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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1905)
r: V-srasrs. -i. JMt 1 ( CTs Return of SHERLOCK HOLMES By A. CONAN DOYLE. Author of "The AtlvfiiturM of Sherlock Mnlmet," Th llnurnl of thr BukrrvlIlM," "fhr Sln of the four," "A Study In SurleC," I Ic. ifoltlll'M held It OUt tt UK' "A Hoft revolver liullet, iis J oil peivelve, Wat urn. There'H (senilis In Hint, fur who would 'NH-it to IiihI mich a hlii tired from mi nlr 1:1111. All il:ht. Mm IIiiiI hoii; I tun inueli ohllp'd for jour 11s HlHtniH'K. Ami now, Watson, let me n-e you In jour old seat unee iiimi , for then arc i.evernl polntH which 1 hIioiiIiI like to dlsiiiss with joii." Ho had thiown olV the reedj' frock coat, mid now ho wiih the llnlniei of old In tin mown' colored dressing jrown which ho took from IiIm ellluy. "Tlio old iiliiUarl's nerves Iiiim not In-d Hielr Mleadlness nor IiIh ejei their l.ceiiuess," hmIiI he, with 11 IiiiikIi, as he lnni.vleil the shattered forehead of IiIh 1 tllHt. "I'llllllli III the middle of Ihe hael. of the head mid siuael. through the hr.ilu lie Will the lies I shut In India, mid 1 .iect that then- me few heller In London, lime you heatd the inline'," ".No, I have nol " "Well, well, mich U fame! Hut, then, If I rcineiiitier ilnht, 3 on had not heard the 11:11110 nt Professor .Imiies Morlarly, who had taie of the ureal lualns of the celitlliy .lllst Kle ineiliiuii Illy llnle of hlnm-iiihles from the shelf." He tinned oxer the paes la.lly, lean Iiik Imel. In his chair mid IiIowIiik meat clouds ft iiiii lilrt elpir. ".My collection of M'h Is a line one." niild he. "Moilarty himself Is enough to iiuihe 1111 v teller Illustrious, mid heie Is Morgan, the polnoncr. and Menldevv of nhoiiiluahlo iiiemory, mid Mutln-us, who l.llocKed out my left eaullie III the waltliiK loom at Charlui; i'i-ush, mid llmillj here Is our friend of tonight " He handed oer the Pool,, mid 1 read: ".Murau, SchaHtlau, colonel. t'liem lilnjed. I'iii'iiutI) Klrat lleuKalmo I'lo lieew. I'.oiu Loudon, INK). Son of Kir Augustus .Mm an, (' I!, once Hi It lsh minister to IVi-hIii. lMuc.itcd Llmi ami iixfonl. Served In Jovvnkl cam jiulKii, Afghan cmupalmi, Clutraslah (dispatches), Sheipur mid Cahiil. An 1 1n it- of 'Heavy (iailli' of the Western HliiialtttiH (ISM); 'Three Months In the Jum:lo' (issl). Addiess- Conduit Htieet. t'luhi The Anglo Indian, the Tiinkervllle, the Itnuiilelle Caul cluh." (in the margin wax written In Holmes' prcclMi hand, "The second uimtt dun Kcrous iiiau In London." 'Thin "in tiHfonlsJiftiR," until' I Vis" I liauihsl IhicIc the volume. "The man's career b that of an houorahlo mil iller." "It Is trtio," Holmes answered. "I'p to a certain point he did well. He was iIvviij-h 11 man of Iron nerve, mid Iho Htory U still told In India how ho crawled down 11 drain after a wound til mini eating tiger. Tllcle me snme trees, Watson, whhh i:iow lo a cor tain height and then suddenly deelop home unsightly eeeentlli-itj. ) nil will see It often In humau.s. I lime a the ory that the IndlvliliiMl icpreseiits In Ids development (lie whole ptoeesniou Df Ills ancestors, and that such a sud den tut u to good hi- evil stands for Homo stiolli: lullllelico which ciuie Into the lino of his jit-dlgi'iv. The pernou liecotues, an It weie, Iho eplloine of the history of Ids own family." "It Is miivIj rather fanciful " "Well, I don't In-lst upon II. What ever tin' mii.i-, Colonel Mm-iiu Iu-i;iiii to i;o wrung llhoiit uuj open cau dal he still made India too hoi to hold IiIm, He ictlrcd, came to Loudon mid again acipilted an ell a, line It was at this lime that he was i.unglit out h, I'nifi'ssiir .Mniliirtv, lo whom lor a time he was chief of the staff. .M01 lai ty mipiilled him lllier.illj with mutiij and lined him mdj In one or two vei-.v high class Johs whii h no onllu.iry erlui lual could hae iiudeitaKeii. Nun imij have i.oiue recollection of the death of Mrs. Stewart of Lauder In Iss7 Nop Well, 1 am sine Morau was at the Pol toll! of It, hut Untiling could lie nnved Siii'leveil) was the colonel coiucalcd that even when the Motlait. gmg w.u lirol.cii up we could not Im rimiii ile li tin. You lemeuilicr at that dale, when I called upon .Mm In onr mnim, liow 1 put up the uliiittert for of nlr pints? .No doutil win thought me fund I'll! I I, new 1 n tl whit I wa 1 do lllg, for 1 Knew of the eslstelire of tills reiuaiKahle pin, and 1 Knew sl.o olio of the hest shots In the world would Ik' liehiud It. When we were In Switzerland he followed us with Moil nitj, mid It was undoiilitcdh he who ;;avo me thai evil Ihe minutes on the lll'lehellhliell ledge "You may think that 1 read the pa pera with some attention duriiu; iu. so Jolirn In 1'raine, 011 the I00K0111 lor any chance of 1 : 1 1 1 1 K I1I111 hj the InvN r-'o IniiK as he miii free in london my life would really not have heen worth ll lug. Night and ta the shadow would huvu heen over me ami sooner or later his chance must hao come. What could I do? 1 could not shoot him at Hlght or 1 should ui)M-lf lie In the docK. Tliero was no um- appealing to a iiumU trato. They cannot Interfere 011 the strength of what would appear to them to bo a wild misplcl 111. So 1 could do nothltitf. Hut I wat lied the criminal now, knowing that i-ooner or later I Hhoultl p't him. 'I'lien came the tle.ith of thlti Jloii.Ud Atlalr. My chance had t-oino nt hist, Knowing what 1 did, wiih It not feiialn that Colonel Morau had douo It? Ho had played cauls with tlio lad; ho had followed him homo from the club: lie had nhot him t!rou;;!i I ILLUsrHATtD BY r. D. STEELE i tiie opt n wii'low. Tin-re was not 11 doubt of It The bullets iiloiit' arc euomth to put his head In a noose "I caine over at 01 I wiih seen by the rent Hud, who would, I knew, direct the ciiIiiiii'I'm attention to my presetuo. He mill not fall to connect my sudden relni 11 w llli his erluii' and to be terribly alarmed I was sure he would iiial.e an attempt to pet me out of the way at mice and would brlnu' round tils mur derous weapon for that purpose. I left him mi escelleiit mark In the window, and, limine w irued the police that they inlKht be needed by the way, Watson, j 011 spotted their presence In that doorway with iinerrlm; accuracy I took up what seemed to mo to In n Judicious post for observation, never dreaming that he would choose the same spot for his attack. Now, my dear WalMUi, does anythlm: remain for me to esplalliV" "Yes," said I "You have not made It (little clear what was Colonel Moron's motive In inuiilcilm,' the Hon. Itouald Adair?" "Ah. my dear Watson, then' w como Into those realms of conjecture whm the most logical mind may be at fault. Hiu li may form his own hypothesis up on the present e Ideiice. and yoiiw In as likely lo lie correct ii'i mine." "You have formed one, then?" "I think that It is not dltllciilt to ex plain the facts It came out In evidence that Colonel Mora n ami yon m; Atlalr had between them won a considerable amount of money Now, Moran un doubtedly plajed foul. Of that 1 have lone been aware. 1 believe that on tlio day of the minder Adair hail discov ered that Moran was cheat I m,-. Very likely ho had spoken to him privately and had threatened to expose him un less ho voluntarily resigned his mem bershlp of the club and promised not to play cards aealii. It Is unlikely that a joiiliKstcr like Adair would at unco make a hideous scandal by exposing a well known man so much older than himself Probably he acted as I SUB KcM 'Ihe cNclusioii from Ills clubs would mean ruin to Morau, who IImiI liy his III gotten card imlus. He there fort' murdered Adair, who at the lime was cndemorliu: to work out how much money he should himself return, since he could u it prollt by Ills part tier's foul play lie locked the door lest the ladles should surprise him and In sist upon knowing what ho was dotuj; with these mimes and coins. Will It pass?" "I have 110 doubt that you have hit upon the truth " "It will be crlllctl or disproved at the 1 1 Int. Meanwhile, como what may, Col mi'l Morau will trouble um iiii more. The fin ions air 1:1111 of Von Herder will embellish the Scotland Yard museum, and onto again Mr. Sherlock Holmes In flee to devote his life to eamliilii those InlerestliiK little problems which the complex llfo of London ho plenti fully preaentH." The Adventure of the Norwood Builder No. 2 or tlu Sorlci CCtM'Mi. 1W1 h i Ui.ii lKlt 411J I'Mtr't II llll) ) (tcf,ilthi llt'i h Mn Kit, VhiUlii tf ft .) liii.M the point of view of the cilniliial expert," said Mr Sherlock Holmes, "Loudon hat become a liieiilailv iiiilutcicstlui; ill since the death of the lite lamented I'm Morl.irtj " haidh tl.iul. that vou would llnd mail decent cllleus ti. amee with ou " I iiiisweied. "Will, well, 1 11111M not lie selfMi," o.iltl he, with a '.mile as he pushed luck his 1 ban limn tln breakfast table. '"Ihe coinnirmlly Iscirlainl) the valu er and 110 one the later sae the poor out of work .pft-lnllM, whme occupa tlon has cone. With that man In the lldd one' i itioiiilnu paper presented In Unite p.usibiim,-, oiti-n it win only Ihe smallest trace, Walson, the faint est Indication, and ju-t It was enoiieli to tell me that the Ki-eat uialL'iiiuit brain was tln-ie, as the m-ntlcst tre lliois of tin- cdKt'N of the web r Illd one of the toiil spider which lurks In the I center l'citv thetts, wanton assaults, purposelest oiitnn,'!' to the man who 1 held the clew all could be worked 1 Into one connected whole To the set- j entitle student of the hlKher crhuln-il world no capital In Lurope oiVcicd the iitlvantiiKes whhh Loudon then pos- ft-ssisl I'.ut now" Ho slu iiKiretl IiIh shoulders In humorous denreeatlon of the slate ot things which hu hail him sell tlone so uiilill to piodllce At the time of which I speak, Holmes hail been back nu- some mouths, and I at his request had sold my praetteo ami returned to slime the old iuaitor.s lu llaker street. A soiuij: diH'tor mini od Veruer had purcliased my small Ki'iisliiKton practice ami kUcii with astoiilshlmrly little di-inur the hlhest price that 1 M-uturcd to ask an Inci dent which only explained itself souio lime later when 1 initial that Veruer was a distant iclatlon of Holmes and that li was m friend who had roally found tlio mom1). W 'W les- or " i-.n uur luoiuh'i of partm-rshlp had not been no uneventful us he had stated, for I llnd 011 looking over my notes that tills period Includes the case of the papers of fx l'lcsldcnt Murlllo, and al so the Hhoc-kliiu allalr of the Hutch steamship I'rleslaiid, which no nearly cost in both our lives. His cold and proud nature was alwajs averse, how ever, to niijthliiK In the shape of public applause, ami he bound 111 e lu the most strliiKi-iit terms to say no further word of himself, Ids methods or his a prohibition which, ax I bavo explain!, has only now ht-oii removed. Mr Sherlock Holmes was k-unliiK hack In Ids chair after bin whimsical protest and was unfolding his morning paper lu a leisurely fashion when our atten tion was nriested by a tremendous 1I11K at thu bell, followed Immediately by a hollow ilrummiiik sound, as If some one were beallnc on the outer door with Ills list. As It opened Iheie came a tumultii ais rush Into the hall, rapid feet elatteied up the stair and an liHtaut later a wild mid frau tie yoimi: man, pale, til .hoveled and palpltatltu;, la list Into Ihe m an, He I iiiki'il from one to the other of 111, and under our ;.c of itnpilry ho became conscious that some apology was need ed for this unceremonious entry. "I'm sorry, Mr. Holmes," he cried. "You mustn't blamo mi'. I ma nearly mud. Mr. II dines, I am the unhappy John Hector Md'ariiine." He made the aunjiutici'im.-nt as If Ihe II 1 1 e al me would explain both his visit and It 1 manner, but I could see by my eompinlon's unresponsive face that It meant no more to blin than to 1110. "Have a cigarette, .Mr. Mt'I-'arhiiie," nil lil he, pushing Ids case across. "I am sure that with your symptoms my friend Dr. Watson bom would pre-Nt-rlbo a wslatlve. Tlio weather has been ho very warm tlieso last few days. Now, If you feel a little moie composed I should be Kind If you would sit down In that chair mid tell us very (dowry anil tpilctly who you are and what It It that you want. You men tiontsi your inline as If I should rccou nl.e It, but I assure you that beyond the obvious facts that you aro a bat h dor, a solicitor, a Freemason and an asthmatic 1 know nothing whatever about you." l-'ainlllar as I was with my friend's methods, It wiih not tlUllciilt for me to follow bs deductions iiikI to observe the untidiness of attire, the sheaf of lemil papers, the watch charm and the breathing which had prompted them. Our client, however, stared In iiiuirc meiit. "Yes, I am all that, Mr. Holmes, and In addition 1 am the most unfortunate man at this moment lu Loudon. For heaven's sake, tloil't abandon me, Mr. f ninnies; ir uiey come 10 iiitcsi me lie fore 1 have iliilshfd my story iiiako them Klve me time so that 1 may tell you the whole truth. 1 could go to Jail happy If 1 knew that you were worklm: for me outside." "Arrest you!" said Holmes. "This Is really most unit I most Interesting. On what charm' do you expect to bo ar rested?" Tpon the charge of murdering Mr. Jonas Oldacre of Lower Norwood," My companion's expressive face showed nsyniiiahy which was .not. 1 Hin arraui, entirety unmixed with sat isfaction. "Dear me," said he, "It was only this moment at breakfast that I wiih Hay ing to my friend Dr. Watson that sen national cases had disappeared out of our papers." Our visitor Htrotclied forward a tpilv crlug baud and picked up the Daily Telegraph, which still lay upon Holmes' knee. "If you had looked nt It, nlr, you would have neen at n glaneo what tlio errand Is on which I have come to you this morning. I feel ns If my name ami my misfortune must Ik lu every man's mouth." Ho turned It over to expose the central page. "Here It Is, ami with your permission I will reml it to you. Listen to this, Mr. Holmes. The headlines are: 'Mysterious Alfalr at Lower Norwood. Disappear " f n Well Known Hullder. Sus picion of Murder uud Arson. A Clew to the Criminal.' That Is tlio clew which they are already following, Mr. Holmes, ami 1 know that It leads In fallibly to me. 1 have been followed from London Hrltlge station, uud 1 am Hiiro Unit they lire only waiting for the warrant to arrest me. It will break my mother's lwurt-It will break her heart!" He wrung his hands In an agony of apprehension ami nwayed backward ami forward lu Ids ehalr. I looked with Interest iiimiii this mail who was accused of being tlio perpe trator of a crlniti of violence. He was tlaxeii haired ami handsome, lu a wash ed out negative fashion, with frighten ed blue eyes and a clean Hhiivon face, with a weak. Honsltlve mouth. His agu may have been about twenty-seven, his dress ami hearing that of a gentleman. From the pocket of his light summer ovVrcoat piotruded the bundle of In dorsed papers which proclaimed his profession. "We must use what time we have," said Holmes. "Watson, would you have the kindness to take the paper and to read tlio paragraph In ques tion?" 1 naerneath the vigorous hendllnps which our client had ipiotod I reml the following suggestive narrative: (To bo continued. ) A hedgehog curls Itself up by n frown -that Is, by muscles like thono which produce a fiovvn and It frowns se verely or gently, according to circum stances if it Is poked hard It "sighs" itself tighter. If really hurt It frowns Into a tight ball Tlio prickles can bn erected In n measure, though as they point all ways this Is not needed. They are iik sharp 11 h netslles. We hnvo only known one dog, a lurgo black and whltn Hcttcr, which would deliberately bite n hedgehog till It killed It. Rut this dog was quite mud and ahuml some of thu auacHtticiiln common to certain h niitica.- London Spectator. COUNTY OFFICERS. !toirrMritntlp Jo.s.vW, Hf.siiKk 'li-rk John h ha SIliTit! t'UVIII.I-H J.C.MlllUl 11. r nu L.lllllltl ..I.. II. I.ri Sllirl!llllllllt!lt , . A-Hifpor , Jinkv . Atliiriii'i 1'ri-nMin-r . .... I li-rkuf l)-lrld liiiirt Ciirniii-r Humour ..John J.Oai.i.rt iIoiin ItvrrriiMAs li. It. Iivriivji . 1)1 nit A, lln-incH (', M.iliit-fNriirH t:. 11. si mi It. I., IIiiimITIH HOAItl) OK SLPl.ltVlMIIIM. John dorr? I'l I HI IlKMiHl . .IllllN Mt V.XSON .l-'llVXk KlMl.NVS, CIluiriliHtl I'.lliol.lll I . .Wl'I.I.Ml l.'iCIn II I. li, i:, J. KllNNT l)Ut. 1 . Ill-t. .' . I'ixl .1 Jl-I I JlM..'. DIM 1-7. U. S. Skv.viuiis -I. II, MIIIhuI, Klmtr J. linr kill. .MrMiiru or Cumiiikss, Do DisTiuur, J, J, Mil'iirllij. HrATKdFKK'KIJS. (lovi-riiiir, .Inliii II, Mlt-ki-is l.ii'iiti-iiioiHIiit. i-iiinr, i:, II, Mclllllcii! Sti-ri-iur) Hliil.-, A. (ml. iixlii-, Aiiilltur, K SI Mriirli-, Jr., Inwm.'r, 1'iti-r .Mm Ii-ii-cii, Atliirm-) lii-iii-nil, .Norrlc llniwn. Mi 1 1 M-ri 11 in l,-i it I'nlilii-liintriii-tliiii, .1. I. .Mi-IIiIi-ii, I iiiiiiiiixsiiiiii-r I'ulilir UiiiUk, II, ,M. Iiitoii, .lnniOH ilia ,liiiucivi Disriuer ('. Ilollnti' Mrk, .1, II, HiihIit Mil Mini llni'li lllli-lii-M. IIi-i-iisinmii Mm HiitriiieT .I.W.IIi-nili-f I'i.ovi ItH'io-oM vnvi In it GHURGtl DIIIEftTUHY. i im:i:kiiationai. s.ii.1.111. h iii.ui, h c,H. in. I'ii-iii liiiu;, II 11. 111, mni -hi ,, Ml Mcniui I iiili-.-itiii, 1 im p in, I'iiijit iin-i mm I t Himi in l.iiili.M ,vnxilliii In nl Wiilhi'-.l i) lu i-.-h-Ii nu. nlli ill Him . in, l.nli.. MiM-ii-l) limt Wi-iIiii-mIh) In cm. -li iiiiiiiIIi i,l :i ., in 11 A. .Mi'.Mui, 1'iiHn.r, l.ntMAN lAAMlCl.ll'AI, 1'ltiHI.SI'ANr- Siiiniiij i-iliiiiil, 11 .mi 11 in. I'li'in 1,1111: hcitii-e, it in. Vi.iii,,. p,Hi,ii,'H N..111I), t-t Iho uii-kn, rtiimlii) mil i. in. LiiiIk n ,ii Sisli-I), In -I lliiiri-lij nf imi-Ii 1111. nlli, j ,111 p. in I'aro-rlu-il m-IiihiI, Miitiinln) 11 in IJ 11. in. 1 1. hlmim linn rliiKH, I nt. 1 1) an. I I nil i), lull . in. Iliv It. ,Sit i vmikiii, l-iihtnr. I'ltl'.SIIV ll.lilAN Siililmtli Ki-Iiih.I, li r, 11. in iHi-riiniii, II Mia in S-liler l-n.l.Hti.r, i hi i hi I'ltl'llilll! hi-llin n.iin rniji'i I Illil-lllut Hint) f tlll'flllllllllll ll-rmllll, S III . in Hiiirmlll) I, h.ll. -n .Mixxioiiiir) mii'IiI) l.ihl I 1 1, lii) i.l i.ii.ri 1111. I1II1 Lull, n Alii nil. 'll. 11I1. W imIih mIii) nl fail, (III, Mil. VVMII-.l.N II VI.SIV, I'iihIiii, .WKiiiiiiiisr I'liii.'tiiM,-, iD.i',11. in, Mt.ii k . Ill Sllllllll) M'lilHil, I.' 11 III .lllllil.l Ij'I.Mi. .1 .iu. . 111, I.ihiiiIIi l'iii-iii-, tin i in -iii)ii llll'.Tllll-, llllllhill) MM, Hi, Llllll n All! Mil il) i-ii'i) nllii r W11I111 mIh) hi ,nki , in l.ol VN Id-Mi III Wol.K, I'liHlnr. IIAI'lllil Hiilula) m-IiihiI, Kin in. H.TIMOI. II iiii 111. .Iiimii.i II. I'. J ,;-.ii 11. in, rd'uiiii II. V 1' l nl i HI i, in. Mt'iiniiii, niKI i, in I'IIIJIT Mil- Hin; I lillliulll), H,ltl i III. IUV. L. .1. (JI.)IHl, I'll-llir. liUAIM-. I-II'ISCOPAI. Low t-i-li-liriitliin, b-U 11. in. Nuiiilii) hili.Hil, Hum 11. in, I'liiiililuK, II mill. in. l-.n-iiliii'Mi-rvli-e, H-H) i. in. Hi. Au Irmtx IIiiiIIii-in, Hi-rnliil 'I'iii-mIm) of fnili iiiiiiiIIi lliHU'lili-IN nl Um Mill!, M-riilul I'llwilii) nl i-iii-l, Mil. Mill, Ijlllil'H lillllll, Mtllllll WllllllKllll)' III iwli iiiiiiiIIi. liM. W. A. I '.via, Um-lnr. IIKIt.MAN l.ll I III.IIA.N I'l.-nililnir, IIIUIii. 111. Siiinlii) MiImniI, -j p. 111, Lnlli'H Mtiiu-I) iuih'Ii nun I IiiiimIii) 111 1 in li iiiniah. liH. II. SIlKSHI.KII, I'llnlur. UKOItll.VM.l'.li rill 111 II 01-- LAlT'Kli IIAISVIMH HiliUtilihi'liiHil, 111 11. 111, I'lrnili. Iiik M.rvii-i-, ll 11, in, MiiHin.'Mlnl M-rvii-ii l.ii HllUllll) ill Ulll'll llililllll. llmiml W. llu.l.M, Kliti-r. HI'. IIONAM-M'lltA I' HiiihIh) Hnrvli'i-N, iiiih mill mi an. n hI h, U iiutl IU it o'clock, hiiiulii) mIiim.I mill lii-iii-ttii-tiiiii nt l oYlurk. I In-i ii'iliM'k iiiiikh in uiti-n in I'lilinl. Hlnl Um MoYli.i'k iiiiixh iilli-rinilil) ililji-riiiiiliitliil KukIIkIi, Wnk 1I11) iiiiikh i'iit) iniiiiiiiiK m t ii'i-liH-k, r'iiilii)ti iti 3;l'i ii'i'liM'K, hiiiiiuiiH mill In-lii-ilirtioll, I iilili'i-Mi.lin I111111I fiiiui 4 Iti n ii't-tiH-k Hiiliniliis mnl Irniii V lo U nu HiiuiIh) llllirilillK. 1'nllli'i.hlnlin lllnurtliuilll) iimruiUK Im luri) B o'rliH-k iniiKH, Kwnm 1111.oiiM.11 Kai.vmaja, I'riiwt. A LAND Of WONDEBS. The SlRktaeer riada If nay Tkiata ei Iateret ta CaliforaU. California Iiiih niiiueroua natural brnlgt'H, caves, etc. of no little intercut. The Mainoth Cave of C-'alaveriiH, dia covered by miners ill IKM); the Alabiiater Cave; the Cryatal l'ahieo Cave, contain tug a nuiulair of utlractivu subterranean iippartnientH, hiiuIi aa tlio bridal Cham bar, the ChryHtul l'alaco Koom. Aouri- ouHappartinent called Music Hall, where tlio depositH of iuueoiiH origin not only take tlio form of organ pi pea, Hounding boards etc., but emit, when Htrtick, iiiiihi- calHoiiuilHiiml vibrations. Near this oave are two natural bridgea which the tour ist oau visit and return to the railroad within half an hour. Tlio only natural way to reach these scenes of interest is via "The Overland Limited, Jtotite," comprising the Union facillnantl Mouth ern I'ai'illc, now rcaly 0110 lino. The only line running through trains to Han Francisco from Omaha, its fast trains, arriving sixteen hours ahead of all coin potitors. l'aiuphlotH and inapH ileseril) ingtho wonders of California, and full information about the most comfortabl anil tlirett route to tlio Paoillo CoatH.eae be obtained of K. L. Loinm, (I. l'.j A T. A. Omaha. Xeb. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Thi Kind You Havi Always Bought Boars tho Slgnuturo of jffttQ Special Reduced WmT Excursion Rates Milwaukee mid return Juno 111 toll). Knturn limit July ttfth. Kate, one fare pins tlfty oentn. Milwaukee, Wis and return, on onln Juno Kith to inth, 0110 faro plus lifty ceuts. Toronto, Out., (mid rot urn. On sale .In no IS, V., 'J I, & -.'. Ouo fare plus '.'.oo. , IndlanopollH, Iml. and return. On sale Juiin ID - lUu. Ono faro plus ilMX). lliilTalo, N. Y., mid return. On sale July 7 to '.. Ono fnro plus f0 cants. Ashurr I'nrk N. J ami return. On alo June 'M mid 'li to July I. Ono I are plus $:l.:tr. Ihilttmoro, Md. mid return. On kale July I to :i. one faro plus f-.'.ix). Chicago, Milwnuken and Southern Wiscciihin pniutr and return on sale Juno Iht to tjept ::oth. JJ. A KUHN.i A. G.F. & P A. Omaha, Netr. 6&tfM&&v Protected by Block Sienals The first railwiiy in Ainorir.-t p atlo.l the ;.bo lute Block System in the epuialion til" alUrainu was the Chicago- Milwaukee & SI, Paul Railway. The St. Paul Howl was tlio first railway to light its trains by cloctneily. Tho SI. Taul Koad was al:o the fust to adopt tlio stovm heating system. Tree throuj-h daily trains to Chicago from all points on the main line of the Union Pocilic Hailroad. Tor lime table, special rates, etc., see Union Pacific Ajront, or write F. I. NASH, Gen'l Western Agent, IS 24 Far nam St. OMflHfl. NKBim.SKft, ATTRACTIVE COAST wan arMd Take Ihe Burlington from Columbus to l'iirllniiil.S..nti(..TiiniMmiii,i!iiiiiii (Itmii l.'i.iit,... ).s fmn, m-u jm MO 00 I'urtlmiil mur It turii. (line W.u u Calilnini i. ,M n ,ri..'i -,, ". - .,, ,,,i;i.i!-. iN.y.i.-a,,,!,,!, i, j. i. ,. , s m n.i., n ,...,:. Al,,,; lloiml ilali-H in AiikiihI utiil !!, mUr j, ()0 SmiKriiiiii'rii.l.oAln'i'liHiiii.l!iliiiii.(li1,.,i ;t, ) AUite IMIim fifi 00 HtnKniiHiMrii.l.oMAiiKi'lisiiiiillJWiini.utliiit Ci.iiti ) .M,u :i, u ::i,.hiiif I Am-. ii-tlli. 11,11!, Ill, IMMuIhi 1.. Is, 'i..-ii, I. ' ' r.O 00 'I life l.ile:i.,j nvet lln '.uilm.;l.ii,N iLui.l Inn lo Hmvei, thenee' lllllillL'll St'i'lde Ciilui iilii.iiul .il Sm.u,l!.'M;ntilwi!M''1''ll'N,l',l'',h ,"'," '"""' ....ll.vv.v, ,,,. , ,..,,, TheliliM i.laii-lit.e lull. . , ,.,.,, ,, ,,,, (. iltlomi.t h.i tu llmile. I'liill I-.ii.i(,i,. I'liati Miiiinl title..'tou .mil Mtillt.lll.'l full In tll.nle ll.ile' lln V iilnlis lilllllictnli .Mtili Lilies. The lllllliiieluli I- llle.inlj lii,. I, wlinli vim i in I il.r Ihllli' J, , lll llllll Hi" lllllllillllllllV ill I l I li.ll Uilll till. In,, will, , Iilillunil i .r,hf IMilt tliiiiimli I'lillimm i.iml.iii .i,.. t ., , ,,,., vii li. i, mm Si't'llir rtihilfidli lllll -:ilt Like. ' Aiily tuthe limlel. lulled Im I'nit l.inil i:i., ,,., iililiniiii li.lilii. luiiiist i miii. inn luliln, im ln'itli-. iitUnm .Itillll, I. I'll I-. 1 1, . Ie I'lil.e Jl.lll in.o. i Id), mil li I Hie Iliv Im- Villi t III- ll i-t nt llhl Hie In w iv In in ike ll. L. F. HECTOR, Aent, Columbus, Nubr. PBMBaurfliaiitfB Kansas City Soirfheni fiai Straight ir: KANSAS CI i'Y iW0t$& PASSING IHrjniJCH A (IflFrt I f.fl DIVLI.I I Y O CLIMAIK, SOIL AND WLSC UUCP. I HAN ;vNV ami . HAILWAY IN THE WOULD, HOR IT8 U.NGIII AlniiKMUIIiif HriMliPilmtlittin ,i iiltnl fm rr.ivvlii,'ni nl crr.lii , .in Hu ci.iti.i,, t..r.iiiii,ne,.l,,U ,..,. li...,i iJf.i.i.t ,,,,. , i I,,' f..r-imN,,.ll,1.,M.nllU,.ll.l,.; f, ,,,,.. ,.(, .nmhl,' iln.l el . I , . , ,r li.ifM.,, imi.fM.MHle, im,.,, ,,., ,,. pnuliiynnii,. ' Write Inr liiiuriinlloii Co.K.u.nim) rnE GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS Culon IimhIijiis, Impnivml Fflrm . Minrritl MiiiU, llltn tmi.lf .mil ri.nbu,- UnJ!,. ami to. toim.s ut "Ciifini 1 1 unis." UiKlnuts OhiuiIumiiu lilcu lliinl., K. C U. I dill liiibk Che.p roua.l-trip homcjet kern' ti Let t ..n M,:. jirt nncl Hunt '1 iiouh of i ii.'Ii iiiiiiiIIi. THf. UMUKI I INC T 'THE LAND OF D. DUTTOW, Trav. Pm. A?t. Vmaa City. Ma. T. . KOBBLCtt, Tiuv. Pftnc SEVEN WONDERS nf the Aim iii.iii ('niiliin nl Vellnvv.tniie Niiiinmil n, ' h. (ili'tll Sli.i-li.nie K.ilU, Tin I nliliii Inn liivii; .Miiiinl II. Mi.l. Hi. ',i In,, ul'l'iililiu ma, The Y.i i null ; I, in in ',u I HI lieti iie:it Suit l.uki t.w .vi. i. in: ,-i i.. u . u:if i,u nu UNION PACIFIC AXtl I H.N.MI llll. I'D IIII LEWIS AND CLARK IMPOSITION PORTLAND. OHbOON, rlm.t-1 in ot I lo. 190.', liniure o( W H. 1IENJIAM, AbhiiI. TOURS ... u i.thi BBS -moL rsiartia: Vfi .(auway tho Crow c.,, TO THF. (VJIT ssi V.VI v, x.j . i iu FULFILLMENT" H. U. WAUNCU, U V ami T . v..u ... .i... .? . end Imlr'n Ati.,, K..nn.i.i fit y, ia tCMM j-. O ' v1 ( 9. ! V t . A A1!'