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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1904)
f-jmr,- y;,,. - "-. Tt?i?'-srsi7w' 3Afl"SJc9 SflMMMaOHnnHAe . r. r.v: fcV i M; Jit- . 6" " rw- . Established Mat 11.1670. Columbus Hottmal- Colambut Nebr. Eateredatthe Foetoffie,ColnBibs,Nebr.,a seooad-class mail matter. IwulWtattiS7Sfe7 M.X.CTIW24W. TEBM9 OF SCBSCUPXIOV: One year, bjniall7 postage prepaid $LM fix, aMBUss ..... hree months. .......-- WEDNESDAY. MAKCH 23, 190. XSTTo Subscribers of the Jour nal: Please look at the date oppo site your name on the wrapper of jour Journal or on the margin of The Journal. Up to this date, your subscription is paid or accounted for. CITIZENS' CITY TICKET. For Major Fr Clerk For Police Juris?. For Treasurer For Engineer auoust boettcheb William Ueceeb J. M-Ccbtis Meet J. Galley It. L. Rossiteb roCNCILMEX. First Ward ArnrsT Dietbichs SocondWard A.W.CLABK Third Ward C.C.Gay Members School Hoard LNae""11 Kepnblican County Conreation. itepublican otersof I'Jatte county, Nebraska, nre hereby notified to meet in their respective precincts and wards on Saturday, May 7, 1904, from 2 p. in. to i p. in., for the purpose of select ing delegates to the county convention, to bo held at Platte Center, on Saturday, May 14, 1M, nt 1 o'clock p. m., of that day, to choose dele gate1? to the republican statu convention, and delegates to the republican third congressional convention, for the further purpose of nominat ing candidates for county attorney, delegates to the twenty-fourth district representative conven tion, delegates to the tenth district senatorial convention, to nominate representative for dis trict number twenty-four, to select officers and members of the central committee for a term of two years, :tnd for Mich other business as may come before the convention. The township meetings will also nominate local officers. The w era! wards and precincts will be entit led to 2 delegates for each want and precinct, and to one delegate for each fifteen votes and major fraction thereof cat for Jnrige llarnes at the last general election, and will have the follow ing number of delegates: City of Columbub - Firstwarri 4 Itutler 3 H'-oonri wanl Ijtuip 3 Third ward 8 lost Creek 7 Viluiiilu.-touiislii.. Ti iranville. 5 Ilismark 4 lturrows 3 Sherman 4 .Monroe. 7 Crchton 7 Joliet U SliellCrm-k 4 St. lternarri r. Grand Prairie 3 Woorivillc. Humphrey .r Walker 7 Edwin Ho uik. Chairman. Gahuctt, Secretary. Republican Congressional Convention. The republicans of the Third congressional district of Nebraska are hereby called to meet in delegate convention nt the oern house in the city of Columbus, Nebraska, on Tuesday, May 17, IWJl, nt 1-JJ0 o'clock in the afternoon for the piirpo-eof placing in nomination a candidate for congress from the Third (Congressional dis trict to lie oted for at the general election to Ite held in the state of Nebraska on the 8th day of November, 1104, for the election of two delegates to the national convention to lie held in the city of Chieagoon June -1, liUI, and for the transac tion of Mich other business as may regularly come !ieforcairi convection. The hntisof the representation of the several counties in said district at said convention shall Us the votes cast for the Hon. J. J. McCarthy, candiriHte for congress at the regular election held on Novcudier 4, WC, giving one delegate for each one hundred votes or major fraction thereof so exist for the said .I.J. McCarthy and one delegate at large for each county. Said apportionment entitles the several counties in the said district to the following representation in said convention: AnteloMi 13 Knox IB lloone 14 Merrick 10 Hurt .- 15 Madison. 15 Cedar i:t Nance 10 Colfax 10 Platte It Cuming 12 Pierce i Dakota 7 Stanton ' Dixon IS Thurston '. 7 Dodge 20 Wayne. 10 a (Hall ..,. .. ... ca.ll Dated Norfolk, Neb., March 3, 1904. F. D., Chairman. J vck KoKXKiSTElN, Secretary. Official Call for Republican State Convention. The republicans of the state of Nebraska arc hereby called to meet in convention at the Audi torium in the city of Lincoln, on Wednesday, May Is. 101. at o'clock in the afternoon, for the pur.sMf placing in nomination candidates for the following office, to be voted for at the next general election to le held in the state of Ne braska. November 8. W04, viz: Governor. Lieutenant governor. Secretary of state. Auditor if public accounts. Treasurer. Snierintendent of public instruction. Attorney general. Commissioner of public lands and buildings. Eight electors of president and vice president. And to elect four delegates at large and four alternates to the republican national convention to be held in the city of Chicago, 11L, on Tues day, June 21, 1104; and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come be fore said state convention. The basis of representation of the several conn ties in said convention shall be the vote cast for Hon. John II. Karnes for judge of the supreme court at the general election held on November 3, 1103. giving one delegate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof so cast for said John II. llarnes, andonerielegatcat large for each county. Said apiHtrtionment entitles the counties men tioned below to the following representation in the convention: Koone 13 Itutler 14 Colfax Madison w Merrick-. 10 Nance ! P'a 10 Polk y Stanton. 7 IL C. Lixdsvv, Ciiairman. A. It. Allen, Secretary. J. B. Dinsmore has withdrawn as a republican candidate for governor. Kherson oats, a new variety imported from Russia in 1897 are recommended by tbe Nebraska experiment station. They are said to have given unusually good results, particularly in central and west ern portions of tbe state. Because of the typhoid epidemic dis tilled water has been selling on the streets of Waterloo, Iowa, at 5 cents per gallon. There were thirteen funerals of people dead from typhoid fever in one day in that place recently. Queen WiLHEutrxA's failing health continues to cause great anxiety, so states a telegram from The Hague. She has been ordered by her physician to take a villa on Lake Magdiere and will set out for Italy almost immediately. She is a prey to continual depression. Br the way, the democratic party might take judicial notice of the fact that all its representatives on the su preme court hold that the Sherman act against combinations and trusts in re straint of trade is unconstitutional It is quite significant if it is not decisive. Only one of the six republicans on the bench agreed with them, bat ( it was suScieat to make the vote just as close as could be five to four. Lincoln Journal. - A BUSINESS CHANGE. Last Saturday afternoon papers were Burned whereby Tas CbCHDUB J DroDerty tinno iana the fcaade IL Abbott of Fresaaat aa4 8tofwajtKW nedy of St. Edvavi. , Ife Aabotris at present engaged in the insurance busi ness. He is a man of literary attain-' .meats, having attended both the Iowa and Nebraska state universities, gradu ating from the Iowa institution in both the general and. law courses and was a few years ago the city superintendent of schools in Albion, this state. Mr. Kennedy is editor of the St, Ed ward Advance, which he will continue to publish in connection with this paper. He is a young man respected in his home town, where he and his parents have made their residence for many years. Mr. Kennedy was a member of the First Nebraska regiment and served in the Philippines during the Spanish-American war and has made a decided success, in his undertakings in the newspaper field. We believe The Journal will be in worthy hands under Messrs. Abbott & Kennedy, who will take entire charge of the plant April 1. With the selling of The Journal the Turner family dispose of one of the oldest established business institutions in this part of the state. At the time of its first publication, May 11, 1870, there was but one other paper west of Fre mont, and that was a publication at Grand Island, with Seth P. Mobley as editor. There are few business men in Columbus today who were engaged at that time in the trades or professions. and to our knowledge there is no busi ness firm at the present time which has remained so long under the same firm name and management as The Jouknal. Next week the office will be transferred bnt friends of the paper who have given it unstinted patronageforsomany years, may be assured that they will not be disappointed, as we have every reason to believe that the paper under the new regime will meet the growing needs of the city, county and state, under the direction of these able, energetic gen tlemen. Next week we will have more to say, in somewhat of a personal way. The Brooklyn Eagle (dem.) sent a staff correspondent out to Nebraska to look over the field politically, ascertaining the condition of democracy, and from an extended article we clip the following: - "Mr. Bryan has not yet rounded up the Nebraska democracy for Editor Hearst. There are the best of grounds for saying that he will never do it. In every essen tial the Nebraska situation is distinctly unfavorable to Mr. Hearst's candidacy, and especially is it unfavorable in the camp of Bryanism. Mr. Herdman, who has been affiliated with Mr. Bryan until recently, is opposed to the reaffirmation of the Kansas City platform. Mr. Herd- man claims and some of Mr. Bryan's best friends concede, that three-fourths of the Nebraska democrats are opposed to it. It is not so certain to be defeated as this would imply, however, because all of Mr. Bryan's friends are determined that he shall not be humiliated in his own state if they can help it. At the state central committee meeting at Lin coln the reorganizers sprung a resolution to endorse ex-Judge John J. Sullivan of Columbus as the Nebraska candidate for vice president and the Bryanites were so surprised that they offeredno opposition. Former Judge Sullivan's candidacy will probably, if it is followed by instructions at the state convention, prevent any attempted delivery of the Nebraska del egation to Mr. Hearst. It is evidently the sincere intention of the Nebraskans to do all they can to bring about Mr. Sullivan's nomination. His friends are mainly the friends of Judge Parker. He has been in harmony with Mr. Bryan in state politics recently, but he was in 18 and 1900 affiliated with the conser vative democrats. He is popular with the rank and file of Nebraska democratic voters and has much influence with the leaders." From a Lincoln correspondent of the Bee, Judge Sullivan is quoted as saying: "I appreciate the good will shown by the committee, but I am afraid that I am partially committed to John L. Webster, so it would ill become me to get out and fight for the place, as it is not likely that the two vice presidents would come from tbe same state." The Fremont Tribune admits in the following item taken from its pages, that the Loup river is what may be depended upon for canal power: The alarm sounded concerning the stage of water in the Platte need not scare anybody who has the development of the power canal in mind. The Platte is an inter mittent stream at best, above the month of the Loup. It depends for its moist ure principally upon the snowfall in the mountains of Colorado, and when there has been little of it there, as has been the situation this winter, the river is sure to be pretty dry and in need of irrigating next summer. But down this way. below the confluence with the Loup, there is water enough for all. The Loup is fed by a myriad of never failing springs up in the sand hilk and the Platte's volume below Columbus is as steadfast and dependable as a Mormon's fifth wife. The wheels that may lie hitched to a dynamo driven by the Fre mont power canal will never cease to revolute on account of more or less snow on Pike's, Long's, Ute, Hahn's and the thousands of other peaks that lift their giant heads to the cold, gray sky." For stern bravado, says tbe United States Magazine, it would be hard to rival the feat of Ensign Gillie, who saw a stray torpedo coming slowly but surely toward the anchored torpedo boat Por ter in the Spaniah-Americaa war. He sprang overboard, turned the nose of tbe torpedo in a safer direction and screwed up the firing pin tightly so that it would not operate. Then treading water, he saluted Lieutenant Fremont and report ed: "Sir, I have captured a torpedo." "Bring it on board, air," commanded Fremont, and Gillis actually did so, swimming with it to tbe ship and fasten ing tackle to it Nearly all republican county conven tions so far held in the state have psssnil resolutions endorsing Governor Mickey's administration and pledged support for his renomination They also approve tbe selecting of a United States senator by the state convention, and E. J. Bar kett seems to bathe favored one for that important position. Mm. Huuuet McMurphy of Omaha will let the contract for a large;Meiau raat, wicb will oaauaya aite aaajaf the faar. Tbi-tiW'Wbh wH'o seven ttaaa-aJE doiaW.lrfflf aipeal espesfally lOWHsc NsMww mm it ia Mrs. McMarpby's plan to employ pretty Nebraska girls exclusively far waiters, preferably those who have had domestic science training, and to serve largely Nebraska food stuff a! At certain hoars of - thejday aha will alao give prac tical demonstrations in the cooking and mas of Nebraska food products. ' ' v ." , u The Salvation Army, after carrying on its business in Omaha for seventeen years without a home, has purchased the old First Methodist church at the price of $9,500. The Army last year held 376 street meetings, 468 indoor meetings and 104 services for young people and chil dren. Iaacaln'LtttarT ' So far as the democratic state central committee is concerned, Mr. Bryan is no longer Nebraska's favorite son, but Judge Sullivan holds that proud posi tion. Under the masterful guidance of jolly, rotund and industrious Lee Herd man, clerk of. the supreme courts and the "Foxy Grandpa" of the Nebraska democ racy, the committee at a meeting held in the Lindell parlors endorsed Judge Sul livan for the vice-presidency without waiting for the aid or consent of any peerless leader on earth. While the friends of Mr. Bryan fell in with the current there is no question but that they would have breasted it if they could. Upon a teat vote Mr. Bryan mustered 17 unterrified followers of tbe old-time silver-plated platforms while the reorganizers were bnt 14. Here is where Herdman the foxy, exhibited his foxiness. He was not opposed to Mr. Bryan. O Dear No! He would not do anything to offend or harass Mr. Bryan for the world, but very quietly and very unostentatiously it was suggested that it would be a clever thing to endorse Judge Sullivan for tbe vice-presidency, just in order to pay a fitting tribute to the party idol The tribute was paid and the democrats of the 'country will be allowed to draw their own conclusions from the fact that Nebraska is asking the national convention to nominate Judge Sullivan. Certainly Nebraska, gall-steeped as her democratic contingent is, would not have the supreme audacity to ask for the first and second places on the national ticket, and at the same time dictate the platform. Nebraska seems to have made her choice and asked for what she wants; the logical conclusion is that there are things which she doesn't want, or feels able to live without. The average cost of maintaining the state game and fish commission from the date of its organization until the begin ning of last year was $3G0 per annum. Last year the net cost to the state was $1,620. When due consideration has been given to the fact that more work was done in every branch of the business than in any preceding year it will be seen that Warden Carter and his assist ants have been giving the state treasury a fighting chance for its life. Warden Carter favors a change in the law with regard to hunting and fishing licenses and believes that tbe depart ment can be made more than self-sus taining if a small fee is exacted of every sportsman no matter where he hunts or fishes. A fee of fifty cents per year for sporting within or without the bounda ries of your own county would be about right, so Mr. Carter believes, atad he favors legislation to that effect. Protect the Trees. "Woodman, pare that tree. Touch not a single bough; In yooth it sheltered me. And I'll protect it now." A few of the lovers of nature have been watching the slaughter of shade trees in Columbus, and finally have decided to band themselves together in an effort to protect them. H. E. Babcock, H. A. Clark, M. Brag ger and others will endeavor to create more interest in the shade trees, and especially to pledge their influence against the process now in vogue in Columbus of cutting back the tops of trees. The following good reasons they say, are among the many why this should be observed: First It is contrary to nature. It deforms the tree, and nature abhors de formity as it does a vacuum. Second When the tree is mutilated, nature, in its effort to heal the wounds, throws out many sprouts, which, in time, become branches, and we see many branches as a result where only one was intended, and the smaller and weaker branches must die, as there is not room for all, and this leaves the ugly appear ance of numerous dead branches, all unnecessary. In winter it gives the appearance of a tangle, and shows nature distorted. In summer it makes the tree appear too low and bushy. Third The true artist, or landscape gardener, endeavors to "hold the mirror up to nature," and while pruning is nec essary, it should be done only when necessary to preserve the balance of the tree, or where branches are too thick, or where they parallel each other, under some circumstances to affect the vitality or frnitfulnessof .the tree, and to prevent the growth of two branches of about equal sise into a fork or crotch in the tree, but never by cutting all the branches leaving miserable stubs, and resulting in little less than wholesale butchery. Fourth It is labor wasted. Fifth It is contrary to all National or other great parka. Sixth It causes undesirable, and in excusable results, which become irreme diable if once perpetrated, and mar the beauty of our streets and lawns for all time, aad oar remedy lies in prevention. k ADDITIONAL LOCAL The Nebraska school ior theblind at Nebraska City gave an exceedingly inter esting entertsiaaieat last Tuesday even- ing at aorta opera nouas, oat it is a deplorable fact- that there was a very small audience present. Tbe anfortu aates of the United States are well pro vided for in many ways, and one listen ing to tbe v musical program, or the various exereiatsiageoutetry, geography, eta, could not help comparing their opportunities to that of ancient times, or even a few years ago when the deaf and blind were little lees than outcasts in society. The musical department of the school is underrate dirsatioa of Prof. Loeb, a former ColamboB.reaiient, and in tbe selections given Tuesday even ing the pupils aaawed iMraad ability and training. Prof. Loeb has-been with tbe school five years. - Next week Columbus will entertain in the neighborhood of six hundred peo ple, the teachers of the North, Nebraska sssoeistioa. The majority of the anm ber will be ladies, and if they do as much shopping as tbe visitors during the asso ciation last year, the merchants will profit by their presence.. On account of the large number of strangers, it will be necessary for residents here to provide room and board for many, as the hotels are nearly always crowded with their usual customers. The teachers come prepared to pay their own expenses, and our town people should see to it that they find pleasant homes and leave the city .feeling that they have had an enjoy able as well as profitnll gathering. Last Wednesday evening a team of horses and buggy belonging to J. F. Stems was stolen from tbe street near Grays' store where the owner had hitched it In the buggy were two robes, afur overcoat and some shoes. The outfit was found Saturday morning, the horses tied to a telephone pole south of the Loup river at Genoa where the man had evidently intended to cross, but finding the bridge out left them on the other side. Everything was taken from the buggy but a grip which proved to be one lost by Court Reporter Blake Maber, who missed it while waiting for the Nor folk train to leave Wednesday evening. Nothing was taken from the grip which contained documents valuable to him only. Sheriff Carrig is still on the trail of the thief and hopes soon to land him in the county jail. Miss Myrtle Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills living in the north part of town, died this morning about half past 8 o'clock at her parents' home, after an illness of about two months. Myrtle was afflicted with pnen- monia a few weeks ago, the disease leav ing her constitution in a frail condition, which could not be bnilt up and all that loving friends and relatives could do, availed nothing. About the last hour and among her last words, she sang one entire verse of "Shall We Gather at the River ?" Myrtle was a young lady about 18 years of age and had bright prospects and hopes for the future. She was be loved by all who knew her on account of her kind and gentle disposition. She leaves her parents, one brother and one sister to mourn the loss of a young life out short in the bloom of womanhood. Tbe Juniors of the High school were entertained Wednesday evening by Miss Mamie Elliott, John Elliott and Miss Anna Rossiter at the Elliott home. Progressive flinch was the amusement and Miss Lillian Adams and Mr. Philip Smith (the latter a guest) received the prizes. The Juniors heard late in the evening that the Seniors would visit them with the intention of breaking up the party, so the crowd prepared for the enemy. A hat belonging to one of the boys was captured by a Junior and thor oughly destroyed. Upon opening a door Miss Anna Rossiter had a quantity of acid thrown in her' face and for a time she suffered greatly, the fluid penetrat ing her eyes. The little Elliott girl also received a portion of the acid in her face. Tbe teachers are indignant with regard to the action and Prof. Kern says he does not approve of such conduct in the least. Samuel Galley, brother of J. H. and George Galley of this city, died suddenly Saturday noon at his home in Creighton, Nebraska, death probably caused from heart trouble. J. H. Galley and Mrs. C A. Brindley went to Creighton Sunday to return Tnesday with the family of Mr. Galley and the remains. Funeral services were held today (Tuesday) at 1 o'clock in the Congregational church in this city, Rev. Munro conducting the services, and the remains were laid to rest in the Columbus cemetery. Mr. Galley was well known to Columbus people, having been for many years a resident of this city and county, and was held in the highest esteem by all who were favored with his acquaintance. The deceased was born August 6, 1834, in Cheshire, England. He came directly from there to Utah in 1853 where he resided until 1859, at which time he came to this county. For a number of years he was engaged in farming and in 1872, while in that capacity, he became a part ner with his brother J. H. Galley in the dry goods business, the same store which is now owned by Mr. Galley of this city. In 1881 Mr. Galley moved to Creighton where he conducted a dry goods store for himself and brother, and which he sold in January of this year. He also owned a store in Lynch, Nebraska. Mr. Galley was married in Columbus in 1868 to Miss Lettuce Brindley, sister of Charles, George and Hiram Brindley, all of this city. Besides his wife, he leaves two daughters, Misses Amy and Martha, two brothers, J. H. and George of this city, and two Bisters, Mrs. Barrow of Salt Lake City and Mrs. S. A. Rickly of Creighton to mourn their loss. The city council met Friday evening. J. F. Barney presented a request asking permission to move the city fire bell tower, as be wishes to improve his prop erty on Eleventh street by taking down the sheds now there and rebuilding in a better and more substantial manner. He states in his request that he would move the tower to any location ordered free of cost to the city, and suggests two locations, one east of Krug's beer vault, the other east of the hook and ladder truck house. The matter was referred to the fire committee with power to act. Reports ware received from the chief of police, F. A. Hagel, from J. M. Curtis, police judge,- Bert J. Galley, treasurer, and from C. From overseer of streets. The pohce report one arrest of a party for becoming intoxicated and leaving his team standing uncovered in cold weather. The committee on fin recommended that tbe city purchase one lantern, one ex panding machine for repairing, broken hose, and 500 feet of new hose. They also recommended that tbe fire com mittee be instructed to repair both fire belle ia good shape, aad that engineers at the waterworks be ordered to blow tbe fire whistle as near correct as the fire alarm cards call for. The same com mittee also recommended that notice be given to the manager of North opera house to have put in on the stage, two stand pipes with good faucets to which hose may be attached, also 50 feet of hose at each stand pipe and that whan the house is ia use one fireman shall be aUtieaed at each of these stand piaae readyjto aae the water, ia case of a fire. Also' that all 'doors Ja made to open to tbe, emtsaie. The entire report of the committee was adopted. Bawliif Allay "fftwi. Following are the high scores for the week ending March 19, on Hagel's alleys: W. A. Way 200, 205; D. C. Kavanaugh 215,-213; A. Drake 210.209,202, 222; P. J. Hart 20, 203; 208; Bert J. Galley 204; John Hoffman 225; W. V. Erakine 217; John Elliott 234, 201; D. Dickinson 201; B. A. Golden 239; H. W. Porter, Albion, 200; Ben Thomas, Albion, 240; George Hagel 208, 213, 211, 221, 200L Ladies' high scores: Ethel Elliott 175; Mm. G.RSpeice 181; Mamie Elliott 166. BoriiesB CaaafH. Eleventh street is undergoing a big change this week in transfers of prop erty. Besides Thk Journal exchange, mentioned elsewhere, C. 8. Easton, Otto Merz and Herman Brodfnehrer, have all made sales of their property. Easton sold his grocery and hardware store to W. A. McWilliams of Monroe, who took charge Monday. Otto Merz sold to Frank A. Keller and Joe J. Lisko, both of Polk county. Herman Brodfuehrer sold to John Hinkelman, tbe bartender in tbe M. Abts saloon. The two last named are saloon properties and will be in charge of the new proprietors April 11. District Ceort. , The following cases have been filed in district court: Johann Steiner vs. Mary L. and Ferd inand Steiner, wherein the plaintiff asks the court to quiet the title of a farm of 120 acres. David Newman as administrator of the Frank Mercek estate, prays that the court grant him a judgment against Peter and Mary Kozlowski for $1,000 and interest. The plaintiff alleges that the defendants wrongfully seized personal property and cash belonging to Frank Mercek at the time of his death to the amount of $1,000, and refuse to deliver any part thereof to the plaintiff. Fuller and Johnson have asked the court for the revival of a judgment re ceived in '95 for $82.90 against D. C. Kavanaugh and Bernard Strotman, on which it is alleged nothing has been paid. Dr. H. J. Arnold has' appealed from the county court for judgment, in the sum of $100 for medical and surgical services to the minor son of Peter and Mary Kozlowski. Court is now in session, Judge Hollen beck hearing a few short cases. lepablicai and Democratic City CaiTeatiois. Saturday evening an unusual gather ing was held in the council chamber rooms and tbe firemen's hall just adjoin ing. The republicans of tbe city occu pied one while the democrats held forth in the other. Many citizens in each party have talk ed for weeks relative to combining the two parties by nominating the same ticket, thus taking the matter out of politics to a great degree, and avoiding the unpleasant task of canvassing for votes. In the democratic convention, August Boettcher presided over the delibera tions and L. R. Latham acted as secre tary. Walter Phillips, Edgar Howard and J. H. Johannes were appointed a committee to confer with the republicans. In the republican meeting, E. H. Chambers presided, D. N. Newman sec retary, and tbe committee to confer with the democrats was composed of W. M. Cornelius, C. H. Sheldon and L Gluck. After much consultation and speeches from both parties the following ticket was named, which being the only one in tbe field is equivalent to an election: Mayor, A. Boettcher, d; city clerk, Wm. Becker, d; police judge, J. M. Curtis, r; treasurer, Bert J. Galley, r; city engi neer, RL. Rossiter, d; councilman. First ward, August Dietrichs,d; Second ward, A. W. Clark, d; Third ward, C. C. Gray, r. Members of board of education, Henry Lubker, d, and E. H. Naumann, r. The city council will now stand equally divided, three republicans, Galley, Shel don and Gray, and three democrats, Greisen, Dietrichs and Clark, with a democratic mayor. PERSONAL M&NTION O. C. Shannon was in Monroe Thurs day. George Willard of St. Edward was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Anna Young of Monroe was a Columbus visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Timms of Osceola visited the Zinnecker family over Sunday. Mrs. Rev. Millard went to Omaha last Tuesday to visit friends. She will return this week. Adda and Pearl Schafler of Genoa spent Saturday and Sunday with the Misses Beecroft. Mrs. G. B. Speice and Miss Letitia Speice were in Omaha last week from Wednesday to Friday. Mrs. Browne of Lincoln returned home Tnesday with her mother, Mrs. W. N. Hensley, and will visit here a few weeks. Boy and Nels Johnson, both of Omaha, came up Sunday to spend a week with their brother Carl and also their many friends. Henry Plumb arrived here Friday evening from Franklin county and will visit his relatives a few weeks before re turning home. Humphrey. lYoatlieLrader.l Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gietzen, of Colum bus, were ap Thursday and attended the entertainment given by the Women's club. Mrs. Gietzen took a principal role in the play. Heary Johannes joined tbe a II. Swal low excursion party for Oklahoma, at Columbus. Tuesday. Mr. Johannes sold his eighty acre farm near Oldenbnscb, Tnesday morning, to Dirk Becber at the price of $72 per acre. Mian Louisa Van Ackeran was taken down to Columbus Wednesday by her father, Joseph Van Ackeran, where aae will receive medical treatment for blood poisoning. Mies Van Ackeran had been taUag care of the household of her brothers, on their father's farm near Cedar Bapias, aad while at work sustain ed an mjary on her hand which began to swell rapidly. Mr. Van Ackeraa, her father, waa than aotilad and thinking it advisable, took her to the Columbus hos pital where she will receive proper care and treatment. Hamphrey Democrat. Mrs. A. 0. Anderson, of. Columbus, who has been caring for her sister, Mrs. Fred Swartx, returned home today. W. H. Eimers arrived from Los Ange les, CaL, Friday evening and spent the week in (own looking after his business. Mrs. Henry Corbettot Columbus came up Tuesday for a few days visit with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Kuntzleman, of Cornlea. Frank Cowdery of Omaha was the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Cowdery the first or the week. Mr. Cowdery holds a responsible position with an insurance company at Omaha. c Platte Center. From the Signal. Work on a Sister's House in connec tion with St. Anthony's church was begun this week. This means that after the building is completed a Sisters school will be conducted in it. Rev. Father Hyacinth, who severely sprained his ankle several weeks ago, has so far recovered 'that h has dis carded the crutches and gets around with the assistance of a cane. . Will and Henry Siema went to Omaha last week and purchased an automobile and arrived home with it Thursday even ing. They had it in town Saturday and it attracted much attention. It is an Olds pattern and is considered one of the best machines made for the price. Monday the Platte County Bank pur chased Dr. Pugh's interest in the drug store and took peaceable possession of it. Hub Taylor, who has been prescrip tion clerk in the store for the past year, now has charge of the business. Dr. Pugh's office will remain in the drug store. A large crowd, mostly relatives and intimate friends, attended on Wednes day 'the wedding of Edward Arndt and Miss Mathilda Peterson, which occurred at the German Lutheran church near the home of tbe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carsten Peterson. After the cere mony, which was performed by Rev. Miessler, of Columbus, tbe party pro ceeded to the Peterson home where a wedding dinner was served. These peo ple will go to housekeeping on the home farm of the groom's father. William Arndt, sr. CONFIRMATION SUITS. We Make a special effort each year to supply the cloth in? for the yonnsr men who are to he confirmed. Our Confirmation Suits are very attractive this season. We believe we have the finest line ever shown in Columbus. We want parents to see them and compare them with the Confirmation snits you can find most any where. Everything in Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, etc., to com plete the outfit. 2t LOUIS SCHWAKZ. Colonist Bates. During March and April the Burling ton will sell one way tickets to tbe Pacific Coast at very low rates. Here are some of them: $25.00 to San Francisco and Los An- $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma antl Seattle. $22.50 to Spokane. 320.00 to Salt Lake City, Butte and Helena. $16.75 to Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. Proportionately low rates to hundreds of other points. These rates offer an excellent opportn nity to see the great Northwest which presents unusual attractions to the homeseeker. It possesses tbe iron anu lumber of Michigan, the wheat of Min nesots, tbe wool of Ohio, the fisheries of New England and a seaboard rivaling the Atlantic Coast. If yon will tell me where yon are going 1 snail tie giau to give yon inn informa tion about rates and train service and send yon advertising matter descriptive of these wonderful sections. .1. f kascis. General Passenger Agent, Omaha. St Stop! Don't pay rent when yon can buy a home for the same money. We have purchased a number of residence lots in the north part of tbe city and anyone wishing to lease a house for two or more years or who desire to buy on easy terms, we will accommodate you. C. J. Scott & Sox. FOR SALE! A few thoroughbred yearling Short horn bulls. Arnold F. II. OEnuucti. PROBATE NOTICE. Id the county court of Flattn connty, Nebraska. In the matter of the ebtate of 51. K. Turner, deceased. Notice of final settlement anil ac count. . To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others interested in the estate of M. K. Turner, deceased. Take notice that Eliia J. Turner, J. A. Turner and Martha Turner have tiled in the county court a report of their doings as executors of the estate of M. K. Turner, deceased, and it is or dered that the same stand for hearing on the 11th day of April. 1W1, before the court at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., at which time any person inter ested may appear and except to and contest the same. This notice is ordered given in The Oimtmbcs Joubnal. for three consecutiTe weeks prior to the 14th day of April, 14. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court at Columbus this 22d day of March, 1SKM. ,.. , JOUS ltATTKHMAN. ISKAUJ County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. In the county court of Platte connty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Allen (.'. Turner. ileceased. Notice of final settlement anil account. ... To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in terested in the estate of Allen (.'. Turner, deceas ed. Take notice that K. H. Jenkins lias filed in the connty court a report of his doings as admin istrator of theestateof Allen C.Turner, deceased, and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing nn tkn lifh rfaT of Anril. lt01. before the court at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at which time anjs person interested may appear ana except to ami contest the same. ... ..., This notice is ordered given in the Columbus Joubxal for three consecutive weeks prior to the 14th day of April. MM. Witness my hand and the seal of the connty court at Columbus this Ziii day of March. 1904. r , John Katterman. fs-J County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. In the coanty court of Platte county, Nebraska. In tlte matter or meesutieoi .uargaivi x. iur aer, deceased. Notice of final settlement and account. ... , .. - To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in terested in the estate of Margaret T. Turner. Take notice that K. H. Jenkins has filed in the coanty court a report of his doings an adminis trator of the estate of Margaret T. Turner. le ceased, and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing on the llth day of April. 1904. before the court at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at which time any person interested may appear and ex cept to ami contest the same. This notice is ordered wn in The Cohjmbch Jocbxal for three consecutive weeks prior to the llth day of April. WJ4. Witness my hand and the seal of the connty court nt Columbus IhU 2!d day of March. 1101. John IUttubmas, I SKA!-J County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. 1b the county court of Platte county. Nebraska. In Uie matter of the estate of Prank C Turner, dice id. Notice of final settlement and To the creditors, heirs. legatees and others in terested in the estate of Frank C. Turner, deceas ed. Take notice that K. II. Jenkins has filed in the county court a report of his doings as admin istrator of the estate of Frank C. Turner, deceas ed and it is ordered that the same stand for Imariaic ob the llth day of April, 1M, before the court at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at which time any person iBterested may appear and ex cept to and contest the same. . . This notice is ordered giTen in theCoiXHBCs JoCBSAL for three consecutive weeks prior to the 14th day of April, 1WM. .... . Witness my hand and the seal of the coanty eoart at Columbus this Shi day of March. 1904. , , Jobs IUttkbjias, SB&x. County Jodga. 8 To Any Part of the City j TV0 accommodate our regular ciu-tomers who infcted on our milk - and cream and others who erntld not come to our place after it, we concluded to put on a delivery v;i;on and go after business. On March 1, we purchased O.D. Butler & Son's delivery outfit "and can now deliver to any part of the city lurr Fresh Sweet Oeam, (Plain or double strength for whipping.) Fresh Buttermilk, Creamery Butter. . Ail of our Milk and Cream ? keeping qualities. X To insure delivery get your , early in the morning. & t COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, new 74 torn . .. .... Mi' Oats ff bushel Cfc! Rye V bushel : SO Barley, :." Hogs ewt 4 40 4 CO Fat steers 1 cwt . . .' -J i5 4 25 Stock steers cwt 2 50 :t o0 Fat cows t cwt 2 2T :i 00 Potatoes bnshol g7f Butter $f ft. 1.".1S Eggs f dozen l.'8 FEED PltlCES AT MILT, Bran, bulk SO Shorts. " Chop feed, bulk 85 Chop corn, W((f. Markets corrected every Tnesday at- ternoou. T D. STIBE8. ATTORaTEX AT I.AW. Ottca, Olive 8t., fourth door north of Yin National Hank. COLUMBUB. NKHKAHKA- LOUIS MATER POES BoWnAnW Yamnslrfflff Mil, IwBWW'na'aB'anBBBjBBJBBBBjE I BJBBBJBBBBBnBBBBJBJBn nUBBJUBUa General Repairing on Short Notice. Tenth and North Streets, CiJ.iLms, Nil. FIFTEEN POULTRY SPECIALISTS. WK KEEP ONLY THE I1EST. Our breed ers are high scorers. If jou want util ity and show birds gitvus a trial order. e handle all varieties of fowls found in any high class ixtultry janl. r.Soo.l Satisfaction GnaraBteei ggTVnxU must accompany orders when booked. V. II. SWAKTSLKV. Manager. Konte :, Columbus, Nebr. Illllllllllllllllllllllll FOK HATCHING FltOM BEST UWKIW IN THE WOULD. Risi Cub Bnwi LtghirRS. Alsi Barrel1 PlfMitfc Ricks. $1.50 Per 15. i&VliN -lW 2 l.liH-1 rtlit -f tit. Mnri's llitsiitnl. M.tRTIX SCHII. rti.V. ' Ciiluinttiit, AVf.i. Illllllllllllllllllllllll DR. R. A. VALUER, X Osteopathic PkysfeiaH, $ Columbus, Nebr. Nebraska 'I'hone A HI. Inilependent .. 'Phone No. 73. OHice, ItarU-r Mock. He will cure all your aches and pains; ! he cures when medicine fails. xx:':hk You should eat bread raised with Yeast Foam. It has a wheaty flavor and delicious aroma all its own, and retains sweetness, freshness and moisture longer than bread Bade with any other yeast. Yeast Foam partially pre- oigcsis ine ore3a ana pre serves in it all the nutri tive qualities of the wheat. i made of pure vege table ingredients. With proper care it never loses its life and strength. It's always fresh and ready for use. Bread made with it never acid, sour or heavy; it's always good as long as it lasts. The secret ism the yeast M For sale by all grocers at 5c a package. Each pack age contains 7 caices enough for 40 loaves. "How to Make Bread." mailedyw. wMIWESTBI YEAST CaJ 4aarfterf4afcMSh vvt is pastuerized, thus insuring better orders in either the day before or Columbus Cream Go. T vf V -wxKH-:-:-K-r::x-:--K- I HE WANT A FARM. : t Wo have a customer anxious to buy a farm of 120 or ICO acres close to Columbus. He will allow the present owner to retain possession this year. It must hc'gnoi) land, fairly well improved. ::::::: : V 1: B&GflER. ::: j: HOGKENBtaRGER & J GttflMB&RS. ; ? COLUMBUS, - NEBRASKA. X f : : Illlllllllllllllllllllll! in PHABIACTJ Has jtb.t received a new stock of Fine Wall Paper We invite the pul lic to look the line over lefore liuyin;. J Regers Staiafleer Finis.. Sold in all shades, is uneunaled by any paints or other stains. A registered pharmacist will ii mi pi hi nil all prescriptions. t all on no. LOUIS SC1I KHIUKli, Jr., Manager. I Illllllllllllllllllllllll TO OTTAWA tyliiier Gin Shelter Can do more antl better work than any other sheller sold. Our wagons will not scatter yonr grain while on the roud to market or overtax your borne with needless heavy draught. Biggies ami Carriages OF THE IATESTA.NI BEST MAKES. All Kinds of- FARM IMPLEMENTS. Come and look our stock over before buying. : : : : firBlacksmith work anil Horse Shoeing done oh short notice. LOUIS SCHREIBER. COLONIST ONE-WAY RATES Frsai 6slamtas. N.. Ef M Bay fia Mm Pacific Xsrrh 1st to .tprilSHth, 1301. $25.00 To ,Sa" Frn. k An v gele?, Hjhi Diego, and Baany other Culiforuia points. $25.00 To Everett. Fairhavea. Whatcom, anconver aad ictona via Huntington ana spoaane. $25.00 To Portland or Astoria, or q .vrvr to Tacoma and Seattle, via Huntington aad Portland or Huntington and Spokane $25.00 To Ashland, Koseburg.Eu- geBe, Albany aad 8alem, in cluding branch lines ia Oregon, via Portland. $22.50 To Spokane, all interme diate, main antl kraaok i;.u on O. R. & N. Co., also to Wenatchee aad interme diate points. To Butte, Anaconda. Helena and all iatermediate maia line poiats, incladiag Og- -den and Graager. To Ogden aad Salt Lake City aad auua line poiata oa U. P. where regular aas oad class rates are higaer 3bT 'i . 7- r ' '! - J , . V t f .; . 9 i.K-. igi 'ii. n'i - I'afcv -r