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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1904)
I V 3. $ -"! n s t. J. -"-fl LpiRMg Safes. i us fs Gash Store Ah njtCit iiTwi. Beginning Tuesday, March 22, and contin- t . urns until Saturday, March 26. J ? Queensware. ? ISe H":nL-oaeIv Decorated Serai Porcelain Cream Pitcher, 10c jt -- 4-JC V -25c - 4oc - 45c X Vegetable Dish ..20c - 30c 4- Columbus onmiaL Wi!1CSl)AT, MARTH 3. J. A handsome blue Serai Porcelain dinner partem, a single piece " trai 10j-mece set at a bir redaction. A few of the oriee: 2.08 jvr daz. frp- ad Nmrit!N .nl Tint 5L2S pr ic T-inca HrwirTi-r Piaj sail jtjct? . 81.40 1.10 1.00 SU2J pr dor. tS-iaca Tea PIar-i Qtf"kr """ alf pra 7VJv ic pir doz. S-mcn Pitr Plan- 7fYf alepricr WV j 70p per dor. sasctr Biche-. ATkf . -ai price XJUr V 25 Pounds of Sugar for Sl.OO. With every S3.'M pnrrhar in anv department, except in tht rrocery department, the purchaser wilt get 25 pound.- best granulated Groceries, except where mentioned, the Pri ces are Good Every Day: 20c .20c .20c . 9c 15c 5c bottle Snyder's Home JIade Ketchup '"P-c 5cyder" Oyster Cocktail Sacce. jZc Bakic Ponder. .-. HKc Golden. War Beans, very nne. per can 3te cake Vpouad Walter Baker'5 Chocolate -iJV-cake 1-pocaU W. H. Baker's Chocolate . 1 bars rood Laundry Soap, for tcese days only ' cars Best Standard S-et Cora, for thte days ocly te Package Search Licht Matcnee . . 40c Cream Cans at 35c. ZS Compare thee pnct with tae credit stores aad see for yourself tlat the credit stores are from 2i to 25 per cent higher on the same goods, xsich aeons a loss of $5.lj on every 525.U0 yon purchase on credit. Bans hs yoor better and es:rs . we pay the nurhest price. .25c 45c Dry Goods Department. -: Shirt Waist Snitmcs m all the latest styles and weaves. y. rniiar 20c to 40c smtms so at '" &. and Isnb Novelties for waists and suits. 50c value, at . ... White yatma in Pi:ce. jforas. Etammes and Brocades. ". iarre assortment in Champagne colors. 25c to 60c values. . . ijj Fe assortment of colors in Danish Cloth this is half -srool and -1- extra sood quality, a 20c vaiue. our pnee. X v0c Mohairs in black. Thite and cream per yard . ... : Black saperrme Vode. sold everywhere for SL25. our price . -j- 44-mch Voile Crepe SL50 uuahty at per yard 4- 42-incfa blaca and colored Tone. 90e quality, at per yard ... T 'f-jnch colored ilohairs. extra value per yard 15c too: 45c 25c to 50 15c . . 47c . ..5L00 SL25 75c eoc Straw Mattinss. Larr?e assortment, very neat pattemi at per yard extra scod values 14c. 20c, 30c aad 35c Hulst's Cash Store. Both "Phones 26. Eleventh Street. I r t GRAY'S. In Fnaay ani Saturday tve will sell 16 oa. Hint's Bakinc PoTder xortn 25c for U oz hLmcr s Bannz Po-wTier -worth 4Jc for tlrain ' a cerea. cotTee. larre paakase worth 25c. on Frmaj and Saturday ;uter Bakers Chocolate. Wm. H. Bakers Chocolate. W. E. Bakers Chocolate every day of the week and every day of the year for per cake 15c 15c 15c YACHT CLUB SALAD DRESSING. I- ?ure satisfy the consumer. It i always fresh and deiicatr absolutely purs there is positively n ";tvre tate" about Yacht Club. It is like the ott h-.nit-made mayonaise. creamy in consistency. ari imoart- the nnst appeU2hi2 relish t ?alaL. meat-, ri-h. vegetables, hash, bakal beans, etc en. H r mm H 3A22 advertisements r the local cohnrnts are charged at the rate of 5 cents a line each imuc. Hemryfoot tfpc double price. Ir.Pmal.dartisc Eitr goads at vec Baryac's. Aivic. Z. Pool Tiolisiat. Tkcne 65. Dr. TaHier, OstMph, Barber block. Camil? at North opera house next Men day. Dr. Gietzac, dectiat, over Pollock's drugstore. Calling cards printed m the latest j style at'this office. j i Dr. Chas. H. Platz. homeopathic phy- J sician and surgeon, postotace baHding. Drs. JLartyn. Evans, Geer k Han sen. oiSce three doors north of Pried hors store, tf Dr. Paul visited relatrraa near Grand Island, going on Satorday and returning Monday. Will fieuer, who is engaged in the McKilhp store at Humphreys pent Sun day with home people. To rent, a small building suitable for shop purposes. In good locality. In quire at Jochsax. office. G. W. Brown and Mr. Flynn of Cedar Bapids were in Columbus Friday, on their way to Omaha. Humphrey bowlers will play Colum bus a match game at the Eagel alleys this Wednesday evening. Farmers ten miles north of town reported Friday that the ground was still frozen to a depth of one foot. For fancy Easter goods, opal ware. chickens, rabbits, novelties and candies, 50 to von Bergen's, Eleventh street. Residences and vacant lots in all parts of the city for sale on easy terms. Becher. Hockenberger x Chambers. The members of the Hibernian lodge enjoyed the evening in the 3L of P. hall Thursday. A musical program, was ren dered. Wm. Schilz makep boots and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market, tf Five of the Schuyler teachers includ ing Prof. Sherman, superintendent, vis ited the city schools of Columbus last Wednesday. F. Adolpn Gores will leare this Wed nesday morning for St. Louis where he will work on the World's Fair ground as one of the painters. Charles Jones, John Becher. Gas Speice and J. C Byrnes constituted a party of hunters who camped at the Haney island last week. Profs. Pool and Funk, and Miss Maud Bums gave a recital in Enmphrev Thursday evening under the auspices of the Woman's club of that city. Mrs. G. M. Loseke expects to go to St. Louis about April 1, and Jasper Nichols will move his family to her resi dence north of the High school. Buy the lest. The Tryfcer Fians leads them all m construction, finish, durability and price. Sold on monthly payments. Auditorium Music Co. Judge Eatterman issued only one marriage license danzg the past week, that bemc to Lcrrie Pearson and Grace F Nelson, both of Newman Grore. Basil Gietzen returned home last Investigate Oaranfthyriti earaa a Pi T r Tw. TTnaiiiLiitMi ajsf dan. Celaaabac ismemr mm. ir mantra aa an Price per bottle lOc, 30c, 50c. MONASCH CHILI SAUCE Everyone appreciates a Chili sauce if it is a simon pure dandy that wiJ stana up with any home made one on earth. MONARCH will do it every time Price. Iarse bottle 30c MONARCH MINT SAUCE A highij concentrated extract of fresh Mint. Can be reduced with water to strength desired. It is a hummer on roast lamb, mutton or cold meats. Thirty Thousand Barrels the Tnfiis where PHUbunj' B milled. A good many people must think it the best. a day are made in Best Flour is The WMie Lily Waster Tk White Ui Wasters Wasl Uiy Wlits- DURABILTY The tub made from the best Jjousiana Red Cypress, the only wood that withstands the ex treme hot and cold waTer GEARING Simplest, strong, easy running. HIGH SPEED Highspeed is one of the very essential points of a rotary washer. The speed of the White lily is 2 3-8 turns of the fly wheel to one turn and return of the dasher. BOLTED All hinges and parts are bolted no screws. IN SHORT There has been no stone un turned to make the kHi Wfclte Waster the most perfect machine made. CA QC Tuesaay from Marquette, near where he has been engaged on a ranch all winter. He expects to remain for the present at least. Miss Ethel Galley will render several vocal selections before the Butler County Educational convention which meets m. David City next Friday and Saturday. Don't send away for your engraved, wedding announcements or invitations. Leave your order at Thh Jorax.ii, office and we will guarantee satisfaction. Call ana see samples. If you are not a regular customer at the -Live and Let live" meat market, give it a trial and yen will be satisfied that the quality of meat sold there is the best and the prices lowest. Suit was brought in Justice O'Brien's court by the Fremont Brewing Co. acamst Leo Borowiak to recover 3200 en ix promissory note. The case was postponed from Friday to April IS. Mrs. Tena Hcppen underwent a crit ical operation at the hospital Tuesday of last week, but is now improving. Mrs. Emma Chappie, cf Omaha, her sister, was sent for and will remain a short time. Mrs. E. J. Young has rented part of her farm one mile north of town to the Emerson Seed Cku of Fremont. The company will plant the cultivated land while Mrs. Young retains the frait crops. Holt county capitalists with others, contemplate building a light draft road from O'Neill to Chambers and from Chambers to Ericson and Spalding. The road will be operated by gasoliseenginas. ProL.Pool is having erected a neat seven-room home on his residence lot east of G. O. Bums. Walter Scott has the contract and expects to have the house complete for occupancy by May. Some one has figured that the aver age man wears oat nearly two inches of shoe leather in a year, and that if a man had shoe made to last him a lifetime they would have soles nearly nine feet thick. Eev.HaJaey went to Monroe Wed nesday where he performed the marriage ceremony the same evening rwiHwB; V? Wiifard Coffey and Mas Ansa Doxaaas. The couple will many s few miles Berth of Monroe. Frank McTaggert is anTTng" goods for his Omaha firm in this part of the state, takisc the place of the regular man for this district til he shall be appointed to a regular roate. fie vest to Humphrey Monday. Dr. Van.Ee cf Fsigo. Sbrth Dakota, was a Columbss visitor Sawnls- ssd Sunday. The doctor will be remesabered by many Cohzmbss people, he having been a veterinary haigsuai sere Sar two years, leaving Cohxmbss ten year ago. Walter Scott is bmtxbj the rastdesee - """ '"-'"-'-r-r tt r wrir aim hsssiT lij the former, to one of hsi rasUsBfie last in the marts, psrtsf tows. 3fr.Botsisi- ner expects to bwaida lots sorth. of the Tkird wsrd sehooL bst Neb. - sv ice Alley. 2t One Night in June" as North opera house Friday evening, Marea25. George Bsxrd, the Coissbss ssd pgTrifny nf? dsrsvui taking s siw dara' rvarstMC, Do not fail to see our 8-4oot gaiTss ised steal mul for SSLflG. A-DssseH. Son. tf Dr. McKean's method of aluminum plasas piaees them quality with gold. Miss Mabel Drawbaugh, who is teaching school near Gardner, visited at home over Sunday. Prof. Waters attended a meeting of the Nebraska Schoolmastersr club in Omaha, last Saturday. Miss T.isrie Gibbins will engage to do sewing in the aty. Address inquiries in care of Ed. Morrow. Boate 2. Lands in Boone. Sherman, Buffalo and Custer counties for sale or exchange. Becher, TTy1rntwgr - rf-aihawi H. E. Babeock returned last Wed nesday from New York where he had been looking after the canal interest. Paul Duffy writes from Pittsburg, Fin saa "that he has a good paying posi tion there and evidently likes his work. Miss Mabel Beecroft was in Genoa last week assisting m arranging the stock of merchandise placed there by L. Cohen. The infant child of Mr. and Vtc. Samnel Dnnnin northeast of town was seriously sick for h few hours Tuesday night. Fred Navel left Saturday for Si. Louis where he goes to work on the World's Fair grounds at the carpenter trade. E. A. Stadley, for many years living near Platte Center, has moved his family to the Babeock farm three miles west of Columbus. George, son of Gerhard Loseke. and Gustave Gaver. two young men from northeast of Columbus, were callers at this office Friday. G. J. Hazel is arranging to have match games at bowling in the near future with Schuyler, Genoa, Platte Center and Humphrey. Swift's Pride Soap saves a lot of needless wash-day worry. It cleans and softens without in any way injuring the fabric. Sold everywhere. Barred Plymouth Eocks exclusively, -Orchard strain, bred for size aad lay ing qualities. Farm ranged. Eggs 15 for SOc: 30 for SL5G. Hetty K. Truman, E. F. D. L, Genoa. Nebr, 8 Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Baker are the happy parents cf a nine pound girl who arrived at their home last Wednesday. This is their first child and Mr. Baker is a very proud parent. Attorneys Barnes. Tyler, Mapes and Eobertson all of Norfolk, were in Colmn bus Sunday. Judge Eobertson is a can didate for the nomination for governor at the hands of the republican party. The remains of Mrs. Frances TaHan. living nine miles west of Surer Creek. who died suddenly Tuesdaymorning last, were brought through Columbus Thurs day, being taken to FuIIerton for burial. A L. Kocn has sued John E. Eauf maan and W. L. Easton in O'Brien's court for the sum of $100 he claims as by the will ed qsx$ The on the will be reached by an lower floor asefc. of a private roam hi the ast part of the bsildxsc and the sressas hi the rear. The Halst state sssxated! s farry a i day Saturday at the Platte txrercarry- ing groceries to their costossers sosxh of the rivet. An extra deirwary wagon was roc freis. Columbus aver to the bridge, or ferry iarrrrng. and the rural telephone eame is. nsmay m tafcxag orders. Wui Sekwaderwas ferryman for the day. L. T. Hsvsriand, who for a number of mnsths has been, workhag for the Amdftorfsm Music Co., will begin work the first of the month for a Chicago fees for services in the selling of a resi dence property. The case will be tried April IS. Rev. Maxxo goes to Norfolk next Monday where he will meet with other Congregational pastors m the north part of the state, and before whom he will give a discourse, his subject being fiow to Beach Men. Mrs. Ernest Dussell entertained members of the Bebekah lodge Wednes day evening, at a tusch- party. Prizes were won by Miss Anna CogH and How ard McCray. Twenty-eight people were present to enjoy the occasion. Bring your poultry and eggs to Swift Jc Co. Will pay you highest cash price each week. Hens 9c "b springs 6c to 9c tb., eggs 12c per dozen. Watch for our prices in this paper each week. Just across from the Bee Hive livery barn. (- Louise Says, well known to many Columbus people, is lying very sick at her home in Clarks. having con tracted tuberculosis. She is reported to be near death's doer, and her sister, Mrs. George Spear of Norfolk, is with her at her home. Did you know that there was an American girl on the throne of an em press? Bead Arthur Hoyfs article in the April Woman's Home Companion on The Chicago Girl Who Bales India. It is an intimate and sympathetic study cf Lady Curxon. S. A. Grant, who had made a charge againsr Frank Baker for embezzlement which we mentioned last week, die not appear at the time set for trial last Wed nesday, thus admitting that Baker was nor wrong is receiving money for wages he claimed due him. About seventeen dollars was receiv ed as proceeds from a basket social Friday evening in the Adamy school BMresntxIe firm as a traveling wholesale and retail agent. Hu territory will be Fan saw and Nebraska, and he will make Columbia his headquarters for the next two months, So successful has been Georgia Har per as Camille, both from an artistic and financial standpoint, that a Pacific coast cntc has said: "Georgia Harper will become identified as Camille as was Clara Morris, Joseph Jefferson as Bip Van Winkle, and Booth as Hamlet." At North opera house Monday, y" 2S. Wm. Hosfelman. of near Oidenbosch. who has been a reader of Thk Jottbsxl since its inception thirty-four years ago, renewed his subscription for another year. Mr. HoeMman is the pnenronor of 760 acres of rich Platte county land, an investment that has proven to be gilt edged. WmHoefeman. iru was a caller at this offce Thursday. We made mention of Fred Stenger leaving for Calif nrnfn for a visit to his mother. Mr. Stenger did start for the west and got as far as North Platte where he was to meet his brother Ernest, who planned to accompany tm, but as the latter had urgent business to detain him several weeks, the trip to the coast was temporarily abandoned. Bob Gentleman's livery barn at Platte Center burned about 1 o'clock Friday morning. Sixteen horses were destroyed, together with hay, grain, and all the harness. The b aggies were saved. The origin of the fire is a mystery. Mr. Gentlemen was in Norfolk on business at the time. The loss is considered at $i.000, with SL515 insurance. Captain August Wagner treated the inilitia boys to an oyster supper Thurs day evening after the recular meetne cf the company. The crowd, numbering about thirty persons, enjoyed the feast at the Knight i Corbett restaurant, and speeches were given by the newly-elected captain. Mr. Wagner, the former cantain, Lee Rollins, and also J.B. Brock. The remains of Mrs. Amelia Lieber, mother of H. W. Lieber, living north of Monroe, passed through Columbus Thursday for burial at KswanecHlmcis. beside the body of her husband. The deceased was 73 years old and died last Tuesday cf pneumonia, after eleven days ulness. Mr. and Ms. Lieber and their little daughter accompanied- the remains east. The Albion bowlers, consisting of Cline. Porter, Wailic, Brian and Thomas met their second defeat at ten pins here last Tuesday night, the score at the end of the series of three games standing 2-425 for the visitors, while Columbus scored 2537. D. C Kavaaaugh, G. J. HageL A. Drake, J. W. Fauble and W.J. UTegonus represented this aty iu tne contest. The attraction which will appear at the North opera house' evening of farrh I 25 is said by all critics to be one of the strongest plays on the road. Its scenic, electrical and mechanical effects are ex celled by none. The cast of people in cludes the celebrated emotional star, Miss Grace Turner, and the wonderful child actress. Little Genevive, who will positively appear in One Night m June. Mrs. Katie Horan died at the hos pital Monday morning at the age of S3 years. The deceased was a native of Ireland, but was an old settler cf Colfax i county, she has been confined at the hospital since last October. One son and one daughter, both residents of Col fax county survive her. The funeral services were held this Tuesday at Schuy ler and interment made in the Kelly cemetery over in Dodge county. The Congregational church members. their families and their friends, enjoyed a social gathering at the home of B. S. Dickinson last Friday evening. Tacb person present was requested to bring one of their baby pictures and the crowd amused themselves by guessing who they represented. The married gentlemen were askedtc write a description of their At a recent ministerial' meeting-, the pastors cf the Presbyterian. Mtbr.Hf Congregational and Baptist churches aeeidea: to sash Brest; Li from their res- Oa ifaC ptlve fsspias. aext asmday. sermons will have touching maaa the sabject of -Law Breaking; la. the City of Columbus."" There will "be some direct charges made, the vices in their many aspects-will be r discussed, and the wW- is urged to attsad ehoreh at one of the above named piaees to hear these discourses. Voters are especially invited. A meeting of considerable importi anee wOl be that of the Grand Island District Conference of the Methodist enures, which will be held is. this city April 19, 20 and 2L The assembly will bring a large number of the pasters and members of the church to the city, and an interesting program has been arrang ed for the occasion. Two lectures, one Tuesday eveniag by Eev. Green of Scotia. the other Wednesday evening by Rev. Horn of Grand Island, will be of special interest to the public iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiiimiiiiipiimiiiirii ISraiMislru a large assort Carden Seeds We have ment of that will grow. In bulk and in packages -OCB STOCK OF- The picturesque little town of Barre, Vermont, is the locality where the story of -One Night in June" is laid. This is the most successful pastoral play on the American stage today. -One Night m June will be seen here Friday evening, March 25. It has been playing to stand ing room throughout the country for the past season and patrons of the North' opera house should make an early selec tion of seats. Manager Saley is to be commended in securing tfr'a attraction for the amusement lovers of our city. Mrs. Ansa Schutt died at her ham five miles northeast of town last Thurs day morning. The deceased was born in Germany m 1550. She came to Amer ica in 1SG6 and was married to Mr. Schutt in 1S73 at Calhoun, Nebru com ing to tins county shortly after their marriage. She leaves five daughters to mourn their loss. The funeral services were held Saturday at noon m the Ger man Lutheran church in this city, Eev. Miessler conducting the same. Inter ment was made m the Columbus cem etery. Felix Hammerquist, the mar Tho was killI by a tram a week ago Sunday, was buried Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Gass undertakisff rooms. Rev. Lnce conducting a short service, after which interment was made in the Columbus cemetery. C. A. Liustrum. in whose employ the young mnr; had been the past few months, received word from Oscar Danielson of Fort Collins. Colorado, an uncle of the deceased, in structing him to bury the remains here. The tailor shop of Mr. Lmstrum was closed while all the employes attended the service jtaik Crocksry. Blnutp uL, We have just received a carload of fine Colorado Potatoes for table use. kj lipii. Co. X 13th Street, Columbus, Nebr. llll Hill II I 1 I I I I I I II I I III I I I II lllllll lllllllll MIMl0it m New Spring and Summer DRESS GOODS We wish to announce to the people of Columbus and vicinity that our new line of Spring and Summer" Dre G4 has just arrived and we are now showing one of the largest, most complete and best selected lines ten miles north of town, the pro ceeds to be used far the purchase of new books for the school library. Miss Win nie Young is the teacher m. the district. Friendsof Mrs. F. W. Biemer gave her s a ni prise Friday afternoon at her homein the eastern part of town. About thirty ladies were present and enjoyed soaal conversation. Tne pension the birthday anniversary of were brought by the Next Sunday a class of twenty-two, seeu boys and eleven girls. will be con firmed in tie German Reformed ehaxeh. Bev. Neumarker has prepared extra ser vices fcr the nrrasiiii'i widen will take place at 1030. The following Friday morning- communion service will be he'd in the enures at the same hosr. The suit tiled is Justice O-'Brisn's eoart by Hsary Lssf sgaxast David Jones, the young mas who several weeks ago injured Loaf by striking him an the head with, a board while tie two a assise sale wast of Platte Ceater, Tuesday, mm. As to wives weddingdresE, and each of these was read, to the amusement cf the list eners. C K. Davies returned from Kearney where he purchased a farm containing 160 acres of choice land which lies in the city limits of that place. The Davies family expects to move next week to their new home and their many friends here will very much ragret their departure. Mr. Dsvies expects to engage in the fiA stock business and will no doubt make a success in his new location. His princi pal ressons fcr leaving Columbus is to secure a larger farm tha he h fra here and also to be nearer good schools. Judge Albert will return, to his reg ular practice of law after April 10th. at which time his term as supreme court commissioner expires. The nff of comsusssaner was created by the legisla ture of 1591 and was renewed by the last wssm in of that body by an act which provided that it should consist of nine members for one year, and three for the Tierti Six commissioaeTS retire from oface April I0y Mr. A Ibart being included among these. The other three remain oave year Ioagec Mr. Albert has proved an able man for the place "rd is so rec ognized by the judges. He will now be free to take up his practice of law in this city. Henry Gragert died at the home of hm daughter, Mrs. Wm. Borneman. four miles northeast of this city on Monday sight of last week, fie was bom is 81 years ago aad eame to Am- is. 1S5&V settling ialliiaostIn 1S79 dsat of the Grastii settlement west of he fired uatfi last De- whiek time he has made his home with his daughter, fie leaves two sobs sad one daaghter,his wife to the spirit world Mesdames M. Bragger and W. N. Hensley entertained eighteen ladies Thursday afternoon in honor of Mr? A. J. Arnold of National City, California. wno is visiting relatives nere. A Hand some boquet of dowers was presented to Grandma Warner in honor cf her being the oldest lady present, she havmc reach ed the advanced age of eiahty-two years. Fifteen cf the ladies present were zraud mothers and four were zreat-eraud-mo tiers. The guests were all former friends and neighbors of Mrs. Arnold when she was a resident of Columbus nt t.h early days. Miss Georgia Harper m Camille There can be no-dcubt among those who have watched the steadily increasing patronage at the Theatre Roval since Monday evening' last, that GecnnA TTir. per and her well balanced company have ' caught the fancy of Vancouver theatre- goers and even despite the approach cf I . Christmas with all its unirrudged drains I " upon the purse are m fcr a profitable ' business so long as their other routed engagements permit them to remain. Nor is the explanation at all obscure to j any one who has seen -vg favorite com pany. Dady World. Vancouver, B. C. At North opera house Monday, March 2S. Tuesday of last week farmers Irving south of the Platte river telepconed to a Columbus grocery man to have a "bus meet them at the north bank of tne Platte nver bridge. The farmers man aged to row across the waters with their baskets laden with segs and butter and were a jolly crowd when they arrived in town. This is the first trip made since the bridge went out. One ma" brought in fifty dozen eggs. In the crowd were Herman Siewert. M. J. Lmdsley, August Anderson. Fred Meyer, Wm. Meyer and others. Columbus is a good trading point and the farmers south of here find tne loss by the bridae beinc out as ;rreat a disadvantage as do the merchants who depend so much upon their patrcsage. 1 . . . Summer Wash Dress Goods . . . i - i m -m in the-citv, m aL the latent novelties. cotiiti:rr of Decides. Persian Lawn. Mull Bevene stripe-. V .i.e Curde. Fauna. Badite. Mercerized Campanula. Cloth ana Mercerized Ursula Lace Novelties. Also a complete new line of French ani Scotch Gm:rbaai, 3IairL? Cloths. Chanibrev? and Percales in all the iate cattenis and colors. -m -A ZSTEW LINE OF- Laces Collars Embroideries Belts Insertions Ladies' Neckwear Dress Braids Pocket Books Trinimings Wrappers Dress Skirts. : Call and Insseci Tiisss Nsw Goods and 6t Our Prists, t Men's and Boys cic assarts pets. Mattings. ires. rt Squares. Rnzs. aprmrr and Summer Cloth inejust arrived. A splen- We carry a complete line of Car Lace Curtains. Window Shades AGENT FOS STANDARD PATTERNS. J. H. Galley, Columbus, Nebr. t 505 Eleventh St- Ht)HUlHH MttltlHllH three years ago. TW faaeral aerviess ware held Tteaaay aasraiac st the j"""it"- lataraasEt was made is the sPBbbs""b"bY bbs"bbbbMbbsT7 The Nebraska State Sportsmen's association will hold its annual shooting tournament in Columbus four days dar ing May. and the president and secretary, D. D. Bray and G. A. Schroeder. respect ively, botn of Columbus, say tms will be a great event for this city, as sportsmen from all over the United States will be present. The time has been set for May 13, 19, 20 and 2L A number of liberal donations have been made to the com mittee, but as the expenses of the meet ing will amount to about 3500. cinzeoe will be called upon for tnr;fral help. A number of pnxes will be given to winners of honors. Mr. Schroeder says they expect about cne hundred sports men, and the Gcttschalk grove northeast of town wfll be the- place of meeting. Five of the boys of the Senior class in the High school were arrested upon complaint cf Ed. Bossiter Thursday af ternoon charged with threatening, as saulting wounding and nirmarrng Arra Bossiter in the school trouble at the Elliott home last Wednesday. As stated elsewhere in this issue the boys, in thee endeavor to throw an offensive chemicai into the rooms, threw it into the faces of Miss Bossiter and the young daughter of Mr. Elliott. Miss Roasiser received a large quantity of the carbon bisul phide and had it not been diluted, chem ists say her eyes would have been raised. The rhenfral is frequently used for kill ing prairie dogs. The boys summoned to appear before Judge Curtis were: Dwight Dickinson. Fin Howard. Will Farraad. Harry Jerome and Myron Gray, bat before time for the haT-g which was set for 10 o'clock Saturdav I morning, County Attorney prusecntng attorney, w&hdrew the cotn plcnt. his view in the ease being that the charge of assault was too great for the offease. Miss Bossiter is under the doctor's eare and although she is attend iagaehool, her eyes have been much in flamed and are stall grmsg her much. You are ResTcrfully Invited to look over Our New Spring Goods. OUR CLOTHING is made up in the best of workniarisiiip, latest styles, perfect fit and lowest living prices We offer you real bargains. We keep everything that's good in the GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS line in reat varierv. I We cai. v ur attention t ar complete Lne ;f .SHOE Thej ar0 especiaLy mad- rbr a? of the Wt material by the SweHiost manenictBrers of the country zsd we jell them no hicber than inferior shoe? are ir. ::::: We Repair Shoes Neatly and Promptly FRISCHHOLZ BROS.. Columbus, Nebr. 41 1 Eleventh St. I I I I I II I I I I I i I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I II III I II I I I I I I I II llll We Lead, Others Follow ! I In Painting- and Decnraanj. we are prepared t give our patron tne best. Eave the very latest and most stylish is Wall Paper Decorations and an -up-to-date" decorator in ehargt ef thi department. All wurk guaranteed and prices riirht. 5c7e? as iLr estimates II II I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 III il 111 Ml I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I llll III TRY ft Jill JOB WORK has sot yet decided the I trouble. -J-aeg"J. w x