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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
Ik 0 U A M f k PLOCAL pAppENING Tliui-vluy'i Dully .Tour.utl. i Dr. 1'uiil, ilciitiHt. I'rof. Tool, violiuiRt. 'Phone tW. Dr. Vullior, Ottoopnlh, Harbor block, Kit. Hoaro went to Ouuiliu this morning. Chun. Dm'l; iiml Howard Clink iIiom In Cri'rtton todin I'mcii Webb of (Uottoii va in I ho city on business y.-Mordny. .Mint Dull) Siijdei will Hpcml t lit iifti-i iiiKiii with Mom no operating. Dr. CliiM. II. Plat?., hiMihnialliii' ph) nioiini anil nurgciin, poitti illU'o building Dra. M irlyn, Kvuiis, Hums ,v Martyn .lr., oIlU'o thri'n doom noitli of Fried hofV. otoro. Miiw Mado Kaiillmaii arrived today from Wmcunsiti ami will "peril t lioomii mor with hor mnllii r. 1C. W. Ludoko, assistant Cashier of tin lliti v.oti't Stale Itaiik nf Creston wu in Columbus yesterday (Ion. Luuib, u prosperous farmor froniMotiron wan in the cily Inst night visiting IiIh old friend, Mr. Hurrows. Ainu I.iiIii lliown, tlu at'tmitanl post mintrcimof iirnkon How, Nolit. ih vat iting hor uuiit.Mni. C. V lloltortonof this city. lion Waiters in in modeling tlio rosi iilonoo import) between the PiohI). lorinn parsonage ami tlio residence uf S. a I! ray. Hiiporvinor John Swaiison passed thrnuiih Columbus last night with a load id fnt emtio for tlio South On aim m-irkot Elm Morohoad of Fremont, an ex port for tho International Harvesting Machine) Company in spending it week in Columbus territory. -Mr. tiorriug, of tlio linn of (iorring V Ourroy, attended n horse side at tirnnd Island yoHtoiilay, and purchased throo extra lino drivers which will ho addod to thoir alioad eeellont lot of liver) hoi f OH. Mr. and Mrs. TIiouiih Da d; rotiunod tlni noon fmin Searchlight, where the) have recentl) completed a largo hotel. Mrn. II. A llani.on lolurnod with Ihom. Thoy will piolmlil) upend tho summer in t'uliiiohini. , H.;.:.; ALWAYS x T V y ! $ t v T V T 3 i 1 J Henry Ragatz & Co. Or the First Quality- A Full Lino of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Provisions, Quocnswaro, Glassware and Fancy China. j& COFFEE j& Our "Richelieu" in bulk gives entire satisfaction at 30, 25, 20 & 15c a lb. The following in tins "White House" .... .40 Chase & Sanborn's "Seal" - .40 Lipton's - - - - .40 "Richelieu" - - - .40 "KaffatJ!" .... - TEA Japan, Ciiinpowdor and English breakfast, in bulk awl paekaws, Wo finest rown and Guaranteed to?ive IVrfect Satisfaction. mt0mi mi nimmwm' CANNED FRUITS, MEATS, VEGETABLES A full, frosh and complete assortment oi everything usually sold in our line. Wo buy our goods direct from iirst hands for cash, and consequently buy at tho VERY LOWEST PRICES. Wo can and do sell tho BEST GOODS lor tho LEAST MONEY, and arc conildcnt we can convinco ovorybody ol that lact who will give us a trial. V C V V V V V V 'f V f f t 5 Henry Raiate & Co., Nabraska Piio.ia 29. Phones 29 and 229. WrirlWWW4Wy,""WrMW Jul it Dugan of Papillion who In imuitigiug n force of tree salesman iu this county, linn been in Colombo several days. Hn will cloie bin work at Uolumbua thin week. Mr. Dugan covers his torritory iu an automobile. Summits change, men and women die, others take their place. Hot Petor schmltt's flour occupies the name warm place In tho heart of Plate county house-wives. It is tho Mime yesterday, to-ilny ami forever. tf I.. F I'hillippH him sold tho Dr.llohen property across the street wil of the court hotiHo ami it in understood he will replace tho proscnt buildings with it residence Homo time in tho future. The buildings of Dr. llohon wore among the llrst built in Columbus. Prof. W. Kern ami W.W. Waters loft thin morning for tho meeting of the Normal Kiluratlonal Association at Ashnry Park. N. V. Prof. Kern ia honored with a plaeo on tho program at (IiIh meeting. Thoy will bo gone about ten ilayn. Their itinerary in eludes Niagara FallM, a trip down the II ml sou to Mew York and a trip to Wahlngton. Tho Carlton Dally baa the follow iug to nay of W. W. Ogden who wai formerly a OolumbUR young man and IiIh wifo wait formerly Miss Ohriita Kipplo. "W. W. Ogdon, who has boon conducting the Griffith Hotel for nbout two yoari, findR that bin buRiueHs in ro rapidly tnoreaRing that he will have to have moro room. Accordingly he hnR rented the oldltar Huston Hotel, owned by tho Hale estate. His new quartern ban 'il Bleep ing rootnR a well as a largo ollice and dining hall. Tho kitchen ia in the baBomont. Tho hotel will be ropaper. oil and painted throughout and an out ranee made to the ollice at the corner. The building will alno be equipped with hot and cold batho and will ho uthorwiBe improved. When completed thin will be one of tho bent hotels in tliiH tart nf the State. Mr. Udon haw made many friends here during hi residence. He i.- careful to look after tho winnow of lua patrona and Buts a Hue table. Ho will more into IiIh new iiuartera about tho first of July and wo wish him huccobh in hiB new home." ON HAND 1-lb 2-lb 3-lb .75 .75 .75 .75 .50 1.00 a Dr. J. W. Term OF OMAHA CYC SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN who for the nat clht years hn hfim making rouliir visitti to Columbus, ha opomsl ono of tho Hint KNiiied Optirnl (Mil ices In Tim West in the front rooms ovor Pollock &Co.' Drugstore. Will hf in CulumhiiK uIHcvh Sumliiy, Mon !ay, Tuesday ami Wwlni'mlay of each week. SHctaLkM and oyo Klnasos sciontillcnlly Httod and repaired. Kye (.lasees ndjuated to any nose. CONSI'LTATION FIIKK TriAmr' Daily Jeral. Mirlnm Price exiwota to so to Lin coin nest Monday to vtatt for a week. Hiaa Qraoe DoiMh of Kanana Oltv rotnrnml home laat nlRht for a short visit. Mra. II. O. Prickle, and ehildron nro vlaitiUR in Omaha whore thov exnoot to remain till after the Fourth. Albert Moukor who ia a atndont at Armor Inatitnte returned homo Wod neaday for hia autnmer vacation. The U. P. wrecking crew and niln driver aro still workinR on the waak ed oat brldse at Genoa. No traina have been able to ran on the Spalding branch for two daya. Sir. and Mra. J. N. Heater are ex pected homo noon. Mr. Heater aont a clipping from a Kansas City natier to the Journal in which oomnlalnt im made of hot winds in cortain parts of Kaunas. Dr. Martyn and sou Homer are ex peoted home tonight from Denver. Homer haa been on a ranch at Deer Trail for about three mouths to which place ho will return after the Fourth. ur. Martyn went to Denver about n weok ago. Mra. Edgar Howard aooomuauled by her daughter Miaa Mary and Miaa Blolao Koen went to Chicago yeator L day. Tho young ladioa will be absent about threo weeks. Mra. Howard ex- poets to return homo in two weeks. F.T.Walkor returned last woek from a trip through Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa says that Nebraska farmers have no oause to eomlain at crop condi tions. Ho says that Nebraska corn is fur ahead of any ho saw in his travels ovor three states, both as to stand and si.o. Tho value of Journal advertising is demonstrated every day in tho weok. A few days ago a lady advortiaod for a lost pocket book. Tho ad was read that night in the Daily Journal bvn lady who knew where tho missing pocket book was. Tho samo day a man advertised a houso for salo and two imiuirios came to the Journal office the noxt morning. Through Koho, Webster ami Ogdon Canons, briatliug with marvelous scenos of wostern grandeur aoross great Halt Lakes, down tho Humbolt valley and over wondrously beautiful Sierra Nevadaa via Uuion Paolllo every day on "TheOverlaml Limitod" eleotrio lighted. The finest train noross the American continent. In quire of W. U. Benham. WANTED-Hy Chicago manufac turing house, rSorsoa of trust worthl new and somewhat familiar with local torritory as assistant in branch ollice. Salary I8 paid weekly. Permanent position. No investimont required. Business eatablised. Previous exper ience not essoutial to engagiug. Ad dress, Mauaser Brancboa, :i'.':s Dear born St. Chicago. i;tw The Columbua second base ball team went to Schuyler Weduesdny and re port that tho ran up against the (list team of Schuyler. At any rate thoy struck a Waterloo, tho score standing 11 to 1 iu favor of the Schuyler team. On the way homo some of the bovs took shipping on a freight train which broke down a mile or so the other aide of Richland. One of the boys walked to Richland and telephoned home for a relief expedition. The others walk ed all tho way home. P. K. MoKillip waa In the oity von terday enroute to Linooln. Speaking of real estate conditions iu Nebraska Mr. MoKillip said "Business is unusually active in Nebraska lands. Prices are higher than thoy have ever been. But in spite of that fact there has been an aotive and increasing demand. We thought our Nebraska business would bo quint thin summor and we accord ingly bought some cheaper lands iu Kansas, but wn wore mistaken, has boon dilllcult for us to keep It up mmmmm wilh the demand rlRbt lit homo." Judge ltceder and Carl Kramer were in Omaha yesterday. While the Judge does not take MirlouMy tlio talk of his nomination to dm Miprciuo beueh.his (Mends in the district which hn serves will not forttet hi in when the right time comes and thorn are hundreds of us Plntte county people who will stand ready to give heartv endorsement to tho words of Count v Attorney Kemp In a published Inter viow in tlio Lincoln Kvcttini! News n few days ago when ho said that" Judge Keeder is tho choico of the people In my county for the supremo bench." Last evening at six o'clock the U. P. gang quit work on the main line track leaving the Olive street cross lug in an Imppnssnbto condition. '1 he foreman of the gnng was straight way cornered by Chief of Pollen August Schack and informed that the obstruc tions must bo removed ami the crossing mado passable at once. The railroad man said that ho could not get his meu to work after six, ami olTorod to put up algual lights, but the valiant chief suggested that if tho crosslm was not immediately ojtonod tho fore man might prepare himself for a visit to tho look-up. With this nrosneot before him, ho got busy ami tho cross ing was cleared. Mrs. Lndiwg Miohelsen of Wash, accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Julius Michelsnu nud little girl arrived in Columbus Inst night over the Burlington. Thoy left their Colfax county homo nbout niiiht years ago for California where they resided until last vear when thov went to Odessa for the health of their youngost son. At Odessa Will Michel- son hns a Inrun uenernl mercantile business which employs his four younger brothers. Tho Mlehaeisons nro old settlors in this mirt of the state. Mr. Miclinelson was n petsonnl friend of M. K. Turner. Ooorge Mich nelson still lives near Creston. Mrs. Michaelson will visit here for some time. While in Columbus Mrs. Mich nelson cnllod at the Journal office ami left enouoh Wnshtnutnu mnnev to koep the Journal going till l!07. Ssturday's Daily Journal. Prof. Hike, teacher mtiHo;fturhor blilg. Jim Novels returned Vwdny from a trip to Albion. Miss Luolla Mnthews returned to day from a visit to Schnvlor. Ueorgo HoeHo, roimrtor on tln Schity- ler (jiull was la'town today, It. (i. Htro'ttwilfUlie Miuirim li.miili liean wuh in tw'eity yesterday. Mish Hester Hill of Monroe uruveil in the ami wi friitnilti fnV'MViiit n muili will viiil iinioni; iVt1.' : AttornhAiC, F. Critehllold of Ful- lerton went 'through today ou his way to Omaha. Mr. ami V. Spear nrolMr. and Mrn. F. A. Dlltllll llf Alliiiitl.iwnril ( '..Illinium between triiuiH today. l A. O. Olson, messenger on the Nor folk branch, bus been transferred to a run on the Oinnlm-Manhattan line. He leaves today. Mrs. W. O. Lohr nud daughter Min nie have gone ou n visit to Muscatine, Iowa where another daughter resides. U. P. Fireman Rootor, who runs between Grand Inland nud North Platte, arrived in Columbus today with hiB wifo to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Fee of Lincoln returned thin morning from Kiillertou, where Mr. Foe wuh called by the death of his father. Miss Mnmio Curtis, daughter nf Mr. and Mrn. Fred Curtis, relumed homo last night from n visit nf a week with rnbitivos in Creston. R. II. Onthnm, for the nast lour years superintendent ol schools at West Point, Is in Columbus today. He was recently elected to the sun- orintendency nf tho Wynioro schools MrH. C. F. S. Payne of Schuyler yes ten lay to moot hor little daughter)! Iteta and Muriel who have been visit, ing relatives at Monroe. 1'bey returned home thin afternoon. Mihhoh Kmma ami Alien Wisn left, over the Burlington this moininu for a live weeks visit to Sitml I'm t, Mali., where thoir iiister liven. Koforo leinrn ing they will visit Portland, Seattle and other western points, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kricsnu of Fullcrton, accompanied by theii daughter, Mrn. Harry Cannon, were iu Colamhun today on their way home from Iowa where they had been call ed by the death of n relative. Mrs. II. P. H. Onlrich eiitortaned about forty ladies at a Keusiuutnu yestorday afternoon The lawn was arranged with chairs ami a very pleasant time was enjoyed. A lunch eon was nerved iu two cotirnis. ' The Spalding train Ihih not run since Wednesday reached Coliiinluiti at 7 :) last uiht bearing a great many belated passengers. A bridge near Kiillertou and about illHI feet of truck were washed out by the heavy rains the llrst part of tho week. Misn Vesta Sinter entertained about thirty young friends at High Five J last ovoning at her homo ou West ,, . . ; i - i - - " v -- - niii.Wafc m ai y . SlBHsV bIHbV 1bVBv sflsflwifSBBsHvi iitt BBBBBBI CASH ill :luuirl! It, tDiu.'fUVltA. aitt i T" ",(illlv3ttn rtt lo fciiL (rood HolpJ I iiodff t yn tI lor Loiiff Servicg The wear antl the sijrhtliness of a .''.locking figures more toward economy with some people than the soundiug of'littlo prices, (iootl cotton ami good dye are the two things that make a good stocking-antl you can found your faith on that and you can go a bit further, and be lieve implicitly that ours have all these qualifications in the highest form that we have been able to discover. SPECIALS Childrens' ribbed Hose special price Children's Eilfcl black ribbed cotton JfTr Hose, also tans special price . . O Misses' three thread lisle Hose abso lutely stainless special price . Children's ribbed NoMEND linen knee guaranteed last black . Boy's rough and ready regular 20c hose, 3 Sandow lull lashioned ankle stands strain for boys, special price Misses' Gordon Dye mercerized lace, liurtecntii Mroot. The house was prettily decorated with roses, uaifu tlunis and sweet pens. The pii were a deck of cards and n lace fan, which wero won by Mr. Fred HatTron and Miss Marguerite Wtllard. A two-course luncheon was served and music helped to entertain the guests. Journal Specials. Dr. .1. W. Terry. Opt lean. Ir. Terry adjusts eye glasses to any nose O. H. Preib, painting ami paper hanging. dwtf The host bread in town nt Focsch's. Try it ami ho convinced. Try Poosch's fine Imported bakery line. The best of everything. Dr Terry's motto is Mitisfuotinn (Siinraiiteed or monev refunded. OIIOIINI) HONK & IIKKF HOHAI'S for chickens nt Krustttltrock's. I'lioue w. tf I'ceseh's hig ice cream business has forced him to import his bakery goods for a while. They are the best in the citv. Or. Tnrrv adjusts eye-glasses to any tione. Can't shake otf. For the best harness ami lly nets go to Victor 'Jemum-sl's ou nth treet if OiiiisiiIi l)i Terrv about your eyes. Ollice over Pollock X- (Jo's Drug store. Consultation free, Sunday, .Monday, TuoMlay ami Wednesday of each week. IIaeyouau account von an not collect' Take it In MoKlfrosh. tt FOUND. Kastnru Star pin in front of Winslow's livery ham. Owner call at Journal ofllou or Winslow's barn ami pay for this notice tf. For lire insurance, mo O. N Me Klfiesh. ollice oyer I'olumhus State Haul; tf The liuest, lieshest angel food at Ponudi's, '.'() cents a cake, Try a sam ple, free. f M T U fl V MdtuA Urn ioH 1T- itfiU .noNliiTI jl,'A" pnw tio' ol filoa Jduob olDII bad vnm vm o ba& I'llstoJa lsdwomoa '(ImhoM lORie.l.n'I rn-Hdinn wmiM fast black 106 25 G ribbed Hose CA r pair for . ttr V 25c black and tan all sizes at . 25c . u rW LK7 (Oonsult Dr. Terry nbout your eyes. 'Now Is the time to iusuro your projMirty against loss by lightning. Loss every day. Why be the loser when a small premium mny knve you hundreds of dollarrs. Lightning in surance written by Hoohor, llockon berger & Uhnmbors Insuros. FOlt BALK-One Nelson 14-Horse Power, as good as new. Strongest (tower iu the world. Htenl stroke wheels under it. Write or see us for price, u., Duncan, Nebr. tf (J. N. MoKlfrosh, attorney. Collect ions a spoolulty. tf. Dr.Terry.ihe Omaha Kye Hpoclalist, has oHUied one of tho belt eimippeii optical olllces in tho west, over Pol lock and Oo's drug store. Will bo in his UolnmhuH office Sunday, Monday. Tuesday and Woilnosduv.of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifi cally llttod. Consultation free. FOK HALK (lood now r. room cot taue In north part of town. luqnirn of Walter Scott. tf Notice. Oiti.eiih are hereby untitled to trim up their trees in compliance with the ordinance which riilrrs them to be trimmed up at least eight feet from the ground. Untrimmed trees Inter fere with lighting the streets and are n nuisance. ltyOrder of City Council. Now is the chance to mako the do light I ul trip to Ualiforniafor just one half nf the oxponso incurred iu mak ing the trip nt any other timo, Don't Kstiono for you may not soou again bo otVorod the low ratos of fjr..0(i to SuuPrnnoisoo, Bautn Karbara, Los An gelos.San Diego nud many other Cali fornia jKdnts. Literature nlK.ut ( all fornla free on application to W. II. Moiihnm 4 , Hargains iu all kinds of furniture, stoves, etc at Drake's closing nut sale. Diamond O. hams and bacon nt Her man Kersunbrock's. 25 J