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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1905)
MMWI I) CLOOS & UEHLIN CLOSING OUT SALE ilBKil m "121 yLJUK !- Jfc Ml Mnnrm miiii ii. 1 1 uuaj i, i. If.'i 1 .'? 5.V II i'-J 8 ss .A ffi ? . v L'i : S3 ' I t, f? IS fil U! Jv Our sale has been successful beyond expectation and we are rapidly re ducing stock. We have a good assortment left and for the next two weeks will offer you the stock at cost and some articles at less than cost. Below you will find a few of our exceptional bargains: We have a lew Refrigerators left and will offer them at 5 less than cost in order to move them. We also have a few Screen Doors at less than cost: $1.00 Doors at .50c $1.50 Doors at $1.00 $1.85 Doors at $1.25 We also have a few Steel Ranges loft will close out at iactory cost: $46.00 Riverside Steel Range lor $45 .00 Laurel Steel Range for $32.00 National Steel Range lor 24-in. Woven Wire Fencing, per rod 24-in. Woven Wire Fencing, per rod 27-in. Woven Wire Fencing, per rod $36.00 $34.00 $24.00 20c 22c 25c Here arc a lew articles at exceptionally low price: lbs. Nails, 25c: 5 cals. Harvester Oil, $1.25: Machine Oilers. 5c each : Fra.or Axle Mowing Greaso, 3 boxes lor 20c; Barn Door Hangers, per pair, 35c; Frack, nor loot. 3c: No. 8 Scoops. each 70c; 3-tine Otsego Forks, from 40c up; 4-tinc Otsego Manure Forks, 60c; Scythes, 50c; Scythe Snaths, 60c; Galvanized Wasli Boilers, 65c; Copper Bottom Wash Boilers, 80c; 14-qt. Cream Cans, 25c; 20qt. Cream Cans, 30e; Gal vanized Wash Tubs, 4 5c, 50c and (0c;Pails, 15c. Everything else at in Hardware at cost. Sale lasts only 2 weeks longer. It will pay you to sec us. wt'i jjtujr'.TTSAiwrA K&wnfttae & i'. c-tt v? We Have a complete stock and can furnish you almost anything you want; the goods must be sold within the next 2 weeks. This is the opportunity of a life time. Come early before the stock is broken. 1 i I 1 m North CLOOS & UEHLING Thirteenth St., Columbus, Nebr. Hay Back Party. CI liiirMluj'h linllj) About twenty llvo (JolnmlttiH ouuu ladies, Including hoiho of tlm yonim married ladies, packed their lunch baskets yesterday, chartered it hayiack nail drovo to Stevens' Krovn to spend the afternoon. Tim horses ami hay rack woro decorated with llajjs mui buntiiiK, ninl llui variety and ipmlity o( tint khoiI thiiitfx in tlm iiiskl ii'iit huvo exhausted tin l'o-t cook hooks in the (illy. No nullii'iilii) repent ot whni happened durini: tlm nflernoon while th ladies worn left lo themselves can be obtained. Hut thoio was plenty of vocal accompaniment audible nt seven o'clock when tin husbands ot tlm few married ladies arrived to nrtakn of Clin picnic dinner. MixN Floronco Whit iiinyor mid Mrs. OUhh. Dack " passed t lungs' to thn guests who worn Mnted on blankolh around the table, nml Miss Martha Font pnnred tlm coffee which hint had most skillfully proparwt over tho tuoht primitive kind of cauiti fire. Aftor tliniiHr n lingo camp liro was huilt around which nmu of tho punst n nuii told BtoricH while others were boat riding, bngy rldiim, irlormiiiL' mock uiarriaKen, ot cetera. Upon their rntuni the party worn driven to m thn Htroet carnival. Tbo MIhjidh Sarah tied Malicl Muir of Lincoln,. Hursts nf Mr mm Mr V II, Abbott, worn thn kuchIh of honor. Mr. Albert lliu-lcer wiih tlio only tin niarririi inan prnsont. Touched by Colored Lady. rl'lilirml,l)'x Nlil) ) A now page was written in the criminal records of Columbus th: inoruiiiK wlinn Coiinly Attorney Latham went lniforo JuiIko Kattcrinmi and filed complaint uKiiinut Mary .Smith, colored, cliaruuiK her with larceny from thn pernou of Will Dell, white. I'hH ituuiH charged to have been Rtolen were a certificnto of de posit in thn Flrnt National llanlc for JO, two xilvor dollai'N and a five dol lar bill and a pocket book. Tho " hold-up' ' took place jutt can of Oehlrlch'H stora during tho jiroKiuth of the carnival porformance. licit cot mixed up with two colunil Kirlf, htreugerH, one nf whom wa Mary. JuHt after ho left them he minted ll locket book. Ho i mined iatoly called OfficorH Schack and Axel Nelson and they ariOHted tho jjlrl. Meanwhile a colored (eutleman hud joined the girU. The pocket book had diMtppenr cd hut the girl had either tho money in quant ion or some moro lik'i it in J nur htockinc Alter considerable ar- Kiimrnt mid the mo of a littl" force A."l NoIfoii succenled hi lauding Mary in thn city jail wtiero hhe wiih kept until tinder I ho charge of Mr. Latham this niorniin; he wns trans ferred to the countr jail to await her trial which is M'l for Saturday. 'J'liiN is the fh st arrest of a color d woman diiiini: the term of Mr Lath lain and probably tho firM in the his ' lotv of the cilv. The Ciiinuiii drew a luro crowd at its (.penult hut nit-lit and thn police report that oveiytliiiiK imhseil nfl peaceably. LuriM ciowiIh aro expected from the country ihn rest of thu week. The pollen aie on iho alert to keep things within thn proper IioiimiIh. From Mis. Karlin. I I' DiuI) 'J'he Joiitnal has leceived nil inter- U'stiiiK letter troni a former resident here, Mrn. ('. Karltn, now ot liridfe port. Old. Mrs'. Kailiu seeniH to be delighted with the new country. She writes under date of July :.'.': We mo having ulenty of ram this year. Wo havn a bi crop of oat Hand wheat was: K'il. The corn crop will bn a biK ou ami cotton Ik looking as lino as it could look. Wo havn had ripe melons for two weeks or morn. It was thren years iijjo that we put our fruit trees out and thin t;priiiK we had a lii; crop of pcacho, chi'rries, apples:, pears, plums, apricots, uuusu- rberries and blackberries. This is a K'real country tot garden htulV to nrow Tho laud worth from f i.OOO to i0(W tor J CO acres. This p:irt ot thu tnuntry is better improved in four vcars than NebraHka was when wu Intt there This is a healthy country. It is four years ' last luiin since w 1'iuiie here and wo havn had no sickness at nil. Though some parts ot Oklahoma have poor water, we i,ac innd water born. Boyn Kaisc Corn. Five hun In ! Nilnic-kii boys mid CirlHine tuilitii; in the few boui'i eiu h diythc urn able to Hleal fioin pluy to sliuw t lie fin nii'fi of ilit sliilc bow lo raise -eed i-irn. Tin .nnill army, under the leiider'-liip of Deputy Statu Supeiin d nit liishop of Ihu depiirtlneiit of public iiititiMrtioii h lollowinji up nml practical ly iliMiionslrittiUK the ihtorie.s of si nil corn rulturi) mlvaiictd by tho profes'-or.i of the Nebraska uiiivi'irity agricultural ('periiiiiiit Htiition mi the many tours of the stale in ide this spring over the beeiul r.iilrond ii-sit'tini' in thu cam paign of i duration. I'ri.eii ll'ie been oll'eri'd by thu lie piirtineiit if eiliieation for tlm best seed nun nil-mi in 1 1 io coiiteit. (Jn mtch of the lioinn f.irnii of tin: pirenls of tho coiiti'slants liltlo plots of griiiind havn been set nnide for Ihu e.sperimeiita nnil each iiioriiint; the boy, ai,d (,'irlH u nut to tend the coin in instructed by Super intendent Ihshop. Kvory few dnystbe superintendent, rceeiwn a letter from the coutesiiintH, telling bow thn coin is ptoressitm. These aro liniiieihiitelv niihWeied am) suut;eHtiiiii aiNen to thoi to lliciMi. jn triMibl The follow itu; jnuin: f.iruier buN in I'l'itteciiiiuty luive entered iln content. Iliiinpbre I'MwiimI !'. itt ;, Leo We d lier, Willie Mud. en. CrtMon Flo)i I'biiniii. Coliniilni.s- N. ('. Ah-l .Monroe -I'Mwin lloiin, .li - I'lntli CouniN Leader. Letter From Miss Wisn. il'iniuj'h li.iih) Tim .loiirual leceived it piMal caul to day finm Mihll Wise, the iniitcuts of which will be of iuleiest to our many trieniU here: Seattle., .Inly, -Jl tli. Ildilor .loiirual Wo havn lieeti eiijonu,' the cool weather, beautilul pail.s and hikes ol Keutllo for ihn past ten days or inoie Tomoitow wolcavnlorlNirllanil to spend a few days at the Fair, then to Oieyon City and to thu coast holme loturninu home. KeHpcrtfiilly. Alice M.Wise. FOR SALK-A liili Kradn piano, nearly now. Prof. Funk. Harbor block. .1. W. MeClellanil. IVes. Dr. Kdw. John -ion, Treji-. Dr. D. M. .Iii.lkms. Sec'y Fullerton Chautauqua Assembly,,. August 11-20 Inclusive Kate of one fare plus ."i(le on all railroads. Unexcelled I'rotfnm. Finest camp KI'oiiiiiIh in the State Address Secretary, Fullerton, Neb., for Souvenir I'roSiram irivini; lull inl'onnatiou. One or Set h Itraun's hatumoclis is a 'lire cum for Unit Hied feeling Chautauqua. Them is only nun ('liatitauiim in the .stale Hits year that will bn worthy ot vour at lent ion ami that wilt be the one at Kulleitou thn site of thn f anion-. Love i 's Leap. There is whom you will cot vour money's worth and uouie to spare mid it vim urn looking for a vacation mm a place to spend it vou should write to (tin sncrntaiy for a copy rt their handsome souvenii book kiviiik full details of (He program and ilates. It is thn handsomest thiin; of tlio sort ever put out in thn west and you should havn nun whether vou aie Koiui; or not. Their dates urn Auinist II to ','Ofli inclusive. Kcui sion rates on all railroads during thn time of thn mnntiiu;. Hen thu bi bills for further jiarticulars or write the secretary. FOK ItKNT now I clean moms Mrr. UusliuiK 101 llth St. Hunsoimbln prices. !-. fc--.fc A Surpriio Party. A pleasant surpriho party may bn Klvmi to your stomach and liver by taking n mudiniiiu which will relieve their pain and discomfort, viz. Dr. Kind's Now Lifn pills. Thoy am a most wonderful remedy, ntl'oruiuK sum relief mid cure, for headache, diziuesK and constiimtlon 'JO emits at Glint). Dacks drui? store Special Reduced Excursion Rates Detroit mid return. One tarn plus t'J.oo On sale Auk- 1! mid 1 1. PitthhuiK and return. One fare plus 3J.00. On sale Auk. 17th and lhth. Richmond Va. and return. One fare plus "?i 00, On sain Auk. th and llth inclusive. l'btladeloliia,l'enn.,and return. One fain plus f J ()0. On sale Sept llth, l.rith and ir, tli. Cheap rates duiinif thu summer to ChiriiL'o, Milwaukee and Walukisha, Wis., St I'aul., MiuiienpnlU and Dtilupli, Minn., Mackinac Island nml Mackinaw (Jity, Mich , Deadwood, I.i ad and to Hot Sprites S. !)., and other places Wisconsin mid Minnesota report" J. A. Ktihn, A. (J. F. t P. A. I'.'OI Fiirnhnm St., Omaha, Nob. ta CAST0R1A i.n, ,.T. ftTT,,,, ,,r ASt(,fclnulc lVcpnrntiun For As J slmilnlintllhcF(HHlnn(IUcvliil''iJ ting (tic Stuuuiclts urtil utiwc Is or -:t' Promotes UiMlion.ClK'crru! iiL'ssanilHi'.sl.ConliiinsiuillkT ( )pitim,Moriiuit.iMior MiiucruL C)T 7I Alt C OTIC. vifofjiir.'UHvnrtTcan MxSmnti tliif.tnra f- JidtHumM - Apotfccl lltiincily rorfnnslirwi-' lion , Sour Slomar h, I lianluHvi Worms ,(onviilMiiiis,r!virishi neas mid Loss of SiJtiir. raeSiimlc Si'ijnaliirc or "NKWYOHK. GASTORIA For Infantn and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature 01 w fV A III1 XXjfctCQPY OF WBARHER. - frrftt In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THt otMTAun mhh, hiw torn civi. Hinls-Kyo Vimv ol' tlm Coliiin hiti KlvtT An Httrantivn toponrapbical map, in colors, KivitiK a coinpreheiiHivc idea of thn country on ami tiibutnrv to the Colum bia liiver. 'I'liin map ih in folder form, on the mvnrso Mido containii iuiintnirnt iiiK description or the Columbia Ihver route. Copied sent free by F. I,. I.O MAX. (1. V.- T. A. l. I'. K, It. (JO., Oinnliii, Nebr., on receipt, of four rente posture. Journal ads briiiK ruhiilts', llcnt Her Double. ' I knew no one for tour wei Its when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble" writes Mrs. Annie Hunter ot 1'ittsburK i'a "and when I cot better ullliouu'li 1 had out) of thu best doctor- I could Kot was bent dou ble ami had to test my hands on my Iiiicch wlien I walked. From this ter i idle allictiou was m sewed by IMectriu Hit tii - whieh restored my health mid Mrciutth nml now I can walk straight ,,.,,.,..,. MM..... ...... ii. .,.,!.. ..,...,. I... I., I ,-..'VI ,11.' Hill piiiiinj HUIHII'I lllli (iiiarantced to cure stomach liver and kidiioy disoidets; ar Ulins Duck's drui; htnio, pricntM) cents. 4 (