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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1904)
fsu r .; 4v vv-g o I' " ' ' -' TT f -' "J. ' - V - ' i $? .-' (i ?-- v,-: VOLUME XXXV, NUMBER 18. . e THE (MENTION AT FIRST HAND oiffiPB?SI - T " -- 2i y r, OBODT. BLSI BUT lOOSCTJaLT WHEN YOU TRAVEL tberau no awro convenient way oT car rying money than a draft. If you go 'abroad the draft ia paid ia currency of the country yon are ia. If joh loae the draft payment caa be stopped and an other issued to you. FirstNtloanal Bank ttary ef Isessvelt's Eeausatism- Teli by Oae That Wai There t. (drafts in any amount. Thevars good all aver the world. If you intend traveling the Firat National Bank will be glad to be of service to yon. r"T Lincoln,' Time Table. COLUMBU&NEB. Denver, i City, nH. Louis and all potato Bast nasi Calcago, Butte, Salt Lake City, Portland, an Fraajgleoo aa all points TBATSS BBTABT. Mo. 22 lTBCMdaOr aiMl Sanday. 723 a. Ho. S3 Aeeomaaadatioa, dally amat tbaus abbxvk. Mo. SI Aroomamodatiea, tally except s TIME TABLE U. P B. B. KABT BOOB, BUI UBS... 12. Chicago Special 1-5 I. . 4. Atlantic Rxpreaa. 445 a. am 8. ClBBbB CrfM! Iw Mb Mo. 19j!,Faat Mail 1232 p. a. jw. , uwni Bxpreaa. Mo. S.Overlaad Limited No Mo Mo WBBT BOCBB, UII UBS. Mo. 5, PaciicExprew No. 1L CVilo. HiwpuI Mo. 101, Fart Mail Mo. 1, Overland Limited. No. a, California Kxpnm Mo. 7. Colamba LocaL. No.ZS, Freight 225 p.m. 535 p. at. ... 6:10 p.m. ... 2s94a. at. ..11:45 a. at. ..12:Mp. at. .. 749 p. m ... 930 p. at. .. 6:99 a.m. aoarout bbabob. No. St. PaaaenVer. Mo. 71. Mixed . No. S4. Paaaeasar. Mo. 72, Mixed . ALSTON ABD HFAUHBO Depart .. 7:10 p.m. ..7:15 a. at. Arrive JjaSbW', dip. at. 5 No.SS, Paaaeager. Mo. 7S, Mixed " 2!V P ant!, veVei ens mivas. Arrive s" "aanstir ...... ...... ......... l!M9p. m. Mo.,74, Mixed 8:89 p. at. Norfolk paneeaser traiaa raa daii No traiaa oa Albion aad Baadara. . Colaiabaa Local daily except Saaday. W. H. Bnajut, Aseat. COUNTY KetrosAetaLire. ........ OIM?I 111 " ! Soperintendant lca9BaKMJr J UtleTO . Traiumr OFFICERS. JommW.Bkmdbb JOHM GKAr CBABUEBj.CAaUO u. H. LKATT -Joaic J. Oaixbt Joan BATTBBXUir ..UIU A. ItKCHKK Clerk of District Coart ClLGimcimn Hanvyor K.L.Romru BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Johk QoKTX.ClnlriBaa Diet. 3........................Matbkw Dntnoa Dint. 4 Fbahk Kikxman Dirt. 5. Kcdolth C. Muixam Diet. 6-7 Looi8llKXD.K.J. Krxbt H. Dietrich, L H. Dnrraitrr, J. 3. State. O. 8. 8B!CAToas-Ckarlea Btillmnl. Mrmbbb or CoxaftEM, Sb McCarUur. STATE OFFICERS. Governor. John H. Mirker: OeorReW.Marah; Auditor. 1 karlea H. Treaanrnr. P. Mnrteavon; Attoraey Oeaend, Frank N. Proof; Haperiatendeat Pablic Iaatroe. tioa. William K. Fovler; CommiaaioBer Pablic ladf, Oeonre D. Follmer. JCIMKH TH JCUOIAL DlRTUOT C IloUea- beck.J.O.Keeder. Hkkatob W. A. Way. Kki-urmkntative 24th Disteiot-J.W. Header 1'lXJAT llKPXXKKXTATIVK-K. K. FeUen. CMUROtl DNCEttTORY. CONOREClATlONAISabfaatli aekool. 10 a. m. Preecbiar. 11 a. m. aad 8 p. aa. Jaaior En deavor. U p. m. Senior Endeavor. 73BO p. m. Prayir met4iar Tharaday. 83H8 p. m. Ladiesi Auxiliary, firat Wedaeaday m each aaaath taip.m. O. A. Mpbbo, Paator. PRKSBYTKRIAN-SabbaUi 8ekooI. 9:15 a.m. rWaim. 1IM a.m. Senior Endeavor. 7 D.m. Kveaiiu: nermon. 80 p. m. Prayer meeting and Mady of the Sabbath achool leeana,8di0 p. am. Waltkb N. Haubt, Paator. MBrUODISr-Preaehiaie. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sanday achool, 120. au Janior Leaae. 339 p. m. EpworthLeaicae, ajWp. m. Prayermeetiac innwVt bj p. wm. nam aid mnievf wvery boos, D.D Paator. other Wedaeaday at 2 39 p. m. A U.A. GERMAN REFORMED-Saaday School. 930 a.m. Preaching, 1939 a. am. Kadeavor. 739 p. am. Idieit Guikl,anA Tharaday ia each amoath. 230 p. m. Kkt. NBnuBKBB, Paator. Sermon il9 a.m. Jaaior B. Y. P. DS9.m. Mtv. amoa. &t p. am. Pray t meHag. 739 p m. Bar. K. J. rjuns, Paator. GRVCE Eei8C4PAL-Lew celebration, 8 a. m. Madiy Schbnl. MjW a. am. Preackiac. llAia. m. K.eaiaaerrrice. 8399 p. am. St. Aa drew Broth, eeeuatd Taeaday of each month DeacMefMof the Kiac. aeeoad Tatadar ef each uauo, aaraaa wedaeasay ef Kcr. W. A. Cam, Rector. GERMAN LCTHERAN-! Sanday School. 2 p.m. Ladiea Society meete Mar. H. HmaUK, Paator. 8T. nOMAYPTTURA CATHOUC-8day e'etaek, Saaday aekool aad heawdietiua at S 'elect TaeSeVlaekmaaaM.aveaiaPeiiah aad tea ga'rlnalf mat amaa every : Frieava, at S35 e'deek. iMaaataaa aaia xrem ataraeyeaBd f ram 7 to Sob CiatiiiiiaialiiHaaliranan leaeSaeieaKi Faibi at 8 4 to S The stery of the convention 'that ratifed the aonuaatioa of Theodore Roosevelt has keen written by a thousand peas; it has been eloquently proelaiased at a thoasand ratification BxeetiagB. But no writer or speaker Ism done or. will do the event jastice. When yoa any that the American people who believe in a strict and fearless enforoeateat of 'the law aad love a aaaa who is the personification or' courage and honesty, nominated Theodore Roosevelt months before the ooaveatioa; aad when yoa add that tea thoasand people, including the foresaoit statesmen of the world, yelled themselves hoarse for nearly thirty minutes in ratification of that nomination, yon have said tho most that caa be said in cold words about the republican national convention so far as the presidential nomination is conceraed. Those at tho convention with sensi bilities so calloused as to bo touched t oalv by the excitement of a bull-fight or a football game, were disap pointed. But all of those whose hearts could be touched by patriotic sentiment and devotion to a great leader, were thrilled with enthusiasm. - Ia discussing the convention there is little aeed of mentioning any name bat that of Roosevelt. Roosevelt was nominated -because his name was written long ago in the hearts of the people. The platform adopted by the1 convention is a record of the deeds aad principles of Roosevelt. It re flects his personality, therefore it in spires the confidence of the American people. It has been charged that the plat form was written by a few eastern seen who ignored the demand of the west. It is true an eastern man wrote the platform, but Roosevelt dictated it,, aad he heeded the demands of the West because he is himself a type of the west. The vice-presidency was the only question that promised any excitement for the convention, and that promise faded as soon as it was learned deaaitely that Fairbanks of Indiana would accept the nomination. It be, said, however, that Nebras ka's candidate, John L. Webster, was ia favor at many of the western state aeaaqaarcers, ana baa Fairbanks re fused the. nomination, our candidate would have made a good .showing. Aad, by the way. Nebraska's favorite son is big enough to look over the shoulders of any of the aspirants for. theoffioe, including Fairbanks him self. And Paddy Miles of Sidney, who would have made the nominating speech for Mr. Webster, was not oat classed by the wise men from the East. His voico rang out as loud and clear as any other in the convention when he rose to throw Webster's vote to Fairbanks. Other Nebraska republicans who did not vanish in the presence of big company were R. . Schneider and Okas. H. Morrill.. The former, as committeeman, had ovey detail in hand. He had a kind word and a seat for every Nebraskan who wanted to see the show. Mr. Morrill, who suc ceeds him as national committeeman, is also a man who always controls the situation and doos things. He is a worthy successor to Mr. Schneider. Conspicuous among the visitors at Nebraska headquarters were Governor Mickey. Auditor Weston, Congress man Barkett, G. W. Wattles, Edward Bosewater and Ross Hammond. If we were asked to name five Nebraska republicans who have the ability to walk arm in arm with such men as the only Chauncev and not annear small, we should not omit the names of Webster, 8chneider, Morrill, Wes ton aad Mile. While mentioning men who 'were active at the convention, the names of the Nebraska delegates, especially that of Williams of( Albion.ahould not be omitted. As a member of the com mittee on resolutions. Mr. Williams drew ap several resolutions covering the questions of irrigatioa and ratal delivery, and by aaraest work enlisted the support of several western deleea tieas. Bat Roosevelt's platform was foaad to practically cover these sub jeoots, so Mr. Williams resolutions Rev. Ulster day to visit his will return to this city Satarday. Usual Servians will ha hold ia the Presbyterian oharoh 8uaday moraiag. bat Rev. Halsey has aot yei datJisi whether eveaiag service will "he held. Saaday afternoon at 4 o'eloek ia Frankfort park, a aaioa servioa will be conducted, by the pssale of the Presbyterian. Methodist, tioaalaad Baptist ckureaes. A chores cheir aad orchestra aaderthe leadership of J. E. Erskiae will meet Satardav eveaiag ia the Methodist charch for reaearsal aad will furnish several selections for the afmraooa service A male quartette. jreaisaiioM and short speeches .on thesubjeatof good cdtizsaship will complete7 the program. 8hoald this msstlsaybs successful, similar arvices'aiay 'he conducted during the warm season Rev. Maaro will haveaa ouefatioa performed next Saturday for tuberculosis of the knee joiat. V t1l 1. -.-. X A wiu w amucamarj- . iu m ataman en part of the leg aad the operation will be performed at his home. There will be no peachiag services in the Con gregational church ihrouga'July had August. Rev. Munro took .leave of his coagregatioa 8aaday. morning in, a Very affecting sermon, asking as his subject Paul's aoooaat of. his persecu tions and trials. The splritaal advaa tage which is reaped from physical disadvantages, the asoral strength which ma7 be gained' from bodily weakness aad trial, the reality of earthlv sufferiag aad the rastsJalag power of Christian .faith were dealt with in the calm, strong aad simple manner which has made Mr. Maaro so much respected aad loved within and without his church. Uii t ?W &? t ' fJDA jt t, Ua&& & 1. lt H - .T . ssrjerTisors, in --. jii' o:n III a taemty board of , - - '--, aamaiamaa m. hnual - ..-.. . plsted their labors and adWaed met riday. Numtrous comphlnw ef es 08aasmT ajaHuMaBuaMuu " WuWal iuuuuuamunuamu aad'' amassd-oa. ' redaetloas nsmwr gmated ia'kmw eases aad' deniedoia oth Theaost imnormat War. tkm' f Wi- fktVr ' " ' ' - II BBBBmmnm-nnmuBBmanB . --r . r -".-. MnejMew aneaaha aaattwTsawmmamml ammuua aTCaaansam ! -- - m H aaamm m'saaln aii J ' . m-G i J:U"r' v.vvavanajwmm . muaBammp mmmaama, dajmamsm am ar mmmm am an aa -w am -vasjmm-- - - w- : wimu: : 9WmmimMiMMj2..jA-,s., . mm iiuvwTOT, "v .my araaiaB .nBmjaSUBaLsu a Basra - v---. - 'jL f l im m Kva bbbw ! jjw, d - - -. : -r - . k z- -h :wimsffiaMs& ,.--' mmraa aa BmwmBaaamarmarBBaaaaMBm US i . . - - - . -". ' rr- r7-- w.ywwmmi.B'm, Sal 3 ISIlMn !' liBHiniBMl , .--. - JVp,H;, utiu rmamamammr amam ymma annvdBBVVWdsvwsl ueamNaBuTvafdmbWdBnMM s !. V '- 1"t 1 I A y- ri weamm-ammammmva. ,x (1 tJA - - - bbb, ' . J-.n- - 1 p-r ' . - - 1 ' '--4. ' T--aBBBBBr-. BTBBlBBflin-BBaBBB'nBflBBSBBBBI wuat to Beatrice msuv -------- -- .- -.v-w- ZT3'ST7Z .-- ? J.!"""V"I anm -BBX XYBBBBBB) " xbbbbl biz BB1UB haau -' aaul' ' " r .1...,. v,.-.' '. 1, . . .. . -t,--.v-', 1 j .1 . -j '-"'..,; i4 t .i n i v t . WHOLE NUMBER I.7H. t-ff'V?11" ,."t' T -A-v- ajT:ioiaiwirj& v? 4 4-MBHlk. dV.Tt-18 tawl',faV4ayaAit ' JF?xx''Pm??M "r-i mz. itatrnjai pammuiBU syxum aaaga; OlryafOol ,i nuat sal aVar . : auriruii 4-. . JUSOTf IltVLT WITH .- latnmTlluai - - -. i Jl 8-irmHhi ij5i--'-t? ..- . , a -tuia' tr .1 -.-r-. f j -.-t FUiKISHtD EXCITEMENT 1 a a . - or sue toiepaoae ff -j'ij Wm retaest of the Oawaicthsy jMjJftf bj xeu-cnoBs ia autaeBswB kipt. was dejmk,aad.;ap;redaoto wa. made., Ia the cam o the-Pkte uounty istfsf andint Tslsrhaai aredaotioa of cut). pert ia the winmiut ofn waieh brought llni amiimmnsl li Igure brigiaully returaed by the a paay's amaager: Poles from 11.00. to 75c, and wire from r.OO : flA -' -.It- -rn-l vi.. ''T-'al-1 -' '-f.-T- fr,"-.-- i-MBAB- ..'Mi- ' yuiaaB of ceeeen . -.. iTa':. 7 8. 4 Viiaaa-ofiMaairM 7tic .am r" - VttBajfc of J iaimyA J. . g ' -WKSot poptiia. . :.. . ' af .ynrmyF,-,,,,,;! -nBnk:Towi-Bip. ,...,. ;t .", SJamaM'Tomraship,.. .,..? 3 " aTtauuBBBam VB-BBmn-B-t . O 1 BT .mBmamaimfamaMP. ' U .tst?wwrii f- . -" - SLVCl'- W - " B'.WBUatfiTewaehip ,.. , 5 Qrjaid Fralrle Tewasaip... IK iHamphrey Tewaship. . ,. r" - 0 3 8 ? . 4 . OK 4 4 ,,1 4 4 BraWuUBW-" 'BIsmmaamaaaMmw -totrpfrawaahlp. .i . ' . 5ffeaUp BataVs,Towimaip.,. ., utBrmue 4 OauaaTintofi - The special train beariag a body of representatives of the Omaha Com mercial Glnb aad Live Stock Exchange arrived ia Oolambas Tharaday, fore noon. They carried a band aad glee clnb with them, aad as soon as the train stopped all hands alighted and formed in proomaion, headed by their band. They starched through the streets to the park where the glee dab sang a few aumbers. The members of the party filled five, railroad ooaohea and were hayiag the time of their lire, a young man haadedoatpmalai of Omaha beer, pat up in smallvsry small bottles. The party was met by the Oolambas band when their , train pulled in, aad Oolambas people joined in their prooession. The special went from heie ap the Nor folk, Albion aad 8rmlding bnmohes, returning to Columbus in the evening. Friday morning they oontiaaed their way westward oa the main line. a request that their wire aad he amnsHat the same figure as the Platte Counry compaay, and the re- qasst was graated. The Burlington railroad protested aatumj tanas; BWBBBBBUiiaicne oamaa t representing that all their property hud been-returned to the state assiar. ment board. Attoraey M. WhltauoyeT appeared before the board,, rcpriitifr- lag the Borliagton, and introduced testimony to show that such' was tne ease, and after listening to his argu meat the board ineiracted the'.oounty sammor and depaty sawssor' for. the city, of Columbus to review the "Wil road property ia the jcity rnd. take from the assessment hook all the prop erty that is ia aay war aeed or oooa pied by therailroads companies with, Ijacks of all kfnds and buUdiags. of aaytaua au aesenpcioas. .Inihe nutter' of the eonstructien of a drainage ditch'in the Lost Creek valteyf tike board asked the county at toraey. to advise them as to -their righto aad,. powers ia such oases, and set July 1 Jth as the date oa which' theywill renoBveae aad pass oa matter. Township. Tow ashta:,. -r. Joiielilawaabipl ... 5, . . . . jBaraard Tewaehip. .. WToBfaehip . . . . Walker Township r ?? - V- . i -.r - naoelBearimaets. a were not iatrodaced. His efforts, Kelly Otto Twenty Tears. James Kelly, convicted of the mardsr of Arthur Snowden, was seateaced by Judge Hollenbeok to twenty yearsja the penitentiary on last Tharaday. The motion for a new trial, made by the defendant's attorneys, was over ruled. Kelly was taken to'Liaooln Satarday by the sheriff to begin His long sentence. He was to have started Friday, bnt asked' to have it pat off one day,x sayiag that Friday was his unlucky day. This, in all probability, closes the case, aa Kelly has bo money or friends so the case might be ap pealed to a higher court. When he stood up to receive his seateaoe the prisoner did not seem much concerned and when asked if he had aaythiag to say merely said that he was innocent and asked mercy from the oourt. After being sentenced he seemed as cheerful as ever.. be might Amerii "Mr. deserve "credit, things in detail might about the convention. We tell bow Hearst's Chicago displayed a picture labeled Schneider of Nebraska, hie wife and daughter," wheat. Mrs. Schneider was not ia Chicago at all. We might expiate that Bam Bam moni occupied one side of this piotare and Ckaaaoey Depew the other. Aad we might add by way of explaaatioa Bcameider came the daytejoiaher kushaad and tag daughter aad to look at the pic- tare of. her friend, Mrs. Edwards, who for Mrs. Schneider. A tuna-Hi imrideat af this kind the eoavaatioa. bat the one n AUea Goes U Sana rteli. Ex senator. Allen stopped ia this city Monday on his way to the populist natioaal ooaveatioa at Springleld, ,111. Whea interviewed by a Journal rep vreseatative, Mr. Allen expressed his belief that Parker or some other coa servative eastera maa would be aomi Bated at St. Louis. When naked if the popuilst convention Brpuldwitkold its nomiantious awaitiag theactioa of the democratic conveatkm he aairV "Whftt'sthease? The democrats will nominate an eatsera man that we' could not eadorse. The tit spbssci appeared to, be eajoyiag the best of. health. He discasaed freely the repub licaa tioket, referriag courtosasly aad in complimeatary terms to Fairbanks. - Ne Bcashsws who aa eadorse Mr. Allea's political views, recognise his ability aad woald'bs glad to have Urn famored by thepreai- deatml aomiaahaB at next week. The' democraHa aad jsjaalijl dietriet a-M-ia P. E.. I-W Ht-nniB . The board aoeepted the report of the county, surveyor showing deere- tioa aad accrstion of leads U aeocssW i-lC-1 E.;aad sections, 33 4 84 lf- I .Redaotiaas in, . aiiiBismsnt ware -- -. rz. ". .-?-" graated, oa reoommeadatioB af committee oa oompmiats, as follows: ' E. A. Qerrard, lot 4, sec. 21 17 2 W.,1125 to $100. Joaas Welch, w 1-3 seo 3G-17-S W.,. 606 to $560. - - A , J. W. Simle, parts of seo. 14-17--1 W., $720 to $640. "' ' .- Katherine and O. A. Speice. lots 1 & 9,W 32171 E., reduced to $20 per" acre, aotaal'valae ; and part of see. 29 17 1W.. reduced to $30 per acre, aqtital valae. ' - - r.,, . John Walker, lot ia Humphrey, $440 I to $340. t CathariBaBeriBg, two lom in Hamph rey; one reduced to $00, oae to $i0a, J. W. Beader, two lots in Humph rey, $700 to $00. - ' Wml Daesman, two lots in Hamph rey ; oae $00 to $80t, oae $00 to $fQ0v M. F. Grass, lot ia Humphrey, $W0 to $700. . Jos. Anselme, kit ia Hamtmrey. $500 to $400. " - Jas. Ward, two lots ia Humphrey, $340 to $240. t Newell South, two lots' ia Hamph rey. $540. to $480, John Weber, lot in Hnnibhrey, $440 to$34o. ; - ,;, " '; . . Tboauaa Otti. fivo lots, in Hamph rey. $15,400 to $13,600.- 4J , , , P. E. McKilip. lot la Humphrey. $4,500. to,4.000 ; six lots, roduced to $4,400; two Uockaj'iB Hamphrry, re dnead 14 ner cent. E.T. Graham, horses $to$420: farm land $1,700 to $1,380. ' t ' ' Requests of the foUowing for are- dactioa of their smassment aied : Platte County aaakv Thomas Ottis, P..E. McKillip. David Thomas. Jemmy Kinaan, John rSa7aoa,' ,M. Savage, J. E. tTaufmann, H. B. Feai more, H. J. aTiaasa aad TaWpdors Friedhof: - ,..-. r . The board made the feUowiag addi tioa and dedafltioas oa lands, horses aad cattle ia the various township i of- the coaaty.. .The bUbus afguJ1 '( ) will be used to indicate; deducti left blank. - ' Town-hip. Tsmas Horses. Cattle.. Granville Sparet -84 per ot meet - -v 4jk-. i ! ''Theathool board met ia special sea sioB Friday, morning, at 9 'o'clock. whena large amount of businemwas . The ooaaaiittw OB.naaace an eetimate of the amount of rerenue and expense of' the district for tho ensaing fiscal school year at follows i : J-momei state'apportionmeat $$400.haes and linsnsws $8.000. sundHea $100. 1-Csneaditaras, teachers' salaries fifftoxt books $1.000,.. general fund $7,000. The finance committee; which la eomposed of M. Bragg er and C., a Nanmann, Recommended the levyi-g of a tax of 1 1-3 mills on the 'valuation of the diitriot'for the .purpose of paying interest on the boad GklebtadneeB of the district, aad a resolution was presented to the board by Mr. Bragger, and unani-' useasly adopted by that body, instruct ing the secretary to present the matter beforotthe koard of supervisors and also the eily council- The committee fo-nd:that there is needed for the suppartof the.eohools the sum of m.?5, also $1,1K for paymeat of the tufjaWt on school .district bonds of $25,000 bearing date of May 1, 1896: A, G. Mot a. graduate of Belle rue eeUege.tbis 'spring, who was also. tathe .high school of i i BBanlmiiiiala le-1 K4cHr.Jlctojsn mar- ee his -n-faa-Hhai a l-iu " t i.i J - T ' ' !T n7ir?!w:T' college, and is now in the western part of the states .Miss Clara -liehtoaberg of Cedar Rapids sent? her resignation to the ' .a- mn . . m wawu am -jbisb wiasno jmoraa was last Friday anaaimoasly elected to aake tberoom aaajgaed to her, the ffth grade ia the First Ward, build ing.. Mim Moran is an orphan. ' She has taught in Wayae aad Norfolk schbolsand comes to ythe,' Columbus sohools with excellent recommends-' tions. The salary of Miss Marion Smith,' teacher of drawing, was raised from $60 to $55 a month." Mim Smith is now ia Boulder, Colorado, teaohing draw ing in a summer school. The ooatract was awarded to Jas. Pearsall,for the building of an addi tion 12x30 feet to t the west room in Third' Ward building. The addition will cost $380, and will be completed for use by the time school shall open in the fall. OWE Hei te at Paint -B-f m-B-a1-B--a VTamuV-l ar-mt - V 'Lwma1w4lfBBV WHa-Ll faaTmmmramT "rf .rT CMMlerlisi: H ,i . : ; , 4 w6aa-la Liadsay uses a aistal U raseat what she considers aa insult. She halWber man aad turns him aver to aa ,offioer. The woman Is Mrs. Aiidraws, anaaager of .the telephone oMohaafSkhad the youag maa who soiaarrowly esoapei aaearly grave is the, saa of Thomas Jaaes, ex-post-.master at Postville. Joaes was triad U. jatlee coart-Monday moraiag -.oa theehargeof disorderly ooaKlaetaael the ase of improper laagaage ia tho aressaee-of a-woman aad was vs dollars aad oosts. As the goes, Joaes calletl at the Liadsay tele phoae exchange after 'oWsf hoars Saaday niah-nnd ; asked to have a Humphrey aaator ceiled for hU father who is snSd to be serioasly iU. Mrs. .Aadrewe, it is said, refused -on tho groaad thUao; hoar was too mte. Joaes insistedaatl aa argument of tho qaetion'was eutcrxl upon which vary" soon' boaums iafeBMly'personaL. Ia the heat of the argument Joaes is said to have ''called aames' unbeoomimr a sntlema.'-Whereupon Mrs. Andrews drew ai'revolver aad oommeaoei ,t it is said, started to . laaAlBUwa-Ba- um---.x KX;j- : - - - -a - - --" - f , . , .. maamtfauauaaVXra of Raral Fam PeUvery. WsaMagt,,. MWPMl' .u..jaaoe;imM.TORDsraiia9: aTsaBPuauBrBm Tho Aot af OsBmraai aaBsdaur aaaaa aBUaauaauamava Prt-atieaa tortaesm BEM-mLWmX!' " i Fnianmaii. lit tti Besal year 'igagKaBuaaSK 9J9 i.as4, ta, b'i I In a ;HBkmH' ' thaaf-cemistsaler rVa-l ni-H-f rnloBrriBaa,pfaTionsthat: Maaaf saPau "Oa aad after said aaes (July 1st) WIKamMMm'mB. aid earriers saaU aet selieit aaBaaaai MWflmi V bV -' aaual; or reeeive orders of aay Us far aay tA. Baa-ma. at " .. .. 'BmBBUBuaaaaauuBu at. dariaw ---- '- ' v .r ' '" !Zie J!?!! . j7M ,-ffi- a safe iNTaasmonr -titd. That mid aarriata -my --t rlmmir It J, Jl aram the request af fatraas rtmatiaf St-Ir".?!.'''1. ?'?. pom their lasaaativa reaeea, whea- frt itZgfJS aaaaaB mau asm mBmaraaro msjl l-lf -Mfc " .... ,.. - the areper diawaarau ef their eaWal a-I-,? " BP t datieaaad aad4asaeh rewhrtiaas as r --ni . f' ,- ariha.V, v yoa? iiiiiJiyeearawaiaaahaia. T-y tTiiTt if ths aasis aiailalia. r '- amaammmat is a of law. It Is OBUDmBED: , iaw-w far every dtssaitsr. ThatraralearrMMataaMuar tossstett buslnim ar ispaiiVmdisi af i.- p - " WT1 BmBjajmamaaaa aj aayUadforsaryperBSB, arm ercar- poranam, 4 . , BUaamr mav aa aau-Uad ' ? f - ---" nwaaauasBse behaadled oaerisrs while servkag their the !ropar aaatag has cT6 Columbua State Bank shooting. ordered obeyed;, offieer. Ined as before leave whea; Mrs. Andrews kim;toA"eoBM haok." Ho aad:wa.taraed- over ' to aa aad apoa- trial w stated. J 4 Both parties' bear jood rspatatioa and it it aafortaaate that sach a thing should occur. As to the merits of the case we are unable ,to Judge. There may have been some -fault on both sides. r There is no provocation grave eaough. however, to warraat a fell grown man in the use of violence aad improper language in the presence of a woman. reejles, nmim, the aroaar aasfaia has aaoajmaaM, wibhthe singie exeep- tioa ef; nnuaii asassaiii i .ht I"--1 "MBammamaBBam - -," mBnor,jajaw. are, permitted to tho OBlTata. trOO thtaBmUamt tkm amatia 9 ! waieh they aw pablishsd, to actual I ,itn i m, - ? 'i. .IS BMB. aawiSaeai aowsaaaera ad-1 SBmesrilaBTB. ramUamaa I S ''Bemmim Brnmaat aBBBBBBBBBBBmam BHB B BBB he -sposited at tho for ?; 84. Bermmrd 5 17 5 x Weedvjlle 5 ' Crestoa -i$- " Hump'rey -IS' , GradPr'y-i mmi-MBi - fjj (Urai -Ui Jolki: . -! -28 - A ?i. V'i.: - Ifii-ft-Uw- t.-7-.t.A. "Slii,. ' 5-15!-- if at r t.ii.i " . ' X--d h ,'-? -r- J- IVi .-N CU a ;' k- -a-W'.. r: s 4" ('Hi,t , f-wUiC? ! UJlt. SmaevrBM.! Hamnhrav " ' Tha J. - .,.. a t - . .. :-' a ' c' " - nanri waaugaiaoaoTwty oi exTJaaaaooa . .a .t-t .i-aw V 1T5 1P a' - Wi IMWBU AMI aBWH '- - - i iwbii aiiiiiinisii nnsaaiiB ooaaeider came the next w4 aiii -- Jbttat . .-lf .- -is... .. . ia. e 'rt " n 1 : . - .- ' ' --r .. Bammmnamaa w. aBBamamM 4Bamaami aamBBamammaaaaaaamw BUBUS - ---., -- --' - -a- - , ,- j. w T r'v' -''- gm-H lV3oiher hasaaad.and charm- tho-obadhallatllr. Mawtthenww .'' -- T . . oliraasemt i,twa weeks time wiy,r?ggy ,T ."ol!M.Ma 3e. x, & aBaaBmuBV aasmaamamaaammt aam, amaBBBa JBBBBBBBaaB auUBH jBBBaVsa , a, . . . . Baauest Bamr-aa-Bi mamammammi em. 4mmamju UBJ amauUBaxmjmar . -- af J?',- J . -we-v.1 -i 7- " m a - - i a- 9 S- -T ' .Psbi.I1. aaale smuat; Mra. FairrhHd, amaeVttj. lag daaghtw: and to look at the Die- i- , S Tsnit- -a Loan v ia s- ta . .-, aa . make. - Tarn bmW .ta ail alaav. w ;IJ!!HI, $& Imuia to t --.. Tl, . A T O .. - . - . - " WH, MMHMB WW WIIU-IU - .- rf. . . . .- . -., Ivii! ? XBuaaaun -5 -k.v. . m. o. aaaai aae mrn SB BOT lTlPBfl, J ITS. KdBT MB. BrkMt x i.- m - m. - Tti liar . . ia &j? adaadftmlhWiiaBm nf anh maall fa aT -""r"" b amw-jn. warn aaaaiaaoam BOmiastlOB at the hand- """syij !? -j rll.i.fe ?" -- ii?fc.haJ-mm-laaB mm J. M. amd laaa mfaUhsim for Mrs. Schneider. thm imiB,.itll gg-ma-iha-l ma Ttla-ai'm mmMas&mrMm mMEM?- !.?&'&;&?? - V ", rr. -t. - -- - A. llsamui lamlrtoaita. -f tti. M- - .. . -. r .. , . ..-.- -a.. ; ., TM'omlaalMjra MVaW fr ,mar.ln. l-aMaW,T.C. eadtvesaa the crmveation, but the oae ..i,. - -S-Z -i ! 'mr' .Temlad hi.m. Mir "gV f nil l"fa " " '. "-V i the exearsiem tais year as ! -, , : ?1Eumm.K. aims ""- tta Pwaao - Mmospatre pjauJa-T " 7 ":, 71$; aaam emm " l!uoffli - - ltat wm there was a good siaasl mil . . ..- hfe-g. jSv5!"-fe!mft5ri was ataaaavalt. Yotataaa Whwa " . - M&mS; "'" '? " ??yj?9g-, ;-' FM Ai a Md writers , aad ad 11 oajoyad tho trip. The Oliamw I lljnr aSL V"" ' r tiarr TntaflaT S. a! fi n U U-1 ' ". b- - ; ...- vva Thiar JnWnftmM la-la-'"ri ii ti'V- l.l.r r rr. ii :..-! ,.- . .-. .-;,; -, ; ?.' : , - . i i B U i B i - 1 :- Z lmaft-llm Uaosl. was mmU-mUd 8sd.wh-re ami wlU ri eae week j "?-5jSMj,f rSaS- weU; tost-daum -e baa people and added maeh to the ; . ' SS - ' ' igSf ir?iyffi!i.jjySlTi ----irrn njwl sank mlbumsaTa. MUH-Js--i..l,--wJ --g-JWy: jjjlwtmSaAm Tariff ' Head eoaHribaieas. Tho ttaea left huso as : ! O-umlai - J BBjarri -" aamUBB- B UB am r ,. a a- aaaamaaaaa BBWBama 4 Baa ma BxaWamB BWJaTa vvaBVt J b am am am arBB aPaBU SB am a BSaUH B hm at F' a . sl t a i. aa 'at T! m " : 5--" "" 1 "'- - ' ' i '.' . t S. aV me a i i a mV J$1,lyt - y1 ??y?i.M -."v?ir?" -?f',,y-W4B fBBBamamhVuBwm f'ikWiH'Akhkt--i- T-mb ' via-- saa B ar aaammt '-a4 A-'t T? -" Maaaauar' SaaUaUBUaUa '..:yi4t'ilktt'&'JS'. I;"j?A. ,4 V-vli- --l?g .""'-l. ! . ,.-v . i. L ?i.f5"Kf!' . - Heme from Philippines. Fred. Rollins, arrived hero Moaday from the Philippine Islaads where he has beea almost continuously for the past six yens. Fred ffrst "weat as a soldier with Company K. to the Phil ippines, aad after, oae year service for Uacle Bam returned rhome to spend oalyf two months, when he agataealaBtaiand went to the Islands. The rjast two years he has been post master at Jolo, a city of about 2,000 iukabitaata on tho Island ' Jolo which is about eight by ten miles in size. The town is employed largely as a miUtaryaad distributiag- station for Islands La that district. The natives areaearly aU Mohammedans, aad the costameworn Is almost exactly alike both for am aad women. s The pria einsleoaBBCioaef the natives is the sathering of the mother pearl from shells, whioh is sold In tho rough at about $t00 to $1,000 in.oar money. lysthe clinmte ia exceediagly cool to him, tag aa, he -does from so ooaatry. Ho has. had teaches, bat b says -if oae does aot to be active aad out in the sun tho danger is aot so great. The from 8 to 88 In order to taka a vacatioa Fred was obliged to resign hir aad is aot eertaia whether he whU retara to the lalaads or re- amU hi this ceemtry. He wiaa1 aim amay. amc them is a hat smvls by the aav Ti. f ro- the tamsbmx It emm him l f 1.-. - a--. - J , - m. mamm about U.esv,amamy-a take aeive'asoat two weeks time to viae is aU deae by keeping the stra SBaBBUBkUa. ft- ?7ML 'jLJr -..-Bm . v.r?? ": " r!r t rr aaa rnaa taam BtiUH mr V7 r. - t! . ' t;- -j. - : " . a f Academy Ceauaamcemeat. Commencement - exercises for St. Francis Academy were held last Thursday, June 3, nt St. Bonaveatara chapeL Bestowal of gradaatiag honors was to the following: Mim E. Brega. academic coarse; MimE. Flaherty, literary coarse; Mim Eck roat. No. 6 piano class. Pupils from different classes in tne academy as sisteaVia, the exercises, aad the fol lowing excellent program was reader- adinthejpreeence of aa audieaoe com posed of the near relatives of tho pupils: Kroennngs Marsch (aus der Opera "Der Prophet.") G. -Meyerbeer. Pia no Duo Misses C. Malloy and A.. Storch. vHappy Greeting to AIL Selected Soag-Selected Pupils. PianoMias L. Eckroat. . - - n . Overture MeeresstilleGluecklicae Fahrt ' Opus 27, Felix Mendelssohn. Piano Duo Misses E. Brega aad L. Eckroat. r - Moral and, Aesthetical Influence of Good Literature,- Mim E. Flaherty. Overtare znr . Opera : ' ' Der Nord etem." (Das Feldlager in Schlesiea.) G. Meyerbeer. Piano Solo Mim L. Eckroat.'' . ' Where the Hills. Are Heavea Ador ing, -Frz. Abts. .Song-Selected Pupils. Piano Mim. Eckroat.' . Violin Masters C. Eckroat. D. Murphy, O.'Abts., Mandolin Master B. Murphy. Overture Das Lustspiel A. voaKeler Piano Duo Misses A. Storch and E. Hoamn. Oratory: Its Power aad Importaase. MimE. Brega. Miaaetaas, "Divertimento" W. A. Mozart. -Violin Master" O. Eckroat. Piano Miss L. Eckroat. - Convent Bells, Selected Piano Duo Misses C. Maloy and G. O'Frien Slowly and- Softly Musio Snoald Flow, S. Glover. Song Selected Pupils! Piano Miss Eckroat. Hoffnung ("Hope") A. Baamaaa Piano Trio Misses Brega, Flaherty and Eckroat. Tho class motto was "Perseverance the Secret of Saoceas." Those present from a 'distance were Mim' Flaherty of St Edward; Mr. and Mrs.) Brega of Callaway; Mim Eckroat of Wyoming. The September term of the academy will be opened with ad additioa to the present build ings that will accommodate nearly twice as' many pupils as formerly. BYMJ-maStatet. Iaaxmaoh as it is settled that the tariff ris to be the predominant issue ia the Presidential campaign of 1904, the Tariff -Hand Book, jest issued by the American-;. Protective Taritff Jejagae. becomes of spaci9l valae. Aa equal amount of matter relating to the Tariff in its various phases has acver beea iacorporated betweea the covers of aay. single, volume'. There is ao the Free-Trader whieh is aot in this heady book of aiaoty-six Evtaei bearing upon the Tariff ia-be Smtlstios ooveriBg held of industrial. activity ia wall ordered farm, all of offleial to raralroutm, pcaw-oOee thorn other sabseribera, The hire for reqaest of tho patraa af rami free de livery mast be paid by taaaafToa. Oarriers will aot be permitted to re ceive aay esmpeumHsa from seller of eauamt BmmmTMaBaamaam 0BBBJSB 4SBBvjBnjammBBB4m Articles er. packages, 'which are amilable, whieh are handed to tho carrier or ispsaitsd ia the poetesses or ia a rural lector box or ia a oollee ttoa box located oaa raral route, with request. that tho rami carrier deliver same, are subject to tho rules regulat ing mail amtter, indadiag tho pay meat of postage thereon. Articles or packages, that are aet mailable, which the patroas desire the raral. carrier to carry mast ho de livered to the carrier ia iifiaau. ami ia earryiag mernhandi as for hire raral carriers are aot permitted to leave their routes as omeially laid eat or ta accept aaythiag that wilLia aay way delay tne delivery of mail, or iaaay war iaterfero with the eScieaey ef the service. Carriers, while on daty. permitted to carry spiritaoaa liq either tkeamelves, for sale or for tho accommodation of their patroas. Rani camen an reqaired to mit pest-office iasaectors, or duly accredited agents of Office Departmeat, to them oa their regalar trips over their routes. They mast aot carry passsagen aor permit aay other thaa nnthorised postal ofldals, to ride with them or to have aocom to the mails. Raral carrion mast aot oaaage ia aay bastatim attar hoan which offon the temptation to solicit pstToaage oa their routes, or which, by reasoa af their positioa ia tho Goverameat service, gives thorn special advaaeage over competitors, sach as book catt vassiag. solicitiag iasaraaaot, atl ling sewiaff-aaachf aes, or other kia dred occapatioas. Carrion mast aot, , either ia persea or throagh others, directly, by aay method whatever, solicit moaey, gifts or pneeato, aor issue for soaveain or postal haadboo co-operate with or amist the pasi en of same to secare the psiroaago of the pablic; aor compile directories for pablic ase or assist puftlishen ar patrons of their roates, for pay, or favor, to aay bastaess esrshlfshmsat, or to aay individual.' except to those deparrmeatal officials who, under tho reguiatioas, an eatf tied to the same. (Signed) H.O. Payae, Poet tttlCATEl LAWS I JILT If, 1114, Wa Will Have aa "-main ta Itwillaothooaly kjadtiawyeariathm trip of 7 miles FREE eoeriatbeeataw: tern, iaelaaaaa its latgeat ia tho United which ths water the "aatsL" lands an all a Bjwn rmireaa lawa aaei a amrket. Prieeosad terms u reacnecau. Aonram aw lay par. tieukua xt Elliitt, Spaiet P. O. ulLOCtt NO.. oaa af tho raaaaet: A OF COST, amaraaaV. akav MB1UC, these Bailsaof rttsaa aVISa s way aTva PHONE ammlPlam VureMI Iw BiHtfiBtt tho Poet- acosmTB-rr Call aad sea as abeat OCR NEXT EXCURSION ta tho IRRIGATED LANDS oa the BIG HORN VALLEY. Se member tarn will ha tho LAST CHANCE to get tho low prise oa these leads. F. T. Waluf's A Hem Iamlftrj. Was. Poesch has orden for $85 gal lons of ice cream to be shipped to various parts of tho state next Friday, aad for the next day his oatoa -towa erdsn. aaioaat, to 1TT gallnas Oaa order goes as far west as Ogallala which ia aoarar Dearer thaa Oolam bas. Tho Oolambas creamery fur nishes Mr. Peeseh tho cream whieh they ia tara bay from the Platte coaaty farmers. Tho msaafsctured prodaet briags raon moaey ta Colum bus thaa the mw product. Wo hops, therefore, that tho time may come whea tho Colambus Chamery Com pany may not have to ship oat of Oo lambas a piat of Bevea Oraamas'Postival oaehes carried BJoaists from hen to Fremont Saaday to the Orrjhaas' Festival- From Graad COLUMBUS, NEBaUSKA iimiimniinriiiiiiit v I HE WANT A i FARM. I We have a castomer aaxioas ; ' to bay a farm of 120 er 160 '.I acres dose to Cohmaaa. He ' ; will allow the present ewaer to ' ' 4 a . retain possession thai year. It ', ' 1 1 most be r lajKi,iairly well ' ; ; improved. : : : : : : :y BMttElt; HOGKENURGEIt J GffrlMDavlU. COLUMBUS, - 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 n ii i m i.i t liiiiim 1111111111 IHOloTS raltliuTj ved ef FiMWsinftf We invite the pab lic to look the line oyer aatore W w at, '' -1 AH .. ." ?i .. .. t .. t.- . -j w y .H