
in Howard comity, fifty dollars an acre.
For particulars write, H. .1. Dixon
Springview. Neb.
Mrs E. H. Chambers expeots to
meet Mrs. C. D Evans at Lincoln on
Wednesday and go on to Fairbury to
attend the Jenkins-Crooks wedding.
A little more than your monthly
rent, will, by the aid of The Equit
able Building, Loan & Sayings Asso
ciation, pay for a home for yourself.
FOR SALE 40 acres of good farm
land two and one-half miles northeas
of Col umbos. 860 per acre if taken soon.
Inquire of E. H. Naumann, Columbus,
Neb. 36-tf
Leave vour laundry at the Hark
barber shop Basket leaves Tuesday
evening, returns Saturday morning.
Agent for Nonpareil Laundry, Omaha
WANTED. Bright, honest young
man from Oolnmbns, Neb., to prepare
for paying prsition in Government
Mail Service. Fox one. Cedar Rap
ids, la. . 8t
R. S. Palmer, the tailor, cleans,
dyes and repairs ladies, and gen'ts
clothing. Hats cleaned and reblocked.
Agent for Germania steam dye works.
Olive St. Between 12th and 13th St.
Everybody is satisfied with Shell
Creek Valley Pride flour made by
Peter Scbiritt. the German miller. If
you haven't tried ir, now is the right
time to begin. tf
Pnre bred R C. B. Leghorns, won
third pen at Platte County Poultry show.
Fine cockerels for sale at $1 each. Mrs
Roy Clark, R. F. D. No. 3, St Edward
Nebraska. Neb. Telephone Q 90. 45 5t
Newman & Welch watched the
ground hog last Friday and ordered
enough coal to last everbyody in Co
lumbus over the next six weeks' of
winter. Their coal is clean and their
priceB right.
Mi. and Mrs. J. G. Reeder and Mr.
and Mrs. Benham entertained the
Evening Enchre club at the home of
the former on Thursday evening. A
three course dinner was served. The
prizes were won by Mr. J. B. Geitzen
Mrs. C. D. Evans, Miss Fannie Ge?r,
and Mrs. J. G. Sullivan.
WANTED : Information as to the
addrebs of James Burns, or heire if
dead. His address was Platte county
about 1872, and be served in the Uni
ted States Marine Corps in the civil
war. Small recovery can probably be
made. Address Harvey Spalding &
Sons, Wa&bngton. D. C. 2t.
Henry C. Hooker, whs on Monday
officially appointed postmaster at Leigh,
vice G. W. Kibler, resigned. This set
tles the post office question here for the
present at least. Mr. Hooker will take
charge of the office as soon as be is re
lei ved as rural carrier on routo No 1,
and his commission arrives. Leigh
Anvone desiring to see how cement
blocks look in a bnilding can now take
observations, as Ernst Scott is erect
ing a neat dwelling of this material
25x38 feet one story, at the corner of
Nineteenth and Olive streets at a cost
of about $1,400 whioh, when complet
ed, will make a very neat and com
fortable dwelling.
Charlie and Edward Anderson sola
their 160 acre farm near Lindsay last
week for a little more tnau $75 an
acre, and Tuesday they bought the
August Anderson half section six
miles northeast of St. Edward for a
consideration of $18,000. The Ander
son brothers will immediately com
mence the erection of a second set of
farm buildingsm thiB place, and will
occupy the farm within the next
month. Boone County Ad vanoe.
Dr. J. W. Term
BVst Equipped Optical Offices
la The West
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
Have you one?
No? Then take it
to the McAllister'
Studio Mini
It will he prized
in aftr yeais. It
is n cievtr torn
that's required to
tnlr baby picture
riubt. t'be knack
is otir's, and the
picture will he
yours soon after
sitting. Bring it
in now. It will
never be prettier.
McAllister Studio
Col umbos. Nebr.
Over Phillipps Stort-
Dr E. H. Namman, Dentist. 18th St
Special prices on silk ribbons as
Dr. O. A Allenburger, oftioeinnew
State Bank building.
Weaver & Sons keep the largest and
best assortment of coal.
Try a Journal "want ad'' if you have
anything to buy or sell.
Leland Waters went to Broken Bow
Sunday to visit his grand parents.
A brand new line of valentines at
Buschman's at lowest price?. 2t
Edgar Howard came up from Fre
mont Monday for a few days.
Dra. Martyn, Evans &, Evans. Con
sultation in German and English.
A fine line of new handpainted
china at Bushman's Racket store.
Hiss Dell Kelso left Monday for
Chicago to bny her spring nillinery.
Dpn't forget that rhis is the last
week of the special clearance sale at
Mrs. O. T. Roen invited a few ladies
in on Monday evening to play Five
Henry Lueschen of Sherman town,
sbip was in the city on business the iirst
of the week.
FOR SALE A set of the Internation
al cyclopedia, 15 volumes, cheap at the
Journal office.
Steve Riob of St. Edward is spend
ing a few days in St. Mary's hospital
taking treatment.
WANTED: Good farm loans at 5
per cent. No commissions, W. L.
May, Omaha, Neb.
It is eoonomy to bny oleau coal.
That is the only kind you can get at
Newman & Welch's.
Carl Froemel the Eleventh Street
jeweler sells the Vict r talking ma
hinc the best on earth.
$6.00 per ton. Our Carney Lump for
beat can't help but please you. Tele
phone 74. Weaver iS: Son.
Mrs. Alfred Palme of St. Edward
arrived vesterday to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Boyd.
WAY UP is used by all who desire a
fine quality of patent flour. The Co
bimbos roller mills makes it.
Excellent seed potatoes for sale.
Early Ohio variety at 75 cents. Don't
wait until spring and pay fl 50. Tur
ner & Jenkins. 1-2
G. M. Bell of St. Edward spent a
few dayB this week with his brother
Press Bell who recentlv nnnerwent an
operation for appendicitis.
We still have a large supply of all
the leading kinds of ooal. Order
enonsrh now to last yon over the cold
weather. Newman & Welch
A turn on the wheel of fortune will
find you well protected if yon have a
pass-book in The Equitable Building,
Loan & Savings Association. 48 2t
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Robinson on
Sunday night entertaind at dinner
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Chambers, Mr
and Mrs. J. G. Reeder and Dr. and
Mrs. C. D. Evans.
Mrs. George Whaley and Mrs.
George Lehman will entertain at
cards and Kensington on Thursday
afternoon at the Thurston parlors in
honor of Miss Wetton of Chicago and
Mrs Williams.
Mrs. Geo. Hills and three children
visited at the Elliott and Hobart homes
from Wednesday till Saturday of last
week. They left Saturday to meet Mr.
Hills and eo with him to Thomas comi
ty, Kansas, where he ban bought a large
Complaint reached the Journal
office this week from a subscriber who
gets his mail over a Duncan rural
route. He says that he frequently
fails to receive the Journal. A large
buncb of Journals is sent to Duncan
and they leave here Thursday so that
they should reach every ubsoriber
The attention of onr readers is called
to the notice in this issue concerning
Citizenship papers. Un-natnralized
Aliens should not neglect to become
citizens before the new stringent law
goes into effect. Persons born outside
of the United States and arriving here
with their parents should apply to the
presidng judge or to the olerk for fur
ther information.
Lincoln's birthday passed unob
served by all the business men in Co
lumbus except Gas Stephan, who had
his large flat; displayed all day. Mr.
Stephan also had the distinction of
reminding the people of Columbus of
Columbus' birthday in the same man
ner a few months ago. It would be
well if the public were caused more
frequently to reflect upon the exalted
life of Abraham Lincoln.
J. H.
505 Eleventh Street,
The Last
Of Our Great
Is rapidly drawing to a close. Have you embraced
this unusual opportunity for replenishing your wardrobe,
your linen closet, or of purchasing some of the many
articles that are always in demand and necessary to the
well being of every household. During this last week we
are making special prices on many articles and feel confi
dent that we can save you money on every purchase.
Following are just a few of the many bargains at
your disposal during the last few days of this sale.
Cloaks and Skirts
All $4.00 Skirts now $3.20
All $5.00 Skirts now 4 00
All $6.00 Skirts now 4.S 0
All $7.50 Skirts now 6.00
All $8.50 Skirts now 6.80
per cent discount on all
Tailor Made Suits & Skirts
Dress Goods
32 in. Fancy Mohair, 20c val. 16c
40 in. fancy, suiting, 35c val. 28c
36 in. ail wool suiting, 40c val. 32c
36 in Granite cloth, 50c value 40c
38 in. Brilliantine, 50c value 40c
40 in. all woOl Granite, 65c-val. 52c
42 in. Sicillian cloth, 75c val. 60c
46 in. Sicilian cloth, $1 value 80c
50 in. Broadhead Worsted in
plain and fancy, $1 25 value $1
FURS Do you want a
to buy. Your choice of any
sale at 20 per cent discount.
J. H.
505 Eleventh Street,
SSL Painting
lain and ornamental Paintlna ot all
Kinds. City or Gouniru.
nil. Tel. 2142. COLUMHUS. NEU
Staple . Fancy- Groceries
It has been our experience in the past that t
people appreciate a good article at a
fair price. We carry a large
stock oi the best grades of
i Flour, Tea,
And Canned Goods, t
We handle the following articles in large quantities for f
Stockmen and Poultrymen....
Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs
We ask a Share ot Your Patronage
Henry Raiatz & Co.,
Nebraska Phiai 29. Phones 29 aid 229.
Mill 1 1 1 111! 1 1 HI U 1 1 II
Columbus, Nebraska
Overcoats c
All ? 5.00 Overcoats at....$ 4.00
All 7 . 50 Overcoats at ... . 6.00
AH 8.50 Overcoats at 6.65
AH 10.00 Overcoats at.... 8.00
All 12.00 Overcoats at.... 9.60
AH 13.50 Overcoats at.... 10.80
AH 15.00 Overcoats atr... 12.00
All 18.00 Oversoats at.... 14.40
All 20.00 Overcoats at.... 16.40
All $ 6.00 Suits at $4.76
AH 7.50 Suits at 6.00
All 8.50 Suits at 6.75
AH 0.00 Suits at 7,20
All 10.00 Suits at 8.00
All 12.50 Suits at 10.80
All 15.00 Suits at 12.00
All 16.50 Suits at 13.20
AH 19.00 Suits at 14.40
Fur Scarf? This is the time
fur scarf or muff during this
Columbus, Nebraska
Notliing but tbe finest
I'oliimlmo. NVbniwka
I, tl
HH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 III in i hm !
iT ijl
"- - ikt' -