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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
i urn i Mf '!'.' iJii. .r''t wmww ' . ,J,..-,tTl,ll lt-, - fir -yr ."iTf "J "-- - "t - f- ii- a t AV . f5itt'tiyitt-n-fyi' i ) 5 55 ,H AnM &,.,& VaI 11, lfo ivhititwi inev COllllllllUKi Tbliimbun, c itttttal;; 4.. . ' Nt'Dfi KMitiil-rlAM nmll matter. , xin I'fPMMMlBvKirtH.UMfV.) ' Crrt nmhns journal Co., : -tlmrt it, hr mall, iwt iwjmM. . ....::$ I.J Hit months 'J B WKDNKHDAY, JUlA' 6 !. fi TTTTF r ....JJUetUCl a.4IOMti'IlUM. tin -nil. 'v"3 ' ' "" ?! Ul ' U i . i r V TrVT.r wrMAfcVuWJ l lta I ImA ymr . :..)., iel.Mm '"J? ?.,'S, liJir. to i-viMi-ia ami. i.'WtirrTyiiit aiuon I ii. t i.j Ull Uli.U.II r. tHoosotjolt nan fMrtewy wined tU6Jtid jHJuiiili,,bi Ihki Knltil 1 v i -r v-- 4 A UOUSlSl'til.T AH diplomat Mr, A tilt It a Lord rlmertoD.Ubf:il to Bny.J'olT his own bat " '"J'hpy pntinot mv Hay dlil ft,"lK a rtilloctlnn Unit, iopH1v, iimT.llit jhqjjitfh tl:rtpDJilciiti- iiitnll, as III roctli,tJit) tlUimMtloii i xtilhltl'il, byi'firAifn1 fircptlrnt -ioifl rvtiirnl'Jor (litfu.dipluniatiitii ruiiiiuttt .at- Wah liiKton to fitulft tint Hncrnluejv nt SliiM with alH, iiii'ToilL iunrnatlonnl iicliloveimmtn of thin Ailniiiiifitrntluii. For montliHnii ocwin lias divided "air ,To1ih"lInyfroiii tlm Mtato Depart-mofH;-tifii!-h&frt hnfwhwl ntwolntnly nothing to do with thn lucoition, liroVarnrlnii, or fulfilment of thoOhlrf MBRlntrnt'H plan for I ho M'orilr tortiiliiatloti of tlm vr'ai' in thn -Fur Kaitf.''i.'ttVv dellcato nutl .dllheult'lho function of dnioo Bfoftmltir. waH cot,- jct'tVi'u.ta, be at thin ijutiotun' In cvi- fhu wJ)j tbrnaghout iho-ooantry si'Pin to' ho r'tttinK''Hcorr)tnry Tuft on 'Urn buck fur thn Way ho iaiktil ,td EDIBLE eiftOS' NESTS., ill I'll fill I uii'fl il. lAlt ?l'. .wy:sw" m w , mtt,HiftrH Uiollinrpla ltrbliM-.WrV4'l VfryjW I" tntll rill ill .iiiilill4riflrH , wln'iiHrti ,t.r llift'ffMI ttftitrs rt MB! I'M II JWKM fWHTtKH"! Wi.rtH Hj'fiW&lVi mRfflmK FflS.ihftMf.for.Hhftlii-r. ii-W At. "rr"..'"" ",m" tibifiHibfUut AM,w...ivn"K..:. ... Vi...t .r.krlitllu1k tlltllfi I1M I 1 I1IH1-III11 1I111IT lit Utllt HilllUI . IIIUUIIIKV. 1 W ,,Vl' JI". I ; rni.kbiwxiiXk ;?Aiifti5aw-iVrtMrtiiiH. pr6i..r.r' wwK ;voi'- iwKWrifrW"-lr"":' iiHJ tAAWwAVP ftiji.W:" Wo ' otui to lio Holvml Willi niHinarckliin u,9.VT..I"1"I.rW", M!r' aro in '""""T??-"'" linlillJ'ifv niiil VhipiirVtV. . 'J'hi. I?ril.l.'l"mr,i ,W.-,l,i Nohrafcka, or In anrDwtPf'rJtTofP.m'yfWI'yiiViftir willi H - ,im iiiiiu m ii - J.-..,. UHtiHlwiiinK.mii(iiniii'rrr'iw UhlfiHli,iMUf .UJ.lUn-.'.'A 'V"k.!. 01 olrrt rfitii of tl l tniVU.MH- .1 1fjl:. ......... rv- --iT-i 1 , I Tho rallroiMlH of tyriMM JhU jrof r rp imaniuimi ft million' and nnattbr 1rtfWnWrV-aie.ei :!aKt -yiTTWretll6i' TnrT1TRttl,6ii Will Htaiul nr lm lnwnrorf U to bo (lotormiuod in MUftK wM the raiiJ 1 Muo of thorn, aro protentluK thn pay- ir IftlHH. II I" umiliinn WMto tltno iliMouNBlnK 4ii of tho tlnnron rotnrncil Howfvnr In vlow of illroctcil at cortaln mem- tto board for not ratfllnK MA flnrliuKton'R valuation over last $mt' tlKoroH, attention Nhouht bo f3(el to tho fact that tho criticiMod Aloiborii ot thin iitato board can turn ni point thoir liDRorM at tho local BBwm in every city in Nebraska aud Uw that many citi.onti who aro MmmmI to bo tormed "IvadltiK clt Cn" becaQM of tholr wealth mid in oenoe, havo boon asuenHed on not to tfkopod (X jter cent of tho full value of jtalr property. Jl'hli itatement dooa not prove that ttio rallroadi aro not taxdodKorii nor jnntlfy their actiom If tboy aro. Hut it ii a fact which nhonld not bo over looked. In many case It lthn wealthy citizen trying to dodKo bin own tas that "hollerih head otT" about rall roadi. And aince tho railroad do not own half the oeteawblo property in tho tte,tax dodging on tho part of wealthy Individual' who own moro than a half of it work a greater hnriUhip on tho honeat taxpayer of amall moana, than tas-dodglug on the part of tho rail- rooda. And if tho men whojaro in tbo habit of howling airaluat thn rallroada would apnnd juat half of their "howl lug" iorloU looking Into tho tax reo orda of tbelr own comity they would II ml that aorue of tholr dnar noighbora with a string of farms or brick blocka are (dealing moro of tholr tax money than the rallroada. We aro not aaylng that tho railroadH urn not dtMlglug tholr rightful tnxoa, but if we are loyal to our form of irovornment which provide for court tn aettle dilforonoea of thla kind, thou wo muHt await tholr doolalon In tho railroad tax caeca now before thoui boforo orltiolalng tho atato board. What wo need In Nebraska la not aentiuiont against rallroada, nor aeuti mout for thorn but a determined de mand for equality and juat ice before tho law. When tho law niiya "tax propertv nt ita full value, "tho puhllc abould demand the application of that 1 tw to all the property whether It be long! to a railroad or an ludividunl. And both the railroad aud the Indi vidual Nhonld boatoppml from ant ting np aa an exouao for their own lawb'aa iihm, the lAwloauoaa of nuother. A good way to begin getting at tax dodging rallroada, la to begin getting a, our taxdolglng nelghborn. lloform, Ilka charity, should begin nt home. deatfrtkn tHif fmr that nut n truliiod ij.. ,i, hi i '"VS ','' ' tli , diplomat aiIindoa,iuiKtn km PArl wan wiWIijriptiijjtflfrkjlJ. How, itTtlWiJi'rmlllitiio'i iipmna-'ttrr FruYioh iV,iWiWVWArVpiKra.:iirvn ft-" moUVe i moijvy fvr.lvflwoky,,,,,, h,,ut On hrarillg tlit.n,t0) soetlMyj war wm extrobmlr Ktiookilanit)t i'- itlgnnntf aiH tirArMtilml"!!! "A 'Wv r, fhoked Vflfrh tti 'HrlivrY to'Ml1. Wr I lnco n loliif nlill,rviithlVWlidiWnh,wli h had ovMontly bVt.'u''i.rep!iW.f',(j ; vnnce. i- .bnrdim, ,qf,, l.t? Wmar ta waa that, the. chief fiHiacprl.4iy ' traynd a, aarrnd )trrtt kiln want lint of furreiulorthifiiplrinntiiftnr Mini bMil'H ' cnitted If; and entryrPdi'anhnhlat1UNe Oflotiran'HolioHf WlllilVHy WW rttlit 1 ItiNirtrliprtrr'oirrid ttrVi w'greiii vmi'qi. wHKmiiWWdilrd' I aWllWij UirMiitlU 'tttuiAulCWh ilftHMi HT'i f9. ni,jiirfp)b In'iit wifii)iMiir;'a!'ri'. Jii HtyyUx' WltrK)Jr1tlW"IMiullH"liiblMi i .. ,. iilL..i.i5rtri.' Jtlitl 1I1I11L .lll'IIIl i .' iii hut Kirrnnnry ci trnr tit inrir nw i i' API OS. Hubert iiurrnaa aald hla farewell to tho people ot I'latlo county In venter day 'a Inane of tho Argna. He and Mrt-. Hurrsaa will leave In few tlaya to take charge of a jxijmt which they have pnrchaaed in 8 wen City, Iowa Mr. llurraw will have tho field alone there aud bollevoa ho haa a pay lug property. Mra. llorruaa will be made n full irlner lu the bnaiuoaa. Tho Jnrual'a fraternal ridntlnua with the Argua nnder the management of Mr. Hurruaa have been- moat plenaaut and we are glad to tout If y to hit honeatv aud gentlemanly qualities in every traiiHAotloa lu which tho Jourual and Argua have been jointly interested. We moat stnonit ly wiah for Mr. Hnr rnaa in bla new field all the anccoia and pleasure to which hla pergonal qualitlea entltlo him. II. 11. Ureeu. who cornea to the management of the Argua, haa all the mark of a clean and hustling young man with plenty of ability. Wo oiteud the band of fraternal fellowship to Brother Green as he enters upon h'.a saw field. Tin: aoi.itKx uvi.i:. Thia la no ago of aclfiHhuesH nml diveralty of intercat nml avmpnthy. It la n rnrn thing to liutt n mini who can renlly rejoice in the good fortune or really syinixitliio in tho misfortune of his fellow, l'rolmbly in thia the age dona not dllTor from foriuor tlmca, except that humanity is further ml vanced now than ever before and we are therefore prone to think that huiiiaiiltnrinuisiii ahnuld nlso bo more in evidence, Hut wo nrn too proapor mis for anything like tluit Tho apirit of huuinii kiiidiiCh- is begot of suffer ing nml mlafortune, iv:ul not of pros perltv. The sleek nml prosperous in dividual has come to be univerMilly regnrdnd ns a tym of the selfi-l nml hcartloHB. Whether hla jiroHjMirity is a consequence of his HolflHliiiohH or whether It is the other wnv iirouml la a problem. I'nrhnpa ench coiitiibuteh to the other. Hut whatever their re lation ns to cnuhn nml effect, they go together. Miaforttiue is one HiIuk wherein fiiuitttnrtty dors not breed contempt, nml the iiiuu In whose heart la thn real touch ot fellow feel ing la the mnti who la or litis been in dire need of It himself. Hut once in n while comes uu inci dent which mnkna the whole world kin. Tho pnpera today fell of n young locomotive fireman on a railroad in thia state who, sueing a little child on the uncle ahead and knowing that the nlrbrnkoi would not stop the heavy train betore the child would be killed, ctnsvlcd from tho cab to tho pilot, caught the little one and throw It from the track unhurt, and by the effort threw himself under the wheola ol the engine, lu a hospital, tatally hurt he explained that he hud a baby brother himself ami thn danger of thia little one reminded him so much of the little one nt home that ho had done ns he would want another mini to do tor his own baby brother The Oolden Utile might be preached from a thousand pulpits fur a thonaai.d years ami not distil as much of the milk of human kindiics trntn the henrta of human aniuuiN as on,, Mll. net ns this. Kven a moneychanger or a t'hariace who could read it mid not bo driven Into some net of kindnria before the day is over would be no oxeepUon Ami this voung man wns a poor iiremau on a freight train. He made hla living by the hardest kind of physical toil. Kxcept by those that loved him his name will not be re mnmborcd tomorrow. Whenever live or nix concerns trv to live from a business in a commnnitv that could bo curried on by one, a pool" results. Kensnu, "seif preser vat ion la the first law of nature " Hrenk thn "elevtor pool, "the "lumber delonra pool." the implement dealers pool ' mid a few morn, nml there will bo some cheap "stoic rooms" for sale and Incidentally thn public will suva tho coat of aupiKUtiug tho Miperfluoua couoernv. Tlir WllPrMhMvt'rtHti)rrd tar tU In.; tilt ljrsUMW,fSllhMHitHi,' . fMiinibiivW'Wfto afo 'found intia IJtiglnr Wiiltrtl' whcti' the'latriull'"i:1,'",'lW' ' (fll'MmKif ,j..)nar( bifMfm 2"', .m'Si? .a- , i.ij'i ii in ,it i ii' ix i ' 'Vvl M' lii(Uiii(fiiimiiiMt)i up his jijli becanse Jio had Imen ullerril i -uiii.. tAiMi.,..u. -n il ri"rtH jih' ',nWiW'A'iiiroViwMii'i'Jf M (Rlini'A'""rhllfctl!rHhi'-lu'tTff iWVUv u l(mhill'lrYna''iUiHHMatM' thllt t--li "aoTiwMrii"MiimwnyviB tctunmr- L ii '"Af tiir wt- hii(pjf?Attell fbr'bHf4"tlK' tiiiuti)' tfl cwffll" icr4M th( ' HWrtlMi li ltatrV.'rtriv.i 'JPTlti tftlitltl:,!wk.1k'wa1,tb ft IwVllW Vlttfttilll(ilir'yf IU'1M.W 4 l1ll4n(Mii(afl0'iHMli;tfiilia lnAir1ii rt 'jvi"nin'wginwimii'rTr"iT'i)yirwoh JiinTyylKtrM!JWi gtilJltU.'l-Wt'tu tt4iliieitto"A vMkMtcciiniNf sWWt'd n "vMiitViie"Dtiiirtmi fAmiMM'Miliii it WMk ldtrVfJTJ"ft4ir'lM."i('W narrow iihadiilUillnilfMl'r Hi'Madred of cer 1 1 tn'tf ,t"d?Ud Mod r.'tfflh . i l! Uill'llJ'ilM ,. I "I I'lV 'I'll ll'IT'''! or cn,Tt,r)pg .VYrJftciy, ,1(lt niiuuce la mi .m'f,H!it'Mirmii mi, Ui Ur 'Xnl t.i 1 1 A d iwlntn owl Ame icn.iiieUhlHnlHWkdis'itrp (And I rtgtu t ol lay 'ri wiii 'lilw'tli'rttitjtlteHWiv. lllirtlAt''ltvin1VrgllVrrif''gW,'lnto lit wonder Platte the dein-'H metivea oaiuiot bo anrpectiN, MMtR.MtiwIin would keen one bvcatiaorhTi United States ,iotoriously tvp iiojtn"stre"to pucurin foollpdd fin the' AMaStlu niainlanil, nml lierause ho mnnlfeatlr does not desire to on tujilji olnlm upon tho grntitudn of ithor or tun parties to tun war by lie- coming ita medium of communication with tbo other, the role which, it may be remembered, wna discharged lu 1MIS by M .luloa Cambnti, tho em bassador at Washington, on bohalf of Spain. Mr Uoosnvolt doi-a not wiah to bo nu Intermediary ; ho doea not even suggest that Washington shall be tho scene of the direct negotiation between the parties which he urgently ndvinca. Ho has merely expressed to both belligerent" a willltiguoaa to do what ho properly can and to assist in arranging the preliminaries concerning merely the tltno nml plnce ol meeting, provided the two powers concerned ahnuld feel Hint hla services might be usoful for that preparatory pur-pose. jolt miioat there was a bettor one oifiq-oit lilntJ Wo wonder if Secretary Tuft would. Wr do not deny that Mr. Wallace probably deserved some blame. But in the light of tho apoctaculnr manner in which the reprimand wna deliver ed, wo cannot help remembering that Mr Tuft ih n candidate for president and needs ndvertlaiug The evidence submitted at Wnhoo in thn case of Tom Worral against the K levator Comblno reads like Lawsou on" Amalgamated " President Hndley of Yale university haa defined a IMiarisen ua a mau whose tueruica nro devoted to the promotion of his own material welfare. If there is a mn in ('nlumhus who is tot a Pharisee under thia definition, he might hold up hla hnml ( liri-rrtlllK-, I'hccrfuliiiwM N one ot the unlvcrsallj nudci'stiMxl atti Unites It s accepted ut Its face value the world over. It Is the Kold coin of disposition. Indeed, It Is such a large part of disposition that II would almost hcciii to constitute the whole of It. ANNOUNCEMENT. f.'.'OO of 1'lntto County independent Telephone Oo'a. ii year tl per cent bonds nrn yet oil's rod for snlo at wr with accrned Interest. if.'soo of those bonds wore tnken by Investors In thiee lota of 1000, flOOO and s()0. Names of parties will bo furnished on request They consider them first class after caretul investi gation. If you nro getting loot than ii per cent on your money you should by nil menus investigate thia Invest ment opportunity. uomomhor these bonds nro in denominations of fioo each and are ust ns good for thn man with f 100 to invest ns tho mail with $1000. Wo aro also now offering on the same terms f 1000 of 10 year bonds duo May 1, ltm.'i These bonds nro just us safe nun draw thn same rate of iuteiest and will appnnl to those duslriug a moro permanent invest ment. " ' Wo now linve over 10 orders for tele phones on our books and enn with ease increase our present list 100 dur ing the current yenr. I) T KVKIiKTT, Soo'y. TTTUstkrrdXv1'iWV' to ibrk lo limimu! . cifiVj ' liiijiMlSiJmitirw ooJ &rain dti sit itiittirighti time. TIicsl? are thy first stops in Hw ,iwUii1'W.i:;i,iioi..i. ....... ..riwumit lilt .iiniiin.ii vi '.- LL'llt'llLU UI lll.ll CflL'Ur.Ul'd A4 nl fmisi M 'I' 1 iKcll.mtmi'1icaili 1 could foice t 'iy-npriiitntt'i' upward nor do'.xuward iWrilrMllipMirHlliln!,,u'P'tilviH tho direction of the pin- isngeiMiiiii there I wus, susjichdcd like Alotiaiuined s cnllln or a trussed fowl By dlut of wriggling, howcier, I ut lust found myself on tho top of the passage, minim a certain amount of skin and mhuo buttons from my tight fitting khaki coat. "tStlll on we Jogged Tor tho best purl of a mile, when, Id and behold, the caves lu which tho birds were breeding nnd which were to bo the limits of our underground wanderings! A fuliit glhu inor of light could ho seen through u rift In the rocks fur nbovo us, and It wus through this hiiiuII rltt, which win a willed piissngo cvun to the Ii.vuks themselves, that the birds passed In their Joiiruejs to aud from their nest ing ground 4. Our arrival, of course, disturbed whatever birds were there, and they disappeared ns best they coti'd And there, for it time, we wati li ed the Iiyal.s going through their gym nustliM of robbing the birds tusts. with their rjpes an I long polos creep- j lid UIUIIK iliu IIIKII rillKC'4 1111(1 ICtigL'S m the lurid light of tho torches like un earthly specters. "These peculiar nest.s nro btillt by n epocles of Hwall'jw. The nests consist of shallow, cup shaped oavltlc, trim cmIimI ut one side, wheio they are at tiiclnil to the locks like brackets to n wall, and forming something llko u two-thirds segment of a circle it Is not always easy to get nt them, as they urc somethuiw glued to the per pendicular Hides of the solid rocks high overhead, so that theniMt hunters have to scale these ci-ng4 with lopi and poles to get ut them In substance they consist of an elastic, parent, mucilaginous material, which Is said to bo u accretion, or macerated food, from tho crops of the birds them elves. "As robbing these nests for coniiner clul purposes forms a part of tho Iy nliV moans of livelihood, the birds Imvo frequently to build twice or even throe times during the season before they nro able to hatch their offspring, nnd It Is noted that each succcsslvo crop of nests deteriorates hi both con struction mid composition. Tho ucsts built ut the beginning of tho seuso'i mo bright and transparent and aro cotueqticutly known on tho market us white nests,' but when they uro rob bed the next crop Is not nearly ho pure In Hubstaucc." o id io, ii ,11.11 I) i nip. i J 1 Thfe Tarmers Must Be Experts ll l.lifM in '"! 'iif .i. i ' i ! tev.wx tho..arniL'r. who stills V. i lMiiiswteaw.miis!itav.vPuri- A lAiiiturtatqwIMy InlWind He, ? 1 " ''WUSfkrYd'lVfiW fir Vtrh- t. - ' io it Puritan Best Patent Flour sm. '.iissssm ilMiHHsisH LissshIHLisssssssssW LBLsBbBLsssssVBv I m " dj i& " m yw Get flcturcs for the Children lAfsall..Akki4-M:AmM f WTAN MILLERS ',V,M iWMVii-ivreniHii XV SCIIUYLClt. N!. ii Sold Only by I Ragatz i Co. Vnrhlirrt n Dlstaarr, rurloslty had led the little girl to forsake tho nursery, whero tho tither children were playing, mid to go to take a peep at the great parlors where the company had assembled, but hIio pru dently remained concealed among tha palms. Due of the guests epled her there. "Hello, little girl!" ho said. "Aro yot, having u good time?" "'M-h'ni! Say, do you nee Hint lady over there under tho chandelier? That's my mamma. Isn't hIio nice?" "Indeed she Is. Can't you Introduce mi'V" "(looduoss, no!" she exclaimed. "I couldn't do that. I haven't been Intro duced to her ni) self yet." Chicago Tribune. fhc Only Double Track Railway be tween the Missouri River and Chicago Fast daily train service vi.i the Chirnon l Inbm Pacific & North -Western Line frnm nninK in Nebraska to Chicago and East Six trains a day Omaha to Chicago, without. cnange. I wo trains daily between Omaha and at. Paul and Minneapolis. She "Best of Everything For r no, tlckif; an J dill Infnrmitinn ipply luaKi-nis union nciTk i i nr jJro J. I. RUHI, lilt. Cm. frilitit md full. Ift. thlciKii & Nortli-Wostcrn Ky. OMAHA. Nru. kmiiii WbMI l.iiK-uiii Mil III WIii-ii llurty Knilfil ii To Iloiirx' Tnlk. Tho late Hon. Charles W Slack told tho following of tho lion. Peter Har vey, tho friend mid biographer of Can lei Webster: Mr. Harvey wus u lurge man with u small voice and that pomposity of man ner that many very dillldcut men pos sess. Above everything he valued anil prided himself upon bis friendship with tho "grout expounder." The llrst year of tho War of the lie bclllon he weut to Washington, and on his return was asked how ho liked President Lincoln. "Well," ho Haiti, "Mr. Lincoln Is a cry HUigulur mini. 1 went on to nee him, and told him that I had been an Inthnato personal friend of D.mlcl Webster; that I had talked with him ho much ou tho affairs of the country that I felt perfectly confident 1 could tell him exactly ihnt Mr. Webster would udvlso lu tho present crisis, and thereuiKin I talked to Lincoln for two solid hours, telling him Just what ho Hhould do nnd what ho should not do, and, will you believe It, sir, when 1 got through nil Mr! Lincoln mild was, as he chipped his hand on my leg, 'Mr. Har vey, what n tremendous great calf you luivn got.' " Hiwton Ifornlit. Ami War rnntlnnril. Miss ftoodloy-llcs- i-uja i.Iio'k ready to make up If jou ure. MM Cutting Tell her tl he ready to make up too if I hit I a complexion as muddy oh lici-H.-1'hll.idclphbi Ledger. Ilnnl oil .iiruli. Scene: The Wlls.uir,' dining room. Norah, the nlovenly cook, puts her head lu at the door. Norah l'laye, mii'iim, will yo be uflhcr tellln' tnc whin I'm to know whether th' puddln'.'i baked or notV Mrs. Wllhoil- stick a knife Into the middle of It, aud if the knife comes out clean the pudding Is ready to scud to the table. Mr. WIN ui Ami. .Norah. if It docs come out clem ntlck all the rest of the knives lu the Iioiim Inn the pudding. Woman's Home Companion. Tin- llrlflt In IIIn lint. "Khorry I'm dm lute, m' dear," be gnu Iiliigle up'il igetlcully, "but hIioiiio frcr-h Jokcrh stojiped me an' wouldn' lemiuec go" "Indis'il?" Interrupted his wife. "Why didn't you take the brick out of yom hut nnd hit them with It'.'"- Philadel phia Press. DRIFTING "tds bright s disease Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," drifting towards Bright' s Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. are ifr?Jl 15: ?fciATTsl r-i-rfTjUiWtr FOIEYSKIDNEYCURE stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the Impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and cne poisonous waste matter is earned dv the circulation to every part or the body, ' causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. ii you nave any signs or Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a'few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. wr Nsw ts nni Out. You can Mtltvdettrmuu if veur kldaava ara out of order by tatting MkJt for 34 hours a botU of tho uriao pMtd opoa arising. If upon examlaatioa it U cloudy or milky or haa a brick -dutt dlouat or aawll articles f oat about In It, your kldatyi aro diseased, aad FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should bo Ukaa at osce. 0 Burhana Tsstrflss Aftsr Four Yoara G. B. Burbans of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: 'About four yrara (o I wrote you Hating that I had been entirety cured of aevere kidney trouble by taking less than two bottle of Fotey'e Kidney Cure. It entirely etopped the brick-duit sedlm?,t and rlln and eymptome of kidney dlieate disappeared. I am tiled to say that have never had a return of any of thoso symptoms during tha four year that have elepeed, and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cur to tmy one suffering from kidney or bladder trouble' -e " Tws SIsm. BO Otmts and $1.00. Y M 1 McCLINTOCK & CARTER, Columbus, Neb t r-fT '- "" ,i