The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 04, 1905, Image 3

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    51 J
g7y-'Tf , t"?"' tLMrza act-J sb" "
fMr V'u?s " :t" s ' in'rib-tions of any
i - ii-a- ifar rf.3" of thl oVpart
njnt ma... an t. rts-ril. ana would b?
llafd l" irc' cor tr,ondents dir-
rs. Wuker? or Des
Moines. Iowa
We have received several inquiries
from different parties in the state ask
ing us to suggest a list of fruit adapt
ed for planting in Iowa. So much de
pends upon the soil, drainage, etc..
that it is difficult to cive a list that
vill cover the whole state of Iowa.
"Iowa is such a big state, with so
many variations c( soil and climate
That it is undesirable to offer a list of
ariiHies for general culture. For
those who contemplate planting an or
chard the first consideration is that of
i-oil and site. Some of the best or
chard lands m the state are situated
on the -Missouri river bluffs. The
preparation of the soil is of equal im
portance with the selection of the
-site. Thorough preparation means
not only pulverizing the -round by
crowing some kind of a hoed crop on
i previous to planting the trees, but
a'so means deepening the cultivation
layer by subsoiling.
"In regard to selection of varieties
;nis is a matter that should be con-i-idtred
with especial reference to
locality. 1 5. teems to me that there
r three principal fruit districts in
'he state. A northern, a central and a
southern area. I would advise the
writer of the above inquiry to exam
ine the orchards in his own vicinity
before making a selection of varieties.
Find out what trees are doing best
in those regions, and what treatment
.n the matter of cultivation appears to
inng the best results.
"On elevated northern slopes with
ood drainage and good tillage the fol
owmg list of apples might prove sat
.siactory. and would probably be as
izood as could b secured at the pres
ent time. This list is given in the
order in which the varieties ripen:
Yellow Transparent. Benoni. Duchess.
Wealthy. Grimes. Jonathan. York Im
perial. Ben Davis. English Golden Rus-s-et.
This list no doubt could be
varied and the variations would de
pend on the number of fall and winter
apples that the grower might wish to
"With regard to plums. I would
place chief reliance on the native
varieties, planting heavily of such
Kinds as Milton (a plum of poor qual
ity, but better than Pottawattamie.
Stoddard. Hawkee and Hammer. New
l"!m is a variety that has come under
mv notice this year and one that ap
pears to be .quite valuable Among
'ht- domestic plums ihe safest varie
ties to plant are Shropshire. Damson.
Communia and Glass. Some of the
Russian or East European plums have
made an ezcellenr record this year
of cherries. Early Richmond. Wrazsr.
Monmorency and Sklanka will fill the
reason in a satisfactory manner.
"When we come to pear growinc
- have a somewhat more difficult
problem, and I would not advise ac
: to embark in commercial pear
growing without first understanding
hat it is an industry which requires
f.rst, especially favorable situations:
-econd. long experience, and. third.
much careful study and attention. I
do not think that pear growinc: is
likely to prove successful anywhere
on the black prairie soils of the state.
lut on the hiher bluff lands along the
rivers there is no reason why an
abundance of pears of fine quality can
not be grown. Mr. B. A Mathews of
Knoxville, Iowa, has studied pear cul
ture very carefulH for twenty-five
or thirty years and is now making a
success of it He irrows his tree in
-od in order to check the -rowth. and
in this way prevent blight He grows
only those varieties that are least
liable to blight, cives careful atten
tion to spraying and the destruction of
insects and fungus pests and over
looks the work of marketing them
himself. Flemish Beauty is probablj
his best paying variety. Birket is a
ready variety and has no blicht. al
though the fruit is rot very large Bezi
do la Motte is another variety which
he prizes quite highlj.
"It would be well for you to join the
State Horticultural Society, and in
this way obtain their reports, which
contain a large amount of valuable
information regarding fruit growing
in vour locality."
One farm writer gives, a ration to be
ied hogs that are not provided with
shelter. We are inclined to the belief
that no ration can take the place of
cood warm quarters for winter.
During the fall of the year, if It is
practicable, the sheep should have
access to a place of shelter. The
cola, wet weather, which is liable to
be of frequent occurrence during that
season, is very detrimental to the wel
fare of the flock. The additional com
fort will materials increase the
profits that is an important part in
any business.
We understand that this is the year
for the reappearance of the far-famed
and much-dreaded seventeen-year lo
custs. The last time they were seen
it is said was in 1SSS. Although this
Insect bears a very bad reputation for
divesting the fields of all green crops
it is not remembered that the years
of their visits were particularly mcrc
disastrous for the farmer than some
other years which we can recall. Cer
tainly the fanner should not become
frightened over the possible coming of
this pest, simply from the stories he
may hear. It will be rime enough for
that should they actually make their
Alfalfa is found to be fine to feed to
young and growing draft horses, on
account of the high per cent of pro
tein in the plant. The Live Stock
Journal says that draft horse breed
ers west of the Missouri river, where
so much alfalfa is grown, find that
they can grow draft horses on alfalfa
that develop large size and fine action
cheaper than in any other country or
clime. A good draft horse that sells
at S200 costs but little more than a
steer to raise. There are several large
breeding studs of pure bred Percher
ons in Kansas. Colorado and the west,
that have demonstrated the success
of draft horse raisins Alfalfa with
a very little oats and com is produc
ing ton horses in the West cheaper
ard faster than in anj other country.
Thej can breed draft horses out there
and mature the zeldinss fitted for
market, keeping the mares for breed
ins as worth double as much as the
gelaings. And so this plant is found
as valuable for growing young horses
as for other classes of live stock.
These thmss will cause the sowing of
more plats of alfalfa in these cen
tral stares than heretofore, we say
because it has been found wise to first
determine suitable soil for alfalfa.
When this is settled by trial larger
fields may readily be sown
WV hit -.011 hard. Bn Paws.
But vou stcunl up to tht- crack.
And c;er tim we hit ou
You would Iir -om- figures back.
You came and hook the money
That the people pa for jou
Beneath our ei noses
And there - nothinc left to do.
Kot mone talk.- Ben
A- it ha.- "luce Adam'.- da .
When vour forebear- broke Eden
And well I-t ou break away.
For our downfall i 'limine,
We will yie you rope enouch.
When all your trtc- are bearmc
You will And the -lddinc rouch.
We like ur bluff Ben Pa vis.
Th-re 1.- money in your cheek.
But when we re asked to plant you
No. I thank you. not thi week.
It is quite common for the farmer
to turn his work horses to pasture
after the harvest is over, with the
thought that the work horse can sub
sist on grass alone if he is not work
ing. This will do fairlj well for geld
inizs or mares without colts, provided
the pasture is good, but for mares
suckling colts it is a very bad policy.
The mare should have her oats just
as she did when working. If she does
nor she will run down in flesh and con
requently in the flow of milk. This
will be detrimental to the growth of
the colt. The way a colt is fed the
first year of its life determines in a
creat degree his future value. It is
computed that in a general way, every
additional 10 pounds added to a draft
horse's weight after he passes 1.400
pounds adds $25 to his value Hence
an thing that has a tendency to stunt
the colt should be avoided
When horses are torn by coming in
contact with barbed wire and the
bleedins is profuse, it may. in many
instances be stanched b folding cot
'on cloth two or three times and
pressing the same against the
wound. Where the part can be bound
around tightly with strips of the same
and kept in place, the pressure will,
unless in verj bad cases, result in
stopping the flow of blood.
Almost every fruit grower increases
his planting of small fruit every year,
and it is just as easy to grow a few
hundred gooseberry and other small
fruits that will layer. The process is
very easy and most every fruit-grower
understands that by keeping the soil
well cultivated about the base of the
gooseberry that the lower branches
can be laid down and covered with a
eew inches of earth and the branches
will root that by spring they can
e removed and planted out in nurserj
row and srown to the proper size for
transplanting into the fruit patch.
Many varieties of our ornamental
shrubs, honeysuckles and roses can be
'ayered during the month of August
md by winter the branches will have
thrown out a mass of fine rootlets. It
's best to winter such plants where
hey were grown and not remove them
'intil spring. In our propagation of
-hese varieties we either twist the
branch or vine so as to break the
?amtian layer so that roots will be
thrown 011 more readily or use a
sharp knife and make an incision in
he lower part of the limb at the point
where it will be buried the deepest in
the earth. It is at this point that the
roots will he thrown cut.
Those hens that moult early in the
eason and get well feathered out by
October or November can be counted
as winter layers.
The sand vetch is now beginning to
be grown to a considerable extent
xore particularly in the central and
-outhern states. The dear price of
he seed prevents many farmers from
-owing it who might otherwise do so.
"t has recently been ascertained
"hrough experiment that it can be suc--essfully
grown for seed when sown
tlong with winter rye in the fall. The
-wo crops ripen about the same time,
'n the Northwest, however, it would
iot likely endure the winter.-
Gather and destroy all fruit drop
iing prematurely. ' This will diminish
Insect crop and increase fruit crop
or next year.
Plan now to provide comfortable
nuarters for the poultry during the
winter when the price of eggs is the
A subscriber asks "Should plants bt.
watered during sunshine." Why not if
they need it? The watering of the
plant should be governed by its condi
tion and surroundings. The whole
thing in a nutshell is. water a plant
when it requires it. From my own ex
perience I have never had any bad
results from watering flowers during
sunshine, any more than in dull
weather. During sunshine and bright
weather the evaporation from most
plants is more excessive than in dull
weather, consequently plants call for
more nourishment in the form of
water, and if the plants are growing
fast, and the pots are full of roots I
often find it necessary to water them
three or four times a day. Air, sun
and light are important factors in
building up the plant, and one is not
much use without the other. Water
containing soluble matter is absorbed
by the roots and travels through the
plant as crude sap. passing upward to
the leaves; there it forms a combina
tion with carbonic acid gas, derived
from the air. then by the action of
sun and Iizht is refined and digested.
As the sun plays such an importaat
part in the disintegration (as it were)
of the food of the plant. I cannot see
how it would have any injurious effect
to water plants during sunshine: but
would look at it as a thing essential
if the plants needed it I always aim
to have watering done early in the
morning or about three or four
o'clock in the afternoon.
"When an Iowa farmer is growing
grass, grain and hay, and feeding
those crops to cattle, hogs and sheep,
and selling fat stock, butter, cream,
cheese, poultry and eggs, he need not
fear competition from any quarter.
These are the crops nature has fitted
Iowa soil and climate for far above
that of any other section of the globe.
Low prices and hog cholera may come,
but stick to the stock business, and
it will come around all right. I have
traveled over a good deal of Iowa in
the last year, and everywhere I go
I find that the farmers who own good
farms and good homes are the men
who have been in the stock business
most of their lives. If I could only
recall my life I would go on a stock
farm and let all truck business and
fruit growing alone, only enough for
home use. These are my honest con
victions as to the future for Iowa's
Nearly all of the best apples and
plums which are profitably grown in
the northwest, are home grown seed
lings of quite recent origin. This fact
should be very encouraging to one
who is willing to plant seeds,
especially apple seeds. The State
Horticultural society has $1,000 hung
up as a prize for the party who will
produce a tree as hardy and produc
tive as the Duchess, bearing fruit
equal to the Wealthy in quality and
appearance, and which must keep as
well as the Melinda. The prize hangs
high, but some one will bring it down
with an apple seed. We should test
the possibilities of more fruit seeds;
maybe that coveted, prize-taking seed
ling is growing, or can be grown, from
seeds now maturing in your orchard.
Again, these hardy little seedlings are
producing the ideal roots for grafting
and buddinsr. The girls and boys who
live on th farm should be taught
these arts. also, how to grow and save
the roots, scions, etc.. for future use.
The long winter e-enings or stormy
aays could be profitably used in giv
ing instruction and demonstrations in
such work. I trust the professor of
our school of agriculture will prepare
some supplemental readers for our
rural schools on these and kindred
Mr. Pascal of Malverne, Iowa, asks:
"Is there any way to get rid of the
currant borer? I find that the new
growths are mostly dead in my patch,
and in many instances the bushes are
completely killed."
We would at once cut out all the
young wood and cut the old shoots
back to sound wood. It will be easy
to detect the infested shoots. All par
ticles of the wood should be removed
from the patch at r.nce and burnt. Ma
nure the ground heavy this fall. By
this treatment we believe that another
year that the bushes will take on a
new lease of life and recover entirely
from the work of the borer.
Reports from the Northwest say
that the present acreage of wheat is
considerably lower than it has been
for years. Com is rapidly taking the
place of the once so widely grown
cereal on western farms, as it did in
eastern sections years ago. Such a
condition is encouraging, for it shows
the progress of the West in agricul
ture. In the very face of high prices
for wheat even the western farmer
is coming to see that corn and live
stock are better for him and his land
than wheat alone ever was or ever
could be.
The market demands the "Ions
sided" pigs, not the short, "dumpy"
Whenever a hog is at a standstill it
is a loss of food as well as a less of
In applying the coal oil to swine
to kill lice be careful not to blister.
It takes hold.
The sluggishness caused by the ex
cessive fat in young nes is parent of
many evils.
Found Source of
African River Traced Back to
Spring from Which Wells Few
Drops of Water that Grow to
Gigantic Stream.
Major A. St. H. Gibbons followed
the mighty Zambesi river from its
mouth to its very source and found
the spring from which welled the
first few drops of water. He writes:
"As we progressed the undulations
became steeper and higher, the sur
face being covered for the most part
with small deciduous trees fifteen
feet to twenty feet high. Here and
there the slopes are covered with high
bracken. Seven or eight miles
brought us to a smail pool, which the
guides asserted to be the 'beginning
of the Yambeshe.' To make certain
that this was the true source, I traced
the stream back along the eastern
bank until it entered another stream
800 yards farther down. Here it be
came obvious that the Malunda were
fraudulently attempting to shorten the
journey, as this stream is quite sub
sidiary to the one it enters. Then,
following the course of the latter for
rather more than a couple of miles
and crossing three or four small trib
utary streams on the way, I at length
found myself standing over the first
drops of water which go to make up
the mighty river of which I had seen
so much."
Continuing. Major Gibbons says:
"The river has its origin in a deep
eesr-ey e'eseewawaa -w -w- -w -w w w-.w
Ways of Stags in
"Soiling Pools" Well Known to
the Monarchs of the Glens
Fight to the Death Among
"There are certain spots known to
and recognized by the deer in most
forests called 'soiling pools,' " says an
English writer. "They are usually
peaty pools to which the stags resort,
often at night, to wallow and have a
good time generally. Here I have oc
casionally seen them rolling on their
backs, though more often black bub
bles bursting sluggishly on the sur
face of the water have told me that I
have come just in time to miss their
late occupants. I was spying a distant
hillside one day last September when
some bright object flashing in the sun
caught my eye. and looking through
the glass I saw it was a stag. He
wa standing shaking himself by the
edge of one of these pools, the water
flying off him in all directions. It was
the sun flashing on this which had at
tracted my attention. The pools are
much use J in the fall of the year, be
ginning approximately on Sept. 20,
known in Gaelic as 'the day of the
roaring.' though, of course, the exact
date var'js very much according to
the season. I have heard stags roar
as early as Sept. 10, though this is
rather unusual. It is more of a bel
low than a roar, and is quite awe-inspiring
at close quarters, more es
Foolish Worry Over
Small Stings. Not the Great
Troublee of Life. Are the
Events Over Which We Make
Ourselves Miserable.
"She was always nagging, always
nagging about little things." This
is the only excuse that Fred Boyer of
Berea. Ohio, can give for murdering
his wife.
It's a poor excuse. A man hasn't
the right to kill his wife because she
nags or for any other reason.
But there is a life of misery paint
ed in that ore sentence. "Always nag
ging about little things."
We meet the big things in life with
smiling faces and brave hearts.
We let the little things fret and
worry us until we make ourselves mis
erable, make every one at home mis
erable, and too often make our neigh
bors ureasy and unhappy.
A big misfortune never feazes us.
A pitcher of milk upset on a clean
tablecloth and poof: we are off like
a flash of powder
Willie falls down stairs, breaks his
wrist. Mother sends for the doctor,
helps to patch the little fellow up.
and nurses him tenderly until he is
well. The same Willie fires a stone
through a six by eight window glass
and he is "jawed" until he wishes he
had never been bom.
Mistake Made by
Imagine Themselves of Much
More Importance Than They
Really Are Time Wasted in
Constant Rush.
Annie Payson Call, writing in the
American Illustrated Magazine, under
the caption "Every Day Living,"
points out very clearly how a great
many people, business men especially,
work themselves into the idea that
they are fearfully busy and rushed,
when, as a matter of fact they would
accomplish a lot more if they took
things leisurely. She says:
The average business man in this
country seems always to have an at
mosphere of "rush" about him; even
when he is sitting down you feel that
he wants to take out his watch, if he
does not actually do so; many men
have apparently lost the art of taking
a real vacation. I remember an anec
dote of a prominent man whose fam
ily begged him to go off for a rest be
cause of his extreme fatigue, who as
serted over and over the impossibility
of leaving his business, especially at
Memory's Thoughts
How Dear the Flood of Memory
Is. That Rolls the Scroll Away.
and Carries Heart and Soul
Again Back to that Happy Day"
Only a baby's tiny shoe.
That s crurnpl-d. worn and old,
Lying is the bureau drawer.
More precious far then gold;
Knotted smn? with frazzled ends
Ttll of service done
When baby toddled on the floo .
And chased the beams of sun.
Little scars are dimly showing
Across the wrinkled toe
Where baby tried her first new tooth.
In the days of Ions ago.
Lens. Ions agti in days of j ire
Wheu baby's chubby feei
Just t this old and faded shoe
the Mighty Zambesi
depression at the base of steep, wood
ed undulations rising very abruptly
for the first thirty feet, and then with
decreasing steepness for another
twenty. The water oozes from black,
spongy bog, and quickly collects into
a definite stream of clear, cool water.
Tall trees, thickly Interwoven with
an entanglement of Tinelike creepers
and undergrowth, spring from this
basin and inclose the bed for the first
few hundred yards of Us course. Such
is the character of the Zambesi source
and such is the character of the
sources of nearly all. if not all, the
streams having their origin in the dis
trict, though the basin from which
the main stream of the Zambesi
springs is steeper, narrower and deep
er than any other of the many I vis
ited. "As I lay that night beneath the
bivouac of branches the boys had put
together for me it was perhaps nat
ural that my mind should linger on
the many and varied scenes I had wit
nessed between the boggj springs
below me and the mighty river with
its four-mile wide bed up which we
steamed fifteen months before. The
expedition was then a large one; 500
porters barely sufficed to move our
equipment overland. I was now
worming my way over what was prob
ably the most remote region of the
continent and in very reduced circum
stances four boys and five donkeys."
- - - - - - - - -
Scottish Highlands
pecially if the roarer is himself hid
den. "The end of the season is always
the most exciting time for stalkers.
Stags then are all on the move, and
great fights take place. I have never
had the luck to witness a real big
pitched battle between two champions.
I doubt whether they often fight to
the death, but the number of stags
with broken and damaged horns which
are met with after the autumn season
is over show that pretty severe con
tests do occur. Stags always maneu
ver, when fighting, to get their oppo
nent down hill. They have tremen
dous power in their hind quarters, and
in this position can use it to the best
advantage. Deer do not fight only
with their horns, as both sexes wili
rise erect on their hind legs and strike
savagely with the fore feet, the sharp
edges of the latter making a very
nasty wound.
"A rather curious fact with regard
to the fights between red deer, illus
trating the toughness and elasticity
of their skins, was told to me by a
Dorsetshire agent. There was a big
park full of red deer on the estate, and
a large number of stags had been
killed owing to fights. On skinning
the dead ones he found that, though
in many cases the lungs and flesh
were pierced through and though, the
skins themselves were comparatively
the Little Things
"We down the big things. The lit
tle things down us.
If the mortgage must be given hus-1
band and wife discuss the subject
with grace and forbearance until an
agreement is reached.
That same husband and wife quar
rel until the dust rises over the proper
place to hang a certain picture.
Each thinks the thing is too little
for the other to hold out about.
Neither happens to think that the
thing is too little to quarrel about.
All through life it is the little things
that make the trouble,
j All through life we climb the big
J rough places and fret and sweat be-
laustr tr siuu uui cues uiuu mc muc
lumps of clay.
All through life we fuss over little
things that don't make a whit's worth
of difference one way or the other,
that can't be helped by fretting, that
can not be remedied by nagging.
"She was alwajs nagging about lit-
j tie things."
I Many another husband could bring
the same charge against his wife.
It's a pity. It spoils a woman's hap
piness and wrecks her husband's life.
It eats the peace out of a home as a
' nasty worm eats the heart out of a
rose. Cynthia Grey in Chicago Jour
nal. Many Business Men
that time of year, because there was
one customer in the habit of buyisx;
very largely whom he felt that no one
I else in the office could possibly satis
fy. "Finally this man became so ill
, that he was obliged to be absent from
1 his office. Shortly after his recovery
' he met his old customer in the street
and went up to him with diffuse apol
ogies for not having been ready to at
tend to his purchase. The customer,
having finished his business some
' days before to his entire satisfaction,
1 looked a little surprised and said:
' "Oh! Weren't you there. Mr. Smith?
' I did not know it. I am sorry yoc
have been ill."
1 The strain of self-importance is
greater than we know. Indeed it is
often self-importance, and only that,
1 which is the true cause of nervous
1 prostration. The great strain of un
. necessary and selfish responsibility i3
an octopus which, if it gets hold of a
1 man and begins to drain him, cannot
often be cast off without great suffer
ing. of Baby's Tiny Shoe
O. wasn't baby sweet'
How dear the flood of neaorr is.
That rolls the scroll away
And carries heart and soul ngntn
Back to that happy day.
Happy in love and hope
That baby's tiny feet
Would walk in good and pleasant ways
Adown Life's busy street.
Again the little face, upturned
Peers through mists of years;
Again the baby voice is heard
Back through the vale of tears;
Again the chubby dimpled hands
Reach out to catch your own.
When in your power to protect
Imrlicir faith is shown.
O. What a reverie of thoughts
Of days when life was new.
Flows in upon the soul, because
Of baby's tiny shoe.
A. L. llayneld in Denver 5t
Journal Job Printing
Styles are always up-to-date.
Work is guaranteed.
Prompt delivery.
Reasonable prices.
If we haven't it we will order it. We can save business
men money on printed forms; we can get engraved
cards for society people; better styles at lower prices.
Journal Sale Bills bring crowds. Journal Letter Heads
bring business.
Columbus Journal 60.
. AM pels tm first gr 4 tart
saue Miac laeaer taesi eiieii
i ef -mir jmm have f lake
t price t or tale eaamed -eu."
i far tae fwa, rare raw eil
5. Tfcere Is m aatat wae aitrrn STOP, wl
(eat wtta tae mrmOt
i ur 14 year aid av eaa mix
eta seaaetm para ttly irmm the
A aua tar eUoa.aa re.ea lei. aadacalagelae.aad TOV aaar
A yea aav aa abealateljr pare llwrd eO aatat taat aaa eaat jraa
A at least SS lees laaa aay HIa Grade" Jteady-Slxed Fatal. Aa T
L BaaaateVesat amVaWasa etaha saaatfaa Saaalsa Saaaaai aaAIV ssaaaaf waaie) deaaTaa aaaaVaaaaaaaal afeamdeealBW a
Z edaa mi Us parity aad daraaultr.
ease sf Its parity aad daraeuuy.
. Tata patat Is litalera Bease Fata;
Uae mt taadard. pawalw aad DURABLE e
pelat-lt last tae coed M tfaaetrled m
Without Change of Cars
Chicago- Milwaukee & St. Paul
For Time Tables rnd Special Rates see Union Pacific
Agent, or write
F. 1. HSU, 6w'l Wtsftm Ignt, 1524 Fariai St.
Track Railway be-,
tween toe Missouri !
River and
Fast daily train service
Pacific & North -Western Line from Doints in
Nebraska to
SLx trains a day Omaha to Chicago, without
change. Two trains daily between Omaha and
at. Paul and Minneapolis.
-. Che Best
For rates, tickets
m Z?nis unron
J. a. OH. tat
Chicago a
Kansas City Southern Railway
"Straight as tae Craw FUss"
Along its Uae rethefiaet lands. snltedforrrowlnimilfrl.ccra.flax,
cotton, for comsircil apple and peach orchard, for other fruits and ber
ries; ror commercial cantaloupe, potato, tosiato and general track farma;
for sugar cane aad rtee caltl ration; for merchantable timber; for raising
horse, mules, cattle, hoes, sheep, pod trr aad Anjrora goea.
Write far laMraaiion Concaroias
Ilea Calany Locations. Imaroisd Fanes. Mineral Lands. Rica Lands ane Tiassr
Lints, and far cat its of "Current Etsnts," Business Oraortanitles.
Rica leak. K. C S. Fruit Bsak
Cheap rotx&d-trip homejeekers tickets on sale firs: and third Tuesdays of
each month.
. 9. XKTTTOsT, Ttst.
evecy gaini
Ms fler
er trwm 2 13 1 3
la wi
oa tae aatat aleae
tala aaato Ma ta
lecal dealer. Siamlyatlr
iiiiiiiini in minium
via the Chicago. ! Ininn
and East
of Everything
ani full Infcraation amiy
Kacmc k K. or aajress
ta. FmUrtasl Pas'r.l
North - Westera Ry.
use aeaae wtta m
i parity.
s. I
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