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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
i . ' :.'",. : . ..:....-... : . ' . fe . ff jrarrawt I VOLUMtt XXXVI. NUMBER 10. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, AUGSUT 1005. WHOLE NUMBER 1,704. (Die M wtMi ft VOUU WISH if you nliirt out rilit, in bound to come trim. liy tlio foundiition by nuviiiR. Ol'KN A HANK AfCOl'NT with us ami keep milling to it nml sou it iiwoll to liiR iroiortion. When you have a Hiitlloiont ainotiiit tntil.o some Rood investment. Consult iih, an wo can help you. Wo have aided olhoni ami will aid you. Tho First National Bank In District Court. Frederick Koch hns mum I Henry Mnfriior In district court lor $17.1 which tin nllcRos I" Hio vnlno of phy sical injuries indicted upon him lr tho dofoudnnt on .Tune K. Tim iliiintitf iloulara Mint ns n result of tho assault Im Imi ronminoil "sick, Initio ami dis ordered" nuii unable to work for two months. Ho estimates his tinin worth ;r and medlcnl nttondntico l()(). Hotli parties livo in Sliorumii township, mar LoIkIi. Oharles Hoinko hns hoRiin f oroide Huro pocoodliiRs in District court nRuinst oorliiin roal estate owned by I'olcr mid Agues Hipp of I'tntto Cen ter. Tho amount involved is $."ilMi and interest for throo dnyo. Korolosuro procoodiiiRS hnvo boon Im kuii hy 'ofin To I io r uRiiiiit certain lotH owned by Uhnrlos Knxiha, to col loct a promissory noto of $1 10. Off For Encampment. (TuoHilay'H Daily) Company K, under tlio coininntul of thoir old captain, .folia Hrook. Jr., left on tlio spncinl train at noon to day for thn Stato Kncuinpinont at Keurnny. Tim special train was made up of nix conches ami four Ikir Kiio curH eurrvitiK lioiddo'i nur homo I'ouipany, tho Tliunttoii itiflos and Oiiialut (.iimrdri of Umahn and com panios from Schuylor, .Madixou and Alhiou Tlio Iiovh wont out with flyiui,' coloni. Capt. V'a(,'nor will Imvo chaiyu of Company lv whon tho Iiovh roiicli iveuruuy. Arm Broken. I I'llfb.llj'a lllllj I Mutthow Thomas, ilrivor ol tlio J'n. olliu F.iprntR wa,'iui had bin arm frar tuiod imar tho oIKow yoMorday aftor n mi ii, whilo uuloailiiiK loo croain taul.'H ut rooHohV. llo was NtaudiiiK " tho euilfjato lifting, whon thoohain whioli supporlH tho ondRnto i;avo wav llo toll to the Riiuind with tho woiclit of tho hoiivy tank on top of him, his ol bow NtrikuiR thn jinvuuuuit. Tho fiauturd i n had ono, whicl: will oul'iirnn a lay-oil' of at least thirty ilayn. Landmark Humeri. JKiro (Ioh troy oil tho lions.) of It ('. AudorHon two nuloH our I ot (iouoa la-t Monday niaht. Thin houso will ho rjiiiomliorod hy iiinuv of tho oldor Journal rondo as Kit.sUatooRo, tho old Indians traiiiuc print whom tho linliniiH Kwnppod nkiiis for tho whito itiau'H hlnnkotK Ioiir boforo (ionoa or any town north of (Jouoii woro on tho map. Thn punnIiir ot tbis old land mark will rnonll manv n rominlHoonco to the iiiIiiiIk ol' old Rottlom in I'latto oounty who havo not yot forRotton Rto rifri of KcnlpitiR partioR Don't Neglect Your teoth. Kvon a low weeks delay will sometimes prove injurious. During my absence Dr. C. V. Campbell, who comes highly recommended sis a .skillful operator and as a gentleman, will have charge of my practice and will do all he can to please you. nth Ktrwit. fbona 140. Dr. H. E. Naumann. The Rielmnl 'Atlumy All'.iir. Much oxfltomiMit provallod for a t lino last wook in fhmnolat olrcloR on nu omuit of tun rumor that Htchard Ada. uty, Ron of Nlrl: Adamv, ono of tho oldest sott'orH in JMatto comity and ono of tho mof honi'dt and ronpniiRihlof ar mors luiro, had disappeared nftor bor rowliiR money in huiir iicpreRatinR from fCiCOO to :?T00(). Thn Jourinl has deferred pnHtsli Iiir this matter until fai't?. ro far ns poR.siblo. could ho nscnrtiiincil. Tho facts can bo slated briefly. Kichard Ailiimy did borrow larsn sums and tho purposes for which that money was tiRod aro not known to members of his family but bis father thinks that evorvthliiR indicates that tho niimey was borrowed for roiiio ono oIro. I. Cluck, from whom Richard Adamy borrowed $(,0O n tow wueks aco sworn out n warrant for his nr reft on tho cround of rpcuiIihj money under talso prrteiiRC. Tito reporr. that Hichatd Adamy lias disappeared k'ciiih to be niiRrouiuled ps his wife mivk ho spout Monday niu'lit at homo and that ho does not appear in town simply because ho fccU or badly about his misfortune ami tho publicity Riven to it. Sim boliuvcs that her husband never intended any criminal action and that ho is Rtiilty of none nml that ho will work to pay iii his indebtedness as last as possible. Mrs. Wm.MfUtson. Mrs. Wm. Matt.'on, wifo of ono of thn old sottlers in I'latto county died at hor homo in this city last Thurs day afternoon of paralysis. Tlio fun oral was held at Monroe, Mrs. Matt K)i;s old homo, Saturday 'nftontoon at two o'clock ami interment was mado in thn Monroe cemoterv. Miss Martha Wickbloom was, born fifty miles northwest of Stockholm, Sweden, July S, lSIJil. At ton years of iiro shn cnuiu with hor parents to Illi nois RottlitiR with the Bishop Hill colony. In IS.'.i'i slio was married to Wm. Mattsou, cnntinuitiR hor resi dence nt liishop Hill till tho early seventies when rIio came with her hiiRbaml to Nobrafka, rottlitiR on a farm two miles wost of Monroe, llv Iiir thoro till two years no when Mr. Mattso!i ImnRht a homo in Columbus. Mrn. MnttROti lenvos hor husl.anil, Wm. MattRon, oiRlit children, twenty twoRraud ehthlroti. Tho nhililron aro: Mm n M I in 1 1 I'lilnml.iK- Alfrn.l "" Mattsnu, Kullerton ; Frank Mattsrin, I Madison; Mis, A M. IlolliiiRRiieml, Uotmdo, Tox A. K. MattRon, Pawnee, t'ity, Nobr. ; Mrs. II. Voro,. South Cmaha; Mrs. C. II. l,inilbniR Stroms InirR Nebr. ; and Miss Anna Mat (sou, of I'olninbiis. Mrs. Mattsou leaves- also a sister. Mrs. Mary Oliun of Monroo nml a brother cf I'. J Wickbloom of Bishop Hill III. Hor father 1'etor Wiektdonm is also livitiR at tlio aoof ninnty-Rix.. TEXAS FEVERJN KANSAS Appears In a Herd of Four Hundred Cattle nt Grand Gummlt. Topeka, Aur. '.'. -Texas fever lias appcaiid in a Iionl of 100 cattle at (laud .Summit, Kan., near tho Ukla liiiniii lino, and J. M. llaKer, Ktato livo rtock Inspector, lias qiiaiaiillnoil tlio ,'itilmaN. Tlilily-thii-o of the tnttlo have the l''er. A few have died with tho dlsoider. "This) Is tho np pearanco of tho Ti'mih fever In the Htato this year," Raid Mr. Maker, 'ami I do not think there is any dnimci ol it sprondlilR. Tho fcdeial aiillmiiti -h nlpo aio watehliiR th" atil.. " Tin cattle en shipped to Kansas 110 days iiro and it cannot be limb it tood how they became illlec tid. Texnns Lynch a Convict. Waco, Tex.. Aiir. 0. MoiiiiIi d citi zens, numlieiliiR iilionl (iMO, siiiimiiiiiI ed Hie on t L house and Jail and alter makliiR prisoners of Sheilff Tilley, the jalh r and all tin deputy hberllls, Inoke open tho jill. took Rank Ma Jois out and, nftor heariiiR his onfes- kIoii, liaiiKcd him liom a Iti'ldcc llo is still haiiKliiR there ami the molt io. tlinieil to the city. .Majois ln.i ir. cently Ik i n (onvlitcd lor inmimil if sault and had been rIvou i'i'1 ' . fi Rcnteiifo, bet was Riven a !" .v ii. ' Russians Dombnrd Cretnn ViMaee. ( Caiii-a, due, Aiir. !i. 'lln !.i rm Rtiuboat Khialny has li'tnil ,n ' ! d'hiioycd C'asti III, on the poi !t i ,t i of the Island of Crte, lietatn-r Hi" I t WiiiKcnts theio opposed the laieHn;; ol a MiiRslaii toiee. The Insui'i'i i - re t ii i nt 1 the flro with sin ill ("ins, vnumllllR two ItUSRlllllH. The im'il liaidinent eontliiiied until the ! n;o hoisted tho whit tin ir. Railroad Wreck In Kalis:. I'liipoila. Ivan , Aiir. !. A i iikIik i rashi d Into a way car at tin li eil to an easilniiiiid Atchison, Topi ka and H'Hita I'" stoi k liain, HtamlliiR on t!" uad. lute. The way car, whhh (Oitiilneil a iiiimber of hiodmien, wa" demolished and ton poisons injured. Iho Last Week This Is thn last week of Chios nmt UehliiiR's closliiR out falo of hard ware. As a ruin cloning out sales In Columbus have not been nnooossfiil. Hut this sale is an exception. Mr. Cloos has won thn reputation in his short residence hereof IioIiir astrlaRhf honest business man nml tho public Itiio wine that Mr. Cloos' depart urn is not ot his own choosing, rcuret his leaving nil the more for that reason. Mr Cloos has offered real InrpiliK In llrst-nlaRS wares. Hn hns advertis. ed IiIh rbIo widely, depnndiiiR iiluioat exclusively on the Daily nml Weekly Journal to sell his stock. He nniinniices, this week that his stock will be sulllciently reduced to pack up tho balance for shipment next wook. Thoso who wants baiRalns in rofrl-' Kernturs, eookstoves, nml shelf hard wnro wilt hnvo to call thin week nml they nro advised to call early as the stock Is cottiiiR low. A quarter pagn of Mr. Cloos' bar Rain olTerR is found on mint her piRo of this paper. Carter Insane. (Tiiii!I)'h Hull)); Nelson K. Cnrtor of Oconee was ml iudRod insane .yesterday iiftormion ami was taken to tho insane hospital nt Lincoln this inorniiiR by Deputy Iiiich nit. Cartor'N iniml is i'i (ordered on tho subject of religion. Ho would of ton stnrt to the Hold to work at iiiRht tniuRiuiiiK that it was CoiI'h will that he should do so. FLY -AWAY -OIL It keeps tho flics from all kinds of stock by simply spraying; or applying with sponge or brush Quarts, half gal. and gal. cans. Chas. H. Dack, Druggist. Announcement. Having Rovorod my connect inn with thn llrm of Kehols nml Dietrich with whom 1 hnvo worked for six years. I hnvo gono into business for myself, and I solicit tho patronage of thie-o who know my work as a painter and ilccorator as well ns Mint of others who uavo work in my lino, either in city or count rv Hid. Phono s', I. C. II. (imbh, West 17th St, Columbus. I t tlvv FOUR nCATHG IN NEW ORLEANS, MAKING A TOTAL Or 112. QUARANTINE TO DE LEGS "STiCT Louisiana Statu Board cf Health Issues Order Modifying Oim.uia Local Regulations Har. Situation In Hand. Now Orb litis, Aiir. U.-OIlhl:1! n port: Now oiirok, liu; de.ilhs, I; i i tl f :; -i t; to date, till!; total ibatlis, IM. new sub-foci, 1"; total hiib-toi I, IP. The Iiiiro number of new iat .i :,un loci l.s HiirprlHluR, but no ;umpi is Ik Iiir iiia.le to in ( omit t.v it. in III.' lK'W Mlh-focl, Illlec 111 i uptown mid the ri iiiuluder downtown. Two dead im "i v.i'M' loiind In n idi.ini . in the woid.s and It wa- lonml tbiit e had died of yellow leu. Tin;, .m Italians, who had died liom la K c alleutiou. If tho present chaotic lomKMou oT nuaiaiitliic in l.otilhlaua Is not n ' Hy teruiluli d, In oliedli nee to a ihim Inanition Jn.-L Itsiicd, the itatc lnj-nl of health has aiiiioiiuci'il lis Intiniliii of Immeillaicly IiivoKIiir the I v 1 1 p w i at. I. Ihi I liillliiR, of iirUIiik (lov ni'or Ilium hard to call out the ml lit ' ii and lesioic anil maintain o I i. Til- pioclamiilloii resulted fi( in tlio liitirs Rint by the Roveinor Io l'ie-1-ill tit Hoik lion. The ptoidiliuallou pro hlblin any town, parish or village Iroin icfiisiuR ailiulRRhiii lo a p rsou fiom a nmi lulerted locality lioldiiti; a health c( Hillf nti. Intcifitience with the pa ,n;i if sUniiihoats or Mains hi loihiddiNi, tinliss 'hey violate IoriiI rpiiirautiiio reRiilatlons. Xo mull, flelRht or express matter shall, iindei the proelnniatlon, bo refused Mom In fected tenlt,rli s. provided it N ar ried in eniH which havo been mini pated by tho marliio hospital mivIh. All persons who disregard the- rej illations, under tho heiiiblame of hoards of health, or masK ineeiinns. nro warned that they nuilio them ecIvoh llnhlo to aii3ver to the courts. IRISHES AVAIL YOURSELF of our Cut Trice China .Sale. M Display in our corner windows. EdJ.Nicwohner Tlio Jeweler WHY nro nil the Shell Creek ohil dron hi "husky V" HocauRO their mo thers use Peter SehmtttV Hour. tf " Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, liarber block. IM Welibof I,indi'iiy vviiH in tlio city venterdiiy, visit iiir bin brother, V. It. SOLDIERS INJURED DY SHELL rind Ono In the Woods and Attempt to Drive it Into the Ground. Cheji'iinc, aiir. !l The Inllov In (domain w.i, ivci I at I'm! I'i.i IjOII Iioiii the i amp nl lh" I. level, I1. Inlanir.v (.n Cum Cieik: ".Sevei i eu lilted im ii of loiiipauleti t! and II wiio nerloin-l.v woiiiideil by Ihe cpn- n ,i of a tlnee-hich nln II lonml h.v the vii ii in tho hills win pi tin, aiillleiy bad lamped in th- man It I 1 1 I 'ai. One o the m a atli uiili .1 ti ili.v the idiell into the rkuiii.I vvlm II i lilodnl. I'uvale llullii w.i-i lalall wi.umhil ami I'llvahs 1 1 1 1 !-. I'ur rani and Ki.hPu on vvne niso bailh In- llli d t'everi'l oil, i is wi e sll(;ill.V Injllli d. Tile wi.l.inleil aie lii iuj; hioiinht ovirlaml in I'.itl Kicnell. but Mutts and iiihi'hlv olln m. may die en route." SUMMARY" OF (T'np CONGIilullS Wlf-.t Har Not '.o alned Scriouc Injuiy from Plust. W.'ihh'lllUoli. All '. !l. The weekly Imllihu of the wailter bateau riiiii ciip i niidlilous an lollows: iiM'i- lln nml ni'Hti'in iiiiitliitiH nf tli ill lii It nml iln kiimO'I l''"l f I !' inl.lilli- A 1 1n ii I Ii I ili-s (nl ii i mil Iiiiii-s In I'Mlllilll I lllllllil' .mil, ulilli- iiiiiIIiii; i h'i 1 1 i'n itiii.i iirt . ii iniiiii r tin i.i, iii Unit ii, tin I Is i;, lift nll.v 1 t 1 1 1 1 ilnn 'I Im Milt: nl wliii i wiii-.ii is Ihuji- 1 I l,l,lil- It'll III Mil' win .11 Mlllll Tills miiI. lui, Imwi'vi'i, In i ii t il - i,tl Ii) llllliH III K.III-.IM llllll I'lllill l.ilnt . I In J 1 1 : riniii in , im miiiin- ruin i ii fit nt I t n ii m i' iiiiiI lln inliljlli .ml !' rl It' s, i, . ; I, i- ,i , il,i -i ilit.t -1 It I i - ill' III' I II nii Hull nl I In ' i'li 1 1 II I vii I It , I s Willi" lll-l In f I . I"! I im win il I. iiiiii ur ll'HH II II It III III llll' Illinois llll'l I Hill'! I'XIt'lit Iii .Si Iii ii a i nml M iiiiii- nt. i, tin- it piills t.'1'lli'l ;lll. lliilit.ll, lliiil lln- ii,i Ills lint Mitinliii i fi'iluiis Injur H.iimM is III .11 U ll.ll-lllil III 'IhH.I Hint I. Ill llnull'SH In Nilnii'l.,1 nml tin- miiiIIh ,i iiiIiiiin nf Sllllll Mill. nil!, Iilll lllis llnl )il III Kim In .Nnilli MiUiiI.i, win ii' Iiir imp ) ni'iiilly Is III I'Mlllilll i iliillllnll, Willi Inn,; IiiihK wlili Ii im tilling will In iinm limt's. Ihl: Ih inihi, ulih Ii his n li.w i'n'ilii. limit. n V ii-liinltiii hniii I, llpiiilni: uiilil. nml lh ln, .ml lii Hut In Jill v limn linl wlinU .Si'lllly llll i jinlls lliiliililt- Hill II yninl t r..i nl mils I i.i x In i'li kii iih I. Ilio m si I iii; Is now llnlilii il, ni njii In ixlniiiilv inn Hum ly iIIhIiIiIh, win ii It Ih i iii Villi' ' il 'llll' lljillllS 1-lilH'l Ulllltf llllllH I lllllllllll'l nnlin hiiiIiIi' r I .iti m.iih nil iIIhIiIiIh. Win ii niilliil-lii'il, lint in tin h iiii'ii'isi'i lltllll I i.' "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lllMil ll.ll' I Hlnllll. HIH. Trtliocmtn Mnr.incro Poitufjucse. ('iilo"lie, ' eu. !l. The CohiRiie (la 'eMe pr i a dlspatih tlial il.iinii ('ninth nuns (ii IIcmih n) leientiy made an elliniji to aii,nl; sevi I'oitURili Re vlll.iucs, loiali'd to lite noiihwiinl o lb im in !tontl,weni AT ilin, on I'l.iiui.uen. tiuitoiy. Mint ol tho villagers, ac( (inlliiR to iepoit, vi- ro niataaucU mid all their homo burned. H i H DCLIEF 13 GENERAL THAT EN VOYS WILL AGREE. NEGOTIATIONS BEGIN TODAY Each Side Will Examine Credential of the Other Plenipotentiaries Formally Welcomed by Officials of New Hampshire. roithiuoutli, N. 11., Aiir. 9. Tlio Itusslaii ami .lapanese peuco missions have siihinltled themselves to Intro tluctloii ami IIKevvlsu to ull of tho curo monlea of welconie and reception on the part of (ho United Stntoa Rovoru mem ami the stato of Now Hump sidle ami are leady to face each other for the purpose of ciiiIIiir tho war In the tar east ami If possible, coiihiiiii mat Iiir a peimaiient pcaco bulwuoa the two Ri-cut nations. Today they will meet In the iinval rloies bulbliiiR of the I'oitsinoutti navy yard. Tho itusslaii plouliMiton tlinles will examine tho credentials ami povveiH which tho emperor of .1 ti lt. in has deleRiited to Huron Koniuiii ami Minister TaUalilia, nml In turn the .lapaneso plenipotentiaries will fcrutlnle (he powers which tho Ittitt i.lait enipcior has confeiied usin M. Vitto ami Union Itosen. Tho second ilay'a rohsIoii, to tnlie place tomorrow, il Is expected, will be devoted either to tl eoiisideiation of tho .lapanese peace terms or to a proposition for an armistice by the Itusslaii plcnlpotcntiatlos. It has been estimated that if a basis of iicroIIu tlou for peace is found, tho actual lie RotlalloiiK will cnumimn nometliiiiR HKe livo weelm' time befoio u tie.ity can be perfected ami hIriiciI. The lamlliiR nml recepllon of thn envoys was n function loploto with reieinony. The dlRiilly or the natlon'H ,'ialiileH was eont i listed with the lieaity evclamatloiiH of Rood will on the part of thoiisamla of persons win, thiniiRci! tho slieels of I'oitsmoiitb and tiiiiToiiiided tho court bouse, whein (loveiiior Mcl.ano pionounced hit- (ordlal win ds of welcome. Envoys Much Affected. The envoys of both .lapiiii nml Hun sla weic much uffeeted by tho demote Kliallou of Ihe Anierlcan public. M. Wllte i oilo thniiiRh the business see lion of the town with his tall silk hat nil ed above his head In constant in I itowlcdRomoiil of iiiibiles. Ambus i I'lnr Itosen, ill the siinie eatiiiiRe, t.i a l'o uncovered in honor of tin ihi" ilti'i (iiiwihi. In tho eairhiRo fol liiwim; weie the two .lupiuicM! envoys, mid they loo worn not lemiss In re i iioinlliiR to the hurrahs of the eiovvdn Tlnee iiiiiIiirch wero occupied by each illusion, nml in tlio pioeeitsloti thloilKh the Rtieets of I'm iHlilonlli the Itusdiius ami .lapanese weie Riven itlleimite poslilons, the first, third ami llllh can lai'i h weie Itusslaii ami the n i oiul, loin lh and sixth .lapaueHO. Tho public wan tluoiously excluded fn in Iho unvy aiil, where tho en vojh (nine atihoie. Tlio lamlliiR was elfiiK'd most eii'illlloiiHly and eveiy llil'ir, moved n It limit tho HliRhtest In tel i lipid. ii. The Russian siillo wan pioi i eillni; lo tho liieahl'atil mom fiom I'i lamliiiR when tho tiabile fiom tho b.Mliry aiiiioiiuced the lamliiiR of the Japanese. The eiivoH were met at the court house by Thlid Aiisistant Keetelary or Stale I'i lice, who Hist ptoHcntcil M. W'lllo to (lovernor Mclino and then llaioti Komiir.t. Tho hcuinr Itusslaii i innilsi.loner ptesenled bltt suite to the fill f CMcullve of New llaillpsllilo and the Japanese pleulpoiciitliiiles did lil.ewhio. (iovornor McIjiiio'h foiuial Kpeeeh of web oillo was li'Hpolldeil lo b) a lol'oiind bow of both pintles. Optimism Prevails. Whll-' tin ie am no olllelal state iti' nt. or pieillcllous m'kiimIIiir tho (iiiiiiiine ol the lortlii niniiiR noRotiu tiouii, the pii'vab nee of a Roneral Rood It i'IIiir k iiiiIIi eiililo tliloilRholit tho mivlioiiH of the peuco missions. Ii l tlioiiRht that at today's moot In K ol Hut peaco envoya heio It may In- pi .slhlrt to exchaiiRo tlio fiinda meuliil basis on which tho re pie hi'latlVl'H of till) two belllRCM'Ilt povv oik may bo able to come In an under itaiidltiR. It In only alter nu iiccomI on iboho fiimlamoutal baseH that an aimlhtico will bo (oiisldeieil iiilvau tiiReoiiH by both pintles. On one point thn Itiihhlun iloleRatea aio In Mi m ted not to yield that roRanliiiR a war indemnity, whhh, il was stated, Is iiRiilnst the Russian teelhiR, uRiilm-t Itusslaii pihlo and iiRiilnst the whole lilhtory of tho (oiinlij. Theio Is the heller that although on tho vei-Rit of tho Hist imi'tiiiR tho two missions appear very lar tioin Rieeilieul, once tho pli'lilpntenl !;u b-il CM) III the coilfeiciico loom tlio po titiou of each will bo Rioatly iiiodltleit nml that they will malto an earnest clloi I to (omo to tonus. Altlioimh she han piepared an Irre ducible minimum, Japan will not pichcnt thl.s In biRh a form. Theio will bo ilomaiidH in tho Jupaucriu pro Brum which her plenipotentiaries uro TRAVELERS' CHECKS NOIDKNTII'OATION H'MHlii'tl. ot you mo ploli'ciid iiRiilnst lo., A s'ifo way to nirry money, YmiiiiunlwiiN In a piisllion toRt'l ensh at any bmik. Don't entry money whilo truv elliiR. lluy onoof thuso elit'cliH. Tho Old Reliable Columbuft State Bank empowered to modify. n nhorf. Union Koniurii nml Mr. Takahlrn will rn'seiit .laiuin's proRram In nu dlplo imitle a t'oim its possible. On the other hand, the Russian do not hesitate to relleiate that they will have no tumble In leachliiR an nRieement piovldeil .lupan's terms nn pear to them leasouuble. "Hut," add ed a member or the Rusr.lnn mission, ".Inpan must remeniher Hint wo wero not fuioi'ii to thesu ncRot hit Ions. Wo liave tho altermitlve of ( (HiIIiiuIiir the war liiilelluitely wit limit the piospcct of loss of territory." RUSSIAN NATIONALrASSEMBLY Emperor Nicholas Sets 8ea of His pprqyal Upon Project. St ivturHliiirir, Aim. 0. Tho Kus slnu inilloniil assmnhly, the Hist guth crliiR .oRether of tho representatlvca of tho Muscovite people slnco Km peror Alexis Mlchaolovitch, tho sec oiul of tho RoiniinoffB, aiitumonuil thn laitt enisliy nobor In tho uuventeenth century, will bo proclaimed on Satur day next. Tho Until hohhIuii of thn special commltteo which has boon conslderliiR tho project as druftcil hy Minister of Iho Interior lliiullgln and eluboiated by tho council of ininlHterH was held at Pot ci hor. Kb verdict upon the piojecl as n whole wan favor able, and at tho conclusion of tho ses sion, beforo tho asseiubled urund dukes, senatorH nml other niemhors of tho coiuiiiIhhIoii, ICmperor Nicholas set tlio seal of his approval thereto. AIHioiirIi It was stated at tho com mencement of tho sessions nt Peter hor that Kmperor N'lcltohis had aban doned his intention of roIiir to Mos cow, tho ancient capital of tho em phe, to proclaim this opoch-niuhliiR eliaiiRo in tho Institutions or Russia, the ieMirt haii been revived and it finds ciedence In spite or tho tlcnhils In (ouit eh cles or any hiinvvlcdRc or the subject. It Is known that special prec.i nt Ions havo boon taken for riiiimIIiik Iho railroad between Ht. I'elersbuiR and Moscow over which Iho einpeior would travel, and dis patches lust week announced tho ar rival in Moscow of two additional roRlinonls of Cossacks. Tho same dispatches told of tho thoroiiRh search of Moscow ami lis envlions for terror ists, whoso headipinrtern worn dlseov oied ami tho leaders captured Sunday. In principle iho national assembly will ho n deliberative nnd cousiiltntivo body for Iho discussion of meaaiiieH laid beforo It hy tho emperor or his ministers. It will hnvo tho power to fm eo tlio withdrawal of ministerial propositions by n two-thirds vote, which Rives It nt leant a ncRiittvo con trol over loRlalntlnn. It will bo n larRo body, probably of over !i(io mtuii born, chosen hy a syatem or Indirect elections, ami tho first neiihlou, It Is undoistood, will bo held In November. The elections tuko place In Oi tuber. Dr. J. E. Paul. Dentist. Oiujof tho largest and best equipped denial ollices in the .state. Vltallml Air for Palnltisft DuntiKtru... The kind that is safe and never fails. Como in and have your teeth examined and Ret our estimate on your vvoik. It will cost you nodiiiur and wo Rive a useful souvenir to each caller. All woil. Ruaranteed. OvrrNiuwolincr'Hciir. tSthanJOIIvfSU, S, V.. corner of. Park. Butb Phone, & P 9 A i l J H w4 1) 4 a - -A t.