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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1903)
- -'fgrTflP.' "S A 4- i j ft it tiuiittiiinniiini m i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m u n t Coluratrasg-nmiaL r A v.. ... 7 j-.1cr r Refngerators. The kind that cuts t v your ice bill down i below the luxury i DointL When buv-i ing a Refrigerator, get a good one, that's the land we handle, they cost no more than the inferior makes. Ice Cream Freezers all sizes at very low prices. Lawn Mowers The kind that makes it a pleasure tO mOW yOUr lawn . -r 4.1.-4. .n , at prices that will interest yOU. , Bring us your Butter and Eggs, we guarantee you the highest market price. We have what you want and you don't have to bother with coin or orders. J. z. 4- HDLST fc 4- 11th Street. I"M"K !"! Z4-vrHrZ' G RAYS' THE APPROACHING Spring Summer Season FIND8 C8 IN THE BEST CONDITION TO SERVE OUIl CCSTOMEHS. OUR CLOTHING Is of the best and we carry a larger stock than ever be fore. We guarantee lowest prices. OTTK SHOES Are acknowledged the best in town. We carry only solid goods; no paper, shoddy or shelf-worn goods is here to be found in our shoe stock. We have our shoes made especially for us in the foremost fac tories of the country. We sell them at prices lower than ever. Call and be convinced. Frischholz Bros. 411 Eleventh Street 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 : 1 1 1 COLUMBUS X 6rtamri Mi X - Creamery Batter X Sweet Cream Cottage AfaaU far DaUIVftL 6REJ1M SEPARATOR. .tmtniiiiiuiiitiuiiunmiiitiumitiumtiii Dry Goods. We are offering a very large assort ment of summer Dress Goods at prices that will interest you. uaii ana them. Shoes. An exceptionally well made, neat look ing boys' shoe one that will wear well at a price very low. Queensware. We are headausrters for dishes. The best quality for the least money-. We have a few sete: Handmel.v decorated semi-porcelain at a price that n YurVTise vou. fcaii and see them. t f ADAMS, Telephone 26. !'! !! OUR GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Here you will find the newest and best the market af fords the coming season. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n : 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 CREAM CO.! Dalra Dapat. 1 Fresh Milk Batter Milk Cheese. -Dr. Peal, HfWwiT Bar haa t Dr. Valliar, Oeteeaath, Barber block. Dr. Gietsaa, daatkt. ow Itflodt'a drag-store. Famoaa gold medal oafta E. B. Londoa &Bro. Dr. Chaa. H. Hatt, pkjaieiam aad aurgsofi, Bokart Stavaaa of David City haa a poaitioa. in tha Faatna 8tom. Haadaartara Cor fiaacofaa. EL B. London k Bra. mH tka nalahntail gold Eaatoa. k Co. hava tha Cor tka Caaipioa bindar, Thay tall ua thay hava taa beat gooda at tha Tharatoa Anmaz. Any doabta? AakKally. tf Dra. Martyn, EraaaGaar k Haa auoilea taxaa doora north of Friad- hoTaatora. tf D. L. BraMi waa in towarTkaxaday, dwpoaua: of a load of fat laaiaa to oar local bvtehaca. Tha Methodiat Iadiaa giva am taa cream social this Wednaaday aTaning oa the chnrch lawn. -&J.Byamia km m Sefaayhvthai win the ofGalorado. Miee Lizzie Farley ia enployad ia the dry goods departieat at Friadhof a stare, beginning work tkere Friday. Farmers, why doat yom thresh with R. S. sleek or thresh with your choice? We have what yon want. C. A. Spoke. Eaeton k Co. are haadqearters for choice grooariea and hardware. We take country produce at higkeet aMrkat prices. Mies Baby Rismiiaaiu waa enable to attend to datiea at the telepkone office last Wednesday oa aoooant of aickneaa. Ernest DuseeU went to Ckieago last Wednesday to find relief from a severe attack of asthma, and also to transact business. Wm.Schilz in the beet styles, and maaa only the vary best stock that can be procared in tha market, tf B. R. James and his force of aoaa went to Platte Center Taeeday to pat a new walk aroaad tha pablie school bailding there. a InTttations have been iasaedby Mrs. W. A. McAllister for a party Wednaaday evening in honor of Will Hanaley aad Miss Florence Corneliaa. The burnt pea coffee faddiat argoea health and talks fake. Brink tha beat of the original, the celebrated gold saedal coffee. E. & London k Bro. Bay taa lest. Tka Tryber Piaaa leads them all in conatractioa, naiah, durability and price. Sold oa monthly payments. Aoditormm Maaic Co. Farmers, why don't you thresh with Eemmerer slack, or suit yourselves 'and select some other way-mp coal? Wa hava it. Come and see. C A. Speioe. John Cornils, who recently grada- ated from a pharmaceutical coUego in Omaha, arriTsd in the city last week aad will visit friends in tha city for aome time. G. T. Everett left Sunday for Pack wood, Iowa, where he ezpacta to reauun for about two weeks. Hie father, who had been visiting here a few daya, accom panied him. The MethodiBt Sunday school will bold their picnic Friday at Stevens' lake. On account of the heavy rain last Wed nesday they were compelled to postpone at that time. Mrs. S. A. Brindley returned Friday from MeCook where she haa beea teach ing in the Junior Normal. Sunday aba went to Central City where aha will teach in the county institute. Dr. H. J. Areold left Satarday evea- iag for an eight weeks' trip west. He will stop in Idaho for a hunting and fishing time and from there will go to National City, California, to visit his parents. Farmers, why don't yoa thresh with Cherokee nut, or soaie other top-notch fuel? Pleeee yourselves by talriag your choice out of our aheda. We have tka best. Come and aee ua. Let'aaaMke. C. A.Speice. Fin Howard and Will Hanaley attend ed the tennia tournament at Fullerton. last week, and took part in the games, winning one set and loaiag ia another. We give elsewhere ia thia iasue an account of the toaraameat held here this morning. Prof. W. M. Kern passed Saturday and Sunday at aome, going to Oaoaola where he will teach .thia weak in the county inatitnta. He haa beea oaa of the instructors ia tha iaatitata at Broken Bow for several A auaawaary fisattval will be bald at the German Evangelical Ptotaataat church next Saaday, Angaet 23. Ser vices will begia aad Addresses will be made byBav.Baeaaer of Verdon, aad Bern a Mailer aad Graaaaaoret of Colambua. All are cer dially iavitad taattaad. Farmers, why doat yoa thresh with Butte alack or with aay other good coal? We have what yoa want. C. A. CompaayKiai able naweaataaaaat nnsaatisg of fifty each of Krag-Jargeaaea rataa, Delta, seaboarda,bayoaetaaadBMatcaaa,21aT foeded aad 1,000 bleak ipany ia aaviaff extra driDe oa dayeveainga topraaaiatoc is to be bald ia York fzaaa tha filth to tha Slat af thia moata. Mm Wau Novell haa bakery et West Poiat, i aovad there to caadact Her eoa Wallie, iathe Joaei David Baker, who iaqaita wail Novell weat to We a aarlaaa aaeaaa aaaeam smiaBak TJ. T.BBBHmaik aMak fc ,. - waa aaa aaaa eaaaaaaa iaaa xaamaaau a narmer waa uvea Tha aaaatt tiaan rsaraesaitiaw taa bakery will ha tha aaaac. aaar Flatto Caator. had bin haakaaato w--t ri t -i- , --. niHiiij m. uaaaa) aaa rsmaa oc a wae m. waaaa aa aaa aatp-1 u - i v -.l- . r . . . . - - I " .sm4ma am k I .. V . 9 "W A M- ""t i mmiwm way aaa nay amiaaaauai. awAueemsnia uawaa aawa aays by tha weight of aleadef eaad. Tha TaniTn waaaa aha saaat fact af tha asma daya. hat tha imi tmaforaloactaaa. Laat Friday Jaaaa jTibar a Xaa York Qtv. She ia ate- taa aaehara at Soath a. w wa aaBwBaa - mw . g w- nev earn ma jliV aaff ft nVilnmlr aam -" a ar ' ar- WTJaTaa. aafi O B tafXmv ami BkBaaa aaaaaVVattamaw' BBBaaaT aanaF' a . e at - a-pjjpj-- - - aaaaaaaaaa mm , " amtBk aam aaBmar aaamaKaBaaamK amSaa mfW aaaaaai aaV Kbbbb aaaaBBBBL amwaa VaaaaBaa aaaaai aTaaaa aaaamwTW aaaaaa9'SaFwaVB Baa BaaaSaW ragaJarordar. f teraav Daaaaaaaa, clIX Saafl aeaak. over tha aaaatraaau at oak sad MimTilha ajeaar aft tka Gar. S flBaaaaBiw etaaaaaav aassaaaaf vaaak aaaaav aaaaaaajBUtx aaajaaaa aam aaaau aaawlaV eaaiaaaap AaaUalaT akaTfJfitMaaa aaV aaaVaT UPaJS fi p . mjm jk m y ..r-.t, y-.-.n .. Jnetta aaaawywaa ai taa aavTaaaaay t aaaa awaaaaaaaal fTaaaataat aaaveh, I laaeVaaaBaBaaaaBl aaaaaaTaalBaT "aaaaaa'MffiaBBBa -tMMM - aaau jaaatAMaaa aaraaaa aa aaar Calaaibaa, waa anmiaaaai mm tha aaaab 3 as avaaa.aiaja vtwti j j mm mm w. m T -TrT'. , . lM J-w fc li, tjaaal baa naanaaa ttH--- ae aaaaai Thee. Friedhef left Saaday far a .otk. ..rtkweat qaartar ia asetiea tiBadiaBoaarl Aaaaaaaaaatts C S deaaBaaBBaanaaaasaciowa. xaaiai raaaaaeaa tiakat ia Booaa oaaaty w aa For watches aad doaka ana tha tha aiahssf ariee yet offered far farm gmA Mam aiaataoa. At tha aaavaatioa Seveathetreet jeweler, Colaaabae. lead a tkia ssslioa there Satarday aflfi aaaa were ataaaat. A driak that always E. B. Loadoa aVBro. Batter fife at tha Dairy Depot. Colaaabaa Caaam Co. Do aot fail to saa oar 84bot gatvaav iaedeteelmm forfAOa. A.DuaeeU Soa. tf Tha Orphaua aodety held a arivata I picaie Saaday Colfax coanty will hold their old aettlera aannal picaie ia Schuyler, Sap- Dr. MeKaaa'a equality with gold. Thecoffee that eslla. Why? it pleases. Tha celebrated geld E.B. London A-Bra.. Tha city coandl bald a mearing Monday evening and will atoo meet again Friday evening. George Fairchild and W.H. Beaham wiU leave Satarday for lake Okoooji, to bavaafawdaya eaort with the aaaytriha. David, the yoang eon of Mr. aad Mm. J. H. Miles, is recovering from a' very aarioua aickneaa, a complication of dav Angie Early and Emma Nedmarker will entertain Saturday even ing in honor of John Early and John Neumarker. Wau Plata ia up before tha inaanity board this Tuesday afternoon. Mr.Puth is a maa about 45 years of age with quite a large family. Mrs. Thomas Wilson and children left Monday evening for Los Aagelea, California, where they expeet to auke their future home. In the meantime, follow tha crowd to E. D. Fitzpatrick's, the White Front Dry Goods Store, and see what you can get for your money. The Y. P. S. C. E. of tha Coagraga tianal church will give an ice cream aocial Wednesday evening of next week on the church lawn. For sale, residence and two lota be longing to Mrs. C. H. Young oa Thir teenth street, occupied by L. J. Lea. Enquire of A. Height. 4 M. Watkina haa been suffering aa verely for eeveral daya with kia las; from which ha bad a tamoroaa growth re moved aboat a year ago. The three-aumthaold child of Mr. and Mrs. George Buss living west of this city died Monday. Funeral aarvicaa were held today (Tuesday.) Prof. Walters moved hie family today (Taeeday) to the house recently vacated by CE. Pollock. They come direct from Broken Bow to Columbus. 'The county supervisors were in ses sion last Friday to consider the applica tion of Sokol k Flakua to eell liquors in Duncan. Tha liceaee waa granted. Earl Galley's horse ran away Mon day, starting near the St. Francis school bailding where it threw the occapanta from the buggy. No damage done. Mm Joha Becker entertained a number of former acquaintancea of Mrs. Mary Becfaer of Omaha Monday after noon, who ia visiting' her eon John in thia city. Carpenters Uaion No. 1501. Regu lar meetings every Satarday night. Ha lting brothera invited. E. J. Scott president; Chaa. Wurdeman, financial secretary. Mies Louise Matthews of Schuyler, Mm Hill of Fullerton and Mies Kittie Speice of this city, all employed in Fill man's millinery stores, left here Suaday for Chicago. Weldin haa removed his photograph gallery to Tenth street south of Hulat k Adams'. All work in photographic line. Negatives developed and prints finiahed for amateurs. 3 At the recent Platte Valley G. A. B. Association meeting held in Genoa Mr. Moore of Silver Creek waa elected com mander and tha reunion located at Silver Creek for next year. Your breakfast ia not complete with out a cap of the celebrated gold medal We sell it. E.B. London A Bro. In Monday's Lincoln State Journal, Bixby reviews, in his droll way, the bill iatroduced in the state legislature eev eral years ago, by Moran of this coaaty, which provided for tha huaeetioa of beer. The Platte county democratic con vention will be held at the Orphean opera house next Monday afternoon; tha next evening at the North opera houaa tha democratic etate convention will Farmers, do yoa want to get the beat threshing coal ia tha market? R. & alack, Butte alack, Eemmerer alack, Cherokee aat or any kiad of lump or nat coal in tkia market, alwaya oa haad. C A. Speioe. We hava ramotad -oar caaca from North opera haaee to tha eeeoad door anath of Niewoaaer'a jewelry Jaat laceited a new liae of aad iavita yoa to call aad inapect Frank Schraau 2t at with me aad ship from plaaa to plaea, I will eeU eta great Dargaan. Those who tpiaaoeallat of North opera hoaae D. tf aaa aad ship from alaai aaU as a great bargaaa. oaca,jaKBonaiMraoM Boas Cua- aMaV. TaaaaaaaeHm J Pntn i .In - - i w. . wRaaaaai aam XJVma vVaT maaa. vOaaXaaaaW SMObbMbbV aai naaw. VwQaaaaVOR ki a s - a vfiaam aaaaaaa aaa aa waaajaaaaaaaaaiaa taa ratoi " Km hum mmmmummammm f - m-i-aii jr m.t, -,,-w i- - t ai.-i mA tm taW baawatw co1l4i ttof plRf itiTaW wm am. wamaa. ma; w rama aa laat nam ox aaar enauBE. I baaaaa eurvey bacura dweetioa af thaCWamhaaGaa dab is liaan halil IkaiTaaeilaj sail TTnlaeaiej at oity Abeat thirty eat from oat of eoa ef Mr. aad Mm dial from bowel yearn ad by atJe' Work aa tha iac as raaadly as the weather will A spar was aailt aaath of Adaara lum bar yarda aad a car placed thereupon Lawat Taaihas is uaiag for aa aatB tha completion of tha new Will Brewer was found lying uncon sdoua ia tha ban at hia home Thursday and for a few boars waa a very aa. Tha cauaa of hi illaeaa waa aaaaartkitia from Notwithataading inclement weather duriag aevaral daya of laat weak, tha Sehnylar papara pronounce the Colliaa Carnival Co's. angagamaat there to hava beea quite saceeeaful from a flnaarial standpoint. From Sehayler tha com paay went to Stroawburg where they exhibit during' thia week. Mm Joha Stauffer returned Friday from Ellenaburg, Washington, where aba went about three months ago to spend the saauaer with her daughter Mrs. Kohler. Miss Rosa, who went out with her will remain thia winter and attend tha State aormal school which ia located there. John Stauffer, who haa been there aevaral months, will also remain for A teaaie toarnameat will be held on the Howard court in thia city Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning; players coming from Albion, Genoa, Fullertoa, Schuyler and possibly other places; Fin Howard and Will Henaley represent tha Colambua players, aad will be assist ml by Chauncey Abbott of Schuyler and Charles Speice of King- fiaher, Oklahoma. Jaaeas MeGuachey waa ia town Sun day oa hia way to Primrose where ha aaa beea appointed the first Union Pacific agent at that town, which ia located be tween Cedar Bapida and Spalding. Many years ago Mr. MeGlinefaey waa a gun smith hare ia the store now owned by L. Pkillippa. Sinoa leaving Colambua ha has beea located aa agent for the Union Pacific at St. Edward and Cedar Bapida and now leaves a position in Omaha to go to Primrose. During the electrical storm laat Thuraday, lightning struck and killed one of tka cattle in the pasture of Fred Meedel, wast of this city and across the Loup river. In tha same neighborhood, at Christ Base' farm, a stack of wheat waa struck Neighbors who discovered the fire wound ropes around it, hitched horses to the ropes and hauled the burn ing maaa a safe distance from other stacks near it, thereby aaving a large amount of grain. Reports come from tha vicinity of Bellwood that wheat and rye ie beiag damaged by the continued damp weather, much of which haa begun to sprout in the shock. North of town on the bluffs grain ia in better condition but the raina and extremely heavy dawa have prevent ed threshing and may etill be the caaae of much injary to the crop ehoald it continue for a few weeka. Conualtboagh a little backward, ia in excellent condi tion and will make an immenee crop unless an early frost interferes. The gjoeere of the dty are consider ing plana whereby they may hava all their mecehamhae delivered through a contract let to aome one who would make a special business of it. Grocers bare hava beea investigating plana adopted by eastern cities which have proved entirely satiafaetory, and who claim better aervkse can be given at lees expense to alL Each store would eoa traet for the delivery, and bo independ ent of any other, on the name plan aa they engage a drayman to do their hauling. Tha Bocae County Agricultural aodety hold their 19th annual fair at Albion September 22 to 25 inclusive. Thia ia oaa of the few counties in tha state which haa kept up the good old fashioned fair, and made a social and flpmil success of the institution. Tha farmers and merchants of the county take pride ia thaaa gatherings where thay meet to exchange ideaa and ea joy vkatiag with frieads, Tha ptamiam bet east by tha aaennatinn ahowa a long hat of prizes offered which are well worth working' for. Eight hundred dollars will be expeaded alone oa horse racing. Tha inaagarv ic a of a "ratt room ia Central GtyiebaiEt. commented oa quite generally by tha papara of tha state aad aevaral towaa, foUowiag the example aat by tha ladies of thai dty, have eatab- of their own. The of Hall coaaty hava eat aside three rooaee of tha new court koaaa ia Grand Island for thia aadtheiateataoa iatofit them uaatgaadatyla. Tears aaa be aadoaat of the value of tha idea aad the lateral tha that thay they ere iataaded to -Central City Noaaarafl. aOdyretara with him aad together all the grounds of thaCo- to York to gxva their fiaal rtofwsna, la to tha Fiamuat prejeet tha : "Jaat what pawi aaa ha aaaakaad will aot be kaowa for are that tteahle, aged two aad a half laww AJeaaaaV wv VQaaMmreaaaig aaBaBmaaawamV depot m prograaa permit. to eaaaly all Omaha, toached J. xLUaUeya large advertuanaeat ia teaay'e Jocbxai. tella aU abeat a big aula Yoa a yoa gat tha it will aa to your interest to eall aad make pareaasss while yoa have tha Tha democrats of tka dty are all preaararioa peaahietor thaeatar- of tha etate coaveatioa which Tuesday of next week. Com mitter for reeeptioa, muaic, decoration, ate, hava beea aalactad aad all are work ing! to mare tha day a greet avast ia Colambua The iemocratic caaaty veatkm will be heki nooa, tha jadiafal coaveatioa Tuesday morning; aad tha etate coaveatioa Taee day eveeing. Several handred people will attend the etate by crowd Taaaday evening at tha depot. They had coma to pay their reepacta to him aa ha peaasd through the dty oa hia way to Saa Fraadaeo. Whaa ha waa first recognized through tha car window by J. B. Meagher, who had known aim thirty years sgo, a cheer waa givaa and a call made for a speech, wkiah ha ree poaded to in a few comphmeatary worde in regard to the coantry. Geaeral Mflea ia a candidate for commander in chief of the National G. A. B. which ia now in esssion in San Franciaco, and hie frieade are urging hie candidacy before tha dem ocratic convention for president of tka United States. Mrs. J. N. Kilian and daughter Eunice and eone Lao and Alfonae arrived here Friday from the Philippine Ti"H and remained until Monday vkatiag Mm kalian's akaer Mm C. C. Sheldon, going from here to Blair to make their home for the present. Captain Kilian of the U. S. army ia stationed at Bo Bo, Panay Island, and will remain for one year longer. Mr. Kilian aad family left here over a year ago for that coaatry. Mm Kiliaa waa not at all plaaasd with the piaca. She returns in order to place the children in school, tke advaatagee tkere being very meagre for educational purposes. Prof. L H. Britoll baa beea spending maay daya ia the coantry tkia eammer botanizing with tha eeaior class of the High echooL Tha crowd etart out ia the aftarnoona, fnmiehing their own vehicles, and take with them their luachea for an evening meal which they enjoy ia true picaie faakina. Botaay ia not one of tke subjecte taagat by Prof. Britell, but be ia taking theee excuratcae with the daaa for hia own pleasure and in order to help them eecure the fifty sped mean which ia required from each pupil in the High school coaraa. The class have now made trips in nearly every direction out of town. Prof. Britell haa a collection of 400 nowers,.all from thia vicinity, and nearly all of which are wild Hovers. This ia the largeet herbarium owned in the dty. H. H. Huntemann, who with hia fam ily moved laat winter to Cordova, Md, arrived in the dty Friday to spend a few daya with old friends. Mr. H. ia accompanied by H. Baden hoop who ia a member of the state board of immigra tion of Maryland, aad tka two are mak ing; a trip through tha states of JTwaaaa, Nebraska and South Dakota to interest farmers in Ianda of that state. Tha object ia to better the condition of farms there by introducing up-to-date machin ery and enterprise, which can be found in theee western states. Mr. Hantemaaa ia well plesaad with hia location andaaya ha would not think of returning-. Hia family were at first a little homesick for Nebraska but are now aa delighted with tka coantry aa himeelf. The abundance of fruit and the convenience of being near the large market centers are among the attractione. It ia certainly a new experience to the westerner to be sought for from the easterners. H. J. Alexander returned Saturday from a visit to zaUtivee in the seat, where he haa been sine July IA Hie mother, who ia 84 yeare old, ia ia feeble health and it waa to aaa her that Mr. Alexander made tke trip. In St. Lew sane county, New York, where Ida brother and mother reside, Mr. Alexan der says 96,000 milch cows furnish prac tically the entire living: of the inhabi taata. The county ia given over to the dairy industry and one-tenth of the cheese ia the etate of New York iamada ia that coanty. The great lakaa are a meana of much transportation aad pleas ure excaraiona, a ride on lake Erie from Detroit to Cleveland costing only 25 ceata, which ia the regular fare. Mr. Alexander saye the beat corn along hia retarn route waa aaea after ha left Cedar Baaaaa, Iowa, and he thinks Nebraska ia tha beat of all in which to make a living. Bev. Peter Solyman, D. D., aa Arme- who is in ATaerica for the purpose of placing orphan christian children in homaa in thia country, gave addresses both morning aad evening: at tha Meth odiat church, Sunday. Tha condition of tha natives who kave taraed from the Mnhaaiewden reiigioa'to the cariatiaa, at iadeed pitifal, aa described by Rev. Salyaaaa, aad he pleede with Americana to help them in their diet rasa, not in giving moaey bat in taking a etaad aa a government agaiest tha Turkish rale. Ia tha Saaday achool aad ia tha evening kia talks were more ia zaferaaca to tha of tha coaatry. Bev. Selymaa a little over oaa year. After tha leetare ia the atorning $130 waa aub aarihad by the coagiagatioa to tha regu lar rnaaaaaary faada. Mas Hattie Baa of David City, who ia tha gueet of Misa Hedwig Schapbach, gave "Nearer My iTbes"ia the sign liagaage at tke of tha B-oraiag amiiua. Tha aiade by Mies Bea aa aha tha lips of enters who aaag the hyma, aad tha andieaco ware greatly by her beautiful laranaa aad aa yoa gat taa goaaa dose th Oaaaha, tha ear- af the aaag. Mies Baa graduated from d asvaraT thoaaaad taw aham aaaaai for tha deaf at Omaha re. Thar ia aame thai aprias: aad wiU coatuae asr aaaaa- taa power ae far aa torn aa a government college at Waah- TMlaauD.C GmMwI 1EMJS, in their season, and the many other neceaaary articles which make a first-class grocery store, will be found : : at HENRY RA6ATZ ft GO. I NCwl STORE awCw4MalS, Rlwf3Skla) 13th Stbcet. 2 i .J awBuaBaaaBBeeeeeaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeseaeee a a a a a Your Summer 6oat Yes linen, crash or pongee, will be found just right for the purpose. AUGUST STANDARD PATTERNS of Coats will give you the style required. Our Pattern Department is stocked with suggestions for Accordion Plaited, Shir red and Smocked Garments. When vou come in. buv the The DealfRar far ftuiuat 10 cents a copy, 80 cents year. a a a a s a a a a- X t I a a a J. H. GALLEY, Agent. o a- a eakaaaaaaaaeaaaeeaaeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeea New and advanced tall styles in the new, white, Shampainie, Squirrel and Silver Gray Shades, just arrived from Chicago at J.C. FILLMAN'S iiihiiiiiiiuhiiiiiiiiiihhhhhii illinium it T than forty head of young horses, all broke and ready to work as farm horses, roadsters, saddlers, and single drivers, weighing from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds. Cm ail See Oar BRANIGAN I Ornate Oniec Ojera Hone. iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniini nun DR J- E. PAUL, DENTIST. Ntewotear block, corner 13th aad Olive treeU, Colombo, Nebr. Gas adietitit tered far pain I less extractiee of teeth. LaTaTaU Bandcace Telephone L dl. OBra Telephone A 4. asaBaaaaeaaeaaeaa a a THE PARK a aAMEB aHOP a a a a a laooaippaawilJifiratlatMapo. a a data fornitnre aad Sxtnra. Ton- a a nriatactiataactb chain who ar a B warm to gire aaCurfactioa. Hair a 4 Cat. ShaaiDon. Shae. Bath or a W aboaa aaiaad all ia the late .nrnt - - bMt aoeroTMl i4ho.l. YOL'li a PATBDM AfiE SOLICITED. a a a a a Jug. zinnecker, Pisjalatsr. a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeaee i Haaa yoa seea the Tnnison atlas we ara caYariaff oar sabaeribers? Asktasse eaa aad yoa will aaeoaTiaeed that yoa aeedit ia yoex BoaM. Oalr0 pays ef taaaalaraaaoekaaadayeBr'a I- 1 I X i Gtfwb tf FBE2I FMB 2 2 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a -a a a a a a a - a a a a a a a a a a a a a t. . a -a -a a a a -a a a a a a a a We are now ready $ to supply the market with good Horses for general purposes. More Stock Before Buying. & HENDRYX, wviaBBwaae aaari Do yoa appreciate i good cap of coffee? Drink gold medal. E. B. Loa doa & Bro. ii Milium mm nun' tkWSS MSM1 On iloor -wwt of Halut i: Axiaina. Hannc parciuutni th C. K. Ho hen Ux:lc of Drnr. Wall Payr. at .i rnc rwlnc tion w are mafaiuj-HimeTPtT low prices. Call nml - n. At 30 to tO per cent, discount. Tfcelenfc Cress Sab ia Teas All presenptiona crirefiilly compoundtil by an expir iencwl registered pharmacist I MalsVs PHariiiaca, LOUIS SCHEEIBEE, Jr., Manager. I inn mi 1 1 ii mi i ii linn BOOM AND BOARD At reasonable rates at Grand Pacific Hotel, Tenth Street. ' ERNST ak BROCK. - -r vj y-- .