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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1904)
-svVs S" 'fx . i. I ..'-" :- i t t E .: i " t " - - - m iiniiiiMiiiuiiiiniiiiniuun iiiinnnmnnn. X Hulsfs Cash Store Columtms gourual. "STDIEBSDAI. JTIX to. ISfii. "AR advertisement in Hie local cohaasjt are charged at the rate of 20 t eneiramufcicJiiiKzs. Eecxrj face-type dosbtejjrice. -i Dt2 Sweet cream at tike ery. Dr: LtTo dac Coiaxiba.3iak. The kaby girl af died this, WKile they last Come Quick They will go fast at this price j. :. 20 OFF On all Summer Wash (roods. J Shirtwaist suits BIG REDUCTION All Start Waists 1 list's Casb Store. i I i I I I 1 i I I 1 i I i i I ; i I ; I i i 1 t ; I 1 1 I II i i U I i 1 I I 1 I 1 II II I I GRAYS' KEEP .-." DtTnL -Uriu . Pool, mafiafff Tari 6a. DrVaffier, IIiiIbbbbiI T?bibii IiTiii T Prof. Ske. teacher mame. Barber bide. loekat tie iftk aa?e of tai paper. Dr 1L T. MrMahnn, daaxiac. over poeta5ce. tf Miss Maude Yosag is Ttsitisg at Xilden this.week. L Glucfc oade a T"ni liaar trip so Humphrey Friday. Irv ipeice reraraed today from a basmesa trip to Schuyler. Dr.Chia-E.Piar:, homeopathic phy mnv ana surgeon, postaaaee builaing POE BEST Eght room house- Mis. Mar? Cramer. Ccr. Olive and 16th Si. -Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan ized steel 21 for 122.00. A.DaaeeEir Miss MaHa Curtis is visitiaz her aaat, Mrs. A. L. Peary, iu Cedar Eapids. Bjv. Millard conducted quarterly meeting in the eveaing. a large crowd being preeent- Go to U. E. Preib for paiering and paper hanging. First door ncrh cf Pollack"! drag store. tf. Fresk bitter Mill at tke Creamery Ceataaay. Mfai Ua! "What is? War, the WArUP FLOUR, mad by Columbus Boiler Mills. Eothleitrer haa a new kind of enam eled ware equal to imported Stracsky, and rhfapw, tf A ticket on a Bkiaestaae riac witk ererr slass af sada water at Psehs7 Misses Sophia trTnTi and Emma Hoppen left Thnrsday on a trip to Colorado Springs. fiou&ewivea winhiaz to have rood bread mast nae WAT UP IXOUE. Try it and be convinced. Tis Eoberta Gould arrived m Colum bus Saturday msht from Mexico City. Mexico on a visit to iiiss Maud Galiey. Swift's Pride Soap lengthens the life cf yocr clothes. It keeps them fresh and clean. Order some for Monday's wash. James Morrison of Fullerton stopped in Columbus between trains Monday evening, on his "way to Omaha to bay a raf cf western horses. Miac Gertade Whitmoyer left last Friday for Chicago where ske will attend an art achool part of the sum mer, going thence to Kannaa City and St. Loci. a Dcasel : Son have secured the contract for installing tne nesting plaac in the Central City scaooL build iag. There are 14 rooms and the con trait price far heating plant is $1,000. GoTemor Mickey received many of his old friends at the heme of Bev. Millard Sanday afternoon. He left eariT McndaT morninic for Lincoln to be present at the meeting of 'the iliaatM Tiaisadin Tisitiaf;: SaadGaitey'i fall paper, Hare Bar a sia at Pceiek's iraw a lady's aitaera aardwar 1 XisaSoaeGz in David City Mrs. Schmidt of Cat Mta. Fred Gurrr fit 1 Haahea, tP H. Va TW.f5 zeeetTad a telepkone aaBB..C X. I i : n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1:: 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 n 1 1 iu n 1 1 ua - a a aaavaB aaaa aa m T h mm co. A complete stock of Staple and Fancy cf t ttfoceries, uroarary, Giawwin and laiaam - iWe can wkttMfy you in quality, aaanrt aaat and Brioe. In everv case where a mr- wiU Praf. aaal la. W. E. W daghtar. Mrs. Frad Ladd af Alaiaa rur-ofMal Gixck cween ttaias. Mrs. Boae Eaxke cf C ing the familv of aer T. Eickley. Drs. Martyr. Zrana, Gaer, Hiaaari Martyn Jr, oce three doors- aorth of Fnedhors store. Dan Echols, who is eaapioyad ia a bank at Cedar 'Rftpf'1?. apaas Saaday with home fntfcg EeT. Maaxo ana is now anie to be wf part of the time. Alex McLean, E. & M. Greeley Center, came haa to visit his parents. Another large crowd waax to Baa steel Monday evaaiag to try ta lack in the Rosebud drawiaaj. Try the Xon-Nisctine Ofaac X! Smoker's Friend. Oaly Se. jalrO-5: CHABLSS H. BACK. Mrs. C. C. Carrig aad caildren ef Kearney arrived Sararday evaniaa; far a short visit with relaxivaa linn Will Farraad has renraed to Oe InTHhas from P-fatmor where a aaa been employed in a mercaatile aatab- 2iext Sanday a: the Eapoat caxrcfc Bev. Uhser will preach bach, "-g and evening on the tabject, " w"aat cf the Harrest." When J. H. Galley aaaocaoaa a re duction in prices, people know vfcat i: means. He ha bean in the old stand for thirty. Just look at his fall pace men: in this paper. 2tp. ATTENTION SMOKERS! Try tke Nan-Nicotine Cigars. Its eqaal aaw ksowB. No toaaceo keazt. Saaa not affect tae aervaa. A plaaaaat aad satisfactory smoke. jnE0-5c CHARLES H. DACK. af Willaaai Itiaaawaa 3,000 kaadcr aal aaldaaaka atrife vs s r EEB ' 'f Jk E WISH to express our appreciation to the Columbus Fire Department for their prompt and excellent service in extinguishing the hre above our grocery department caused by lightning early Sun day morning. 'So paid department in any city could have rendered any better service. Wc vish also to thank the citizens for their-liberal help in removing the goods out of the reach of the water in our Grocery Department. Now is the time to lay in a small supply of tha best fiour on earth. PillsDury s Best aaaSat aaaaaaala9v'ai BvaBvaawa3 aaaaaaSaiS! aaaaaaaasxBl j aaaaaaawiatf" Ba T",a",!j aHBaaaaariii. j -ajasarl Untii new wheat is fit to use. The fiour that makes bread and more of it. See that Minneapolis, Tnnn is prmtea every sack oi neapolis Flour Price per sack iSfca State Board of Eqoaiization. :ET,T. OUT and locate cer here in Polk ccanry where you can raise winter wheat to perf ection. Price of land comparatively low yet, ba: con aaaacly caiaa; p. Get a aaore ok yom and call on aa or write for Bargains. Kins & Eirtaae, Agents, Oaceola, Neb. Will S. HaiBman. a Colnmbss boy of many Tears ago, was in Cclsmbns Fri day rte now noius a responsime po sition with the publisamg hcaae cf Ginn & Co., and covers a wide terri rory He has just returned from Montana where ke spent a month in the interest of his firm. Mr. Heitz mi aas been prominently mentioned as saccesflor to J. W. Crabtree m th office cf state inspector of high schools. Mrs. Homer t six o'clock Robiason entertained i Mrs. F. L. Aache was tak coin, hospital for tae iaaiT day for 1 Manama Save ki a long aad paisfal illaeas a of paerpural fever, and it that ane may be roasored by at the hands of Dr. Greeae, tke apae- ialist in charge of tke T,iwoim boa- pitaL Alice, the riagftftr cf Mr. aad Mrs. her little girl friends laat Ikazaaay afternoon. Tae party waa on the kwm or the Fitsctn home, aad was is eale neasxan of tke eiajktk hirakaay af aka ved. aad the giria iaimigmi. i outdoor amaaemeats to tke 1 joyment of all praaaat. Carle T McKinnie. who Sanday from the Boeebad after registering for a riaiaa. gave tke Journal an interesting report of a ballot for president, taken on tae traza of homesaekers on which ke waa a passenger. Blank helloes were kaad ed to avery tort oa. the ttaia, wixk tke request that eaak wziae aaaaaa his choice for TfTRMiaaar Wkam tke ballocs were iniia it -waa Jaaad tot if I the tat 700 wr CmUtarmte. 1 tke caatotn cf the old Spanish to name pL after the at for wao& was aaawd the .day which, they camped there. In Thfs a great number or melodious aoBoroos Spanish ri.irafs have- over California, so that of a great number of places aJt t you in In every is :mot entirelv satisfactorr. we will t wkaf t- fully refplace the goods or refand the X vaaaWaeV " t We aim to 0o a IJTTLE BETTER than we promise. This may be a radical depart- ore irom moaern metnoas, onx it is uu& i Cftaaawl Fruits and ViptaMts. the 1? ItM best Tame lor the money. tneDest. Wa snra the Quality always Flour! Flour! Mr. for iatke f Hff Hakwkaaaakikia apafood aad aia frieada will r give it an. Be will aaake Onlaiaai kia k May af Mr. Nichclf, na Mr. Nick- en tke atria aaa GakrM and faaana 1 Talteyn 1m PTPa San Dimas. be it known, was aae of the two men who were cracined at either aide of Jesus the one who aakad to be remembered by the Lord He hi the patron wrfrtef robbers. The way his name came to be given to the San Gabriel valley villas was thus: In early days a mimr of Mexican thieves had 3i- -UJ-- aaayoBLtkere, which was snbeetpientJy wftneil to as the Bobbers' canyon or tke canyon of San Dimas. When the aara Fe railroad came along and laid act tke atatiaa there the name of the canyon was adopted; hence San TWaiH Loa Aageies Time the laat Friday at. her ' tiatf CIS p home. The gaeaes were all ladies who are visiting in Colaaibus, and were Mrs. Mitchell and Mies Mitchell cf Lincoln; Miss Maeller of Oaaaa, itfisa Hendry of Oaaaha, Miss Hollo way of New Tark City Mrs. Win terbotham and two dasghters cf David City ; and Miaa Marryn ct Omaha. Inritatioas have been issued for the wedding cf Miss Maude May Bazas and 3tr. Eageae U. Byilesby, July 27 at the home of the bride's aaraaxs, Mr and Mrs. G. C. Burns. 17th and Bickly streets. Miss Bams is prom inent in masical and octal circles of Cclaninas. Mr Eyilesny lived in oar city eight months as manager cf the easiness cf Swift & Co.. and has re cently keen traa&ferred to Fairbary where ke haa charge cf the interest Relatives here of Mr. and Mrs.Aag ust Merz and Mrs. Anaa Lehman have i received letters from them stating that taey are ecjoyiag taeir Tisit in Geraany. They experienced seasick ness en the Tovage over, bat had no ether difficulties. Mrs. Merer mayre- main through the winter bat Mr. Mem expects to rstars hoae ia a few months. Alois Whittier, the four year old son cf Frank and Mary Whittier. Irv ing sis miles soataeast cf Madiioe. was bitten by a rardeaaaks last Thnrs day. aad died abcat midnight cf Sat arday. The bay was oat in tke field piayiagaeax his father, who was caiti Tanag corn, aad after, ke waa bitten ke aakad his father if ke amid go aa his foot kactkiBL. Noaaaa- gmmammmmm- I OK W Til IM MB UHEHBUC Bl kaeaau ke kaalrykaau to caaakMat Dr. Loag ia.Madiaaa,hss a? fewr-koarr had eJaaaad the peiaoB. kad anraad relieved byDr. anthiag eaaild ' aaraeat eaTorta, aave tkemrfaQoar. ia A vote stood aa Parker. 135 . eu . Debs, 2h . had follow I Watson. 63; Undecided. 51 .a of kuad all xaaide of tke Tirana, ok wkick laa koaae aad aara. i If Bkatke which i tke; aada: aad sop What seemed fcramox IS the: za. fora- ingj of a gocd blaze waa m the Journal office yeaserday shortly after six -o' cloak. Tke when aanfkr- aaemkar of tke foroa atrack a raarrh wishia two arthr feet of the gaaoliaa wkick kad keaa poazsd eat an tke fagm. Tkaa waa jastclaae wanrghta igaite tka wapar f rem the gaaolixe. aad tke wkaie aaaai was ablaze in an iastaat. Tke fkuaaa had a pretty good start when tke fare man, C. A. Finecy, kad tke praaeace cf mind to dig oat an old hjaarar aad aaved the are departaMtt a trip. Tke home of Mrs. a E. the acene of two hrilkaaK 1 hut Thursday, la. tka PoUock aad Mia 6aJ Misses Winterbotkam cf David City. The nense waa decorated Willi a pre fasioa cf nagtartiaaM aad sweet paaa. The prize was warn ay Mrs. Eaaaa. Ia the afternoon k Pollack eaaartaiaad a number of ibbii liul IbtHt at a ava o'clock tea in Winterbothaaz m David City. Fa ncn tne ished , Forrythzse tarns s aad f n tarrTaegr. Is. Sekautt W.H.Beaaaaa aad Ganatt Hak retazaed tke fine cf tke weak fraaa tfe two paar aaaad akaaaaaaty aaaaaai coaataaaBBaa wxta aaptBaaa aBBBa foar jbbbbl Am raaaaaaaae alaaai iotsery, ke aara Js at tka ajaaaaal ik tseaaion there will ke kaaan which will gxwe eaak ibh akaak m rmmm'r ta iffy. Ta aaa akaja ;aa kaaa aaaa tt,aK aajBaaaaaaB. CHANGING A QUARTER. ator aW Wmmm TatiTt Waya mad Tmkws wmmtr Ccmss. Bear aim maaey doea It take to ke change for a roarter?" queried man whoae fad is freak mathe- aiaziea. Tlweaxy-nve cents, hl You're away oat. To change a quarter in the TarJooa way it can be done requires a capital of 70 caata! If a. fellow wanted aieatj of coti far has qoarter he'd tax you for t w ent j -ftre- ynnle On the acker head, the ou who wanted the laaat Vooar change for ,g quarter waald. come at you for two dimes and a aicfcei, The chap who wasted a dl aratry cf coin ia change would gat tato you for two- five cent pieces, aae dime " rive pennies, which waaM allow hist to jingle copper, sil ver and nickel in his Jeans. Others Bf aak you to produce four wHr. aad five pennies, three Tvfri? , tw- two nickrift and fifteen pen- b or aae airkei and twenty pennies, yoa eacapad these "laak yea aaaat. ae reaaaated to come up wirfr gre t three yfrg aad oae dkaa aae niekd, aae dime aad tea pea two dimes aad five pennies. There-are Jaat twelve ways of -breaking" a quar ter ia current United States coin, and to be there with the goods for any you would require twenty-rive two dimes and five nickels la aC, 70 eeats." Philadelphia Press. i We have in stock : J Way Up Flour, Gold Dust Flour, Flour, Bride Flour, Corn Meal Graham, Ibnufactured here in Columbus, which has the reputation of manu&ctariiagas good a flour as anyplace in the stateTy our or ders will receive prompt attention, and will make you mill prices in quantities. Minnesota Flour. t We have the GOLD MEDAL brand, guar I anteed in every way to be as good or better J than any other brand manufactured in Min 4. nesota. f DRIED FROTS. The many compliments we receive on the quality and assortment of our dried t fruits is highly pleasing to us. Our method of handling and displaying thTP in glass t- front fruit cases insures to our customers i cleanliness and goodness. 4- t- 4- WW -- J. 4 You are Respectfully Invited to look ov erl Our New Spring Goods. OUR CLOTHING is made up in the best of workmanship, latest styles, perfect fit and lowest living prices Wc offer you real bargains. : : We keep everything that's good in the GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS line in great variety. We cr nrtenncn to onr comulete line sf- ..SHOE They-an: cspe-ciaLr made fjr us cf tHe fct ra;-rel tT tne fw-remott manufacturers tif the couatrj nnJ we sell tzem no higier tn rafertar s are uld fLr t . r t z fcv. We 'Repair Shoos Neatly ant PrMipdy taUveri aad two of to tall a Mr. Weak'- .- try. rfi? the nTMrriirir! zs. eleessciry itself there is stul no but there are several hy lys Electrical Worid. There are eevwal theories for explaining both eJectrtcity and magnetise: in terms of the ether. None of these theories seems eapahle of being submitted to erperi BBBStal demonstration. It Is certain, however, that, since the interconnection between electricity and magnetism is kaawn, a demonstration of the nature of tke oae moat, by corollary, include a dawJaaare of the nature of the otner Mareever, it would net seem likely that the complete unraveling of the aatare of elertrtrrry would necessarily iadaae a revelation cf the nature of both aTirrr aad af gravitation. FPJSCHHOLZ 411 Eleventh Su, BEOS., Columbus, Nebr. Knii f aiir. t THE CAFE OF GOOD HOPE. "Hamm ha3 zot a job at last with a T good stact canipaay. I bear. i ,r " "Yes. and he taints he's the cuiy , thimr. ! An -Thar so i Diaz. -WeI I shoul 1 say. Why. whenever he hears anybody talklnr about -a dra-i u at Ftrst mt ail ta sm earry naTisatcr. comnnssicned by I mane Eituanoc he him.- Philadelphia Pres; Eartoicmea iar Joan H. of Portnaal zo continue tne worit of African erplcmtion down thr wsz links thev mean coast, sailed from Lisbon In August. A Ti;Bf i xl Coat. , Mr. 2sewedd Whatl No coik. save nave you money to J tremirj 14SJ. -xitii a small force and landed at several places, of which he took p& stsssion in the name of his master As he approached the- southern ei- in the haue? I approacneil ry of the continent he iva blown lm arcmciBlmater AhbT- It was formeriy the custom at tile fieri! of a great man to dress up an eflgy representing ;t- while in life aad then to carry it before his hearse to tke grave. After the burial it was aet ap in the church, sometimes under a auaporary monument, to which z aBBcatory poem or an epitaph was af axed. Th royal (!. m the abbey eaa ke traced back to the fourteenth eeararj. bat the oldest crigmal one is tkat af Charles U. George P. Parser kC yacag euricas to watch on board a how the men of different na- behave to a lady no longer who is traveling alone. The is absolutely rude if he gets tke chance; the German simply takes bo aafrr; the Austrian, is frigidly po gje; tke rhT-n takes troubie to ae kind, if his aid Is oiicited; the Aser kaa is kiad from hJbt and without ef fort. Laadon Standard. t ac.the changes in life and about by time, a farmer "then I was young I uaed to : ary fatit -1 aaBBBBkIe sense, y aaa kick oc aajaaCas a bom. tTiyStrAreh- Gkie. Oaiy tke king cf avaaaa- ssfin: r kaaw rocaa aBhsaaa; land a thejKng : aponrfie faces afake queen's at anTanaTTt James cr of which buy one. 3Irs. Ne-wedd Yes. my tore, out to ;ea by a tremendoas storm I'ii bur I found I hadn't enocuh to buy a stove and hire a cook, too. so I let the doubled the Cape without knowing ir. md was not azain saade until the stove go. Eur the ccok is here. -r? mouth of the Great Fish nver was she's a treasure. She has just gone , surhted. and the ships eaa&e to ancnor out to-get us some- cracksrs and cheese. ". in Alaon bay. jl council held taere J- -ew Ycri 'WeehlT. Had Hrt It Ofiem. Teacher TThat do voc hno-w- of 3Ies- cpera Tin " Tommy fdubioui ar ursr. dded to return, homei aad oa the wy back the Cape was discovered aad christened by the commander, la re membrance of his arse ezpeneace. but becoming zzor ccandent as he pro ceeds -if esopotamia is is an -""? that inhabte the rivers of Africa. Toe shoot 'en with bin- double barreled rifJes. Kansas City "World. Cabo Tormentoso, or Cabo d- ToaVcw les Tcrmientos; that la. Cape of All tae Storms. "When the discovery "was repcrrad to the Vr-f he immediately aa"r tv im mense possibilities cf a new road to tae Indies and bestowed upoc it tae hap- Tw SetiT?. pf- r.-.e of tne Cape af Good Hope Johnnie Papa, do two neuattres , By a smauiar corruption or its arst make. aa arSrmative? Papa That's r ti- e cap -xs long- known to Eag- the rule. Johnnie TTeH, you said "No. . jas seamen as tie Cape- of Tormeata. '20," when I asked vgc fcr a cuarter ( ?. orr n r tt-'-. Trr--. 1 man vas localized there by a missa- ) t8 memimr. When do I net it? Ladl37 a. Doble Hie. "invmer ''g a r a short distance out in the- country, hasn't heT -Yes." Then what is he practicing medicine in town for' ; derstandmg of the experiences cf this I Purtuguese expedition. I Tke TTi The umbreiia tree is found, in Ceyiaa in greater profusion than anywhere else Ir" ie world. As a raar:ir of rH tine fact, these trees grow to their to co it to make money enouuh to pay what he loses by his greatest height and sTTatr: to farmrmr. Chicaro Tnbune. greatest sire in very wet. rainy tries. This growth frequently is da A healthy younu man or young worn- ' to tne iact tnat the tree recutres a '. an wno can and excuses for ignorance great deal of moisture aad act beeaua or failure In the twentieth century it is needed 10 keep off the raia. Th would not arrriri to knowleshre or srze- ' tree forms so complete an umbreiia . ees3 under any crcumstances. Success. that a number of pexaaas might take 1 shelter under is spreading branches."- sn ud tk. ' The foliage is. as a ratevao rhfffa tnat it-- The chief otiice- of sJence is to burr ' serves to keep off the "" almost Der ail that is ev-3. and the chief orSce of , feetiy even in a heavy dewepaur. -" " speech is to disclose and disseminate I all that is good. Let this be cans with ' sincerity and eamt and. let no mrlrfTTr; discourage ir. for its ultimate benefit to fa meter and. to coudacr Is ' yoc tell "' Pr1 Baaaaaa-keycnd.ardoakt. f gaaaC two gkr2a? Gra Tou never aproposaim ese Efe. Way 1 -!Bav. gaaks r caaak . . . .. t a a5t 'JBtsjaj''' SbbTk tC