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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
hr. ,- " 'J V & f r a ' jr I " ?i A.-r. 1wmv1mnMmMMMIIi I I H'''HHtMfc L IJJJMET Baking Powder A perfectly healthful powder made by, amproved chemical methods and of accu rately proportioned materials. Tru-st UnUInc I'ovMcra .U for 45 of 50 cent per pound nml mny bo Men tliliM by tMM cxnrbltnnt price. Tliey aro it menace to public health, n toinl prepnreit from them con taint targe nituntltle. ol Kochclle salts, ,t itanccroui cathartic druf. I Home Restaurant and Meat Market ! The best of everything in the eating inc. Meals nt all hours, day or night Fresh Fish and Game in Season Herman KersenbrocK Mr fHM"M"t-W-H-y4-H-4 ! 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II .. i ". t 'I m r, i r'i ri ; i ?7 i r'no Oil ll'jl I iivpv a ; (,. tiinmJ-f.ion ," n!t uluf Hnrnhtlitj-. -r- m"M ""lietMtv npnlti'it i:cnil.r.'!tft I'liltim In tmaml . r o ; n lltrm lire luIulttTiiiiwl uli! Infupiim oil. i:V..A.. V '',-'.'0,,"'J! ' TMICfl "r.4.?r77.r.n1 the Kriuty. .illxi. i .. r t ,.:i (iititlin .t.v unllon .f Itifw piMin wltti n. H.UtdM )' 3 ,;i ii:n-- n inlco till ttnrit lor Il inrliy. I'.iln r'i i. to r ttx'.H vntmvil oil." or rrniu 2 13 to ii ilmN ltiPinit.rl.rt. i....-.... .... ..-., i,r rnn- on in jour loan innifr m Imrrvl. ' Tijitm .i ii j.nltit wlinoo inn'ipm .STOP, wlimi lliotutatnlNrnm ' il'.i.V '' ",p "J'J h,y, !' tit CNMfnund tli pnrt raw iP, ' iMitli t,(MiKit scf irnnl.v kVi.m (tJoliM-iilili-iilcr. MmiilyiSllr tcwthTr! ' Kllii Cor rcutloii. mi more, mi lii. unit iiothliiiri-lMMiiiil YOVUntm ' V'i...'2l'-'at!t ""'".V ,,,r,,. oil iiiilnt Hint Iirn rout yoa ! .Vl, f"E '. I'i" " oil una your onn HtwouiU kuowl. , 'it;i ! lh jiurJly nml l,irntiiltty. " ' !.!..! nV ,,"f!;,,"l,""r '"" i"KMJ,i;roliM. Ills not n ml-nt ioKltrr j-ciitiy lor j-m to tlilu lonu unit in- mri rnw oil. , WHCHfiVEn WF HAVF NO Arr-NT. VMIIR niAw ncAl en utii i Xvii i NiiNuwuir- t-UK YOU. F SHOWN THIS AD.. BY WRITINQ UIREOT TO,11 iv.imi UOMfANr. UT. LCUISIO. AT GKE5ASTS' HHfi-HrW4H I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 YOU WANT Journal Job Printing HII I till BECAUSE: Mlt :in iihvnj iii (o-ilntc. Wink i iiaiaiitccil. i't niiipt ilcliviTV. I!i :t-"ii!ililr H'ici'. II c luiviii't it we will iiiilii it. We ran mivi iiu.-iiif.os iiK'ii iiimiey i'ii piiiitcil tin in-; we can ,'! enslaved f.inl- I'm nciny penjile, licttiT -tyles at lower jiriff.s. .Iiiiuti'il Salt r,ili IninjjeiowiU. .Iniiinal Letter Heads linn;' Iiii-iiii - Tiy ii. Only Daily in ('uliiiiilius, Jlelp us juisli. Goiumbus Journal Go. Ethel B. Wino Trainee! Nuv.'yi) OliAtnti'lo.s f .Siiir,l.ilt Iniliinniiiliint I'ltomi ifif.t G(jl.unlti.s, CATAHRH tSBSb fiSaftfiSBfioffl KV oti gYTEVER DONT WASTE GRAIN! A Chonply Mario Wagon Will Waste Enough Grain to Buy a Good Ono. Dill- WliyilllH Mill IJOt Ht'llttKT niiinuii wliileoutlioromlto iiiiirketor overtax your JiorHH ltll neeilleHH lumvy ilraUf,'llt. so m CHXK lys Cream Balm Thio Romofly n r Gpocinc, Suro to Clvo Sntlsfnctlon. QIVCO RELIHK AT ONCE. It. ( i uisi'i, Nont In , i iN 'tiiil prntix (4 the iliMiin( iiii'iiiliriiin It' r Catarrh aal ilrivi'saway a ('uhl in tin 1 1 iel ipia kh. Kustiiiei tint Si'iisi"' ol 'I i'" ui'l Sini'll. ILlsy to linn, t'lilitain- no in)'iriiis iliMu's. Applii'il into tlm iiiiitrils mel nli-nr'it il. Iirtji' Si.i, Till ifiita at Iru',"it( or liy in til; Trial Sio, 111 routs ly nmil. EUY, nnOTHEIIS, 5C Warren St., Now York. W- lee' onl Die Latent uml J1KST 111 iUM anil Carriages All KitnlHiif- mm IMPLEMENTS. ' 0 nr lioist sIiiiin stU'k iinil ilon'l lani Mint' litusi's TltV Til KM. LOUIS SCHREIBER. fcOMi'L f,;i l.!.autwi m i.,.-h.M,,.--;.i..rV i tm,lm Wife - Beater Fined (Tlitirmhj'i Dull)) A tmvolitiK tiorcnlrnilcr who lvt'. hi nninn a LohIh DtiRntt ltiiltiluuil in tho mniilv luxnry of tioaiiiiiiiK litn wlfn with tho bijr etui of it whip yes ttitduy evening on tho strei'tH of Co tutnbuH. It nppoart. that Diikaii whm drntik ami thin tuny account for tho fact that tho opnratlon wnn public. At nnv rato, it wn opoti to tho viow of by KtantlorH who illil not approve of tho ouHtoin nml nn olllcer wnn found who itnvo pursuit, ncioompnnlml by cnrtaln npectntorn wlio had wltnoimptl tho iwrfortnmtco. Mr. Dnsan wns ovor hauled in tho went end of town and wn put under nrront on n ohnr;o of nwnnlt on coiuplnlnt of O. H. Spolco. Todnr ho wn bronsht boforoCounty TudKo Hnttormnn for trial, and a u unl the woman who had boon tho vlo tlm of IiIh brutality refuted to tettify aijaltmt him. On tho oontrnry, nho hml llxed up n utory cntonlnted to con trndlct tho ovldonco which wnn Rlvon by dlftinteroflted oyowitnedKon of tho iwrformanoo. In the fnco of thin de nial on the part of the victim, .Tudgo Ratterman decided that ho could not hold tho man and dinohnrRod him. Thin afternoon another chargo of aniault and battery Tho firnt ohnrRO hnd been anNautt with intent to do Krent bodily injury. On tho hocoiiiI oharRo tho judRo aimeiiNetl a lino which amounted to about ;I0 including cohIh. $25 And Coiit87 (TluirHilii)'H Hull)) Yostordny Orlokot Moyer and May Dillon wore brooch! before Umintv JuiIro Hattorman and lined $'ir each nnd cost for koepiiiR Iiouhoh of proHti tiition. They paid tho Hiion. Tho niaxltuum penalty llxed by law Ih IKM) (Ino and six monthn ImpriNoumeut. OomplnintN woro aho InhuoiI aRitiiiNt four women an inmates, but they left on tho early morning train before warrautN woro nerved. Stolen Property Found. ('riiurHilii)V I nl I)) A irt of tho property which wan Rtolen from the Htoro of Carl Schubert lntit Thursday niuht hnH boon found. Fivo rovolvers woro found onst of tho Burlington doiiot voHtordny. They woro rnsty and hnd evidently been lying oxpoood for Homo time. No other articled were found and nn vol no trace of the burclarn Imh been found. Misdemeanor (Tlmnlii)'H Dull)) 'I'ho oaae of State vh Liely In boing hoard this afternoon in Justice O' Hrlon'i oourt. The oaso comoR from Loup township and tho defendant is charged with tearing down a fence which enclosed a cnllivaied Held, a misdemeanor under the statute. GENOA. I From tlie IrfiidiT. For tho mst two weeks tho railway company has had a number of Anstri nn labororH at work on tho Spalding and nlbion lines repairing track. The men aro a touch looking lot and fully as tough as they look. Thev inako thoir homo In a box car, where they board themselves spouding most of their earnings for lioo.o. Lust Fri day afternoon tho gang recoived a oonsiRmeut of lighting whisky from Omaha. In tho evening their car wns pulled to Fullerton, near which they worked Saturday and proceeded to get full in tho evening. Dhnicli, tho man who wns killed, wns considered a (luarrelsomo fellow. Ho had a grudgo against Voso Hosovich, a fellow work man and after imbibing freely con cluded the time had nrrlvod for carv ing hlui. Ho nttackod HokovIcIi with a knifo, and the lattor defoudod him- self with a rovolver, firing threo bullets Into tho body of his assailant, killing him instantly. After shooting, lioso- J1....I. rt.i. -.J,, ,.'. f vloh escaped but UileSiindny nfternonu returned and surrendered to tlto cluiritT In a preliminary licariiic Wednesday, tho defuiidant mis dcharged, on flic gtound that ho was acting In tell i!o- fOUdO L.t ThtttMlar night thieves litolt( into a car on tho elite track near the depot and stole a tuato ot peach es. Tho same evening tho panels of the iroat door of Wullhmudt's hatdwaie store wns Miiashil In, hut the partiex tailed to gain an entrance. A. Hratt has aiiuouucil his intention to leave liouon and move to N.irton, Kansas. He does not expect to make the change before next spring Air Hrntt owns conMdctnhlo property in nnd around Norton. Ho recently loft tho contract for a brick store building in the heart, of tho husiucis district ol Norton. The contract provides t'or a structure .Y.'xlOO foot. A large mini tier of Ooncu ncotiln celebrated tho Fourth In neighboriiii: towns and surrounding country this yenr. Half a picnics were held near town, but Columbus got most of tho crowd. When tho excursion pull ed in from Albion, every seat in the five roaches wns filled nml a caboose crowded, yet more than IPO (lenoa people crowded into the coaches nnd filled tho aisles ami plat lot ins. Tho only excitement in (lenoa was the ball gnuio at tho path in the atteruoon Polo Horton is minus tho end ol his finger. Ho slnshed if oil while whit tling a stlolc. Tho fascines placed in tho Loup to prevent tho river from cutting the banks proved a costly experiment. The members of tho hoard of super visors woro in (lenoa Friday Inspect ing what was loft of the fascines near tho Loup brltlgo. Fascines at other points along the Loup have also tinn ed failures. Krnest Fish is sick with nppendlcl- tis. A consultation of physicians held Saturday decided tl'at an operation would be necessary iih soon as the patient was strong enough. John Kim returned from his western trip Inst Friday. While in Salt Lake Oily ho met Harry llrntf who expect ed to leave in n day or two for Nor ton, Kansas, where ho will make his hnnie. Bent Her Double. "I knew no one for tour weeks when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble" writes Mm. Annie Hunter ot 1'ittshurg I 'a "and when I got bettor although 1 had ono of the best doctors 1 could get wiih bent dou ble nnd hnd to rest my hands on my knees wnen 1 walked. From this ter rible alllctlon wns rescued by Klectiic Rlttors which restored my health and strength and now I can wall; straight as over. They aro simply wonder tul." Guaranteed to euro stomach llvei and kidney disorders; at Chu. Dack'n drng Nrnrn ;prifo"oO cents Hinls-Kye View ol' Hip Coliiin liia II her An attructne topographical iiiup, in Jolors, giving a coinprelientiivc idea of the ci i u n try on and trilmtarv to the Colutu- liia Liver. J Inn map in in folder form, on the reverse side coutaiiia an intercut ing dcMcriplioii of the Columbia Uiver route. (JopieH neat free liv K. L. LO- MAX. (J. F.A; T. A. U. IV K, It. CO., Omaha, Nebr., on nceipt of four cents po'nlnge. A Burpmo Party. A plcnsnut surprise party may he given to your stomach and liver by taking a medicine which will relieve their pain nml discomfort, vl Dr. King's Now Life pills. They are a most wonderful remedy, all'oruing sine relief and cure, for headache, dizziness and constipation :, cents at Ctias. Dncks drug store. Journal ads bring results. Notice. Citizen are hereby notified to trim up thoir trees In compliance with tho ordinance which requires them to bo trimmed up at hai.t eight tout-from he ground rnttltnnied trees infer (Vie wnli lu-liiing the streets and are u uui 'inec !.rdoj ot City found! Forced to Stnivo H. F. Leeic of Concord Kv.. savs ' For -.'0 yeitis I suffered agonies with a sotoon my upper Up supninful some times that I could not eat After vain ly fixing everything ele 1 etiied it with I'.ueUlen's Arnica Salve." It's gtcnt fot burns cuts and wounds. At Ohas. DacUs drug store only W cents, Now is the chance to make the de lightful trip to Californlafor just one half of tho expense Incurred in mak ing tho trip at nnv other time. Don't postpone for you may not soon again bo ollered tho low rates of f.Vi.OO lo Snn Francisco, Santa Uarbata. Los An goloM.Snti Diego and many other Call fornia points. Literature about Call fornia frro on application to W. II. Ilonhnm .( Tho Dtnmond Uuro. The latest news fiom Parts is, thev have discovered diamond euro for con sumption. If you fear consumption or pneumonia, It will, however, bo best fot von to take that gteat remedy mentioned by W. T Mcdee, of Van leei, Tcnn,"l had a cough for four teen years. Nothing helped inc. until I took Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds, which gave instant relief and ellected per nicnt ciiio "ruiMiialed euro tor throat and lung troubles. At Chas. Dncks drug store price Ml crnfs and f I gnar nutctl. Trial bottle tree. Now Is the time to insure your property against los by lightning Loss every day. Why be tho loser when a mii.iII premium mav snvo you hundreds of dollars. Lightning in surance writ ten by liecher, llocken bergcr ,x (Jhanibers Insures. Xu ,u .Xn Nn .Xu Nu No. fsT liOtl.XO, K1IX LINE. U. (.'Mivu-o HM-inl t, AtlHlilin Kst!!" S, .Wth Plntte Ih-iiI II", IiihI .Mull il, IviNtiirii Kxiiriwn J.tlii'rliitnl I.iimIIisI 1-ikiiI Kri.Mit r,M n, tMK) n. 2:V1 i. I Km p. Zli. r.:Kl p. .1 no H. m. in. m, m. in, tn. in Wltsr liOHNIi, MUM LINK. ;. (''illfoiiilii unit (IroitmiKx .. 7:f.0i. 1 1, tele Mrliil 10.10 u. I'. rnot Jliill... llilfi . I.OutIiiihI l.linlliit J:0 li. I, I iileiiulii Kxpliwh ti;.v, ,, I, .Vulli I'llilte Ull'lll II.-IIIB. -I. !H"il tii'lslit iHln, tn. lu. in. n. in. in. in. NUIirol.K IIIMNCII. Dnimrt . hmii, m. . . 7IX n. in. Arrlvii ..lMri. in . . 7i ll)i, m A C n. ..A M .t.t. II, V P'tui- A.J I.iimiiv Piini' Oiiuiln -o. v' ' i I lij I'lr I N'i' l ' I I I. II I llllM !!' Ill 'II Mi r.Oli in i' ll'i'ii;i Iii-hI.s II ml. fixtures nnit ' lif S'lnliMiti . hi win! Inr liimnl i i - i i v il i in Mini In iiilli-aiiir. I 11 M tllishl I I I 111 lllUNH Colli ,-u, ' ..i i I u v . t. . i -u II C ANNOUNCEMENT. .s'.'.'i.o of Platte County lnileMndent T lephone Co's. " year IS per cent lionds at o yet ollered for sale nt inr with accrued inteiest J-tio ol Ihese I Kiln Is wore taken by liiMislois in tliiee lots of f 1000, fl(KK) and ftsisi. Names of parties wilt be furnished on request. They consider them first class alter careful investi gation. II you aro getting lets than (i per cent on your money you should by all menus investigate this invest ment opportunity. Komeiuher these bonds aro in denominations of 100 each nod are tist as good for the man with f 100 to invest as tho man with if 1 0(H). Wo aro also now otl'eriiig on the same terms f MMMi of 10 year bonds dun May I, l'.i()."i Thei.e I Is urn just us safe ami draw the same rate of interest and will appeal to those di'siiing a more permanent Invest ment. ,Wo now have over 10 orders for telo iihoiies on our books and can with ease increase our present lisr UK) dur ing the curient year -- ( T KVKI5KTT, Soo'y.;'. " tBmmtmammmmBmmtmmtam Nu a', PiiKi'ii!iir Nu 77. Mltisl I.! No lie, PutwiiKcr Ne 7s, Mlnsl AI.IUUN ANIl Ml'.M.IllNII IIHANCH. v.. 'ii i, INmrt e .tl, 1'iinKniutiir Uv'."! f. in, .Nu O', Mlxisl 7-tMn. in, J" - ' "J"1 ' IJ.frt.. m. Si'. MUlsl Sjjl. iu. Norfolk imiN.iiitnr traliiH run dull)-, Nu truliirt nn Allilnii nml HimlilltiB lirsnob Sntiiln)H, All iniiln llim iiiiiKiiii:nr trnltiH iliilty. W. II. IlKNIIAM.Aitnnt. BB Time Table OOLUMHUH, NKH. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, Bt. Joseph, Kuuaan City, Bt. Louln mid nil points Dant and Booth. Denver, Heleitn, Dutto, Bait Lake City, Portlanrl, Ban rrauciaco nnd a 1 1 points Woit, TIIMNS liRCAIIT. Nn. il PiiHMiiiMur, ilall) mi'nit HniuUy . 7:25 n. m Nu. !IJ Ai'i'iiiiiiiiihIiiIIiiii, ilall)' IlllVIlt 4.IOi. Ul I1IMNH All II I VS. Nu.'JI I'm nid'i.iliill) nimiit Hnmlny. S.M) p. tn Nu. itl ArrniiiliiiHlittlnli, ililll) Kli'tii HiiiiiIii) :0 p. m Yeast Foam is the1 , Strom SwhI . YtMl that makes the Strong SwmI Broad that makes a Strong Swoot Tomporod Pooplo Yiimt I'iihiii In tlinynuil tliM timk On-1 Imt (Iritiiil I'rlri'iit IlirSt l.liUlH l:iHMIIIllll,Ullll IH Willi liy till KriHTIH Hi Ul it i m' km: it I'liiiiu-ii fur 40 IniiU'M. H. ml n iiohihI i'iiiiI furniir in w IMiiBtriiliHl IhhiIi, ''UirhI llniMl: llnwtii Msk NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. CHICAGO, ILL. 4 ifiniiEV mcEA&ee cause one-third of mvhei uroEAaEa THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. ft: corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the CURED OF BMQHT'8 DISEASE. Mr. Robert O. Hurka, Blnora, Saratoica Co., N, V.. writ'"' I nm kIiu! tn hv an minor illy of Irllina what magnificent rrmiltii I tiuvn hml from umiir I'OMtY'!) KIDNI-.V iving tried other ailvfrtlird mrillclnrnanil wnvi-ral iliyt.lclnim. llrlr up from ll In ao timm each ntKht In rrlli-vn my hlnililrr. I wiei nil id my fiyrtlahl w no lmpiri-il that I cnulil atnrcrly nnc urn- nf n. In fact, I wi no haitly iini-i! nn thnt I had Rlvi-n up Imiii nt II vl vta urard liy a friend tn Irv KOLKY'B KIDNKY CUkK. n. ....cnt Ik.iiI,, w,, dara, and before I had taken the third tMttln the auirrt!unu Hehh hud none, n wi II n nil I wiw nil Hnnti'd up croaathe room. other aymptnma of Kidney trouble. My frlrniln were aurprlni-il Hint 1 won cured, mh liny II thought I waa going to die. Kvery few iliiyn aonie nnn cimirH from iiiIIhh nwuy tn li-arn tha name of the wonderful medicine thul curad me of llnglil'a lilaeusv, uml nul uni: Unit whole system, and the diseases that have resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the cnttnv has been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright' s Disease or Diabetes. Two Sizes. 50 Cents and $1.00. SOLD IND RECOMMENDED BY McCLINTOCK & CARTER, Columbus, Neb - i