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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1905)
in W V ' 4 m VOLUME XXXVI, NUMBER 10. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JULY III, 11)05. WHOLE NUMliElt 1,701. I) rt rtCJ1 3gmV VHSftr, A SStttuv ENOUmi SAID I Affor nil plans for llio onto keeping of Money Imvo boon dismissed mid discarded tho claim i of Hhnulil bo cotisidcrd. Facts ran lie rep resented which prove that this Ih a Ktrnii, safe ami reliable iitr-titutinn. Money deposited hero In within roach or thti nwnnr during business lioitrc, hut cnuunt bo touched hy ntiytiun el-o nt any t line. Our clu nues i-iiiiilify tlio im.vmnnt of nccounts uiul eliminate enors. Tho First National Bank LI3LER WILl tJuilf ESI'"" Widow of Millionaire Bcglna Suit, Alleging Insanity. New York, July y. -Declaring that William Znlglur, tho millionaire bal. 1ns powder ninnufuctuier ami backer of Arctic oxpr-tllt loiisi, was Insane and incompetent to make a v.-Ill, hi.; wid ow, Mrs. K. Matilda .elgler, began suit in tho r.upremo conn to determine tho validity of the will. Mr. Zclgler left an estate of $:in,ouo,oim to his adopted son, William .elglcr, who will bo fourteen years old next Fil day. At the ago of loity the boy is to have ennphtc contiol ol the entire estate. The will wast dated March III last. Mr. Zctgler (h,., or npopKxy on May IM, at his summer home on (Steal Island, Koroton, Conn. After leaving bequests to relatives, the will provides that Mrs. Zolgler nhall have an uu nulty of J.'.D.Ou!) a year during her lil'o and tho Eolglor irsldence In Fifth avenue and the summer home, at Koiotou. When, the matjor ennio up iu Uio supremo court before .Justin- (llerkh, John D. Lindsay waa appointed guar dian of tho boy. Voutii; William Zeis-let- Is a con of George Washington Drnndt of Davenport, la., a half brother of Mr. Zelgler. He wan form ally adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Zcli;!cr In lS9li, when live years old. Investigating Town Toplco. Now York. July 111. -An Investiga tion of tho affairs of Town Topics. growing out of the arrest of C'hailes II. Ahlo on charges of blackmail pre ferred hy Cdwaid M. Post of the stock exchange, was begun by Assistant Dlstilct Attorney Paul Kiotel. Mr. Krotel intimated that the matter would he htoiight to the attention of the j;nuid jmy. Moses Kills WooMer, who got up "Fads and Fnnclos of tho Four Hundred," under the auspices of Town Topics, told Mr. Ktotel that tho subscription of a woman very pioni inent in society cost her .10,iou, and that while the minimum into was $1, 500, some subscribers had paid $:i.(i00 and others as high us $7,oou for their books. President Is Chief Cook. Oyster Hay, N. Y., July P.I. Prcsl (lent. Roosevelt, with hht tbieo sous, accompanied hy a pnity of (ouslus and friends, left Sagamore Hill on their annual camplng-out expedition. Alter packing nwny the pro Islun-. ami camp outfit Into four boats, the president anil his companions towed toward a point on Lloyd's Neck, which luil been sclecteil as the place of camp ing. The rite Is about live miles from Sngninoro Hill. The president himself, It waa in ranged, should be tho camp director and chief cook. Around a Rood camptiio the president intended' to relate some of his own experiences to his uunpanlons. Don't Neglect Your tooth. IDvon a lew weeks delay will sometimes prove injurious. During my absence I Jr. ('. V. Campbell, who comes highly rece... mended as a skillful operator and as a gentleman, will have charge of my practice and will do all he can to please you. 13th Strwt. I'honu ll'J. Or, H- E. Naumann, I iZZ clIllFnMlllSYw &7-lrk. -1 VLUSIIUBMLf Wfk. wM SWANSON'S CHARGES ARE UPHELD ERNST 440.30; BENliER $85 90 Qoctz and Swnnson Report Held Refuses. (Last Woducsdii.iV Daily ) Supervisor Krnsf hns overdrawn his legal Kilnry to the extent of 11-10 HO. Supervisor (lender has overdrawn his legal salary to the extent of $Mi.lH. This is tho teport of tho special eom mitten composed of Supervisors Swan son, (loot a and Held appointed tit the previous meeting of tho hoard mi mo tion of Swtiusnu, the only Republicans siiporvisor, to investigate the amount ill awn hy them mporvlsots for ser vice in HUM. Snpui visor lleht refused to sign tho report, so it Mauds as tho report of .Supervisors Ooet. nml Swnnson. Tho report wns written by Goetz. It points out that the statute limits n supervisor's salary to fiiOOnyonr. It finds that during l0l Supervisor Krnst drew out n tolnl of $740. M). It linds that Supervsor Hentler drew ont u totnl of .:Mi no, it tluds Hint the supervisors under investigation act uallv performed the service forwtilch they presented bills. And finally it finds that said two supervisors 8HOUU) SHOW OAUSK WHY TIIKY SHOULD NOT i'AY TO THE COUNTY (JKNF.UAL FUND THE AMOUNTS ILLEGALLY DRAWN. No sooner wns the report read thnn Mr. lCrnst was on Ins feet. He object ed to having the report show tho amount ho bad overdrawn until ho had nil opportunity to explain himself. , Ho mid Hint le and Held hnd agreed up n u division of their work mid that he did not like to have the committee brand him us a criminal. Ooet. secur ed the floor mid made a sensible talk on the duties of tho supervisors and the laws which control them. Ho said the committee would not bo hard ou the offenders by beginning action i imii'st them at onro but that a roa-soitiihl-o time would bo given them to show why thny had not violated tho 1'iw. Ir was luft to Supervisor Men der 'igain to show tho temper for tho mix ring. He secured tho floor with grent vehemence and indignantly moved tho old familiar motion for "nu immediate trial, a trial nt ten o'clock tomorrow." He declared he could prove his innocence. At the next meeting of the board Messrs. Ernst nml Homier will appear to show whv tlmv should not pay back about f.'iOO to the county. What turn will be takei then can not be guessed. Eveiyono agrees that supervisors like a thousand othor pnhliu nlficors niton enrn morn than the Jaw grants' Hut all peoplo agree that it is dangerous to permit public offinors elected to nilniiuister tho laws, themselves to disregard the laws which regulate their salaries. If tho peoplo of Platte county -wnnt to tram ple tho law under font to pay this ex tra ?.()o just herame these officers put in their time, then they will be so conscientious as to insist on paying the same men for the time tliey spent in Lincoln Inst winter looking after tho interests of Plitte county tax payors ami the Standard Hrnlge Company. While the Journal will gladly print in full the defense ol the supervisors who are asked by n oniinnittrn made up of both political parties, to "put it bark, ' the v nlict is nlriudy tunned in the minds or the nulilie It says to every public oflicer, " It you don't want the office pir what the law gives you. then refuse the office or change the law." Otto Zuclow of Schuyler is in the city Pi. A Roberts ol Albio'i wa in the city yesterday. FOR SALE A high grado piano, neatly now. Prof. Fiink.Mnrbor block. Aitoiniv F. M. Cookingham of Huinphicy wns hi the cdtv yesterday. Cool off while von grt shaved nt f m ThiirlFon barber shop, the only oil place in tho citv. if g Mim Elsie John-on of Oinahn who has been vhitiug her brother Carl, re turned home today. Miss Pauline Elius has accepted a position in the ollice nt her brother-in-law, Aujiust Wiiguri. 'Hie Misrt, Eninia and Helen John--on of Sioux City are guests of their s.stct, Mis .1 F Lniiberry this week Misses Anna Lovd. Olive MeFnrlanil and Fraiue, Muvnurd drove to Schuy ler Sunday morning, returning ur the ovoninij. II Adds Little Aids Mnoh Taking a camera with you on vmir vacation enutu Imt n trl. II lie, hut it'x a great licit) to- II ward having n good time. II Come ami talk Camera with us. I EdJ.Niewohner I The Jeweler Dan McCarrville the twelve rear old boy from Lindsay who was brought to St. Mary's hospital for treatment last woek, died yesterday of tetnutis or lock Jaw. Tho boy's death was the result of n toy pistol and a slight powder burn in his hand ou thcFourth. Evory effort wns made to save the liov's lifo but he died a horrible death. FLY - AWAY - OIL) It keeps the flics irom all kinds of stock by simply spraying or applying with sponge or brush Quarts, half gal. and gal. cans. Chas. H. Dack, Druggist. Wagner-Elias. Mr. August Wnguer nml Miss Pearl Elina were married this nfteruoon nt four o'clock nt the home of the bride's parents, Mr. nud Mrs. C. F. Ellas. In the absence of Rev. Win. Cash who was to officiate..! oilge Raitermnu said tho words that united tho lives of these two voung people. Tho wedding was a complete surprise to the public, only tho immediate relatives being invited. The bride wns gowned in muslin do soio nnd carried n largo hoti lot of bride's roses The ceremony wns short nud simple nud the bride mid groom were unattended. At the close of the cerenu ny the guests sat down to tin elaborate five course din ner. The pp.rlor, in which room the marriiigo took place, was beautifully decorated iu white carnations, white roses nud ferns. The dining room was decorated with pink carnations nnd green foliage ami tho sitting room had profuse decorations of sweet peas nnd folinge. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnguer will lenvo on Number :i tonight for Denver where they will remain until time for the stato encampment next mouth which will demniid Mr. Wag ner's presence. Miss Ellas is one of Columbus most nttraotivo mid most worthy young ladies. Mr. Wagner is ono of Columbus most enterprising and most promising young attornoys. He is associated with .Imlgo Albert. Mr. Wagner is also Cap tain or Company K, and figures iu everything that the generatiuu of younger men are interested in for the up-building of tho olty. Upon their return to Columbus next month, Mr. nml Mrs. Wagner expect to go to housekeeping. The nut of town guests were: Mrs. O. W Mend of Knusns City, sister of tho bride; Mr. nnd Mrs. Jesse Wils of ( ! rand Island; Mrs. K Ewlng and Mrs. H. Ottpohl of Madison, sisters of the grocm. Baie Ball. The gnme between Oolutnhu mid llelgrade next Smulny will doubtless he the biggest gntno of the season. The special excursion from the towns nloug the Spalding branch will bring hundreds of people mid llelgrndn has m nil-salaried team nud will win if possible. The home team has been playing almost errorless ball and will be nt their best Sunday. Those cheap skates who have been in the habit of sneaking miller the canvass to avoid paying ndiuiHisou are warned to stay at home if they hid; the price ns Manager Corbott ami Snore tary Mu.Mahou Imvo provided spociul Lieutenant Heniley's Auignment. Tho following letter received this morniug br Mrs. W. N. Hemdey from the army headnuarters nt Omaha, ex plains tho Assignment of W. N. Ileus ley, Socond Lieuteuant of the Thir teenth Cavalry : Mrs. N. W. Heuslev, Colnmbos, Nebraska Second Lieutonwit, Wililnm Nlch olas Hensley, Jr, assigned to Thir teenth Onvnlry. with station nt Fort Myer, Virginia. This station is op twslte tho nntionnl cemetery nt Ar lington, throe miles from Washington and one of the most beautiful of nil the stattnus in the Union. The boy is to be congratulated both upon his station nml his assignment. P. H. Hnrui.Chlef Clerk. Headquarters Army for the Missouri. Lieutenant Hensley will be nt home in a few days to remain till Sept. !I0. Will H.uislny wns horn in Columbus nml educated in Colunih-is schools. The honor ho has bestowed upon his father nml mother Is therefore shared hy Ooluinbns. The eitv thnt sentnwny the hriy, Will Hensley will be promt to welcome Lieutenant Hensley. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our thnuks to the friends who assisted us during the sickness ami death of our son nnd brother. Mrs, Agnes McCnrvllle nud family. Louis Ltghtner left on nu east hound train for his summer vacation yester day. He would not tell where ho was gnlug nor promise to return iilonn. pollen to so that Ihe gentlemen and Indies who pay to sen the gnme shall not he boron hy tho presence of the sen in who ure so small as to creep un der the canvass. Those who wanr seats in the grand stniid should be on hnnd early. Rev. DoWoir, Will Fariand nnd Dave Hoyd have returned from their trip to Denver. While there they climbed Pike's Peak togother and mniln other interesting monntnin climbing excursions. Paul Hngel received a case of eggs today from Platto Center, which con tained seven surprises, to-wit : seven little chickens that had hatched nut in transit. Ono of them is still nlive. Incubator ohiokous can't talknny more about bolug orphans. "A. Hrodfuehor received a iostnl card yesterday from August lioettchor nnd Dr. Tiering dated July :t from (llbral tar. Only it few lines were written. Greetings were sent to their Columbus friends and they state that they are well and having the time of their lives. JURY HAS WILLIAMSON CASED Defense Submits Its Case Without Argument. Portland, Ore., July 19. In the laud fraud caaeo United BUtoa District At torney Franot J. Ilecey delivered his opening argument ocatnst Congress man Wllllurutwn, Dr. Van (lossncr and United States Commissioner Tlisgs. At tho conclusion of Honey's argument tho defense announced that Its case would bo submitted without argument. Dlstilct Attorney lleney womb over tho details of what, In the theory of tho government, goes to con stitute a conspiracy ou the pint of a repiesentatlve In eongress, a commis sioner of the United States, and u physician and a man of prominence iu his community to suborn a small host of illegal entrymeii to perjure themselves- that they might ncipiim tl tlo by unlawful methods to lar;e tracts of tho public domain and add to their sheep range In Crook county. Judge IX Haven's chitrge to the Jury was lull r and comprehensive. Tin Idea he conveyed was that if William son, fictMier nnd niggs ndvnuced niouev v. Itii the Idea that the lands, alter tin .line to patent, weio to be long to tin llrui of Williamson & flchsiier, there was a conspiracy. If, on the other baud, there was a tea reliable doubt ou this point, then tbeie should bo no conviction. At tho cone luslon of Judge Do Ifaven'H charge tho Jury retired to deliberate. i nnnoiiiflfiihwji 111 WEATHER OF THE WEEK GEN ERALLY FAVORAILE. SORN MAKES GREAT PROGRESS Decided Improvement Shown In States of the Missouri Valley Wheat Ex ceed Expectatlono in Nebraska. Inferior Apple Crop. Washington, July '0. The weekly Bulletin of the weaMier bureau sum marizes crop conditions on follows: Corn has made, splendid progress throughout nearly tho whole of the corn belt atul is decidedly Improved In the states of the Missouri valley, where Its previous progress has been retarded by cool weather. While tho gciieral outlook for this; crop Is very promising, It bus sustuiued some In jury ou lowland in Missouri. Further reports of Injury to liar vested winter wheat ure received from the Mississippi ami Ohio valleys, the middle Atlantic states, Texas and Ok lahoma and Indian territories, but no complaints or this character are re ceived fioin Kansas and NebiiuKS, both ipiulity and yield In tho last named state being better than was expected. Harvesting, where not fin ished lu the more northerly districts, In well aihunced. Spring wheat has experienced a week of favorable weather mid continues lu pmnilslng condition. While rust Is still preva lent In the Dal.otas and to some ex tent lu Minnesota, it Is not Increasing In the tlrst named states, and there In very little in Minnesota. Sprlag wheat Is filling nicely on tho north Pacific coast, where the hot winds of the previous week caused but slight In Jury. Hunt is increasing iu Washington. In the central Mississippi and Ohio vallejs and lu portions r the middle Atlantic state i oh) harvest him been Intel riiilci and considerable damage to both harvested and standing oats has resulted from wet weather. Har vesting Is largely Mulshed, except In the mere northerly district, where (.(oil j .. Lis are promised. Ycili hay has been damaged In the central Mississippi nnd Ohio valleys and middle Atlantic states, hut In New England Htnl tho Missouri and upper Mlt-slsslppl valleys Tiuylng has pi oversell under favorable conditions. Nearly all reports Indicate an In filler apple crop. PEACE EFFORTSARE SINCERE President Roosevelt Has No Advices Warranting Pessimistic View. Oyntor, Hay, N. V., July 19. No ad vices, either from this country or abiotid, have reached President Roose velt which would warrant a pessimis tic view of tho result of tho forthcom ing peace conferencft between the plenipotentiaries of Russia and Japan. Ou the contrary, It can bo said that such advices as the president has re ceived Indicate that u sincere effort on the purl of the representatives of both belligerent nations will be made to reconcile their differences and ne gotiate a treaty of peace that, will be permanent. The terms that Japan will propose have not. beeu made known, evMi to Mr. Roosevelt, and they piobably will not he until the conferees asi.eiuble as a peace com mission. 'Flint the Ifimu will not bo drastic, is believed generally lu ad tnlnlstiatlou circles. It Is known that the president has Intimated to the J.i pain m novel anient his belief that nu iittrccmi nt with Russia can ho readied without unions difficulty, pro lded Japan's terms are not b a Dili or of a kind seriously to hiimlllah ndversar'. The president has (Btl cated definitely that his woik, us &a intermediary l tweeg Hm;lu and Ja pan, practically Is ()('ded. Norway Prepared for War. IjiCiossc, WU, July lit. -In a pri vate letter lecelved by ('ail Veiliatieli, former sergeant In th Norwegian army, fiom Lieutenant Torgeisou, the pieparatlons which have been made lor war are di m rlbed. The letter, lu part, lollows. "We are iiwnlilng only the action of the illcsdag, which con vened June ii. We do not believe III war, but we are not afraid to light. Wn ate well piepaxd, as grain mill ammiiuitloii have been gathered for a long time. At Foit Oseaisborg, L'0, Odd nu u ur" ipiarted, icady lor ac tion." C. W. Navh Near Death. Omaha. July III. K. w. Nash, the Omaha bunker and inlllloualie, who has been mar death for two mouths an the result of a paralytic stioko while dining at the residence of Her man Kountze, the banker, Is lying at his houii hero In u critical condition. Nine Parisians Drowned. Paris. July PJ. Nino Parisians wore diowi.ed while shooting wild fowl at tho mouth of tho river Loire. Tho bout containing them wut overturned by a Hfjuall. II winwu TRAVELERS' CHECKS NOIDENTIFOATION ii'MUircd. yet you aru pi elected against los. A nfv wiy to carry niouey. Ynuarealwai's lu a position to get cath hi any bank. Don't carry money while Irav uling. liny one of tticiu chuc' i Tho Old Reliable Columbus Slate Bank AERONAUT FALLS TO IEATN Daniel Maloney Drops Throe Thou sand Feet With' Asrof lano, San Jose, Pal., July 19. Daniel Ma loney, who had taado numerous auc :-cssful ascensions with Professor Montgomery' aeroplane, fell 8,000 feet to his death at Bant a Clasa. Maloney made an aacmaioVfRMBi the grounds of Santa Claim college la honor or the Lceiru of thevCross Cadets, wun am I .Id lug their' annual encampment. About 2,000 persona watched with inteie.u the machine as It shot up from tho college garden at tached te u huge balloou. At n height of 4,000 feet Maloney cut loeee and began maneuvering the aeroplane. Ho circled gracefully about, then es sayed a deep dip. Suddenly the Ba i hinn swerved, hesitated J nnd then tinned completely over. It righted Itself, sank down n coonlnernbl die tnuco mid turned over ngnln. Ma loney was clinging desperately ( to his seat nud evidently endenvorlag to re gain his control, but 11 Mb, effort were lu vain. Again the aeroplane turned In the air, tho wings canto to gether, and the nan and machine plunged straight downward,-while the horrified spectator gnsed helplessly. A number of radota carried him to the rollego hospital. Hla head waa frac tured and blood wan flowing from hts earn and mouth. He expired within n hurt time. Tho aeroplane wan ground Into fragments. . SEVEN ARE IURNE0 TO DEATH Explosion of Gas Tank Cause Fir In Minnesota Hotel. Wabasha. Minn., July 1. Seven persona wore burned to death in . flre which destroyed the Depot htei.- Tho dead: Mr. Hoffmnn and young baby; Robert Johnson, express man; (Jertrudo Btenteher; Reheccn Herman, James Hunt, Engineer Cook, The fire waa causod by the explo sion or a gas tank used for an Illumi nating plant, with which the hotel waa equipped. Mrs. Hoffmnn was the proprietress of tho hotel. She and her baby and tho other victims wers binned to death In their rooms. Kills Woman Who Would Not Elops. Hronks. s. D., July 19. Frank Woodhcriy rhot and killed Mrs. An ton Dokkeu, a married woman, after which ho killed himself. Tho cause of the trugedy In said to have beon Mrs. Dokken'a refusal to elope with Wooilheiry. A Golf Tournamsnt at'tfttftnaton. imrllngtou, la.. July 19.--Thfrtytwo playeirn ipiallfled in the opening wtae golf tournament. A temperature of ! degrees caused tho withdrawal of hoveial players. 1 W. Maxwell of Marshalltown made the best score, 30 holes in 171 strokes. T Dr. J. E. Paul, 0entUt One of the largest and best equipped dental oilices in the state. VltallzoiJ Air for Painless Dttntlfitru... The kind that is safe and never fails. Come in anil have your teeth examined and gut our estimate on your work. It will cost you nottiini' and wo give it useful souvenir to each caller. All work guaranteed. Over Ntarohrwr'a cor. 13th ami Ollv 8 It. H.'K. corner utiVuk. iloth I'liotifi,