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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1898)
smr&$$pmm!"Jzrr''m WW1 '" ""&. iranraL . iter -;- r - COLUMBUS. ISBASKA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1898. WHOLE JSTFMBER 1,480. TOiUME XXTX.-yUMBER 21. "S- "Sg Ifct lokili 1 "MM ' i i aaaa mmmmm aaaa !".: .J . KEBEASEA NEW3. " Letters received at Stuart from Ixic boys of Company H, Tliird Nebraska, go to show that tbey are anxious tc return to Kelt county and do not want to do rarrison duty in Cuba. D. Carson of Kearney was hurt by failing from a moving train near Red Cloud. No bones were broken, but his bad: and left side are terriblv bruised, and the flesh is in bad condi tion. Dr. C. P. Fall, nf Beatrice. ired tha . department at Washington his ac ceptance of a position on Surgeon-General Sternberg's staff, and left for Chkdtamauga, wher he is to report for duty. Hen. E. IC 'Valentine of V,est Point has received a letter lrom bis son, .lic-rye-crt TVs; is C. Valentine, an- nonnciu:- his arrival 'n Porto Rico - where h joinsi h:s regiment, the Nineteenth infantry Harry Get-hell cf York drank car bolic acid with intern to commit sui- uide. H was found just in time and Temped out. Getchell was sentenced to a term in the poaiientisry for horse stealing -thcrrcvicus day. . The executive committee cf the U?atrice corn carnival wilt announce the tt cf th4 carnival as soon as Important matters affecting the date are determined u'hen it was learned that President McKinlry was to b? in Omaha on. the date nrs: agwxi upon n change v.-;is found neiessary. As BtnrK !-"" and wife ol Odessa township Pnffalo ctunf-. were driv- lr.g- home from the hay field in a h3y cart a part of the harness on on of ihc horsrs broke and let the cart fall. Sirs. Lau was thrown out and re- celvd s double fractur on one of her lower limbs, both breaks below the knee. At thr preliminary examination cf i ih bov -ho stole the bicvele at mble j itork xhv rollow ng facts were brought ! ".. -T.J ... pi,,..., rvt--n , cut: ins nam- is unaries ucarc and h lives a' few mil"- vou?h of OAall in the eilje of Marshall county. .irinsss. He will bf r.'ii.en next Or " tobcr! H is IhCttrht to h a : sub ject for thr reform srnocl T. W. Rctt?r lost his separator bv fire whije thrashing south of Selby. The machine wes standing b-tween or cat stacks.. A spark from the en Sine set them on fre and scon des troyed th gra.n. Ruttcr backed up .Tura Peterson, an Insane Swede cs- tapMl from the officers at .Fremont while they were ir-ing to take him to itls -home near Hccpr. He leaped "from the. window, eiad only in his jiiglitshirt.-nnd led the ofUcers a hot chase throush the fields, and at last " reports wa$ still mnnine: Lura Peter sen is stout and healthy youth, but he is 1'ope'css'- mcane. Th committer en arrangements -for ths interstate reunion at Superior re- ports that everything indicates that a great crowd v. ill assemble in that city iwtween th dates of September 19 and 24. Amu:veat5 of th best type are . on the program ad tk list of speak vt& is excellent. The leading cornet and maruaJ bands of southern Nebras ka asi northern Kansas will furnish the music. Mr. Fulton Jack, of "Beatrice, law partner cf Judge Hazl;t, is receiving the congratulations of his friends over .his appointment by Judac Munger of ref'-Tee tn bankruptcy cases for the counties, of Gage. Pawnee, Jefferson and "Thayer. Mr. Jaik is a young man who has risen rap'dly s:nce his enter ing ih law profession a few years ago. end will 11 ha responsible position with credit and honcr. Word reached Columbus that the s-aru ana contents ana some otner V'Uildmrs on the farm of William ..jeesf. a larmcr l ving in saermaa -n , ; ri townsnip. riatte county, nsc oeen to- tsHy dertroyed tv fire. His loss is tU'UUtik VVT vOW. lLii iUJ UlSiii- . 'zvee of $?30. The origin is not known ' .or certain su. i: is uxnzni to have Pkees and wife were at the expo; at Omaha at the ;:nc. une enzm? to ha'il away tn separator. , kins of conjpanv A: Brawn, companv but the con-i-rur.r chain was -o hot R. Don-las. company G; Fall, coa stal he was force., away severely paj,v M; MeInke conipanv .L; Taylor, huminn his hands -j c0panv j: Wood and Pinckncy. com- At Che Presbterian church, in La' exhibit at state or eouiiy fairs and PJaite. ar-v county, Albert F. Mills are detained in transit will be admit Ct Grand Jtidge. Ill , and Miss Elect ted to the grounds as late as S:00 a. BacheJder. daughter of Pf cer of La Platte, were u-aited in the lsonds of matr'mony.' the Rev. -William Nicbol of Bclicvue officiatinc. . iHis is the hrst chu-ch weddinc to ta t r iare in I.a Piatt, and the fhcrh was exquisitely decoratl with golden rod and sunflowers for the cr- " casion. the design being to mane this Neoraska . The rcccrd of mortgages Hied and in debtedness of Pclk county fcr the oponth of Auzust shows that there i were 'twelve farm mortimges filed "amounting to 514.5CV if. mortgages re leased, amounting to ns.2il14: five :c:ty mengages SlfJ. amounting to S2.ST-T two city -'rrgages released. amounting in J2.V: ceven-v.eich chattel mortsmgs L".c-1 amounting tc "r-5S.lS2 0T: fcny-Svp rhattF' mcrtcage "relppsed. amountlnu to S27.077.33. So mat the increased Indebtedness for i the month Of August is S7.S23.54 v orkmen engaged in making an cx- cavaiion en the old fair grounds in Platte county unearthea a. human skcil in a fair state of preservation. No ether bones were found anywhere sicnr "it md th? affair is shrouded in mystcrv. -It is believed th-t the res; cf zhf body is buried somewhere in the ne.ghbcrhood. A number of yeara arc there was a notorious roadhouse in the: locality and a collector fcr a Chicago house suddenly disappeared and never a trace of him could be fcurfd. The matter will he investi ratcd. G. P. Pierce cf urinnell, la., former teacher nt Newman Grove, accidental ly shot himself last week. He was to resume .his duties as teacher in a few cays. A Walsh, a druggist of Jackson, -rho was one Gf the leading candidates for the Jeckson pcstoGce, but was de feated, was last week arrested by Sheriff Browsky on complaint filed by B. F. Sa'yer. a member of the .heard of trustees of Jackson, and empowered 'by the heard to act, charging " alsh with keeping and selling intoxicatinc lienors without a village license oi druggist's permit. A sezren warran: disclosed about thirty gallons o! . .liquors on his premises. The old settlers of Saline and ad joining ccunnes held their second an nual tair and picnic at Western. It was estimated that there were 5.00C .present. There were. some nne frai: ,nnd grain en exhibition and the wo men did the r parts' weli in t'x cul inary and handiwork line. A plan is en foot at Xeaney to gi re - the beys of Company A a grand reccp 1 tion when they return home. .Mayor Hostetler has appointed at committee ' of citizens to complete the necessary : arrangements, and it is quite probable ' that a bzn.5Ut will be tendered them in the city hail, with music asd ap prccri&te toasts. II HI Ssierw ni Ltasrs" Jtaging far Tfcsir., Git!rt2Q.e gonial. CORRESPONDENCE OPENED ficrscon Carter of tii Lciter Iicpitti Commnuicate-J AVlia In Regard to tbc Iletnrn of iflcfc SilJ!cra :Xasic or Those lahc iioniLL Lincoln dispatch: It is only a mat ter of a few days before the ticS men of the Second Nebraska, who are now in the hospitals at Chiekamanga, will be sent home in sudi cemfert snil with medical and nursins attention that will insure them a. safe trip. The ad jutant general," acting Mndrf" tie in Etructicns irem the rovemcr. has twewtl oBrenic2tion -witlfSurgeon Giffen at the Sternberg hosnital, and .. , ... .,, . ," A m the Plan wh:ch will be followed w:li be to ask the surccon scnpml Gl Ine army to aeiaii t inecicai oiurur ata sufucient hurses to accompany the men on the trip home. Surgeon Carter of the Leiter hos pital has, in a message to the govern - or. stated that if this authority was ) obtained from the head of the medical ucpar;mtn that he would furnish a J hospital c?r and send the men Icczn. 1 bis hospital. The message was sent ! to the governor by C. J. West of the. ' state treasurer's ofnee. who has just j returned from Chickamauga. where he ! went to vte-t his brother, who is sick , in th- Leiter hospital, immediately "'"" UK . ,h ",L1 "l, ' ?T antl Adjutant General Ba th" matter uo this mommc. : upon the tilk with West the govern- 3arry took and mes- sages were sent to Dr. G iff en and Dr. Carter. The state officers hope that the -necessary authority will be ob- ' tained from the surgeon genersl and the bovs moved home. Surgeon Carter gave to West jus' before he l?ft a lis! of the Second Ne braska men now in the Loiter hospta! with the condition of each noted. There are now eleven men in this hos pital who were left behind when the reEimcnt came north. Thev are . -en i pany K; West, company B. Parneil, company E; Thorpe, company M. Jen kins and Parneil are the s:cest c: Uia lot. and all the others are regarded as in satisfactory condition by ihe sur geon. Dr. Fell of Beatrice, f-ho is now al the Sternberg hospital, will prcbably b det?iled ?s the medical ofSerr to h?v charge of the hospital car on which the sick men will return. X.lTf Stock Shoe- at the Expo-Ition. There is at this time every indiea- tion that the live stock shew at th? i Trans-Mississippi Exposition rank among the very largest and Sues: ever given in the country. It will offer almost unrivaled opportunity for those who wish to improve their flocks and herds to see the beat stock the worid contains and to gain in formation of great vaiu The exhibi tion will also offer exceptional oppor tunity for those who have improved stock for sale to advertie their pro ductions and to make the acquaint ance cf likely purchasers. The live stor. exhibited is divided into six classes. Of these the poul try exhibit will be given first from September 19 to Septemebr 30. On Monday. October 3. the exhibits cf cat tle, horses, (in which class are in: , j jacfcs. jennets and mules) sheen , aT,H crc-ino tvi.i nr.nn. to cant inup ml ' -. . - Ovtober 20 and the fat stoch will be chown i iUsivc from October I- to 20, In- All animalr must be on the grounds o; in? Kxposmon not later tnan tne ; optning date of .j dlVision to which m.. October C. Full freight rates must be paid en all exhibits shipped to the Exposition, bat animals which do net change own ership will be returned free under the usual exhibition certificate arrange ment. Terminal charges bavo been modi fied and a sinule fee includes a switch ing charge for transferring carload ,, lots into the grouncs and also assist ance in unicacmg and crayacc on feed and necessary show p3rapher naLa from the cars to the stock barns. Less than carload lots may be billed to Omaha local depots, and on these a small charge will be made for s- liverj- to the show grounds. S te Xorsial chool. About C3S students were rrgistered in the state normal school at the opening; that is, in the normal school proper, not including the training school. This is the largest enrollment j OT e third day that the state normal school has ever had. The number of sew students is very large. There are more students and teachers than class room and it sometimes becomes .a I problem to find ruarters. In the fac- ulty, which now namoers nineteen, there are several new faces. The dor mitory just completed has been cpcne-J and about eighty students and teach ers sit in the larsc dining hall. Tne whole building is lighted by electric ity and heated ty steam. It makes a spacious and chesrfni home. Every thing that concerns the cp suing days of the year prophecies a repetition of the two successful and prosperous" years now uast. Colon FaciGc OS rial Itesijra. James G. Harris of Boston, for ever a quarter of a century treasurer of the Union Pacific Railroad company, has resisned his position on account of ill health. His successor has not- been appointed. William Bird of Boston has been assistant treasurer of the Union Pacific for a long term of years. and stands in line for the Dosition. Some of the officials at local head quarters think he wiil be the next treasurer. F. V. S. Crosby of Boston has been acting treasurer during the .. " I thev belong, except that, in the gsner- i" uru.nar., -.arm wen. ine wagon iition I , J;.-? nr ..i vn. cvonr -. is thus enabled to roll alone; ever the horses, animals which have been on -:!s - fashion rf ? street car recent illness cf Mr. Harris, and it's Toth the Union Pacific and the Bur possible that he may receive the np- lingtcn reads -have practically aareed pointrcent- . on rates far the Peace Jubil from ' noints nearer-Omaha than Sslt Lake Charles Olson, who committed a Citr' tat !t Is "'derd inadvisable criminal assault on the 5-vear-old . 1 ce tnese rates cefcre Octooer daughter of-C O. Larson of Alma, was Jz F?1 'J'" of Eentenced by Judge Eeall to twenrv , "5 ni be.tne cntcotne o, the corn years at hard labor in the state penl- itte jcKtEver Chairman tentiarv " iipSas sets ready fcr tnat meeting T ,.",.' to convene. It - is probah'e tht a Hastings college opened .its fall blanket, or maximum rrt will b term with an enrollment cf nearly 2"-? j froTn ncits within 53 miles of students. At chaoel President Tatli- 4 Omaha fcr the occasion. ecu made a Tery pleasant talk to the , " etuderts asA encouraged them icith ," JLt Ord Frankie Hisco "wzs fatally the -work.tkey irert abcat to take op. ! Bhct by Jimsie T7isda. SUKQAY $CHGL C0S3RESS, A nlhnn- rf iTofrrl .in Aan!ie is tee Exposition City. j Gf nil the numerous conventions in 0aaii? j year curies the Trans- J Mississippi and International Erposl-! i tion. none will attract these active in : :sissiunl F.nndsv .School Congress. to ! ' be held September 27-33. A program. ' has been arranged which deals with" the most practical and interesting questions cf Sunday School instructica and manasement. ihe ccngress will be unicue in tnat it wni a. ecu- vwrinn nr rteice-itpfl bcJv CV2rvbodv ! interested ma attend. It -will be a i grtat "'institute," c-r training School for Sunday School -workers, euca a3 has never been held in the West, of, fcf that 'matter, unlike anythins c that nature held anywhere in the coun try. Evsrr name on the program bas n national reputatlon in Sunday School cirries. Rev. Geo. R. Herrili: D D: of Chicago, one of the foremest in1 ctructors in the 3ible in the northwest, will have charse of Bibl- study. B. F. Jacobs cf Chicago, Chairman of the '"Executive 'Committer cfthe "Interna aticnal Asscc-ation. will sreak on association work w it? various branen- ... ?c . KarlbuI; of OTr CQit0r of the Sunday Scbno: psri- cdicals cf the 21.. E. Church, will speak of "Success in tse Average Sun day School," and give suggestions on how to teach f'rof. H. iL Hstuii!. Jacksonville. 111., International Field Wo-ker. and who was pronounced by many the most popular speaker befor-1 the lat world's Convention in London, will oGcr suggestions as to prepara tion for tCEchtnr how to organise i.0r v.ork ia state, county .and townshiu. and wiil give a popular evening ad dress en "The Bible end the Child." Maricn Lawrence.. General Secretary of .Ohio, and Hugh Cork, holding the same Dcsit'on in Minnesota, will talk of Hcu: to how to cf-rperate in Cities and tons. "Primary V'crit. ' alwavs a popular tiieme. will be discussed in its vari ous phases by Urs. Rosana B. Prcusz ner. of Kansas, a well known writer on th;s line cf work, and Miss Mabel Hail, instructor in primary methods at the Moody Institute. C-icago. The pro gram as outlised for this departmest is as follows : Child . characteristic? and their utilization-; Lesson Illustra tions Elackiioard and Objects; Sup plemental .lessons: Preparation of les sons; Musir in the Primary Class; Pri mary Ur-ions. Prof. E. 0. Esceil. the popular cho rus leader of Chicago, has charge o: thp muic. An exhibit of appliances, publications and helps, promises to be a popular feature. The conuresG wiil be held in the Tirst M. E. Church. 2?th and Daven port streets. Omaha, rasing at 2 p. m. Tuesday. Scntember 27th. where a committee will be wailing to asshr in securing rccms at reasonable rates. The lecture room of the First Con gregational Church will be .used for section mectir'-. The program has been so arranged that the afternoons may be devoted to recreation and sight-seeing, and no doubt tliis c-ioortuirty will he taken to Visit the exposition. The low rates, the exposition md the treat cEercd by the Sundav School Congress, all combined, promise to attract the larg est fathering of religious workers ever held in the west. Sunday School workers r-rpcially will feel that they cannot affcrd to miss this opoortunity to combine pleasure and profit. Steel TTscon Roal Ilih'.liiteil A new men in wason ro.v. says the Omaha Bee. will be shown at the ex position by Marun Dodg?. connected with the Agricultural department- The department hs tested the plan thor oughly and has found that a system cf Sat sicsl plate rails, an upper surface of al-out five inches, in cement ana to 511 the iuterevnmz space with concrete. There is a flange on the inner side to-hold the wi:eel on tho t"-.k and the wih cf the rail is saGcira; accommodate, the tire on and may be nrcpcllcd with a smal fraction cf the po er usually neces- sarv. ine arguments usea bv Mr. r.r P-odq" in support cf his system are (1) that with stcrl at I cent a-pound the methed is as cheap ar, a maesdam pavement would ba. (2 that its dura bility fs much nrcater a? J that as there is no perishable material used ia the construction tec trackage is practicably indestructible. 3 that a much malicr motive fcr- is neces- sary. as it I cst3"tcu that ever the "a ho-e ;s able to draw 5fty times his weight whereas ever the us- L I ual ccuntrj- r-ds'two or four times us weignt is tne lead of sn Gromary cii J Mr. Dodge will lay 1 30 fc?t of track i on the exposition grounds to demon- ; strata the constmcticn, running wrst i en Tweut::h street. tie i . nccom- panird hv E. J. Hrrricr. also of the "iricuitursl cyianmcst. v'c !s as ex '"it in rosd--3atit7-. ' Mr Harrieon hT a'rr-j'l-'- dt'seovered- '. r-inr-ctrd Vving ri2terir.l in this v;clii,'v -aid will'.te . the mcsi spo-rrved methods in road form-tion from n teriah; aln'lv knwn to be accessible. Rit Jar tlie '"r-rc .IcbiKp. . The Omaha terminal. lines are not goiue: to w?;t till Chairman MacRae cf St. Paul rets rcad-t- to ca! a meet ing cf the Jubilee rate committee be Tore deciding what rats they wi'I -"nt into effect for that occasion. Several cf the pr:nc:p! -lines entering Omaha have already decided what rate they will srant for Jubilee day at "the ex positicn. and arc only waitine; for the formal committee mectinc and its ac tion to announce the rates. General Pasengcr Agent Lcmax cf the Union P?i"5c ha? announced a round-tirp 'ate of 52 from Hzzc com mon points tc Omaha for the Peacje Jubilee at the exposition. This rate is about equivalent ;o a rst of 1 cent per mile. Salt' L?.ke City being 2.065 miles from Omaha. Tickets will he sold fcr trains leaving Utah on the evening of October 9 and ail cay Oc tober 20. The cay set apart for Pres ident Mciv?nley is October 2x. The tickets will be good to return nnv tim up to October .25. inclusive. Sep-tr-mbcr 24 was stated as Ftah day at the svpositia::. and a round trio ratf of $25 announced. "Home Department" and "House to I I'hihppmes' monthly expenses will - --J "-'f ; . . e VisiiaUon" work, and tell how rjnrreate at ieast S353.0005 uearlr Vcver ""V: . . " 1""J.' " secure attendant fiEd'eTerinl and ; .i.;?? v,-, i ih- nUblicin pontic- :n L3nnectscui nas m m m uu " ' q;,. Qan fanlp the Insurgents With Hi3 Present Force. MO ! IFiES WAR DEPARTMENT" Tie trscaatlan or the City Brni Bm AceompUhcd Almost Coaipl.tclT iloi: of tha StZlrat Are FrlendlJ ilialii More Than Expi T7.smG-o. Sept. IT. That the at titude cf .tho insurgents at Mnila does not worrr General Otis is .Bhowxs in his cablegram to the War depart ment toHlaj'. Tho general says: "In surgents have acceded demand and evacuated entire eitv of Manila, ex cept small fdrce in bne tihtlVitf dis trict. No difHcaltv anticipated and'no-1 concessions made to them. Xhey txt press iiroag desire to znalntain fricniK ly intercourse wltS United States gov ernment in- all particular 'In my opinion, ba-;! upon present indications. .0 farther fortas required. Insurgent leaders in politics and army in excitabia frame of mind, but better portion amenable to reason and desire to malce approve:! reputation before civilized world. "They or;ran:z-d congress Thursday at 3Iaio:os, twenty miles north of this city, to frame a plan of government. Manila very quiet. Military jgovera ment being perfected gfadnaily atid large force policing and cleansing city. Health of command satisfactory. Trade and commerce active. "Treasury receipts since Aujut 14. S5-i0,G00 Mexican current money. requi 13.-000 Spanish prisoners. Believe j .that the receipts will largely exceed expenditures. Tariffs anJ duties lm nod. as directed bv the President on ! Julv 1-'. but received in currencv of I . r,s on Id basis would a!- eonntrv as oa gold basis would a most doubic former Spanish duties. United States laws applied for admis sion of Chinese opium: sales of licenses for lotteries and other pastimes op posed bv public morals discontinued." Xkw Yoht:. Sept. 27 -A dispatch to the New York Herald from Manilla . th i , -i .'. .x; I oians last nirrhi. and instead of evacu" '.- . ii i- -i i- ! j I rrTif. -t Tn, , nr.rii n i nr r"v f " ", " "- --""- - -. . General Otis ordered, they moved from ! Ermita to Santa Ana. where thev aT: J pear to toree. Ire concentrating in strong It is rPTorted. althonh it has not been confirmed.' that Aguinaldo has i.iij LJ IA. t-U. Ob t&S V I c- nit n-w tAin ? t ??tt t cho is hacked bv oriests. A -Jesait priest has been shot for persuading rebels to desert Aguinaldo's cause At the meeting of rebel leaders in Mnlolos the majority will vote for au tonomy un.ler American protection. Coasting steamers are trading with the provinces under Spanish rule. Aguinaldo demands T0 per cent of freight receipts of tt earners trading with the rrbel provinces. All Spaniards in the northern prov inces are now prisoners. The rebels 6eizea stocks and cash of the tobacco estates belonging to Compania Tabace lera in Cagayan province, and also those of Copranin Camarines province. The losses are enormous. Agniaaldo denies the shipment of arms from Japan. The arms were probably shipped by the priests for Artacho. ASSASSiN UP FOR TRIAL Hcrtlcrcr of Exnpres Ellxibetli Aclcs for an Interpreter. Gr:rETA, Sept. 17. Luigiui, or I.u chesi, the assassin cf Empress Eliza beth, appeared yesterday before the correctional chamber. He entered thc court smiling, saluted the public with a "wave of the hand and ashed the pres ident of thc tribunal in good French to allow him an interpreter. The exam ination appeared to show a plot in volving other Italian anarchists. SECRETARY DAY RESIGNS. Toe: Tart in Hl Lat Cabinet Meetlap YeterJay. WAsnrr"GTo Sept, 17. The cabinet was in session an hour to-day. Secre tary Day tendered to the President his resignation as secretary of state and took leave of his cabinet associates. Assistant Secretary Moore of the State department also tendered his resignation to the President. Tcr Ind!r!dal Staters-Oct. Wasui-cgtox. Sept. 17. Seme time ago Senator Sewall of Xcw Jersey suggested to the President and Adjut ant General Corbin the advisability of transferring individual soldiers who desire to remain in the service from regiments mustered cut to regiments that will be retained, taking the place of such men in the latter regiments as for some good reason should be dis charged. 2Co general plan of this sort has been adopted in a formal way. but it is put in practice in cases where it is obvicusly desirable that men be mustered out on personal application where their places can be filled by re cruits. A. "Rlloan Coe Stjo-j i'ret. Lo-vros, Sept. 17. Kext to the high est balloon assension on record was mcehere yesterday afternoon from the crystal palace. Sydenham, by Sun ley Spenger, the well known aeronaut, and Dr. Uerson. The balloon, which was inflated with pure hydrogen and has a capacity of 56.5&0 cubic feet, at tained an altitude- of 27.500 feet. At the hight of 25.0J3 feet lis air was so ranneci mat tne occupant of the car were compelled to oreathe ozven br tubes. Tiie temperature was 61 de- grees Deiow ?reezm;r pent Caxsp to Have 35,0M Caj-p Meade. Pa., Sept. 17. Gen eral S. 3L B. Younjr of Pittsbar was assigned to the command of the First division cf thc Second army corps yes terday. He succeeded General J. P. S. Gobin of Lebanon, -who will return to a brigade composed cf the Eighth. Twelfth and Thirteenth Pennsylvania regiments. An oScer of General Gra--hams staS says there will bs 35,900 troops in eaap within a fortmifkt. III ill i ' - ; n-.-Vr Ph.Uc nmlnixul n ii. ii: i lii.i, i-r ;i..i i imi iii:iu aL m.a , . F, . A, i the diffe-ent ?ubls tas"rJ "non 1 ".aptains KouaiaU. "J'n. Ikevnoltli, cost. Itis more hhelv a move on the ' "c Z, . s-o.ks uo-wna -pon. if . - t,- .,-1 i i j- t The Pres'den1 in citrine- a Cv si-- Green. Irons ana roster, tir-'t Licu- nart of Pio Pilar to embarrass the die- lue"'-i-ei... m a u. , f I. r., i. i i.- t i es talk to the commission, said: -I tenants Day and Lewis. Second u.exi- tator. The former rebel chief, Isaoelo ' .. , . 4, , . T . . , .,. r r --v, ir v cm:t , .. ' .propose to do the best- I can with such .cn..a.s L. L. am.n. jd. .. amit 1. Artacho, who was connemaed to death If,,' , r- , . ? - , r .a "M.n: r '? -.nd -.t,;:,- -,- .,.,.,. , . , , knowledce and light as 2 navo and '-.a-es. -ca.ns. " ana samCj a.e bv Agumalco for treachery in Mav and , .- . - . ., ,.- - h u-a-it-Im "" "."- iu Tli- , , ...-,. hope rav acts in the niitter will be ao- u .nc uoanaea a.. .i... liaw. xue.. was reprieved ana escaped, is leaamg . i "L .1 j . . , " -w 'ot i-i --. Vxt fi-vi'i 1. ,. ., e . . , . ,, . . s proved bv tne de-ibcratS inJzment of were e.l m -03 U. uipva.n .-i- lo,000 men against Aguinaldo. Arta- .,.,-, - Vnr,l wrm ts tbrt. KrlmontV zfoni. OUR PEACE JNSTRUCTIONS. ;Vtate Drpartvaeat Glres Crr s llU Coaeeraln: Them. f VjksnceoTox, Sept. IT. The state jepartzneet last night gave out the lioUotrixur statement concerning the .discussion between 'the members of jth$ cabinet and the peace commission iy.esterdayf . "Winle for Sbfion rcasOnfl it iras jitructions a to the negotiations about Sto be entered cpori ho.uld for the present be kept secret ti3 fro!e"knowri jonly after ceSnite resalts' shall iisa peeti reached, it is possible to state awithoritativelv that the oommis- pioa goes to Paris fully prepared f? "follow course of action mapped cut for It as the result of the consultation of 'he last two days. t "At the verv ontset it will be made lear to the Spanish commissioners Ihat, as in the case of the preliminary .protocol there can be no deviation from or mddineation of the demands ade inrthe'Uisited Ssates. V' tifClbmnm WmVfilr iSrt tn. ident after a full consultation- with the members of the commission sub sequently received the cordial and unanimous approval of the cabinet at a meeting held this afternoon. PORTER SNOWED UN DEri. rresideni'2 rlri Sscrstarj OreriThoIm 1b:t DefateI for Carermr. New IIaves, Conn., Sept. IT Tha Hepublican state convention vestcr ciay nominated this ticket: For governor George E. Ixiunsbury; lieutenant governor Lymad A. Mills: state secretary, Hub;r Clark: treas urer. C S. Meraic'r: comptroller, Thomas S. Grants attorney generaL there been so bitter a contest d thjt which was waged in tie ante-eon".: ra tion sta-res" between the i orees s i-f'-clae; -h uominatio., for governoro: l.eor?e E. Lonn,bBry. on ta. oa- han. an. Joii:- Adu.son Porter, the President- secretary, on the other. The surprise of the day was thc un expectedly overwhelming victory of the Lounsburv forces. OUR FUTURE FOREIGN POLICY. Sarato-fa CoafcrentO Camzdl:tee Call fcpon PreilJcsi iIcKial?j. Wi.sni.voTOX, Sen' 1. The WicniSrtTnT. Sn " -Tho mm- ! . . - ... --ittee representintj the Sarato-a con- -f erenee on future foreign policy callel ' ! an the President vesterdav afternoon i by appointment an 1 pressn nteu an en- grcsse co?7 o resolutions. Here- S ! . T tofore.pablished, adopted at that con- an. memorial amplifying- St. Carohan CalU Oi 3I-. !-- Washtxgto-. Sept. 17. The French ambassador. M. Cambon. is back from a three weeks outing at Lake Cham plain and through Canada. The am bassador and II. Thienaut called at- thc State Department to-day. and had a short visit with Seeretiry Day. It ra mainly to say good bye to the ieretary prior ia his departure for P&ris. The French government hai invited the commisjioners to meet in the famous Salon des Ambassadeurs which is a part of the foreign office and one of the most sumptuous apart ments in Europe. The invitation has been accepted. , Cbicaytj Kesalar Home. CmcA-GO. Sept. IT. The Fourth United States infantry. Major Ste phen Baker commanding:, arrived in Chicago to-day over the Like Shore road. Tbe ranks cf the regiment have been sadly depleted since it departure for Santiago, only nine ofScirs and 225 men returnin-. In the battle of .El Caney this rcg-'meat alone lost three oScera and f crty men, and since then manv have died from fever. Ther Tlad ttf Hvf Snnlpi. wlcniTA. Kan., Sept 17 Ex Post master iloberts of Greensbcrs- is under investigation by the federa prand jury here, charped with defrauding the government. While Koberts was postmaster, it is charged, he refused to sell money orders, but made. people bny stamps instead, thus increasing his cancellation profits. Ciiap "TlkoiT n COO in tbc IIop!ta". Camt "iViKorr, Sept- IT. A severe rain storm set tn here last nigat and continued this morning. The camp authorities had been warned cf ther-p-proaeh of thc storm ani were prepared for it. Every tent had been strength ened and thc storm did no damage to tbe camp. There were COO men in tho general hospital to-day. The Anraata 1 S-tfe. - QtrmtrsTows. Sept. IT. Thc Canard line steamer Aurania. from 2sew York September 6 for Liverpcol, which was reported eff the south coast of Ireland disabled and in tow, arrived here at 2 o'clock this morning. The captain of the Aurania reports that the cranh- ; shaft broke at 9r.3 p. m. j.uesday. To Jfaster Oat General' Wassd-gtoj.-, Sept. IT. Th partment will soon take up Hon oi mustering out a cons: number of general cScers o: unteer army, includinff major generals and brigadiers, now that the volunteer forces have been reduced so larrelv. Eastern BsaiJro.i "Disbaadetl. Wabhikgtoj-, Sept. IT. Secretary Long- has issued oraers disbanding the Eastern squadron and assigning; its commander, Commodore J. L. Vatson, to duty as commandant at the ilarc j land navy yard. Qaaaa Jlcnt Tvlt the Sotdlers. Madbh). Sept. IT, The queen regent pvs daiiv visits to the sick soldiers who have returned from the colonies. She has ordered that the convalescents be conveyed in the royal carriages to the Casa del Campo, in the royal park, and is paying from her own purse for proper food for thc invalids. Far Qaaea TleSte to Decide. Pabls. Sept. 17. The Argentine minister here says that the ooundary dispate between Chili and Argentine will be submitted to the arbitraties 1 Queen Victoria. - TM.l 1 i.V . .1 -, . - J" l i II Th Twentieth, a Broken RegjmeT.t" Rsaches Fort Leivsnvorth. THEY HAD A HARD GAhlPAIGN.- ilalf tlie tlca Tbaj Tin 3IontIw AtF Keach lad? Old Qairterj 3Jbj ti'4 1i Cittlo aaU Fran. ti rcrer.- , Iv-. V Btefe. LE-ivcoirp: Kan. Sept. lT.-riw onths ago. almost to .he day. a beau- months tiful line of .soldiers, fully cquippod.- iuiiv cquippc-u, of m.igni!.ecnt and evjry man a type America!? Baihood. marched from Fort LcavcnwortH Uf the Spanish war. At their head marched a oar?d- of thirty pieces, filling- the April Air with 5r tial - music It irss the Twentieth United States infantry going- to var. This nJOTPin, shortly after tiay- break, ihe same fegiont-ao. not the same; out a remnant of it '.aired up the hill asd praised God that thev hal reached home. The band did cot play 'When Johnnie CoazeS Marching iifei nome, tor oi tae winy mnswi. , J);t:tcand efa;cnt mcteorolojical ser wnp went aWay. only cijhl came bac:. rk rctai- Wilson said that manT Xne others are m h ist-a horpitais do not nsllas that tU, cabrac As the soldiers got otr the tram ti.ey - h - .- n -.nh--:,. srT ; wre greeted by wives, daughter and ; other relatives, .onie of thc it omen ; criel for iov. while Others simolv stroked the arms of their loved ones, j tho contented expressions showing their happiness. Quich y the company lines formed beside thr cars and, led bv Lieutenant Colonel -3IcC.-.-v. thev starred nn the hilt. !' jut tMr' r- I dered the commandan r.r.1 the word went down the line. Half wr-y up the bill th men v.-ere halted to rest and in a few moiueat-j t icy vn'jvs again walk in, not marebinj, tur the route step was continued. When the top was reached "Attco tion! was sounded on the bugle, and the boys of the" Twentieth entered their old parade ground Ith that swinging, soldierly step, no: to a drum beat, bat to the hep-hep-hep Of the omeers. Of the 47 enlistel men who went to the front from Fort Leavenworth, only J O-'J of them nerc in that line this inoming. Of the missing "i2. some lie in soldiers' graV3 near Santiago, while others sleep at MjU-arth and the 'emaicder fe fighting fever xa bo pitals. Of thirty-ri-'jofi'eers who ief. only six stepped off the frin tbis morning. L Lieutenants Hill and Sta-' hiie General Hawkins. ant. lnen!enr.nt V.ebstef. Ji.-wJAntl. Humphreys. Ivfng and Aloly aw on detached duty and are serving with Other regiments. Of course the regi- ment as it came in to-d-.v did not con sist of only six odicers and 220 men. but cf 425 oflieers and men, recruits having- been added before Santiago was reached and they aisj canf? !ck. The soldiers are. for the miit part, thin, although their color is not bad. Most cf them are still weak, as nearly all have had tho fever. It was on ac count of their xveakencd condition that Lieutenant Colonel McCasher ordered rente steo and a breathinrr spell ccm injr up the hilL It i a remarkable feature, however, that among- ail he- men ther- is not a complaint heard as to their health. EVANS LEAVES THE IOWA. Sattlesalp TTItt G Arocn-J tit- Hots With m tt Cnpta!n. Wasiungtov, S;pt- IT Captain Kob- ley D Evans called at the navy de partment yesterday and h-.d a long ? talk with eeretsry Lon.r. tne mac I diate result of vhich was thc mue of I an order relicvins- him of the command ,' oi the bttlehip Iowa, whie'i is notv j being repaired at the "ew York navy yard. Thi was- done at Captain Ev I ens personal re'jue,:. He has er"ed !more than thc period of trm? required by regulations and practice for a cap ta'n to com-nand and h'3 nest sea , service mav be in Hag raik. Secretarv Lon;r dccidetl to assign Captain Evans todnty as w member of the naval inspection board and he will mspee brief "" . assnme li.s new duties after a v-catjou' The next commander of the Iowa Wil. be C;p-n S.Ias Terry, now in commanii of tc re-?iia s lip ,, lin. at the Norfolk n vy yard. lie will take the ship around South America and over to llonoluu in company with the Crejron and tone colhers. A Cansreimm I JUido Ilitfist Ja ir?. "Ta.f:i-?rr-x. Sept. I.- dudge A. C. Thomos'jn. member of Caires from Ohio'ib the Fortv-n'tnth. F.ftieth an i Ilfty-rst Car-3r has been Rp-po:nt-d United M'tes di-vtrict ind.-e fcr the f ulbcrn .Istriit of UL.o, to succeed Judge tage. retired. S-nth It"ot--t i U-l::- nrn:.UT. S. D.. Seat. IT. An earth- nnf of nnusual strength and dura- ja.i oa xu.iu -"" ... -m- i xr Kaxsas Crrr. -do., Sept. I.. The .j- r .i. v-, --.I .i, t-:--i ddiers of the Fifth and the ia:M SO: real men ts ount park, were given thirty day furloughs to-day. with the exception of 100 men left in ccpt-.on ot ioj men it., in each camp .as guards. The oiiiccrs of both regiments will go to-day on leaves of absence. the Anv oi wa"'rou, TOX, Sept. IT. It is proba- Wjshiscto ble that the war department will scon take steps to retire a number cf army cfScers who have, been on sick leave for a protracted period. There is quite a. long list of such whose places were died" by subalterns during thc war with Snain. Cretan Bin-leader Given-TJp. Ca-vdia; Crete,, Sept. IT. Forty three c the ringleaders of the recent riot were given up to ths -British ad aairal laat nig at. e war de- tion aroused tue people here a. -r j m-lssioa. Colonel M F. Sterrett. stat- the ones- o cock: tas murn:ii. i'.u-wiw iar-that the cav nad been abanaoncc. .. H V7 tn-..m.1.-nrid. dishes to rattle up-"i .. , : ,A . , , . -.rxyzt titrtv seconds. . -,," .-j- therol ! ,' f. 1' "c,-i' be made and thc executive directors . it s"-rrf; iij ...L.1 i3 .... ... . v i A WEATHER BUREAU IVARNING Hay ia &tTCtl Iry tbe rrecUtlaa of tfar Wm: Indian Ilarrleanc. i WAsnixc,TOJrf Sept. 17 The weather bureau furnishes the following statc mant: The hurricana which created, cuch destruction in the West Indies co Sun day night ivas detected at its incep tion Saturday by tha West Indian hur ricanb service of the weather burecu cf the urpartuKmc cf agriculture. ilrrriesjie warnings were immediately dispatched to all ports io the island of Barbados Martinique. St. Kitts and St. Thomas nd they were advised to prepare for a destructive storm. j Cable communication was perfect, ad the trarainjrs were prcuntly received How completely these warnings. J br" th j stQrni twcntTr hc ths cominjr & the ;urs later is shon , bvthe disoatche- While t; ,j-eStTItrtioa of jffe prcy h the has been great, there is no question that hundreds, if not thousands, of lives and millions of property vrcre protect ed by the complete warmings' given by the !rHed Statc.v "" "Tassa warsingi were of orcrftt to the commerce of ail . Vinri-ic W ?f ifr! irm a?r? Tnr tfio of huma:i n .hcr j fro:a , - . . c.,i5,;t lii ,-c; . ai.'uuiuic.tia j?k.uuw4t.. iunj ju,btu the Presidsmt in tsliing for the neces sary appropriation and in personally diroclinj' the inauguration oi a ccm- aUy t a that" j bT thc coinerital area of the United S'tatei BRiSSQN WAR MIK.STER. Tlie ftc-Uloa of tbe TJre.Tfai Cj? VTU1 frnbtblr;- 3nrlin(1cn to Keita. Tin:?. Sept. 17. Tha newspapers here say the minister of justice. M. L Sarr'ttr'" ha comnleted the evnmina- lion" of the dcCTiments in the Dreyfus case, and that lie will communicate to the ministers nt the cabinet council to be held to-morrow, his intention to re fer the matter to a commission com petent to undertake a revision, of the proceedings. Thc general opinion is thafthe cabinet will adopt the propo sal for a revision of the case unani mously, with the exception of the min ister cf war. General Zurlinden, who yesterday informed the minister of justice that he intends to resign if it develops that he doss not agree with his colleagues. Thc Figaro. Hatin and Tiappel say thv believe that in case General Zur- linden resigns, M. Brisson. the prcm icr. is resoivea to taKe tne portfolio ot war and give the portfolio of minister of thc interior to AL Vallee. According" to the Gauiots. the result of the decision of the minister of jus tice wiil be a mlnUtcrial crisis as. this paper claims, other ministers will also esign. WANT TO BE FREE. -- Cabana Afraid of Amcrtean Comtrol of the Inland . - Hatajta. Sept. 17. The predominant feature of the situation is the feverish and widespread agitation of the Cubans in favor of thc absolute independence cf tne lslana at an costs. lanues.oes .. . - . "-. ar" hing circulated inviting tne co operation ol Spanish residents and merchants to thi- end. and pointing j out that either annexation cr an M ' American protectorate would mean t in a I (lear to an iraue w:ic pj.i- couple at years. General Mainv Gomez, who only a fortnight ago ravc expression to ex tremely moderate views, counseling harmony and patience now expresses himse'f as stronglv in f:vor of abso lute indeoendence cr nothing. K0 IS THE CO REAM CATSPAW. A Dlsrjsl Interpreter Indsced n Ofli clil to Crder t't- Kiss roUoneJ. Skocl, Corea. Sept- IT It is report ed here that a high ofneial of the pal ace named Ko has made a confes sion that hc orJcreil the cook of the 1 royal liouseho.d to poison food intended for tbj k;n? anJ crown prince, both of jvliont became seriously lh en Sunday last. The oSielal further confessed that the poisoning plot was instigated by a former interpreter at tached to the Kussian -legation here, who ence was court favorite, but is now in tlisgrace. Tcnr.rjiee' niatos Soldier. Sav Fha-cico. Sept. IT. There was another round up of drunken and disordfrlv Tcur.ese soldiers late last j night by a provost guird from the I regiment I carry Tlie nroves; guarJ cid not nut each of them had a :? array revolver beneath his over- j I coat. riioons were raided and many ' ' intGxieatc-;! men sent back to camp , The lines of the Teener - camp have the -vsry few b-en c'c3id exo. to members of the reriment to whom n-aisci are given At intervals of one and oae-half hours a roll is called in each company and against every man ' vrho is absent v.-ithont leave charges i are preferred before r. sutn;cary court. Co.onel Smith of thc Tennessee regi- j I ment has h.-kcd permission to Sind his i more turbulent men to Alcatraz island. No Sllionn It J at tJoixha. jErrEifox Crrr. Mo.. Sept. IT. The fate of Missouri d.vr at Omaha has been settled. M. V. Carroll, secretary of the commisV.on is in receipt of a f Tom. fr.-im the oresmeat of tne com- thought it best to afcanden the cele- r t ...l A-- -. Tw, flacif. I Dia;;ua . auri..-i nj.. .v i.- v.v.s- I - ,,r. . - . t. a failure of it. fcnot Dj a Mt?er In N'crw Tori. I'kw Yoke Sept. IT. A Spanish rife j --t-i, wilH-m TTk-r did not know j XTiS Jo-d wcat 0 -while he was I ca-j-rin jt from the transport Sara- ; tos. at a Brooklvn dock and the man was killed. The Saratoga arrived here j t-vo cayS a0 vntk tne ar dered by the Snani3rds at S antiaTO and El Caney. On board were 9,-JOD Mauser rifles and COO tens of ammuni tion. Ilickey was one cf tbe rues en gaged in- unloading the cargo. . Vcrada Kspabllcon. Enso, Xev . Sept. IT The Repub lican state convention met .yesterday and nominated a state ticket with William McMillan for governor. The platform is for the immediate con struction of the XIaaragaa canal and fur territorial expansion. THE OLD RELIABLE. Itali (0idt htfelUU.) ftp Hint ilteDgEili feta Lbb BtalMi OMaba, Cfelcat", Hew Xork aa4 all Fwigm Ctrl WELLM RBAMSBIP TICKlTTa BUYS GOOD NOTES 4mA "Mlya Its customrw kn they bm kali mem A3TD BJRECTOaK J Ltasvzr QiKnJLitn. Pres't. IL IL TLesxt. Vice Pres.. M. Bsccgeb, Cashitr. -Jomr Stauftek, Wk. Bccnei or COLUMBUS. NEB., XAS AN Authorized Capilal cf - $500,000 PaK in Capital, - - 90,000 OFricr.a: C. E. SnELPON. TreVt. il r. ii. F!iLi:nn. vice rrs. DANIEL -CHKAM. CasMr. ritANIC KUltEI". Ast. Cssh DIRECT US: C. n. 55ncixo.v. H. 1". II. Ornr.irn. Jo.n5 Wcixni, v.". a. .McAllister, Caul IiiExsr. ?- C C.t. I'dank ltoniuui. FTOCSH I.nEU3: Aztaj. Ellis, J Hkmiy Wcn.eitA fuitKl-RT. Hr.vnr l osr,Kr. IWlEL?Clin.lM. (in. . Oallet. A. F II. ORHi.r.icn, J. 1 FdlTAT, Ucbecca Scckul II M. YISLO. Bark of Pepolt: interest allowed on tint Jepr.ils; buy and sell ewnanst on CnlieQ states and Hnrop-. and bur and Bell aafl. k.b! spcurltl Wr sbah be pleased t r ztlve year business. We colicis your pi-rcaa-e. Columbus Journal ! A weklr newspsper 4 voted th bsticteretaf ICOLUMBUS I j THE COHHTY OF PLATTE, i ins state o? Nebraska i 1 TH5 UNiTED STATES ! AND THE BEST OF MANKIND Th malt of maia wUk $1.50 A YEAR, IT TXVO or AXTAJTC& Eat ear limit of nfala is not prescribed by dollars and cents. Lample copies sent tree to any ucuraaa KEKRT GASS, Cofflms : and : Metallic : Cues t ff Repairing of mil kinds of Uphcl ttery Qmdt. Ut -COIX1CBUB. KZMtASMX. GoiumDus Journal PAB TO BBQCXBXB OT A PRINTING OFFICE. COUNTRY. Columbus: 'Bank C01EU BAKK -- l ? i ' , ' - X t -- ...:" .- . :; .. ..La-aTt-?iS. . -t - . bouti tr onsttMi. . Uji" .- .J&Z, JE!aSl&K&JEAaa3fe' s ""ii n -.i