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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1905)
-srrrr it TV - WJSS&Va r - - (talmnlms onxrul iliO PAYS FOi: TJIK JOUKNAI. ONK Y1"AK TJri:EKTS. A WKEK AS ? LAKGEST TAPER POnLlSHED I N PLATTE COUNTS ' J . VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBEll li. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. MAY 10, 1905. WHOLE NUMBER 1,751. i. ' I- l.' )! i s c . K' - K V p. zy I t,INtr tM (g W S fefyrfphrr'1 WHEN YOU TRAVEL tinro is no more convenient way of carrying money than a draft. If yon go abroad tho draft is paid in tbo currency of tho country yon arc in. If yon lose the draft payment can bo Mopped an J another issued to yon. issues drafts in all amounts. They arc Rood all over the world. If you intend traveling. Tho Pirst National Rank will be glad to be of service to you. The First National Bank The Minstrels. Miiiiiltu ll.iilj 1 The lit Henry Minstrel show at the opnni house Saturday night was a record breaker for attendance. Standing room was at n premium, even with a counter attraction lileo the Campbell Dros. circuw in town at tht same time The performance was deserving ol tho crowd it got. This trouo is an old tavorito with Columbus people, ami the way they turned out was an other proof that this is a good show town if the shows are known to be Rood. The stars of the performance were tho interlocutor, Mr. Dickens and the tramp comedian. Mr. Dickons was also the host singer of the company, with a full, rich barytone voice which is under good control. Air Jfrnry Jiiimclf is still a cornet soloist of power and finish, (hough getting ulong in years. The boys of the troupe say he is the best nin:i to work for 111 tho business, one who con-idois the wolfat-o and contort of his coinnany before his own interests. They travel in two iinely equipped private cars and are a jolly and xocial bunch. They will be welcomed 1:1 (Jolumhus both on and oil' the stag,: if thev come hero azaiu. Woman.s Club. (Monday's Daily) Tiie last general meeting of the Woman's club for this season wa held Saturday afternoon. At one o'clock a luncheon was served at the home of Mrs. C. II. Sheldon. After wards the members went to Mis. Gar low's home whete a business meeting Vfs' held and an address delivered by I Mrs II M. lin-hnell, state president f Mo-dames II. 1. Coolidgo anil W. N. Hnh-cr were elected delegates to the state meeting to be held next fall. At both Mrs. Sheldon's and Mrs. Gar lnw's tho decorations were in pink and creen, the club colors. Carna tions and green foliage were used. A musical program was rendered. Mrs. Hushueil's address dealt with the club work in the stato and work for libra ries was dit'cnssed. She returned to her home in Lincoln today. Mrs. 1L Reese. Third district vice president, was expacted to take part in the pro pram but was enable to attend. Another program will be given soon by the musical and art departments for the benefit of the fountain fund. All departments are urged to begin preparations for the opening of next season's work. A Free Por-All. (MondajV DailO. Anoter scrap is reported just as we go to press. A man who gives his name as .Torgensen who lives south of tho river and makes his bread and but ter by getting the better end of a hore trade, came to the citv to got a lead of snpplhs at Asehe.s' store. He got the supplies but before he left he took on another kiml of a load and went in tho store to tdl Ascho that he ordered cornmeal and nidn'r get it. In telling his story he grew ovcited and struck a largo show cas break ing the glass into small fragments. A stranger oil the outside smiled at tho nreformatice and for smiling. Jor geuscn start. d to punish him He landed on the ft ranger and John Tcber who was standing noir landed on .Torgensen aul they both fell on the Eid-j walk. Meanwhile Officers Schack and Jim Nelson appeared and escorttd .Torgensen Jo the eitv jail and led his slab sided old hers? to the livry .-table for a good fctd ot oats Wheatose. Vitcs and Shredded Wheat Biscuits at 10 cents a package at WIUN & SONS. When All Bcoome Lost. When .ill the natural teeth become lost tho deficiency should lie supplied by artificial teeth. Nothing that is vrorn upon the person is of so much importance as the set or artificial teeth. They require for successful results, artistic and skill, patient lalior and experience. Wo guarintec you successful re sults. Nearly 1 1 years experiencr in successful practice in Columbus. 15th Street Phone 140. Dr. H. E. Nnnm. A gallon can of good syrup for J0 cents at WKIN &S0NS. White Candy Dip syrup at 40 cents a gallon' ar WRIN & SONS. Mrs. .To" Hay and children are vis iting tLi week with relatives in Hogers. br. This is tho last week of WKIN& SONS closing out sale. The store will cIo?e Saturday. Some excellent uioney sivina epport unities left. " Mrs. o. J. Imcfcmasier and two children left last night for a visit at their old homo in Creighton. They ill visit a few days at Norfolk. Irsenbrook & Burke have broucht suit in .Tnrico O'Brien's court against W. II. Cole to collect a $'27 board bill. A writ cf attachment has been sued out on certain wages of Cole's alleged to le in the hands of tho Union Pa cific Ilailroad. Dr J W. Terrv, the expert opti cian of Omaha will be at tho Merid ian Hotel parlors Monday, Tuesday and Wciluesdar, May 1.1, lfi and 17, wh.-re he will be uleased to servefrou and your friends. Consultation and examination free. w2d 5 J. II. Kersenbrock has recently brought an action in JusticoO'Brien's court against John M. Specht a saloon keeper at Plat to Center. Specnt is charged with embezzling 10 which came to his hinds as agent in selling soixio beer for Mr. Kersenhrock for a wedding it is a Mate action, J. H. Keren brock being the complaining Aitntss. The defendant has been bound over to the district court in tho sum of $1(10. The electric and wind storm in this vicinity last night did some damage. It burnt out some telephones in the city ami at the iarm of W J. New man, three miles east, tho wind re solved itself into a small sized tor nado. Ir picked un Mr. Newman's chicken bonne and his cow shed and carried them several hundred feet. It gave n consideration to the twenty odd hens that were just about to come off with their broods, bur scattered them to the four winds. The track of the infant tornado was very narrow, ft passed between the house and the barn, barely missing the houso and tearing a few shingles from the barn. This storm was- similar to the" freak" lust Wednesday that visited the farm of Homy Deyke. twelve miles north of Columbu That storm picked np a corn crib and carried it about a quarter of a milo and drove the onds ol the board roof deep into tho ground. Oflr-r out-buildings standing near were untouched Both parties were insured and Bccher, Hockenborger and Chambers happened to hold the policies for both. Schiller Celebration. " h Schiller memorial program at the opera houfc last evening was at tended by a crowd that packed tho house The program was of unusual length, lasting from s ::,() until 1 -'o'clock but tho crowd stayed to see it all and was interested and appreciative throughout Short orations on Schllier's life and work wero delivered by Bev. Non marker in German and Kov. Munro in English Recitations of selections from Schiller's writings were given by Miss Marcarot Nanmann, Mrs. Carl Both aud Leopold .taeggi. Vocal solos were rendered by Miss Clara Segelke, and txtis Falbaum, and a vocal trio bv Misses Anna Gass. Gertiudc Jaeggi and Anna Glur. One of the most effective musical numbers was the Chopin funeral mach played by Mrs. Necmarkcr aud Mrs. Jaeggi at the piano, Miss Pohl violin and Prof Poole 'cello. A funeral march by Beethoven was also beautifully played by a piano quartette consist ing of Mcsdamos Nenmarker and Jaeggi, Dr Tiesing and Bev. Nen marker Tho three numbers given by tho united chorus wero exceedingly well done end drew generous expressions ot anpreciition from the audience. The chorus was trained and directed by Dr Tiesing and Bev. Neu marker and the performance reflects great credit on tho musical good taste and thorough method of these gentlemen. A picked orchestra furnished excellent music during intermissions and sup ported the chorus in the last number. A duet for violin aud llute.with piano accompaniment, was plaved in pleas ing manner by Miss Louisa Marty and Mr Schostr.g N The dramatic side of tho entertain ment wa the presentation in full cos tume ..f thro-1 m nes from Schiller's dramis, oik from Die Baneber, one fn.5::i WillenteinsI igr an I 0:19 fro.u Wilhelm Tel! 'I he last mentioned was th. mO"t elubor.i'e and was pre seated by tho Gruelli society. The entire entertainment was in overy way creditable aud fully deser ved the largo and appreciative atten dance which ir received. The Ger mans of Columbus in paying honor to the memory . of a cosmopolitan genius also did honor to their own artistic and musical sense. Food Sale The W. II. M society of tho Meth odist church will hold a food sale of bread, ides, cakes and doughnuts, Saturdav afternoon at Bagatz' store. A Creeping Death. Blood poison creeps np towards the heart causing death" J. E. Sterns, Belle Plaice. Minn., writes that a friend dreadfully injured Mis hand which swelled up like blood poison ing. Bucklin's Arnca Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound and saved his life. Best in the world for buns and seres. 25 cents at Chas. Dack's drug storo. Frd Meedel. (Thnreday's Daily) Fred Meedel died Thursday night at ten o'oolck, at his home fourteen miles southwest of Oolnmbns, from cancer of the stomach. He was one of the pioneers of this commun ity, having lived here for nearly forty years. Mr. Meedel was lorn in Ottendorf, Germany, December 15, 1S54. Com ing to America in January, 180(1, he came direct to Nebraska and lived heie continuously up to the time of his death. On March 15, 1877. he was married to Louisa Plagemann. His wifo and four children are living. Of the children, Mrs. Louise Rohmaier lives in Silver Grcve, KanFas, and Maty, Fred and Ed live here. One son died June 2Cth of last year at the age of fifteen. Mr. Meedel's illness was of over a year's standing. He was brought to Columbus nine weeks ago for an ojieration, and obtained some relief, but was never able to leave his bed afterwards. The funeral service will be conduct ed by Rev. Miessler at 1 :'M p. m. Friday, at the home. Interment will 1m in the Gruentli cemetery. Cyclone in Boone Connty. Albion. Nebraska. May 4th, HK)5. (Special) Boone county was visited last evening about 4 o'clock with a small tornado. A cloud came up from tho southwest which looked somewhat threatening but little attention was given to it as the day had not been exceptionally warm and no one seem ed to think of the possibility of a storm of that nature. But it came suddenly and lasted a moment. Dam age is reported from Cedar Rapids, a little town southwest of here and a few out-buildings were destroyed in the neighboring country. The most damage that was done in Albion was the large plate glass front of Becker Company's store. The awning was broken and blew against the window breaking them in. About 1250.00 is estimated as the loss in this case. This vicinity has not been visited by a storm of this nature in years past and when the dust and clouds caused tho sun to disappear many were frighten ed as the condition of the elements were a great deal less destructive than they appeared to be. Tr&Yeling Jobbers. (Thnmlay'8 Daily) The special train carrying represent atives of the leading Chicago Jobbing houses stopped twenty minutes in Co lumbus this afternoon. They were met by W. A. McAllister, president of the Columbus Commercial Club, A. Anderson and other prominent busi ness men and given a "harry up" view of the best business poiut on tto Union Pacific between Omaha and Denver. The party is composed of tho follow ing: John H. Hardin of F. H. Hardy &Oo. : John G. Miller of John G. Miller & Co. ; Emes MacVeagh of Franklin MacVeagh & Co.; Frank Hibbard of Hibbard. Spencer, Bartlett Co. ; W. F. Hvpes of Marshall Field & Co. ; J. E. Defebaugh of the Amer ican Lumberman; Ferdinaud 1. Armbruster of Burley & Tvrrell ; E. U.Kimbark of Paper Mills Co. ; Fred erick Bode of Gage Bros. Co. ; W. D. Haynio of Illinois Steel Co. Student Recital. (Yesterday's Daily) The musical recital at the Congre gational church hist night by Miss Ethel Galley's pupils was a success from every standpoint. Tho church was comfortably filled with an au dience of music lovers that inspired tho best efforts of the performers. The program was skilfully varied to prevont monotony. And the selections were assigned to conform to the in dividual tastes and proficicnev of tha pupils. This careful arrangement combined with most thorough training makes it very difficult to point out individ ual excellence?. And this is the high est compliment we are able to pay to the mushcal and teaching ability of Miss Galley. The art of getting the best out of each individual pupil is the mark of the perfect instructor. And the work ot Miss Galley's pupils last night is certainly a high compli ment to her ability along this line. Every particiiont in the program is worthy of special mention. We there fore withold special mention of three or fonr who showed especial talent. We have listened to many pupils' recital at musical conservatories that would not rank in tho fame c'a:s v-.ith the tecitul last night. Weather Report. Review of the weather in Western Platte connty for April 11)05. Mean tern of the month Mean tern of do month last year Highest tern on Sth Lowest do on the 15th Clear days Fair days Cloudy days High winds 3 days Calm days 4b. 53 4G.75 81 IS 8 C 10 11 Prevailing winds nw to ae Rain or snow fell during portions of it days Inches of rain or melted snow 4. 3D in Do of same month last year 1.7S Inches of snow 5-" Do of same month last year 0.50 Frost and slight ice throughout month, ground frozen on 16th Parhelia on 7tb, Lunar CornaonSth Distant lightning in the se on 37th in the evening. 50 lb sack Red Seal Fioar $1.40. 50 lb sack Jewel Fkmr f 1.30 WRIN & SONS. 11th St G raduation Time... Our store is full of suggestions f o r commencement presents A watch would be a suitable present and last a lifetime and be a constant joy. The prices vary from $1 to $50. EdcJ.Niewohner The Jeweler Alfy Heintz in Jail. (Monday's Daily) Alfy Heintz appeared in police conrt today and wns fined f 10.45 in cluding costB. for stirring np a ruction Saturday in the yaloon of Skorupa Valasek. A customer bad ordered a glass of beer at tho bar and when the bartender set it out young HeinU beat the other man to it and drank the boor. He and Frank Valasek. one of the proprietors of tho saloon, then had a mix-up. with the result that Heintz. landed in the lap of justice. He did not pay the fino that was assessed against him and was sent to jail to board it out. r HRESO DIP For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and all Live Stock. The best and strongest dip and disenf ectant known. Ask for booklet. Chas. H. Dack, Druggist. New Hotel Opens Saturday. Tho Hotel Merz will bo opened to tho pnblic nextSatnrday night. David Thomas who bought the old Grand Pacific hotel a few months ago lias made that building over until it is practically a now and modern building with plumbing, electric lights and steam heat. The tablo of Mr. and Mrs. Mo T7. lecame popular onEIeventh street where thev provod their ability to got up a meal to suit a hnnery man. In their new quarters they will bo still better situated to please the public. Fcr a long timo tho hotel room in Columbus has been ihdequato to meet the demand. The Hotel Merz therefore fills a real need. The rates of tho new hotel will be $1.00 a day and there is overy reason to belie vo that it will be one of tho best dollarjioases in Nebraska. Teachers Elected. i Friday Daily ) The board of education elected teachers last night. All the present force wero re-elected with the excep tion of three who did not apply. These were A. G. McCoy, scionco teacher in the high school, who has secured n better position elsewhere ; Miss Lida Turner, who withdraws in order to complete her course in the state nor mal at Pern: and Jesse Betterton, who will enter a mining and metal lurgy school. Tho teachers olected arc as follows : Superintendent, W. M. Kern. Principal, I. H. Britell. Superintendent of drawing, Mariou C. Smith Census taker, John Schuiocker PRIMARY First ward Clara Jacobson Second ward Alico Luth The Season Is Here -FOR- Lawn Mowers Refrigerators Garden Tools Gasoline -Stoves It will pay you to see our line and figure with us before you buy. Cloos & North Side 13th St. Wife Sues Mother. (Saturday's Daily) Judge Reeder presided over the trial of a case yesterday at the court house in which thj widow of Charlie Hoffman who was several years ago a brakeman on the Columbus-Albion branch and known by a good many of the present residents of this city. Charlie Hoffman's mother furnished him money to bny a home nearGenoa. He made a lew payments on the horn but left the greater part of it for his mother to jay. After living in the house for several yeais, he deeded it to his mother. A little while after Charlio dieJ very mysteriously while divorce proceedings were pending ngainst him. Abcut two years ago Mrs. Lucy Hoffman, Charlie's widow began a snit against Charlie's mother who lives at Albion to have the deed , set aside, and the property which has become more valuable restored to her. Fred Hoffman of Albion, a brother ot Charlie's and John Davis of Genoa who sold the property to Charlie wero tho principal witnesses yesterday. JudgoR eedei has taken the case nnder advisement. SPECIALS AT 4 CENTS. 1 box of Pearlino .04 1 box of Gold Dust 04 1 bar Cudoma Soap . .04 I bar Lava soap 04 I bar wool soap 04 1 bar Grandpa's Wonder soap. . .04 1 can lye 04 I box soap 04 1 sack salt C4 WRIN & SOSS. WANTED -A good girl for general houso work. Small family. Write or inquire. Journal. Third ward Sarah A. Briudley High School Building Elizabeth Sheeban West End school Ida Thompson GRADES III and IV First ward Miss2Luers Second ward Helen Jerome Third ward Vaacant GRADE V First ward Laura Darrow Third ward Luella Mason GRADE VI First ward Anna Cogil High School Bldg-Emilv Sogelko GRADE VII High School Bldg Nellie Lvnch GRADE VIII Second ward Nina Bonam HIGH SCHOOL Princiiial I. H. Britell Language Ada V. Graham Science- Vacant Manual Training Vacant. Ju his report Superintendent Kern recommended that the salary of the high school principal be increased from $750 to fS 10 per year. The board has not yet taken any action on tho matter, but it is undestoud that a ma jority of them aro in favor of such action. THE LAST WEEK. of our closing out sale in fast near ing an end. Our store closes Saturday May 13 after which we will movo our stock. You can still secure bonie very ilesirnblo bargains. We quote a few prices. Any Patent Hour per sack $1.-15 Potatoes per bushel .15 Bock salt per 100 1 os .50 WRIN & SONS. Dr. L. C. Voee, Homeopathic physi cian. Columbus. Neb. Uehling Columbus, Nebr. District 44. It is wonderful how much plowing hap been done in the last two weeks for corn. There has been no nlanting done yet, but soon many will be busy with the planter. Cattle have been on blue grass pasture since the first week in April. Winter wheat shows a rank growth, bnt rome field seem to be too thick. There is a good stand of spring fmall grain and tbe plant has a vigorous and healthy ap pearance. There will be few if any peaches this year. Apples have received no injury yet, wild plum9 are in full bloom and there will be some fruit at least. The farmers seem to be determined to raise such a crop of corn this year as they never raised before. So may it be. The tail wooden-tower windmill that stood south of the houso on Fred Stenger's home farm, three miles northeast of the city, blew down but Wednesday during tbe breeze from the southwest. Tbe Platto river is unusually bighfor this time of year. Lost. Creek is also swollen from tbe recent heavy rains. Tho Misses Maggie and Mamie Sheedy got a new incubator March 1st and their place is now swarming with little puff . balls, real Plymouth Rock chickens. The workmen employed on Geo. Lusche's new house have had pretty rough weather to contend with for two weeks, bnt uow have it enclosed and are happy. The school board met at the school house Friday evening. There is one more month of school, with about two weeks lost time to bo made up, with Sam Rector pointing tbe birch. Let's see. We expect to hear of Co lumbus having a Fourth of July this year. Are we right? J. H. Drinnin started for Holt county Monday morning. Mr. Drinnin is having some 11,500 worth of im provements on his farm near Atkin son. Found a horse blanket but Sunday near city. Owner can have same by paying for this notice and proving nropertv. Lonis Schroeder filed a complaint against August Wagner today charg ing assault The trouble occurred in Mr. Wagner's office. It is reported that Schroeder went into the office an demanded that Wagner retract some thing he had said. During the course of the argument Mr. Schroeder was bit on the head with a chair. The case was brought before Justice O'Brien and continued until May 20. Yesterday afternoon Wra. Kuntzel man telephoned to the sheriff's office that a hired man working on his farm had attempted a criminal assault on his five-year-old daughter. Deputy Laohnit went out through the rain and placed the man under arrest. He was brought to tho county jail and kept over night. This morning Mr. Kuntzelman had changed his mind and declined to file a complaint, say ing that he had not sufficient evidence. Ho did not even know whether any assault had been committed cr at tempted. The man was accordingly released and left the city. NEW YORK WANTS FARMERS State Agricultural Department Will Endeavor to Attract Immigrants. Albany. X". Y.. May 10. With the view cf attracting to this state desir able immigrant farmers and farm la borers, the fetato department of agri culture is preparing to collect and dis seminate itdcrmation of tho farm and dairy advantages whih New York state offer.-). One of the several baud leaps with which the farmers of this stato have to contend is tho scarcity of farm laborers. For many years the state agricul tural department has observed that foreign larm hands and small farmers seldom settle in the cast, but travel straight through to the west. In the past years the groat indiicen nt there was given for homesteads, but now that such lands are almost entirely settled an effort will be made to bring these desirable immigrants to New York state Iowa Club Women Meet. Waterloo. la.. May 10. The sixth biennial convention of tbe Iowa Fed eration cf Women's Clubs opened here with about -lOO delegates In at tendance. Many noted club women of Iowa and neighboring states have places on the program, including Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker of Denver. Con gressman Lacey of the Sixth district will make an address on "Foresting" on Friday .-.It -moon and Judge G. W. nurnli.ii.i a ii.j.-,n, la., will speak on the -j m on lie Court" this evening. Officers will be elected Friday and the session will close Saturday. Reid the Guest of Honor. New York, May 10. Wbitelaw Reid was the guest of honor at a dinner given at the Lotus club by his co-directors of the Associated Press In commemoration of his appe'atment as ambassador to the court of St. James. A number of speeches were made fe licitating Mr. Reid on bis appointment and expressing the compliment to the newspaper profession which It car ries. Increases Height by Machine. Annapolis, Md., May 10 Luther W'elch, a candidate for the naval academy from Kansas City and not yet sixteen years old, arrived here. When he received his appointment early in the winter he was two inches under size, but has managed to stretch himself to the required height through the use of a specially devised machine. He brought the apparatus with him for fear he might settle down again without it. SETTLEi) AT LAST. City Printing" Ghost is laid - Other , Council Proceedings. (Saturday s Daily) The Argus is made tho official paper of the city of Columbus at i'J per cent of the legal rate, tho lowest bm sub mitted. It was given to tho Argus oy the votes of Conncilnien Gallev.Gray. and Clark and Mayor Dickinson. Councilmen Greisen, Dietrich and Zinnecker voted against. The Telegram is given tho oty job printing at $27 for tho year. This was the lowest bid submitted and the en tire council voted the contract to tho Telegram. The Journal gets what tho little boy shot at. Its only consolation is the fact that in its bids it endeavored to keep prices bomewhero near a living figure although without much prelim inary preachment to that effect. With a full council present, tho clerk opened and read the bids fur the legal printing for tho coming year. The Journals bid was 50 per cent of the legal rate for publication in tho Weekly Journal or 10 per cent for publication in both Daily andWeekly. The Argus bid 31) por cont. ThoTele gram's envelope wns opened last. It was couched iu those well known phrases of gentlo courtesy and lowly meekness, simple, chaste aud elegant. and was to the effect that tho -telegram would be pleased and grateful if the honorable mayor and still moro honorable council could see their wax clear to appoint tho Telegram as tho official city paper, to do printimr for the city. For this service the Tele gram asked no compensation, but would be pleased to receive any small sum or sums of money that tjie coun cil in its wisdom might bestow. If the council thonirht tho worn should be done for nothing tho Tcleirram was willing to do it for nothing ; if the council thought it was worth about a quarter tn Telegram would be pleased to receive the quarter, with two per cent off for cash ; in fact tho Telegram was willing to take any thing on earth, either money or chat tels, in any amount whatsoever, but it did want to be the ollicial paper. The Telegram in its communication made no reference to tho inviolability of the legal rate It did not recom mend that the city officials should be paid their salaries on tho samo basis as it proposed to do iho printing. With these few remarks tho Telegram would close, and begged to remain most obediently and most respectfully, etc., etc. Mr. Gallev moved that tho Argus bid be accepted and Mr. Clark second ed. Mr. Greisen moved as a substi tute that tbe constructive bid of the Telegram be accented, tho rate to be fixed by tbe council at :w por cent of the legal rate, just one jn;r ceut lower than the bid of the Argus. 1 'of ore. the vote was taken both Mr. Gray and Mr. Galley called attention to the very patent fact that this would be allowing one bidder to make his bid alter the bids of tbo other competitors had been opened and read. Air. Clark expressed himself at tome length, ray ing that if the Telegram had submit ted in good faith a bid or : per cent without waiting to seo whnt tho other papers bid he would be glad to vote for it. As it was, ho considered it his duty to vote against it. Gray, Galley and the mayor also voted no, while Greisen, Dietricbs nnd Ziniiecker vot ed aye. The bid of the Argus was then accepted by the same vote. While all hands that the Telegram's movo was a very foxy scheme and worthy of its fow author. it was considered to be a trifle be neath the plane on which a reputable business concern or a public official should operate. Before the final action was taken, Councilman Dietricbs mado tho old familiar motion that the Telegram be made the official paper at 50 per cent. This brought up a discussion as to the comparative circulation of the Tele gram and the Argus, which was not decided. The motion of Mr. Dietrich--was voted down by the same vote of four to three. Proceeding to the job printing bids, the Journal bid aggregated i 20, the ArgUB tJS.50 and the Telegram 27. Mr. Galley, republican, moved that the contract be given to the Telegram as tbe lowest bidder Mr. Gray, re publican, seconded the motion.and for tbe first time the council voted unan imously on a printing proposition. Other business transacted was tho approving of various bonds ot city employees aud the tlirce bank.- of tho city which are dt-ignated as city de positories. Several petitions for tho location of electric lights were leferred to com mittee. The proposition of George Randall for sprinkling the -fleets was accept ed. Judge Reeder, r presenting tho city library board, appeared before the council to request as liberal appropri ation for the library as possible. He called attention to the fact that tbe statute allows a levy of two mills, which would amount to -?1200 a year. and urged that they be given that amount for the coming year The library is badly in nped of new books and repairs for old ones and there is no money available. Jndge Reeder spoke convincingly of the educational and moral vslne of a public library and gave eome llgnrcs showing the great amount of u.-e that the public made of our library. During tho past year more than 10,000 loans of books have been made. Prof- Britell also snoke of the library's needs and its J Tglue, endorsing what Judge Rwder ttHflNRHSrlJHPHMfPf Iii mm WMmmML "jNViiO,.! "KA1 K3i SLBlWiW' ilfLtrtT WM-BBtf Pft BMP 'WM K 3IM A RIG Difference in the years to come wheth er you spend as you go, or savo as you go. There's hardly a person in this community that would not lay by some thing for a "amy day" if determined to to so. The difference between the millionaire and the pauper i often tracable to the manner of handling their eiriiingH. Learn to save, then be wise and place your savings in our bank. We pay 'Iper cent interest on nil sums, largo or small. Safety and expansion for your earnings. Lot us talk the matter over with you. Columbus State Bank had said and appealing for a liberal appropriation. The council will act on the matter when tho appropriation ordinanco is prepared. An ordinanco was introduced nnd read for the first timo, regulating pool aud billiard halls and fixing a ycarlv licene of 5.00 for each table. Some rigid restrictions on tho con duct of such balls arc contained in the ordMiance. ? President Goes Through. Tho presidential train went through Columbus at 7:15 yesterday evenicg, without stopping. About a hundred people who had assembled at the II. P. dopot got a look at President Roose velt standing on the rear platform of his private car and waving his hand kerchief iu tbo vigorous and exuber ant maimer which is so familiar and peculiar tohim.Tho train made no stop after leaving Grand Island, except at Schuvler to take coal and water. Mayor Dickinson sent a telegram to tho president at Grand Island, extend ing tho compliments of tho city of Columbus aud asking him to stop here for a few minutes. Tho follow ing reply was roceived at :.''! p. m. 'Grand Inland, Nebr , May !. Hon. R. S. Dickinson, Mayor. 'olumbus, The President thanks you for your telegram ami regrets it is not- foasih'o to make a stop at ( 'olumbus. Win. Loeb. jr., Sec'y." Tho train consisted of a baggago car, a diuiug car aud tho private car of tho president It was preceded bv a idiot train carrying railroad officials. The idiot ran about five minutes ahead of the presidential special. Tho en-. gineer who'had in hishand tho life of the greatest matt iu the world, whilo on Union Paciliu territory, was a former ( 'olumbus man, John Glenn. Many years ago Mr. Glenn worked m the freiirhr. house here, and later be coming an engineer was on one of tho branch runs ont of Columbus lie is a biother-in-law of P. J. McCaffrey. The engine was one of the new main lino monsters and was decorated with tlags and bunting. From California. l !"r:.l:t'. Pul)i Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Stocks and Mrs. G. O. Barnes of Genoa wero in Co lumbus yesterday on thei: return from I. o.s Angeles where they have been nuarlv a year. Mr. Stocks is presi dent of tho Genoa National Bank and Mrs. Barnes is owner of large land interests in Nance county. Mr. Stocks has large business interests aud many warm friends that tie hint to Ne braska bat his hoilth is such that his doctors tell him he cannot live here. Ho says that his return at this time is for the purpose of cleaning up his business so that ho may go hack to Lcs Angeles to make his per manent home. Mr. Stocks talks most entertaining ly of the people and conditions in California. He spoke of seeing Dr. Gecr and may other people from this part of Nebraska. The building going on in Los Ange les to ac -ommodate rapidly increasing immigration, he says is nothing less than marvelous. Mr. Stocks is a courteous and aff able gentleman ami a business man possessing these qualities that will make his departure a real loss to Genoa. Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist. One of tho largest and best equipped dental offices in the state. Vitalized flir for Painless Dentistry... The kind that is safe and never fails. Come in and have your tteth examined ami get our estimate on , our work. It will cost you nothing and we give a useful souvenir to each caller. All work guaranteed. Over NIewohner3 cor. 13th and Olive Sta. S."iK- corner ofJU'ark. Both Phones. l"JYVWtK"a -HKI ";Knii"l,!'1 r.s i -r . itfBmw v &?r"x ":rc .Ai-t.