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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1901)
--' -. o. Jf. f)myjJjitjml 3rTCCjsji"TiRssisMjML HEADQUARTERS i :gre X.a.e of Xaxs fox BePbHiBIII MStekm&f ? f, ' t-iSWlWn cco.cT-lr 1 Ewerytmimc Kept ia MmMmi in Oar Liie. .... REMEMIE" that we are sole agenta for CHASE Jr SANBOOTS celebrated COFFEES and TEAS. 3T A full line of GROCERIES, CROCKERY- QUEENSWABE and GLASSWARE always kept in stock. Telephoae 38 Ci- ? Blanke's . Coffees . Represents the product of years of expe rience. They are the result of the most careful handling and attention that ex perts can bestow. They can't help but be good-THE BEST. Faust Blend Is a HIGH-GRADE COFFEE pos sessing a rich, delicious flavor not known in any other brand. In fact, FAUST BLEND HAS NO EQUAL. For sale at GRAY'S. HEADQUARTERS 0 FOR g Sc Columbia, Victor and Ideal buggies; X X Mitchell and Old Hickory wagons; 55 Rock Island plows and cultivators; v kock isiana cornpianters; K Cadet cornplanters; H Little Engine, the new lister, where the operator can se the corn drop while planting; H Jones' Lever binders; 5 Jones' Chain mowers; H Jones' Self-dump hay rakes; H Jones' Hand-dump hay rakes; X Walter A. Wood's mowers; 55 Wpodmanse and Aermotor windmills; S Jack-of-all-Trades gasoline engines; and all other machinery needed on the farm. Call M and e for Yourself. We wish roar trade. 1 HENRY LUBKER, Q TaWTEEMTi STREET, X COLWmS, KHASUL 3X2QOOOQOQOC DRS. NEWMAN & DASSLER, EYE, EAR, NOSE AND HOME OFFICE. THCKSTOX HOTET-. Dr. Sewniaa. the wrfl kaown Earopeaa Ere SpcialMt. wfco h temnithe iwt eqeeydy ha tinciiied to locate permanwiUr in Colambaa, mahinr ta biwlinntirw from wmiea fa Tiat Bomber of citi aci cowos ia thi aection. Dr. jtwesa m mjqmimte ot tae at MAK--rv1 n K "infill r1 nforinnatr frwik- a timtxJTnmr Minm IB EoRiap. BlM VOBOBIITBl 9rStAWi of eoireedsjc errors of sLsht haa eiven hnudzads better Tinioa aad amvad Mil' from bliad- lr. Mrnia will -rxsit a number ot tae Imki. Dr. Sewmaa ata clafi9 for all defeeta i-omniirngd mnna aoetnailr t or me kaife. All iliiwwii of a "nffmteanm frr SatiwmmcB. FRESH GOODS SU17 and even vigorous appetites are impaired by the oppressing' heat, thoee little delicacies and food preparations offend in oar unequalled collection of choice groceries meet the emsr gency most admirably. Hap pily theae discoveries in satis faction require little or so cooking, and can be served di rectly from the can or package. We secure all the new things as fast as brought oat, always leading, never following. & Grocers, COLUMBUS, - NEBRASKA. s88 EwUU THROAT SPECIALISTS. Columbus. tova aart com at hub rvexaxxj. uax. win am fxwaa taw S8A te 1st ml ewe saasrtkv niwifs L raaa sb auecsa caaam raw m wsbV SaawV waaawav IsKsbw BawsBBBaUa UaawaBfe ColuratrasformiaL AX. Remember the Monarrk Mosabcx! Mislsaz for bast Lediss'Sfc shirt The Fair. tor 25e at Dc Hi street, tf J. A. Kflbarm has sold his xl mate to A. B. Cramer. The A. O. H. had a picnic at Ste vens' grove Sanday. Blank Cam leases for aala at Tkb Jocmxn. islra, tf Dr. Bakar, physidaa and eargeoa, omes Olive street, tf Bring us joax job work. Wa wfll endeavor to pTnaaa yoo. Monarch canned fraita vegetables, Sab. and meats at Grays. Fred. Stevens lost a horaa Friday. He dropped dead oa tke road. C. W. Mediae of Derid City waa in the city Monday on bnsinass, "Disciplined moral energy" is oae of tke an tills of good character. Dr. C. H. Gietzea. deatist, in Bar ber block. Thirteenth street, lm Window shades complete at 25c in alleolara. The Fair, 11th Street. Pawnee Bill's Wild West akow is coming to Columbus, Friday, Sept. 13. Marriage license has been iaamed to Charles Sliwa and Miss Katie Torsos. For fine watch repairing; call on Carl Frosmal. 11th St, Colambos, Neb. Dm, Martym, Etsbs Jt Gear.oeVe three doors north of Friednef s storsc tf Chicago Inter Ocean aad CounofCB Jocusxl, one year, in adraaca SL75. tf Do not fail to ase oar 8-foot gabraa ized steel mill for 132.001 A.Dwaaall Son. tf The German Before! art Smnday school held their picnic in Stevens' grove last Friday. Herman Briggerman started Sunday for Germany, where he will visit nntil next spring. Engineer McEathron waa called to Kanaaa Saturday by the serious illness of a sister. Last week Henry Bagatz went to Chicago on business. He may be kome any day now. Wm. Eimers of Humphrey and Frank Eimers of this city are now in Chicago baying goods. Jacob Gerber and E. J. Ernst of Butler township were in the city Satur day on business. A juvenile Wild West for the little folks, is a special feature of Pawnee Bill's WUd West. The grade stakes indicating the levels established by the city have been about all driven. Dr. McEean's method of making aluminum plates places them on an equality with gold. The weather is not too hot for bowling because of the electric fan in operation, at HageTs. tf For once in a good many years, the old saying ia true: "potatoes are small, few in a hill and easy to dig." W. M. Cornelias took a drive into the country the first of the week, abont the first outing for the summer. Thomas Jaworski has been acting as watchman at the Union Pacific crossing on L street near Schrreder's milL Mr. Lanner began excavation Mon day for his new brick building adjoining the Brugger building on the west. A new dynamo, 100 K. W-, twice the capacity of the one now in use. has been ordered for the electric-light plant. Dr. J. E. Paul, dentist, southeast corner Olive and Thirteenth streets, Rooms 1 and 2. Niewohaer block, tf We are still giving away a handsome rug with every carpet or linoleum bought from us. The Fair, Eleventh street. R. L. RosBiter and George Lehman expect to visit the G. A. B. encampment in Cleveland, Ohio, starting Saturday. Mr. Herrick, since Wednesday last has been moving his large stock of fur niture into the new Brugger building. August Wagner of this city was admitted Thursday to practice before the interior department at Washington, D. C Standard Fashion Sheers are fur nished by J. H. Galley. September supply just received. Gall and get one. August 26 occurred tke marriage at the court noose, by his hoator. Judge Bobison, of Edward Sokael asd Anna Prokseh. Charles Segelke, jr., started this morning for Oklahoma where he expect to start pop factories at Lawton and Anadarco. The quilt made and rsaaedoa? by tke ladies of the German Methodist church of Duncan was won by Mrs. Satrinavon Bergen, last Saturday. Jimmie Jones and Harry Lokr west down to Schuyler Moaday afternoon to help the Schuyler team show the Osaka, Originals how to play beJL We hear that tke candidates for county judge before tke fmsjns eoaves tion will be Messrs. Rohisoa, Heasley, Duffy, Batterman and Tatham, George Douglas wast to Genoa Monday to wire Banker Gretas sew idence. Mr. Green snticiparisg tke tion of an electric-light plant ia tke burg. Tke editor of tke Argaa takes aboet a column of its space to ecaiau why he changes publication from twins a week to once a week, tke plain truth being that it didn't pay. B. B. Cowdery, formerly oae of Platte county's proaussat politicians, waa tke ckairmaa. of the Colfax county republican convention at its late aaanon. He is now located at Leigh. The Colmmbae ball team helped to make fun for the crowd of sicnieera at Shelby Thursday, toeing a gaaae to Shelby players in a aeore of 10 to 2a Take life as it cornea, aad make the most of all drcuasstaneas, bat for a bad ooagk or cold, take BALLARD'S HOBEHOUSD STBTJP, the heat known remedy for quick relief Pries 35 sad 9 Poiloek Co- -Dr.L.C.Tssi jmmam MUawVwaV Wb Drink Blanie'M cosTeea, always uni form, always tke best, at Gray's. Will Giegorxas. who kaa bees work ma oa the Madison Star for several returned home Saturday. On sale 50 carpet sampler suitable for rags, all new patterns, at 25c each, J while they last. The Fair. 11th Street. A bif crowd of people from the misili trains were here Monday morn ins;, bound for tke State fair at Lincoln. Tbe beautifying of arms and hands is described in the September Designer. Thai magazine ta for sale by J. H. Galley. -IsmmsT Good, wrappers, etc. Bargains, Great Bargains at E-D. Fitzpatrick'a tbe White Front dry goods store. Wm. Schilz makaa boota and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the vary best stock tkat can be procured in the market, tf Get a number on Eastou's buggy drawing bafore Sept. 7th, as it will sure ly go on that date whether whips are all sold or not. Just a few left. 2 Fob Sale 200 acres of good farm land, north of Genoa, in Platte county, for sale at a reasonable price. Call on Becker, Hockenberger and Chambers. E. M. Blore, in helping move a dwelling-house Wednesday near Oconee, sustained a severe scalp wound by the falling of loose brick from the chimney. WilL Boettcher returned Saturday from Norfolk, where he had been tem porarily employed at the asylum for the insane. He accepts a position with Asche&Byan. The corn crop is still looking up, and farmers who were grieving over the supposed fearful shortage are now con gratulating themselves on a fourth to a third of a full crop. Amateur camera snappers will find something of interest to them in the September Designer. It describes cari cature photography. This magazine is for sale by J. H. Galley. The prohibition state convention is to be held at Lincoln today. The dele gates from Platte county are: E. W Borders. Joel Warner, W. J. Belknap, Isaiah Lightner and Henry Kelley. A Mr. Proctor of Omaha bought here last week seventeen horses for the p.ngKah cavalry r shipping them to Oma ha Thursday night. His brother shipped twenty from Albion Wednesday night. The German Reformed church held an annual mission service Sunday even ing. Bev. Neumarker was assisted by Rev. Grauenhorst of Shell creek. Rev. Traubel of Howella and Rev. Herring of Fremont. J. G. Boeder received a telegram Monday morning announcing the death of his father, at Erie, Pennsylvania, for which place he left on the first passen ger train east. The deceased was 82 years old. Charles Hutchins of Meadow Grove, Madison county, was in the city Mon day. Twenty years or more ago, when he waa farming, he was a frequent visitor at Columbus. He is now a business man at Meadow Grove. An unknown tramp is accused of having assaulted Mrs. Lapoor, the wife of a well known farmer living near Clark son, Colfax county. The people were enraged and threatened lynching. The tramp was taken to Schuyler. Corn-hnskers' sprained wrists, barbed-wire cuts and sprains, or cuts from any other cause, are quickly healed when BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT is promptly applied. Price 25 and 50 cent. A. Heintz and Pollock 4 Co. In the Schuyler game of ball Mon day where Lohr and Jones were the battery for Schuyler, the Originals could only hit Lohr seven times, still the fielding was so ragged that Omaha made a score of 15, while Schuyler was able to make but 3 runs. Carl Hohen expects to open up about November 1, a first-class drug store in the new brick building, being erected by L Gluck, on Eleventh street. Mr. Hohen understands the business, and will no doubt have a share of the public patronage. Our base ball team promise the fans an extra good game here on Thursday, when they try issues with tbe Omaha Originals. The Columbus team have already beaten the Omaha boys twice this summer and they expect that his tory will repeat itself. TABLE R'S BUCKEEE PLLE OINTMENT is not a panacea, but is recommended for blind, bleeding or pro truding piles, and it will cure the most obstinate caeca. Price 50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock Co. Thousands suffer with torpid liver, producing great depression of spirits, mdigestion, constipation, headache, etc. HERBINE will stimulate the liver, keep the bowels regular, and restore a. health ful buoyancy of spirits. Price 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. The fire which destroyed the Stan ton, Nebraska, roller nulls Monday of last week, is believed to be from spon taneous combustion in the engine house. There was only SL500 insurance, and the loss falls heavy on the owner, J. R. Cookus, formerly of this city. The schools opened Monday with the usual interest. One youngster going home after the assignment of lessons, was "heard to remark that they were bound to make tke work harder than it was last year. He would have to "study like thunder' to keep up. Bev. Weed of the Episcopal church notified his congregation Sunday evening that on Oct. 1. he would leave for Ne vada, Mo., whither he goes to be arch deacon, presiding over twelve counties in southwestern Missouri. There will be many regrets at hu departure. Herman Oehlrich tells a Jocbsal reporter that he will open up his new brick store on Thirteenth street with a stock of groceries and hardware, October L This will be welcome news to Mr. Oehlrich's host of old customers and friends who have done business with him for so many years. We are led to believe a number of persons is this county will receive within the next fewjlays a bulletin from the University of Nebraska School of Agriculture. We earnestly nrze all sack persons to give this bulletin a careful reading and advise those whose names are not oa the University mailing list to write for tke hulletin. tkkaassamaC tkw lecises wills of m v Ths Dasanar foe September coataiaa asveraL This (for sale br J-H. Galley. If yoax are troabled with isodoroaa scidity, pains after eating, loss of appe tite, persisteat melancholy, sr low spirits. Too. need a tswie, s few desss of BDEE will gtvw yes tke fores to 50 casta. .BsmtzasmiRnloeksVCo. CW. Talhitssr of this conaty selected by his dent of the Ohio State organization at tke Hastings rsamios. Daring part of tke week there were 20,000 people ia attendance Got. Shaw of Iowa, promi nently talked of for tke next presidency, delivered one of tbe idrtssas. There has-been so mack somplaiat lately as to tke plaeiag of poles in the eitr that when next sious are asked of tkis city tke prohabil ities are that very strong objections will be made to aay location of poles except in alleys. There is supposed to be reason in all things tkat are tolerable. A Saturday's special to tke Omaha Bee from St. Edward says: The first lumber waa hsaled for the new Swedish Lutheran church northeast of here yes terday. A parade was formed of the thirty loads of lumber aad headed by the band, marched through the principal streets.. The new church is to cost sT,000. Sskoitlsy the Haskell Iadisas played a game with the Columbus team; the first part of which was very interesting, but in the seventh inning the captain of the Indians tried to get fanny with Um pire Segelke, and he gave the game to Columbus, 9 to 0. When the play quit, the score wis 19 to 15 in favor of the In dians. Mr. and Mo. E. H. Jenkins start tomorrow on an eastern trip. They will stop at Cleveland, Ohio, to attend the G. A. R. reunion next week, tken go to Providence, B. L, where the Sons of Vet erans hold their National Encampment from the 16th to 25th of September, to which E. H. is a delegate from Nebraska. On their return they will visit friends at Cadiz, Ohio. The Omaha Bee aaya that one of the most complete experimental vineyards in the state is that planted by Henry W. Yates at his home ia Omaha a few years ago. There are ten varieties in the col lection, and Mr. Yates gives it as his opinion that the Niagara ia the grape for this state, for it bears abundantly and the bunches are closer set and ripen more evenly than those of any other variety. The Schuyler Sun of Friday last contains this paragraph : Frank Stibal, a former prominent resident of Richland precinct, passed through this place this morning with the body of bis wife who died Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock at their home in Gretna, Nebraska The funeral at Richland took place this morning at 11:30. Mr. Stibal has the sympathy of a large circle of friends here." Among the changes in the stores, C. G. Hickok has accepted a position with the Gray Mercantile company as book-keeper and cashier, and Peter Webber as clerk. Vinson Freda Pilling and -Alma Gertsch are clerking in E. von Bergen's store. Miss Edith Sterner of Madison is in the photo gallery of Robert Saley. Peter Duffy has left the Gray Mercantile Co., and will engage in business for himself. "All Through The Year" department in Table Talk is filled with timely topics. The illustrated dishes in the department cookery is a permanent and desirable feature of this helpful household maga zine. Menus for each meal during the month are given with careful instruc tions how to follow them. Copies of back numbers will be sent free to any of our readers. The current number is 10 cents. Table Talk, Philadelphia, Pa. When Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmer man and family returned from a drive last Sunday they found a twenty-six inch snake enjoying a nap on the parlor car pet The slimy visitor put up a gamey fight but Mr. Zimmerman finally dis patched him with a broom handle. The species of the reptile has not yet been determined by the snake editor, but it was nronounced a prairie rattler by thoee that have seen snakes before. Madison j Chronicle. In a letter to W. A. Way from R. Y. Lisco, he says that he thinks they will 6tart for home the last of August or the first of September. It is very dry in Ireland, but he has not seen a nice, warm, sunshiny day since he has been there. He has to wear winter under clothing to be comfortable. He writes his letter sitting by a good fire of turf. There are many objects of interest in the country, and among them is the monthly fair in nearly every town. Patrick Haggerty died Monday at 11 a. m., of typhoid fever. For tbe last three or four years he had made his home with a daughter at Lincoln, and was on a visit to his former home ten maSw south of this city, coming about thme weeks ago, when he was taken sick. He was 79 years old. His wife died many years ago, and he leaves four sons and two aaagnters, all grown up. The funeral services were at tbe Brown school-house, 2 o'clock, Tuesday after noon, and burial at Bell wood cemetery. Of the twelve or fifteen men who are at present working under Jim Fauble doing the brick work on tbe opera house and Gluck building not one from, the highest priced brick layer down to the artist who mixes the mud but what thinks their boss all right. On Monday with Mr. Fauble as host they all went to the Loop together fishing, eating and making m?rry. A g-mdly number of sand pike were caught, tbe lanm-t of which was ensnared by Georje Brad- shaw. Sume nf the boys say thy are already looking forward to the next La bor day. A Berger, living wast of th city near the Union Pacific bridge, has sho n us samples of his ten-acre corn fild. a great many stalks having two eara. and all filled oat as nice as any one could wink to see. He says he will surely have 50 bushels to the acre. O L Btkr. north of the city hi3 eT-wlleit rnr-i. ml thinks he will have moremd b ttT Aim than last season. In going thnuib his field it was noticed that the hnsfe on the ears were vary open, which Spencer Bies says kaa old aad true sign that we 1 PATTERNS FOR SCHOOL HRLS.I smmmms sammmsssV !39mmm asammwmmwkmmmmwmmmmwmwmmmmmwmm mmmwEm mm Jut mt the time when people are beginning to think Urn Wm of school again, The Designer for September has a B ! special article regarding Aprons for School Girls. It K Wm is for sale in our Pattern Department. Be mml Mff U 1 1 J ma a a lsms4 ssasasi mmmv jish wo Bars a raa uae ar aimSjBara rsiiBTmS ajasi aactfse ajs? ajsmmmms! saBBHp asmmmsm SBSS mmmmmmmt mmmmmmw' 3BSBJ asm 3 505 Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, HEBR. B rEXBB'WcBBBBQSS'QBBBBSLfiSBBB Jj2yjpjHaS8w?3332w533359Jsjf(a335 The comer stoaeof the greatest build ing to be erected ia this eity this is to be bud September 11, with A brief summary of the facts of its history will not be oat of place at this time, all prensussriss having been pro vided, and the project begun with every assurance of completeness at a very early date. Mayor Bagatz called a meeting for the second day of May last for the purpose of taking the initiative ia the organiza tion of a company. At this meeting there were present: Mayor Henry Bagatz, J. E. North, Geo. Lehmaa, S. C aad C C Gray, Jonas Welch, Herman Oehlrich, Gus. B. Speiee, Charles E. Bollock, Charles Beinke, C. H. 5holdos. C. D. Evans and Daniel Schram, aad this meeting was the sub stantial start of the project. The incorporators were: Henry Bagatz, Leaader Garrard, & C. Gray, George tith-", J. E. North. Charles Beinke, Jonas Welch and C. D. Evans. After the articles were signed, stock holders met. May 7, and selected as board of directors: Bagatz, Lehman, Evans, Speiee, Schram, Gerrard and S. C. Gray, who met and elected as officers: L. Gerrard, president; Henry Bagatz, vice president; D. Schram, secretary; S. C. Gray, treasurer. At this meeting the total amount of stock appearing on the subscription book was 415,000. June 8 plans were submitted. June 26, the method of raising more capital stock was discussed. July 9, Walter Phillips on behalf of committee, report ed a donation by various citizens of $2,000. At this meeting tbe secretary was directed to advertise forbids for the auditorium according to plana submitted by Architect Toes. July 29 it was found that the bids ex ceeded the subscriptions all told. A committee consisting of S. C. Gray, J. E. North and George Lehman were appoint ed with instructions lo report in two days. July 31, Mr. North announced that he would donate 1,000 if others present would jointly give $1,000, which was quickly done. It was at this meeting that, on motion, the building to be erect ed was named the North Opera House, and it is on the anniversary of Mr. North's birthday that the corner stone is to be laid. Two days later, the con tract was awarded to C. J. Scott and after, the contract for plumbing, to Dussell & Son. The building committee, under whose supervision tbe work is rapidly proceed ing, are Messrs. Welch, North and Lehman. The oficial bat of stockholders is: Lsander Gerrard $3,000 Henry Bagatz 1.100 J. E. North U00 Philippine Becker 1,000 George Lehman. 1,000 CBLSheldon. 700 H. P. H. Oehlrich 700 B. S. Dickinson S.CGray CLCGray Elliott, Speiee A Co Jonas Welch... 700 600 600 600 600 600 CRPollock 600 Charles Beinke 600 Ida E. Schroeder. 600 AbtsCalto. 600 Anderson 4 Boen 600 V.AMacken 500 H. Hughes. 500 D.Schram. 500 Wm.SippIe. 200 Frank V. Tunis and Mies Mary E. Scott were married this Tuesday morn ing at 8 o'clock in the Catholic church. The couple will reside in this city. They have the hearty congratulations of their many friends with hearty good wishes for their future happin WHITE'S CBEAM VEBMIFUGE is essentially the child's tonic. It im proves the digestion and assimilation of food, strengthening the nervous system and restoring them to the health, vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to child hood. Price 25 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock Co. Clean old newspapers for sale at this omce. DOS. SEARLES & SEARLES Fm. uhcolm. we.. rX iz f m IS jmtrm fc Oei " at '----- Uaw M Ifirr-1- -""- lev's IwTai im T- '-i iZaX sW ' MSB"J rmmmff - " woi bSbsISbbsl - iyi IVivate DissBss ass UmmM QBopBg of hei - iEVK Dswliicifjgpicpa Vi Tawms9 mwavasa. Liver. Basse. r lsnwiiri F ----'- - -BWamaaVmrnmHamnVV iaeawlavOawetrawa, GawS-HlaiTFistal aad :aa4p-PBBSPEPAwHL BSroSbosr?saafeC CATARRH . -JBgiHH RHEUMATISM. DYSFCPSIA. er -fFTIiBBBr L0OOIKHOWacasascawifcargto j jW . HkSB 3JjiJ I FREE ALL NEXT WEEK. Eviry Laiy Rtttim J L MAJESTIC COOKING EXHIBITION. Think of it biscuie baked perfectly, browned top and bottom, in Tkree Ximates. We don't ak you to accept this statement on the bare assertion, but we do ask and extend to every one in this commun ity a cordial invitation to be in attendance at our store any day next week from 9th to 14th SEPT.. 1901 and see this wonderful baking performance with your own eyes, have a daintv lunch and a delicious cup of coffee with us and hear the demon strator from the Majestic factory explain why a MAJESTIC bakes so quickly and so perfectly. When you have examined this mod" era cooking wonder you can readily see from its construction why this is true. MAJESTIC RANGES are entirely different from all other cooking apparatus. Will not clog with ashes and clinker?, allow smoke and soot to escape into the kitchen, crack or break, or subject you to the expense and annoyance of every other conking apparatus. Made of MALLEABLE IRON and best opm hearth cold-rolled steel, 10 to 50 per cent, heavier throughout than any other range. Flues lined with pure asbestas, and the entire ranse rivited with the best Nor way iron rivets. Air-tight and dust-tight. This explains why a Great Majestic Range will do its work in half the time, and consequently with half the fuel. After investigating we find that the claims made for MAJESTIC RANGES are true to the letter, and have selected them for our range department, and give our personal guarantee that the Great Majestic Ranges are the most complete, durable, dependable and economical range made, and that's why, at great expense, we're having this cooking exhibition. We want all our citizens to .-see for themselves the proof of the claims made for Majestic Ranges. A VALUABLE PRESENT. We are going to give, absolutely free, to every purchaser of a Ma jestic Range during the sale only, a complete set of the celebrated Majes tic Cooking Ware made of copper, steel and enamel, worth $7.50 cheap at that and the best at anv price. MAJESTIC RANGES are made in all style and ze, to tit every condition and every purse. Examine the Majestic Range glad to show it to you whether you intend to buy or not. C. S. Easton, COLUMBUS. NTEBR. Here We Are With 7!sfBhkU m bW ?-BBBBm xCW jase'i -7-?k FREE i HaisiM Swtiir. RANGE i v V f t 1 ll IM STEEL Our Goal Wagon ! We are steliTeriag Pa. Htra Caml-either Striata a Lehig fer $10.50 per torn. Tke best etkiB nUve aa ramse eml alwajs a baa. Thresher aad farsser are united to call aad select from our Iare stock oT STfi.ll i'OAL. C. A. SPEICE. FHE EMINENT EVE SIGIiT SPECIALIST and Expert Optician of KJOT, loj!, Uitigl- -t.. m:th:t. will beat mv -tm.- Friday aad Sat urday, Oct. 4 aad .. Tw b - nfv l.iu-.tit thtr D;.ot..r a'oout yt.ur te. Consultation ani Exairina tioi Fret ! j 9