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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1903)
JSVt -XT V " ;-S - - -, "a!. y :ft (W . " -y!l V'l ' . Ct 5 Tr i- 255 Stfl- v .- - - - r - . $ ' ----- --.'' tmwuiiW-m-w-M i . V. feo:, i?&? ' Vwirtfc.W --rws.. . . -s ' M ""iiSflStiv!- lii s. ' S ' r - " . - A kj, r qi - r I., $ .- - VOLUME XXXIV.-NUMBER 19, COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 12. 1903, it. WHOLE NUMBER hT&. -M.fcr -- " - ' Jsrrtlft 'iwttwwff i- !ffce .(VBamw BI BB i, ' - . 5 . . . - :.' -x... : j. . r j yB . F ainu iuw- vra h .rk- .jtrt. v nrr .jtn mr r nr vrr.' U III I III II II H . , . W'' 'P 'W'tw' T V'-FJrswrCfw --- f s- ( .-? .. T I. GIRGUSMENSLAIN WRECK ON THE RAIL KILLS TWENTY-THREE. THE INJURED JUMBER THIRTY Two Sections of Wallace Bros. Cir cus Train Come Together With Fearful Results Three Iowa Men Among the Killed. DURAND, MiclK A a:r brake on the second section of Wallace Bros.' circus train refused to work in the Grand Trunk railway yards here Fri m day, causing a collision between the two sections, in which twenty-three people were killed and thirty .injured. The circus travels in two trains of about thirty-five cars each.1 ...After Thursday night's exhibition at Char lotte the two trains left for La Pore, over the Grand Trunk road, the sec ond sect t ion leaving a half hour after tho first. It was .'5:45 when the first beet ion pulled into the west end of the Grand Trunk yaj-ds here. A red light was hung oa the rqar car to stop the second section. Engineer Probst of Battle Creek, who was running the engine of the rear train, says he saw Uiis light and applied the air brakes. To his horror they refused to work. He reversed his engine, but the momentum of the train behind him was too great and with a crash that aroused the town the two trains met. ' Tfiree cars of the stationary fflrst . section were telescoped and the en gine and five cars of the moving train were demolished. The rear ca'r of the first section was a caboose in which the trainmen v. ere sleeping and the next two cars were filled with sleep ing circus employes. The greatest loss of life was in the caboose. One of the wrecked cars of the second section was occupied by five elephants and several camels. One of the elephant and two of the camels were killed outright, while the other elephants and their trainers escaped. With the exception of this car none of the menagerie was wrecked, the other wrecked cars containing the wagbns. As soon as they recovered from the first shock the trainers rushed among the cages quieting the beasts .that were excited. The elephants in the wrecked car behaved with surprising calmness and were led out of the Vreck without trouble.1 -. The escaping steam and screams nd cries of those pinned in -the wreck was a horrible spectacle in the gray of the early morning; wjien the train men in the yards and the aroused townspeople first reached the scene. '.Many feared at first that some of the animalshad escaped, as they could be beard crying. The fire whistle, was immediately sounded and tho whole town aroused. The rescuers could see the unfortunates through the tangled JR'reckage. When the wrecking train crews nan finished pulling to pieces the tangled aqd broken carp," seventeen dead men were lying on .the grass awaiting removal to the morgue. A niajority of them 'were killed 'while asleep. The circus performers' were on the rear of the moving train and escaped injury. Wallace brothers say that their loss will be very heavy, but" can give no estimate yet This is the second wreck that the Wallace shows have suffered within a month. Engineer Propst. Fireman Colter and Head Brakeman Benedict, who was on the engine of the second sec tion, all agree that if the brakes had worked as they should when the en gineer tried to use them there would have beeen no collision. Prelate for Privy Council. LONDON According to the Chron icle it is not impossible that the king's Irish visit will result in the appoint ment ot Archbishop William J. Walsh of Dublin to the Irish privy council. Hitherto no Catholic prelate has ever been on the council, but it is said to have been a long cher ished dream of Lord Beaconsfield to appoint a prelate possessing the confidence of tho Irish people and the pope. Roosevelt's Namesake Dies. TOLEDO, O. Theodore Roosevelt Spychalski. the remaining boy of the quadruplets born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanislaus Spychalski, died Sunday of cholera infantum. The other boy. Samuel Jones, died last Tuesday. The two girls are also ill, but will prob ably recover. Czar Receives a Petition. LONDON The Times Sunday morn ing prints a Vienna dispatch saying that the emperor of Russia received with benevolence from the Croatians in the United States a petition de scribing the condition, of Croatia in the darkest terms. The same dis patch says that Prince Urasci who, July 17, was reported as having' Leen wounded in the Razan district by the peasants, has since become in sane. Vacancy in Carr.e&Te Company. . PITTSBURG. Pa. The election of? W. E. Corey to the presidency of 'the ... r. "..-. .-j- said, win cause a vacancy in the of fice of tne president of the Carnegie Steel company. The directors are ex pected within a few days in Pittsburg to elect a successor to Mr. Ccrey. A. C Dinkey, superintendent of the Ed gar Tho-ison Steel-iWorks at Brad dock, is reported to he slated to be the new head. MILES BIOS ARMY FAREWELL. Retirinf Lieutenant General Issues Valedictory to Military Forces. WASHINGTON Lieutenant Gener al Nelson A. Miles, commanding the army, will retire from active service at noon Saturday, having reached the asc limit of 64 years. The following order was issued: "WASHINGTON, Aug. 8, 1903. The retirement from active service by the president on August 8, 1903, of Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A., by operation of law, under the provisions of the act of congress approved June SO. 1882 is announced. Lieutenant General Miles will proceed to his home. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By order of thesecretary of war. "H. C. CORBIN. "Adjutant General Major General, U. S. A." Several other orders resulting from the retirement of General Miles' have been Issued, one assigning Lientenant General Young to the command of the army until August 15, when he will assume the duties of chief of staff; another assigning Major General Cor biaas president of the Soldiers' Home board; another assigning Brigadier General Gilespie as president of the Board of Ordnance and Frtiflcations, and still another assigning General Young as a member of the Sherman statue committee. HEARS FROM GLOBE TROTTER. Expects to Lower Record for Trip Around the World. ' SEATTLE, Wash. According to a cablegram received here, J. W. Sayer, who is traveling around the world for the Seattle Times in an effort to break the best previous record, sailed on Friday from Germany on the steamer Campania and will reach Seattle in just fifty-five davs after he left: If he makes it in fifty-five days he will have broken the world's record of six ty days thirteen and one-half hours, made by Charles Cecil Fltzmorris, be fore the completion of the trans-Siberian railway. The previous record for a trip around the world was made by engaging, in many cases, special conveyances. Mr. Sayer is making his trip entirely by, 'public convey ances. FRANCE APPROVES CHOICE. Removes Fear that New Pope Might Be Reactionary. PARIS The election of Cardinal Sarto as pope has created a distinctly favorable impression in governmental quarters here, removing the fear that the office might fall upon a radical or reactionary candidate. The For eign office received the first informa tion of the election from press sources, the news spreading rapidly among the officials and causing widespread com ment. Although not espousing any partic ular candidacy, official feeling has been favorable to one who would con tinue the conservative policy of the late pope. British Take Optimistic View. LONDON Confidential official re ports received at the foreign office re garding Macedonia have caused the British government to adopt the view that the situation is not very seri ous for the moment, although suffi ciently so to warrant takirig of pre cautions. British officials do not be lieve that Turkey contemplates an at tack on Bulgaria in view of the known attitude of the powers, especially Rus sia and Austria. Fatal Altercation. OKLAHOMA CITY, O. T As a re sult of an altercation over the ques tion of moving the town of Mountain Park to Snyder, Hon. George S. Bai ley shot and killed W. Brown. The quarrel started between Bailey, who is a prominent politician, and R. K. Kel ley. president of the El Paso, Moun tain Park & Oklahoma Central rail road, who was opposed to moving the town. Brown was a Kclley par tisan. PONTIFF RECEIVES GIBBONS. Regrets That the American Cannot Remain Longer in Rome. ROME. Cardinal Gibbons was re ceived by the pope Friday in private audience. In a lengthy conference Pius X. renewed his expressions of interest in America, already made manifest by his reception Wednesday to the pilgrims from the United States. Entertained on a Warship. LISBON Admiral Cotton gave an entertainment on the Brooklyn Tues day night in honor of the women of Lsibon. All officialdom was present, and members of the diplomatic corps. Admiral Cotton, United States Minis ter Bryan and the American officers proved, themselves lavish hosts. One or he features was a "cake walk," wnich was performed by two negro sailors at the request of Admiral Cot ton. Election Pleases Ryan. PHILADELPHIA. Pa. Archbishop Ryaa. isgreatly pleased ith the elec tion of Cardinal Sarto as the suc cessor to Leo XIII. In speaking of the selection, the archbishop said: "I am much gratified at Cardinal Sar to's election. In -my mind : he was one of the strongest candidates and the resalt of the balloting is no sur prise to. me. Itiwill be received by the church with universal satisfac tion, I am sure." PIUS IS RUNG IN FIVE HUNDRED CHURCH BELLS IN ACTIVITY. CORONATION COMES SATURDAY Great Preparations Being Made for the Same Pope is to Be Received on the Threshold of the Basilica by Cardinal Rampolla. ROME The attention of Rome' Is centered in the cerfimony of Satur day, and for which great prepara tions are being made. The throne of St Peter, which Plus X will occcupy, will be surrounded by a canopy forty feet high. The pope has informed the Vatican officials that he wishes to be received on the threshold of the basilica by Cardinal Rampolla, who, as arebpriest of the church, will address the formal greetings to him. At the conclusion of the ceremony the pope will confer his blessing upon the people, but it has not yet been decided whether he will do so inside the cathedral or from the balcony looking out upon the piazza, where many hoped he would bestow his ben ediction on the day of his election. It is said that Pius X is in favor of the latter plan, but the influence of the Vatican officials is against it, on the ground that it might be interpret ed as a recognition of the present state of affairs in Italy. The holding of the coronation ceremonies in St. Peter's itself represents a concession, as in the case of Leo it occurred in the Sistine chapel. Although it is es timated that 60,000 tickets will be is sued for the event, the demand for them is very great. At the consistories to be held Mon day and Thursday next, the pope will confer the red hat on Cardinals Ajuti, Taliani, Katschtaler and Herrero y Espinosa, who were raised from the purple June 25, but who have not re ceived these symbols of rank because of the illness and death of Leo'. It is believed that the Spanish Cardinal Herrero will not be able to be pres ent at the coronation ceremonies. During one full hour Thursday morning there seemed to be nothing but vibrating sounds, so penetrating were the strokes of- the bells of about 500 churches, which, all ringing to gether, absorbed all other noises. The ringing was in honor of the election of Pius X a welcome unique of its kind, and ordered ay Cardinal Res phigi, vicar of Rome, who issued spe cial instructions therefor. All the churches contemporaneously celebrat ed masses for the event, the intoning of the Oremus combining with the harmony. The bells involuntarily served an other purpose, that of ringing in the great ceremony of the reception of the diplomatic body accredited to the holy see. Rome has lately been sur feited with Vatican functions, but that of Thursday morning was so striking that it held its own with the others. Cubans Claim American Soil. SANTIAGO, Cuba Some engineers who were surveying a site for a ter minal of the Cuban Eastern railway on the United States naval reserva tion at Guantanamo were warned off by American officers, but refused to go. Admiral Coghlan thereupon no tified the Cuban government and President Palma sent a revenue cut ter, which forcibly elected the tres passers. The railway, having acquir ed the lands, claims heavy damages. SCHWAB QUITS TRUST. Resigns Position of President of the Steel Corporation. NEW YORK The resignation of Charles M. Schwab as president of the United States Steel corporation was tendered and accepted at a meet ing of the directors Tuesday. Wil liam E. Corey was elected as his suc cessor. Mr. Schwab's resignation caused no surprise in financial circles, where it had for some time been foreshadowed. The new president was for years one of Andrew Carnegie's ablest lieuten ants and is now president of the Car nogie Steel company, one of the sub sidiary concerns of the United States Steel corporation. It is scarcely more than a month ago that Mr. Corey was made assistant to the president be cause of Mr. Schwab's continued ill health. Guilty of Violating Injunction. DENVER, Colo. Joseph Scott, a member of the smcltermcn's union, was found guilty by Judge Dixon of violating the injunction that prohibits interference with the employe of the Globe plant. The court sentenced Scott to two months in the county jail, but as the case will be taken to the supreme court on a writ of error for supersedeas, he was released on $1,000 bonds, returnable Aug ust 15. Railroads Get More Time. CHICAGO -The interstate com merce commission has again extended the time within which a number ol railroads must complete their safety equipment to October 15. The com mission will meantime consider the farther extension of the law and the question of the location of grabirone on engines. Among the roads that are granted, the extension are the Pennsylvania. Ere. Santa Fe and the Denver & Rio Grande. Far Nj 3TURJ HIDDEN PICTURf WZZLE. BwBrC V j)))aisK t F LB tsk"Bisr r rf BLLLssBr S ItifliJLjILjlLjfeB BBBBBa9 m r .EBMBBBF A Bk U f W 1 m V r JBdslfl m wW w lr wwi AkWtw jbbLbLb M m II I Jr BBBW BBHsflSw "Here comes Aunt ENJOYS GREAT POPULARITY. How the Newly Elected Pope is Re garded. ROME. Cardinal Sarto, the new elected pope, enjoys great popularity in his diocese, and is honored, by all for his purity, for the strict upright ness of his life, and for 'liberal ideas. He is a modest and agreeable man, highly cultivated, very kind hearted, still strong and robust in spite of his 68 years. He has never taken great part in the. political and public life of the church, but divided his time between study and good works. Although most faithful to the Holy See, he was presented to the king and queen of Italy in Venice. He may be considered among the more liberal members of the Italian episcopate and sacred college. He is rather timid in expressing an opinion. It is, said that Leo XIII always thought very highly of him, and sided with bim on one oc casion when Sarto disapproved of Rampolla's policy. He has been known for many years as one of the greatest preachers in the' church. While Prince Chigi. the master of the conclave, was drawing up the offi cial act of the election and acceptance of the newly elected pope, the latter, surrounded by his friends, disappeared into a small room near the altar, where he donned with feelings of triumph and humility the white robes of his office. Pius X was assisted by his conclavists, who first knelt and ki3scd his master's hand and thus received the first apostolic blessing given by Pius X. The new pope was attired all in white, with the exception of red shoes, which was quite regular, but he did not stop to remove the red cardinal's stockings for the white papal one3, and these showed as he raised his gown to move forward. When he was quite robed, the sec retary of the conclave, Mgr. Merry del Val. kneeling, offered him the papal white cap, amid breathless silence. He did not follow precedent created by Pope Leo, who declined to give his red cap to the master of ceremonies, as a sign that he would scon be cre ated a cardinal, but with a slight smile, Sarto took the white cap, placed it calmly on his head and dropped th red one lightly on the head of Mgr. Merry del Val, amidst a murmur of approval. This was taken as a cer tain indication that the happy recip ient is to be raised to the cardinalate. UNION PACIFIC IS PROSPEROUS. Net Proceeds the Past Year Show Increase of $386319. NEW YORK The report of the Union Pacific Railroad company for the year ending June 30 shows: Gross earnings, $51,075,188; increase, 3, 574,909. Operating- expenses and taxes. $28,747,215; increase, $3,187, 389. Net .earnings, $22,327,972; in crease $386,919. To the net earnings were added dividends on Northern Securities company stock of $3,888,053, and eith er incomes to make the total income $27,392,182, an increase of $870,527. The total fixed charges were $12,071, 068, an increase of $80,935. After payment of dividends there remained a surplus of $6,9G4,159, an increase of 5648,198. Long Terms fn Prison. MANILA Fifty ladrones. who were implicated in the recent raids near Surigao, in the province of Min danao, have been sentenced to , long terms of imprisonment. ' Recalls Lincoln's Schooling. DECATUR. III. Mrs. Joseph Shoaf, aged 79, was killed by a falL here. Her father was Dennis Hanks, a cou sin of Abraham Lincoln, who taught bim to read and write. Establishes Military Academy. WASHINGTON. D. C Mail advices from Caracas to the state department say that the Venezuelan government established a military academy for the training of officers fcr the army. India Files a Protest. S5MLA Viceroy Curzon has 'tele graphed a lengthy protestto the home government against .saddling India with the cost of the South Africa garrison. Marie." Where la she? TRADE CP THE PHILIPPINES. Export of Hemp and Copra Has In creased. WASHINGTON, D. C Tho official reports of the Philippine trade for the month of March, 1903, have been received at the insular bureau of the war department, from whose summary of commerce the achipelago,,' it 'is shown that during the nine month3 ending March 31, 1903, exclusive of gold and silver and government sup pliccs, the value of merchandise im ported and exported amounted .to $46, S68,485, against $42,300,308 In 1902, and $4,332,196 during-the same period of 1901. The import 'figures Indicate that there has been no material 'change in the volume of this class of trade as compared with the previous year, the gain being confined exclusively to an increase in exports, principally hemp and copra, both of which products doubtless will be shipped in large quantities for some time to come. The prospects for greater exportation of sugar and tobacco, especially the lat ter, are good. GERMANY LIKES NEW POPE. Election of Ssrto Proves Very Accep tably BERLIN The election of Cardinal Sarto as the new pope was mado known here at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, through extra editions of the newspapers, which were eagerly read. The Foreign Office at that hour had no confirmation of the news, but re garded it as probable, it having been learned that Sarto had strongly in creased his vote yesterday. Replying to the question whether the election was acceptable to Germany, a repre sentative of the foreign office an swered: "Unqualifiedly so from an omcial view point. Sarto is a mild manner man and has never been active polit ically." In other quarters, it was remarked that Sarto is the pnly Italian cardinal whom the kins of Italy received. His repeated visits to the king and his aversion to politics are regarded as an auspicious eign for the triple al liance. NEW SLUMP IN EXCHANGE. U. P., Wabash, Mo. P. and Maple Leaf Make Low Records. NEW YORK. Two more Stock Ex change tailures, making a total of six in the last eleven business days, were recorded Wednesday, when Sharp 4; Bryan and Hurlbntt, Hatch tc Co., an nounced -their inability to meet their obligations. Neither failure occasion ed the slightest surprise; in fact both had been discounted for a week or more. The failure of Sharp & Bryan camo during the morning session shortly j j.nockg have been fe,t durIng tne shortly after the market had recovered , twenty-four hours. No reports cf se frosi its demoralized opening. Thati riouadainage have been received, but of Hurlmitt, Hatch & Co. was . an.the peop,e ,n the nearby vI,lageg are nounced in the afternoon just as prices eatly a,armed d many have-,eft' wruusuuui. me uuc wer ""--ns-. lower than at any time before. ,The day's business can best be sum marized by the statement that almost four score of stocks, folly two-thirds of the active list,' touched the lowest monrA roarhoH ritirinir tho nun(! 0 r-- . uiuvcmtHii. wuwu uwi iui mcepuon iu. beptcmoer. Road Has Commenced Building. SALT LAKE CrTY The Western Pacific railway, which is to build from j Robert Emmet of New York an ex the Pacific coast to Salt Lake via the wninction w?'s ade Thursday of the Beckwith Pass, has commenced active ! Brave 8UPP8ed to that of tho operations on the east end of the con-1 Patriot EmmeL A skeleton was found, templated "route. A survevlng party.! M,d to that ofva man six feet nigh, left for a point near Reno, NevJ whereas Emmet was, only five feet where the line crosses the Southern ' seven inches. A curious circumstance Pacific. The surveying party will ' was tnat tne 8kuI1 instead of being bring the line across the desert to ' found lvln& Prone attached to the Salt Lake. The party is a large one trunk, was found lying in a-: upright and work will be rushed. Or. Vanderlip Dies. NEW YORK Rev. George Malrs Vanderlip, D. D., throne- whose in strumentality the Young Men's Chris-! tian association was established la America, also ope of' the founders of the Metropolitan museum of art and for a long time president' of the ' American Baptist Publication society, t is dead at his home in Brooklyn. Hik' death was due to heart disease. Dr.: Vanderlin was born in Argyle, N. T- in 1832. NEW POPE REIGNS CARDINAL SARTO ELECTED Oft SEVENTH BALLOT ASSUMES HIS TITLE AT MKE Announcement of Choice Being Made Received with Great Enthusiasm- He Appeared Outside of the Baeilica and Blessed the Populace. ROME. Cardinal Sartr., patriarch of Venice, has been elected pope. Cardinal Macchi, secretary of apos tolic briefs, announced to the crowd assembled before St. Peter's that Car dinal Sarto hfd been elected pope, and that he bad taken the name of Pius X. The-troops on duty Imme diately lined up on tho pfazza and pre sented "",- , ... ,, x , Announcement of Cardinal Sarto's election was received with wild en thusiasm by thousands of people who had gathered outside of SL Peter's. The scene within the basilica when, the pope pronounced his benediction, was one of unparalleled excitement and enthusiasm. Thousands of per sons within the cathedral cheered and waved their hats. Ten minutes after 12 o'clock Pope Pius X appeared inside the balcony of the basilica and blessed the popu- f lace, amid the acclamations of- the enormous crowds assembled upon the piazza. Pope Pius X, who was Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto, the patriarch of Venice, was at one time regarded as Pope Leo's personal choice for the succession to the chair of St. Peter. His name suddenly sprang into prom inence a year ago in connection with the names of Rampolla, Vannutclli and Gotti, as cmong the cardinals most apt to win the high place. He was born in 1835 and made patriarch in 1891, being proclaimed cardinal two years later. He is a great preacher and fairly well known as a writer, and he has the reputa tion of accomplishing all the works that he has undertaken. He is a member of the congregations of Bish ops and Regulars, Sacred Rites, In dulgences and Sacred Relics and Studies. Cardinal Sarto, prooably the most able administrator of the Italian epis copacy, combines firmness and deter mination with abundant tact and com mon sense, and has managed to in augurate a number of very practical reforms in his archdiocese of Venice without giving offense either to the clergy or to the laity. He avoids all newspaper notoriety. Indeed, his name is rarely mentioned in the press. He has always under stood how to maintain an agreeable, yet dienifled "modus Vivendi" with the Italian authorities, from which he derives his stipend, and has shown his enlightenment by the vigorous cam paign which he has carried on against the veneration of relics of question able authenticity. He is on friendly terms with the members of the reigning house of Italy; during the late reign took part with King Humbert and Queen Mar gherita in the launching of a man-of-war, at Venice, as well as in other ceremonies at which they were pres ent, and would certainly be a most agreeable choice as, pope to the pres ent ruler of Italy. VOLCANO IS IN ERUPTION. Clouds of Black Smoke Issue from Colima. MEXICO A dispatch from Colima Sunday morning states that the Co lima volcano is in eruption. Great cloud3 of smoke are issuing from the volcano and are being carried to the northeast by a strong wind from the sea. It is believed that another overflow of lava has occurred, but the dense smoke that surrounds the mountain makes it impossible to de termine exactly what has happened. The outbreak has been accompanied j by loud detonations. Information from I the surrounding districts is to the ef- fGC, that- . ,nd mrrrmnA for other districts, Government Buys More Silver. WASHINGTON. D. C The treas- , ury department has bought 159,000 . ounces cf silver for Philinnine enin- I .' - ... age at an average or S0.54U3, all for deilTery at San Francisco. Open Robert Emmet's Grave. DUBLIN. At the instigation of Dr. position. Russia to lnsjstu on -Conditions. BERLIN The papers print a state ment, which is regarded as semi official, to the effect Russia will insist on two conditions as indispen sable to the new German commercial :reaty with Russia. First, a heavy reduction in the duties on meats and animals; second," to confine the mini mum duties on grain to-statfs enter ing into treaty relations with Ger many, to the exclusion of the United States and Argentina. gt"M"tfrK-X'--X'e I UNtf TUtttAMS. iintniiiniiHHuiw Ex-Governor .Barceloa of Lewistoa, Me., although 90 years old, continues :o practice medicine and makes long louraeys. , , ' . The pleasure yacht Florodora wa3 track by ligntaiag off the wharf at Poiat Clear on- Mobile bay, klllias three men. Scnor Cores, who has just arrived in London, tells the Associated Press that he will return to Washington in the autumn. At St. Paul, Minn., Archbishop Ire land received from Cardinal Gibbons in Rcme this message: "The pope is r. man of God." Lord Harrington, who has Jast cele Dratcd his 59th birthday, is one of the most fearless riders in England and a first rate sportsman. There are' mofe"wrecks" In the Bal-" tic sea than In any other plaee in the world. The average is one wreck a jay throughout the year. The proposal to establish a public park in or near Honolulu as a memo rial to the late President McKInlcy will probably be abandoned. In Nuremberg. Germany. 800 work men are employed making lead sol diers and lead toys. They turn out about 100,000 lead soldiers a day. A great gathering ef royalty is ex pected at Darmstadt to attend the coming wedding of Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice of Batten burg. Gcronimo and a dozen of his Apache warriors have joined the Methodist church at "Fort Sill, I. T., having been baptized in the presence of a large crowd of Indians and writes. The Booth' liner Basil, who arrived from Para and Barbados, is detained at Quarantine for disinfection. Four of the crew died of yellow fever on the voyage from Para to Barbados. It is reported that the sultan of Sulu, who has been on a visit to Sing a pore for several months, is so in fatuated with the new life there that he is contemplating a permanent stay. A naval gun when fired sustains a pressure of 15 to 17 tons to the square inch. ., It .has-.previously stood a charge .giving a force of 20. tons to the square inch at the proving grounds. George Van Horst, alias Van As selt, alias Humboldt, an ex-convict, confessed that he held np and beat the Klondike millionaire, Thomas S. Lippy. in his home at Seattle, Wash., Sunday night. Captain W. D. Chitty. who had ask ed for a transfer to rejoin his regi ment at Jefferson barracks, has with drawn his request and will remain at the State university of Missouri as commandant of cadets. The text of the telegram sent by King Charles to President Roosevelt is as follows: "I had this moment the pleasure of drinking your health and the prosperity of the American navy oa board the Brooklyn." Acting Secretary Larling has sent to Certain Hemphill, commander of the Kearsarge, a letter of congratula tions on the recent successful run of the Kearsarge from Portsmouth, Eng land, to Frenchman's Bay, Me. Hilmi Pasha reports that a band of 150 Bulgarians fired the Turkish vil lages of Dollindje and Ramna, in the Mocastir district, destroyed a govern ment building and the telegraph of fice in the village of Korshovo. According to reports from Ischl. where Emperor Francis Joseph is staying, the election of Cardinal Sar to will not change Austria's relations with the Vatican, neither will it re lieve the existing uncomfortable situ ation in regard to the emperor's visit to Pome. A new counterfeit S5 bill has been discovered on the- Fourth National bank of Boston, check letter A, se ries of 1882, Tillman, register; Mor gan, treasurer. This note is a pho tographic production on ordinary bond paper, bearing a few red ink lines in .imitation of the silk fiber of the gen .uine paper. The Union Pacific reports that trav el to the coast on the G. A. R. rate, which went into- effect August 1, grows heavier and that all the trains arc packed to the limit. The rate continues in effect until August 14, when heavy travel will commence on the east-bound business. The famous Lincoln car has finally been disposed of by the Union Pa cific railroad" at a private sale to par ties who will exhibit it at the St. Louis exposition. This car was ex hibited at the Trans-Mississippi expo sition by the Union Pacific. A strong movement against the par ticipation of Chile in the St. Louis ex position has been intimated. The principal 'papers oppose official repre sentation at the fair and the com mission of deputies considering the matter is also unfavorable to it. Hiram H. Poole, a baker, was stab bed to death in Sherman street, Can ton, Mass., by one of three Italians. His assailants fled after the murder and have not been arrested. He was stabbed tfcree time?, twice in the neck and once in the breast. Tho governor general of Canada ha? presented to Miss Georgiana Pope the Royal Red Cross in recogni tion of her nursing services in South Africa. She la the first woman la Canada to become the recipient of thi3 honor. At a meeting "of the -trustees of the New Hampshire State college the choice of Prof. William D. Gibbs of the Texas State college as president wa3 formally ratified. There are nearly. 650.000 women dressmakers In the United Kingdom. iH't'.K:m imm 1st CM Cotartms i State Smfe! .Si! SbObSI CtlGiPv NtWfUlU 9 I PesetsmCMBBJli - - JariJS (feOC4ll0fcS o o scstsmstsmgtnsy Columbus JournaJ, A Weekly RiihIMim Bert Ifltmstoaf X X i Columbus, County of Platte, He Stole el Nebraska. THB United States. first tmiL n Unit of Me wife Ub'bi $1.50 bct Ycsr, if Ftfd lo Adtc i it m - Sampft Copies Sent Tret t any Address. HENRY GASS. UNDERTAKES- IcteUkCa eMIjtiliiiry llVeee Columbus Journal. Is Brest l Pun. Any immf Reifvlraicla I'lfey latere Tbb DiiotitB ; Aft) JBjBmeB IABBB Bml sS I ' Ji X If f-l-lf1 T- MsAinrm t wbmnmmiyVX X eev tMirrvm. viea-Moe. ft t. eeueeea. oaomew. o tuutv l. we v. e MMWTT mjter. 'She m BJBamv OT U09vbbbOTbp BV SOT ClisiriBiHayDe w '.BmBmBmV .aVBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmB GLUK WITH THB BOdWt Papers apim COUNTRY. .. I I fr l' I -i 4. ifX- " -- V '- - .-.,-- ;r , y '